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The 1820 Settler Correspondence
 as preserved in the National Archives, Kew
 and edited by Sue Mackay

Correspondence 1821 to 1837.

Here only letters by known settlers or their families, or letters of great relevance to the 1820 settlers, have been transcribed, whereas ALL the 1819 correspondence was transcribed (see CO48/41 through CO48/46) whether or not the writers emigrated to the Cape.

Unless otherwise stated letters were written to either the Secretary of State for the Colonies or his deputy.The original correspondence is filed in order of receipt. Here it has been placed in alphabetical order according to the surname of the writer, with letters by the same writer in chronological order, for ease of reading. Original spelling has been maintained. Reference numbers, where given, refer to printed page numbers stamped on the letters and will enable visitors to the National Archives to locate the letter more easily.

SEPHTON, Hezekiah, 1820

On board the Aurora


3 Jan 1820


Being informed by Capt. YOUNG that the defaulters in my party who had engaged to emigrate to the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope might be replaced by making application to you, I have 8 defaulters in my party. I should be glad if you would be kind enough to replace them. I also should be glad if you could inform me what the salary of our Minister Mr. SHAW will be and how it is to be paid and when the salary commences and at what time it will be paid.

In regard to the medicine chest for the use of my party I should wish to be informed if the Surgeon Mr. CAMPBELL is to retain the same (altho he does not belong to our party but intends to settle with Mr. BAILY's party on our arrival at the Cape) or whether it is to be for the use of my party on our being located in the Colony.

I am Sir your obed't serv't


Robert HARVEY 32 Labourer Mary 24 instead of Wm.PUTNAM

Richard PICKSTOCK 45 Taylor Francis 35 instead of Jas. ANSTEAD

Charlotte 9


Thomas KING 39 Carpenter Sarah 39 instead of MALKIN

Thomas 14

William 6

John AMES 44 Sayar [surveyor] Sarah 27 instead of Edw. BULPIT

Sarah 2

George GRAVETT 18 Labour instead of JARROTT

William PENNEY 30 Bricklayer Roashannah 30 instead of Jas. ROSS

Thomas NORTON 38 Smith Eatey [sic] 38 instead of John BOWTELL

Philip DIXON 30 Smith Elizabeth 27 instead of Jas. MAGUIRE

Phebe 1

Elizabeth 5

[Note from GOULBURN: Admit the substitutions and acquaint him that the Gov. has been directed to make such an allowance to Mr. SHAW as may be adequate to his decent maintenance.]

National Archives, Kew, CO48/53, 319



Jan 20 1820


I hope you will excuse me being so trubelsom but the cause is that i trubel you at this time, Joseph GOODS is dead previous to our imbarkation and in consequence of that his family cannot proceed with me to the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope and to inable me to return their deposit wich they stand in great need of i wish to replase them by two others who willing to go with me.

Your obed't servant


George CLARK 36 Husbandman Elizabeth 31 instead of Jos. GOODS Sener

Childer George 8 Frances 6 Mary Ann 4 Cathrian 1

Thomas ISTED 36 Husbandman Susan 29 instead of Jos. GOODS Juner

Sarah 4 Thomas 2




National Archives, Kew, CO48/53, 332

Aurora of Gravesend

Feb'y 14th 1820


In answer to your letter respecting Mr. GOODS deposit money paid into the hands of His Majesty's Government appears from my books to be twenty seven pounds ten shillings which exactly corresponds with the family intered in the same. Also with the schedule returned to you. The mistake appears to be this, a man the name of James ANSTEAD who intended to go in the party borrowed of Mr. G five pounds which was paid at the time the last deposit was paid by GOODS & Mr. G received the receipt for the whole which was twenty two pounds ten shillings. This I have explained to ANSTEAD when he said he had a memorandum to prove he paid it himself & this is the sum I am willing to return to Mrs G & told ANSTEAD the same a long time ago if he would produce such memorandum and in order to prove I have no intention to withold from Mrs.G [how might?] have remitted to you five pounds – hoping you will cause ANSTEAD to bring to you the meorandum he says he has in his possession before you [give] Mrs.G any more money than was returned and if it appears to you Mrs.G has paid any more than has been returned you will of course give her the money remitted but if on the contrary I trust you will the first opportunity remit the sum to me at the Cape & you will oblige

Your humble servant

Hezekiah SEPHTON

Rec'd the sum of £5 in question


[Note from GOULBURN: To what does this refer?]

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