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The 1820 Settler Correspondence
 as preserved in the National Archives, Kew
 and edited by Sue Mackay

Additonal Information

This is pre 1820 information mainly taken from actual images of UK parish registers and other primary sources which I have personally researched. Further information about the settlers and their families once they reached the Cape can be found at

Sue Mackay

PICKSTOCK, Richard - Extra Data


(member of SEPHTON's party)


(see correspondence of Edward WYNNE)


Son of Isaac PICKSTOCK and Ann CARTER, born ca 1770 in Cheshire


Cheshire Archives and Local Studies


Isaac, son of Rich’d PICKSTOCK of Northwich baptised 13 December 1747 in St.Helen’s, Witton-cum-Twambrooks, Cheshire


National Archives, Kew, London


IR 1/54 (Register of Duties Paid for Apprentice Indentures)
Isaac PICKSTOCK apprenticed to Henry LEICESTER of Northwich, Taylor, January 1762


Cheshire Archives and Local Studies

Isaac PICSTOCK of the Parish call’d Witton Chapelry and Ann CARTER of this Parish were married by banns on 15th May 1769 in Davenham, Cheshire
Isaac PICKSTOCK (signed)
Witnesses: Thomas CARTER and Sam’l LEICESTER



Richard born ca 1770
Sarah, d of Isaac & Ann PICKSTOCK of Northwich, Taylor, baptised 17 May 1772 in St.Helen’s, Witton-cum-Twambrooks, Cheshire
Isaac born ca 1773 (aged 21 on marriage licence to Elizabeth BRADBURN in 1795)
Nancy, daughter of Isaac PICKSTOCK of Northwich, Taylor, buried 25 September 1778 in St.Helen’s, Witton-cum-Tambrooks, Cheshire


Ann wife of Isaac PICKSTOCK of Northwich, Taylor, buried July 1778 in St.Helen’s, Witton-cum-Tambrooks, Cheshire


Isaac PICKSTOCK of the Parish of Great Budworth and Martha ASHTON of this Parish were married by licence on 30 September 1787 in Davenham, Cheshire
Both signed
Witnesses: Thos. RICHARDSON and Sam’l PICKSTOCK

Marriage Licence: On the twenty ninth day of September in the Year of Our Lord 1807, on which day appeared personally Isaac PICKSTOCK of Witton in the Parochial Chapelry of Witton and County & Diocese of Chester, taylor, and being sworn on the Holy Evangelists alledged and made oath as follows that he is of the age of twenty one years and upwards and a widower and intends to marry Martha ASHTON of Leftwich in the Parish of Davenham and County & Diocese of Chester, aged twenty one years and upwards and a widow, not knowing or believing any lawful Let or Impediment by reason of and Precontract, Consanguinity, Affinity or any other lawful Cause whatever to hinder the said intended marriage: and he prayed a Licence to solemnise the said marriage in the parish church of Davenham aforesaid. In which said parish the said Isaac PICKSTOCK further made oath that the said Martha ASHTON hath had her usual abode for the space of four weeks last past.
(Signed)Isaac PICKSTOCK
Geo. BIRCH Surrogate


Burials in Chapel of Witton, County of Chester
Isaac PICKSTOCK, Northwich, buried 12th Sept 1815, aged 69

Cheshire Probate Index
22nd March 1816
PICKSTOCK Under £300
Will of Isaac PICKSTOCK late of Northwich, tailor, dec’d, was proved and Admon granted unto Thomas RICHARD and Job WILLSON, the ex’rs.


Lancashire Archives


Richard PICKSTOCK of the Parish and Town on Manchester, Tailor, and Margaret WOODWORTH of Manchester aforesaid, spinster, were married by banns on 24 March 1788 in the Collegiate Church of St.Mary, St.Denys and St.George, Manchester.
Richard PICKSTOCK (signed)
Witnesses: Henry ASPINALL and Dennis BROWE
[NB Margaret’s name appears in other documents as Peggy WOODWARD]



Cheshire Archives and Local Studies

Nancy baptised 25th April 1790 (born April 7th) in St.Helen’s, Witton-cum-Twambrooks, Cheshire Father: Richard PICKSTOCK, Leftwich, tailor, son of Isaac and Ann PICKSTOCK, Northwich
Mother: Peggy, daughter of Richard & Ann WOODWARD, Leftwich

Margaret, Leftwich, infant, died 31 May 1793, buried 2 June in St.Helen’s, Witton-cum-Twambrooks
Parents: Richard & Margaret PICKSTOCK of Leftwich
Died of weakness

Lancashire Archives

Margaret daughter of Richard & Marg’t PICKSTOCK baptised 10 August 1795 in the Collegiate Church of St.Mary, St.Denys and St.George, Manchester.

Isaiah son of Rich’d & Marg. PICKSTOCK baptised 30 April 1797 in the Collegiate Church of St.Mary, St.Denys and St.George, Manchester.

National Archives, Kew, London

Josiah son of Richard and Margaret PICKSTOCK, Manchester, baptised March 18th 1800 in Bridgewater Street Wesleyan Chapel, Manchester

Josiah son of Richard PICKSTOCK, Dean St, buried 20 October 1802 in Bridgewater Street Wesleyan Chapel, Manchester , aged 2 years 6 months of fever (died October 18)

Isaac son of Richard PICKSTOCK, Dean St, buried 21 November 1802 in Bridgewater Street Wesleyan Chapel, Manchester, aged 1 month of weakness (died 19 November)
[RG42436 is another version of this burial, and lists the child as Isaiah son of Richard PICKSTOCK, taylor, of No.4 Dean Street]


Margaret, wife of Richard PICKSTOCK, Dean St, buried 18 December 1802 in Bridgewater Wesleyan Chapel, Manchester, aged 33 years of consumption (died 15 December)


Richard PICKSTOCK of the Parish and Town of Manchester, Gent and Jane BAYLEY of Manchester, widow, were married by Licence on 1 January 1804 in the Collegiate Church of St.Mary, St.Denys and St.George, Manchester
Richard PICKSTOCK (signed)
Witnesses: Sarah GRANTHAM, Thomas PHILLIPS and M. CAPMAN
[Sarah GRANTHAM was Richard’s sister. Sarah PICKSTOCK married George GRANTHAM in 1793]


There is a burial in Cheetham, Manchester on 14 August 1806 for a Jane PICKSTOCK, aged 37, died of dropsy.


Richard PICKSTOCK of the Parish and Town of Manchester, Habit maker and Sarah DOBSON of Manchester, widow, were married by Licence on 27 September 1806 in the Collegiate Church of St.Mary, St.Denys and St.George, Manchester
Both signed
Witnesses: C.N. COLLIER and Isaac PICKSTOCK

Cheshire Archives and Local Studies

Marriage Licence: On the twenty fifth day of September in the Year of Our Lord 1806, on which day appeared personally Richard PICKSTOCK of the Town and Parish of Manchester in the County of Lancaster and Diocese of Chester, tailor, and being sworn on the Holy Evangelists alledged and made oath as follows that he is of the age of twenty one years and upwards and a widower and intends to marry Sarah DOBSON of the same place, aged twenty one years and upwards, widow, not knowing or believing any lawful Let or Impediment by reason of and Precontract, Consanguinity, Affinity or any other lawful Cause whatever to hinder the said intended marriage: and he prayed a Licence to solemnise the said marriage in the Collegiate Church of Manchester aforesaid. In which said parish the said Richard PICKSTOCK further made oath that the said [ ] hath had his usual abode for the space of four weeks last past.
(Signed) Richard PICKSTOCK
Jno. GRIFFITH Surrogate


National Archives, Kew, London

Sarah wife of Richard PICKSTOCK, taylor, No.43 Thos. St, aged 43 years, consumption was buried on 25 December 1807 in Bridgewater Street Wesleyan Chapel, Manchester (died December 21)


Manchester City Council Archives


Richard PICKSTOCK of this parish, aged 36 years, and Hannah HEELEY of this parish aged 20 years were married by banns on 14 December 1808 in St.Mary's, Eccles
Both signed
Witnesses: Jon'n SHAW and Geo. WOOD


London Metropolitan Archives


Richard PICKSTOCK of the Parish of this parish, widower, and Frances GRAVETT of this parish, widow, were married by banns on 3 January 1820 in St.George the Martyr, Southwark.
Rich’d PICKSTOCK (signed)
Frances GRAVETT (X)
Witnesses: Thos. TAYLOR and Ann WATERHOUSE


Richard and Frances PICKSTOCK were accompanied to the Cape by a ‘daughter’ Charlotte. Family legend apparently says that Charlotte was not in fact Richard’s daughter and was born in Madeira. The record below would seem to indicate that Charlotte’s father was indeed an Isaac PICKSTOCK, and almost certainly a close relative. 

Royal Military Asylum (Chelsea) admissions (British Army Schoolchildren 1803-1932)
Taken from a transcript by Peter Goble
Charlotte PICKSTOCK, born 1809, aged 6, admitted 6 January 1815
Father: Isaac PICKSTOCK, Private, Royal Regiment of Veterans
Mother: Sarah
Discharged 5 January 1820

The RMA aimed to educate orphans of British servicemen in the regular army who were killed in the Napoleonic Wars. The 2nd Royal Veterans Battalion was stationed in Madeira from July 1809 until September 1814, so Charlotte could well have been brought up in Madeira. Her discharge from the RMA in January 1820 fits with her sailing to the Cape with Richard and Frances in February.


National Archives, Kew, London


WO25/339: Service record for Isaac PICKSTOCK lists his date of birth as 8 June 1790. He enlisted on 8 June 1805 and joined the 12th Veteran Battalion on 3 August 1808


Plymouth and West Devon Record Office


Isaac PICKSTOCK, a Private in the 2nd Royal Veteran Battalion, and Sarah WILLIAMS of this Parish, spinster, were married by banns on 6 June 1809 in Stoke Damerel, Devon
Isaac PICKSTOCK (signed)
Witnesses: Samuel BIDDLE (X) and Wm. ROBERTS

This would definitely seem to be the marriage of Charlotte PICKSTOCK's parents. The 2nd Battalion of the Royal Veterans was stationed in Plymouth at this time, and sailed to Madeira a month later. Isaac cannot have been Richard's brother Isaac, as he died in 1831 and is documented in Manchester. If the date of birth on his service record is correct, he is also unlikely to have been Richard's son, as the Witton parish registers show that Richard's daughter Nancy was born on 7 April 1790. However, all the dates of birth in that particular register are the same day/month as the date of enlistment, which may indicate that the date of birth given was approximated by the army based on age at enlistment. Isaac could therefore have been born up to a year earlier and been the firstborn son of Richard and Margaret. Many family sources in South Africa do say that Charlotte was Richard's granddaughter.


SHEPHERD’s Correspondence of 1826 reveals that Richard applied for two daughters and two son-in-laws, with their children, to travel to the Cape
Thos DOWLAN (29) with wife Ann (31) and children Mary (10) and Amelia (3)
Thos DOBSON (27) with wife Mary (29) and son John (1)
The contact address given was 25 Warwick Street, Manchester

It seems that Thomas and Ann DOWLAN, at least, did not in fact travel to the Cape. Ann may have been Richard’s daughter Nancy by Margaret WOODWARD, although she would have been 36 in 1826.

National Archives, Kew, London

RG4/1612 Burials at Bible Christian Congregation in King Street, Christchurch, Salford, Lancashire
18 March 1821 Emilia daughter of Thomas and Ann DOWLAN, aged 13 months, who died March 16 of watery head at No.25 Warwick Street, Manchester.
1 Dec 1830 Emilia daughter of Thomas and Ann DOWLAN, aged 6 years, who died Nov 28 of decline at No.47 Lever Street, Manchester


No daughter Mary has been found for Richard. It is possible that Thomas DOBSON was in fact Richard’s step-son by Sarah DOBSON, rather than his son-in-law, as the term son-in-law was often used in this way.


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