South African Commercial Advertiser 1827 - January to March
Saturday 6 January 1827
In the English Church Jan 1:
A son of Mr. T. KING baptised John Joseph.
A son of Robert Sydney SAUNDERSON baptised Robert Thomas.
In the Reformed Church Dec 31:
A son of Mr. P/D? S. DE VILLIERS baptised David Petrus Jacobus.
A daughter of Mr. P.J. TRUTER Ds baptised Johanna Wilhelmina.
A daughter of J.H. LESAR baptised Fransina Florentina.
A daughter of S. HEUSER baptised Anna Christina.
A daughter of C. DE KOCK Jun baptised Maria Magdalena.
A daughter of A.G.H. ROSSOUW baptised Anna Maria.
In the English Church Jan 1:
David WILLIAMS to Sarah DYKE.
Dec 27:
Johan Fredrik VOGES, aged 59 years and 5 months.
Jan 2:
Mr. Jan ZINKANTYN, aged 77 years.
A daughter of Mr. H.J. HABLUTZEL, named Dorothea Fransina, aged 14 months and 12 days.
Saturday 13 January 1827
In the English Church Jan 10:
A daughter of James Duff WATT Esq, Assistant Commissary General to the Forces, baptised Madeline Meriel.
In the English Church Jan 5:
A daughter of John ATHERSTONE Esq baptised Caroline.
Jan 7:
Two sons of the late Mr. Charles CALDECOTT Surgeon, baptised Charles Henry and Robert Frederick William.
In the Reformed Church Dec 31:
Six adult persons baptised Tobias WEDEL, Carolina Johanna Petronella VAN DYK, Cornelia Fransina ADAMS, Helena Johanna VALENTYN, Clara Christina VALENTYN and Charltta Geertruyda RYN, all of the Cape.
Jan 7:
A son of C.A. BEHR baptised George Petrus.
A daughter of L.H. KARSTEN baptised Anna Jacoba Magdalena Fredrica.
In the Lutheran Church Jan 7:
A daughter of J.A.C. RORICH baptised Cornelia Maria Jacoba.
At Graham’s Town Dec 21:
A daughter of Philip WHITAKER baptised Charlotte.
A daughter of A. PICK baptised Carolina Fredrica.
Dec 29:
A daughter of James McINTOSH baptised Charlotte Isabella.
Dec 31:
A daughter of James WALLACE baptised Dephilida Margaret.
In the English Church Jan 6 (by special licence):
Edward ARMSTRONG Esq, Lieutenant 34th Madras Light Infantry, to Miss Antoinetta Bertholda TRUTER.
Jan 10:
Mr. Edward GEORGE to Miss Sarah TOWNS.
In the Reformed Church Jan 7:
Christiaan Nicolaas GEYER to Catharina Margaretha GARISCH.
Jan 9:
Mr. Joseph DE KOCK to Miss Aletta Gertruyda SMUTS
Jan 3:
Jan VAN LINDENBAUM, aged 65 years 3 months and 18 days.
Jane 4:
Jan VAN DER HOEVE, and 77 years and 3 months.
Biorn MAGNUS, aged 46 years 7 months and 16 days.
Jan 6:
A daughter of Mr. H.C. JARVIS, named Anna Elizabeth Sophia, aged 7 months and 13 days.
Jan 8:
Isaak LEZAR, aged 63 years and 3 months.
Jan 9:
Johanna Deliana ZINKANTYN, aged 42 years and 10 months.
At Graham’s Town Dec 28:
Isabella McLACHLAN, aged 5 months and 8 days.
Saturday 20 January 1827
On the 14th Jan:
A son of Francis BREW Esq, Quarter Master in HM 49th Regt of Foot, baptised George Evans.
A daughter of Drum Major John KNIGHT of HM 98th Regt, baptised Martha.
In the Reformed Church Jan 14:
A son of J.A. JANSON baptised Philip Christiaan.
A daughter of Mr. J.P. CLOETE, baptised Catharina Cornelia.
In the Lutheran Church Jan 17:
A son of A.C. KOCK baptised Nicolas Jacobus.
In the Reformed Church Jan 16:
Albert Erasmus VAN WYK Esq to Miss Mary Ann FOSTER.
Jan 11:
A daughter of Mr. W.A. DE VRIES, named Johanna Olevia, aged 9 months and 11 days.
A son of Sara Dorothea JANSEN, named Robert, aged 14 months.
Jan 13:
A daughter of C.S. ECKARD, named Cornelia Johanna, aged 8 months and 19 days.
Jan 16:
George VAN DEN BERG, aged 40 years and 9 months.
Oltman OLDERS, aged 47 years 1 month and 8 days.
A son of Jan ZANDERS, named Jan Stephan, aged 5 months and 10 days.
Saturday 27 January 1827
In the English Church Jan 21:
Two daughters (twins) of John BROWN, baptised Zelia and Amelia.
Jan 23:
A daughter of the late Mr. C. CALDECOTT Surgeon, baptised Mary Ann Jane Amelia.
A son of the late Mr. C. CALDECOTT Surgeon, baptised Timothy John.
In the Reformed Church Jan 21:
A son of Mr. W.C. BOTHA baptised Johan Samuel Fredrik.
A daughter of Mr. A. LOUW As baptised Johanna Henrietta.
A daughter of Mr. M.C. WOLFF, baptised Fransina Hendrina Helena.
In the Lutheran Church Jan 21:
A daughter of G. BRINK baptised Geertruyda Johanna Petronella.
Jan 18:
A daughter of C.H. HOFFMAN, named Anna Hendrina Catharina, aged 15 months.
A daughter of the late P.A. BREVIS, named Sara Andrica Cornelia, aged 3 yeats 7 months and 9 days.
Jan 19:
Geertruyda Johanna BERNING, aged 27 years and 3 months.
Jan 20:
Mrs. Wilhelmina Jesina SMALBERGER, widow of the late W. LATEGAN, aged 65 years 8 months and 19 days.
A son of Mr. G.J. JOUBERT, named Ernst August Van Hugel, aged two years and six days.
Jan 21:
Job Gui GRAY, aged 67 years.
An infant daughter of Juliana Johanna SMITH.
Jan 22:
A son of W. GILMORE, named Henry, aged 1 year 5 months.
Saturday 3 February 1827
DIED on the 24th instant, my dear husband Nicholas RAAFF, aged 53 years and 9 months, after an illness of only nine days.
Widow N. RAAFF.
DIED on Monday morning the 29th Jan at 5 o’ clock, my beloved husband Mr. Heinrich LICHTWARK, aged 49 years.
Cape Town 2nd Feb 1827
WANTED to purchase at a moderate price, a horse with harness and a covered cart in good condition; cash will be given. Apply to W. HAYWARD, Boot and Shoe Maker, Wale-street.
On Sun Jan 28:
A son of Corporal Edward COOPER of HM 55th Regiment of Foot, baptised Henry.
In the Reformed Church Jan 28:
A son of P.M. BRINK Cs Esq, baptised Andries Johannes.
A son of J.C. GIE Esq Ms baptised Johan Coenraad.
A son of Mr. F.S. BERNING, baptised Fredrik Simon.
A son of P.F. STERRENBERG baptised Pieter Gulhelmus Langenhooven.
A daughter of Mr. R.A. PEACH, baptised Johann Jacoba Carolina.
A daughter of A.J. HEYNS, baptised Dorothea Johanna.
A daughter of J.G. WEBER, baptised Christina Elisabeth Johanna.
In the English Church, Port Elizabeth Jan 7:
A daughter of A.H. DU PREE, baptised Anna Helena Geertruyda.
A daughter of P.J. TER BLANCH, baptised Louisa Josina.
Jan 14:
A daughter of J.G. VAN DER WAT, baptised Jacomina Aletta.
In the English Church (by special licence) Feb 1:
Mr. Samuel PHELPS to Miss Isobella ALMOND.
Jan 23:
W. WILLIAMS, aged 31 years and 6 months.
Jan 24:
A daughter of F.G. CORNELISSEN, named Christina Catharina Fredrica, aged 4 years and 10 months.
Nicolaas RAAF, aged 53 years and 9 months.
Ellen BARBEA, wife John FULLARD, aged 27 years
Jan 29:
Mr. Johan Hendrik LICHTWARK, aged 49 years.
Jan 20:
A daughter of W.F. HELDZINGER, named Anna Maria Theresa, aged 11 months and 15 days.
Tuesday 6 February 1827
I hereby caution all Persons against giving any Credit to my WIFE, as I will not be responsible for ant Debts that she may contract.
Strand-street, 1st Feb 1827
DIED on the 2nd inst, our dearly beloved Son Johan Gebhard BERGH, aged one year four months and three days, of which severe loss we hereby give notice to Relatives and Friends, and request to be excused the visits of condolence.
Stellenbosch 3rd Feb 1827
Saturday 10 February 1827
In the Reformed Church Feb 4:
A son of J.P. SERRURIER Esq baptised Jan Fredrik.
A son of Mr. D.F. UYA baptised Pieter de Waal.
A son of the late W. WILLIAMS baptised Johannes Thomas Wilhelm.
A daughter of O.J. TRUTER Esq baptised Hester Catharina.
A daughter of A.M. DESTRON? baptised Geertruyda Johanna Margaretha.
A daughter of G.J. HEYDENRYCH baptised Catharina Maria.
Three daughters of C.G. POOLMAN? baptised Johanna Christina, Orgina Christina and Fredrica Niclasina.
In the Lutheran Church Feb 4:
A son of C.P. WOLHUTER baptised Donald Fredrik.
In the Reformed Church Feb 4:
Coenraad VAN EYSSEN Cs to Anna Catharina HIRSCHENBEIN.
Isaak Abraham DE VILLIERS Js to Catharina Aletta BESTER/RESTER?
Jan 2:
The daughter of Mr. Geo. PRINCE, Marianne, aged 15 months and 3 days.
Jan 5:
Mrs. Catharina Magdalena BOSKAMP, widow of the late Mr. H. LEURING, aged 63 years 6 months and 5 days.
A son of J.J. HEYNS, named Simon Godlieb Albert, aged two years.
Mary WARY, aged 21 years.
Saturday 17 February 1827
BIRTH on the 13th inst, the lady of H. CLOETE Esq LLD of a daughter.
In the English Church Feb 11:
A daughter of Mr. E. DODD baptised Melvina Catharine.
A son of Rosetta DUNDAS (free woman) baptised Edward Charles.
A daughter of Serjeant Daniel KENNEDY of HM 49th Regt baptised Caroline.
In the Reformed Church Feb 11:
A son of J.H. COETZEE baptised Stephanus Gerhardus.
A son of J.J.F.C. HEYDENRYCH baptised Martinus Johannes.
A daughter of M.A. BRINK Js baptised Susanna Justina Faure.
A daughter of N.J. LETZ baptised Nicolosina Jacoba.
Three daughters and a son of Helena Johanna VALENTYN, baptised Alida Aplona, Clara Helena, Hendrica Christina and Johannes Christiaan Otto.
At Graham’s Town Jan 7:
A son of H. HAYES baptised Henry Francis.
A son of Bombardier DUFFY of the Royal Artillery, baptised Samuel Ebenezer.
Jan 8:
A daughter of Lieut. ROSS of HM Cape Corps Infantry, baptised Leonora Alford.
Jan 14:
A daughter of Corporal HUGHES of HM Royal Sappers and Miners, baptised Carolina.
Jan 21:
A daughter of T. SCHALWYK baptised Anna Giertiena Margaretha.
Jan 28:
A daughter of L. WILLEM, baptised Susanna Josina.
In the Reformed Church Feb 11:
Bevan MATHEWS to Johanna Wilhelmina VAN EYSSEN.
At Graham’s Town Jan 4:
Mr. James ALLISON to Miss Dorothy THACKWRAY.
Jan 16:
Daniel ROBERTS to Jane ALDUM.
Jan 19:
Mr. Wm. HOWARD to Mrs. Mary HILES.
Feb 1:
Serjeant James BOND of HM 55th Regt to Sara AMOR.
Feb 8:
A daughter of John ROSE, named Anna Harriet Eliza, aged two years five months and 23 days.
A son of J.C. GARISCH named Abraham Isaak, aged 6 months.
Feb 11:
A daughter of M.F.J. ABRAHAMSE, named Fransina Jacoba, aged two years.
At Graham’s Town, Andrew IRVING, late of HM 72nd, aged 55 years.
[Jan/Feb?] 8:
Miss Isabella DANIELS, aged 20 years.
Jan 18:
A son of Lieutenant W.L. HEATHCOTE of HM Corps Cavalry, aged two months and 18 days.
Mary CONWAY, aged 40 years,
Jan 23:
Arabella LIONS, aged 54 years.
Saturday 24 February 1827
A kid with eight legs to be seen at No.44 Bree-street for the small sum of one shilling.
DIED on the 19th inst, a daughter of Mr. George HUDD, named Rosetta Martha Huysman, aged 11 months and 17 days.
In the English Church Feb 19:
A son of Mr. W. BENSON baptised John.
In the Reformed Church Feb 18:
A son of A.J. ESPACH, baptised Abraham Jacobus.
A daughter of Mr. C.C. BRESLER baptised Sara Brand.
A daughter of Mr. J.J. KOTZEE baptised Sophia Magdalena Jacoba.
A daughter of Mr. J.C. KOTZEE baptised Johanna Cornelia Wilhelmina.
A daughter of G.M. BAM baptised Maria Sophia.
A daughter of J.M. VILLAVICENTIO baptised Hendrina Christina Maria.
A daughter of Sara VAN MADAGASCAR baptised Hendrina Jubella Van den Berg.
A daughter of the late Letje VAN DE KAAP baptised Louisa Aletta.
In the Lutheran Church Feb 18:
An adult person baptised Amelia RIEDER and her daughter Johanna Magdalena KOLBEE.
At Drooge Valley Feb 7 by the Rev W. WRIGHT MA:
A son of W. PROCTOR Esq baptised James Mildmay Falkner.
A son of John ARCHER baptised Robert.
In the English Church, Port Elizabeth Feb 6:
A son of Staff Assistant Surgeon John WYER, baptised John Francis.
Feb 11:
A son of Daniel WOODS baptised James.
In the English Church Feb 19:
Michael STUDSER to Mary Ann REAVES.
In the Reformed Church Feb 18:
Christiaan BARTENICKE to Dina Catharina SMITH.
In the English Church Wynberg Feb 5:
James RANDALL to Margaret BUTLER.
On Wed Feb 14:
William James McLEOD to Mary KERWICK.
At Graham’s Town Feb 8 (by special licence):
Charles MAYNARD Esq to Georgina, fifth daughter of Alex. BIGGAR Esq of Woodlands, Albany.
Mr. John FAIR to Miss Augusta ROWLES.
Mr. Thos. Francis KING to Miss Sarah HONEY.
Feb 14:
A son of R. ALLWRIGHT, named Charles, aged 4 months and 12 days.
A son of J.H. BUITENDAG, named Jan Hendrik, aged 13 months and 9 days.
Feb 15:
A son of George PATON Esq, named george Ponty, aged 3 months and 22 days.
Hester Helena BERGH, aged 22 years and 10 months.
Feb 16:
Mr. Andrew DIXON, aged 32 years.
Feb 17:
An infant daughter of C.L.W. LIESCHING Esq.
A daughter of F. SCHENCK, named Fredrica Wilhelmina, aged 9 months and 7 days.
Saturday 3 March 1827
In consequence of various family afflictions and being hastily called on board the vessel in which I have taken my passage for England, I have been prevented in personally taking leave of many of my best friends in Cape Town. I therefore avail myself of this medium to express my regret at this circumstance and respectfully bid them all farewell.
On board the Hussaren
Table Bay Feb 26 1827
DIED. In the name of the joint heirs, notice is hereby given to friends and relations that our dearly beloved mother, Johanna TROOST, widow of the late Jacobus VAN SCHIE, departed this life on the 17th February last at Doornkloof, Riebeeks Kasteel, aged 72 years 10 months and 13 days. We feel assured that those who were acquainted with the deceased will participate in this our severe loss.
In the English Church Feb 25:
A daughter of Mosa (Government prize Mozambique) baptised Frances.
A daughter of Charlotte (negress) baptised Esther.
In the Reformed Church Feb 25:
A son of G.W. SPENGLER baptised Abraham Theodorus.
A daughter of Mr. P. VAN BREDA J As baptised Anna Tobia Martina.
A daughter of Mr. J.O. PHILLIPS baptised Anna Catharina Margaretha.
In the Lutheran Church Feb 25:
A son and daughter (twins) of Mr. J.A. TEUBES, baptised Andreas Georg Hendrik and Susanna Justina.
In the Reformed Church Feb 25:
Prudent ADAM to Elisabeth Jacoba COMBRICK.
Feb 26:
Thomas EDWARDS to Dorotha HENDRIKS.
Sophia Margaretha RYNKE, widow of the late W. KOET..APP [middle of name obscured in fold], aged 23 years.
Feb 24:
Catharina Maria WINTERSTEYN, aged 45 years 6 months and 6 days.
An infant daughter of Clarentina ?ESSER [first letter of surname obscured in fold].
Feb 25:
A son of Mr. C.P. VISSER, named Johannes Lucas, aged 3 years 8 months and 18 days.
Feb 26:
Mr. Alex. DUNCAN, aged 37 years.
Petronella Johann HARTOG, widow of the late J.G. ?INGENFELDER [first letter of surname obscured in fold], aged 73 years 11 months and 26 years [sic].
Feb 27:
Mrs. Wilhelmina Christina DE WAAL, widow of the late J.P. WATNEY Esq, aged 40 years 9 months and 11 days.
Feb 28:
Egbertus BERGH Esq, aged 68 years 8/3? Months 17 days.
Saturday 10 March 1827
In the English Church March 4:
A daughter of Mr. Joseph STURGIS baptised Maria Caroline Elizabeth.
A son of John HAYWOOD baptised Walter.
A daughter of Eva (free woman) baptised Hendrina Georgina.
In the Reformed Church March 4:
A son of J.J.H. ECHARD baptised Hermanus Johannes.
A son of R.J. MULLER baptised Paulus Johannes.
A daughter of Mr. J. VEROUEIL baptised Aletta Jacoba.
A daughter of Mr. P.J. HAMMES baptised Anna Elisabeth.
A daughter of J.F. KANNEMEYER baptised Jacoba Charlotta.
A daughter of J.C. ISAACKSE Sen baptised Elisabeth Christina
In the English Church March 5:
Mr. Andrew ROSS to Carolina Johanna Maria BROWN.
In the Reformed Church March 4:
Paul VAN JAARSVELD Ws to Aletta Geertruyda MOSTERT, widow of the late L.J. PIENAAR.
Gerrit KOTZEE Ws to Anna Elisabeth LAMBRECHTS.
Johannes David VAN DER WESTHUYZEN Gs to Anna Hendrica Margaretha BRAND.
Petrus Arnoldus Jurgen BRAND to Hilletje Aletta Johanna GILDENHUYZEN.
March 1:
Captain Telemachus MUSSON, late of the Schooner Conch, aged 37 years.
Helena Maria Jacoba COENRADIE, widow of the late A. JACOBS, aged 67 years 3 months and 14 days.
Maria Theresa Wilhelmina Eleonora, Baroness VON BUCHENRODER VON BUCHENRAD, wife of J.B.C. KNOBEL Esq, aged 40 years 3 months and 7 days.
March 4:
Mr. Joachim Wilhelm HEYNEMAN, aged 35 years 4 months and 4 days.
[There are no further editions of the South Africa Commercial Advertiser in the folder CO53/1 until October 1828]
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