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The Friend of the Free State and Bloemfontein Gazette 1873 1 January - June

Thursday, 2 January, 1873

DOODBERIGT- De heer Hercules du PREEZ, broeder van den goed bekenden heer Jacobus du PREEZ en schoonbroeder van den heer D. B. GROBLER, lid van den Volksraad voor de wijk Taalboschspruit, district Winburg, overleed op 1 December, 1872, op de plaats van den heer Daniel JORDAAN

From Kroonstad, on Christmas Day “John SULLIVAN” (a Yankee), by trade a Photogher [sic], supposed to have gone in the direction of Pietermarittzburg. Any one giving information as to his whereabouts, will be thankfully received by Hendrik [KOFKKIES].
Kroonstadt, 26 Dec., 1872

DIED at Bloemfontein, on the 22nd December, 1872, Abraham Lombard BRUNT, Esq., aged 33 years; deeply regretted.

In the estate of the late Okker Michael du PREEZ, of Garstland’s Kloof, and surviving spouse, M.H. TERBLANS.
Persons having claim against the above estate are requested to send them in, either to the undersigned, or to Mr. J. M. KIDGER, within six weeks from this date, and all persons indebted are requested to settle their accounts within the same period.
Cradock, Dec. 19, 1872

In the estate of the late Anna Elizabeth PRETORIUS, and pre-deceased husband, Johannes Jacobus BAYTELL, of Cradock
All persons claiming to be creditors of, and all others having claims against the abovementioned estate are hereby requested to lodge their claims with Mr. A. ZIERVOGEL, at his office, Cradock, within six weeks from this date; and those indebted to settle within the same period.
Jan GROVE, Executor Test.
Cradock, 24th December, 1872

In the estate of the late Marthinus Christoffel van ZYL, and surviving spouse, Helena Elizabeth GROBBELAAR, of the division of Cradock
All persons claiming to be creditors of, and all others having claims against the abovementioned estate are hereby requested to lodge their claims with Mr. A. ZIERVOGEL, at his office, Cradock, within six weeks from this date; and those indebted to settle within the same period.
H.E. GROBBELAAR, Ex. Testamentary.
Cradock, 18th December, 1872

De ondergeteekende behoorlyke geauthoriseerd daar den heer Jacobus Lodewicus du PLESSIS, zal op publiekeveiling aan den hoogsten bieder op Zaturdag, den 4den January, 1873, ten 10 ure in den voormiddags, by het gelegenheid van het Avaudmaal in Rouxville, verkoopen:- 3 deelen van de welbekende plaats Vaalbankspoort, thans 67 district Rouxville, en de plaats Kleinfontein, thans No. 8 district Rouxville, buide plaatsen aan elkander grenzende en gelegen een uur te paard van het dorp Rouxville. Deze plaatsen zyn te welbekend en beroernd om noch meer daarover te zeggen.
Verder op laat van den Provisioneele Curator in den insolventen boedel van E.W. PITT:- Smaldeel No. 8 van erf No.11 met daarop bestaande gebouwen in het dorp Rouxville.
En op laat van wien het moge aangaan :- 300 Schapen en bokken. Rypaarden, Trekossen, eene Kar, en een hoeveelheidvan negotie goederen.
25 erven in het bloeijende dorp Rouxville.
Ruim Crediet zal verleend worden. Voor inspectie van transporten en voor informative vervoege men zich ten kantore van Jacob SELIGMANN, Vendu Afslager,
Rouxville, 9 December, 1872
Bloemfonteinsche Raad van Executeuren en Waarborg Co.
Publike Verkooping van Huizen & Erven te Philippolis behoorende ten den insolventen Boedel van Henry HARVEY op Dinsdag, 14 Januarij, 1873, des middags te 10 ure, voor het Landdrostkantoor te Philippolis:-
Water-erf No. 1 Onderstraat, Erf No. 9, Kokstraat, met de daaropstaande gebouwen.
Erf gelegen achter Erf No. 9 Kikstraat, met de daaropstaande gebouwen.
Erf No. 18, Burgherstraat, Erf No.11, Hendrickstraat. , Erf onder Kopje,
Alsmede – eene hoeveelheid kantoormeubelair, en wat meerder zal worden voorgebragt.
James B. BROWN, Prov. Curator. Bloemfontein,
24 December, 1872.
VOIGT & VELS Afslagers

Thursday, 16 January, 1873

De ondergeteekende daartoe behoorlyke gelast door de executrices in den boedel van wylen D.J. de VOS, zal op Dinsdag, den 28sten Januarij, 1873, ter plaatse Blijdschap, district Bethlehem, eigendom van Johannes MEINTJES, publiek op vellen de volgende goederen:-
7 Fraaije aanteelbeesten, 10 Do. Groote Trekossen, 55 Schapen, 1 Ossewagen (complete), 2 Kisten, 1 Tafel, @ Veeren Bedden, Eene Hoeveelheid Huisraad.
Na afloop van bovengemelde Vendutie zullen worden verkocht:-
100 Schapen.
En wat verder ten dage der verkooping zal worden te vooschyn gebragt.
Vendu Kantoor, Bethlehem, January 4, 1873

BIRTH at Bloemfontein, 13th January, the wife of Mr. G.E. CHATFIELD of a son

MARRIED on the 31st December, 1872, at the residence of the bride’s father, Good Hope Hotel, by the Rev. McARTHUR, of Ladismith, Natal, Jacob’s Hendrick COETZEE, of Cronstadt, Orange Free State, to Maria Magdalena, only daughter of H.N. SMIDT, of the Good Hope Hotel, Drakensberg, Natal

OVERLEDEN te Winburg, op Zaturdag den 14den dezer, mijn tedergeliefde echtgenoot Mary Ellen HAMMERSLEY, in den ouderdom van 29 jaren, mij nalatende met 3 hulplooze kinderen om hare verlies te betreuren.
Hendrik MEINTJES, Winburg, 13 Januarij, 1973

DIED at Smithfield, on Sunday evening, 12 January, 1873, Mr. William CHALMERS, aged 30 years, 6 months and 15 days. Deceased was a native of Boness, Linlithgow, Scotland, and he died of aneurism of the aorta

Thursday, 23 January, 1873

District Winburg.
The undersigned duly authorized by the executrix testamentary in the estate of the late Andries Petrus CRONJE will sell by public auction, on this farm Allemanskraal Sandriver District Winburg, on Tuesday, 25th February, 1873. One half of the farm Allemanskraal district Winburg, field cornetsy Sandriver, 12 miles from Winburg, measuring in its whole 2950 morgan, as per surveyors chart. On it is erected a new dwelling house, also stables and outhouses and good kraals. Sandriver runs through the middle of the farm. It is known as one of the best farms in the district. A rich seam of coal on the farm. Also 300 head of cattle, consisting of excellent milk, slaughter and trek oxen, 8 horses, 1 quagga, furniture, kitchen utensils, &c, &c.
A liberal credit will be given.
At the same place and time will be offered for sale the sheep of Mr. Ruben COLLIFE, as advertised before, consisting of
700 Ewes with lambs born in September, from two to four year old.
750 Dry ewes from 1 to 4 years, 200 Young wethers, 30 Rams
The sheep are bearing 12 months wool averaging about 7½ pounds; and are without exception second to none in the Free State.
Terms Liberal!
Joseph ROBBERT, Auctioneer,
Winburg, 22 January, 1873

DIED at Cronstadt, Orange Free State, on the 14th inst., Frederick RUDRUM, aged 34 years.

Thursday, 30 January, 1873

DIED at Fauresmith, on Thursday, January 16th, 1873, Hellegonda Cornelia, the only and much beloved daughter of the undersigned, at the age of 1 year 2 months, and 4 days.

DOODBERIGTEN – De Eerwaarde heer Samuel ROLLAND overleed te Hermon (Basutoland) in den morgen van 18 dezer. De afgestorvene was een der eerste Fransche Zendelingen die naar Zuid-Afrika kwamen en alvorens hij de oude Zendelings Statie te Beershela vestigde was hij gedurende verschillende Jaren werkzaam te Motite.

Thursday, 6 February, 1873

By gelegenheid der verkooping van de goederen in den boedel van wylen Jan George MEYER en Hester Elizabeth van ROOYEN, op de plaats Rhenosterfontein, aan Vetrivier, district Winburg Donderdag, 27 February, 1873, zal de ondergetekeende publiek verkoopen:
200 Goedgeteelde Angora Bokken, ooijen en rammen, Voortspruitende uit de beroemde fokkery van de Heeren ZIERVOGEL en de KLERCK. Benevens een aantal anders klein vee.
C. BREDELL, Vendu Afslager. Vendu Kantoor,
Winburg, 1 Feb, 1873

Geleren in den Vrystaat
In den insolventen boedel van wylen John H. PARKER van Queenstown.
By gelegenheld van den uitgebreiden verkoop van land, eigendom te Queenstown op Zaturdag, 1 Maart aanstaande, behoorende tot bovengenoemd boedel, zullen de volgende kostbare plaatsen verkocht worden:-
1- De plaats Roemrijk, no 161, gelegen Bovenrhenosterrivier, district Kroonstad, groot 2100 morgen
2- De plaats Verblijden, no 227, gelegen Bovenrhenosterrivier, district Kroonstad, groot 2000 morgen
3- De plaats Eerstegeluk, no. 217, gelegen Bovenrhenosterrivier, district Kroonstad, groot 1800 morgen
4- De plaats Olive Grove, gelegen in het Veldcornetschap Knoesberg, district Caledonrivier, naby Smithfield, zynde een deel van de kostbare plaats Kleinfontein, no. 299, groot 482 morgen
5- De plaats Kasskloof, gelegen in het district van Winberg, Transvaal.
Deze kostbare eigendommen zyn te goed in den Vrystaat bekend om nog aanbevelen te worden.
Voor verdere byzonderheden, zin men de plaatselvke bladen, of vervoege men zich tot den Venduafslager of de Curatoren.
Let op den dag!
1 Maart 1873, tegenover het kantoor van den Venduafslager te Queenstown.
F.B. BROWN, Vendu Afslager, Queenslown.
D.LUMSDEN, C. SONNENBERG, Provisioneele Curatoren in den boedel van PARKER

BIRTH at Harrismith, on the 27th Jan, the wife of J.J. RAAFF, of a son

BIRTH at Bethany, Mrs L. MEYER, of Reddersburg, on the 26th ultimo, of a son

In the insolvent estate of the late Wm. WOHLITZ. Sale of farms. The following farms will be sold by public auction, on Monday, 24th March next, in front of the Board of Executors office:-
Uitgedagt, No 35, Harrismith, ward Klip-river, containing per sketch 3000 morgen. Boundaries: Goedheid, de Hoop, Kalverspruit, Kalverfontein and Norfolk.
Zamdam, No 16, Harrismith, ward Klip-river, containing per sketch 3000 morgen. Boundaries: Schaamheid, Groot Spruit, De Hoop, Pratkop and Goedheid.
Helpman, No 56, Boshof, ward Onder Vet and Vaal-river, containing sketch 2375 morgen. Boundaries: Roodedam, Ruitjespan, Langeleegye, and open ground.
James B. BROWN, Secretary, C. BREDELL Joint Trustees
VOIGT& VELS, Auctioneers, Board of Executors,
Bloemfontein, 5 February, 1873

BIRTH on Thursday the 23rd ultimo, at Jacobsdal, O.F. State, the wife of Mr. Geo. A. MARTIN of a son.

On Thursday, the 23rd ultimo, Mr William BOTHA, of the Cronstadt district, who with his family, had been on a visit to his father-in-law, Mr. J.G. VERMEULEN, was on his return home, in a bullock-wagon. The Sand-river being rather full at the time, he endeavoured to cross it at the drift hard by Mr. H.G. VENTER’s farm. Evidently the water was still rising, for as soon as the wagon got into mid-stream they were carried downstream. Whilst drifting down Mr. BOTHA took to water with his wife, who managed to take by the hand one of their little girls. His son, a boy nearly 12 years of age, who had been told to remain in the wagon with his two other sisters and the servant girl, seeing his father and mother in the water, also jumped into it, and seizing his father by the jacket, caused him to lose his hold of his wife, and all were now struggling for life. Mrs. B. and her little daughter in some unaccountable way reached the banks of the river. Mr. B. after a hard struggle became thoroughly exhausted, and could offer no further assistance to his son, whom he saw sinking to rise no more. After drifting about for a few minutes he recovered sufficiently to make one more effort to save himself, and he reached the bank, which he crawled up, but after making a few strides he fell down, and had afterwards to be removed on a stretcher to Mr. VENTER’s house. The bottom board and tent of the wagon had, by the breaking of the long-wagon, got disengaged. And was floating down the river with the servant maid and the two little girls. The Kafir leader, with great personal danger, floated down with it, constantly endeavouring to push the tent towards the banks of the river. At one time the whole was overturned, and one of the children washed out, but happily the Kafir saved her, and again placed her on the frail barge, which he at length succeeded in forcing into a bend of the river, where the whole were saved. Whilst this was going on, Mr, VENTER and a couple of his Kafirs managed to disengage the oxen from the ‘understall’ with which they were floating about and thus these were also saved. The body of young BOTHA has not yet been recovered. Mr. BOTHA has lost everything which had been contained in the wagon.

OBITUARY- We regret to hear that President BURGER has had the misfortune to lose his youngest child; and that Mr. ZWARTS, the Government Secretary of the Transvaal, has met with a similar bereavement.

SERIOUS ACCIDENT – Mr. and Mrs. M.J. WESSELS, of Harrismith, were thrown heavily out of their cart on the 28th ultimo, when , we are sorry to learn, Mrs. WESSELS broke her leg, and Mr. WESSELS was severely injured internally.

Thursday, 13 February, 1873

Van wylen F. McCABE.
De volgende losse goederen van bovengemelden boedel behoorende zullen by publieke vendutie verkocht worden op Maandag 24 Maart aanst.
Op Marhetplein te 10 ure:-
1 Wagen, 2 Paarden, 4 Ossen, Zadel en toom, en wat verder aangeboden mogt worden.
James B. BROWN Secretaris, Eenige Curator,
VOIGT & VELS, VenduAfslagers,
Executeure Kamer, Bloemfontein, 11 Feb., 1873

In the estate of the late Mr. T.H. RADLOFF on the 29th March, 1873,
At 12 O’Clock, on the Market Square, Bloemfontein:-
1 Spring Wagon nearly new, 1 Carriage, 1 Small tent cart, 8 Pieces of Br. Leather Harness, 1 Tarpaulin. And what may further be offered.
C.G. RADLOFF, qq Executrix Test.
VOIGT & VELS, Auctioneers.

From our own correspondent,
Pietermaritzburg, Feb. [3] 1873
The sudden illness and death of the Rev. W. CAMPBELL, the minister of the First Presbyterian Church and moderator of the Presbytery, was the most remarkable event of the past week. On Sunday, the 28th ult., he officiated in the pulpit as usual and neither he nor his people suspected that he then conducted the religious services of the church for the last time. He appeared in his usual health, which, however, being an old man, was at the best but feeble; still nothing indicated that his end would be so sudden, nor so near. On Monday, he visited as was his custom, and retained his health till Tuesday morning; then ‘he complained of nausea;’ violent retching followed; after which, feeling exhausted, he lay down to rest, and when spoken to shortly afterwards, was found to be in a state of semi-consciousness. Alarm was felt, and medical aid was called in. During the violent retching Mr. C. is supposed to have broken a small blood-vessel in the left side of the head, which produced an effusion of blood on the brain. At this time, he also had a seizure of paralysis, which affected the whole of his right side. From the state of unconsciousness into which he then sank he never woke, but silently passed away apparently too unconscious to suffer pain on the evening of Thursday last, at half past seven o’clock, The Funeral was attended by all classes of the people, who assembled in very great numbers on the occasion. The lord bishop and clergy of all denominations were there, the Colonial Secretary, the Secretary of Native Affairs, the Treasurer General, and Resident Magistrate, as well as a number of government officials were also there. The Colonel of the 75th and a few officers with the Presbyterians of the Regiment , and a large number of citizens formed the procession. Altogether, perhaps, there were about 300 followers. Numbers of spectators lined the street down which the procession passed and the throng of both spectators and followers who surrounded the grave must have been nearer 400 than 300. The funeral service was read by Rev. WATERHOUSE, Congregational minister, who also delivered a very impressive address, which was felt deeply by many. The same rev. gentleman preached the funeral sermon in the Presbyterian Church on the following day (Saturday) after the funeral. The church was crowded, and the people were very much affected. Mr. CAMPBELL has labored as a minister for [43] years, twenty two of which were spent in this colony. Here he was the founder of the Presbyterian Church, and notwithstanding the recent unhappy division in it, he held together a respectable and influential congregation who deeply mourne his loss.

Thursday, 20 February, 1873

De ondergeteekende, daartoe gelaat door de Executrice Testamentair den boedel van wylen Francois Johannes Rymer FURSTENBERG, zal op Vrijdag, den 25sten April, 1873, publiek doen opveilen op de plaats Rondefontein, distict Bloemfontein:-
80 Ossen en beesten, waaronder 1 span gedresseerde roode witpens ossen
50 Ry-en trepaarden van een goed geteelde ras, 500 Wolschapen, Smidsgereedschap, 1 Bokwagen kompleet, 1 Veerenwagen, 1 Ijzeren ploeg, Timmermansgereedschap
En alles wat verder op diendag ter verkoop zal aangeboden worden.
Termen Liberaal, Erverschingen zullen verschaft worden. Let Wel op den 25sten April, 1873
Geg. Executeuren

BIRTH at Bloemfontein, on the 20th instant, Mrs. I BAUMANN, of a son.

IMPORTANT SALE- District Winburg
First- class farm and stock.
The undersigned in their capacity as Executors Dative in the estate of the late Isaak Adolf CRONJE, have instructed Joseph BOBBERT to sell by public auction on the farm Welgelen, District Winburg, on Thursday, 13th March, 1873:
Welgelen. This well-known farm is situated about 18 miles from Winburg, on the Sand-River, and is acknowledged to be the best farm in this wealthy district. On it is erected a large two storey dwelling house, made of the best materials and in good order; besides wagon house, stable and outbuildings. It is very prettily situated on the foot of the densely wooded Doornberg, facing Sand-river, which runs through the farm. On it are about 500 morgen of thick bush, which, together with a rich seam of coal, is a fortune to anybody in itself. The farm has good summer and winter veld, and is healthy for all kinds of stock. Also one half share of the farm Allemanskraal, adjoining the above, fully described in previous advertisements
Movables: 1420 Merino Sheep, 87 Head of Cattle, 5 Horses, 4 Donkeys, 315 Goats, 3 Rams, 1 Oxwagon with gear,1 Spring Cart with Harness, Furniture of all kinds, Farming Implements, Kitchen Utensils.
The whole to be sold without reserve.
Note the Day of Sale: 13 March, 1873, Liberal Credit
Refreshments provided
A.J. CRONJE, A.P. CRONJE Executive Dative
Joseph BOBBERT, Auctioneer.
Winburg, February, 1873

Thursday, 6 March, 1873

Een delver, genaamd NORTON word op 16 Dezer, in zijn claim op Colesberg Kopje, weg 7, verdronken gevonden. Het sonijt dat hij is water ging aan te baden; een handdoek en een stuk zeep worden nabij het lijk gevonden. Het water is in sommige claims 10 voet diep – Diamond News

Thursday, 13 March, 1873

In the estate of the late William CHALMERS and his surviving spouse Martha GAFFNEY
All who may have anything in claim from or pay to the above estate are hereby requested to file their claims with, or to pay their debts to, the undersigned, at his office, at Smithfield, within two months from this date.
C.S. ORPEN, qq. the Executrix Testamentary.
Smithfield, 8 March, 1873

OVERLEDEN te Winburg, Hendrik Mertens, in den ouderdom van 9 maanden, eenig geliefd zoontje van
W.H. v B van ANDEL,
J.A. v.B. van ANDEL geboren MERTENS
Winberg, 5 Maart, 1873

Thursday, 20 March, 1873

De ondergeteekende is diens qualiteit als Executeur Datief in den boedel van wylen Jurie Jacobus WESSELS, zal op Zaturdag, den 5den April, 1873, ten 10 ure des voormiddags, publiek voor zyn kantoor verkoopen:- het drooge erf No.7 Victoriastraat, en hok van het Marketplein te Winburg.
C.BREDELL, Venduafslager. Vendukantoor,
Winburg. 18 Maart, 1873

DIED at Murraysburg, on the 27th February last, on the journey from Winburg to Cape Town, Gertrude, aged nearly 2 years, dearly beloved youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.A. van BLOMMESTEIN. The Rev. A. LOUW, Dr. MUSKETT, and the many other friends in Murrayburg, will please accept this public acknowledgement for the sympathy and kindness evidenced towards the bereaved parents in the hour of their affliction.
Winburg, 17th March, 1873

DIED of croup, on Thursday morning, 18th inst. aged 19 months and 12 days. Helen Janet, youngest child; and on the same day, at 4 o’clock p.m. also of croup, Margaret Mary, aged 5 years and 5 months, eldest daughter of Helen and Robert MACFARLANE

Op den 6den Maart overleed ter plaatse Bultfontein, district Winburg, ten huize van den Heer A. McCALLUM, na eene langdurige ziekte aan de tering, in den onderdom van 14 jaren en 11 maanden, de jonge heer Helegard van ROOIJEN, jongste zoon van wylen den WelEd. Heer C. van ROOIJEN van Kafferfontein. Hy ontsliep zacht en kalm in de Heere, en het is onze troost dat hy is heent gegaan naar zyne Zaligmaker, voor wien hy zou innig life had.
Namens de Famille, A. McCALLUM.
Bultfontein, 6 Maart, 1873

Thursday, 27 March, 1873

BIRTH at Bloemfontein, on the 23rd instant, Mrs. E. D. BRADFIELD, of a daughter

Immense Land Sale
The following magnificent properties belonging to the estate of the late Col. FRASER, will be sold, by public auction, in October next, in front of the office of the board of executors. The precise day of sale will be given in a later advertisement.
1st- That magnificent farm Tharfield, No 265,
Situated on the Modder-river, halfway, between Bloemfontein and Smithfield, as per land surveyor’s diagram, 5000 morgen in extent
2nd- The splendid farm, Glengary, Boesmansfontein, No 285, adjoining the above farm ‘Tharfield’ and situated on the source of the Kafir-river, as per Government Surveyors diagram 7728 morgen.
The forgoing farms are well watered, and deserve the attention of those who are anxious to possess themselves of the best veld.
3rd- The farm, Springkraal, No.20, situated about 6 hours from Bloemfontein, near the main-line of road to the Diamondfields, as per inspection report of the land commission 7800 morgen.
4th- The splendid farm, Stratherrick, No.185, district Harrismith, Situated in the New Year’s Valley, on the Nieuwjaarsspruit, as per land surveyor’s Diagram, 4562 morgen.
5th- The superior farm Fraserfield, No. 187, Situated in the New Year’s Valley, on the Nieuwjaarsspruit, and adjoining the above farm at Stratherrick, as per land surveyor’s Diagram, 5108 morgen.
6th – The unrivalled farm, Bughtie, No.220, Situated on the Drakensberg, about 2 hours’ ride from the town of Harrismith, as per land surveyors diagram, 5800 morgen.
7th – The well-known and excellent farm, Culloden, No.361, Situated on the Eland’s-river, almost 2 hours’ rode from the rising town of Harrismith, where a font is much required, as per Government Surveyor’s diagram, 4145 morgen. This property, being on the main-line of road from Natal to Bloemfontein, is well-adapted for a place of business.
8th – That magnificent farm Aberfeldy, No. 362 situated on the Eland’s River, and adjoining the above farm ”Culloden.” As per land surveyor’s diagram, 7550 morgen.
Liberal Terms will be given.
James B BROWN, Secretary. VOIGT & VELS, Auctioneers, Bloemfontein, 25th Marc, 1873

The late Lambertus Johannes de VILLIERS
The melancholy tidings reached us on Tuesday last, that the above gentleman, who for the long term of seven years had faithfully and efficiently served us in the capacity of “Our Own Correspondent” at Cape Town, had breathed his last in that city, on the 11th instant, after suffering from a cruel and lingering malady, against which he bore up manfully until the last, with the heroic courage and fortitude of a Christian. Never having heard of the illness of our correspondent, the suddenness of the announcement of his departure from this “vale of tears” well-nigh overwhelmed us. At first we could scarcely realize the mournful intelligence. Mr. de VILLIERS was a ready writer, and possessed an easy, flowing, pleasing, and readable style. Frequently have we heard his letters admired, and more than once have we been asked to divulge his name, is order to gratify the curiosity of the enquires as to the author of “Our Cape Letter.” Poor fellow, he has gone to his account now, and it is needless any longer to conceal his name. He was but twenty-eight years of age when he bade a long farewell to this world, with all its joys and sorrows, its disappointments and its pleasant surprises. In quitting this painful theme, we can but express the hope that ‘our own’ has been taken in the heyday of his youth from his sphere of action here below, in order to assume higher and more congenial duties in order to that other world towards which all mankind are hastening. The relations and friends of the lamented deceased possess our deepest sympathy. Peace be to his [nalius]

Van levende have, en uitmuntende lot huisraad en andere goederen, te Wepener.
De ondergeteekende daartoor behoorlyke geauthoriseerd door den WelEd. Heer Gustav SMITH, zal by publieke veiling te koop aan bieden, te Wepener op Zaturdag, den 29sten Maarte.k., 30 (dertig) stuk hoornvee, ontstaande uit koeyen, vaarsen en jonge ossen, van eene geode kudde.
Een paar vraaije trek-en rijpaarden, huisraad, het beste colt in deze deel van de wereld gezien, onstaande uit: Paardenhaar sofa, stoelen en leening stoel, ronde en vierkantige tatelen, dubble en enkelde ledekanten, kleederkasten, en laaitafel, mattrassen, klocken en spiegals, breekgoed, en keukengereedschap.
Zadels, tuigen en andere goederen te veel om te melden.
Terzelver tyd, voor rekening van den Heer Jacobus FOURIE de oude:- 8 Merries en veulen, 6 Koeyen en vaarsen, en een lot ry-en trekpaarden
Verder tyd, voor rekening van den heeren SPILLER & BECKER :-
Omtrent 40 stuk hornvee, uitstaande uit koeyen, vaarsen, en ossen.
Laatstelyk, voor rekening van wien het moge aangaan: 400 lameswol kombaarsen, 3lbs., 72X84
100 paar stovels – mans en vrouwen
En andere negotiewaarden te veel om op te noomen
Termijen zeer liberal
Let op: Zaturdag 20sten Maart e.k.,
Jacob SELIGMANN, Vendu Afslager,
Rouxville, 10den February, 1873

Thursday, 3 April, 1873

BIRTH at Wandsbeck, Hamburg, Germany, on 9th January, 1873, Mrs. Louis [RINGMER] of a daughter.
Wandsbeck, Hamburg, Germany

BIRTH at Nooitgedacht, on Thursday the 27th inst., the wife of Thomas HOLMES Esq., of a daughter.
Nooitgedacht, 30th March, 1873

BIRTH At Bloemfontein, on 29th March, the wife of Dr. B.O. KELLNER, of a daughter

Mr. R. BREHMER, who arrived here in June, 1871, in company with two other gentlemen (one of whom died a few months afterwards), in search of health, departed this life at an early hour, on Tuesday morning and was buried the next day, when his remains were followed to their “last long home” by a number of sympathizing friends. That insidious disease, consumption, was the cause of this gentleman’s premature demise. Mr. BREHMER was formerly a valued and confidential clerk in the employ of Mr.L. DREYFUS, of Port Elizabeth, by whose direction he was supplied with everything that could ameliorate his sad and helpless condition during his sojourn here. It will be some consolation to Mr. BREHMER's relations and friends at a distance to know that there are good Samaritans in this up-country town, who treated the dear one that is now no more with the affectionate consideration of a brother; and that all his wants - even to the merest trifles - were satisfied as far as was possible.

Thursday, 10 April, 1873

BIRTH on the 7th instant, at Fauresmith, Mrs. J.W. MARKUS, of a daughter.

MARRIED at Bloemfontein, in the Dutch Reform Church, by the Rev. HUGO, minister at Ladybrand, Johanna, second daughter of W.C. PEETERS, Esq. of Bloemfontein, to Anton Diderik VOIGT, eldest son of A.D. VOIGT, Esq., Attorney-at-law. Only and general notice, Bloemfontein, 5 April, 1873

De ondergeteekende is begunstig door den Weleden Heer Jacobus Petrus Petrus BOTHA, om op Dinsdag, den 15den April e.k., 1873, en op den plaats Nieuwejaarsfontein (gelegen tusschen Rouxville en Aliwal Noord, omtrent een uur van het dorp Rouxville), beginnende om 10 ure des morgens, per publieke veiling aan den hoogste bieder te verkoopen :-
1000 Hamels (groot en vet). 600 Ooyen (jong en van een lot), 14 Geleerde Trek Ossen, 1 Span Ongeleerde Ossen, 25 anteel Beesten, 1 paar fraaye Rypaarden, 1 Lot Jonge Hengsten byna 3 jaren oud, 1 do. Merries met veulens en wat verder op dien dag ter voorschyn gebragt worden.
Wat de conditie en rae van bovengemelde Vee aangaat. Zeg de Venduafslager alleen dat sy het eigendom van der heer J.P. BOTHA zyn, en is dit waarborg genoeg voor een lede date r niet beter in de Vrystaat te vinden is.
Termynen van crediet zeer maakelyk en zal over een jaar streken. De koopvoorwaarden zal op den dag en plaats bekend gemaakt worden. Hier is een kans voor boeren, slagters, speculateurs, en alle anderen.
Let op Niewejaarsfontein, op den 15den April e.k.,
Jacob SELIGMANN, Venduafslager. Rouxville, 8sten Maart, 1873.

In den insolventen boedel van P.J. de VILLIERS & Co. De ondergeteekende maakt mits dezen bekend, dat op Zaturdag, den 26sten dezer, te Boshof, zal worden verkocht de volgende goederen behoorende aan bovengemelden boedel :-
Een Assortment van uitgezochte negotie goederen, Bevattende Gemaakte kleederen, Chitz, Linen. Voerchitz, Fluweel, Molvel, Mans en Dames Stevels (en IIceden, Llama, Alpacca, Merino, Bokskein Zadels, Ploegen, Gereedschappen, Ijzerewaren, Toilette Services, Zeep, Olie, Lyn Olie, Teer, Parafin Lampen, enz., enz. 1 Tent Kar, 4 Paarden, Tuigen, en wat meer op den dag der verkooping zal worden voorgebragt.
M.S. TRACEY, Prov. Curator.
Boshof, 8 April, 1873.
P.CARROLL, Vendu-afslager

In the estate of MacDONALD & Co. The undersigned, instructed by H.W. PEARSON, Esq., Trustee, will sell by public auction, at their mart, on Wednesday, the 23rd instant, at 11 o’clock, Blydschaap, about 3300 morgen, district Harrismith. Stormspruit, about 2000 morgen. Pocklington, about 3300 morgen, district Harrismith,
Also remaining assets in the estate.
After which will be sold, the remaining assets in estate of J.S. KIRKWOOD, KIRKWOOD, MARKS & Co., Auctioneers.
Port Elizabeth, 4th April, 1873

Thursday, 17 April, 1873

BIRTH at Krantzkraal, district Bloemfontein, on the 11th April, 1873, Mrs. T.B. COLEMAN of a son.

BIRTH at Harrismith, on the 30th March, 1873, Mrs. C.B. KESTELL, of a daughter

DIED at Harrismith, on the 8th of April, 1873, Avice, second daughter of Samuel and Hannah SPILSBURY, aged 14 years.

MARRIED at Bloemfontein, by Special Licence, by the Rev. James SCOTT, Wesleyan Minister, Richard third son of James ATWELL, sen., to Rosinia Martha, second daughter of Frederick DANIEL, Esq.

Thursday, 24 April, 1873

BIRTH at Pretoria, S,A, Republic, on the 20th March, 1873, Mrs. Fred. JEFFE, of a daughter

BIRTH at Bloemfontein, on the 19th inst., the wife of Mr. C.J. VELS, of a daughter

DIED at Fauresmith, on the 14th inst., Mr. William Abbott DICKSON, aged 51 years.

Mr. W.A. DICKSON, of Fauresmith, we regret to learn, is no more. He departed this life on the 14th after a painful illness of some weeks. Mr. DICKSON was one of the oldest – if not the oldest – inhabitant of Fauresmith. By those who know the deceased intimately he was highly appreciated both as a private friend and as a citizen of the State.

Again does the voice of mourning make itself heard throughout the land – Dr. GUTHRIE is no more; the valiant champion of Truth, the vigorous foe of Wrong, has laid him down to rest after his long labours, far from those he loved so well and benefited so greatly. Small need for us to draw attention to the loss sustained not only by the FrRee Church of Scotland, but by every son and daughter of the land of Scott and Burns; in shepherd’s [shielding] as in Edinburgh drawing-room, the fact is already known too well. For years the name of GUTHRIE has been held to mean “old friend”

Thursday, 1 May, 1873

BIRTH at Vaalbank, district Bloemfontein, on 17th April, Mrs. J. ANGUS, of a daughter

We regret to learn that Mr. Hugh TINNENY, who was an inhabitant of Bloemfontein when the same was a garrison town, expired suddenly in his tent at Dutoitspan, on Sunday; the 13th ultimo. The following narrative of his untimely end we take over from the Diamond News;- “We regret to have to record the death, on Sunday morning, April 13, of Mr, H. TINNENY, formerly of Colesberg. The deceased was apparently in good health on the morning of his death, having breakfast as usual; but about 11 o’clock whilst seated in a chair peeling an orange, he expired with a penknife in one hand, and the orange in the other. The cause of so awfully sudden a death is attributed to heart disease. Deceased had been practicing as an agent in the Magistrates Courts on the Diamond-fields for more than a year. He leaves a wife and family, to whom we tender our heartfelt sympathy in their sore bereavement.

Death by Drowning.
A young healthy Englishman named SALISBURY has been drowned when swimming near the breakwater, carried out by the current which was running fearfully strong. One of his companions nearly met a watery grave, and fainted the moment he reached land.

De ondergeteekenden, in hunne hoedanigheid van executeuren datief de gezamentlyke boedel van Christoffel Johannes JACOBS, Senr en Louisa Sophia JACOBS, zal op Zaturdag den 10den Mei, ten 10 ure ‘s voormiddags in front van het kantoor van den Heer P.J. de VILLIERS, te Jacobsdal, Publiek Verkoopen, de navolgende losse goederen: 1 Kar, 2 Tafels, 2 Karpaarden, 1 Zeeppot, 1 Schroef, 1 Tustbank, 1 Emmer, Hoenen, 2 Trommels, Silver Services, 3 Stoelen, 1 Geweer, 1 Huisklok, Keukengereedschap,
6 Ossen, Bedden, 30 Aanteelbeesten, 300 Schapen, 1 Ledekant, 28 Bokken. En al wat verder den dage der verkooping zal worden aangeboden.
D. OLTHOFF, W.P. van der MERWE, Executeuren Datief
P.J. de VILLIERS, Venduafslager.

Thursday, 8 May, 1873

DIED at Bloemfontein, on May 2nd, 1873, Mr. Randle BEERTON, late of Manchester, England, aged 81 years.

DIED at Thaba ‘Nchu, on the 2nd inst., aged about 47 years, Mr. Adam CHRIST, for several years past a resident in that town, and a native of Germany.

In the English papers to hand we notice the announcement of the death of the Rev. Thomas JACKSON, which occurred in London on Monday, the 10th March. The deceased minister was in the 100th year of his age, and for upwards of 50 years was one of the leading men of the Wesleyan Connection.

Ik, ondergeteekende, Erns Hendrik van BILJON, verklaar hiermede dat de woorden deer mij gebezigd ter oneere van de weduwee van Petrus Johannes TAUTE, en de jonge heeren Jean Frederik TAUTE, onwaar en leugenachtig zyn, end at ik in tegendeel die weduwee en de voorboemde jonge heeren erken als menschen op wier gedrag ik niets weet te zeggen.
Taalboschspruit, 21 April, 1873

Thursday, 15 May, 1873

In den boedel van wylen Maria Elizabeth van ROOYEN, geboren COMBRINK op Donderdag, den 5 Junij, 1873
Ten 8 ure in den voormiddags, zal by publieke veiling worden verkocht op der plaats Rhenosterfontein:-
54 Ossen en beesten, waaronder 10 geleerde ossen en extra melkkoeijen zyn, 2 Bullen, 370 Schapen, 1 Ossenwagen kompleet, 1 Nieuwe Kapkar met tuigen kompleet,
Milies, Kafbalen, Tabak, 1 Ijzer ledikant, Katels, Bedden, Tafels, Stoelen, 1 Huisklok, 1 Spiezel, 1 groot Trommel, Kisten, 1 Ploeg, Havergerven, 2 Ijzer Molens, Karnen, Emmers, 1 Groot Drievoet Keukengereedschapen
Verder al wat op den dag der verkooping zal aangeboden worden
J.H. van ROOIJEN, Executeur.
Rhenosterfontein, District Winburg, 10 Mei, 1873

We (Transvaal Advocate) regret to hear from Marico, that a lad, Orlando SEPHTON, son of Mr. SEPHTON, of Groot Marico, was bitten by a snake on the 21st ultimo, and died from the effect of the poison within six hours. The Rev. H. SADLER, of Zeerust, immediately intelligence of the sad occurrence reached him, drove off in company with Mr. HUTTON and Mr. SEPHTON, of Zeerust (both relatives of the family), to the farm, which is over 25 miles distant, and was in time to officiate at the poor little fellow’s funeral.

Thursday, 29 May, 1873

BIRTH at Boshof, on Sunday, the 18th instant, Mrs. E. NIEMEYER, of a daughter.

DIED at Harrismith, O.F.S., on the 21st May, 1873, Sarah WIDDOWS, the beloved wife of John Julius PISTORIUS, deeply regretted by all her relatives, aged 20 years.

Governor KEATE died suddenly at Cape Coast Castle on the 16th March

Thursday, 5 June, 1873

DIED on Saturday, 24th May, 1873, Henriette Louise, age 8 years 4 months, and 14 days, beloved daughter of J.C. van SELM en S.S. van SELM

We were quite shocked when the mournful intelligence was conveyed to us yesterday morning, that a letter received by the Northern from England had just that moment been read in the Council Chamber, announcing the decease of Captain Augustus F. LINDLEY, who fulfilled the duty imposed upon him by the Volksraad in writing up our case respecting the legal claim the Free State has to the Diamond-fields, and shortly thereafter departed this life. When we penned a paragraph a brief time ago about the book which has cost this country £1000, and done it ten times that amount of harm, we little imagined that the melancholy duty of recording that the author had paid the debt to nature, would so shortly devolve upon us. No particulars regarding the last illness of Captain LINDLEY have as yet been furnished.

Thursday, 12 June, 1873

BIRTH on the 7th June, 1873, at Winburg, O.F.S. the wife of Mr. W. H. ADLER, of a son

Eencorrespondent te Philippolis wonende, heft ons de volgende treurige mededeelingen, onder datum van 29 ultimo mededoeld;- “een ongeluk had een uur van hier plaats op Zaturdag laatstleden, waardoor de heer Theodore BOTHA en zijn schoonzoon Piet van RENSBURG hun leven verloren. Een verschrikkelijke nagansstroom brak boven de plaats Droogeplaats en in de nabijheid uit, toen bovenggemeende broer van het dorp terug kwamen en bij de spruit waren toen dit ongeluk in den donker voorviel.

Thursday, 26 June, 1873

DIED at Bloemfontein, on Saturday, the 21st Inst. Mr. Frank H. STREETER of Boston, U.S.

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