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South Africa - a weekly journal

South Africa 1895 2 April - June


6 April 1895

ANSLEY, Mrs. C. J., Grahamstown, March 3.
BRODRICK, Mrs. L., Bloemfontein, February 26.
BUTCHER, Mrs. J. J., Cape Town, March 6.
COCKHEAD, Mrs. T. A., Port Elizabeth, March 5.
GASSON, Mrs. S. E., Bloemfontein, March 6.
GOLDSTEIN, Mrs. H., Johannesburg, March 7.
HAUPT, Mrs. J. J., Pretoria, March 2.
JACOBSEN, Mrs. I., Pretoria, March 2.
MILLAR, Mrs. F., Cradock, March 4.
MOULD, Mrs. C. E., Grahamstown, March 3.

CURTIS, Mrs. H., Johannesburg, March 4.
HARWIN, Mrs. W. M., Johannesburg, March 2.
MAITLAND, Mrs. J., Grahamstown, March 3.

BARRY, J. W.—BAILIE, F., Potterskraal, March 4.
CAREY, H. B.—HAY, F. H., Tarkastad, March 6.
TOPP, A. B.—VAN WYK, A. A., Kimberley, March 5.

ASHBY, Mrs. M. F., Johannesburg, March 6.
CARNEY, G. E., Johannesburg, March 4, aged 27.
CASEY, J. W., Johannesburg, March 2, aged 28.
HENIKY, R., Caledon, March 8, aged 67.
HURLEY, Mrs. E., Grahamstown, March 4, aged 56.
KIRKPATRICK, T. I., Sir Lowry’s Pass, March 7.
KNIFE, G., Uitenhage, March 4, aged 24.
LOCKHEAD, E., Johannesburg, March 4.
ROSENBURG, Mrs. S., Worcester, March 5, aged 81.
SCRUTTON, J. L., Johannesburg, March 6, aged 41.
COOPER—On March 22, at Cape Town, of typhoid fever, James Cooper, Inspector of Forests, eldest surviving son of James Cuper Cooper, Esq., of Cooper Hill, County Limerick.
BEATTY—On March 10, at the residence of her brother, Johannesburg, of typhoid fever, Kathleen, third daughter of the late Captain Beatty, 25th Regiment, aged 30.

Miscellaneous Articles on the same page:
Dr. Exton has been elected to fill the office of President of the Transvaal Medical Society for the ensuing year. There were three candidates.

The Natal Advertiser has published a long interview with Mr. E. H. Langston, who has arrived from Swazieland. Mr. Langston contradicts the story of the slaughter of a native regiment. The actual result of the quarrel was, according to his account, three killed and three wounded.

Messrs. Donald Currie and Co.’s steamer Harlach Castle is appointed to leave Delagoa Bay for Madagascar and Mauritius on the 7th inst., and will be available to take forward telegraphic messages for Madagascar, which should be despatched not later than the evening of the 6th inst.

General GOODENOUGH presided at the annual meeting of the South African Public Library, Cape Town. The accession of books by purchase as well as gifts (not including magazines) was 1633. The accounts showed that on a total receipt of £2789 there was a balance to the credit of the Library of £664. Subscriptions amounted to £555, and the Parliamentary grant £800. The Chairman moved the adoption of the report, which was unanimously agreed to.

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