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Queenstown Free Press

Queenstown Free Press 1867 2 April - June

Tuesday, April 2, 1867

OBITUARY. – We regret to hear that information has been received of the death, at CapeTown, of Mrs. INNES, wife of J.R. INNES, Esq.,L.L.D., late Superintendent Genl. of Education.

Tuesday, April 23, 1867

OBITUARY. – We regret to hear that intelligence reached town on Sunday last of the death, in Grahamstown, of Mr. B. TROLLIP, late of this town. The deceased gentleman had been ailing for some time, in fact he removed to Grahamstown in search of health, but never rallied, and after several months of extreme suffering, borne with Christian fortitude, he expired on Friday last. The late Mr. TROLLIP has always been highly respected by all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance.

Friday, April 26, 1867

MARRIED – On Tuesday, 23rd inst. In the Wesleyan Chapel, Queenstown, by the father of the bridegroom, - Herbert, second son of the Rev. H.H. DUGMORE, Wesleyan Minister, to Emma Millicent, eldest daughter of John WEAKLEY, Esq., - No Cards.

MELANCHOLY CASE.- A youth, a printer by trade, left Burghersdorp for Grahamstown last week. He was all but destitute and went along with several wagons. He appeared to be ill at starting, gradually got worse, and died on Tuesday afternoon at the farm of Mr. J.L.PRETORIOUS. The deceased belonged to Grahamstown, and gave his name as Thomas Rundell BONE.

Tuesday, April 30, 1867

In the Estate of the Late Henry BERGMANN, Aliwal North. The undersigned has been favoured with instruction from the Executors in the above Estate, to sell on unusually liberal terms on Wednesday, the 1st Day of May next the following two valuable Grazing and Agricultural Farms, First – The Farm “Cathcart’s Gift,” Situate on the Kei, midway between Queenstown and Whittlesea, in extent nearly 1800 morgen, offering to parties a good chance of securing a first class sheep farm. Extensive lands on this farm are already under a high state of cultivation, and well watered from the never failing Kei River; Second – That really valuable farm “Gelegen Fontein,” Situate near Pen Hoek, under the Stormberg, 2000 morgen in extent, and as a Sheep Farm equal to any in the District. A permanent spring runs through its centre, and the present cultivated lands can be extensively increased. The sale of these two farms will take place at the farm Cathcarts Gift, at Twelve O’Clock precicely. – After which will be sold a quantity of livestock, principally trek [oxen].  F.B. BROWN, Auctioneer.

In the Estate of the late Petrus Ernest KRUGER. The undersigned has received positive instructions from the Executors in the above Estate to sell, without reserve, on Friday, 10th day of May next, the whole of the valuable landed property and live stock belonging to the said Estate, as follows: First – That large and valuable farm called “Skilder Krantz,” Granted to the late Mr KRUGER, situate in the Queenstown District, Fiedcornetey of Groot Vlei (near the Stormberg), in extent over 2000 morgen. This magnificent Farm is well known in the District as a First class grazing and agricultural farm. It has a large dwelling house, kraals, splendid garden and extensive lands under cultivation. Second – That well known farm called “Quagga’s Fontein,” Situate in the Cradock District, adjoining that far-famed sheepwalk Turvey’s Post, and lately occupied by the deceased. This farm has also a good dwelling house and many other substantial improvements. Will also be sold at this sale the following choice livestock, consisting of – 1400 Merino Sheep, principally Ewes, 200 Fat Slaughter Hamels, 100 Bucks, large, and in good condition. 30 Head superior Breeding Cattle. 3 Spans large fat Trek Oxen. 1 Tent Wagon, complete. Together with the whole of the Household Furniture, Farming Implements, and various other moveables belonging to the Estate. – The sale of the above two fames and stock will be held on the farm“Quagga’s Fontein,”Near Turvey’s post, commencing at Eleven O’clock precisely...

FATAL ACCIDENT. – On Sunday last a man, named Charles AMSWORTH, who was at one time employed as a sweep, and latterly in doing “odd jobs,” was accidently shot by a young man named William HOLMES. It appears that HOLMES had been entrusted with two pistols to clean, one of which was a revolver. During the process of cleaning AMSWORTH came into the yard, and a conversation ensued on the subject of the work HOLMES was engaged in, when oneof the chambers of the revolvers suddenly exploded, and the ball entered the forehead of the unfortunate AMSWORTH, fracturing the frontal bone. The poor man was at once taken to the hospital; but he was injured beyond recovery, and died the same evening. – P.E. Telegraph.

THE KILLING OF THE FINGO. – The man who killed ZWAARTBOY was a respectable Dutch farmer named Salamon PIENAAR, of Coega Kamma. PIENAAR first became acquainted with the death of ZWAARTBOOY by seeing the account in the Uitenhage Times. He at once came to Uitenhage and surrendered. It is to be hoped that when both sides of the sad affair are learned it may turn out that this is not so brutal a piece of cruelty as the evidence of deceased’s friends makes it appear. PIENAAR went to Port Elizabeth last evening as the case comes within the jurisdiction of the authorities there. – Uitenhage Times.

Tuesday, May 21, 1867

A SAD AFFAIR. – The Courant says: - A very sad and melancholy affair took place at Worcester on the 14th inst. It appears that on Saturday, Mina KIRSCHBAUM, who lived with her parents on the farm of Mr. VLOK, told her mother that she was going to gather quinces. She was seen to enter the garden, it was supposed for the purpose she mentioned. The day passed, and the girl not making her appearance at home, her father went in search of her, and continued to search without intermission the whole of Sunday, but without effect. On Monday the distressed father and only brother, again took their way to the river (Breede), and at last found the body of the girl some distance down the stream. The unfortunate girl was in a desponding state for some time past, and was heard to say that she shortly intended to leave for a long journey. Before leaving the farm on Saturday, she tookof a ring and gave it to a fellow-servant, saying: “Keep this in remembrance of me.” What makes this affair more melancholy is that on the very day on which the corpse was found, the German community were keeping high festival in consequence of the first marriage in this country amongst them.

Tuesday, May 4, 1867 [should read June 4, 1867]

We regret to hear that Mr. NETTLETON, Sr. the father of Mr W.J. NETTELTON, Cashier of the Queenstown Bank, is dead.

FOUND DEAD. – A man named WARNER was found dead on Saturday morning near the Blue Anchor Inn, Waterkant. He had been drinking during the day, and lay down to sleep with others similarly circumstanced in the open street. – Argus.

Friday, June 7, 1867

DEATH OF AN OLD TOWNSMAN. – One of the first inhabitants of Queenstown, Mr. N. DUNCAN, hotelkeeper, died yesterday evening. The deceased had been suffering from brain fever, complicated with heart disease &c. for some time, but appeared to be rallying until within a few minutes of his death.

Tuesday, June 11, 1867

THE FUNERAL of the late Mr. J. NETTLETON, sen., took placeat Keiskama Hoek on Saturday afternoon. He was buried with military and Masonic honors, and his remains were followed by some 80 or 90 individuals. The deceased was well known and highly respected. – F.B. Advocate.

Tuesday, June 17, 1867

MARRIED.- at Governor’s Kop, near Grahamstown, on 5th June, by the Rev. G.H, GREEN, - William JACKSON, to Martha, eldest daughter of Mr. R. HULLEY.

Notice to Creditors and Debtors
In the Estate of the late Benjamin TROLLIP, the elder, of Queenstown, and surviving spouse, Mary Ann TROLLIP
All Persons having claims against the above Estate are requested to send the same to Mr William TROLLIP, Jr, Queenstown, WithinSix Weeks from this date; and those indebted to pay the same to him within the same period.
MARY ANN TROLLIP. Executrix Testamentary
Grahamstown, June, 1867

BIRTH – at Queenstown, on the 31st May, Mrs G. MANNING, of a daughter.

MELANCHOLY EVENT. – Three children of Mr. Jacous DE BRUIN, of Vedtschimitsberg, were poisoned last week from eating berries growing in the vicinity of their homestead.

Tuesday, June 25, 1867

DORDRECHT - Our own, under date June 18, writes: - “Since my last communication we have been visited by an uninvited guest. DEATH – leaving for a moment his favourite haunts in the crowded city, the battle-field, and his ghastly banquets in Maurtitius, with the speed of the lighting flash has visited our little villageand left it again; but not till he had deprived a family of its head, and made a gap in our small social circle which can hardly be refilled. The deceased gentleman, Mr. DE BEER, was a brother of Mr. Samuel DE BEER of your district, and uncle to the minister of the Dutch Reformed Church of this place. During this short stay here (having only recently arrived from Cape Town) he had gained the esteem and respect of all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance. He has left a large family and numerous relatives and friends to deplore their loss. – Mr. POSTMA held service here on Sunday last, and the village was consequently filled with Doppers (gathered to attend his ministry). They seem as determined as ever to set Fashion completely at defiance, and to wear what their fathers wore, and do what their fathers did before them.

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