South African Commercial Advertiser 1829 - 1 - January to March
Wednesday 7 January 1829
In the English Church Cape Town Monday 5th Jan 1829 by the Rev. Geo.HOUGH MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. John ELLIOT to Carolina Maria Cristina WILHELM
In the English Church Cape Town on Sunday 4th Jan 1829 by the Rev. Geo.HOUGH MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Mr. J.M. BROWN baptised Eliza Hawksley Mitchell.
A son of Mr. J.D. FILMALTER baptised Hieronimus.
A daughter of Mr. W. GUNN baptised Hannah Elizabeth.
Jan 1 1829: Henry DUMBLE, aged 42 years.
Jan 4: An infant daughter of Mr. John ROSE, named Eliza.
Wednesday 14 January 1829
CHRISTENINGIn the English Church Cape Town Sunday 11th Jan 1829 by the Rev. B.C. GOODISON MA, Chaplain to the Forces.
A son of Mr. Donald ROSS baptised John
Jan 8 1829: Mr. Philip Charles HOGAN aged 42 years.
Jan 8: A son of Mr. J.B. BRADSHAW, named James, aged 2 months.
Jan 9: Mr. Lewis James KELLY, aged 29 years.
Jan 11: A daughter of Mr. George CLARKE, named Mary Sophia, aged 6 months and 3 days.
DIED in Cape Town on Friday 9th inst, Mr. Lewis James KELLY, a gentleman of considerable literary attainments, and formerly tutor in the family of A. CHIAPPINI Esq of this Town.
Saturday 17 January 1829
DEATHJan 14 1829: A daughter of Mr. Ewan CHRISTIAN, named Antoinette, aged 2 years and 4 months.
Wednesday 21 January 1829
CHRISTENINGSIn the English Church Cape Town Sunday 18th Jan 1829 by the Rev. Geo. HOUGH MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. William HUTCHONS baptised William Charles.
A daughter of Mr. Thomas SINCLAIR baptised Magdalena Anna Susanna.
Saturday 24 January 1829
Any person that credits Mary BARRETT does it on his own account, as her husband will not be answerable for any debts contracted by her.Richard BARRETT
DIED at Uitenhage on the 11th inst, Elizabeth, wife of the Rev Alexander SMITH, Clergyman of that District, deeply regretted.
15th Jan 1829
Wednesday 28 January 1829
DIED this day at half past seven, our beloved daughter Jacomina Petronella, aged 23 months and 9 days, of which we hereby give notice to Relatives and Friends.Cape Town
Jan 26 1929
In the English Church Cape Town Thursday 22nd Jan 1829 by the Rev geo. HOUGH MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. John Hopkinson LOLLEY to Miss jane WHITE.
Jan 19 1829: Mary Ann, wife of Mr. J. DYASON, aged 35 years.
Saturday 31 January 1829
DIED. Notice is hereby given to Relatives and Friends that our beloved son Hendrik Christiaan departed this life at the tender age of about 21 months.Siewart DE JONGH Hs
Cape Town, 28th Jan 1829
DIED at Graham’s Town on the 20th inst, Thomas Harrison PACKENHAM, aged 14 years and 7 months.
In the Military Church Jan 29 1829 by the Rev B.C. GOODISON MA, Chaplain to the Forces:
A daughter of Major Edward VAUGHAN of His majesty’s 98th Regt, baptised Jane.
In ditto, Jan 24 by the Rev. Richard McDonald CAUNTER LLB:
A son of the Rev. B.C. GOODISON MA, Chaplain to the Forces, baptised William Benjamin.
Wednesday 4 February 1829
CHRISTENINGSIn the Military Church Cape Town Sunday Feb 1 1829 by the Rev. B.C. GOODISON MA, Chaplain to the Forces:
A daughter of Hector NICHOL, Private of 72nd Highlanders, baptised Eleanor
In the English Church Cape Town Sunday Feb 1 1829 by the Rev. Geo. HOUGH MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. Edward EAGAR baptised Edward.
A daughter of Mr. R. THOMPSON baptised Ann Elizabeth.
A daughter of Mr. Alex. BYRNE baptised Susanna.
Jan 31 1829: E.A. DANFORD Esq, Captain of HM 49th Regt, aged 34 years.
Feb 2: Alexander CORLETT, aged 27 years.
Wednesday 11 February 1829
MARRIAGE (by special licence)In the English Church Cape Town Thursday Feb 5 1829 by the Rev Geo. HOUGH MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
James CAREY Esq, Commissioner of Stamps, to Mrs. Elvira, widow of the late Rev Robert HUTCHINGS.
Wednesday 18 February 1829
MARRIAGEIn the English Church Cape Town Monday Feb 16 1829 by the Rev Geo. HOUGH MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Joseph SPIERS to Catherine KENNY.
In the English Church, Cape Town Sunday Feb 15 1829 by the Rev Geo. HOUGH MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Mr. John JEARY baptised Sarah Ann
Feb 11 1829: Sarah LEITH, widow of the late John BLACKMAN, aged 56 years.
Buried on Sunday 15th inst, Mr. George NORTH, Master of the ship Emma, who died at sea on the 4th inst, aged 22 years.
Saturday 21 February 1829
BOOKBINDING in all its branches neatly executed in the English style with English leather and materials. Account books ruled and made to pattern on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms.G. GREIG
DIED this day at 2 o’clock, our beloved eldest son Carel Wilhelm TRAUT, after an illness of only four days, aged 29 years, 6 months and 14 days.
Klip Valley Feb 18 1829
MARRIAGE (by special licence)
In the English Church Cape Town Wednesday 18 Feb 1829 by the Rev. G. HOUGH MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. Andrew STEEDMAN, Merchant, to Miss Kate Percy ROSE, third daughter of the late Mr. William ROSE of this Town, Merchant.
On Sunday Feb 1 at Simon’s Town by the Rev. G. STURT AB:
A daughter of Mr. W. COOPER baptised Maria Anna.
Wednesday 25 February 1829
CHRISTENINGIn the English Church Cape Town Sunday Feb 22 1829 by the Rev W. WRIGHT AM:
A daughter of Mr. Thomas KING baptised Sarah Phillis.
Feb 18 1829: William JOHNSON, aged 25 years.
Saturday 28 February 1829
BIRTH: The lady of the Civil Commissioner of Graaff-Reinert of a son on the 18th inst – both mother and child doing well.DIED on the 8th December 1828, at Hastings in Sussex (whither he had gone for the benefit of his health preparatory to his proceeding to the University of Edinburgh), after an illness of only a few days, Mr. Ewald Benedictus ZIERVOGEL, aged 19 years; deeply and sincerely regretted by his affectionate Mother and other Relatives and Friends.
In the Wesleyan Chapel Simon’s Town Sun Feb 8 by the Rev Mr. SNOWDALL:
An adult person named Sarah BREVIS.
Feb 22 1829: A son of Mr. Thomas James Secre KEMP, names Samuel Carstel Welton, aged 1 year 8 months and 13 days.
Wednesday 4 March 1829
MARRIAGE (by special licence)In the English Church Cape Town Friday 27 1829 by the Rev Geo. HOUGH MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Frederick DICKINSON Esq, Private Secretary to His Excellency the Governor, to Miss Maria Johann JOUBERT
Marriage on Monday 2nd March by ditto:
Mr. Hans HANSEN to Eliza ALLEY.
In the English Church Cape Town Sunday March 1 1829 by the Rev Geo. HOUGH MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. H. TENNANT baptised David.
Saturday 7 March 1829
FOR HIRE, a healthy Wet Nurse, without a child. Apply to S. VALENTYNS, corner of Long and Riebeek-streets.DIED at Sheffield on the 30th October last, Mrs. Hannah LEVICK, wife of Mr. Joseph LEVICK. Merchant in this Colony, deeply regretted by her Husband and Family, as well as by all those who had the pleasure of her acquaintance.
It is a painful task to the undersigned to announce to his Relatives and Friends the death of his dearly beloved sister Mrs A.E. GRANT, wife of Edward GRANT Esq, Judge and Magistrate of Ahmedabad, Bombay, on the evening of 28th December last, at the early age of 32 years, leaving [image cut off]
Wednesday 11 March 1829
CHRISTENINGSIn the English Church Cape Town Sunday March 8 by the Rev Geo. HOUGH MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Mr. William HUNT baptised Esther.
A daughter of Mr. John ANSON baptised Hannah.
March 1 1829: Thomas MAHONY, aged 28 years.
March 5 1829: Mrs. Mary HANBURY, widow, aged 82 years.
Saturday 14 March 1829
DEATHMarch 11: Mr. Francis GADNEY, aged 19 years.
Wednesday 18 March 1829
CHRISTENINGIn the English Church Cape Town Sunday March 15 1829 by the Rev Geo. HOUGH MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Mr. Robert HAYNES baptised Elizabeth Parry.
March 13 1829: John CAHILL, aged 21 years.
Mar 16: A son of John Robert THOMSON Esq, names Jan Carel Horak, aged 16 months.
Buried on the 16th, George IRVING, seaman of the ship Hero, drowned in table Bay.
Wednesday 25 March 1829
CHRISTENINGIn the Military Church Cape Town Friday March 20 by the Rev B.C. GOODISON AM, Chaplain to the Forces:
A son of surgeon Edward TEDLIE of HM 98th Regt, baptised William
March 19: Robert LINDSAY, late pensioner of HM 72nd Highlanders, aged 52 years.
March 21: Eva, native of Madagascar, aged about 36 years.
Saturday 28 March 1829
MARRIED on Thursday 26th inst, Mr. Henry HEWITT to Miss A.H. GRAY.MARRIAGE (by special licence)
In the English Church Cape Town on Thursday March 26 1829 by the Rev Geo. HOUGH MA, Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr Henry HEWITT to Miss Alison Harrison GRAY.
By the Rev John PEARS AM at Cape Town March 23 1829:
James LAING to Maria Hendrica Wilhelmina JACOBS.
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