The Sunday Tribune 2015 3 July - September
5 July 2015
BROWNE nee BLUMENTHALL Mike & Amy a boy Benjamin Thomas.
MASKELL -BOTHA Darren & Kerry a daughter Olivia Katherine * 13 June 2015. Sister to Joshua and Juliette. Grandchild for Lee and Pam.
BROMFIELD David Patrick (Dave) 19 Nov 1946 ---+ 27 June 2015. Condolences to Morag (wife), children Scott (Scotty ), Wade & Megan. Friend of Rob & Sallie.; Brother of Barbara. Memorial 10 July 2015.
CAMPBELL Joan Valerie + 1 July 2015. Mother of Brett and Chantal. Grandmother of Jayden, Zach and Josiah. Funeral at St Cyprians Anglican Church Umbilo on 7 July 2015 at 11am.
CARRUTHERS nee UPPINK Megan . Memorial at Bill Buchanan Park Social Room Morningside on 9 July 2015 at 10:30am.
CLIFFORD Edward Arthur (Eddy). 26 Aug 1942 ----30 June 2015. Funeral at St. Agnes Anglican Church Kloof on 7 July 2015 at 1pm.
CROW Vincent Robert + 29 June 2015. Sympathy to family from Uncle Colin and Jeremy.
HEAN Colin John (CJ) Husband ,father. To Rosie , Brent , JP (John Paul) and family. Love from Mike, Cheryl, Clint, Darren and family; Friend of Roy and Cheryl NELL and family.
KUHN Violet 29 Oct 1927 ---2 July 2015 of Doone Village x + Henry John (Bunny) KUHN. Cremation private. SHANLEY'S 031 2057644.
MAHARJ Pundith B. Funeral on 4 July 2015. Body will lie in state at Clare Estate Crematorium Hall from 11:00 ----1300pm .Cremation at 13:20pm. TONGAAT Funeral 032 9451756.
MALAN Piet (oud Springbok) + 5 July 2015 (RSG berig) at age 96.
MCLAREN Allan John + 2 July 2015. SHANLEY'S 031 2057644.
MIDDLETON Norman + 2 July 2015 at age 94 x Juliana. Father of Winston, Donald and Dorothy. He was one of South African's most influential leaders in sport. Memorial on 7 July 2015 at Gleemoor Congregational Church in Athlone. Funeral next Saterday in Pietermaritzburg. CARYN DOLLEY. (Photo with article)
NAIDOO Lionel (Devandhra Yenketsamy) x Kasthuri. Father of Kamini, Seschan, Cherusha their spouses and Maheshni. Grandchildren and brothers and sisters. 11th Day Memorial at Dravida Hall Clare Estate on 5 July 2015 from 3---3:30.
NAIDOO BK (Bala) x Sandra NAIDOO and father .15th Day Memorial at The Greenwood Park Hall on 9 July 2015. Supper from 5---6pm. Service thereafter.
SMIT Marius + 3 July 2015 (tragically) x Tasha. Father to Amy and Storm.
STORM Doreen Rita 7 July 1930 -----1 July 2015. Funeral on 7 July 2015 at 11am at The Fynnlands Baptist Church Bluff. Service will be conducted by her eldest son Pastor Cornelius CLAASSEN. Missed by her children, grand and great-grandchildren. AVBOB 031 2061831
SURMON Jeremy Campbell + 1 July 2015 in UK. Brother and father of Samantha, Richard and Tyrone. Love from Caroline, Chris and Douglas.
BALRAJ Jack. 10 years gone now x Dolly. Sharman, Shamrita, Raksha and the BALRAJ family.
CHARLES Darroll Nathan . 30 years gone now . Remembered by Mom, Clifford, Michelle, Shantall. Aunt to Kai, Tori, Luca, Lena and family.
HAGER Chevaunne Chezaire 14 Feb 1980 ----4 July 2005. Aunt of Dietlyn, Tristan, Torin and Raechel.
McCLURE Captain Tim + 4 July 2014. Thoughts are wit Pauline, Michael and Ally. From your Crew at 30 South Maritime.
REYNOLDSON John . 2 years gone now x Marina and children.
SEWLAL Shereen 6 Sept 1958 ---5 July 2013. Remembered by Vashal, Yasheel, Mayur, Mum, Dad, Krivaan, Savantika, Ishen, Ishana and Robin.
12 July 2015
JENNINGS Brian & Colleen announce engagement of their daughter Katy Jane to Churton Gregory WRIGHT son of Greg & Gail WRIGHT.
NYAMUBAYA Freedom TV + 5 July 2015 at age 57 years. Born in Murehwa.She a hero of the Zimbabwean struggle for independence, a higly regarded poet and farmer. Early volume of poetry " On the Road Again".
PILLAY Anjalai (Bobbie) .Wife of K (Ganas) PILLAY. Mother of Cookie, Vanessa and Crystal, Pride. Mother-in-law of Niemesh, George and Christy, Sharon. Grand and great-grandmother.
PILLAY M (Sunny) + 13 July 1988. Husband and father of Subithree, Charmaine, Desiree, Chantal and Desigan
19 July 2015
ESTERHUIZEN Joanne Lisa (Joe) 26 May 1969 ----7 July 2015. Daughter, Mother and grandmother and sister. Funeral at The Old Apostolic Church on 19 July 2015 at 09am Service held by Priest Moekona. Funeral Parlour BELL [Private]
IGESUND nee Rossouw previously CLAASSENS Patricia Elizabeth 28 March 1947 ----14 July 2015 xx + John IGESUND . Mother of Roy, Rodney and Marius CLAASSENS. Funeral at DOVES Greyville 18 July 2015 at 10:30am. [Private]
SMITH Hein + 19 July 2015. Plaasaanval (RSG nuus om 23:00nm)
ARON FERNANDES 19 July 1979 ------11 Jan 1994. Love from Mom and Lee.
26 July 2015
HARIPERSAD Sorchia (20) +22 July 2015. She was knocked over by a speeding policeman in his van. Funeral was Friday 24 July 2015. She was from Verulam and at the Durban University of Technology Ridiography.
NAIDU Chengamma (Pinma and Ava) 5 Aug 1920 -----27 July 1995 x +Nariansamy NAIDU. Mother of + Raju NAIDU (28 Sept 1945 -27 Oct 2010) and grandson + Manogren NAIDU (12 July 1964 ----27 July 2003). Mother of Conseel, Saras, Queenie, Pushpa, Ann, Ranjeni, Sheila, Vasantha and Shamla. Mother-in-law. Late sons Sunny Boy, Raju and Duncan and late grandchildren
Manogren and Kumeeran. Grand ,great and great-great-grandchildren. Elder sister of Kas, Naidu, LM NAIDU.
SEGAL Claire Elizabeth 15 June 1973 ----26 July 2013. Remembered with love from Anthony.
2 August 2015
HOLZ Petrus Johannes was stabbed to death while travelling to work (Changed tyres on his car) He was a member of Hawks' specialised crime fighting unit,
warrant officer.
WRIGHT Adele Nora 15 June 1922 ----30 July 2015. Mother of Dennis x Gill. Grandmother to Wayne and Clair. Great-grandmother to Ysmin.
FAWCETT Ken. 3 years gone now. Ken, Dad and Papa. From Jenny, Shelley, Melissa, Grace and Amelia.
GOUNDEN Dhanapallan (Bunny) . 15 years gone now. From family and friends.
SATHEE Maggie + 28 July 2008. Remembered by Mum, sisters, brothers, in-laws, nephews and nieces.
SINGH Nelson + 24 Jan 2015. Brother of Sam PRAKASH, Vish SINGH, Sherina SIRBADHOO, Sheila MANNAH. Brother-in-law and uncle. Inserted by Sherina SIRBADHOO.
30 August 2015
MARNOCH -DURANT Vickie , Hilton and + Clive MARNOCH announce engagement of daughter and sister Christie on 22 Aug in Cape Town to Christopher DURANT, youngest son of Danny & Sue DURANT of Stouport -on-Severn, Worcestershire.
SOOBRAYAN Gordon & Mavis. 50 Years married. Parents of Amanda, Jerome, Dulcinea, Eugene, Irene, Ashley, Des, Ryan, Catherine, David, Juliana, Aedan and our Angels in Heaven Joanne and Giselle.
CRON Mona 25 May 1927 ----24 Aug 2015. Mother to Raylene and Billy. Ouma to Fiona, Jason and Brynn and oumagrootjie to Jamie. Memorial at Lakeview Frail Care Centre, Freeland Park Scottburgh on 31 Aug 2015 at 12:30pm. KZN Funerals.
DENNIS Kevin Robert 27 Sept 1961 -----23 Aug 2015 x Sue. Father to Sinead, Aleshea, Brandon, Cameron, Chelsea and Kelly. Requiem Mass at All Saint's Catholic Church Ballito on 1 Sept 2015 at 2pm.
NAICKER Derek. Son of Ganas and Logie NAICKER and siblings Stanley, Yvonne, Nisha and Mayin. Ceremony 5 Sept 2015 at Temple, 76 Foxgrove Place Springfield Siva Soobramonia Temple from 5---9pm.
NAIDOO Rajoo (Ravie) x Ruby. Father of Karson and Linzie. Brothers and sisters. Funeral at Bethshan Worship Centre Overport on 30 Aug 2015. Viewing from 2---3pm. Proceeding to Clare Estate Crematorium for cremation at 5pm.
PEREIRA Maria Helena Rosales 30 Sept 1937 -----26 Aug 2015 (from Portugal Cascais). Mother of Paula, Bela, Lucia, Nicol, Roxanne, Ricardo and Guilherme. Funeral Service at St Dominics Catholic Church Hillcrest on 5 Sept 2015 at 11am. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.
REBEIRO Sidonio Mendes (Sid). 21 April 1951 -----27 Aug 2015. Son of Lourdes, brother of Maria and Lourdes. Brother-in-law of Tony and uncle of Gabriela and Miguel.; Funeral at Sao Jose Parish Morningside Durban on 1 Sept 2015 at 10am. Donation to Highway Hospice. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.
ROBERTSON Ian William 28 April 1950 ---25 Aug 2015 Funeral at Grace Family Church Umhlanga on 31 Aug 2015 at 14:30pm. DOVES 0860025500.
VINE Auriel "Flo" x Jimmy. Mother to Shelly and James. Mother-in-law to Bronwyn and grandmother to Georgia, Kayla and Ganna. Funeral at St Margaret's On The Hill Glenashley on 1 Sept 2015 at 3pm . Cremation private. SHANLEY'S 031 2057644
WAIT Rupert. Condolences to Doreen, Carol ,Lincoln and their families from Jack and Shirley.
WILKIE Annette. Condolences to the WILKIE family from Board of Management, Director and Staff of Community Chest.
GOVENDER (NARGAN) Judy 12 Dec 1970 -----29 Aug 1998. From Kerinya NARGAN.
MUNSAMY Kenny James . From wife, daughters and bereaved family.
NAICKER Mrs Vassilla 23 Nov 1961 ---29 Aug 2013 x Daniel. Daughter of Muthuma CHETTY. Mother of Ricky, Dion, Shane. Mother-in-law of Jessica, Sara, Natasha. Grandmother of Khianna, Kelby, Abigail, Hirushan.
REDDY Marlon x Therai. Father of Prishan & Sanusha, Mother Mrs P REDDY and siblings Siva, Anita, Jane, + Gerald REDDY 1st Year Memorial on 6 Aug 2015 at Kharwastan Civic Hall, Chatsworth from 10am Lunch will be served following service.
ROOKS Quentin Edward George . 1 year gone now. From Wife; Children Alston, Caron, Nita, Steven, Bradford and Camy. Grand and great-grandfather.
WHITEHEAD Vic + 30 Aug 1989. Remembered by Lisa; Dad and grandfather.
6 September 2015
SWANSON Howard. 1 year gone now. Husband, father and grandfather of Bev, Lauren, Grace, Sean, Enid, Chris and families.
ZIETSMAN Loretta. 7 years gone now. Loved and missed from Henri, Craig, Mia, Laird, Jack and Kenya.
13 September 2015
BESSLER Heather + 9 Sept 2015. Remembered by her family Noel, Ros and Warren. Thanks to friends in Scottburgh for her wonderful and happy years. Memorial at Scottsburgh Methodist Church on 18 Sept 2015 at 11am.
LOUW nee HERBST Louisa 14 Oct 1936 -----31 Aug 2015. Mother of Wilna, Irma and Elsa. Mother-in-law, grand and great-grandmother.
MOODLEY Gopaul x Tham. Father of Selvan and Kamini. Funeral on 13 Sept 2015 at The Clare Estate Crematorium from 2:00 ----3:30pm.
MORGAN Elizabeth Anne (Liz) + 10 Sept 2015 (Cancer) x Jon. Mother of Felicity, James & Karen, George and Missy. Grandmother of Henry, Stuart, Oliver and Emily, Harry, Max, Francesca and Hamish.
NAIDOO Vasi died at age 63. He died when the car he was repairing fell on him. Married to Yogaindrie. Father of Mushaigan (36)
PILLAY Sagren (Dan The Man) 11 March 1951 ----11 Sept 2015 Father and grandfather. Funeral on 13 Sept 2015 ar Troas Tabernacle Isipingo from 11am.Proceeding to Clare Estate Crematorium RIP. TEL:- 031 902 4900.
STEELE Denise + 10 Sept 2015 x Chris. Mother of Gavin, Brad, Steven and David. Also grandmother.
ALBERS Robert (Bob) 1938 ---2005 x Shirley.
BROWER Fareda. 4 years gone now. Married to Reverend Martin BROWER.
CARPENTER nee CREWE Denise Gwendolene 1950 ----2010. Remembered by the CARPENTERS Clive (Cussy) and Richard (Richman ) and + Gijima.
HANSEN Hedley Ronald 18 May 1937 ----13 Sept 2010 x Bren.; Father of Susan and Andrew.
LINDERBOOM Michael (Mickey) 29 years gone . Mis you Dad RIP- Kurk, Sharriefa and Kids.; Father of Mark, Tarnia and kids.; Missed by Dawn, Karl, Tarnia, Kurk, Grand and great-grandchildren.; RIP Dad from Karl, Amanda and kids.
NAIDOO Poobalan. Remembered by Mr. Ronnie NAIDOO and family.
RICH Hylton 7 Jan 1931 ----12 Sept 2011. Husband ,father and grandfather to Joan, Alison, John , Gordon and families.
RIPPON Arthur Vernon + 12 Sept 2007 tragically. Remembered by Jean URRY and famly and Fiona CHARLTON and families.
LOVERIDGE David. Condolences to family. (Uncle Ron) and the DARBYSHIRE family.
20 September 2015
LONDAL Valerie 14 July 1949 ----17 Sept 2015 x John. Mother of Wendy, Mark, Andrew and Shelley. Mother-in-law of Carol, Robyn and Lance. Grandmother to Hannah, Nathan, Tristan and Baby LONDAL.
NAICKER Logie x + Bob NAICKER. Mother to Ronnie, Mali, Mervin, Lynda and Leeann. Memorial at uMhlatuzana on 24 Sept 2015 at Arutpa Kazhagam Hall Bayview, Chatsworth from 3:30pm.
SWAN Ursula Jean + 17 Sept 2015 . Mother of John, Howard, Sarah and families and much loved Ganya. Memorial Tea on 23 Sept 2015 at 3pm For more info TEL:- 031 765 1200. Donations to Kloof & Highway SPCA.
WEATHERHEAD Douglas Gordon + 16 Sept 2015. Father of Kirsten and Norman. Grandfather to Megan.
ZULU Sifiso + 16 Sept 2015 .
POONAN Meena x Govindsamy POONAN. Mother of Dayalan POONAN, Goonun NARSIGAN, Vasi PILLAY and Rosy RANGANATHAN. Grandmother of 10 and great-grandmother of 1. 16th Day Memorial at Springfield Temple Hall Foxglove Place on 27 Sept 2015 from 2:30pm ----4:00pm. Supper thereafter.
RAMLOCHAN Sham + 23 Sept 1986 x Gayle. Father of Sean & Aveen, Sena .Father-in-law of Roma and grandfather of Arsham.
SINGH Mr Mahabeer (Ginger) + 18 Sept 1984 & Mrs Sursathey SINGH + 5 Aug 2003. Parents of Roy SINGH and family.
SINGH Arkash Gobindjee (Arki) 10 April 1977 -----19 Sept 2005. Son of Indra (mom) , Gobindjee (dad), Brother of Sudesh x Yajna and uncle of Vihan.
4 October 2015
MAKANJEE Mukesh x Bharti. Brother of Pramilla GAJJAR and Madhu HARIE . Body will lie in state at Clare Estate Crematorium Hall on 4 Oct 2015 from 1----2:30pm.
MOYANA Sergeant Vusumuzi x Lihle. Son of Nella MOYANA. Body was laid to rest at Sundumbili, Mandini on 3 Oct 2015. He was killed last month. NKULULEKO NENE.
BOZWANA Wandile + 2 Oct 2015 was killed while travelling on N1 freeway in Gauteng. He was an ANC funder. BALDWIN NDABA.
BRUCE Susanna Maria 1 June 1946 ----2 Oct 2008. Wife, mother and grandmother from Lionel, Sean, Michael, Cherene and grandchildren.
SELWYN ROY BEAN + 3 Oct 2015 .Remembered by Jeanette, Michael, Mark and Tamsyn.
11 October 2015
GILLITT /RADEMEYER Kerri & Jaco a girl Olivia Aletta * 30 Sept 2015 at Crompton Hospital. Grandchild of Alison , Peter, Alta and Pieter.
MACQUET -MAUREL Cyril & Julie a girl Sierra * 22 Sept 2015. Sister for Damien and Nevaeh.
CHARNLEY GLEN REGIS NEWBY 11 Dec 1932 -----6 Oct 2015. Husband father and grandfather of Gloria, Dean, Robyn, Kyle, & Seth. Sister of Lani and sons Newby, Gary and Darryl.
EISLER Madeleine + 8 Oct 2015 x Michael.
HARPER Marion. Funeral on 14 Oct 2015 at 2pm. Donations to Highway Hospice. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.
JORDAAN Gary Robert 24 Feb 1962 -----2 Oct 2015 . Love from Mom and Ed, Debs, Brad, Sarah-Jayne, Grayham, Jolene, Aiden and Liz. Funeral at Stellawood Crematorium Glenwood on 12 Oct 2015 at 12noon. SHANLEY'S 031 2057644.
KIMBER Dorothy Maud (Dot) + 6 Oct 2015. Memorial at Bill Buchanan Home for the aged on 13 Oct 2015 at 10am. DOVES 0860025500.
LABUSCHACNE 4 Aug 1934 ------05 Oct 2015 (inskrywing op begrafnisbrief is 1934 -04-08 ----10-05-2015) Begrafnis was 10 Oct 2015 uit Die Ou Apostoliese Kerk Durban. [Privaat]. MARTIN'S Durban 031 312 8095. Was die ondernemers.
LA RESERVEE Graeme Eugene 24 Feb 1945 ----8 Oct 2015 in Durban. Husband, father, grand and great-grandfather.Memorial on 12 Oct 2015 at The Riverside Church Westville. To honour Graeme all guys are requested to wear The Springbok Jersery. RIP.
LEE Clive William x Marlene and than to Margie for 17 years. Father to Neville and Anita and then to Donovan . Father-in-law and grandfather and great-grandfather. Brother to 5 sisters and uncle. Service at Queensburgh Methodist Church Northdene on 17 Oct 2015 at 10:30am. Donatios to Flame Lily Park.
Mc CALLUM Stuart + 8 Oct 2015 x Jennifer. Father of Kirsten and Phil, Nicole and Roger. Grandfather of Bradley, Robyn, Thomas, Jake and William. Memorial at the NG Kerk Mtunzini on 13 Oct 2015 at 14:30 pm. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.
MCKAY Mike (Sport) " Tripple M". Memorial on 14 Oct 2015 at The Bluff Methodist Church Bluff at 10am.
McMASTER Robert David 29 Oct 1937 ----29 Sept 2015 in Cape Town x Deirdre (Dee) and father of Karen and Lynne. Father-in-law to Sias. Funeral on 13 Oct 2015 at 2:30 at Club De Vie, Le Domaine Hillcrest. Donations to SPCA.
OLIVIER Jarrod Sharne (Fanta) + 7 Oct 2015 at 12:30 in a motorbike accident at age 25. Son of Hayley OLIVIER and Shaun OLIVIER. Brother of Stacey BRAUM, Olivie and KASSELMAN family. Memorial at DOVES Greyville on 12 Oct 2015 at 12noon. Followed by tea and snacks. DOVES 0860025500.
PHILLIPS Lew 31 Oct 1922 ----5 Oct 2015. Former City Councillor of Natal. Husband of + Kay. Father to Rosemary (Spain), Malcolm (USA). Grandfather of Richard and Karyn (Belgium). Kendal and Trevor (USA). Father-in-law of George and Carmella and uncle Aubrey and Eddie.
RUNGASAMY Vadievelu Max 10 June 1945 ---23 Sept 2015. Father and husband.
SAVIO DAVERINO SECONDO + 4 Oct 2015 x Janet. Father of Edmondo and Candice, Emilo and Rene , Stefna. Brother of Vitorino and Millie and grandfather. Funeral at St James Anglican Church Morningside on 12 Oct 2015 at 11am. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.
SHEPHERD Marie May-Joan + 5 Oct 2015 x Denis SHEPHERD. Will be missed by Ingrid family and friends. SHANLEY'S 031 2057644.
VAN DER WESTHUIZEN Beatrix Mary (Sandy) + 7 Oct 2015. Mother of Henry. Grand and great-grandmother. Memorial at Outspan Umblo on 13 Oct 2015 at 11am. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.
WICKS Jeannette Melrose x + Kenneth WICKS. Memorial on 14 Oct 2015 at Olive Tree Church Florida Rd Durban.
BUTLER Hazel Jane (Guppi). Gone 2 years now. Mother and Guppi) Miss you from Frank, Heather, Wes and Amy ;Alen, Lorraine, Travis, Laura,
Jade, Corey, Terri, Tyler and Tami.; Kerry-Jane and Kyron.
EMANUEL LOU. Husband, Dad and grandfather of 3 grandsons and grand daughters. Love from May,Vanni, Wendy, Justin, Matthew-Lou, Alex and Caylee.
GOVENDER Parvathy. 3 years gone now. From your family.
GOVENDER Ronald Perumal 1935-09-06 1995 -10-10 x Saras. Father, father-in-law and grandfather.
HANSEN Beryl (Mickey) Gone 1 year now. Wife, mother and grandmother. Bent, Bradley, Yoko, Auden, Burton, Bronwyn, Adrian and James.
MOODLEY Sarshan 6 Dec 1970 ----5 Oct 1995. Love you from Papa, Ama, Seshu, Thavani and family. Inserted by Krish MOODLEY & Family. TEL:- 083 311 2793.
VAN VUUREN (Jan) 1973 ---2003. Love from Dad, Mom, Reece and Mich.
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