Port Elizabeth Evening Post - December 1971
21 December 1971
Bester. – Here I am, I have arrived at last. I am a little girl. My Mom, Elise and I, Cindy, are doing well, but my Dad, Louis, is still recovering. Sincere thanks to doctor and staff at Sandford.
Purslow. – To Curt and Lynn (nee Daniell) a lovely daughter on 20th December, 1971. Ou grateful thanks to doctor and staff at Sandford.
Stanley. – To Roy and Elaine (nee Friend) a bonny daughter and sister for Sharon on 20th December. Both well. Thanks to doctor and staff at Sandford.
Woolard. – To Martha (nee Botha) and Dennis a baby son, and brother for Christopher on 20th December. Both well, thanks to doctor and nursing staff at Sandford.
Glover-Siebert. – Mr and Mrs Peter Siebert have pleasure in announcing the engagement of their elder daughter, Louise, to Graham, youngest son of Mrs M. Glover and the late Mr R.C. Glover, all of Uitenhage.
Long-Auld. – Mr and Mrs David Auld wish to announce the engagement of their daughter Wendy to Peter, younger son of Mr and Mrs Roger Long.
Mascré-Nel. – Mr and Mrs F. Mascré of Uitenhage have pleasure in announcing the engagement of their eldest daughter Michéle to Owen, the eldest son of Mr and the late Mrs A.O. Nel of East London.
Ffolliott-Wragg. – On December 11, 1971 at St Peter’s Church, Montreal, Thomas Daniel, younger son of Dr and Mrs Arthur Ffolliott, of Port Elizabeth, to Kathryn Mary, Elder daughter of Mr and Mrs Leonard Wragg, of Ottawa, Canada.
Wedding Anniversaries
Gilchrist-Van der Miller. – Gilly to Elaine, on the 21st of December, 1946. Love from the home circle.
Morgan-Comber. – Tom to Mary at St Paul’s Church, Durban, by the Rev. Inman, 21st December, 1946.
Ward-Taylor. – Congratulations Mom and Dad on your silver wedding anniversary. God bless you both. Love from Faye, Louis and Frederick.
Goodford: Gordon passed away peacefully on 18th, instant funeral service commences at 11a.m. this Wednesday in Baird Street Catholic Church, Uitenhage.
Rensburg. – Sarah, passed away peacefully on December 17, 1971. God shall wipe away all tears. Deeply mourned by her daughter Bernadette, sin-in-law Byron, and grandsons Jerome and Maruin.
Rensburg. - Sarah, passed away peacefully in the Livingstone Hospital on December 17. Sadly missed by her loving daughter Lorraine, son-in-law Melville, and grandchildren Loelia and Graig. Funeral service will be held in the St Michael’s Church at 2.15 p.m., on Thursday, December 23, thence to the Paapenkuils Cemetery.
Rensburg. - Sarah, passed away peacefully on December 17, 1971, in the Livingstone Hospital. God watched you as you suffered. He knew you had your share. So he gently took you in his care. Sadly missed by her brother Welkins, daughters Hilary, Gaylyn, Ursula and son Eldrid.
Funeral Notices
Coopoo. - Cunnes, passed away tragically on 17th December, 1971, aged 28 years. Deeply mourned by his mother, Sarah, brothers and sisters. The funeral will leave No. 99 Blou Kappie Street tomorrow (Wednesday) for Paapenkuils Cemetery, after a service commencing at 2 p.m. - Algoa Funeral Undertakers.
Petersen. - Oersen, passed away peacefully on 18th December, 1971, aged 38 years. Deeply mourned by his wife, Betty, mother Poppie, brothers and sisters. The funeral will leave No. 35, 2nd Avenue, Windvogel, on Monday, 27th December for Paapenkuils Cemetery, after a service, commencing at 11 a.m. - Algoa Funeral Undertakers.
Plaatjies. - Lena, passed away peacefully on 19th December, 1971, aged 67 years. Deeply mourned by her children and family. The funeral will leave the Congregational Church, Bethelsdorp, tomorrow (Wednesday) for Bethelsdorp Cemetery, after a service commencing at 3 p.m. - Algoa Funeral Undertakers.
In Memoriam
Frieslaar. - In loving memory of my dearest son, Malcolm, who passed away on December 21. We did not see you close your eyes, We did not see you die, We only heard that you had gone Without a last goodbye. A heart of gold stopped beating, Your smiling eyes at rest, God broke our hearts to prove He only takes the best. Always remembered by your mother, Jennifer, Harriet, Peter and Tyron.
Coates. - Daisy. In loving memory of our mother and grandmother, who passed on, on 19th December, 1969. From Gary, Val, David and Jennifer.
Niekerk. - In loving memory of our dear brother and uncle William (Willem) who passed away on the 20th December, 1970. His presence we miss, His memory we treasure. Ever remembered by his sister Lena, Peter and family.
Niekerk. - In loving memory of the late William, who passed away on December 20, 1970. The flowers we laid on your grave Will fade away, But the memories of you will always remain. From Mr and Mrs Human, Nick and Jane.
Patrick. - In loving memory of my dear husband, James, and our father, who passed away December 21, 1969. The flowers we laid on your grave May wither and decay, But the loving thoughts of you Never fade away. The memories we have from day to day No length of time will take away, We hide our tears when we speak your name But the sorrows in our hearts will always remain. Always remembered by your loving wife Margaret, and children George, Esme, Sylvia, Valme, Virgie, and grandchildren Ruth, Anne and George.
Patrick. - In loving memory of our dearest father, James, and grandfather, who died on December 21, 1969. Calm and peaceful he is sleeping The sweetest rest that follows pain, We will always remember the way you looked, The way you spoke and smiled. The little things you did and said Are with us all the way. Sadly missed by your daughter Ruby and children.
Renze. - In loving memory of our mother and Granny who died twelve years ago. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We will remember. Remembered by Harry, Irene and grandchildren.
Christmas Greetings
Golliath. - Mr and Mrs Pietie Goliath and family, 9 Kohlberg Street, Schuaderville, wish all relatives and friends a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.
Renze. - We wish to extend Christmas and New Year greetings to all relations and friends. From Harry, Irene and family.
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