South African Commercial Advertiser 1829 - 3 - July to September
Wednesday 1 July 1829
In the English Church Cape Town on Saturday June 27 1829 by the Rev B.C. GOODISON, Chaplain to the Forces:
Mr. Henry SHERMAN to Miss Sarah Jane CORBITT
In the English Church Cape Town on Saturday June 27 1829 by the Rev Geo. HOUGH, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of John ART, signal-man on the Lion’s Rump, baptised Mary Jane.
Saturday 4 July 1829
At Wynberg Sunday June 14 1829 by the Rev W. WRIGHT AM:A daughter of John JOBSON baptised Eliza.
A daughter of Fanny, of Mozambique, baptised Jane Delphina.
June 18 by ditto:
A daughter of Major Butler JAMES, Bombay Native Infantry, baptised Emily Marianne.
A daughter of James William FAIRBRIDGE Esq MD baptised Sophia Elizabeth.
A son of Mr. James Luke CHURCH, baptised James Fairbridge.
In St.Andrews Church Cape Town Sunday June 28 1829 by the Rev J. ADAMSON DD:
A son of Mr. HEATLIE baptised Thomas Tennant.
A son of Sergeant William MILLER, 72nd Regt, baptised Charles.
Wednesday 8 July 1829
MARRIAGESIn the English Church Cape Town Monday July 6 1829 by the Rev Geo. HOUGH, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. Evan William ROGERS to Miss Helena WILLENBURG
Mr. John BLAND to Miss Sarah OAKLEY
July 4: Mr. Richard Joseph JOHNSON, Inhabitant of this Colony, aged 53 years and 5 months.
Wednesday 15 July 1829
BIRTH on Monday morning 13th July, Mrs. P. HARMSEN of a son.CHRISTENINGS
In the English Church Cape Town Sunday July 12 1829 by the Rev Geo. HOUGH, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Peter TONKIN baptised William Joseph.
A son of Robert YOUNG baptised Thomas Moses.
Wednesday 22 July 1829
MARRIAGEIn the English Church Cape Town Monday July 20 1829 by the Rev Geo. HOUGH, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Frederick David WALDEK to Sarah ANSON
In the English Church Cape Town on Wednesday July 15 1829 by the Rev Geo. HOUGH, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of William GADNEY Esq baptised Thomas.
On Sunday 19th by ditto:
A daughter of Mr. Geo. JESSUP baptised Eliza Columbine.
July 14: Jane KELLY, wife of Thomas KELLY, aged 36 years 1 month and 2 days.
July 17: A son of Daniel Jacob CLOETE Esq, Clerk of the Peace for the Cape and District, named Peter Lawrence, aged 3 months and 5 days.
Charles Roderick McLEOD Esq aged 31 years.
Wednesday 29 July 1829
MARRIAGESIn the English Church Cape Town Monday July 27 1829 by the Rev Geo. HOUGH, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. Edwin OLDHAM to Miss Eliza Marian ROGERS
On Tuesday July 23 1829 by the Rev W. WRIGHT AM:
John ISAACS, a native of the island of Johanna, to Sarah of the Cape.
Saturday 1 August 1829
CHRISTENINGIn the Military Church Cape Town Sunday July 26 by the Rev B.C. GOODISON MA, Chaplain to the Forces:
A son of Robert PLUNKETT, Private HM 1st Royals, baptised John Rockingham.
John NELSON, seaman of HM Ship Chanticleer, drowned in Table Bay 27 July, aged 25 years.
Wednesday 5 August 1829
MARRIED at Stellenbosch on Friday 31st July 1829 by the Rev. M. BORCHERDS VDM, Mr. Johan Philip VALENTIN to Miss Anna Maria MULLER.BIRTH on the 1st inst in Cape Town the Lady of Captain Davies SMITH, Royal Engineers, of a daughter.
CHRISTENING in the Reformed Church on Sunday 2nd inst, a son of Andries DE SMIDT Esq, Clerk of the Peace of Graaff-Reinet, named Andries.
In the English Church Cape Town Monday August 3rd 1829 by the Rev. Geo HOUGH MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
James CONGREVE, widower, to Ellen PEARSON.
William NEWLAND to Maryanne LUFF.
In the English Church Cape Town Sunday August 2nd 1829 by the Rev. Geo HOUGH MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. John TOWNSEND baptised Edward Charles
A daughter of Mr. Stephen PRUCE baptised Stephen Wilhelmina Petronella.
A son of Josephine DEMINOFF baptised Louis.
August 3rd 1829: Hugh CHAFFIN, aged 31 years.
On the 3rd instant, Mrs. OLIPHANT of a son.
Saturday 8 August 1829
On the 22nd ult the lady of J.R. THOMSON Esq of a son.MARRIAGE
In the English Church Cape Town on Thursday August 6 1829 by the Rev. Geo HOUGH MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Charles Penrose BELLAMY Esq, Acting Master Attendant, to Miss Maria Fredrica Carolina SCHULTZE.
In the Military Church Cape Town Sunday August 2nd 1829 by the Rev. B.C. GOODISON MA, Chaplain to the Forces:
A daughter of Colour Sergeant William PRESTON of HM 98th Regt, baptised Elizabeth.
A son of Kaapstad, free black, baptised William Leendert John
Aug 4: James GRUB, aged 35 years.
Aug 5: Mrs. Margaret CATO, widow of the late Mr. William CATO, aged 80 years.
Wednesday 12 August 1829
BIRTH on Friday afternoon, at Camp Ground, the lady of O.J. TRUTER Esq of a son.BIRTH at Cape Town on the 11th inst, Mrs. Richard BAKER of a son.
In the English Church Cape Town Sunday August 9 1829 by the Rev. Geo HOUGH MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. John Howard COUSINS baptised Henry Christopher.
Wednesday 19 August 1829
In the English Church Cape Town Sunday August 16 1829 by the Rev Geo. HOUGH MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of William BLAIR Esq, one of His Majesty’s Commissioners of Enquiry, baptised Dorothy Christian.
A son of William CUNNINGHAM Esq, Captain H.E.I.C. Service, baptised James Macnabb.
A son of John WALTON baptised John Thomas.
Aug 15: Edward LEATT, aged 28 years.
Saturday 22 August 1829
CHRISTENINGOn Thursday 20th inst by the Rev.B.C. GOODISON AM, Chaplain to the Forces, Arthur George, son of Lieut.Col. FITZROY, Deputy Adjutant General.
Saturday 29 August 1829
DEATHSAug 25: Mr. Arthur BARKER, aged 45 years.
Aug 26: Miss Lucy KENNY, daughter of the late Lieut. Colonel William KENNY, Madras Army, aged 28 years.
Wednesday 2 September 1829
A CASE OF POIGNANT DISTRESSDeparted this life on the 25th instant Mr. Arthur BARKER, aged 47 years, after a lingering illness, the consequence of severe afflictions; leaving a widow and seven young children in circumstances of extreme distress to deplore his melancholy loss, which deprives them of the means of subsistence. Donations to enable the family to commence in a small line of business will be thankfully received at the Bank, Commercial Exchange, Mr, GREIG’s and at Mr. REEVES’ Auction Mart. It is hoped that this appeal to a humane and benevolent public will not be addressed in vain, being, as it is, “the call of the Fatherless and the Widow”.
Cape Town 31st August 1829
In the English Church Cape Town on Monday 31 August 1829 by the Rev. Geo. HOUGH MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
In the English Church Cape Town on Friday August 28 1829 by the Rev. Geo. HOUGH MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of William Davies SMITH Esq, Captain Royal Engineers, baptised Henrietta Davies.
On Sunday August 30 by ditto:
A daughter of Mr.Thomas SMITH baptised Martha.
On Monday August 31 by ditto:
A slave woman baptised Louisa
Dundas (a Bechuana boy) baptised Abraham
Dundas (a bechuana boy) baptised Isaac
Lowry (a Bechuana girl) baptised Sarah Lowry.
Wednesday 9 September 1829
MARRIAGESIn the English Church Cape Town Monday September 7 1929 by the Rev. Geo. HOUGH MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. Jeremiah REARDON to Miss Ann STUBBLES.
Jan MULDER to Louisa.
In the English Church Cape Town on Friday September 4 1829 by the Rev. Geo. HOUGH MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Charles WHITCOMB Esq baptised Julia Mary.
A daughter of John Alexander DUTTON Esq baptised Julia Atwick
On Sunday September 6 by ditto:
A daughter of Mr. John FISON Jun baptised Elizabeth Walker.
Sept 2 : James RICE, aged 45 years.
Sept 4 : Frederick William CHRISTOVAL, aged 39 years.
Saturday 12 September 1829
CHRISTENINGSIn the English Church Cape Town on Thursday Sept 10 1829 by the Rev. Geo. HOUGH MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Rice Jones JONES Esq baptised Henry Hamilton
In the Military Church Cape Town on Sunday Sept 6 1829 by the Rev Edward JUDGE MA:
A daughter of Sergeant Daniel McGILL, Royal Sappers and Miners, baptised Emily.
Saturday 19 September 1829
MARRIED with Special Licence at Stellenbosch by the Rev Mr. BORCHERDS, on the 5th inst, Mr. Johannes Carolus NIETHLING Hs to Miss Anna Helena JOUBER.CHRISTENINGS
In St.Andrews Church Cape Town Sunday Sept 6 1829 by the Rev. J. ADAMSON DD:
A daughter [sic] of Sergeant William YOUNG, 72nd Regt, baptised James.
On Sunday 13th by ditto:
A daughter of John LAING, 72nd Regt, baptised Mary.
Sept 14: Mr. Thomas CURRY, aged 37 years 4 months and 1 day.
Saturday 26 September 1829
CHRISTENINGSIn the English Church Wynberg Sunday September 26 1829, by the Rev. B.C. GOODISON MA, Acting Chaplain:
An adult native of the Cape, baptised Samuel DIGGERY.
A daughter of Pierre Louis ROSA baptised Lucy Ann.
At Graham’s Town on the 9th September, Louisa Sophia, daughter of Mr. R. STONE, aged 5 years; and on the 15th, Robert William, son of the above, aged 3 years.
Wednesday 30 September 1829
CHRISTENINGIn the English Church Cape Town Sunday Sept [blank] 1829 by the Rev. Geo. HOUGH MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of the late George SCOTT Esq baptised William Henry Horatio.
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