The Sunday Tribune 2014 2 April - June
6 April 2014
MKHIZE Cedric & Lee-Ann a girl Peyton Leigh + 1 April 2014 in Westville Hospital. Cedric is a former Sharks wing (rugby player). He was partially paralysed in a car accident in 2007.
GRIFFITHS / FORSDICK Charles & Elizabeth announce engagement of their daughter Holly to Peter, son of Gladys GRIFFITHS.
ADDISON Brenda + UK. Sister-in-law and aunt of Marlene and Kathryn.
BUCHEL Neill 18 Oct 1974 ----3 April 2014 tragically in England. Son and father of Magan and Caitlan.
COETZEE Keith 5 June 1933 ----4 April 2014 x Sharon. Father of Shaylen, Steven, James and Dylan.
DE GOUVEIA Manny x Felicidade. Father of Rita, Teresa, Jose and Joshua. Father-in-law of Lino, Maria and Michelle. Grandfather of Tristan, Lucille, Michaela, Daniella, Jessica and Dominique. Funeral at the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church Pinetown on 9 April 2014 at 11:30am. BELL 031
DINNEMATIN Phillip Maurice Dennis (Dennis) 16 May 1953 ----4 April 2014. You will be missed by family and friends from Hilary, Nicolette, Marc, Casey-Anne & Des. Funeral at St Olav's Church Musgrave Rd on 11 April 2014 at 1pm. BELL 031 3014793.
EBELTHITE John 9 Sept 1952 ----3 April 2014 x Charmaine. Father of Kerry and stepfather of Mikhael, Paul, Mercedes, Melissa and Nicole. Wake on 6 April 2014 from 11.00 at 10 Clinch Crescent Virginia/Glenashley. BELL 031 3014793.
EWING John Donaldson (Jake) + 1 April 2014 x Peggy. Father of Mary and Rory. Stepfather of Patsy and Richard. Grandfather of Alastair and Pepe, Catherine and Royce. Great-grandfather of 6. Funeral at Holy Trinity Anglican Church Hillcrest on 7 April 2014 at 2pm. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.
HANAFEY Maureen 20 April 1925 ----3 April 2014. Mother, grand and great-grandmother. Service on 7 April 2014 at Methodist Church Pennington at 11am. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.
KALIDEEN Krishun (Krish) x Vani. Father of Kenny, Thririan, Girisha. Daughter-in-law of Seshni. Grand daughter of Simika. Staff member of Hirsh. Memorial on 10 April 2014 at Kharwastan Temple. Supper from 5-5:30pm Service at 7pm. TEL:- 076 2861124.
MacINTOSH Adelaide Barbara + 1 April 2014 .From Karin and Casey. Memorial at South Coast Assembly Winkelspruit on 7 April 2014 at 10am.
MILLS Dean Jerome . Will be missed by Dean, Shantel, Nikki, Candice, Trent, Maxine, Kallin, Jade, grandmother , uncles and aunts . DOVES 0860025500
WILSON-SAELENS Rita Augusta Aberanus (Rita) x Andrew. Mother of Tenieke. Daughter of Gentil & Stephanie SAELENS-MELIS . Funeral at Parish of the Blessed Sacrament Virginia on 17 April 2014 at 11am. BELLS 031 3014793.
BRAATVEDT Charles + 7 April 2000. Always loved by Wendy.
COWLEY Arthur Martin 21 July 1926 ----6 April 2008. From children grand and great-grandchildren.
EDWARD born MOFFATT Joan 1926 ----1994(tragically) Remembered by Ron, Bruce, Victor, and families.
GARDNER Jean HALSALL + 5 April 2008. Remembered by family.
NAIDOO Bala. Husband and father.
NICHOLAS Lionel. 6 years gone now. Missed by wife and children.
NOBIN Raymond + 6 April 1994 x Doreen. Father and grandfather.
13 April 2014
RICE Dawn & Larry . 40 years married now. My Lally from Dawn.
BOGLARI Evelyn + 9 April 2014.Funeral at St Catherine's Catholic Church on 15 April 2014 at 0930am. Cremation private. SHANLEY'S 031 2057644.
BUDGE Roben Sinclair 1 April 1933 ---11 April 2014 x Sheila. Father of Robert, Barbara, Andrew. Brother of Norn. Grandfather of Samantha, Ashleigh, Thomas, Penny, Sienna and Joshua. Uncle of Laghlan, Melanie, and + Campbell. Service at Hillcrest Methodist Church on 17 April 2014 at 12 noon.
BURGER Olive Joyce 8 Jan 1932 ----10 April 2014 .Mother of Mark and Bruce. Memorial on 15 April 2014 at 10am at Tante Hilda's Haus, 15 Galloway Rd Hillcrest. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.
CAMPBELL Hester + 31 Maart 2014 Malaria. She was 62 years old. She was from Nelspruit x George CAMPBELL vir 41years and 4 monts. Grandmother of 4.
GREGORY Derrick Edward "Beep" 6 Sept 1932 ----9 April 2014. " Old Railwaymen never die, they just steam ahead." From Denise, Denis, Daveda, Gareth, Bianca, Robert, Hester, Claude, Chantel, Michael, Andre, Karen, Samantha. Memorial at Open Door Full Gospel Church on 16 April 2014 at 2:30pm. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.
MANDEL Gizela (gebore in Hongarye) op ouderdom 83 jaar en Peter op ouderdom 63 jaar in op 12 April 2014. Ma en broer van George. Peter word oorleef deur sy seun Dale (28). RAPPORT
NIELSEN Grant & Glyn + Dec 2013 also of Malaria in Phalaborwa. RAPPORT.
RIDGWAY Dids (Delysia) 13 April 1940 -----9 April 2014 x Sted. Mother, grand and great-grandmother of Anne, David, Mark and Melissa, Debbie, Colin, Justin, Gareth and Hayden, Tracy, Phil, Kel and Chris, Brett, Lesley, Courtney, Bradley and Bryce, Cal, Graeme, Luke and Megan. Memorial at Queensburgh Methodist Church either 16th or 17th April 2014. Phone TEL:-
Carolyn 073 2278896. DOVES 0860025500.
SCHULTZ Aubrey Colin (Joe) 20 March 1931 ----10 April 2014 in Cape Town x Denise. Chaim, Reuben and Dale. From your brother Brian, Michael, Jame and Denise.
WILSON- SAELENS Rita Augusta Adrianus 27 Feb 1958 ----27 March 2014 x Andrew. Mother of Tenieke. Daughter of Gentil & Stephanie SAELENS-MELIS. Funeral at Blessed Sacrament Virginia on 17 April 2014 at 11am.
ANDIPATIN Basil 13 April 2002 x Gloria. Father and father-in-law of Deon & Chantel (Cherie, Leah, Tiana); Kim & Gavin (Jason, Jacques, Andrea); Pierre & Carly (Hannika and Michaela).
BOCK Dawn 4 Nov 1934 ----13 April 2013 Sister of Eve, Pearl, Margaret and Godfrey.
BULL WYBROW. 20 years gone now from Jeanette, Deon and Lloyd.
NAIDOO Anneline Grace . It is your birthday from Mum, Dad and Jamie.
YOULLEY nee KEBLE Isabel Mary + 12 May 2010 From your son Aubrey.
20 April 2014
BRITS Wessel Steenkamp & Lizelle nee BERG a boy Franco * 20 April 2014 in Witbank. Brother for Adone. Grandchild for Steven BRITS and Cecilia Johanna nee STEENKAMP x BRITS x x Samuel COETZEE. Nephew to Anja BRITS and also Steven BRITS. Great grandchild of + Jacobus Frederich & + Aletta Magrieta STEENKAMP born LOURENS. [Info private]
HASSELMANN nee CONNELL Kathryn & Kiegen a son Liam * 16 April 2014. Love from Leigh, Arthur, Jackie and Ron.
JACOBS Dr Japie + 16 April 2014 in Pretoria aan hartaanval. Hy sou sy 87st verjaarsdag in Junie gevier het. Getroud met Ellen (74). Begrafnis uit NG Kerk Florauna in Pretoria Noord op 25 April 2014 om 10vm . RAPPORT.
MCFARLAND Cynthia Mary + 17 April 2014 Mother of Trevor and Mary. Grandmother of Devon and Jordyn. Mother-in-law to Paige, Barbara and sister to Phyllis. Memorial 23 April 2014 at 11am at Pinetown Methodist Church.
27 April 2014
CLARKSON nee IMPSON David & Deanne a boy Samuel David. From grandparents IMPSON.
NEILSON Mike & Fran a boy Max Leonard * 22 April 2014 in Brisbane.
COETZER Ann 3 Dec 1926 ---16 April 2014. Memorial at Port Natal NG Church Frere Rd on 29 April 2014 at 11am.
COOPER Cameron . Funeral at Stellawood Crematorium Chapel Glenwood on 30 April 2014 at 11am. Cremation private. SHANLEY'S 031 2057644.
GOVENDER Ambie . 15th Day Memorial on 30 April 2014 at 7pm at 11 Willow Creek Isipingo Rail. Supper from 5-6pm. Inserted by Andie & Vimla RAGAVAN 083 7927082.
HAMILTON Robin Lockhart 1 Sept 1947 ----23 April 2014. Father of Heather; Church Service at Holy Trinity Anglican Church Hillcrest on 29 April 2014 at 10:30am.
HAMMOND Brandon 'Bill' 10 Jan 1952 ----21 April 2014 x Elga. Father of Andrea, Martin and Patrick. Brother to Suellen and Rhett. Uncle to Tamlyn and Grayson. Memorial at Marks Park, Judith Rd, Emmarentia JHB on 3 May 2014 at 11am.
HEATON Mrs Gail + 24 April 2014. Condolences to Sarah, Matthew and Tom from all at SMYTHE Bros.
MOODLEY Palanivelu (Dees). 16th Day Memorial on 2 May 2014 at 14 Sangiro Rd, Parow North from 18h00 ----19h00pm.
NAIDOO Sadha x Lenny. Father of Lushaya and Samishka. Son of + Byal & Mummy. Brother of Navie, Ansuhah, Chandra and + Seva. Funeral at The Andra Hall Umhlatuzana Township on 27 April 2014 from 11am ---1:45pm. Proceeding to Clairwood Madras Cemetery.
VENTER nee PROUD Dawn Gloria + 29 March 2014 in Cape Town. Daughter of Kay & + Ivor. Sister and aunt to John, Rodney, June.
WATT Gavin Roy 20 Jan 1951 ----25 April 2014. Brother to Alan x Val (uncle to Bradley, Digby and Warren), Ian and Judy .; Love you always from Judy and Debbie.; Memorial at Musgrave Rd Methodist Church on 29 April 2014 at 10:30am.
WOOLVERN Valarie 8 Dec 1932 -----24 April 2014 x + Bob. Mother of Geoff, Lynne, Brain. Mother-in-law of Diane, Gavin and + Debbie. Grand and great-grandmother. Memorial at Malvern Congregational Church Malvern on 29 April 2014 at 11am. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.
BERRIMAN Darren . Remembered by Dad, Mom, Gary, Donee and Nicole. CHAMBER Cesaire Robin. Remembered by Bev and Jennifer.
FREEMAN David Thomas 17 July 1942 -----25 April 2008. RIP Dad.
LANDZANAKIS (Manoli). We had you for 7 years . Nana we love you to infinity and beyond.
LANGECELDT Marie . Mother of Clive, Carol, Travis and Mitch.
NORRIS Marky (Jerry). Brother, brother-in-law and uncle. From Nina, Estelle and family.
PILLAY Adimulam 24 June 1953 -----28 April 2011 x Sue. Father, grandfather and great-grandfather.
SOOBRYAN RAGAVEN 2 June 1944 ----27 April 2010. Husband ,father and grandfather of Trilochana, Sherwyn, Kiran, Vanessa, Shamendra, Nerissa, Kriya and Taeya.
VERDEN Diana + 26 April 2009. Mother, grandmother and great-grandmother of Ilona, Calvin, Chantelle, Marion, Roual. Grand and great-grandchildren.
WHITE Joan Patience + 26 April 2011. Remembered by Ron and Valerie.
4 May 2014
APPALSAMI Mariemuthu (Ganas) 26 June 1944 ----22 April 2014. 15th Day memorial on 6 May 2014 at 7pm at Stanmore Regional Hall.
HANCORN-SMITH Jessie 4 March 1929 -----1 May 2014 x + Willy. Funeral on 4 May 2014 at St James Anglican Church Harding at 12noon. Proceeding to Harding Cemetery. [correction of surname]
POWYS Harvey Stephen 26 Sept 1936 ------3 May 2014. Missed by children and grandchildren.
SHARP Shane (Shoes) Correction of surname. + 29 April 2014. Brother of Hilton and Carol. Uncle of Courtney, Mistique, Melissa and Shereen. Memorial at St David's Anglican Church Pietermaritzburg on 8 May 2014 at 11am. OAKLEIGH 033 3426116.
WREY Lady Sybil. Friend of Gordon McDONALD.
AGAVAN SOOBRYAN (Niney) Loved and missed by Shamen, Nerissa, Kriya and Taeya.
REDDY Savatri (Tutti) + 4 May 2003. Remembered by Vassie, Kevin, Sivy and REDDY family.
11 May 2014
Deputy President Kgalema MOTLANTHE x Gugu MTSHALI on 10 May 2014 in Houghton. The Anglican Archbishop Thabo MAKGOBA married them. (photo)
FRANCIS Mike & June x 9 May 2014. Congratulations from David & Elga.
WILKINSON nee MINDRY Arthur & Irene x 8 May 1954 at Christ Church Addington. Congratulations from John, Paul, Sally and families and grandchildren James, Mark, Alyx, Matthew, Jenna, Julia, Erin & Emma.
BIYASE Skhanyiso , age 2 years, was shot by his 6 year old brother. He found the gun in his grandmothers handbag. Grandchild of Mabusa BIYASE. Nephew of Nqobile BIYASE.
De BRUYN Eugene David + 4/5 May 2014 at age 52. He was found hanging at the School staffroom. He leaves behind his parents, his partner Andrea HALL and 2 children. Reverend Alan MILLER officiated the Memorial Service at Westville Primary School.
MERRETT Agnes + 11 May 1996 . Mother, grandmother to Margaret, John, Robert, Michelle and Gregg.
PISTORIUS Lester Dennis 11 May 1973 ------16 April 2011. From Mom, Dad, Ivan, Cindy and the boys.
18 May 2014
WOLNO nee HAWKEY Neil & Natalie a boy Dexter John * 16 May 2014. Brother for Charlotte.
VAN WYK Schalk & Bianca NIEMAND.
TUCK Bryan & Tory announce engagement of their son Barry to Kirsty, daughter of Gary & + Penny BISSETT.
BROWN Pam + 16 May 2014 in Stamford UK.
BRUNT Leonard Foster 9 Aug 1927 ----14 May 2014 x + Joan. Father of Richard and Mary, Corinne and Gerrard, Ralph and Colleen. Grandfather to Leigh, Diane, Laura, Robyn, Tayla and Jordan. Great-grandfather to Jade. Private Cremation as per wish.
BUTLER Ivor Charles Middleton 18 March 1939 -----14 May 2014. Husband and father. Memorial at Kloof Methodist Church at 19 May 2014 at 14:30pm.
CHISLETT Thomas Alfred 1937 ----+ 10 May 2014 x = Yvonne Marion CHISLETT. Uncle to Seth Baise and friend of his sister-in-law Colleen Jill CROSSLEY. He served The Durban City Council for a long time. No Funeral or Memorial as per request. SHANLEY'S 031 2057644.
GOVENDER Kanapalan Marimoothoo ( Gopsl/Len )x Mummy. Father of Priya, Preevin, Dashen, Joedash, Nadia, grandchildren. 15th Day Memorial on 19 May 2014 at his residence 18 White-Hall, White House Park, Mt Edgecombe at 6:30pm.
HOFMEYR Dr Jan (Hoffie). Father of Annabel and Christine and grandfather. Condolences from Ivan & Jeanne CLARK.
MOODLEY Priscilla Mertle . Funeral was at Anglican Church of Ephiphany Chatsworth on 17 May 2014 at 1pm. Proceeded to Stellawood Cemetery for interment.
PERUMAL Devi x + Mike PERUMAL of Benoni (X-Social worker of Boys Town Verulam) Mother of Christopher, Arnold and Yuresha. Mother-in-law of Chantal and Lena. Grandmother of Liam, Tegan, Jaden, Xavier and Aiden. Funeral on 18 May 2014 at St Joseph's Catholic Church Morningside Durban from 12:30. Proceeding to Redhill Cemetery at 13:30pm. TEL:- Christopher 082 4684599.
PILLAY B T Thanabykum 25 Dec 1926 ----6 May 2014 . 16th Day Memorial on 20 May 2014 at Umhlatuzana Temple Hall at 17h00-19h00. Supper will be served.
VAN HEERDEN Brian Bruce 15 Oct 1944 ----15 May 2014. Service at The Rock Chapel ,Pineville Junction Pinetown on 19 May 2014 at 11:30am. AVBOB 031 2061831.
BESSELL Robert Dallas 12 June 1979 ---18 May 2012. (Car accident) Grandson.
d'HOTMAN-de VILLIERS Burton + 20 May 2012.From your family Dennis, Michelle, Joelle, Simone, Gabriella, Max, Danial and Henlo.
GOLDSTONE Ramano 22 Jan 1981 ----18 May 2009(Tragically). Love from Daddy,
Mummy, Shervon and Brooklyn.
MAISTRY Mack + 18 May 1986. From wife and children.
MOODLEY Dineshen (Dinny) 10 Aug 1980 -----29 July 2013.Son of Gerry & Radha MOODLEY. Brother of Kumaran and Niloshen. Yearly Memorial on 21 May 2014 at Wyebank Hndu Temple Hall at 1830pm. Supper at 5pm. TEL:- Gerry /Radha 031 7057814.
NAICKER Johnny . 8 years gone now. From Mum, Kesan ,Mals and Cribs.
NAIDU Devaki (Mummy) 29 Aug 1941 -----30 July 2013 x Nat. Mother of Sunny, Sagie, Jaya and Vanilla. Mother-in-law of Venilla, Vasie and Dhaya and grandmother. Sister of Krish, Cyril and Nanda. 1 Year Memorial on 24 May 2014 at MTSS Hall Merebank from 4---5pm.
25 May 2014
INKSTER :- TALLEY Jeralean had a birthday (115 years) on Friday. She resides in Michigan. It is believed she is the oldest person in the US and second oldest in the world.
WEST Kanye & Kim KARDASHIAN got married in Florence Italy. Ceremony done by Pastor Rich WILKERSON Jr, a pastor from North Miami, Parents of a girl North.
PRINSLOO Gideon + 23 May 2014. From Phillip. Cremation private.
BESSON Robert + 25 May 2007. Son and brother. Dad, Mom and Francois.
DWYER Len + 23 May 2013 x Hester.
1 June 2014
ALEXANDER Kathleen Bridge * 8 Jan 1921---- + 29 May 2014 x + John ALEXANDER. Mother of Cheryll and Michele. Mother-in-law of Roy. Friend of Gwen.
ATKINSON Sylvia + 31 May 2014.Wife, mother and grandmother. Mother of Linda, Lawrence and Marshall. Grandmother of Megan and Courtney.
KEARTLAND Desiree. Condolences to Chris and family.
SACKS Cy * in Durban + 29 May 2014.Popular comedian. He is known for his role in TV series "Biltong & Potroast". He has a night Club in Durban North "Cy's Place" where he often performed .
SEAGER Alan 1 May 1952 ----1 June 2008. Brother-in-law of Tom (Jimmy).
8 June 2014
WAHLBERG/ SPURRETT Chris & Joan announce wedding of their youngest daughter Barbara to David on 22 May 2014.
APALASAMY Branden + at age 30 years. Tragically. Accident on R102 between King Shaka Airport and Tongaat last Thursday.
BALD John + 5 June 2014. Husband ,father and grandfather. Memorial on 13 June 2014 at 10am at Bluff Methodist Church Durban. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.
BOSENBERG Geoff & Melissa * 25 July 1976 ----+ 22 May 2014 outside Quito Ecuador tragically. Twins of Adrian & Bev BOSENBERG. Memorial on 14 June 2014 at Cape Town Campsbay Sports Club.
CLULOW Meredith Clare 9 Feb 1949 ---2 June 2014. Mother of Katherine, Caroline, Mike and grandchildren Kei, Kira, Miya and Finn.
FOGELMAN Colin + 4 June 2014. Partner of Jody for 7 years. Will be missed by Arlene and John.
LÜTH Hans Jürgen. Father, Husband , Papi, Opi of Kirsten, Stefan, Helmi, Taio, Rupert and Roy. Service on 10 June 2014 at 09:30am at Highbury Chapel Hillcrest. OAKLEIGH 031 2059959.
Mc TARVISH IAN CHISHOLM x Heather. Father and grandfather. Brother-in-law of Joy and Vernon. Uncle to Kerry and Lindy; Will be missed by Carol, Ronan and Billy; Will be rememberd by his sons CHISHOLM and family in Australia.
MBEKI Epainette * 1916 in Mount Fletcher -----+ 6 June 2014 in East London Hospital. Mother of former president Thabo MBEKI. She was 1 of 7 children. She was a teacher and married in 1940 to Govan MBEKI. Mother of + Linda, Thabo, Moeletsi and + James. Funeral next Saturday.
NAIDOO Jackie + 7 June 2014 x Krishnie. Father of Charles ,Nikkie and Lucy. Father-in-law, grandfather and brother. Son of Mr & Mrs Marrayya NAIDOO. Funeral at Dravida Hall, Reservoir Hills today 8 June 2014. Body will lie in state from 1pm ---4pm. Cremation at 5pm at Clare Estate Crematorium.
NAIDOO Krimalan (Koogan) Kirstensamy + 6 June 2014 x Sumeshnie. Father of Saidie and Odashin. Son of Premla and Sagie NAIDOO. Brother of Romania. Body will lie in state at his residence from 10am ---11:15 am proceeding to Wyebank Funeral Parlour between 11am ----3pm. Cremation at Clare Estate Crematorium from 3:40----4:20pm.
STAFFORD-MAYER Bob. Will be remembered by Pam, Marc, Karen & Pixie. RIP.
TAYLOR nee LOCKE Doreen Joan 1917 ---2 June 2014 in Chicargo x + Guy TAYLOR. Prevouisly from Eshowe. Mother of Joan, + Brenda,. Grandmother of Emma, Aiden and Ethan.
SICHEL Adv Rob. Inserted by Lawrie and all at Lawrie Wright and Partners.
WARSKI Mukaram Mohamed (45) x Zainab EBRAHIM (30),their 3 children Thaiba (9), Saiba (4) and Rian (18Moths) + 6 June 2014 in a housefire in Karwastan Chatsworth as well as the mother-in-law Zareena EBRAHIM (55) and a domestic worker Thokozo. The family was buried at Mobeni Heights Cemetery on 7 June 2014.
BARON Nicolaas Wiardus Bersma (Nick) + 8 June 2009 x Heather.
DE GOEDE Norman Varnfield 19 July 1946 ----8 June 2012 x Dawn.; Brother and uncle of Olga and families; Also remembered by Manuel, Alda and families.
DE MONTILLE Cicely. 43 years gone now. From Brian, Jenny and Sue.
HOLBORN SGT Lynton Paul (SAPS) 30 May 1974 ----7 June 1997. Tragically. From Mom Joan, Melanie , Talia, Kershia and Ma FERNANDEZ.
KERWAN Patrick John 15 April 1951 ----8 June 2012 x Rosy. Father of Kar, Jessie and Kieron.
MUNISAMY Patchappen (Pat PILLAY). Yearley Memorial on 15 June 2014 at 248 Marine Drive , Bluff. Service from 12noon to 1pm. Lunch thereafter.
NEWTON David Richard 22 May 1934 ----9 June 2011 x Emmie. And Michael, Charmaine, Terry-Lee, Kirsty, Tyla, Sashka and Shandy.
15 June 2014
HORN Janus & Kelly a boy Nicholas Jake * 5 June 2014 at Ethekweni Hospital. Brother to Lara.
RONALD Gareth & Kelly a boy James Donovan * 10 June 2014 in Auckland New Zealand. Brother for Emma. Grandchild for Peter & Lyn, Don & Rozie.
ALEXANDER KATHLEEN BRIDGE (Kay) 8 Jan 1921 ---29 May 2014. Memorial on 20 June 2014 at 2pm at St James Church Morningside Durban.
CLARKSON Sheila Mona Agnes . Funeral at Stella Presbyterian Church Glenwood on 16 June 2014 at 10am. DOVES 0860025500.
HILL Peter Sargeant + 12 June 2014 at Villa Sunfield . Now with his wife. Father of Ant, Laura and family; Condolences to family from Lesley, Meryl and staff.; Memorial at St Margaret's Church Durban North on 19 June 2014 at 2pm. BELL Funerals 031 3014793.
NAIDOO Kamandhran x Brenda. Father of Kesantha, Tavania and Zendaya. 16th Day Memorial on 16 June 2014 at Wyebank Funeral Home Moorton from 11:30-----12:30
RAMDHANI Valerie Gertrude. Mother of Alan, Vanessa and Brian. Mother-in-law and grandmother. Funeral on 17 June 2014 at St John's Anglican Church Sydenham at 11:30am. Cremation private.
SPARKS Ronald William Cameron 29 Aug 1923 ---10 June 2014 x Iris and father of Ann, Barry and Bev, Jenny and Ernest. Grandfather of Christopher, Ashley, Samantha, Michael, Chantal and Sean
STEWART Brett 17 July 1987 ---17 June 2014 x Annette. Father of Damien. Son of Yvonne & Aubrey. Brother and son-in-law.
THORNTON John (Brother John to his friends) + 12 June 2014 x Margie, Alan, Cindy, Sarah and Mitchel. Funeral at DOVES in Fourways Johannesburg at 10am on 19 June 2014. DOVES 0860025500.
BALIRAM Ramcharan (Sweetie) 3 Sept 1945 ----19 June 2004 x Munny BALIRAM. Father, father-in-law and grandfather.
BULLER nee SWAN Hazel 10 years gone now. Mother of Shirley, Greg, Jonathan and Cameron.; Mother, mother-in-law, grandmother of Belinda, Denys, Shaun, Nicky and Jared; Mother of Cheryl; Mother of Owen ,Jenny, Darryn, Claire and Mike.; Grandmother of Cara.
CASS James Andrew. Remembered on this fathers day by Wife , children and grandchildren.
DAMP Roger (Rusty) 2 years gone now x Carole .
ENSOR-SMITH Dean Warren 15 Nov 1967 ----15 June 2005 Taken tragically. Son and brother. From Dad, Mom, Mark and family.
GOVENDER Paramasivan (Rajan) x Kalvie. Father of Soma, Gona, nba and Sureshan. Yearly Memorial on 22 June 2014 at Shree Soobramoniar Temple Hall Clairwood at 10:30am Lunch will be served.
GROBLER Eugene 9 Feb 1943 ----15 June 1998. Remembered by Genny, children and grandchildren.
MOODLEY Maliga. Yearley Memorial on 22 June 2014 at Shallcross Community Hall at 11am. Inserted by Duggie MOODLEY and family.
NADAN Jay + 15 June 1997 x Ragini.
NUPEN Denise Veronica (Gaga) 21 March 1939 ---15 June 2013. We love you Sarah-Leigh, Tyron, Seth and Reece.
PONNADU Runganathen (BOZAS) + 14 June 2013. Son of Mr & Mrs PONNADU. Brother of Ragini, Rosie, Wayne, Mumsy, Kenny.
SAMUEL LEONARD .40 years gone now. Brother of Mary and Vigee and family.
TWYNHAM Pamela + 16 June 1983. Wife and mother of Chippie, Wendy, Lynn and family.
VENTER Hannes. 7 years gone now. Remembered by Liz, Theresa, Joe, Jarred and Jordan.
WILLIAMS Stephen. From Dad, Mom, Dean, Ivy, Ellen and son Blaine.
22 June 2014
HARIDHAW Prakash (Sunil) + 16 June 2014 at age 54 years after being shot by robbers. He was from Welbedacht (Chatsworth).
SILЀN Edith Anne + 18 June 2014. Mother of Anthony, David, Sue, Jane, Steve and Andrew. Mother-in-law and grandmother. Celebration of her life on 26 June 2014 at 11 am at Hillcrest Methodist Church Hillcrest.
TAYLOR Albert Edward (Bert) 22 June 1925 -----18 June 2014. Will be missed by Jeanie & Donald, Dudley & Heather, Patti & Lloyd, Steven & Kerri, Shannon & Wesley, Jasmine, Holly. Great grandfather of Daniel. Memorial on 23 June 2014 at Stellawood Crematorium Chapel Umbilo at 10am. BELL 031 3014793.
BOULDEN Rex Walter 19 Feb 1929 ----22 June 2013 x Fay and family.
RICHARDSON Frank 27 Nov 1939 -----22 June 2012. From his wife. Father of Bruce and Peter. Stepfather to Neil. Father-in-law to Tracey and Michelle. Grandfather to Erin, Sophie and Rachael.
RYAN Eileen 22 June 1998. Mother of Cynthia and Alistair.; Mother and granny of Monica, Ron and family.
TREVOR Freddy 3 Dec 1972 ----22 June 2008. Remembered by Dad, Mom, Rowan, family and friends.
29 June 2014
VERBAAN nee REEVES Daniel & Phillipa a boy Frank Reeves * 19 June 2014 at Hillcrest Hospital. Brother to Joe, Fynn and Drew. 7th grandson for Gareth & Correen. 8th grandchild for Erica.
CLOETE Ann (Kloot) + . Friend for over 30 years to Moira . Wake at Berea Bowling Club on 1 July 2014 at 12:30 pm.
PILLAY Thanabalan (Dan) . Brother of Aroo, Dolly, brother-in-law of Vasan, uncle of Lenny, Myesh and Prebashni. Father-in-law of Krishnie, Pragasan. Grandfather of Prelen, Leneshan, Shaylin, Navashan and Thivian. Funeral on 2 July 2014 from 23 Henley Rd Burlington Heights Shallcross from 10am. Proceeding to Clare Estate Crematorium from 2---4pm.
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