South Africa 1894 3 July - September
7 July 1894
BROWN, Mrs. W. P., Johannesburg, June 4.
BRUTON, Mrs. C. M., Paterson, June 3.
CIRING, Mrs. A., Kimberley, June 2.
CORMOCK, Mrs. A. J., Grahamstown, June 3.
DORRINGTON, Mrs. N. G., Spectakel, May 26.
MACNAB, Mrs. D. E., Cape Town, June 1.
MATHEW, Mrs. A. C., Cape Town, June 8.
PHILP, Mrs. S. Y., Kimberley, June 1.
WILKINSON, Mrs. A. B., Newlands, June 2.
HAYWARD—On June 30, at Beaumont Lodge, Lincoln, the wife of Mr. Charles P. Hayward.
ANDERSON—At Lauriston, Broxbourne, Herts., on the 1st inst., the wife of James Mitchell Anderson.
BORAINE, Mrs. W. C., Cape Town, June 2.
DU TOIT, Mrs. J. A., Klerksdorp, June 7.
FRANCIS, Mrs. C. W., Mafeking, May 14.
KUHR, Mrs. H. R., Port Elizabeth, June 4.
SEARLE, Mrs. G., Port Elizabeth, June 4.
TINDALL, Mrs. R. J. L., Pretoria, June 4.
MOLTENO—On the 30th ult., at 10, Palace Court, London, W., the wife of Percy Alport Molteno.
SIMMS—On May 18, at Malmani, Ottoshoop, Transvaal, the wife of Thomas Wheen Simms.
REES, F. H.—SISSISON, F. L., Cape Town, June 7.
TOWNSEND, W.—FLUKE, A., Kimberley, June 2.
WALLACE, J. W.—HART, N., Cape Town, June 7.
BILLSON, G. T., Uitenhage, June 3, aged 22.
DANTU, S. E., Cape Town, June 3, aged 77.
DEMPERS, A. H., Cape Town, June 1, aged 67.
JONES, Mrs. C., Grahamstown, June 3, aged 72.
KURTZ, T. J., The Paarl, June 5, aged 43.
LOGIE, A., Cape Town, June 6, aged 44.
MAKEIN, H. D., Johannesburg, June 3, aged 60.
PERDUE, Mrs. A. G., Kimberley, June 4, aged 24.
RACKHAM, H., Port Elizabeth, June 3, aged 26.
ROBERTS, A. W., Port Elizabeth, June 1, aged 27.
WHYTE, A., Grahamstown, June 10, aged 66.
PADDON—On the 1st inst., at 29, Gledhow Gardens, S.W., William Edwin Paddon, formerly of Port Elizabeth, aged 57. The funeral took place at Kensal Green Cemetery on Wednesday.
14 July 1894
HARPER, Mrs. W. J., Grahamstown, June 10.
HUNTLY—On June 18, at Vryburg, the wife of Gordon Merriman Huntly.
IVY, Mrs. R., Port Elizabeth, June 9.
JACOBS, Mrs. D. S., Newton, June 11.
JOPLIN, Mrs. F. B., Molteno, June 9.
LAWRENCE, Mrs. A., East London, June 8.
MIDDLETON, Mrs. F., East London, June 12.
RAUTENBACH, Mrs. G. F., Witkop, May 27.
WILSON, Mrs. C. A., Vogelstruisfontein, June 7 (twins)
BRINK, Mrs. P. A., Boksburg, June 14.
ELLIOTT, Mrs. H. I., Bloemfontein, June 7.
GIE, Mrs. G., Johannesburg, June 8.
HEYNE, Mrs. H. C., Cape Town, June 10.
MARSHALL, Mrs. J. H., Johannesburg, June 10.
POPE, Mrs. C. E., Matatiele, June 10.
SIMMONS, Mrs. A. R., Avoca, June 9.
BENNETT, C. E.—MORTON, L., Grahamstown, June 12.
BESTALL, C. E. S.—RAYNER, E., Queenstown, June 14.
BOW, T.—GIBSON, S., Port Elizabeth, June 6.
CREWE, R. H.—BUTTON, M. A., Johannesburg, June 11.
FURNIVALL, H. J.—CORNWELL, S. O., Cape Town, June 11.
HAYNE, T. W.—DOVETON, E. E., Johannesburg, June 8.
LAWRENCE, J. W.—WEBBER, E. E., Port Elizabeth, June 13.
MACINTYRE, K. S.—MCWILLIAMS, S., Port Elizabeth, June 12.
MACTAVISH, R. A.—HALL, A. A., Port Elizabeth, June 6.
TILLARD, H. P.—GIMINGHAM, E., Ugie, June 9.
ANDERSON—FERGUSSON—On the 10th inst., at All Saints, Plumstead, by the Rev. T. B. Willson, M.A., Curate-in-charge, Shooters Hill, Kent, John Duncan Anderson, of Durban, to Thomasina Fergusson, of Shooters Hill.
ANDREWS—CAUTY—On July 4, at Christ Church, Liverpool, by the Rev. T. J. Madden, of St. Luke’s, assisted by the Rev. G. H. St. P. Garrett, of St. Paul’s, Princes Park, George Frederick Andrews, of Barberton, South African Republic, to Isabel Gertrude, eldest daughter of the late Henry Evans Cauty, M.R.C.S., &c., of Liverpool.
SHIPTON—KERRIDGE—On July 7, at the Parish Church, Mowbray, near Cape Town, Cape of Good Hope, by the Rev. Alfred Daintree, B.A., Vicar, Charles Edward, eldest surviving son of the late William Edwyn Shipton, of London, to Rosa, second daughter of the late Benjamin Kerridge, of Weymouth, Dorset. (By cable.)
SACHS—LEVY—On July 11, at the residence of the bride’s parents, 6, Bassett Road, W., by the Very Rev. Dr. Herman Adler, assisted by the Revs. I. Samuels and R. Harris, Dr. Richard Sachs, of Hamburg, to Cecilia Levy, twin daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wolfe Levy, formerly of Aliwal North.
BARNETT, P., Port Elizabeth, June 13, aged 20.
BURCHILL, G. F., Port Elizabeth, June 10, aged 29.
COWAN, Mrs. J. G., Salisbury, May 22, aged 27.
LYONS, Mrs. H., Port Elizabeth, June 9, aged 48.
MUNDY, S., Grahamstown, June 15, aged 86.
O’CONNOR, M., Kroonstad, June 8, aged 36.
OGILVIE, H. W., Grahamstown, June 8, aged 49.
HELY-HUTCHINSON—On July 1, at Kilmanahan, Clonmel, the Lady Margarita Hely-Hutchinson, youngest daughter of the Earl and Countess of Donoughmore, and niece of the Hon. Sir Walter F. Hely-Hutchinson, Governor of Natal, aged 5 ½ years.
LAGDEN—On May 14, at Maseru, Basutoland, of diphtheria croup, Mervyn Godfrey, third child of Godfrey Yeatman Lagden, C.M.G., aged 2 years
21 July 1894
GONNE—On June 8, at Pietermaritzburg, the wife of Captain C. M. Gonne, Royal Artillery.
HOFMEYR, Mrs. H. J., Johannesburg, June 18.
LEVY, Mrs. S., Johannesburg, June 15.
AHRFELDT, Mrs. E., Port Elizabeth, June 17.
BEART, Mrs. W. J., Johannesburg, June 17.
COHEN, Mrs. H, Pretoria, June 16.
DOUGLAS, Mrs. H., Johannesburg, June 15.
GREEN, Mrs. C. H., Kimberley, June 19.
MOTTON, Mrs. J., Kimberley, June 15.
THORBURN, Mrs. J., Swazieland, May 29.
CLARKE—On the 13th inst., at Bloemfontein, the wife of George Saunder Clarke, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.
ASHBURNHAM, J. A.—PRICE, J., Claremont, June 20.
BESTALL, C. E. S.—BARRABLE, E. R., Queenstown, June 15.
CLOETE, G. K.—GIE, J. P., Malmesbury, June 18.
DELL, W. R.—HALL, G. E., Johannesburg, June 20.
DIXON, M. H.—RICHARDSON, J., Bathurst, June 13.
GORDON, B.—HEYMANN, R., Johannesburg, June 20.
LAUHAM, L. W.—ERSKINE, L. A. C., Barberton, June 15.
MAITLAND, J.—SCHADWILL, C. A., Barkly East, June 5.
VAN DER SPUY, H. J.—DEALE, M. E., Bloemfontein, June 20.
WEBB, J.—MAREE, C. P., Grahamstown, June 18.
BAILEY—PADDON—On July 17, at St. Bartholomew’s, Sydenham, by the Rev. Dr. Scott, assisted by Revs. A. W. Dorman and C. T. Hahn, Curates of St. Bartholomew’s, Abe Bailey, only son of the Hon. Thomas Bailey, of Queenstown, South Africa, to Caroline Mary (Kate), eldest daughter of John Paddon, Esq., of St. Sidwells, Sydenham Hill.
BOTTOMLEY, Mrs. H., Johannesburg, June 18, aged 65.
CRONS, Miss D., Nanaga, June 18, aged 29.
DAVIES, Mrs. B. M., Queenstown, June 15.
EATON, Mrs. M. L., Oudtshoorn, June 18, aged 98.
EDKINS, J., Queenstown, June 17, aged 45.
ELIOTT, Mrs. N., Kleinemond, June 21, aged 47.
GREEN, F. S., Green Point, June 17.
JONES, Mrs. C. J., Cradock, June 3, aged 72.
MUNDY, S., Grahamstown, June 15, aged 86.
HANNAN—At 12, College Street, Armagh, the Rev. Francis Hannan, late Chaplain R.N., and Incumbent of Mellifont, Drogheda, in the 82nd year of his age.
HOLT—On the 18th ult., at Barkly West, William Gaskoin Holt, second surviving son of the late Vesey W. Holt and Mrs. Vesey Holt, of 104, Elm Park Gardens, aged 37.
GILLMORE—On June 18, at Durban, Natal, of fever contracted on the Zambesi, on his way home from Nyassaland, Lieut. S. Argyle Gillmore, of the British Central Africa Police Force, son of the Rev. Horatio Gillmore, of Westonsuper-Mare, late Captain 23rd Royal Welsh Fusiliers, and formerly of the 78th Seaforth Highlanders, aged 19 years.
QUIN—On June 21, at Vryburg Hospital, from the results of an accident, Stanley Stewart, fourth son of the late William Quin, of Burleigh, county Wexford, Ireland, deeply regretted.
28 July 1894
CREED, Mrs. A. F., Cape Town, June 25.
DAFFY, Mrs. G. M., East London, June 17.
DRAKE, Mrs. A., East London, June 14.
GOLDSWAIN, Mrs. C., Somerset East, June 23.
GREEN, Mrs. A. J., Kimberley, June 22.
HURRY, Mrs. J. E., Port Elizabeth, June 22.
INNES, Mrs. G. S., Graaff-Reinet, June 22.
MIDDLETON, Mrs. F., East London, June 12.
PARISH, Mrs. E. M., King Williamstown, June 27.
PINNOCK, Mrs. G., Kimberley, June 27.
STOKES, Mrs. T., Port Elizabeth, June 28.
TANNER, Mrs. A. E., King Williamstown, June 25.
BLAINE, Mrs. G., East London, June 23.
EDGERTON, Mrs. F., Grahamstown, June 24.
MCDONALD, Mrs. A. A., East London, June 24.
ANGELL, W. C.—MCINTOSH, H., Johannesburg, June 22.
DODD, H. J.—VAUGHAN, A. M., King Williamstown, June 27.
EDWARDS, Rev. A. J.—MOON, A. D., Graaff-Reinet, June 25.
LETCHER, Rev. M. J.-- START, E., Mount Arthur, June 21.
WYNNE, J.—HARRIS, G., East London, June 27.
BLACKWELL, Mrs. J., Grahamstown, June 28, aged 63.
KNOTT, G. W., Newlands, June 27, aged 31.
ROOS, T. J., Cape Town, June 26, aged 78.
SCHULTZ, Mrs. J. W., Xalanga, June 24, aged 68.
SILVA, Mrs. J. V., Port Elizabeth, June 25, aged 37.
SOLOMON, Mrs. H., Oudtshoorn, June 23, aged 37.
WEBB, J., Grahamstown, June 25, aged 68.
REYNOLDS—On July 19, at Glenfalloch, Gloucester, Florence Marion Reynolds, aged 22, daughter of Mrs. Reynolds and of the late James Reynolds.
WALLIS—On July 17, at Johannes burg, Arthur Herbert Wallis, eldest son of Arthur Wallis, of Coombehurst, Basingstoke, aged 37.
4 August 1894
AMM, Mrs. E. J., Johannesburg, June 29.
BROWN, Mrs. G., Port Elizabeth, June 29.
COOPER, Mrs. H., Belmont, June 25.
HADFIELD, Mrs. A. S., Oudtshoorn, June 30.
ROBERTS, Mrs. C. W., Port Elizabeth, July 1.
MALLABY—On the 1st inst., at Claremont, Cape Colony, the wife of William Calthorpe Mallaby.
BOWLES, Mrs. D. J., Grahamstown, July 3.
BROOKS, Mrs. H. M., Kimberley, July 3.
FISHER, Mrs. A., Kimberley, June 30.
HAMILTON, Mrs. J. G., Johannesburg, July 2.
LAZARUS, Mrs. W., Johannesburg, July 2.
RUBIDGE, Mrs. P. W., Zoet Vlei, Willowmore, June 19.
SOLOMON, Mrs. G. W., Johannesburg, July 4.
BERRY, S. j.—THOMAS, B., Grahamstown, July 3.
BORTHWICK, J. D.—WALTON, E. E., Grahamstown, July 3.
BOYES, G.—EBDEN, A. B., Grahamstown, July 4.
FILER, D. A.—KING, A. M., Oudtshoorn, July 3.
MACKAY, P. H.—BOUSTRED, A., Johannesburg, July 3.
REID, G. A.—HETT, E., Cape Town, July 5.
RORKE, T. F.—FULLERTON, M., Cape Town, July 6.
WHITEHEAD, A. R.—REYNOLDS, A., Kimberley, June 30.
WILLIAMS, H.—KENETT, F., Kimberley, July 1.
FELLOWS, Mrs. C., Rondebosch, July 2, aged 27.
KYTE, R., Grahamstown, June 20, aged 46.
RYAN, Mrs. M., Somerset West, July 3, aged 29.
WYNNE, T., Port Elizabeth, June 30, aged 34.
11 August 1894
ESLURENT, Mrs. E. W., Kimberley, July 8.
GARRARD, Mrs. H. H., Heidelberg, July 9.
GIDDY, Mrs. L. L., Grahamstown, July 6,
GRAY, Mrs. F. T., King Williamstown, July 6.
MURDOCH, Mrs. J. A., East London, July 6.
MCCALLUM, Mrs. A., Kimberley, July 6.
NUTTALL, Mrs. J. H., Graaff-Reinet, July 7.
TODD, Mrs. H., East London, July 9.
THERON, Mrs. E. W., Johannesburg, July 8.
WALTER, Mrs. F. C., Port Elizabeth, July 7.
EVANS, Mrs. E. G., Brak River, July 9.
GUIRISBERG, Mrs. T. H., Johannesburg, July 7.
HARRIS, Mrs. W. T., Port Elizabeth, July 14.
LOMAS, Mrs. W. H., Johannesburg, July 10.
WOLK, Mrs. L., Johannesburg, July 11.
HELY-HUTCHINSON—On the 5th inst., at Pietermaritzburg, the wife of the Honourable Sir Walter Francis Hely-Hutchinson, K.C.M.G., Governor of Natal.
HYDE, C. T.—MORKEL, H. M. I., Johannesburg, July 11.
MARSH, W. G.—TIPPER, J., Somerset East, July 9.
MONTGOMERY, J.—WILLATT, E., Johannesburg, July 9.
SHARP, H.—TOPPER, J. C. K., Kimberley, July 12.
SMYTHE, C. F. W.—SMALLMAN, N., Johannesburg, July 7.
WILLIAMS, E.—HOLMES, M. T., Johannesburg, July 11.
CORDEROY—DREW—On the 4th inst., by Rev. Arthur J. Robinson, Holy Trinity Church, St. Marylebone, John W. Corderoy, of Umtali, Manica, to Kate Lovell, second daughter of J. O. Meadows, Esq., Parkhurst Road, N.
WATSON—MILNE—At St. Ann’s Hill, Banff, N.B., on August 4, by the Rev. G. L. Duff, Rector of St. Congan’s, Turriff, John Watson, Secretary to the Associated Boating Companies, Limited, Port Elizabeth, to Annie Hilton, third daughter of Alexander Milne, J.P.
BECKMANN, Mrs. G., Cape Town, July 6, aged 28.
BENNETT, R. F., Port Elizabeth, July 13.
CARR, C. L., Worcester, July 11, aged 50.
CARTER, Mrs. E., Graaff-Reinet, July 11, aged 55.
DOWSETT, Mrs. E., Cape Town, July 9, aged 48.
FORSYTH, Mrs. A., Cape Town, July 14, aged 60.
IRVING, J., Kimberley, July 12, aged 48.
JONES, C. J., Grahamstown, July 11, aged 72.
RILEY, Mrs. R., Mossel Bay, July 6, aged 59.
HANSELL, On July 11, at Riversdale, Cape Colony, William Charles Hansell, M.R.C.S., &c., third son of the Rev. P. Hansell, Kingsdon, Taunton, in his 44th year.
HUSBAND—On July 4, at Beaconsfield, South Africa, of acute pneumonia, William Palmer Husband, solicitor, eldest son of the late William Dalla Husband, F.R.C.S., J.P., D.I., of Clifton, Bristol, and formerly of York.
SAMPSON—On July 28, drowned, while on his way home (invalided) from Zanzibar, Commander Lewis Dod Sampson, R.N., of H.M.S. Swallow, and of The Parsonage, Henfield, Sussex, dearly loved and deeply mourned. Specially commended in three Witu despatches. (By cable.)
18 August 1894
AMM, Mrs. H. H., Johannesburg, July 20.
CODD, Mrs. J., East London, July 15.
JONES, Mrs. S. T., Grahamstown, July 19.
LENTHALL, Mrs. T. F., Woodstock, July 15.
MAUNSELL, Mrs. H. B., Mount Frere, July 12.
PARKIN, Mrs. G. S., Willowby, July 12.
SCOTT, Mrs. R., Kokstad. July 23.
BOYD, Mrs. B., Cape Town, July 18.
FINDLAY, Mrs. G. M., Mervyn, July 18.
PERDRIX, Mrs. E. C., Johannesburg, July 17.
WELCH, Mrs. E. W., Queenstown, July 15.
MARSHALL—On August 12, at Clareholme, Halstead, Essex, the wife of T. Marshall.
BAYNE, T. J.—DRYSDALE, M. E., Kimberley, July 19.
CLARK, J.—BURNETT, M. E., Johannesburg, July 20.
DUGMORE, Rev. I.—VAN HEERDEN, M. C., Newlands, July 11.
EMMETT, G. R.—VAN VOLLENHOVEN, E. W., Cape Town, July 16.
HARRIS, H. J.—WESSELS, P., Lady Grey, July 10.
MEIKLE, Rev. T.—MCFARLANE, Cape Town, July 17.
PEARCE, E. E.—HARRIS, A., Lady Grey, July 16.
REYNHARDT, A. C.—ROOS, S. J., Beaconsfield, July 18.
KING—RUSSELL—On the 16th inst., at Durban, Richard Philip Henry, eldest son of the late Richard Philip King, of Isipingo, to Florence Spicer Russell, only daughter of the late Joseph Edward Parsons Russell, of Bayswater, and niece of J. H. Russell, Durban.
LYON—HAVELOCK—On July 17, at St. Paul’s Church, Kandy, Ceylon, by the Bishop of Colombo, assisted by the Rev. L. E. Cox, Charles Lyon, Lieutenant R.A., A.-D.-C. to the Governor of Ceylon, eldest son of the late Colonel Lyon, R.A., to Rachael Mary Fearne, only child of Sir Arthur Havelock, K.C.M.G., Governor of Ceylon.
WHITTAKER—DALE—On the 14th inst., at St. Martin’s-on-the-Hill, Scarborough, by the Rev. E. F. Williams, Rector of Holme Hale, Norfolk, assisted by the Rev. C. C. Mackarness, M.A., Vicar of St. Martin’s-on-the-Hill, T. Sherren Whittaker, B.A., of Fernley, Beckenham, Kent, Barrister-at-law, only son of the late T. E. Whittaker, Esq., to Gertrude Dale, adopted daughter of John Dale, Esq., J.P., of Netherbank, Scarborough.
BARRABLE, Mrs. A. J., Pretoria, July 18.
CLARK, Mrs. E., Grahamstown, July 18, aged 82.
FARRELL, G. R., Johannesburg, July 18, aged 22.
HAWKINS, J., East London, July 15, aged 71.
HUGO, P. J., Victoria West, July 13, aged 29.
MARSH, Mrs. G., Grahamstown, July 19, aged 86.
WICKES—On the 12th inst., at 85, High Street, Croydon, Ada Ellen, the beloved wife of Robert Ernest Wickes, aged 24.
BAIN—On July 17, at Kimberley, Andrew Hudson Bain, late of Bain’s Vley, Orange Free State, eldest son of the late James Bain, of Belmont and Cape Sale, Island of Grenada, West Indies, aged 76.
Captain James FORDYCE sailed for Cape Town on the Junkwell schooner about 1865. His son James Fordyce inquires.
William Wright WHITAKER last wrote home, on May 29, 1889, from Lorenzo Marques, Delagoa Bay, when going to Tembe wharf to look after stores and canteen for the winter. He then thought of taking a farm on the Lebomba mountains for the summer. His mother longs for news.
Herbert SMITH went to Africa about 1888, and last wrote home in 1893, giving his address as:--Storekeeper, c/o Messrs. Volker Bros., Black Umfaloosi River, District Vreiheid, Transvaal. His mother is anxious for news.
William RUSSELL lived near Black Horse Bridge, Deptford, in 1853, but when last seen, some 30 years ago, was going to Cape Town or Algoa Bay. His mother and sister ask for news.
Thomas BROWNE, schoolmaster, left England in September, 1881, and was last heard of in Kimberley, where he was teacher of St. Cyprian’s Boys’ School, in 1885. His wife seeks tidings. Please address communications to M.S., c/o South Africa newspaper, 23, Austin Friars, London, E.C.
James MAY, native of Southampton, was last heard of at Kimberley. His mother, Mrs. May, is anxious to hear from him.
William MOORE, who left England, April 18, 1860, for Cape of Good Hope, was last heard of 27 years ago, when he was at King and Philips’ copper mines, Damaecal, going by the name of William Charles Montague Rowsby. His brother, Isaac Moore, inquires.
James GOULDIE, miner, who left England nearly six years ago, was last heard of about 18 months ago at Vryheid. His wife, Elizabeth Gouldie, asks for news.
Henry HOLMAN was working at the gold and diamond fields in Matabeleland when he last wrote in August, 1889. His sister Agnes has had her letters returned.
25 August 1894
BALDWIN, Mrs. T. H., Johannesburg, July 20.
DOHSE, Mrs. C., Beaconsfield, July 25.
MILLARD, Mrs. G. F., East London, July 26.
MCMILLAN—On July 18, at Durban, the wife of W. Henry McMillan.
COX, Mrs. H. F., Fordsburg, July 22.
GROBBELAAR, Mrs. A. L., Adelaide, July 23.
HARRISON, Mrs. J. S., Johannesburg, July 23.
JEFFERY, Mrs. G., Johannesburg, July 23.
MORGAN, Mrs. T. S., Kimberley, July 24.
PAPENDORF, Mrs. W. F., Port Elizabeth, July 23.
STEWART, Mrs. M. G., Vrede, O.F.S., July 20.
WYATT, Mrs. F. W., Maseru, July 22.
BODINGTON—On August 14, at the residence of her sister-in-law, Glenlee, Colinton Road, Edinburgh, the wife of Rev. Eric J. Bodington, Vicar of Osmington, Dorset, of a daughter.
BELAND, J.—THORN, A. E., Johannesburg, July 24.
COLLETT, H. G.—RAYNER, K. M., Maritzburg, July 24.
GOOD, W.—MYHILL, A. M., Maritzburg, July 25.
HOWARTH, A. S.—GROOME, E. A., Port Elizabeth, July 26.
JEFFERY, A.—BENTLEY, M. A., Cape Town, July 25.
MILNE, D.—KELLY, L., Johannesburg, July 20.
STIJER, H. M.—BRAND, H. M., Cape Town, July 24.
WELCHMAN—STOOKE—On August 23, at St. Peter’s, Brockley, S.E., by the Rev. C. H. Grundy, M.A., Vicar, John Herbert, eldest son of John Todd Welchman, of Brockley, to Annie Mary, only daughter of Mrs. Stooke and the late Charles Preece Stooke, of Brockley.
SAMPSON—SILBERBAUER—On August 21, at St. Peter’s Church, Belsize Park, Hampstead, by the Rev. M. E. Hoets, Christ Church, Bath, assisted by the Rev. H. Martyn Sanders, St. Luke’s, Liverpool, Coldstream Ernest Sampson, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, to Sara Adamina, younger daughter of J. C. Silberbauer, Bloemendal House, Mowbray, Cape of Good Hope.
ALLPORT—BILLINGHURST—On the 18th inst., at St. George’s Church, Bloomsbury, London, by the Rev. A. B. Boyd-Carpenter, the Rector, Charles James Allport, son of the late Sir James Joseph Allport, of the Midland Railway, to Cecilia Mary Louisa, widow of the late Santiago Francis Billinghurst, Civil Engineer and Captain in the Lonsdale Horse, South Africa, and daughter of the late Henry North, of London and Rio de Janeiro.
BENSIMON, Mrs. M., Cape Town, July 28.
FAURE, Mrs. D. S. de V., Cape Town, July 28, aged 83.
HAY, S. B., Cape Town, July 27.
KAUFMANN, D. W. H., Cape Town, July 23.
LIEBENBERG, L. C. J., Piquetberg, July 25, aged 49.
MADER, Mrs. H., Grahamstown, July 24, aged 97.
PARKER, Mrs. S., Maraisburg, July 19.
SAMPSON, Mrs. A. M., Grahamstown, July 20, aged 30.
LEVY—At Johannesburg, of bronchitis, Lewis Levy, of Pinner and the London Stock Exchange, aged 59.
DOUGLAS—On the 17th inst., James Douglas, Canon of Bloemfontein, Father Superior of St. Augustine’s, Modderpoort, aged 51.
COXHEAD—On July 14, at Maritzburg, Mary Helen, the beloved second daughter of Henry George Coxhead, late of Hardwicke House, Ham Common, Surrey, and Old Jewry Chambers.
1 September 1894
BOSMAN, Mrs. P. J., Cape Town, August 3.
DAWES, Mrs. D. H., Johannesburg, July 30.
GENTH, Mrs. G., Johannesburg, July 27.
LILFORD, Mrs. M. n., Lady Grey, June 25.
LIPP, Mrs. A., Green Point, August 1.
MORIN, Mrs. J., Port Elizabeth, July 30.
MALLABY, Mrs. W. C., Claremont, August 1.
AMOS, Mrs. D., East London, July 30.
FORBES, Mrs. J. M., Cape Town, August 2.
JOHNSTON, Mrs. J., King Williamstown, July 31.
MCDONALD, Mrs. N., Middelberg, July 30.
MILES, Mrs. D. W., King Williamstown, July 27.
VAN NIEKERK Mrs. D., Graaff Reinet, July 30.
BEYERS, F. W.—WALTON, M. E., Johannesburg, July 30.
EVELYN, C. G.—DAVIS, M. W. B., Port Elizabeth, July 30.
BROOK, H. l.—ALEXANDER, A. H., Johannesburg, July 31.
GRITTON, J.—RYAN, J., Johannesburg, July 28.
HILL, W. G.—THORN, E. W., Grahamstown, August 1.
KELLY, C.—GREATHEAD, B. E., Johannesburg, July 28.
MCCORMACK, W. J.—ELLIS, L., King Williamstown, July 30.
SMITH, W. W.—BOTHA, C. J., Johannesburg, July 31.
DICEY—WALKER—August 23, at the Parish Church, Shenfield, Essex, by the Rev. William Quennell, Rector, Leicester Maguire Dicey, of Hex River, second surviving son of the late Captain William Dicey, H.E.I.C.S., to Ethel Mary, third daughter of William Henry Walker, Shenfield Hall.
ROBERTSON—RANDLES—On August 29, at Brixton, John Robertson, M.A., M.D., eldest son of William Borwick Robertson, M.D., of West Dulwich, to Annie, eldest daughter of the late Edward Randles, Esq., of Durban, Natal. Natal papers please copy.
BARRABLE, Mrs. A. J., Pretoria, July 18.
DUNCAN, J. R., Umtali, July 27, aged 27.
FFRENCH, J., Johannesburg, July 30.
FITZGERALD, A. C., Cape Town, August 4, aged 44.
FULLARD, W., sen., Barrydale, July 25, aged 74.
GOLDSWAIN, H. H., Bulawayo, July 27.
HURRY, Mrs. A. B., Port Elizabeth, July 30, aged 27.
LEA, W. D., Johannesburg, July 29, aged 22.
MULLIGAN, Mrs. M., Grahamstown, July 26, aged 67.
8 September 1894
AARON, Mrs. B., Johannesburg, August 7.
DINGLE, Mrs. W. H., Alice, August 3.
DYKE, Mrs. R. H., Basutoland, July 27.
LEGGE, Mrs. W. H., East London, August 7.
BURNS, Mrs. W., Bloemfontein, August 4.
CARLSSON, Mrs. C. R., Crocodile River, S.A.R., July 31.
FOTHERINGHAM, Mrs. A. A., Georgetown, Aug. 5.
GOLDBERG, Mrs. A., Johannesburg, August 7.
MICHALSKI, Mrs., Rouxville, O.F.S., August 5.
ROBERTSON, Mrs. M. W., Dordrecht, August 3.
ARDERNE, D. A.—BATEMAN, G. H., Cape Town, August 9.
CROOK, G. E. W.—WARD, M., Queenstown, August 1.
GODWIN, A.—REED, E. S., Grahamstown, August 6.
NEWEY, G.—MCCUNE, E., Grahamstown, Aug. 8.
OLIVER, C. R. S.—LAMPRECHT, M., Johannesburg, August 7.
WEB-STOCK, H. O.—FENSHAM, M., Johannesburg, August 4.
AMM, Mrs. E. F., Johannesburg, Aug. 3, aged 52.
CROSSLEY, A. P., Gruysfontein, O.F.S., July 30, aged 37.
DYKE, Mrs. R. H., Morija, August 2, aged 38.
HALL, Dr. B. W., Driefontein, August 4, aged 61.
MALLETT, C., Queenstown, August 5, aged 77.
RADEMEYER, Mrs. C. S., Brandfort, July 31, aged 52
15 September 1894
BLACKBEARD, Mrs. C. A., Beaconsfield, August 15.
CHIPKIN, Mrs. M., Johannesburg, August 12.
DUNNETT, Mrs. A. W., Kimberley, August 10.
HOLLINGWORTH, Mrs. R. H., Kimberley, August 13.
LEVY, Mrs. G. E. A., Johannesburg, August 14.
MEADE, Mrs. T. R., Fort Beaufort, August 10.
MORIARTY, Mrs. D., King Williamstown, August 14.
PLEWMAN, Mrs. R. P., Johannesburg, August 12.
ROBERTSON, Mrs. J. D., King Williamstown, August 15.
FERRIS, Mrs. A. C., Komgha, August 14.
GOCH, Mrs. J., Johannesburg, August 10.
GORDON, Mrs. A. B., King Williamstown, August 16.
JENKINS, Mrs. W. O., Graaff Reinet, August 13.
REIN, Mrs., Imvani, August 18.
SELIGMANN, Mrs. S., Barkly East, August 15.
TIFFIN, Mrs. C. H., Queenstown, August 18.
EATON, G.—HARTWELL, J., Grahamstown, August 14.
GREEN, Dr. P. A.—HOWELL, M., King Williamstown, August 11.
O’CONNELL, J. H.—HUTCHONS, B., Aliwal North, August 8.
ROGERS, Dr. W.—FFRENCH, M. V., Cape Town, August 14.
SWART, D. H.—HALL, E. F., Mossel Bay, August 15.
WILSON, F. K.—MUGGLETON, A. M., Ugie, East Griqualand, July 31.
WOOD, A. J.—WATTON, J. W., Knysna, August 14.
ANNESLEY—WILSON—On the 8th inst., at St. Mary Abbotts Church, Kensington, by the Rev. H. Frazer, D.D., assisted by the Rev. J. F. Frazer, M.A., William Gore, eldest son of W. C. B. Annesley, Esq., to Eleanor Mary St. John, elder daughter of Captain H. K. Wilson, H.M. Inspector of Prisons, and formerly of the 85th King’s Light Infantry.
ESTCOURT—HOWITT—On the 12th inst., at St. Paul’s, Kingston Hill, Sidney Estcourt, of Middleburg, to Beatrice Kate Howitt, of Queen’s Road, Kingston Hill.
BROWN, Mrs. E., Port Elizabeth, August 14, aged 53.
BRUCE, W., Cape Town, August 18, aged 80.
BUSSCHAN, Mrs. J. J., Beaconsfield, August 10.
CAITHNESS, Mrs. L., Uitenhage, August 10, aged 73.
GYSELMAN, Mrs. M. C., Kimberley, August 10.
HENDRIE, W., Kimberley, August 10, aged 50.
LEVY, L., Johannesburg, August 16, aged 59.
ROSE, A., Prince Albert, August 15, aged 44.
WALLACE, Mrs. S., Collingham, August 15, aged 94.
WALLS, Mrs. J. L., Port Elizabeth, August 16, aged 32.
SMITH—On August 17, at Ugie Camp, East Griqualand, of congestion of the lungs, Cecil Graham Smith, Cape Mounted Rifles, aged 23, youngest son of the late Deputy-Surgeon-General C. E. Smith, Medical Staff, and of Mrs. Smith, 4, Argyle Road, Ealing.
STANLEY—On August 15, in Middleburg, killed by a fall from a horse, Deane Stanley, son of the late John Stanley, of Ashton-under-Lyne.
Miscellaneous articles on the same page:
There have been few prettier wedding ceremonies in the Pretoria Cathedral than that on the occasion of the marriage of Mr. Fred MURRAY, of Volksrust, a brother of the Natal Minister of Land and Works, with Miss Essie MACARTHUR. The latter’s circle of friends in Pretoria is a very wide one. “H. B. Pretor” tied the nuptial knot, being assisted thereunto by the Revs. Llewellyn and Dunbar, Mr. Allen presiding at the organ. The bride, who was given away by Mr. Percy Field, looked lovely in a cream broche satin. The petticoat was covered with tulle embossed with orange blossoms, and flounce of Swiss lace. The train was also trimmed with tulle and lilies of the valley. She wore a diamond locket, and carried a magnificent bouquet, both the gift of the bridegroom. The best man was Mr. Advocate Krause. The bridesmaids were Miss Birdie Schweizer (niece of the bride), Miss Meintjes, and Miss Emma Krogh, who were attired in cream bengaline, flowers and fichu of Swiss lace, coloured sashes and black lace, picture hats, with coloured flowers. They wore gold curb bracelets, and carried beautiful bouquets of heath and Cape wild flowers, both the gift of the bridegroom. The flower-girls were Miss Lassie Field and Miss Lily Knobel, who were dressed in white silk Empire gowns, lace picture hats. They carried baskets of flowers, and wore gold bangles, also the gift of the bridegroom. The house party consisted of Mrs. Schweizer, Miss MacArthur, Messrs. Fred and Gill MacArthur, and the Hon. T. K. Murray, brother of the bridegroom. The bride’s travelling dress was blue serge, with pink waistcoat, and hat to match. At the reception after the ceremony a large number of friends assembled to wish the pair a happy future. The toast of the day was proposed by the Bishop in his happiest vein, the Hon. T. K. Murray doing similar duty for the hostess.
Amongst the numerous guests were Sir J. and Lady de Wet, Mrs. Paul Nel, Mr. and Mrs. Jeppe, Mr. and Mrs. Allen, Dr. and Mrs. Knobel, Mrs. Krause, Mrs. Little, Mr. and Mrs. Evans, the Bishop and Mrs. Bousfield, Canon Fisher, Mr. J. P. Hoffmann, Mr. and Mrs. Meadway, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Bourke. The numerous presents included a set of Royal Worcester china from Bishop and Mrs. Bousfield, a set of Honiton lace from Sir Jacobus and Lady de Wet, silver salver and quilt from the Hon. T. K. Murray, silver fruit dish from Mrs. Nelmapius, delf ware panel from Judge and Mrs. Ameshoff, case of spoons from Mr. Leo. Weinthal, and a large number of other handsome presents.
At the Lyceum at present under the direction of Messrs. Henry E. Abbey and Maurice Grau, “The Queen of Brilliants” introduces a succession of the most brilliant spectacles. I hope I shall not seem to poach on the preserves of “An Old Stager” if I mention that it is reported that £5000 alone was spent on the beautiful dresses. One has scarcely time to notice the various enchanting costumes separately, there are such an amazing number of them. That two South African favourites, in the persons of Mr. Avon-Saxon and Miss Zoe Gilfillan take part in the opera, causes the performance to become doubly attractive to South Africans, many of whom, now visiting England, have had an opportunity of hearing these artists in Kimberley, Pretoria, Johannesburg, &c. Mr. Avon-Saxon’s fine song in the second act was received with genuine enthusiasm.
22 September 1894
ANDERSON, Mrs. J. M., Kimberley, August 17.
BOSSENGER, Mrs. C. J., Cape Town, August 22.
EVATT, Mrs. M. A., King Williamstown, August 17.
HARRIS, Mrs. R. O., Grahamstown, August 22.
SAUNDERS, Mrs. F. A., Grahamstown, August 22.
STAP, Mrs. C. J., King Williamstown, August 22.
WEATHERBY, Mrs. A. W., Kimberley, August 18.
DUIES, Mrs. M., Kimberley, August 17 (twins).
GAIRISFORD, Mrs. E. W., Port Elizabeth, Aug. 20.
ISAACS, Mrs. H., Johannesburg, August 21.
MERCER—On August 28, at Woodstock, the wife of the Rev. W. M. Mercer.
WHITE—COOPER—On the 16th inst., at 49, Cornwall Gardens, S.W., the wife of William White-Cooper, M.A., of Grahamstown.
CAWSE, C. H.—LAMOUREAX, E. J., Johannesburg, August 22.
EATON, E. N.—HARTWELL, J., Grahamstown, August 14.
PAYN, E. M.—LABEZ, F. M., Claremont, Aug. 22.
WEBB, J. J.—SUTTON, A. C., King Williamstown, August 15.
AUDEN—HUTTON—On August 22, at St. Paul’s Church, Rondebosch, by the father of the bridegroom, assisted by Rev. Canon Ogilvie, Rector of St. Paul’s, Francis Thomas Auden, M.B., of Rustenburg, third son of Rev. Thomas Auden, M.A., F.S.A., Vicar of Condover, Salop, to Henrietta, third daughter of Hon. C. W. Hutton, M.L.A., of Sandown Lodge, Rondebosch, and granddaughter of the late Sir Andries Stockenstrom, Lieutenant-Governor of Cape Colony.
BOSMAN, Mrs. C. M., Boshof, August 20, aged 73.
DE SMIDT, Dr. J., Simonstown, August 22.
LUNDGREN, J., Johannesburg, August 20, aged 62.
MARCUS—On the 16th inst., at 9, Lancaster Road, Belsize Park, John Marcus, aged 64.
TARRANT, J., Kimberley, August 18, aged 25.
THOMPSON, Mrs. W. R., Beaufort West, August 27, aged 66.
AHLFELDT—At Ryde Villa, Cuyler Crescent, Port Elizabeth, on the 20th ult., Lilian, the beloved wife of Charles Eugene Ahlfeldt, aged 37 years. Deeply regretted by a large circle of friends.
FRANKLIN—On August 15, suddenly, at Cape Town, James Franklin, late Captain 77th Regiment and 6th Royals, aged 52.
29 September 1894
COMPTON—On August 24, at Gladstone, Kimberley, the wife of G. W. Compton.
ERXLEBEN, Mrs. J. A., Cape Town, August 24.
JOHNS, Mrs. J. H., Johannesburg, August 28.
JOHNSTONE, Mrs. W., Johannesburg, August 24.
SMUTS, Mrs. O., Johannesburg, August 28.
VAN DER BERG, Mrs. J., Pretoria, August 27.
BOURDILLON—On September 26, at Lansdowne, Bath, the wife of E. Bourdillon, of Bloemfontein, South Africa.
ASHINGTON, Mrs. S. M., Grahamstown, August 29.
COPELAND, Mrs. H. A., Grahamstown, August 26.
CRALLAN, Mrs. E. C. H., Johannesburg, August 30.
DAVIDSON, Mrs. D., Johannesburg, August 30.
KLEIN, Mrs. J. F., Kingwilliamstown, August 27.
MACKAY, Mrs. W. H., Pretoria, August 25.
ROGERS, Mrs. T., Queenstown, August 23.
ELLIOTT, H. McK—KIRKWOOD, K. J. S., Port Elizabeth, August 24.
FINCHAM, R.—QUIRK, M.—Lady Grey, August 15.
RAMPF, H. A.—STEGMANN, A. E.—Willowmore, August 15.
WATKINS—HOSKINS—On August 30, at St. Mary’s, Johannesburg, Wilfred John Aris Watkins, A.M.I.C.E., son of Edwin T. Watkins, of 8, Cambridge Gardens, Notting Hill, to Blanche, second daughter of George Gordon Hoskins, of Elmgrove Lodge, Darlington.
WEIS—GERDS—On the 18th inst., at the American Church, Dresden, Walter, son of General-Consul Weis, of Peru at Dresden, to Christiana I. (Annie), daughter of the late Frederick Gerds, of Uitenhage, and the late Mrs. Gerds, of Harrow Lodge, Southampton.
BREDA, Miss M. S. J., Cape Town, August 27.
GLYNN, H., Lydenburg, August 5, aged 63.
MALHERBE, P. J., Wellington, August 27, aged 84.
NEWSOME, A., Port Elizabeth, August 26, aged 48.
PEITMAN, Mrs. E., Johannesburg, August 29, aged 44.
SPURRIER, H., Johannesburg, August 25.
WATTS, Miss A., Port Elizabeth, August 24.
YOUNG, J., Woodstock, August 28.
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