Queenstown Free Press 1863 2 April - June
Tuesday April 21, 1863
MARRIED on the 15th instant, in the Wesleyan Chapel, Queenstown, by the Rev W.C. HOLDEN, - Mr. William Thomas HARTLEY, to Martha Louisa, eldest daughter of Mr. Philip PENNY, of “Blaauw Krantz,” division of Queen’s Town. – No Cards.
Tuesday April 28, 1863
BIRTH, at Queenstown on the 9th Instant, - Mr. E.T. STUBBS of a Daughter.
BIRTH, at Queenstown, on the 21st inst., Mrs Chas. BROWN of Daughter.
BIRTH, at Dordrecht, on the 23d April, Mrs. Horace HUTCHONS of a Daughter.
MARRIED, on the 8th of April, 1863, in the Wesleyan Chapel, Queenstown, by the Revd. W.C. HOLDEN, John Vanderkemp DOYLE to Sarah PRESTON, the adopted daughterof the late Mr A.B. PENNY, of Queenstown.
DIED, at Queenstown, on the 24th April, Matilda Grace, the Wife of Mr H.L.DAMPIER, aged 24 years.
Tuesday May 12, 1863
STRANGE OCCURRENCE.- A young man named Adrien LANGEFOOL residing in the Washbank met his death last Sunday week under very distressing circumstances. It appears he went to look after the stock during the day, but not returning in the Evening his father became alarmed, and next morning early with some of his neighbours started to search for him. The search without any result until 10a.m., when the father came in sight of the corpse of his son, which had evidently rolled off a krantz. On inspection the body was found to have received a bullet wound in the back which had passed through the chest. The gun was found stuck in a bush a little distance off. What is most surprising there is no sign of any powder on his clothes. This leads to the suspicion that his death had been caused by foul play. The police were immediately on the spot and have taken the matter in hand.
Tuesday June 2, 1963
DIED, after a brief illness, on Sunday the 31st of May, 1863, Mr. John Henry COLEMAN, son of W. COLEMAN, Esq. Merchant of Smithfield, aged 19 years and 8 months.
A VERY SUDDEN DEATH occurred on Monday 25th May. A Mr. MOORCROFT, who was into the muster on that day, left the same evening for his home on the Winterberg. Arriving at Mr McDONALD’s and feeling unwell, he stayed there for the night. His friends stayed up with him until midnight, and not noticing anything particularly wrong, retired. The next morning deceased was found in a death-like stupor, in which he remained for two days and then expired. We hear that medical aid was sent for but did not arrive. There certainly was great neglect somewhere, and we think the public ought to be made acquainted as to who were in the wrong.
Tuesday June 9, 1863
DIED on the 2nd inst, William Cecil, third son of the Revd F.Y. ST. LEGER, aged1? year and 8 months.
OBITUARY.-We regret to record the death of Mr T.S.M KNIGHT, artist, who died a few day sago, at Phillipolis, after an illness of 20 hours. Mr KNIGHT was in indifferent health when he arrived in this State, some two years since, but had improved very much, and was comparatively well, in health and spirits, immediately before the attack which terminated his existence. Mr.KNIGHT was an intelligent person and very generally esteemed in the Free State. The Mr KNIGHT here mentioned formerly resided at Whittlesea.
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