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South Africa - a weekly journal

South Africa 1891 3 July - September


4 July 1891


BECKER—On May 30 at “The Duveneck,” Grahamstown, the wife of Dr. H. Becker, of a daughter.
BOSSCHER—On June 1, at Pretoria, the wife of Mr. J. D. Bosscher, of a son.
COFFIN—On May 23, at Grahamstown, the wife of Mr. R. Coffin, of a daughter.
CLARKE—On May 25, at the Residency, Richmond, the wife of Sub-Inspector Clarke, N.M.P., of a daughter.
DESSINGTON—On May 26, at Durban, the wife of Mr. H. A. Dessington, of a daughter.
METHUEN—On June 26, the wife of Major-General Hon. Paul Methuen, of a son.
PIERS—On May 23, at the Residency, Peddie, the wife of Mr. W. R. Piers, C.C. and R.M., of a daughter.
SELLER—On June 4, at Craiggie Burn, Grahamstown, the wife of Mr. Rudolph R. Seller, of a son.


ADAMS—PARKINSON—On June 25, at Holy Trinity, Clapham Common, by the Rev. E. H. Bell, of Wimbledon, John Jordan, only son of the late John Adams, of Natal, to Ada Emily, grand-daughter of John Parkinson, of Clapham.
GREEN—LAURENCE—On June 30, at St. George’s, Hanover Square, by the Rev. Edwin  Green, brother of the bridegroom, Robert Cottle Green, of Pretoria, Transvaal, South Africa, fourth son of the late Daniel Green, of Finsbury Circus, to Antonia Edith Corelli, eldest daughter of Frederick Tanner Laurence, of Brook House, Clapham Common, Surrey. No cards.
HOLLAND—GIRDLESTONE—On June 1, at St. Mary’s Collegiate Church, Port Elizabeth, by the Rev. C. E. Mayo, assisted by the Rev. Doctor Wirgman, William A. H. Holland to Grace Geraldine, third daughter of Mr. Nelson Girdlestone.
PENDLEBURY—RAMSDEN—On June 4, at Commemoration Church, Grahamstown, by Rev. T. Chubb, B.A., assisted by the Revs. H. Cotton and N. Abraham, the Rev. James Pendlebury, of Grahamstown, to Martha Alice Ramsden, the eldest daughter of Robert Ramsden, Esq., of Farnworth, England.
REX—VILLIERS—On May 26, at Standerton, by the Rev. H. E. du Plessis, George, eldest son of the late Mr. John Rex, of Knysna, Cape Colony, to Annie third daughter of the late P. de Villiers, Esq., of Partridge Valley, Stellenbosch.
TULLY—BELL—On June 1, at St. Mary’s Church, Port Elizabeth, South Africa, by the Rev. Dr. Wirgman, John Collingwood Tully, Asso.R.I.B.A., Orange Free State, to Mary Elizabeth Bell, youngest daughter of Mr. Thomas Bell, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Northumberland, England.
WALL—CLARENCE—On May 28, at St. Andrew’s, Pinetown, by the Rev. Canon Booth, John Henry Ernest, only son of the late Rev. H. G. Wall, Conva, Trinidad, West Indies, to Emmiline Maud, eldest daughter of Ralph Clarence, S.N.L., Beaumont, Natal.


COURT—On May 28, at Hanover Road Station, Albert Vickery Court, youngest son of Mark and Elizabeth Court, aged 4 years.
CROWDER—On May 31, at Beverley, Durban, Emma, the beloved wife of Thomas Crowder, aged 64 years.
HAYWARD—On May 31, at Salem, Mabel Lilian Kate, daughter of James and Kate Harriet Hayward.
REDDIN—On May 30, at Spanish Reed Farm, Albany, Martha Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Charles and M. Reddin, aged 24 years.
RILEY—On May 8, in South Africa, of fever, Ernest Ed. Hugh, eldest son of the late Major J. E. Riley, aged twenty.
SINGLETON—On May 1, at Fort Victoria, Mashonaland, of fever, Samuel Singleton, son of James Richard Singleton, of Great Givendale, East Yorks, aged 33 years.
STRACHAN—On May 31, at Grahamstown, Dr. Turner, late Railway Medical Officer of Alicedale.
TYRER—On May 24, at the Marine Hotel, Durban, Evan Cuthbert Tyrer, late Manager of Cliffendale Mine, Johannesburg, aged 45 years.


CORYNDON—In ever loving memory of Emily Coryndon, who passed away at the Carnarvon Hospital, Kimberley, on July 5, 1889. Requiescat in pace.

11 July 1891


BRANN—On June 6, at Peddie, the wife of Mr. W. E. BRANN, of a son.
FORBES—On June 30, at Broughton Terrace, Banbury, the wife of Mr. F. W. Forbes, Barberton, Transvaal, South Africa, of a daughter.
FRANK—On June 8, at Cradock Place, District of Port Elizabeth, the wife of Mr. Harry Frank, of a daughter.
JONES—On June 7, at The Oaks, Grahamstown, the wife of Mr. Justice S. T. Jones, of a son.
KUNST—On June 4, at the Central Hotel, Port Elizabeth, the wife of Mr. E. Kunst, of a son.
STAPLES—On June 7, at Vryburg, the wife of Mr. Thomas P. Staples, Railway Contractor, of a son.
STEPHEN—On June 12, at Frances Villa, Havelock Street, Port Elizabeth, the wife of Mr. Thomas Stephen, of a son.
WALKER—On June 4, at Lydenburg, the wife of Mr. H. P. Walker, of a son.


BANKES-JONES—On June 7, at St. John the Baptist’s, Aberdare, by the Rev. R. B. Jenkins, assisted by the Rev. H. R. Johnson, Isaac Lemon Bankes, eldest son of Isaac Bankes, Port Elizabeth (late of Rockspring, Cork), to Florence Adelaide, youngest daughter of Evan Jones, Ty-Mawr, Aberdare.
DANCKWERTS-LEATHERLAND—On June 3, at Trinity Church, King William’s Town, by the Rev. John Gordon, Berthold Victor, second son of the late Dr. Danckwerts to Nora Wallis, youngest daughter of Captain Leatherland, C.M.R., King William’s Town.
HART-COHEN—On June 10, at Port Elizabeth, by the Rev. S. Rapaport, Lionel Hart, of Johannesburg, to Ada Dariel Cohen, of London.
PROCTER-ROBINSON—On June 8, at St. Cyprian’s, Durban, by the Rev. H. Johnson, Henry Charles Procter, Ladysmith, to Annie Maud Mary, only daughter of George Edgecombe Robinson, of Durban.
SPIERS-MARSH—On June 9, at All Saints’ Church, Somerset East, by the Rev. J. Cookson, Albert Spiers, youngest son of the late James Spiers, London, to Fanny Strickland Marsh, eldest daughter of G. J. Mars, of Somerset East.
STEAD-SPOONER—On June 11, at St. Cyprian’s, Kimberley, by the Rev. Archdeacon Gaul, Birkbeck Stead, of Halifax, Yorkshire, England, to Anna, youngest daughter of the late Frederick Spooner, of Cape Town.
THOMSON-OGILVIE—On June 11, at Christ Church, Oatlands, by the Rev. Canon Espin, assisted by the Rev. Canon Mullins, Adam Johnston, eldest son of the late Robert Grieve Thomson, of Templehall, Selkirkshire, Scotland, to Mary Violet, sixth daughter of the late Alfred Ogilvie, of Grahamstown.


CASTELLI—On June 12, at Kimberley Hospital, Stefano Castelli, late of the London Stock Exchange, and Leghorn, Italy, aged 43.
FORREST—On June 7, at her residence, Umbilo, Harriet Forrest, relict of the late John Forrest, in her 73rd year.
LUCAS—On June 4, at Berea, Durban, Caroline Theresa, the dearly loved wife of Edward Lucas, solicitor, aged 24 years.
SMITH—On June 10, at Grahamstown, William Collins Smith, aged 81 years and 5 months.
WILSON—On May 29, at Wilson’s Party, Division of Bathurst, John Wilson, sen., aged 69 years.


This list is specially compiled for South Africa Messrs. Rayner and Cassell, 87, Chancery Lane, E.C.

10582—Improvements in sheet vessels, and tools for making the same. Thomas Fletcher Braime. Northern Works, Brookfield Street, Hunslet, Leeds. June 22.

10587—Improvements in the method of and apparatus employed in coating metal sheets with spelter or other metal or metallic alloy. Davis Brothers and Co., Limited, and Moses Bayliss, 55 Chancery Lane, London. June 22.

10593—Improvements connected with explosives and non-explosive projectiles, and in an explosure compound to be used with the explosive projectiles. Edward Davies, 1 Quality Court, London. June 22.

10614—Stone dividing and drilling machine. Paul Kynoph Rohr, 28, Southampton Buildings, London. June 22.

10615—Stone-dressing machine. Paul Knoph Rohr, 28 Southampton Buildings, London. June 22.

10655—Improvements in the method of, and apparatus for, sawing stone, marble, &c. George Francis Clark. 17, St. Ann’s Square, Manchester. June 23.

10743—Improvements in frame plates employed in the construction of pit corves, railway wagons, and small vehicles. Thomas White, 14, Parade Chambers, Sheffield. June 24.


This school, established 24 years, is specially suited both on account of the well-known mildness of the climate of St. Leonards, and from its domestic arrangements, for the Sons of Gentlemen residing in South Africa.
The premises have been specially built for their purpose with lofty school and class rooms, Dining Hall, Gymnasium, Hot and Cold Baths, and Lavatories, and a Carpenter’s Shop and Chemical Laboratory have been recently added. The house is warmed throughout with hot water apparatus and thoroughly ventilated.
The whole school consists of Preparatory, Middle and Upper Departments, in which the ages vary from six to eighteen years.
When desired, arrangements are made to clothe and take entire charge of pupils during the Vacation.
“The Thistle,” the school magazine, now in its 15th Volume, is published six times yearly, and contains besides literary matter, a full account of all events of interest in the school, such as the Athletic Sports, Cricket and Football Matches, Swimming Races, Concerts, Lectures, and the successes at the School or Public Examinations.
Full particulars and References to the Parents of boys now in the School in Canada, British Guiana, Calcutta, Ceylon, The Straits Settlements, and in the Cape Colony, Natal and Transvaal, can be had on application to the Head Master, or to Mrs. DUFF, the Lady Principal.

18 July 1891


LAYMAN—On June 9, at Hessle Cottage, Greytown, Natal, the wife of Mr. F. A. M. Layman, of a son (stillborn).
LEVY—On June 13, at 182, Point Road, Durban, the wife of Mr. J. F. Levy, of a son.
MACAULAY—On June 9, at Union Kopje, Barkly West, the wife of Mr. Henry Macaulay, of a daughter.
NOAKS—On June 14, at the Grey Institute Rectory, Port Elizabeth, the wife of Mr. Edward Noaks, M.A., of a daughter.


DRAKE—PETTIT—On June 16, at St. Katherine’s Chruch, Uitenhage, by the Rev. C. Jecks, assisted by the Rev. J. Sinden, John D’Urban Tyrwhitt Drake, eldest son of Captain J.  Drake, Aylesbury, Bucks, to Laura Sophia, eldest daughter of Robert Pettit, Despatch.
GILCHRIST—BAUMANN—On July 13, at the Dutch Reformed Church, Cape Town, William, son of James Gilchrist, Esq., J. P., Honorary Sheriff-Substitute for Caithness, Orkney and Shetland, and lately Banker of Wick, Scotland, to Ellen Rosa Baumann, step-daughter of the late Ludwig H. Goldschmidt, Esq., M.L.A., and J.P.
HART—COHEN—On June 10, at Port Elizabeth, by the Rev. S. Rapaport, Lionel Hart, of Johannesburg, to Ada Dariel Cohen, of London.
MILLOR—ADCOCK—On June 10, at St. Mary’s Church, Johannesburg, by the Rev. J. T. Darragh, Arthur, son of Mr. John Millor, Durban, to Eleanor Frances, third daughter of the late Mr. C. T. Adcock, Port Elizabeth
RIDDELL—BAKER—On July 14, at Christ Church, Lancaster Gate, W., by the Lord Bishop of Ripon, Patrick Riddell, of Rosedale, Walton-on-Thames, eldest surviving son of the late Alexander Oliver Riddell, civil engineer, of Edinburgh, to Hilda Mary, second daughter of Herbert H. C. Baker, of King William’s Town.
SPIERS—MARSH—On June 9, at All Saints’ Church, Somerset East, by the Rev. J. Cookson, Albert Spiers, youngest son of the late James Spiers, London, to Fanny Strickland Marsh, eldest daughter of G. J. Marsh, of Somerset East.


BOYLE—On May 6, at Fort Salisbury, Mashonaland, Edward Boyle, late of Waldeck’s Plant, Vaal River Diggings.
DUNCAN—On June 18, at 4, Cora Terrace, Port Elizabeth, George Duncan, a native of Banffshire, aged 58.
HOPE—On June 13, at Beaconsfield, Bernard Hope, infant son of James and Emilie Stanley, aged 8 months.
JONES—On June 15, at his residence, Tredegar House, Port Elizabeth, William Jones, senr., in his 81st year.
MAHN—On June 5, at the residence of Mr. J. Friedlander, Middleburg, Mority Mahn, aged 60 years.
PEARCE—On June 1, at Accra, West Africa, Walter W. Pearce, second son of the late Charles Pearce, Bury Street, St. James’s, S.W., in his 40th year.
SOMERVILLE—On June 17, at Beaconsfield, Peter, son of the late John Somerville, Edinburgh, aged 34 years.

25 July 1891


COLENSO—On July 20, at 91, Cromwell Road, S.W., the wife of Robert J. Colenso, M.A., M.B. Oxon., M.R.C.S. Eng., M.A. Cape Town, the elder son of the late Bishop of Natal, of a daughter.
CONSTABLE—On June 16, 1891, the wife of Sergt. Major Constable, Klerksdorp Mounted Police, of a daughter.
HONEY—On June 23, at Villiers Street, Kimberley, the wife of Charles E. M. Honey, of a son.
LEVER—On June 24, at Pretoria, the wife of Charles J. Lever, of a daughter (stillborn).
LIDDELL—On June 20, at Dutoitspan, the wife of J. Liddell, of a daughter.
TEUBES—On June 22, at Kenilworth, the wife of J. A. Teubes, of a daughter.
RAINSBURY—On June 17, at 43, Park Street, Durban, the wife of E. C. Rainsbury, of a son.
ROGERS—On June 16, at Tongaat, Durban, the wife of R. Rogers, of a son.
WAYLAND—On June 13, at Klerksdorp, the wife of W. H. Wayland, of a daughter.


ALLAN—LAURENS—On June 18, at St. Saviour’s Cathedral, Pietermaritzburg, by the Rev. Mr. Banks, Thomas Allan, junr., of Fairview, Cleveland Hill, to Alice Henriette, daughter of the late Philip Laurens, of Tyronne, Mid-Illovo.
CORCORAN—SMITH—On June 22, at Johannesburg, Olive, youngest daughter of the late Robert Oliver Smith, of Grahamstown, to James Edward Corcoran, of Johannesburg.
MATTHEWS—LUCEY—On June 25, at Grahamstown, by the Rev. H. Cotton, Charles John Lucas Matthews to Helen Lucey, of Grahamstown.
PRINGLE—RENNIE—At “Craig Rennie,” Grahamstown, by the Rev. Mr. Pienaar, of Bedford, R. H. Pringle, son of W. S. Pringle, Esq., of Eildon, to Enid Ethel, daughter of John Rennie.
RAWSON—FIFE—On July 15, at St. Thomas’s Church Gorin-on Thames, by the Rev. F. Howlett, Vicar of East Tisted, Hants, uncle of the bridegroom, assisted by the Rev. H. C. Littlewood, Vicar of the parish, William Stepney Rawson, M.A., third son of Sir Rawson W. Rawson, K.C.M.G., C.B., of Cornwall-gardens, Queen’s Gate, to Alice Maud, third daughter of Lieut.-General Fife, R.E., and J.P.
SMART—STIEBEL—On June 18, at the residence of the bride’s father, Bellair, Durban, by the Rev. Dr. Ikin, assisted by the Rev. G. W. Rogers, Frederick Ashdown, son of the late Mr. M. B. Smart, of Clairmont, to Ida Beatrice, fourth daughter of Mr.L. Stiebel, Bellair.
WILLIAMS—JACKSON—On June 20, at Mr. Corbett’s, Park Street, Durban, by the Rev. E. Nuttall, Henry Williams, seventh son of Giles Williams, of Horfield, Bristol, to Janie Kinsman, only daughter of Alexander Forbes Jackson, Middlefield, Queenstown, Cape Colony.


DRYSDALE—On June 20, at Angel Street, Kimberley, Adam Drysdale, aged 39.
HOLM—On June 17, at Westville, Durban, Hans Holm, aged 70.
IVANOV—On June 21, at Klipdam River Diggings, Griqualand West, Klapavica Pero Ivanov, known as Petro Klapeitz, formerly of Budua, Dalmaria, Austria, in his 51st year.
LEECH—On June 16, at Stanger, Edward Crampton Leech, aged 57.
MITCHLEY—On June 20, at Port Elizabeth, Sampson Mitchley, aged 77 years and 9 months.
TULLY—On June 24, at Clarence Street, Ellen Mary, the infant daughter of John and Bridget Tully, aged 8 months.
WADESON—On May 5, at Quetta, India, Ada Savage, wife of Capt. F. Wadeson, station staff officer, and daughter of Colonel F. Curtis, commanding troops in Natal.
WILLIAMS—On June 17, at Lydenburg, Mary Ann Williams, aged 62.
WINKLER—On June 24, at Boshof Road, Belgravia, Kimberley, William Augustus, infant son of W. A. and E. A. Winkler.

1 August 1891


ARMITAGE—On June 20, at Chase Valley, Pietermaritzburg, the wife of Mr. J. W. Armitage of a daughter.
BARNES—On June 28, at East London, the wife of Mr. A. R. Barnes, of a son.
HART—On June 28, at Cathcart, the wife of Mr. J. Robert Hart, of a son.
KAYSER—On June 27, at 57, Pearson Street, Port Elizabeth, the wife of Mr. C. F. Kayser, of a daughter.
SAVORY—On June 20, at Koodoo Kloof, Albany, the wife of Mr. H. E. Savory, of a daughter.
THOMAS—On June 27, at Hillside, Musgrave Crescent, Berea, Durban, the wife of Mr. J. G. Thomas, of a daughter.
WHIPP—On June 30 at East London, Cape Colony, the wife of Mr. James H. Whipp, of a daughter.
WYATT—On June 29, at Westbourne Road, Port Elizabeth, the wife of Mr. R. W. Wyatt, of a son.
YEOMAN—On June 24, at Boom Street, Pietermaritzburg, the wife of Mr. William Yeoman, Silver Oaks, Town Lands, of a daughter.


FEHR—MASKEW—On June 9, at East London, Carl Adolph Fehr, of Wiesbaden, Germany, to Maria, eldest daughter of W. W. Maskew, C.C. and R.M., Burghersdorp.
LESLIE—WHITBRIDGE—On June 17, at Bulwer, Durban, by the Rev. B. Markham, William J., eldest son of W. Leslie, Esq., Estcourt, to Mary Isabella, eldest daughter of the late M. Whitbridge, Esq.
TRUTER—RODWELL—On June 24, at Barberton, by the Rev. J. G. Benson, Elizabeth Rodwell, of Leiston, Suffolk, to Michael Laurence, second son of the late H. A. O. Truter.
WADE—BALES—On June 24, at St. Cyprian’s Durban, by the Dean of Maritzburg, assisted by the Rev. H. Johnson, vicar, Henry Frederick, second son of the Rev. A. J. Wade, vicar of Holy Trinity, Ryde, Isle of Wight, to Edith Emily, only child of Mrs. Bates, Musgrave Road, Durban.


CLIFFORD—On June 30, at the Albany General Hospital, Harriet, wife of Mr. George Clifford, of Fort Peddie, aged 56 years.
HONEYWILL—On June 16, at Durban, Alfred Thomas, the beloved husband of Eva Honeywill, and eldest son of the late Silas Honeywill, of Lee, Kent, aged 38 years.
JOHNS—On July 26, at 16, Grenville Place, Cromwell Road, London, S.W., Jasper Wilson Johns, J.P., D.L., late M.P. for the Nuneaton Division of Warwickshire, aged 66 years.
KITTON—On June 29, at the Vicarage, Church Square, Kingwilliamstown, Henry Kitton, Archdeacon of Kaffraria, aged 72 years.
SMITH—On June 27, at Port Elizabeth, George Henry Smith, aged 33 years and 6 months.
SWAN—On June 26, at Port Elizabeth, Bridget, relict of the late John Swan, aged 60 years.
WHELAN—On June 18, at Helpmakaar, Cornelius Martin Whelan, youngest son of M. and L. Whelan, of Helpmakaar, aged 2 years, 4 months and 19 days. Deeply regretted.

8 August 1891


BAYES—At “Flamboro,” Grahamstown, the wife of Mr. John W. Bayes, of a son.
CARROLL—On July 8, at East London, the wife of Major Carroll, of a son.
COX—On July 1, at 10, Boom Street, Pietermaritzburg, the wife of Mr. S. J. Cox, of a daughter.
DAVIS—On July 4, at Prince Alfred Street, Pietermaritzburg, the wife of Mr. A. Davis, of a daughter.
GLASS—On August 5, at 5, Marlborough Buildings, Chelsea, S.W., the wife of Mr. C. G. Glass, jun., late of Newcastle, Natal, of a son.
HILDYARD—On July 5, at Barberton, the wife of Mr. Cecil H. T. Hildyard, of a son.
HIND—On June 24, at Jammersberg Drift, Orange Free State, Mrs. George Hind, of a daughter.
PITMAN—On June 23, at 33, Berg Street, Pietermaritzburg, the wife of Mr. Charles R. Pitman, of a son (still-born).
WHIPP—On June 30, at East London, the wife of Mr. James H. Whipp, of a daughter.
WYK—On June 29, at Vryburg, the wife of Mr. Wm. C. van Wyk, of a daughter.


KIDWELL-MCINTYRE—On July 1, at Burghersdorp, Percy W. Kidwell, son of the late A. J. Kidwell, to Henrietta, third daughter of the late Rev. J. D. McIntyre, of Delting, Shetland.
LIVINGSTON-JACKSON—At Grasmere, Berea, the residence of the bride’s uncle, John Livingston, solicitor, Durban, to Ella Maria, eldest daughter of the late Rev. J. Jackson, jun., of Richmond.
LUKIN-QUINN—On July 1, at Riverside, Fort Hare, South Africa, by the Rev. W. E. Hunter, Henry Timson Lukin, Lieutenant Cape Mounted Riflemen, eldest son of Robert Henry Lukin, Esq., Barrister-at-law, to Lily, third daughter of M. H. Quinn, Esq., of Fort Hare, South Africa.
SMITH-DREW—On July 7, at St. Paul’s Church, Durban, by the Rev. T. A. Lindon, Percy J. L. Smith, youngest son of the late William C. Smith, surgeon, of Gunnersbury, Middlesex, to Martha, youngest daughter of T. Drew, builder.


COOKE—On June 19, at Bremersdorp, Henry Richard Cooke, of Forbes’ Reef (accidentally), aged 35.
DU PLESSIS—On June 29, at the Dutch Reformed Parsonage, Loop Street, the Rev. J. H. Du Plessis, in his 66th year.
FOUNTAIN—On June 29, at Capetown, Joseph Tyler Fountain, of Denham, England, late of the Divisional Council, in his 64th year. Deeply regretted.
GRAHAM—On July 5, at Millwood, Esther Amelia Graham, beloved wife of A. H. Graham, aged 32.
GRAY—On July 9, at Grahamstown, Emma Elizabeth, beloved wife of John Gray, aged 54.
LAWRANCE—On July 10, at Grahamstown, Ethel Annie Lawrance, daughter of Joseph and Dinah Lawrance, aged 20.
SAMPSON—On July 6, at Grahamstown, Hannah, the beloved wife of David Sampson, in her 60th year.
STANTON—On June 30, at 70, Granville Park, Lewisham, William Frederick Stanton, late of  Natal, aged 70.
WADE—On July 8, at Middle Street, Port Elizabeth, Charles Wade, youngest beloved son of Charles and Ann Roberts, aged 5 months and 16 days.


ARTHUR BROWN (Klerksdorp)—Thanks. Forwarded to proper quarter.
J. I. ANDERSON, Market Street, Vryburg. Received and forwarded.
ARTHUR VICTOR MAY sent his last letter from Poole’s Hotel, New Street, Cape Town. His widowed mother longs for news of him.
GEORGE STEWART, last heard of two years ago at the gold fields, is sought by his sorrowing mother.
JESSE CHITTENDEN, when he last wrote, in 1884 said that he was about to open a butcher’s shop in the Transvaal. His sister Alice enquires for him.
WALTER BALLARD was lost sight of in June 1889, in South Africa. A near relative seeks news.
JEFFERSON JOHN NEWING left Canterbury in 1861 and in 1880 wrote from Grahamstown. His widowed mother and brothers seek him.
CHARLES MOXEY is earnestly sought by his parents. Five years ago he left the Cape for South Australia. Has any South African friend heard from him since?
WILLIAM FOX, who is believed to have recently arrived in England from South Africa, is sought by his nephew, Thos. Jennings.
LUCY MAGUIRE was a nurse in Johannesburg Hospital, and left there in 1889; went to Natal or Cape Town. Any information respecting Lucy will be greatly appreciated by her sister, Margaret Maguire.
WILLIAM BINFIELD GOLDINGER left W. Australia about five years ago, and was last heard of at Kimberley. News of him would oblige.
MRS ALICE BEACH, formerly housekeeper at a public-house in Fleet Street, is believed to have gone to the Cape at the beginning of 1890. An aunt inquires for her.
JOHN THOMAS KING, age 27, sailor, left Row Bay, Scotland, in 1881, and the following year wrote from Cape Town. His mother begs for news.
WILLIAM HODGES in May, 1890, wrote from Price’s Stores, Pretoria. His brother Edwin enquires for him.
ALFRED JAMES DAY is sought by a near relative who last heard of him in 1888 at Barberton

15 August 1891


CONSTANTINE—On July 11, at St. Thomas’ Road, Durban, the wife of Mr. E. Constantine of a son.
HILDYARD—On July 5, at Barberton, the wife of Mr. Cecil Hildyard, of a son.
HIND—On June 24, at Jammersberg Drift, Orange Free State, the wife of Mr. George Hind, of a daughter.
HOOLE—On June 21, at Grahamstown, the wife of Mr. Tom T. Hoole, of a daughter.
LONG—On July 19, at the Masonic Hotel, Grahamstown, the wife of Mr. James Long, of a daughter.
MORRISON—On July 9, at Estcourt, the wife of Mr. C. W. Morrison, of a son.
PARISOT—On July 10, at Bellair, the wife of Mr. J. L. A. Parisot, of a son.
PHILLIPS—On July 11, at Pretoria, the wife of Mr. George Phillips, of a daughter.
QUIN—On August 10, at Bloemfontein, the wife of Mr. W. J. Quin, of a son.
RAMSBOTTOM—On July 17, at the vicarage, De Aar, the wife of the Rev. W. H. Ramsbottom, of a daughter.
THOMSON—On July 7, at Alabama, Berea, Durban, the wife of Mr. Nowell Ellman Thomson, Mount Lebanon, Mooi River, of a son.
WILLETTS—On July 6, at No. 461, Loop Street, Maritzburg, the wife of Samuel Willetts, of a son.


BEVISS-MELLOR—On July 8, at St. Andrew’s, Pinetown, by the Rev. P. T. Burges, Charles Beviss, solicitor, son of Charles Beviss, M.D., of Pinetown, to Emily Blanche, second daughter of the late H. J. Mellor, barrister-at-law.
BROTHERTON-DUFFIELD—On July 14, at the Baptist Church, Grahamstown, by the Rev. G. W. Cross, William, eldest son of the Rev. R. H. Brotherton, to Amy, only daughter of John Duffield.
CHEESMAN-THRING—On July 7, at All Saints’ Church, Stanger, by the Rev. Canon Booth, E. Cheesman, of Ubombo, Zululand, to Alice J. (Jeannie) Thring, eldest daughter of the late Edwin Thring, of Stanger.
CORNUEL-GLENNIE—On July 20, at Trinity Church, King Williamstown, by the Rev. T. Chamberlain, M.A., Rector of S. John the Evangelist, East London, assisted by the Rev. John Gordon, Felix James Cornuel, assistant paymaster Eastern System of Railways, to Margaret Ann, second daughter of W. G. Glennie, Bon Accord Works, King Williamstown.
GARDINER-FINDLAY—On July 19, at Mount View, Maritzburg, by the Rev. John Smith, M.A., Robertson Gardiner, Locomotive Department, N.G.R., to Mary Findlay, late of Montrose, Scotland.
GILCHRIST-BAUMANN—On July 13, at the Dutch Reformed Church, Cape Town, by the Rev. Steytler William Gilchrist, of Johannesburg, S.A.R., to Ellen Rosa Baumann.
JONES-SELOUS—On August 12, at St. Mark’s Regent’s Park, by the Rev. C. Alfred Jones, M.A., Vicar of Dedham, Essex, and Rural Dean, cousin of the bridegroom, Charles Allan, youngest son of the late Anthony Gilbert Jones, Esq., of Hatherley Court, Goucester, to Sybil Jane (“Dei”), youngest daughter of Frederick L. Selous, Esq., of 26, Gloucester Road, Regent’s Park, and Barrymore House, Wargrave-on-Thames.
KEITH-BARCLAY—On July 14, at Port Elizabeth, by the Rev. D. D. Fraser, Alexandra Keith, of Kimberley, to Mary Barclay, of Glasgow, Scotland.
KIRKWOOD-ROSS—On July 6, at Emlagh, Pietermaritzburg, by the Rev. John Smith, M.A., St. John’s Presbyterian Church, John Macfarlane Kirkwood, Standard Bank of South Africa, to Christina Helen, fourth daughter of Donald Ross, Fifeshire, Scotland.
LOVEMORE-RAW—On July 7, at S. Cyprians’ Church, Durban, by the Rev. H. Johnson, assisted by the Rev. E. W. Bibby, William Bayley, solicitor of the High Court Swazieland, and third son of the late Charles Lovemore, Bushy Park, Port Elizabeth, to Constance Mary, youngest daughter of the late Robert Raw, Durban
RACHMANN-SMITH—On July 8, at Westville by the Rev. J. Fernie, Ernest Arnold Rachmann, of Durban, to Gertrude Edith, second daughter of J. R. Smith, Spring Grange.
REID-KILLIN—On July 13, at 6, South Beach Ter., Durban, by the Rev. D. D. Fraser, Mr. John Reid to Elizabeth Killan, eldest daughter of Thomas Elder, Duke Street, Glasgow.
ROOTH-BOOYSEN—On July 15, at Graaff-Reinet, by the Rev. W. Murray, Edward Rooth, of Pretoria, to Agnes, daughter of J. H. Booysen, Esq., of Klindrift, Graaff-Reinet.
RORKE-LISHMAN—On July 15, at st. John’s Church, East London, by the Rev. T. Chamberlain, M.A., assisted by Rev. A. W. Brereton, Richard F. Rorke, of the General Manager’s Department, Natal Bank, Pietermaritzburg, son of Captain Rorke, late C.M.R., to Mary Owen, youngest daughter of the late John Lishman, Kaffraria.
ROULSTON-SUTCLIFFE—On July 16, by the Rev. D. D. Fraser, Henry Thomas Roulston, of Johannesburg, to Annie Macdonald, eldest daughter of Benjamin Sutcliffe, Port Elizabeth.
TUCKER-EVERLEY—On July 15, at Grahamstown, Herbert Tucker, to Mabel S. W. Everley


BOYD—On July 7, at his residence, “Belfast Cottage,” Zwaartkop Valley, Robert Lyle Boyd, of Carnmoney, County Antrim, Ireland, in his 55th year, formerly of No. 5 Battery, 2nd Brigade, Royal Artillery, and for 14 years caretaker of the Government Gunpowder Magazine, Pietermaritzburg.
CLARKE—On July 6, at Grey’s Hospital Pietermaritzburg, W. F. Clarke, aged 55 years.
CLARRY—On July 13, at Port Elizabeth, Louis Margaret, wife of R. W. Clarry, aged 33 years.
GIBBS—On July 10, at the residence of her eldest son, E. W. Holdstock, Christmas Vale, Amelia Gibbs, aged 72.
KNOTT—On July 10, at Botha’s Post, district of Fort Beaufort, George Knott, eldest son of the late Kemp Knott, aged 73.
LAWRANCE—On July 10, at Grahamstown, Ethel Annie Lawrance, daughter of Joseph and Dinah Lawrance, aged 19 years 7 days.
NOSWORTHY—On July 10, at Port Elizabeth, Clarence, infant son of Spencer and Helena Nosworthy, aged 3 months.
THOMAS—On July 14, at Port Victoria, Mashonaland, George Augustus Thomas, dearly beloved son of J.P. and M.A. Thomas of Grahamstown, aged 23.
TRIMBLE—On May 15, of fever, near Victoria Camp, Mashonaland, Joseph James, eldest son of Robert Trimble, Colby Road, Gipsy Hill, Upper Norwood, aged 22. Cape papers please copy.
WHITTLE—On July 7, on the Berea, John Whittle, of Manchester, aged 77.


RADERMACHER—In sorrowing memory and record of the fate of Fitz Roy George Radermacher (touring with a professional party as Egerton), who perished in S. Camperdown, sunk in a gale off Simons Bay, South Africa, en route for Australia, on night of August 11, 1890. Born January 31, 1863. Last surviving son of James J. Radermacher, Alma Villa, St. John’s, Chelsea.

22 August 1891


ANSELL—On June 13, at the Woodford Temperance Hotel, Barberton, the wife of Mr. Jas. Ansell, of a son.
CHEETHAM—On July 16, at “The Braes,” Ladysmith, the wife of Mr. S. B. Cheetham, of a daughter.
COULSON—On July 10, at Potchefstroom, the wife of Mr. C. B. Coulson, of a son.
DIMMOCK—On July 24, at Vryburg, British Bechuanaland, the wife of Mr. W. H. Dimmock, of a daughter.
GOLDSWAIN—On July 26, at Grahamstown, the wife of Mr. E. E. Goldswain, of a daughter.
GREY-WILSON—On August 18, at 4, Morningside Place, Edinburgh, the wife of William Grey-Wilson, C.M.G., Governor of St. Helena, of a son.
LONG—On July 19, at the Masonic Hotel, Grahamstown, the wife of Mr. James Long, of a daughter.
MCCULLOUGH—On July 9, at Willow Bank, Mid-Illovo, the wife of Mr. W. McCullough, of a son.
PORTEOUS—On July 13, at the Manse, Harrismith, the wife of the Rev. T. B. Porteous, L.A., of a daughter.
PROWSE—On July 11, at Lullington Cottage, Boom Street, Pietermaritzburg, the wife of Mr. Harry Matthews Prowse, of a son.
SMEATON—On August 14, at Charlton, Kent, the wife of Lieutenant Charles Oswald Smeaton, Royal Artillery, of a son.


BROWN—WISE—On July 14, at St. Peter’s Cathedral, Pietermaritzburg, by the Rev. A. K. D. Edwards, Arthur Robarts, of Deepdale, Harding, and son of the late John Brown, Esq., of Durban, to Edith Marguerite Litchfield, daughter of H. Wise, Esq., “Tyn-y-Coed,” Zwaartkop, Maritzburg.
CURSON—BLAIR—On July 15, at St. Cyprian’s Church, Durban, by the Rev. Herbert Johnson (assisted by the Rev. E. W. Bibby), Henry Charles son of the late Henry Curson, C.E., of Greenwich, Kent, England, to Constance Emilie, only daughter of John Andrew Blair, of Durban.
GROOM—BROWN—On July 15, at Darvall, at Nonoti, by the Rev. W. W. Rider, Alfred, youngest son of Thomas Groom, Verulam, to Isabella, second daughter of David Brown, Nonoti, New Guelderland.
MORICE—KIRKPATRICK—On July 7, at St. Mary’s Church, Johannesburg, Mr. Justice Morice, one of the Judges of the High Court of the South African Republic, son of the late David R. Morice, Advocate, Aberdeen, to Isabel, daughter of the late James Kirkpatrick, of Killaghlee, county Donegal, Ireland.
NICHOLAS—LONG—On July 20, at Christ Church, Alexandria, by the Rev. A. B. Stumbles, John Edward Benjamin (Jack), eldest son of Mr. Richard Nicholas, of Port Alfred, to Bertha Ellen, eldest daughter of Mr. Jeremiah Long, of Alexandria.
ROBERTS—LANDSBERG—On June 30, at the Dutch Reformed Church, Cape Town, by the Rev. Dr. Kotze, Frederick Warner Roberts, to Hilda, daughter of Dr. Landsberg.
RORKE—LISHMAN—On July 15, at St. John’s Church, East London, by the Rev. T. Chamberlain, M.A., assisted by the Rev. A. W. Brereton, Richard F. Rorke, of the General Manager’s Department, Natal, Bank, Pietermaritzburg, son of Captain Rorke, late C.M.R., to Mary Owen, youngest daughter of the late John Lishman, Kaffraria.
TIMM—PURDON—On July 15, at Shaw Park, Grahamstown, by the Rev. J. W. Thompson, Oliver T. P. Timm, to Alice May, second daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Purdon, of Shaw Park.
WYLDE—WADE—On August 17, at St. Philip’s, Kensington, by the Rev. F. C. Bell, Alfred Carrington Wylde, late Civil Commissioner for the division of Port Elizabeth, Cape of Good Hope, son of Sir John Wylde, LL.D., late Chief Justice of the Colony, to Gertrude Florence, eldest daughter of Arthur R. W. Wade, Captain late 72nd Highlanders.


BRIGGS—On August 12, at Rutland Villas, Cambridge Park, Wanstead, Thomas Edward Briggs, formerly of the London and South African Bank, and for 20 years the highly-esteemed managing clerk and cashier of Messrs. Richardson and Chadbourn, aged 51.
FLOOD—On July 18, at Umbilo, Grace Kathleen Whelan, infant daughter of John and Margaret Flood, aged 8 ½ months.
HANDLEY—On June 21, at Umzinto, after a painful illness, Mr. H. J. Handley, late of Harding, and son of Mr. Henry Thompson Handley, Havelock Park, Southsea, Portsmouth, aged 41.
HARRISON—On July 15, at Botanic Garden Road, Durban, Arthur Harrison, aged 39.
KAYE—On July 6, at Lourenco Marques, Thomas Henry Kaye, aged 29.
LEPPAN—On July 21, at Adelaide, Bognon Gordon Rorke, second son of T. S. Leppan, Esq., aged 4.
MCCUBBIN—On August 10, suddenly, at his brother’s residence, Blaauwfontein, Griqualand East, South Africa, John S. McCubbin, aged 28, second son of Hugh McCubbin, of Mill Bank House, West Derby, Liverpool. Friends will kindly accept this intimation.
PREW—On July 21, at Grahamstown, Benjamin Prew, aged 36. Deeply mourned.
SCOTT—On July 16, at his residence, Marriott Road, Berea, Durban, Edward William, fifth son of the late Dr. Scott, of Hobart Town, Tasmania, and grandson of the late Sir Alex. Parker, of Ireland, aged 59.
SMEATON—On August 17, at Charlton, Kent, Dora Duodecima, the beloved wife of Lieutenant Charles Oswald Smeaton, Royal Artillery, and youngest daughter of the late Benjamin Blaine, Esq., M.D., of Verulam, Natal, aged 24.

29 August 1891


COBLEY—On July 23, at Ladysmith, the wife of Mr. W. H. Cobley, district engineer, Natal Government Railways, of a daughter.
CHAPMAN—On July 23rd at Umgeni Road, Durban, the wife of Mr. Arthur Chapman, of a daughter.
DAVIS—On July 31, at Lennox Street, Kimberley, the wife of Mr. Albert A. Davis, of a son.
FEATHER—On July 26, at Port Elizabeth, the wife of Mr. Wm. C. Feather, of a daughter.
FLETCHER—On July 22, at Musgrave Road, Berea, Durban, the wife of Mr. J. Fletcher, of a daughter.
GALPIN—On July 31, at the Observatory, Grahamstown, the wife of Mr. Alfred C. Galpin, of a son.
GOLDSWAIN—On July 26, at Grahamstown, the wife of E. E. Goldswain, of a daughter.
HARRIS—On July 25, at Gladstone, the wife of Mr. Gerald O’F. Harris, of a son.
KING—On August 24, the wife of Mr. W. King (late of Pietermaritzburg), of Saville Place, Lambeth Road, S.E., of a son.
MCDONALD—On July 30, at Kimberley, the wife of Mr. J. J. McDonald, of a son.
NEYT—On July 25, at Beaconsfield, the wife of Mr. August Neyt, of a son.
SADDLER—On July 29, at Beaconsfield, the wife of Mr. Walter Saddler, of a son.
SALOMON—On July 27, at Vryburg, the wife of Mr. L. Salomon of a son.
SINGLETON—On July 27, East London, the wife of Mr. T. Singleton, of a son.
SUTER—On July 28, at Vryburg, the wife of Mr. E. M. Suter, of a daughter.
TOMLINSON—On July 31, at Grahamstown, the wife of Mr. J. A. Tomlinson, of a son.
THOMSON—On July 7, at Berea, Durban, the wife of Mr. Nowell Ellman Thomson, of Mount Lebanon, Mooi River, Natal, of a son.


JACKSON—GAMLEY—On July 22, at Durban, by the Rev. S. Clark, Thomas Jackson, to Helen (Nellie) second daughter of D. Gamley, Burnside Phoenix.
LEUCHARS—MACKENZIE—On July 22, at St. John’s Church, York, by the Rev. E. T. Burges, assisted by the Rev. John Mothley, George Leuchars of Braken, youngest son of H. J. Leuchars, Purbrook, Greytown, to Mary Marion, eldest daughter of the late William MacKenzie, of Cramond.
SLATER—CHALMERS—On July 28, at Trinity Church, Grahamstown, Arthur Slater to Eliza Chalmers.
USHER—HILDER—On July 22, at Holy Trinity Church, Newcastle, by the Rev. W. Clark, Ayliff Whitbread, youngest son of James Usher, of Usherwood, Kokstad, to Gertrude Child Marguerite, fifth daughter of the late Thomas Hilder, formerly of Kimberley Diamond Fields.


BERRY—On July 25, at Port Elizabeth, Maria Susana, the beloved daughter of George Thomas and Margarat Berry, aged 15.
BUISSINNE—On July 27, at Wynberg, Cornelius Johannes Buissinne, aged 76.
CRANDON—On July 28, at Beaconsfield, Norman Reginald, dearly beloved child of F. and M. J. Crandon, aged 9 months and 18 days.
GOTZE—On July 20, at Dean Street, Newlands, Eliza Gotze (nee Warren), aged 59 years and 8 months, beloved wife of M. Gotze (formerly of Kimberley).
LEPPAN—On July 21, at Adelaide, Bognon Gordon Rorke, second son of T. S. Leppan, aged 4.
LILIENFELD—On July 21, at Johannesburg, Flossie, beloved wife of Alfons Lilienfeld.
MACAULEY—On July 29, at Union Kopje, William Macauley, aged 36.
MACDONALD—On July 23, at Port Elizabeth, Willie, second son of Dr. W. MacDonald, aged 8.
PREW—On July 21, at Grahamstown, Benjamin Prew, aged 36.
ROBERTS—On July 26, at Shepstone Street, Point, the infant daughter of Richard and Grace Roberts, aged 6 days.
WINGROVE—On July 28, at the residence of W. B. Wingrove, Newton, Kimberley, William Wrich Wingrove, aged 72 years.

5 September 1891


BROWN—On July 31, at Scott Street (The Ridge), Addington, the wife of Rowland Brown, Her Majesty’s Customs, Durban, of a son.
CASSE—On August 1, at Port Elizabeth, the wife of Mr. George W. Casse, of a son.
COBLEY—On July 23, at Ladysmith, Natal, the wife of Mr. W. H. Cobley, M. Inst. C.E., District Engineer, Natal Government Railways, of a daughter.
DALTON—On July 25, at Belgravia, Barberton, the wife of Mr. J. C. Dalton, of a son.
DENT—On August 5, at East London, the wife of Mr. R. Court Dent, of a son.
GALPIN—On July 31, at the Observatory, Grahamstown, the wife of Mr. Alfred C. Galpin, of a son.
HOCKEY—On August 4, at Robertson, the wife of Mr. C. A. Hockey, of a son.
JAMIESON—On August 4, at Johannesburg, the wife of Mr. E. C. Jamieson, of a daughter.
KEIR—On August 7, at St. Paul’s Road, East London, the wife of Mr. James Keir, of a son.
MCMAGH—On July 22, at Barberton, South Africa, the wife of Mr. P. McMagh, of a son.
PENNY—On July 29, at 3, Alfred Terrace, Port Elizabeth, the wife of Mr. Louis F. Penny, of a daughter.
PINNELL—On July 24, at Newcastle, the wife of Mr. N. E. Pinnell, of a son.
SHAW—On August 3, at Donkin Street, Port Elizabeth, the wife of Mr. A. G. Campbell Shaw, of a daughter.
TATUM—On August 3, the wife of Mr. G. E. Tatum, of a son.
TOMLINSON—On July 31, at Grahamstown, the wife of Mr. J. A. Tomlinson, of a son.


AKEHURST—CHANDLER—On August 1, at Musgrave Road, Berea, by the Rev. J. W. Bowden, Charles Akehurst, of Durban, to Emma Ann, eldest daughter of John Chandler, Jacobstowe, North Devonshire.
CLAYTON—HOGG—On July 30, at Berea, Durban, by the Rev. J. W. Boden, George A. Clayton, Glenwood, Victoria County, to Annie, fourth daughter of the late Robert Hogg, Edinburgh.
EDGEWORTH—KNOX—On July 23, at St. Mary’s, Johannesburg, Cecil Roger, son of the Rev. Essex Edgeworth, Kilshrewly, Edgeworthstown, Ireland, to Alice, daughter of the late H. J. Knox, Durban.
MCCONNACHIE—YELLOW—On July 29, at the residence of the bride’s brother, Durban, by the Rev. A. Mitchell, B.A., John McConnachie, N.G. Railways, to Mary Dibb, daughter of the late Thomas Yellow, Poppleton, England.
MANNING—BELL—On July 6, at St. Cyprian’s Kimberley, by the Ven. Archdeacon Gaul, Dumaresq Williamson Manning, Imperial Civil Service, Vryburg, British Bechuanaland, to Helena, daughter of the late Charles Davidson Bell, Esq., formerly Surveyor-General of the Cape Colony.
MORSE—HYONS—On August 1, by the Rev. E. Nuttall, Thomas Morse to Rosa Myra Amy Hyons.
WHITE-COOPER—HESS—On August 5, at St. George’s Cathedral, by the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Grahamstown, assisted by the Very Rev. the Dean, William White-Cooper, of 49, Cornwall Gardens, London, second son of the late Sir William White-Cooper, F.R.C.S., to Amy, only daughter of the late J. C. Hess, of Port Elizabeth.


BAKER—On August 5, at Johannesburg, Andrew Robertson Baker, of Stirling, Scotland, aged 24 years.
BORRELL—On July 29, Sarah Ann Borrell, wife of Richard Borrell, aged 79 years.
FARMER—On August 5, at Thornhill, Peddie District, Sir George Richard Hugh Farmer, Bart., aged 18 years.
KENT-SMITH—On July 28, at Johannesburg, Edward (Eddie) Chandos, the third son of the late William Kent-Smith, aged 30 years.
MIDDLETON—On July 20, at the residence of Mr. Clogg, Yellowwood Drift, Cove Rock, Samuel Middleton, aged 52 years and 10 months.
POSS—On July 25, at Lower Illovo, Edward, eldest son of Mr. E. Poss, of Umzinto, aged 25 years. Accidentally shot on July 23.
SPALDING—On July 27, at Banks Drift, British Bechuanaland, Sarah Jane, wife of the late Robert Spalding, aged 48 years.
WILLIAMS—On August 27, at 9, Gray’s Inn Square, London, William Lee Williams, formerly of Kuruman, aged 49 years.


ROSE-INNES—In affectionate remembrance of James Rose-Innes, M.B., drowned at sea when the R.M.S. Teuton foundered off Quoin Point, South Africa, August 30, 1881.

12 September 1891


FORSYTH—On July 30, at 132, Smith Street, Durban, the wife of Mr. J. M. Forsyth, of a daughter.
LUKE—On August 9, at Mona Place, Durban, the widow of the late Mr. Wm. Luke, of a daughter.
MAST—On July 31, at Hartebeestfontein, the wife of Dr. Theodore A. Mast, of a daughter.
MICHAELIS—On September 10, at 32a, Weymouth Street Portland Place, the wife of Mr. Max Michaelis, of Kimberley, of a son.
MILLER—On August 14, at Potchefstroom, the wife of Mr. J. L. Miller, of a daughter.
MORRIS—On August 13, at 104, Parliament Street, Port Elizabeth, the wife of Mr. E. L. Morris, of a daughter.
SHAW—On August 3, at Donkin Street, Grahamstown, the wife of Mr. A. G. Campbell Shaw, of a daughter.


AINGWORTH—WILLIAMS—On July 30, at St. Peter’s Cathedral, Pietermaritzburg, by the Rev. A. K. D. Edwards, Christopher Aingworth, N.G.R., Ladysmith, late of Stourbridge, Worcestershire, England, to Emma Louisa Williams, youngest daughter of the late John Williams, builder, Helson, Cornwall.
BARRON—SLATER—On August 13, at Alice, Theodore Duffton Barron, Manager Bank of Africa, Limited, Grahamstown, to Ida Sophia Slater, only daughter of Mr. George Slater, Victoria Post.
DAVIDSON—FAIRBAIRN—On August 12, at Saviour’s Church, Claremont, Lieut. G. H. Davidson, the Royal Scots, to Ethel Maud, eldest daughter of J. A. Fairbairn, Esq., Legerwood, Claremont, Cape of Good Hope.
FORD—BASSETT—On September 5, at Sea Point, Cape Town, by the Rev. G. Pinker, Thurston James Ford, of Kenilworth, near Kimberley, son of K. J. Ford, of Saharampore, to Edith Maria, eldest daughter of George Bassett, of Stockwell House, Frindsbury, Rochester.
HARRIS—JEFFERY—On August 5, at the Wesleyan Parsonage, Durban, by the Rev. E. Nuttall, William David Harris, late of Barnstaple, England, to Ellen Jeffery, eldest daughter of the late John Jeffery, of Barnstaple, England.
MARCUS—HYAM—On August 4, at the Tongaat Church, Durban, by the Rev. S. Clark, of Verulam, Peter Marcus, of Victoria, Tongaat, to E. M. C. (Dolly) Hyam, youngest daughter of G. Hyam, Esq., late of Bristol, England.
MAYER—PHELPS—On September 1, at All Saints’ Church, Ennismore Gardens, Knightsbridge, Millicent Gabrielle, third daughter of Joseph Phelps, of 34, Albert Gate, S.W., to Ernest W. Mayer, eldest son of Joseph Mayer, of 71, Great Portland Street, W.
ROSE—INGLE—On August 7, at Johannesburg, by the special Landrost, Edward Bushnan, fourth son of the late F. J. Rose, of London, to Frances Mary, second daughter of the late James Morley Ingle, of Durban.
SPENCE—SPENCE—On September 8, at St. George’s, Worthing, by the Rev. C. E. Searle, D.D., Master of Pembroke College, Cambridge, assisted by the Rev. J. Bennett, D.D., Vicar of St. George’s, William Michael Spence, M.A., of Lincoln’s-Inn, Barrister-at-law and Fellow of Pembroke College, Cambridge, to Ida C. M. Spence, second daughter of the late Rev. Robert Spence, M.A., of Dundee.


CLUNES—On August 3, at 43, Queen Street, Durban, Isabella Clunes, wife of John Clunes.
HORNBY—On August 7, at Barberton, Arthur Phipps, fifth son of the late Charles Hornby, Esq., of Middillovo, Natal.
NOLAN—On August 5, at Pinetown, Captain D. I. Nolan, Adjt., N.R.R., and Supt. Water Police, Durban, aged 37 years.
PRITCHARD—On August 8, at Hambury, in district of Peddie, John Pritchard, of Harefield, Peddie, aged 74 years.
VAUSE—On August 7, at Pietermaritzburg, Margaret Ellen, beloved wife of R. W. Vause, aged 31.
WALLACE—On August 12, at Grahamstown, William Horner Wallace, aged 61, eldest son of the late William Wallace, of that city.

19 September 1891


BENINGFIELD—On August 16, at Bayside, Durban, the wife of Mr. J. J. Beningfield, of a son.
MICHAELIS—On September 10, at 32a, Weymouth Street, Portland Place, the wife of Mr. Max Michaelis, of Kimberley, of a son.
SCOTT—On August 14, at Berylhurst, Pietermaritzburg, the wife of Mr. W. J. Scott, M.B. and C.M., of a son.


BROWNLOW—SCAMELL—On August 14, at the Cathedral, Bloemfontein, by the Ven. Archdeacon Crisp, George Percy Brownlow, of Kimberley, to Laura Gertrude Scamell, third daughter of the Rev. Francis Scamell, late rector of Newton Reigny.
HARDEN—SCAMELL—On July 9, at Kimberley, by the Rev. H. P. Worson, John Harden, of Manchester, to Agnes Julia Scamell, youngest daughter of the Rev. Francis Scamell, late rector of Newton Reigny, Cumberland.
HONEY—POWELL—On August 18, at Shrewsbury, by the Rev. E. Gedye, John Farlie Honey, to Margaret Emma, daughter of the late Mr. Philip Powell, of Falloden, Peddie.
LACEY—HUME—On August 22, from the Rectory, Barkly West, by the Rev. A. Stanley Allum, Brooke Muriel, eldest son of the late Dr. Lace, of London, to Amy Agnes, second daughter of the late D. R. Hume, Esq., Grahamstown.
MORTON—DAVIE—On August 12, at St. John’s Presbyterian Church, Maritzburg, by the Rev. J. Smith, M.A., John Alexander Morton, Esq., of Harrismith, O.F.S., formerly of Morningside, Edinburgh, to Jeannie Walker, youngest daughter of Arthur Davie, Esq., Smiddy Seat, Turriff, N.B.
NIVEN—PENNY—On August 15, at St. Paul’s Church, Durban, by the Rev. T. A. Lindon, M.A., A. Mackie Niven, Johannesburg, to Florence Helena, daughter of Daniel Penny, Esq., Rosehill, Ashton-on-Ribble, England.


ADDISON—On August 21, William Henry Addison, Esq., of Dering House, District Robertson, eldest son of the late William Addison, M.D., F.R.S., &c., of Brighton.
BAKER—On August 16, at Port Elizabeth, George Reed Baker, aged 49 years.
BOYD—On August 1, at Johannesburg Hospital, Lily Mary Boyd, wife of James Boyd, late of Kimberley and Pietermaritzburg, aged 32 years.
CHIPPENDALE—On August 16, at Alicedale, at the residence of her son-in-law, Charles V. Bruce, Betsy Chippendale, aged 65 years.
HANDS—On August 18, at Raleigh House, Port Elizabeth, Edith Irene Hands, second daughter of William and Sarah Hands, of Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, England, aged 27 years.
HOOPER—On August 8, at her son’s residence, Harding, Natal, Ann Hooper (wife of the late Dr. Joseph Hooper, M.D.), aged 74 years and 5 months.
TARBOTON—On August 7, at her residence, Byrne, near Richmond, Elizabeth, relict of the late Henry Tarboton, in the 82nd year of her age.
TROTTER—On August 7, at Yarrow, Woodside, Grace Young, widow of the late George Trotter, aged 85 years.
ZIEHL—On August 1, at Amalinda, East London district, Maria Louisa, wife of Carl Ziehl, aged 48 years.

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