Natal Witness 1923 3 July - September
MONDAY, 2 JULY, 1923
WISE. – At the Sanatorium, Estcourt, on the 27th June, 1923, Mrs. Douglas WISE (nee Vivenne HILL), of a daughter. 4580
COVENTRY-TAYLOR. – On June 20th, at St. Paul’s, Durban, by the Rev. Canon S. O’CONNOR FENTON, M.A., Oliver Edward Coventry, of Overton, Ladysmith, to Gladys Beryl, daughter of the late Mr. Edward Ashwood TAYLOR, and of Mrs. TAYLOR, 144, Manning Road, Durban.
LOFTHOUSE. – Died at Grey’s Hospital, June 26th, 1923, after a brief illness, Annie Elizabeth LOFTHOUSE, eldest daughter of the late John LOFTHOUSE, of Maritzburg. 2064
WHITE. – Passed away after serious operation at the Sanatorium, Ladysmith, on 26th June, Emener Elizabeth WHITE, proprietress Railway Hotel, Estcourt, wife of William WHITE. 4616
MEINEKE. – In loving memory of our dear mother, who passed away, June 30th, 1922.
Sleep on, dear Mother, they labour is o’er;
Thy willing hands will toil no more.
A faithful mother God gave rest,
We miss her most, who loved her best.
We think of her in silence,
No eyes can see us weep;
But treasured in our inmost hearts,
Her memory we will keep.
Inserted by her loving children. 2060
HARVEY. – To Mr. and Mrs. Frank HARVEY, 234, Pine Street, a daughter, on 30th June, at Sanatorium. All well. 2692
GRANT-HATTON. – On July 2nd, at Boshoff Street Wesleyan Church, by the Reverend Ernest FRITH, William Gibson GRANT, second son of George GRANT and Mrs. GRANT. Of Hillside, Montrose, Scotland, to Alice HATTON, eldest daughter of the late John HATTON and Mrs. HATTON, Bedford, Creighton. 4658
JARDINE. – On the 24th June, 1923, at her residence, “Heatherleigh,” Alexandra Road, after a sudden and short illness, Margaret Isabelle JARDINE, wife of John JARDINE, Pietermaritzburg, Natal. 2101
Johannesburg, July 2
Mr. Richard CURRIE, one of the oldest auctioneers on the Rand, died this evening of heart failure at the age of 68. He had been ill for some time. Mr. CURRIE was closely associated with the early development of mining on the Rand and during the Jameson raid commanded the troop know as Currie’s Horse. During the Bear War he was a member of Murray’s Horse prior to the relief of Ladysmith, and after peace was declared, helped in the civil administration of Johannesburg. Last year he sold the Carlton Hotel at auction for a quarter of a million. – Reuter.
The marriage of David Sansom POLLOCK and Ora JOHNSON, youngest daughter of Ven. Archdeacon JOHNSON, will be celebrated at St.Augustine’s on July 11th, 10 a.m. Friends will be welcome. No cards. 2136
LIVERSAGE-VAN HEYUINGEN. – Piet LIVERSAGE, of Harrismith, to Mattie VAN HEYUINGEN, of Kroonstad, on Tuesday, 10th July, 1923, at Kroonstad. No cards. 2139
ORCHARD-FULLERTON. – On 25th June, at the Congregational Church, Maritzburg, by the Rev. W. ANGUS, Edward Valentine, only son of Mr. and Mrs. E. ORCHARD, to Marion, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. FULLERTON 2114
FRIDAY, 6 JULY, 1923
DEWAR-CAMPBELL. – On June 28th, at 1 p.m., in the Trinity Presbyterian Church, Dundee, Natal, by the Rev. T.H. JONES, M.A., John Barr DEWAR, youngest sos of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas DEWAR, Ballochmyie, Dundee, to Euphemia CAMPBELL, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. CAMPBELL, of Kelty, Fifeshire, Scotland. 4739 (Note: Should read ‘son of’).
MARY GODDEN. – In ever loving memory of my dear sister, who passed away July, 1922. Still fondly remembered by Louie. 2238
GODDEN. – In loving memory of our dear mother and grannie, Mary GODDEN, who passed away on the 6th July, 1922. Inserted by Walter, Maggie and Grandchildren. 2229
WHITELAW. – In ever loving memory of the beloved Wife, and dear Mother, who left us on July 6th, 1922. 2243
TOWNSEND. – At Sister SAULEZ’s, Tweedie, to Mr. and Mrs. S.J. TOWNSEND (of Bulawayo), a son, July 4th. 2275
BOWLES-ALLISON. – On Monday, June 25th, at the Baptist Church, by the Rev. Eben GRIFFIN, Pemberton Henry BOWLES, of Harding, to Alice Elizabeth ALLISON, of P.M.Burg. 2259
ADIE. – At Vryheid, on the 2nd July, passed peacefully away, Hector ADIE, in his 82nd year. Sadly missed. 2262
DOIDGE. – At Pretoria, on Tuesday, July 3rd, Rose DOIDGE, late of Maritzburg, aged 48. 2272
EAGLESHAM. – At Barrhill, Scotland, suddenly, on the 16th May, Joan Peattie, beloved wife of William EAGLESHAM (late of Pietermaritzburg). 4775
JAGGER. – In loving memory of Lizzie, beloved wife of Thomas JAGGER, who died at Ladysmith, 7th July, 1920. Inserted by her loving Husband and Son. 4763
ROBERTS. – In loving memory of dear mother, Elizabeth Crichton ROBERTS who passed away at Ladysmith, 7th July, 1918. Inserted by Dollie and Cecil. 4731
ROBERTS. – In loving memory of my dear wife, Elizabeth Crichton ROBERTS, who died at Ladysmith, 7th July, 1918.
Inserted by her husband, John ROBERTS.
Gone, but not forgotten.
Those who think of her to-day,
Are those who loved her best. 4732
From Our Own Correspondent
Durban, July 6.
The death has occurred in Durban of Mr. Harry TONKIN, the well-known bookmaker. Mr. TOKIN, who came over from Australia before the Boer War, has been a bookmaking member of Tattersall’s in Durban for very many years, and was a well-known figure in turf circles, having imported horses as well as running animals carrying his colours. The deceased had been ill for some time, but it was thought that he was making a good recovery, particularly as he returned to business some days ago; but a relapse set in, and he passed away about eight o’clock last evening, leaving a widow and a married daughter to mourn their loss.
The funeral took place this afternoon.
MONDAY, 9 JULY, 1923
OBERLE-GREEN. – On June 30, 1923, at St. Emmanuel Cathedral, by the Rev. Dr. L. SORMANY, O.M.I., Lucien Joseph OBERLE, of Maritzburg College, elder son of the late A. OBERLE, Esq., Jersey, to Constance Marion GREEN (nee GOULD), widow of the late Capt. Andrew GREEN, of Pietermaritzburg. 4760
BENTLEY. – John W. BENTLEY passed to his rest on the 4th July. At Ben LUND’s home, “Arcadia”, Ladysmith, after long suffering in his 65th year. 2296
TUESDAY, 10 JULY, 1923
OWEN. – At Grey’s Hospital, on June 29th, 1923, to Mr. and Mrs. H.R. OWEN, a son. 2340
KERBY. – On July 3rd, 1923, at the residence. Longmarket Street, Edmund George KERBY, in his 74th year. 2322
OWEN. – At Grey’s Hospital, suddenly, on July 7th, Amelia Hephzibah Mary, beloved wife of Herbert Randolph OWEN, of Pietermaritzburg. 2339
SEAGEL. – In loving memory of our darling son, Arthur SEAGEL, who fell asleep on July 10th, 1922.
Just when his life seemed brightest,
Just when his hope seemed best,
He was taken from this world of sorrow
To a home of eternal rest.
Long days and nights he bore his pain,
To wait for cure, but all in vain,
But God above, He thought it best
To ease his pain and give him rest.
Inserted by his loving Father and Mother, Sisters and Brothers. 2315
From Our Own Correspondent
Richmond, July 7.
The funeral took place on July 3rd, 1923, in his 74th year of the late Glaud Storrie LINDSAY. Mr and Mrs. LINDSAY, sen., came from Canada over two years ago on a prolonged visit to their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. R.C.A. LINDSAY. Prior to going to Canada 20 years ago to farm Mr. LINDSAY was for many years Traffic MANAGER of Clyde Iron Works, Glasgow, and was churchwarden of St. John’s Episcopal Church, Glasgow, an old church which the late Mr. W.E. GLADSTONE was largely instrumental in building. He was also a foundation member of the Glasgow branch of the English Church Men’s Society. He was always a strong Freemason, and a life member of Maryhill Lodge, S.C. During the comparatively short time Mr. LINDSAY has been in the Richmond district he had endeared himself by his genial disposition and courteous manner to a large circle of friends, as we testified by the many who attended the last sad rites. He is survived by his widow, three sons and three daughters and 16 grand children – all in Canada except his widow and his eldest son and family – Mr. R.C.A. LINDSAY, headmaster, Richmond Government School. A keen churchman and one of the vestry of St. Mary’s Church, and a member of the local branch of the E.C.M.S., the night prior to the burial the body was taken to the church he loved and served so well. There in the chancel, with the beams from a waning moon filtering through the stained glass window behind the altar and the feeble glimmer of glittering candles, he spend as he desired his last hours above ground in hallowed surroundings. The first part of the funeral service was fully choral, and beautifully rendered by the choir and joined in by a representative congregation, which included many from the Presbyterian and Wesleyan Churches. The Vicar, the Rev. E.W. BIBBY, thoughtfully had the deceased’s favourite hymn sung, “Abide with me.” Miss SIMES presided at the organ. Among those who attended the obsequies were the Magistrate (Mr. H. LUGG), Rev. W. Burnes THOMSON, the District Surgeon (Dr. CARTE), Attorneys A. COOPER, R.A. MARWICk and H.G. NOURSE, the Chairman of the local bank (Mr. E. SINK), the manager of the National Bank (Mr. O. PEARSE), Dr. MACINTOSH, Rev. Mr. DERRY, Captain ROSE, Mr. G.W. LINFORT (managing director, Richmond Industries Ltd.), Mr. F. BANKS (postmaster), Mr. P. TAIT (Inspector of Woodword, Natal Education Department), Mr A. PAVERO (stationmaster), Captain J.R. COMRIE (Natal Carbineers), Sergt. BROOKS, S.A.M.R., Messrs. W. and B. ANTEL, BALL, J. BURTON, A. COCKBURN, COWLEY, CLINCH, A. COMRIE, Tom HACKLAND, HAILSTONE, Hy McCRYSTAL, A. McGEE, J. MASSON, E. MICHEL, J. MITCHELL, D.B. McKENZIE, A. and C. NICHOLSON, H. NICHOLSON, R. NICHOLSON, Chas. NICHOLSON, ORCHARD, SIMES, L.E. TEDDER, W. SMITH, A.C.I. IVES. The Vestry of St. Mary’s and the Chapter of the E.C.M.S. were well represented, as also were the local Freemasons. Many beautiful floral tributes were sent by friends. – R.I.P.
From Our Own Correspondent
Ixopo, July 7.
The death occurred at “Smithfield,” Springvale, on June 25th of Helen Crichton SMITH, the wife of Mr. George SMITH. The deceased lady had been ailing for some time, but the end came rather suddenly and unexpectedly. Mrs. SMITH came to this country from Scotland close on thirty years ago to join her husband, Mr. George SMITH, who had previously settled in the Colony.
She lived for the most part on the farm at Smithfield, and during the years that her husband owned the local blacksmith’s shop at Ixopo, worked the farm for him. Latterly, however, Mr. SMITH disposed of this wagonmaker’s business and resumed farming operations. The deceased was well known and highly respected throughout the Springvale and Highflats districts. She was of a very cheery disposition, and her demise will be a great loss to the community. Much sympathy is felt with her sorrowing husband and children in their great loss. Of her family there are six. The Misses H. and J. SMITH and Messrs. David, George, Frank and William, all of whom are resident in this district and engaged in various occupations.
The funeral took place at Smithfield in a private burying ground in the presence of a large number of relatives and friends. The service was conducted by the Rev. R.B. DAVIES, missionary in charge of the Anglican Mission at Springvale, and at the conclusion of the service the Rev. S. le Grove SMITH, the Wesleyan minister at Ixopo, spoke a few words testifying to the respect and esteem in which the deceased, her husband and family were held in the district.
BAZLEY. – On the 5th inst., at Kingsdale, Isezela, to Mr. and Mrs. H.K. BAZLEY, a son. 2351
SEAGER. – In loving memory of our darling son, Arthur SEAGER, who fell asleep on July 10th, 1922.
Just when his life seemed brightest,
Just when his hope seemed best,
He was taken from this world of sorrow
To a home of eternal rest.
Long days and nights he bore his pain,
To wait for cure, but all in vain,
But God above, He thought it best
To ease his pain and give him rest.
Inserted by his loving Father and Mother, Sisters and Brothers.
POTTERILL. – In proud and loving memory of Harold POTTERRILL, killed in the Battle of the Dunes, Belgian Coast, 10th July 1917. 2366
NEL. – At Greytown Maternity Home, on the 9th July, to Mr. and Mrs. J.H.R. NEL, of Elladale, Riet Vlei, a son. Both well. 2400
PAWDIES. – On July 9th, at 123, Chapel Street, to Mr. and Mrs. H.S. PAWDIES, a daughter. Both doing well. Nurse M. FOSTER, 365, Berg Street, in attendance.
CRAIG. – Passed peacefully away at Elizabeth District, Vrede, after an illness of four days, Wallace Daiziel CRAIG, late of Estcourt, Natal. 4859
McKELLAR. – In loving memory of our dear Rob, who passed away July 12th, 1919. To memory dear. Inserted by his Parents and Brothers. 2394
FRIDAY, 13 JULY, 1923
PARODIES. – On July 9th, at 123, Chapel Street, to Mr. and Mrs. H.S. PARODIES, a daughter. Both doing well. Nurse M. FOSTER, 365, Berg Street, in attendance.
SCHWEGMAN. – At Grey’s Hospital, on the 12th July, 1923, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry SCHWEGMAN, of Pietermaritzburg, a son. Both well. 2468
WYNNE COLE-BLAKE. – At S. Cyprian’s, Durban, on Wednesday, 13th July, 1898, Herbesrt Caesar, son of Major-General W. WYNNE COLE (late H.M. Indian Army), resident at Bournemouth, England, to Lily Maud, daughter of J. Hopwood BLAKE, Esq., F.G.S., etc., resident at Oxford, England. Present address of Mr. and Mrs. H.C. WYNNE COLE: 380, Loop Street, Maritzburg. 2463
POVALL. – George Morris, at Grey’s Hospital, 11th July, 1923, aged 63 years. 2464
MOCKFORD. – In loving memory of Hannah MOCKFORD, beloved wife of Albert Abraham MOCKFORD, and beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. WALFORD, and loving sisters Maggie, Eva, and brothers Willie and Robert, and daughter and son Edith and Stanley, who departed this life July 13, 1921, aged 21 years 4 months 22 days.
Rest on dear loved one, thy labours o’er,
Thy willing hands will toil no more.
A faithful wife and sister true,
No friend on earth we find like you.
Christ shall clash the broken chain
Closer when we meet again.
Gone, but not forgotten.
Inserted by Mother and Father. 2455
ACUTT. – July 13th, 1923, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. ACUTT, Chase Valley, Maritzburg, a daughter. Both well. 2499
FERGUSON. – At the Sanatorium, Maritzburg, on 12th July, to Prof. and Mrs. E.W. FERGUSON, a daughter. 2491
HARRISON. – At Grey’s Hospital, Pietermaritzburg, on 13th July, 1923, Marguerite Johephine (Jo) HARRISON, dearly beloved wife of H.J. HARRISON (late of Tendega). Little Mum. At Rest. 2479 (Note: Should read ‘Josephine’?).
COX. – In loving memory of Sarah Hannah (Nana), beloved wife of Alf COX, died 14th July, 1914. To memory ever dear. 2497
MONDAY, 16 JULY, 1923
PAYN. – At the Sanatorium, Ladysmith, on Tuesday 10th, William Paul, the dearly beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. A.P. PAYN, Chieveley. Aged three dyas.
GOLD. – In loving memory of our darling Mother, Mary GOLD, who fell asleep on July 15th, 1922. “None know how much we miss her.” Inserted by Charlie, Muriel nnd family. 2522 (Note: Should read ‘and family’).
DEELEY, HENRY, MALLINSON, Private B. COY., 2nd S.A.I. Killed in Delville Wood, July 16th, 1916. Second son of Mr. and Mrs.
C.V. DEELEY, Dannhauser, Late Greenwood Park. “Pro Patria.” 4862
We much regret to record the death of Mr. William Henry GRIFFIN, which occurred suddenly at his residence in Longmarket Street in the early hours of Saturday morning. The late Mr. GRIFFIN, who was in his 71st year, was about as usual on Friday, though he had not been well for some time, and his death was therefore unexpected. He was the first member for Maritzburg South in the Union Parliament, representing the constituency as a Unionist for several years, until defeated by the late Dr. BUNTINE.
Mr. GRIFFIN first came to Maritzburg in 1883, when he took over from his father the business known as Messrs. SOWDEN and STODDART. He retired from that business about 15 years ago, and started the stockbroking agency now carried on by his son, Mr. H.W. GRIFFIN. He was twice married, his first wife dying prior to his coming to Maritzburg, and in 1885 he married Miss FLEMMING, a daughter of the late Mr. John FLEMMING, at one time Mayor of the City. Mrs. GRIFFINE survives her husband, and there are two daughters and a son of the marriage, together with three sons and a daughter of the deceased gentleman’s earlier marriage.
Always keenly interested in politics, Mr. GRIFFIN proved a very sound member in the Assembly, where he sat for some five years. He was much esteemed for his personal charm of manner and kindly nature, and was a very staunch supporter of the Congregational Church.
The funeral took place on Saturday afternoon at the Presbyterian Cemetery, being preceded by a short service in the Congregational Church. The last rites were administered by the Rev. William ANGUS, and among the many present at the graveside were Mr. George GRIFFIN (brother), Messrs. Henry, Norman, Kenneth and Errol GRIFFIN (sons), Mr. T. FLEMMING (brother-in-law), Mr. R. LINDSAY and Mr. R. RANDLES (sons-in-law), and many other friends and relatives of the deceased gentleman.
The list of wreaths was as follows:-
From his loving wife; Harry, May and children; Fanny; Pein and Sarah; Norman; Ken and Winifred; Lilian, Rob and Keith; Frida, Robert and Children; Kath and Hal; Errol, Betty and John; All at “Mansfield!; Tom and Jean; Fred, Ella and children; E.F. BOURKE and family; Lizzie; Percy and Rita; Otty, Alice and family; Alice; Louie; Vernon and Hunter; Ada and Edith; Miss HUNTER; Ada and Edith; Miss HUNTER; Mr and Mrs A.C. GRIFFIN; Mr. and Mrs. C. B. UPTON; Mary BADOCK and family; Ella and Kate; Mr and Mrs G. SWEENEY; Hattie and Annie; Mr and Mrs Jas. McLAREN; Mr and Mrs A. COLLINS; Mr and Mrs P. CROMPTON; Mr and Mrs. H.L. CROCKETT; Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred RANDLES; Mrs. John RANDLES; Mrs Hugh PARKER and family; Mr and Mrs Jas. McGIBBON; Mr and Mrs Cyril RANDLES; Mr and Mrs MOONEY and family; Mr and Mrs J JOHNSON and Thelma; Mr E. PARROCK; members and officebearers, Congregational Church; Congregational Church Air Rifle Club; Ladies’ Committee, Y.M.C.A.; Mr and Mrs E. TOOTH; City Printing Works; Miss JEFFERIES; Mr and Mrs J. HARDY; Mr T. JAMES; Mr and Mrs Geo. FOSS.
(Note: Should read ‘Mrs. GRIFFIN survives her husband’).
FORSYTH. – At Glenavon, 79 Howick Road, Maritzburg, to Mr. and Mrs. D.G. FORSYTH a daughter. Both well. 2628
CRAIG. – Passed peacefully away at Elizabeth District, Vrede, after an illness of four days, Wallace Dalziel CRAIG, late of Estcourt, Natal. 5098
GRIFFIN. – William Henry. Died at his residence on the 14th July, 1923 in his 71st year. 2649
PHILLIPS. – In Loving Memory of our darling Mummy and Daddy, who died at the Cambrian, Dannhauser.
You are not forgotten,
Nor ever will you be,
As long as life and memory last.
We will always think of you.
Inserted by Gwladys and Myfanny PHILLIPS, late of South Africa. 2629
CORLETT. – In fond and Loving Memory of Private John James CORLETT, 2nd S.A.I., killed in action, Delville Wood, July 19, 1916. Until the day Breaks. Inserted by Mother, Sisters and Brother.
FRIDAY, 20 JULY, 1923
FORSYTH. – At Glenavon, 79 Howick Road, Maritzburg, to Mr. and Mrs. D.G. FORSYTH (nee BLAKE) a daughter. Both well. 2628
CRAIG. – Passed peacefully away at Elizabeth District, Vrede, after an illness of four days, Wallace Dalziel CRAIG, late of Estcourt, Natal. 5098
GRIFFIN. – William Henry. Died at his residence on the 14th July, 1923 in his 71st year. 2649
CRERAR. – In loving memory of Alexander (Sandy) CRERAR who passed away on the 20th July, 1922. Inserted by his loving Wife, Tom and Lillian.
To Memory ever Dear. 2669
POSTNOT. – In loving memory of our dear Sister (Mamie) who passed away 20th July, 1919. Fondly remembered by all at 143, Greyling Street. 2662
POSTNOT. – In loving memory of my dear Sister (Mim.) Mary Ann POSNOT who died July 20th, 1919.
Though time may bring its soothing Cheer.
And other may forget.
To me she’ll be for ever dear.
In truth I mourn her yet.
Inserted by her sorrowing Sister and Brother, Carrie and Willie. 2677
POSNOT. – In loving memory of my dear Wife and Mother, Mary Ann POSNOT, who departed this life on the 20th July, 1919.
Just four years ago you left us,
How we miss your loving face,
But you left us to remember
None on earth can fill your place.
We do not know the pain she bore,
We did not see her die.
We only knew we were a few minutes too late
To ever say good-bye.
Inserted by her loving Husband and Children. 2689
FORSYTH. – At Glenavon, 79 Howick Road, Maritzburg, to Mr. and Mrs. D.G. FORSYTH (nee BLAKE) a daughter. Both well. 2628
JACKSON. – At the Sanatorium, Maritzburg, on the 19th inst. to Mr. and Mrs. Leslie JACKSON, (nee GAGE) a son. 2715
MONDAY, 23 JULY, 1923
CUNNINGHAM. – At Keerom, Byrne, to Mr. and Mrs. E.W. CUNNINGHAM, a son. 2757
SIMPSON. – At Kokstad Hospital, on July 13th, 1923, to Mr and Mrs C H SIMPSON of Government School, Harding, a son. Both well. 2756
NIXON. – At Murchison Street, Ladysmith on the 16th July, suddenly, George Eccles, late Sergt. S.A.P., beloved husband of K.M. NIXON.
PINSON. – On the 21st July at 151 Pietermaritz Street, Maritzburg, Adelaide Louisa PINSON, widow of Henry PINSON. Aged 89 years. Deeply mourned.
TYRRELL. – “Hillside,” New Amalfi, East Griqualand on the 17th July, Florence Emily, wife of Lancelot E.N. TYRRELL and niece of the late Peter Davis, “Morningside.” 5185
TUESDAY, 24 JULY, 1923
TYRRELL. – “Hillside,” New Amalfi, East Griqualand on the 17th July, Florence Emily, wife of Lancelot E.N. TYRRELL and niece of the late Peter Davis, “Morningside.” 5185
KNIPE. – In loving memory of my dear husband and our Father, Richard KNIPE, who passed away July 24, 1913. Gone but not Forgotten. 2789
LINDSAY. – At the Sanatorium, 23rd, July, 1923, to Mr. and Mrs. R.A. LINDSAY, Merrivale, a daughter. Both well. 2836
MORCOM. – At Claribel Nursing Home, Durban, on July 21st, 1923, to Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey MORCOM of Northdene, a son. Both well. 5229
PENISTON. – On July 22nd at Endfield Nursing Home to the wife of Charles N. PENISTON, Mount Shannon, Deepdale, a son. 5227
FRICKER. – At Harrismith, on 13th July, Arthur FRICKER, aged 75 and 11 months. Late Quarter-master Sergeant of the 13th L.I., and for many years a resident of Maritzburg.
PINSON. – On the 21st July at 151 Pietermaritz Street, Maritzburg, Adelaide Louisa PINSON, widow of Henry PINSON. Aged 89 years. Deeply Mourned. 5191
BOSSE. – At the Sanatorium, Maritzburg, to Mr. and Mrs. G.W. BOSSE (nee PALMER) Strathcona, on July 13th, a daughter. Both well. 2855
ELLIOTT-CLINTON. – On July 7th, 1923, at The Sheiling, Greenwood Park, by the Rev. A. LAMONT, M.A., B.D., Herbert Paul, third son of Mr. and Mrs. ELLIOTT, of Maritzburg, to Caroline Mary, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.J. CLINTON, of Greenwood Park. 2859
BONNEY. – In loving memory of my dear wife, Annie, who passed away on the 26th July, 1921, at Dannhauser. 2849
BONNEY. – In loving memory of Mother, who departed this life on the 26th July, 1921. Gone but not Forgotten. Inserted by her loving son. 2840
DAVIES. – In affectionate remembrance of M. DAVIES, beloved wife and mother, who passed away at Hlobane on July 26th, 1920. Inserted by her loving husband and family. 2872
FRIDAY, 27 JULY, 1923
BROKENSHA. – On 23rd inst. at the Sanatorium, Estcourt, to Mr. and Mrs. A.F. BROKENSHA, a son. Both doing well. 5300
HOLMES-HOPTON. – On 23rd July in Durban by Special Licence, P.V. HOLMES to Ethel HOPTON (nee GRAY), both of Newcastle. 5305
WALKER. – In loving memory of William Henry WALKER, who passed peacefully away at Pietermaritzburg, on 27th July, 1914. 5881
HOLMES-HOPTON. - – On 23rd July in Durban by Special Licence, P.V. HOLMES to Ethel HOPTON (nee GRAY), both of Newcastle. 5305
DREW. – In loving memory of my dear Husband, Frederick William DREW, who died July 28th, 1919. Gone but not Forgotten.
Inserted by his loving Wife and Sons. 5343
PHIPSON. – In affectionate memory of our dear Husband and Father, Howard Allison PHIPSON, who passed away, July 28th, 1921.
To Memory ever dear.
Inserted by his loving wife and family. 2928
From Our Own Correspondent
Estcourt, July 25.
In the passing away, at a ripe old age, of Mr. Arthur FRICKER, is recorded the loss of yet another of the old sterling type of colonist, who laid the foundation for others more fortunate, of the present generation. The late Mr. FRICKER, in his early youth, joined the Imperial Forces and saw much service, possessing several medals. Attached to the Wiltshire Regiment as Colour-Sergeant, he was stationed at Gibraltar and Malta, before coming to Natal with his regiment. He sailed for India, taking with him his wife (whom he met and married in Maritzburg), and on again returning to Natal, he fought with distinction through Secocooni Rebellion (1877-1878) and the Zulu War of 1878-1879, being wounded twice at Kambuia. Leaving the Army after 21 years’ service, he returned on pension to England, where he was for some time steward of the Yarmouth Conservative Club, and on returning to Natal he entered the service of Tomkins, Railway contractor, and was for some considerable time in charge of the Railway Refreshment Rooms in Estcourt, finally opening what was known as the “Bottle Store” here.
During his residence of over 20 years in Estcourt, Mr. FRICKER held the respect and affection of all who kenw him. He was a staunch supporter of the Anglican Church, and was People’s Warden from 1912 to 1913, and was for many years a sidesman in St. Matthew’s Church. At a Vestry meeting, held on Monday night, a vote of sympathy with the widow and daughter was passed, all standing in silence. Mr. FRICKER also took his share in the affairs of the town, being a member of the Local Board from 1908 to 1911, when he held office as Chairman of Public Works, also Building and Lighting.
During the Native Rebellion of 1906 many were the acts of kindness shown by Mr. and Mrs. FRICKER to the troops passing through Estcourt, the kindly couple frequently sitting up all night in order to cheer “the boys” with cups of steaming hot coffee and tea.
Mr. FRICKER was one of the foundation members of the Weenen County Lodge of Freemasons. He was at one time secretary of the Lodge, and held various positions, and was made a Life Member in 1914. A few years later, he and Mrs. FRICKER left Estcourt to live with their only daughter, the widow of the late Sergt. WARD (who was highly respected here), on her farm at Harrismith.
Beyond the bare facts of his death last Friday, no details are known. The deepest sympathy is expressed for Mrs. FRICKER in her great sorrow, and for Mrs. WARD and the grandchildren. Of unflinching integrity, a most cheerful and generous disposition, with deep Christian principles, simply unostentatiously lived through all his long life, there are many hearts to-day who feel a sense of personal loss in the death of Mr. FRICKER, who was, in very truth, “a white man” all through his long and useful life.
MONDAY, JULY 30, 1923
BARLOW JONES. – At Dundee on the 16th July, 1923, to Mr. and Mrs. Douglas BARLOW JONES, a son. Both doing well. 2956
STEWARD. – At the Sanatorium, Ladysmith, on the 25th July, to Mr. and Mrs. STEWARD, “Oburn,” Chiveley, the gift of a daughter. 2982
PITHEY. – On the 13th inst at Johannesburg. Helen, relict of the late Edward PITHEY, beloved mother of Syd. PITHEY, Scheeper’s Nek and daughter of the late Colonel Musgrave Eden HALL, Cumberland. 2968
DALE. – In loving memory of our dear little boy, Harry Percival DALE, who departed this life on July 28, 1920. Inserted by Mother and Father. 5380
FABRE. – In loving memory of my dear friend, Fanny, who fell asleep on 29th July, 1920.
Though time may bring its soothing cheer,
And others may forget,
To me she’ll be for ever dear,
In truth I mourn her yet.
Inserted by her friend, R. TEMPLEMAN. 2975
SPENCER. – In memory of our dearly loved son and brother, Clifford SPENCER, who died 29th July, 1918.
Fondly loved and sadly missed.
Inserted by his loving Parents, Sisters and Brothers. 2970
SPENCER. – In loving memory of our dear brother, Clifford SPENCE, who died 29th July 1918.
Inserted by his loving Brother Billie, Sister Emma. 2971
TUESDAY, JULY 31, 1923
HEATHMAN. – At Grey’s Hospital, on the 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. HEATHMAN (nee LONDON), of New Hanover, a son. 2997
HAMILTON. – On the 29th July, 1923, at the Sanatorium, Maritzburg, Albert Arthur, late of Rosetta, aged 41 years. Deeply regretted. Inserted by his sorrowing Wife and Children. 5434
HAMILTON. – July 29th, Albert Arthur, the dearly loved husband of Jane Gardner HAMILTON, of “Riverside,” Rosetta, aged 42, years.
To fall asleep is not to die,
To rest in Christ is perfect life. 3025
SCHEEPERS. – In loving memory of my dear husband, Coenie SCHEEPERS, who died on the 29th July, 1921. “To memory ever dear.”
Inserted by his loving Wife and Children. 2875
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