South Africa 1892 1 January - March
27 February 1892
DERSLEY-On February 1, at Grahamstown, the wife of Mr. R. D. Dersley, of a daughter.
FLETCHER-On January 10, at Kentbury, the wife of Mr. E. C. Fletcher, of a son.
INNES-At Rondebosch, the wife of Mr. R. W. Rose Innes, of a daughter.
JENNINGS-On January 30, at Edgehill Cottage, Beaufort Street, Grahamstown, the wife of Mr. H. J. Jennings, of a daughter.
JONES-On January 24, at Johannesburg, the wife of Mr. Richard Fryer Jones, of Hatherley Court, Gloucester, of a son.
MELVILL-On January 31, at Graaff-Reinet, the wife of Mr. F. E. Melvill, of a son.
MORGAN-On January 29, at Rondebosch, near Cape Town, the wife of Major F. C. Morgan, Royal Artillery, of a son.
OCHS-On February 25, at 28, Hyde Park Street, W., the wife of Albert L. Ochs, of a son.
PATTERSON-On January 21, at King Williamstown, the wife of Mr. J. B. Patterson, Isidenge, of a son.
PERKS-On January 20, at the Bungelow, King Williamstown, the wife of Mr. H. G. Perks, of a daughter.
WALKER-On January 20, at Somerset Street, Grahamstown, the wife of Mr. William Walker, of a son.
CAVE-MCCLELLAN-On February 10, at the British Consulate, and afterwards at the Cathedral, Zanzibar, Basil S. Cave, Esq., of Queensberry House, Richmond, Surrey, and 4, Eaton Terrace, Brighton, to Mary Creighton McClellan, younger daughter of the Rev. John B. McClellan, M. A., Principal of the Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester, and late Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge.
CHARLESWORTH-BENTALL-On February 24, at St. Mary's Church, Gestingthorpe, Essex, by the Rev. C. T. Bromwich, vicar, Alexander Lee Innes Charlesworth, of Zanzibar, fifth son of Thos. D. Charlesworth, of Highbury Park and Fenchurch Street, to Susannah Gertrude, youngest daughter of H. Henry Bentall, of Halstead.
HOLMES-BAKER-On January 26, at Port Elizabeth, at the Congregational Church, by the Rev. J. T. Lloyd, assisted by the Rev. W. B. Rayner, Isaac Holmes, eldest son of Smith Holmes, to Amy L. Baker, third daughter of the late George R. Baker.
MILES-VENN-On January 21, at St. Peter's Church, East London West, Benjamin Miles to Annie E. B. Venn.
RYAN-HULBERT-On January 11, at Charlestown, by the Rev. C. Hepburn, of Newcastle, Annie Sutton, second daughter of P. J. Hulbert, of King Williamstown, to Henry, third son of E. Ryan, of East London.
TROLLIP-BOARD-On January 27, at St. Peter's Church, Port Elizabeth, by the Rev. G. Smith, Roland Trollip to Emily Board.
ALBRECHT-On January 24, at the Izeli, Ferdenand Wilhelm Ludwig Albrecht, aged 63 years.
BRYANT-On January 26, at Cape Town, after a short illness, Alfred Bryant, aged 53.
COUPER-On January 25, at Ridge Road, Berea, Durban, Marie Louise, beloved wife of J. L. Couper, aged 36 years.
DAFFY-On January 27, at her residence, Grahamstown, Catherine, relict of James Daffy, aged 53 years.
DUFFIELD-On January 21, at Kimberley, Mary Ann Duffield (born McName), wife of James Duffield.
GOODHEAD-On January 22, at King Williamstown, Sarah Goodhead, late of Birmingham, Warwick, aged 68 years.
GREENSTREET-On January 21, at the Barberton Hospital, Henry William Greenstreet, son of H. J. Greenstreet, Esq., of Lynford, New Barnet, Herts, aged 45 years.
HEWITT-On January 27, at the Rank House, Worcester, Robert William Hewitt, Esq., J.P., aged 41 years.
IRVINE-On February 20, at the Cedars, Castle Road, Bedford, John Dodds Pringle Irvine, of Magdalen College, Oxford, elder son of the late John James Irvine, of Waterford, Kubusi Station, Cape Colony, aged 20 years.
KROHN-On January 23, at Le Croix, Cambridge, East London, Peter H. Krohn, aged 73 years.
RICKETTS-On January 21, at East London, Rose Ada, eldest daughter of Captain A. H. Ricketts, of the Forest Department, aged 33 years.
RIES-On January 21, at East London, Nicholas Ries, aged 59 years.
5 March 1892
COWLEY-On January 18, at Rose Cottage, Moodie's, De Kaap, the wife of Robert Cowley, of a daughter.
EVANS-On January 27, at Barberton, the wife of J. H. Evans, of a daughter.
GORDON-On February 1, at Quigney, East London, Mrs. Wm. H. Gordon, of a daughter.
GOULD-On January 21, at Salvation Valley, Barberton, the wife of Edward
Gould, of a daughter.
LOWINSKY-On February 2, at 32, Charles Street, Berkeley Square, the wife of
T. H. Lowinsky, of a son.
MAASDORP-On February 1, at Langholme, West Hill, Grahamstown, the wife of A.
F. S. Maasdorp, Solicitor-General, of a son.
MCKENZIE-On January 31, at Durban, the wife of Dr. Archibald McKenzie, of a daughter.
MELVILL-On January 31, at Graaff-Reinet, the wife of Fred Z. Melvill, of a son.
MOORHEAD-On February 1, at Vryburg, the wife of Dr. G. O. Moorhead, of a son.
PREDDY-On January 29, at Cape Town, the wife of Mr. G. Preddy, of a son.
ROGERS-On February 3, at Cape Town, the wife of Mr. M. Rogers, of a son.
WATTS-On January 29, at Wynberg, the wife of Mr. G. Watts, of a daughter.
WICKHAM-On February 25, at Cape Town, the wife of J. H. Deacon Wickham, of a son.
BARRABALL-MILLER-On January 30, at Cape Town, Mr. T. Barraball to Miss E. A. Miller.
GRIFFITHS-MUIRE-On February 6, by special licence, at the Cathedral Church of S. S. George and Michael, by the Rev. J. H. Carter, Harry Ernest, eldest son of Richard Griffiths, to Violet, second daughter of J. A. Muire, of Grahamstown.
LENOX-CONYNGHAM-DOWSETT-On February 2, at St. Mary's Collegiate Church, Port Elizabeth, by the Rev. Dr. Wirgman, assisted by the Rev. Samuel Brook, Arthur Beresford Lenox-Conynham, fourth son of Sir William Lenox-Conyngham, K.C.B., of Springhill, County Londonderry, Ireland, to Emmeline Constance, eldest daughter of Mr. H. Dowsett, of Port Elizabeth.
LEWIS-GUTHRIE-On January 27, at All Saints' Church, Barberton, by the Rev. F. H. Fisher, Alfred Lewis to Mary Ann Guthrie, second daughter of the late John Guthrie, of Durban, Natal.
RYAN-VOGES-On February 2, at Somerset West, Mr. M. J. Ryan to Miss E. M. Voges.
SCHEEPERS-ROOS-On February 3, at Cape Town, Mr. J. J. Scheepers to Miss M. Roos.
SHARPE-MITCHELL-On January 27, at Cape Town, Mr. G. H. Sharpe to Miss B. Mitchell.
WHYTE-BROWNRIGG-On January 14, at Umzimkulu, East Griqualand, Guy William James Whyte to Emily Georgina Brownrigg.
BENSON-On January 26, at Barberton, Cuthbert Alan, infant son of the Rev. J. G. Benson, aged 11 months.
BROWN-On January 30, at Somerset East, Mary Brown (Taylor), aged 22 years.
BUDLER-On January 31, at Cradock, Dr. Charles F. Budler, aged 38 years.
CAFFYN-On January 30, at Wynberg, Mrs. M. E. Caffyn, aged 78 years.
CORBITT-On January 31, at Green Point, Mr. C. E. L. Corbitt.
DAVIES-On January 25, at Cradock, in the 68th year of his age, Hugh Davies, born at Bangor, North Wales.
DORMER-On February 12, 1882 (drowned in the Yellowwoods River), John Dormer, aged 46 years.
LOGAN-On January 24, at the Phoenix Hotel, Barberton, aged 30 years, Arthur Logan, transport rider, of Natal, deeply regretted. Durban papers please copy.
COODE-On January 2, at 83, Marine Parade, Brighton, Sir John Coode, K.C.M.G., Past President of the Institution of Civil Engineers, in his 76th year.
SPILSBURY-On January 2 last, at Ladysmith, from the result of an accident, Samuel Spilsbury, son of the late Samuel Spilsbury, of Brunswick Lodge, Reading.
VON LAER-On March 3, at 19, Haverstock Hill, Hampstead, London, the son of F. T. von Laer, aged one month.
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