BARRETT, William, 1820 Settler
National Archives, Kew CO48/41, 344
Aug 10, 1819
I have sent you a few lines to now the perticluars about proceding to the Cape of good hope sir i called here a few days ago i was desierd to send a few lines and i should now the perticulars.
Your Humble Servant
Please to direct it to
No3 Great Aliss Street
White Chaple
National Archives, Kew CO48/41, 757
Dec 24 1819
Hon. Sir
I homble seleset your kindness to ordar my youngest son to be Vitteld on bord of the Bellaiance transport as he is desipirithed of a Master no I wish to have left him with -wich I am sorry to say he have faild in Business and if I Cannot take the Boy with me he will be Left without a farthar and a home.
Mr. WILSON wish me to say that he have no objection as thare is one in the partay that his wife have Declind go an I and my 2 Sons is a goan and no Dout that thare will be more vackinss (*vacancies) at the Last I hold your Honnor Grant me this Request you will me much oblige my name is Willm BARRETT Senior, Willm BARRETT Junior, Charles BARRETT, that is to go and the Boys name is Robt. BARRETT his age is 12 years
Honbl. Sir
I Remain Your Hbl. St.
No3 Great Aliss St.
Goodmans Fields
National Archives, Kew CO48/41, 768
Dec 30 1819
Honrd Sir
Mr. WILSON wish me to inform you that thare is a vacant place as Ts. MODEY Do not go and he wish my sons name to stand in his place should your Honour place to have it ordard so I shall be truly thankful the Boys name is Robert BARRETT and my tow sons names that is antard [*entered] is Willm. B - and Charls B. –
Hond. Sir
I Now your Hbbst.
No. 3 Great Aless Street
Goodmans Fields
- Hits: 6789