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South African Commercial Advertiser

South African Commercial Advertiser 1833 - 1 - January to March

[Transcriber’s Note: The first month or so of newspapers in this folder had obviously at some point in the past been attacked by mice!! Most of the fourth column is missing, which is often where miscellaneous BMD announcements were, but I have transcribed all I could find.]

Wednesday 2 January 1833

In the Military Chapel Sunday Dec 30 by the Rev H.P.Cooke BA, Chaplain to the Forces:
A son of Serjeanr HOLMES, 98th Regt, baptised George.

Saturday 5 January 1833

In the English Church Cape Town on Sunday Dec 30 by the Rev G. Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. John CATO baptised John Pearson.
In the Military Chapel Monday Dec 31 by the Rev H.P.Cooke BA, Chaplain to the Forces:
A daughter of Lieut. F.B. FIELDING, 98th Regt, baptised Anna Maria.

Jan 1: Mr. George MILLER, aged 34 years and 3 months.
Jan 2: A son of Mr. Thomas KING, named Henry Fletcher, aged 4 months and 15 days.

Wednesday 9 January 1833

In the English Church Cape Town Monday Jan 7 by the Rev Holt OKES DD, officiating for the Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Lieut. H.G. HART, 49th Regt, to Miss Frances Alicia OKES.

William FARMER
Furnishing and General Ironmonger
Respectfully informs the Public at large that he has taken the stores lately occupied by Messrs. HERBERT & THORNHILL, and formerly by Mr. John MURRAY, at the corner of St.George’s-street and Strand-street, where he intends to commence in the above line of business on
Monday next, the 14th instant.
W.F. particularly solicits the attention of Families to his Fashionable Stock of
Britannia Metal Tea and Coffee Pots, Cream Ewers, Sugar Basins, Egg Cups, Soup Ladles and Spoons (the genuine Manufacture of the celebrated House of DIXON & Son of Sheffield).
Also a rich selection of Curtain Pins and Bands, of the latest fashion; and an elegant assortment of Tea Trays, Waiters, Cheese Trays, Bread Baskets, Knife Trays, Bottle Stands, Snuffer Trays, Liquor and Cruet Frames, Candlesticks, Pint and Quart Brown Jugs, mounted with Britannia Metal. Spoons, Kettles, Pots, Sad Irons, Italian Irons, Frying Pans, Gridirons, and every other description of Cooking Apparatus and Culinary Utensils. Also an extensive assortment of the best manufactured Cutlery, consisting of Knives and Forks, with ivory handles, and French-pattern Forks, also others of various qualities and prices.
Scissors, Pen-knives, Razors, Pocket-knives &c.
Gentlemen’s Chests of Tools complete; Garden Shears, Britannia metal Snuff Boxes, Spirit-flasks, Shot-belts, Powder-flasks, and Sandwich Boxes.
Also a strong Turning Lathe and Two Horse Power Steam Engine, calculated to grind flour, saw wood or propel a vehicle.
Nails, Locks, Hinges, Bolts, Screws, cast and stamped Brass Foundry, and every description of Building and Cabinet Materials.
Also an excellent stock of Saws, Planes, Chisels, Gouges, Trowels, Gimblets, Augers, Adzes, Hatchets, Files, Rasps, Anvils, Bellows, Vices, Hammers, and all other sorts of Carpenters’ and Smiths’ Tools.
W.F. being aware that it has long been a difficulty to procure good Horse Nails, begs to inform the Smiths that he has brought some, superior to any ever imported into this Colony: they are made of the best charcoal rod-iron, and manufactured by the house of FARMER & Son of Gainsboro’. Every nail is stamped F on the head; one trial alone is requested.
Patent Brass Cocks, for wine and beer barrels; also large Racking Cocks and Stop Cocks of all sizes.
W.F. begs to acquaint Brewers or Wine Merchants that he has got a quantity of Ale Hogsheads for sale: they will hold about 110 gallons. Also two Wine Pipes and other empty Packages.

At J. SLOPER’s Livery Stables, Keerom-street, horses are taken for livery at Rds 20 per month and the strictest attention paid.
NB Gigs, pleasure wagons, carts, covered wagons and saddle horses for hire at considerably lower rates than any other stables in Town.

W.H. WYMAN, late of New Bond-street, London,, having had several complaints from Ladies and Gentlemen, who have had their hair spoiled by inefficient persons, slave boys and others, who are in the habit of imposing their attendance on Ladies and Gentlemen, Strangers as well as Resident Inhabitants, by representing themselves as attached to his Establishment, deems it necessary, in order to counteract such imposition in future, to notify that he has no person of the above description in his employ; and that his usual practice is to give Ladies and Gentlemen his Personal Attendance, when favoured with their commands.
South African Hair Cutting Saloon
No.2 Shortmarket-street
8th January 1833

Wednesday 16 January 1833

In the English Church Cape Town on Monday Jan 13 [sic] by the Rev G.Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Mr. G. WARD baptised Sarah Anna.
A daughter of Mr. J. FISON baptised Caroline Jane.
A son of Mr. J. ARCHER baptised William Henry Van Zyl.

Jan 9: Mr. Thomas HAYLETT, aged 49 years and 10 months.
Jan 10: Mr. William TILLEY, aged 33 years.
Jan 11: Mr. William KINGHAM, aged 64 years.

Wednesday 23 January 1833

BIRTH on the 5th inst in Cape T [mouse damage] ...ANDERSON of a daughter.

BIRTH on the 21st instant [mouse damage]... LIESCHING of a son.

In the English Church Cape Town on Monday Jan 21 by the Rev G. Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. J. HARRIS to Mrs. Sarah BUCHANAN, widow of the late Mr. R. BUCHANAN.

On Sunday Jan 20 as above:
A daughter of Mr. E.J. BAILEY baptised Susanna Frederica Helena.
A son of Mr, T. MASKEW baptised William Wilson.
A daughter of Mr. W. PAXTON baptised Emma.
On Monday Jan 21 as above:
A son of J.D. THOMSON Esq baptised John Deas.
A son of H. WATSON Esq baptised John Harrison.
In St.Andrew’s Church Sunday Jan 13 by the Rev James Adamson DD:
A daughter of Mr. P. McDOUGALL baptised Anne.
On Monday Jan 20:
A son of J. FINDLAY, Private in HM 72nd Regt, baptised John.

Jan 17: Mr. John FRASER, aged 23 years.
Jan 20: Capt. James BLYTH of the bark England, aged 30 years and 3 months.

Saturday 26 January 1833

BIRTH at Graaff-Reinet on the 12th instant, Mrs. W.C. VAN RYNEVELD, Lady of the Civil Commissioner, of a son.

BIRTH in Cape Town on the 24th instant, Mrs. William BUISSINIE of a daughter.
Cape Town, Jan 25th 1833.

In the English Church Wynberg on Sunday Jan 20 by the Venerable Dr. T. Robinson, Archdeacon of Madras:
A daughter of the Rev J. HEAVYSIDE baptised Mary Hope.

At Wynberg Dec 27: A daughter of Mrs. Matgaret TAYLOR, widow, named Margaret, aged 1 year and 4 months.
Jan 13: Mr. James KINSULAR, aged 52 years.
Jan 17: Mrs. Cornelia SASMAN, aged 42 years.

Wednesday 30 January 1833

DIED on the 24th instant, our beloved son Carel Philip, aged 3 years 6 months and 11 days, of which painful loss we hereby give notice to relatives and friends.
Cape Town, January 29 1833.

DIED on the 26th inst, after a tedious illness, Mrs. Cornelia Sophia Johanna VAN SCHOOR, aged 33 years and 4 months; much and sincerely regretted by her children and friends.
Cape Town, 28 January 1833.

In the English Church Cape Town on Sunday Jan 27 by the Rev G. Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Mr. H. HEWITT baptised Alison Gray.
A son of Mr. T. HARRIS baptised Robert Duckitt.
Two daughters (twins) of Mr. T. SMITH, baptised Harriet Elizabeth Jane and Ann Isabella Maria.

Saturday 2 February 1833

DIED on Thursday the 31st ult, Ensign G.B. HARVEY of the 17th Native Infantry, aged 27 years.

Wednesday 6 February 1833

DIED on Monday the 4th instant, Margaret, wife of John OSMOND Esq, of Simon’s Town, aged 48 years, after a happy union of 30 years, leaving an affectionate husband and her amiable children to deplore her loss. Her amiable and kind manners will endear her to the recollection of those who have been acquainted with her virtuous character.

In the English Church Cape Town on Sunday Feb 3 by the Rev G.Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Mr. J. FRY baptised Grace Christina Maria.

Saturday 9 February 1833

In the English Church Cape Town on Wednesday Feb 6 by the Rev G.Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. B. PHILLIPS baptised Charles Toone.

Wednesday 13 February 1833

In the English Church Cape Town on Monday Feb 11 by the Rev G.Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. W. COLLISON to Miss Jane LIPSCOMBE, widow of the late Mr. R. LIPSCOMBE.

Saturday 16 February 1833

MARRIED by Special Licence on the 12th inst in the Military Chapel by the Rev H.P.B.Cooke, Chaplain to the Forces, T.H.DUTHIE Esq, 72nd Highlanders, to Caroline, third daughter of George REX Esq of the Knysna.

DIED on the 11th February instant at her residence in Strand-street, my lamented sister Johanna, widow of the late J.C. TRUTER Esq, aged 50 years and 10 months, of which distressing event notice is hereby given to relations and friends.
Cape Town
15th Feb 1833

In the English Church Cape Town on Friday Feb 8 by the Rev G.Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of H. CLOETE Esq Lz baptised Helen Gerardine.

Feb 12: Mr. John WATSON aged 22 years.

Wednesday 20 February 1833

R.J. STAPLETON, formerly of Cape Town, now of London
Begs to acquaint the Public of the Cape of Good Hope that he undertakes to execute commissions of a mercantile and general nature, on reasonable terms, such as the sales of Cape produce, purchase and shipment of goods, recovery of monies, transmission of domestics and field labourers, for which references will be required for the payment of the passage money and other necessary expenses attending their embarkation. Every advice forwarded with commissions will be attended to with punctuality and despatch.
Address c/o Messrs. PALMER, MACKILLOP & Co, 11 King’s Arms Yard, Coleman-street, London.

Saturday 23 February 1833

Wm. MOORE Jun begs to inform the Public of Cape Town and its vicinity that he has taken the Premises situated in Strand-street between the stores of Mr. George CLARKE, Tallow Chandler, and Mr. Wm. FARMER, Ironmonger, where he intends to commence business as a Bread and Biscuit Baker on the 1st March, and hopes to merit a share of Public Patronage. W.M. begs to state that he has a Spring Cart for the purpose of delivering, on the shortest notice, bread, flour and fancy biscuits to those who may favor him with their commands.

Feb 20: A daughter of Mr. J.C. GOLDING, named Adelaide, aged 1 year and 2 months.

Saturday 2 March 1833

BIRTH at Verdeaux Cottage, on the camp Ground, on Thursday the 28th February 1833, the lady of O.J. TRUTER Esq of twin sons.

MARRIED by Special Licence on Friday 1st March 1833 at Rondebosch by the Rev G. Hough, Mr. George HODGSKIN to Miss Harrietta Susanna HEIDEMAN, daughter of Mr. W. HEIDEMAN, merchant, of Cape Town.

DIED at Stellenbosch on the 28th ult, Henry John, son of Major W. HARTLEY, aged 14 months and 6 days.
Cape Town 1st march 1833.

Stellenbosch Feb 26 1833
We are sorry to have to announce the death of Mr. Dirk CLOETE Senior of Noottgedacht, near this Town, which occurred this morning at a quarter past five. It appears that, returning home from Church, with one of his daughters, in a cart, the pole broke and he was thrown out, and was dragged along the ground, by which his left leg was frightfully shattered and lacerated. Two ribs were broken and he received several bruises. Symptoms of mortification began to show themselves yesterday, and it was judged necessary to remove the limb, which operation he bore most heroically; but his constitution, from having suffered so severe a shock the day before, and his age (66 years) were so unfavorable that he gradually sunk this morning. We are happy to learn that Miss CLOETE, although also severely bruised, is likely to do well.

Wednesday 6 March 1833

By Special Licence in the English Church on Friday March 1 by the Rev G. Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. G. HODGSKIN to Miss Harrietta Susanna HEIDEMAN.
In the Military Chapel Monday march 4 by the Rev H.P. Cooke BA, Chaplain to the Forces:
Color Serjeant T. MILLER, of HM 98th Regt, to Miss Margaret CAHILL.

In the English Church Cape Town on Sunday March 3 by the Rev G. Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Mr. G.M. PAINE baptised Maria Georgina Menelausina.
In St.Andrew’s Church on Sunday March 3 by the Rev James Adamson DD:
A daughter of E.M. GORDON Esq baptised Catherine Maria.

Feb 27: Mrs. Elizabeth WENHAM, wife of Mr. Thos. WENHAM, aged 48 years.
Feb 28: A son of Mr. J. EDWARDS, named John William Benjamin, aged 11 months.

Saturday 9 March 1833

Mr. Henry SHERMAN, intending to leave the colony for England during the ensuing month, requests that all claims may be sent in for adjustment to the counting house of Messrs LEVICK Son & SHERMAN
2nd March 1833

Commission & Agency – LEVICK Son & SHERMAN
Beg to acquaint their friends and the public that a good opportunity now presents itself for procuring from England such articles as they may require, which will be selected by Mr. Henry SHERMAN on the spot. Those persons wishing to avail themselves of the above notice will be pleased to make their applications as early as possible at their counting house, where further particulars may be known.
25 Burgher-street, March 2nd 1833

Begs to inform his friends and the public that he intends to open an Evening Class for instruction in Mechanical and Architectural Drawing, from the hours of 7 to 9 at the Academy, 55 Long-street. Terms 5Rds per month.
NB to commence Monday March 11th inst.

MARRIED at Stellenbosch on Monday 3rd March by the Rev Mr. T. HEROLD, Mr. G.C. WOLHUTER to Miss J.E.M. LOMBAARD.

MARRIED at Swellendam on Monday 4th inst by the Rev J. Cassie, E.C. MORGAN, Solicitor to the Hon. E.I. Company at Bombay, to Amelia, eldest daughter of E.C. EMETT Esq, late captain in the 54th Regiment.

Wednesday 13 March 1833

DIED on the 7th instant at Simon’s Town, sincerely and deservedly lamented, James Francis OSMOND, aged 23 years, youngest son of John OSMOND Esq, whose urbanity of manners and excellent disposition endeared him to his family and friends. He had been labouring under a consumptive complaint for some time, originating in a severe cold, succeeded by cough and rupture of a blood vessel: still hopes had been sanguinely entertained of prolonging his valuable life, but sincere filial grief for the recent death of a most amiable and affectionate mother brought him to an early grave, doubly adding to the affliction of his disconsolate father, sisters and brothers, as well as to the regret of all those with whom each had been acquainted.
Simon’s Town, 12th March 1833.

In the English Church Cape Town Monday March 11 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. R. MUTTON to Mrs. Catherine TAYLOR, widow of the late Mr. R. TAYLOR.

On Sunday March 10 as above:
A son of Mr. I. DACOSTA baptised William.
A daughter of Mr. T. SMITH baptised Catherine Regina.
In the Military Chapel Monday March 3 by the Rev H.P.Cooke BA, Chaplain to the Forces:
A son of Quarter Master L. CASTRAY, 98th Regt, baptised Harcourt Danford.
In the English Church Wynberg on Sunday Feb 27 by the Rev E. Judge MA, acting chaplain:
A daughter of Fanny, free black, baptised Sarah.
On Sunday March 10 by ditto:
A son of A. SASMAN baptised William.

March 6: Samuel BRIMMER, aged 68 years.
March 8: Miss Emily KILBY, aged 30 years.
March 8: A son of Mr. J.F. BEYNON, named Richard Fortescue, aged 1 year and 1 month.
At Wynberg Feb 26: A son of Mr. J. COLEMAN, named William, aged 6 years.
March 8: Abraham SASMAN Jun, native of Wynberg, aged 27 years.

Saturday 16 March 1833

DIED at Worcester on the 11th instant, Frederic Joubert, son of P.J. POGGENPOEL Esq, aged 13 months and 20 days.
Worcester 12th March 1833

Wednesday 20 March 1833

DIED on Thursday 7th inst at 12 o’clock at night, Miss Emily KILBY, born in York in England, of which notice is hereby given to her friends and relatives.
Jacob VAN REENEN Js, S. DE KOCK, Executors
Cape Town 14th March 1833

Mrs. INGLESBY, Dressmaker, returns her sincere thanks to those Ladies who have kindly favoured her with their patronage; and she begs to apprise them and the public generally that she has removed to No.1 Castle-street near to St.George’s-street.

In the English Church Cape Town on Monday March 18 by the Rev G. Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr.J.B. DALLIMORE to Miss Sarah Anne BARKER.
Mr. J. SANDERS to Steentje SMIT.
Mr. J. COOKE to Andrina DAVID

On Sunday March 17 as above:
A son of Mr. S. BENOY baptised William

March 17: A son of Elizabeth JARVIS, named John, aged 8 months.

Saturday 23 March 1833

MARRIED on the 16th January by Special Licence, at St.Helena, by the Rev B.I. Vernon, Senior Chaplain, Jane Edith, second daughter of the late Mr. William ROSE, late merchant of Cape Town, to Mr. Henry KAY MD, late Superintendent of the Medical Board of St.Helena.

A Public Examination of the Grammar School at Port Elizabeth was conducted on Wednesday last, March 6, by the Rev Dr. BURROWS in the presence of a most respectable audience. The Rev gentleman expressed himself highly pleased with the cleanly and respectable appearance of the pupils, and above all at their progress in learning. The examination included the Holy Scriptures, Ostenwald’s Abridgement, Sermon on the Mount &c, Arithmetic, Writing, Grammar, Latin Grammar, Elocution &c.
Prizes were awarded to the following pupils:
Masters Angus Graham LAMONT, John McCABE, Wm. KELLY, Henry SHEPHERD.
Misses Eliza SADLER and Anne ENGELA.
On the same day Dr. Burrows presided at the meeting of subscribers to the Port Elizabeth Infant School, when a new Committee was elected, and other business relating to the Institution was transacted.

In the English Church Wynberg on Sunday March 17 by the Rev A Denny AM, Senior Colonial Chaplain of the Mauritius, officiating for the acting chaplain:
A son of Mr. D. HANEFAY baptised Charles Joseph.
A son of Mr. J. COLEMAN baptised Daniel.
A son of ditto baptised John.

Wednesday 27 March 1833

In the English Church Cape Town on Sunday March 24 by the Rev G Hough MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Mr. G. MARSHALL baptised Mary Ann.
A son of Mr. J. SUTTON baptised George Henry.
Six children of J. COOKE, baptised severally, Leentje, David, Thomas, John, Cornelis, Betje.
On Monday March 25 as above:
A son of G. THOMPSON Esq baptised Abraham Borradaile.
In the Military Chapel Sunday March 24 by the Rev H.P.Cooke BA, Chaplain to the Forces:
A daughter of J. MURRAY Esq MD, baptised Mary Anne.

Saturday 30 March 1833

DIED on Thursday 28th inst, our beloved mother Sara GOBREGTS, widow of the late Mr. J.M. HOLTMAN, aged 81 years and 10 days, of which we hereby give notice to relatives and friends.
Cape Town, March 29 1833.

March 26: Richard BURRAND, aged 47 years.
March 26: A son of Mr. S. BENOY, named William, aged 22 days.
March 26: A son of Mr. J. MARLOW, named James, aged 23 days.

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