BARRY, James
National Archives, Kew CO48/41, 301
Knockrath 2 Aug 1819
Right Hon Sir
It is rumoured here that His Majesty's Government has granted encouragement top Protestant Subjects in the Cape of Good Hope.
I would willingly retire there with my family and become a settler. My family consists of three young men and five young girls with my wife.
I am a pensioner having one shilling a day therefore would be glad to know whether I would be allowed my pension there. I would also be very desirous to know the encouragement given and the conditions to get over.
I therefore solicit Right Hon you will have the honour to order an answer stating particulars addressed to, Right Hon Sir,
Your very humble servant
Knockrath near Rathdrum, County Wicklow
PS I am of the Established Church
National Archives, Kew CO48/41, 443/444
Knockrath 26 Aug 1819
Right Hon Sir,
I am a Pensioner from an Independent Company commanded by Lt.Col. WEST having one shilling a day and a family consisting of a wife, 3 sons and 5 daughters (4 of the children above 18 years of age and the other 4 younger one of them only 7 years old.
I acknowledge rec't of yours of the 9th inst but am sorry to acquaint you that I cannot comply therewith as I will not have one single farthing to deposit as I am so much in debt that after call an auction and sell out what I will receive will be obliged to pay my creditors as I intend discharging debts with honour. However if Your Lordship would grant me a passage out with rations etc and allow me and my family to become settlers in order to provide for their maintenance Which I am encouraged [by] His Majesty's Government till I would have provision in the Company pension then might be [obscured] in order to repay for the superfluity advanced. Should it meet your Lordship's aprobation to grant me and family our request we as in duty bound will ever pray
Rt Hon Sir
I remain your much obliged sev't
PS I solicit an answer by return addressed to
James BARRY Pens'r
Near Rathdrum, County Wicklow
NB Otherwise if His Majesty would allow me 7 years Pension I would be able then to pay out as is stated in yours of the 9th inst.
- Hits: 7158