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South African Commercial Advertiser

South African Commercial Advertiser 1824

Wednesday 7 January 1824

A.T. CALDECOTT, Tobacconist, No.27 Burg-street, begs to inform Merchants, Captains of Vessels, and others, that he can supply them with Snuff and Tobacco of the best quality, Wholesale or Retail, on Moderate Terms.

The Widow, Jacob HENDRIKSEN, begs to inform her Friends and the Public in general that she will continue this Year the Baking business: and avails herself of this opportunity to return her most sincere thanks for the kind support she has already experienced; and hopes, by unremitting attention, to merit a further continuance of the same.
NB. Agents and Captains of Ships supplied with Biscuit, Flour &c on the shortest notice. 

Wednesday 21 January 1824

John INGRAM has on Sale, at the Stores, No. 27 Long-street (late W. APSEY's) Prime Navy Beef, in Tierces; Pork in Barrels; new Roman Cement in do.; Smoked Salmon in Kegs; Starch in do.; English Bricks; Oatmeal in Bags; a few Puncheons Irish Whisky; and a splendid Assortment of cut Glass.
Jan 21 1823 [sic]

Wednesday 4 February 1824

Robert SWAN begs to acquaint his friends and the Public that he has removed from No.8 Burg-street to No.2 Grave-street, where he continues to carry on his Business as Watch Maker
Cape Town Feb 2 1824

Wednesday 11 February 1824

On the 5th ultimo a man was found drowned in the Breede River, and an inquest having been held upon the body it was ascertained to be that of the Rev. James SMALL, a Scotch Presbyterian Clergyman, who has for some years been wandering about the Colony in a state of poverty and wretchedness. He did not emigrate with any party of the Settlers, but came out shortly after them as a solitary adventurer, and has since been employed as a school master, and occasionally as a Preacher in various parts of the Colony. He appeared to have been originally a person of respectable character and acquirements, but had, through misfortune or malady, become unsettled in his habits and apparently deranged in his mind.

Wednesday 17 March 1824

On Friday evening the 12th inst a most brutal assault was made on Mr. SHEE, residing in Grave-street, by W. TILLEY, a Saddler, living opposite. The account given by SHEE is that on the evening in question he had invited TILLEY to supper, which the latter refused; some time after, however, he burst into SHEE’s house, and behaved so riotously that SHEE desired him to leave the house; this he refused to do, and was at length turned out. On the stoop he struck at SHEE several times, who did not strike him again but merely held him tightly down; finding himself mastered, he called out “SHEE is biting me!”, his wife then ran over and endeavoured to remove SHEE by taking hold of his arms. The ruffian TILLEY took advantage of this, and seizing SHEE by the throat with both hands he exclaimed “I know I cannot fight you; so now you ___ I’ll mark you for life;” and actually bit off the end of SHEE’s nose and spit it out on the stoop! The piece has since mortified and SHEE is of course disfigured for life. We understand the perpetrator of this brutal action will appear today to give bail to answer for his actions.

Wednesday 7 April 1824

J. HEYWARD begs to announce to the Public that he has commenced Business as a Cooper, and hopes, by assiduity and strict attention, to merit a share of patronage.
No.2 Longmarket-street
April 6 1824

DIED on the 2nd April, Elizabeth JONES, aged 47 years, wife of Mr. Thos. JONES; leaving a disconsolate Husband and six Children.

Wednesday 21 April 1824

DIED in Cape Town on the 18th inst, after a painful illness, Mr. Alexander JOHNSTON, Merchant, aged 51 years. He was highly respected by all who knew him.

At Port Elizabeth, on the 6th day of April 1824, of an apoplectic fit, Mr. Edward SPENCER, of the Deal Party, aged 27 years.

Wednesday 28 April 1824

On Friday morning, the 10th instant, Mrs. JOUBERT, of French Hoek, went with her sister into the garden, and while stooping to pluck out a handful of weeds, was seized with an apoplectic fit, and fell on her face. Her sister coming instantly to her assistance, she heard her crying out twice "Oh Lord"; but before her son arrived, she expired. Every means was used to restore animation, but in vain. We have heard, from good authority, that the above lady has left a legacy of 10,000 Guilders to the 'Paarl Auxiliary Missionary Society', thus shewing her earnest desire for the propagation of our Saviour's Kingdom in the conversion of the heathen, and of being useful even after she had quitted this state of existence. - From a correspondent.

Jabez HART begs to inform his friends that he has taken the stores lately occupied by Mr. MASKEW, which he intends opening in the course of next week, with a choice assortment; and hopes, by attention to the accommodation of the public, to merit the above recommendations.
25 Longmarket-street
26 April 1824

J. FELL, Tin Worker and Bell-hanger, most respectfully informs the inhabitants of Cape Town and its vicinity, in consequence of his having taken by contract the management of the Light House, Green Point, and having quitted his house and business, No.7 Burg-street Cape Town, will still carry on the part of bell-hanging as usual; by attention to which he hopes to merit a continuance of their favors. Orders will be taken in at Mr. J.H. WILLS’, No.2 Shortmarket-street.
NB Very good lamp oil may be had by the gallon or other quantities. Apply as above.

DEPARTED THIS LIFE, at Green Point, Mary Ann CHISHOLM, aged 37 years, five months and four days. After five years of almost unremitted suffering, from an acute chronic complaint, which she bore with Christian patience and resignation, until it pleased the Almighty to remove her from this scene of pain and sorrow.

Wednesday 5 May 1824

T. MILLER returns his sincere thanks to the Public for the distinguished encouragement he has met with since commencing the Business of Turner; and hopes, by general knowledge and strict assiduity, to merit a continuance of favors. T.M. takes this opportunity of informing his Friends and the Public that he manufactures Chairs, Sofas, Bedsteads, Cornices, Flower Stands &c. &c. in the most modern and tasty style, and on reasonable terms. Wood Screws and Presses of all descriptions. Furniture stained and grained in imitation of Rose-wood. 
N.B. Wanted, a good Chair-maker
No.1 Grave-street
[The paper was not published between 5 May 1824 and 31 August 1825]
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