Natal Witness 1918 4 October - December
THOMSON. – In loving memory of George Arthur, only son of J.R. THOMSON (late Governor, Central Gaol) and H. THOMSON. Died 2nd October, 1904.
Oh, call it not Death!
Inserted by his Parents and Sister.
Nel’s Rust. 5383
SIMMONS. – Killed in action in France, September 27th, 2nd-Lieut. R.S. SIMMONS, 7th Battalion London Fusiliers, eldest son of the late P.D. SIMMONS and Mrs. SIMMONS, Bray Hill, Mooi River, aged 18. 5415
PIKE-GODWIN. – On October 2nd, 1918, at the Church of the Ascension, Hilton Road, by the Rev. Basil Morey FORD, Benjamin Edward PIKE, of Johannesburg, to Edith Mary, younger daughter of the late J.T. GODWIN, Dorchester, England. 5349
WHEELER. – Died of wounds while prisoner of war in Germany, Frank Noel WHEELER, aged 19 years, youngest son of the late Frank WHEELER, Jesmond, Maritzburg. 5434
He gave his young life for his country.
WHITEHEAD. – Died of wounds in France, July 31st, 1918, Private Gordon WHITEHEAD, dearly beloved son of Alfred and Elizabeth WHITEHEAD, aged 33 years. Until the Day Breaks. 5437
GRAHAM. – At The Residency, Bulwer, on October 4th, 1918, to Mr. and Mrs. A.D. GRAHAM, a daughter.
LINSCOTT. – At the Havelock Nursing Home, on October 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. E.C. LINSCOTT, Maritzburg, a son. Both well. 283
NEL. – At the Havelock Nursing Home, on 4th October, to Mr. and Mrs. J.J. NEL, Mooi River, a daughter. Both well. 284
POSNOT. – At the Havelock Nursing Home, on 5th October, to Mr. and Mrs. E. POSNOT, Cedara, a son. Both well. 285
SPENCER. – At the Havelock Nursing Home, on September 23rd, to Mr. and Mrs. J.W. SPENCER, S.A.M.R., a daughter. Both well. 281
STOCKIL. – At the Havlock Nursing Home, on 29th September, to Mr. and Mrs. E.C. STOCKIL, Glenisla, a daughter. Both well. 282 (Note: Should read “Havelock”).
WHITE. – To Mr. and Mrs. E.A. WHITE, Lyell, Waschbank, a son, on 4th inst. 5517
MURRAY. – On the 23rd September, at Wynberg Hospital, Capetown, Lieut. Alex. Geddes MURRAY, husband of Violet MURRAY (nee Vaughan). 5509
WALMSLEY. – In loving memory of our dear loving Mother, Mary Ann WALMSLEY, who passed away at D.N.C. Dannhauser, on October 7, 1917.
One year has passed since that sad day,
When one we loved was called away,
God took her home, it was His will,
Forget her, no, we never will.
Inserted by her loving Children and Grandchildren. 5493
ROLL OF HONOUR – In Memoriam
HOSKEN. – In loving memory of dear soldier son, Lieut. Victor F. HOSKEN, who was killed in action “Somewhere in France,” October 7th, 1916.
“Sleep on in peace dear Vic.
Thy duty well and nobly done,
God will link the broken chain
Closer, when we meet again.”
Inserted by his sorrowing Parents, Brothers, and Sisters. 5473
HOSKEN. – In fond memory of our darling brother, Victor F. HOSKEN, 7th London Regiment, killed in action, somewhere in France, October 7th, 1916.
“Sleep on, dear one,
Until the day breaks.”
Inserted by Gladys and Aubrey. 5491
HOSKEN. – In loving memory of our dear brother, Lieut. Victor F. HOSKEN, Imperial Regiment, killed in action in France on the 7th October, 1916. Inserted by Lizzie and Stanley. 5521
McMULLEN. – At Havelock Nursing Home, on Tuesday, 8th October, 1918, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McMULLEN, a son. Both well. 5546
MACDONALD-DOWSETT. – At Boshoff Street Wesleyan Church, P.M.Burg, on Saturday, 2nd September, Ivy Hilda, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.W. DOWSETT, of 523, Prince Alfred Street, to Walter TAYLOR, only son of Mr. and Mrs. P. MacDonald, of Ladysmith, Natal. 5528
SIMPSON. – Killed in action, in France, 28th September, 1918, Second-Lieut. Stanley A. SIMPSON, 1st Devonshire Regiment, third son of Mr. and Mrs. G.W. SIMPSON, Blackridge, Natal. 5525
ROLL OF HONOUR – In Memoriam
LUND. – In affectionate remembrance of 2nd-Lieut. G.W. LUND, 1/7 Battalion West York Regiment, killed in action in France, October 9th, 1917.
Inserted by his Parents, Brothers, and Sisters. 315
BRAATVEDT. – On 8th October, to Mr. and Mrs. E.R. BRAATVEDT (nee F.M. NEWBERRY), of 229, Pine Street, Maritzburg, a son. 5565
FARQUHAR-McKAY. – On Wednesday, 2nd October, at the First Presbyterian Church, Maritzburg, by the Rev. W. TURNBULL. M.A., Joseph Stewart Alexander FARQUHAR, of “Stewart Park,” Ladysmith, second son of Joseph FARQUHAR, C.M.G., to Lilias Ethel Mackervail McKAY, youngest daughter of Sergt. and Mrs. M.C. McKAY, of Ladysmith. ei346
DAVEY. – Died at Vryheid, Sunday, the 6th inst., Charles Harold, eldest and dear son of Dr. and Mrs. C.J. DAVEY. 5556
PLATT. – Passed away at Melbourne, Australia, October 4th, 1918, James PLATT, belover father of Mrs. James CARBIS. (By cable.) 358 (Note: Should read “beloved”).
CLARK. – On the 9th October, to Mr. and Mrs. J.W. CLARK (nee Hilda LAMBERT), at Innerfallen Nursing Home, Durban, a son. Both well.
FARQUHAR. – At “Stewart Park,”, Ladysmith, on 7th October, to Mr. and Mrs. James A. FARQUHAR, a son. 5587
POTGIETER. – At Sanatorium, Ladysmith, 7th October, to Mr. and Mrs. G.C. POTGIETER. Winterton, a daughter. Both well. Nurse HALLINAN and Dr. BURMAN in attendance. 5582
PRICE. – At Ladysmith, on the 6th October, to Mr. and Mrs. Bert PRICE, Elandslaagte, a son. Both well. 5586
BEYNON. – On the 26th August, 1918, Alexander William eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. F.A. BEYNON, Durban, aged 26 years, killed in action in France (Tank Corps). By cable. 5579
DETTMANN. – At Dundee Hospital, on September 4th, 1918, Joyce Christine DETTMANN, aged 2½ years. 5588
KEYTER. – At “Frogmore,” Krantzkop, on the 5th October, 1918, John KEYTER, in his 56th year. Deeply mourned. ei365/6
FARQUHAR-McKAY. – On Wednesday, 2nd October, at the First Presbyterian Church, Maritzburg, by the Rev. W. TURNBULL. M.A., Joseph Stewart Alexander FARQUHAR, of “Stewart Park,” Ladysmith, second son of Joseph FARQUHAR, C.M.G., to Lilias Ethel Mackervail McKAY, youngest daughter of Sergt. and Mrs. M.C. McKAY, of Ladysmith. ei346
MACDONALD-DOWSETT. – At Boshoff Street Wesleyan Church, P.M.Burg, on Saturday, 28th September, Ivy Hilda, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mr. A.W. DOWSETT, of 523, Prince Alfred Street, to Walter Taylor, only son of Mr. and Mrs. MacDONALD of Ladysmith, Natal. 5528 (Note: Should read ” Mr. and Mrs. A.W. DOWSETT).
KEYTER. – At “Frogmore,” Krantzkop, on the 5th October, 1918, John KEYTER, in his 56th year. Deeply mourned. ei365/6
HOOLE-JACKSON. – At Randfontein, on the 5th October 1918, Harry Harcourt, eldest son of late Henry James HOOLE and Mrs. HOOLE, Randfontein, to Lauretto. S. Gower, eldest daughter of late Gower A. JACKSON and Mrs. JACKSON, Malvern, Natal. 5612
MACDONALD-DOWSETT. – At Boshoff Street Wesleyan Church, P.M.Burg, on Saturday, 28th September, Ivy Hilda, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mr. A.W. DOWSETT, of 523, Prince Alfred Street, to Walter Taylor, only son of Mr. and Mrs. MacDONALD of Ladysmith, Natal. 5528 (Note: Should read ” Mr. and Mrs. A.W. DOWSETT).
RETHMAN. – In loving memory of my dear Husband and our dear Daddy, Charles Field RETHMAN, who passed away at Deepdale Heights on October 13th, 1917.
And though from out our bourne of place and power
The flood may bear me far,
I hope to see my Pilot face to face
When I have crossed the bar.
Inserted by his Wife and Children.
ROLL OF HONOUR – In Memoriam
CHARLTON. – In loving memory of our dear son and brother, George William CHARLTON, who was missing October 12th, 1916.
Two years have passed, our hearts still sore,
As time rolls on we miss him more,
His cheerful voice and smiling face,
No one can take our dear boy’s place.
Sleep on darling son in your foreign grave,
Your life you gave to do your duty in a foreign land,
We could not be near you to say goodbye,
And in God’s own good time we will know and understand.
You are sleeping in a Heroes grave.
Inserted by his sorrowing Parents, Sisters and Brothers. 5615
DIXON. – In loving memory of my dear son, Edward Ross DIXON, who was killed in action in Flanders on the 12th October, 1916.
Deeply mourned. From his loving Mother. 5589
GOLD. – Killed in action in France on October 12th, 1916, at Butte-de-Warlencourt, Lance-Corporal Percy Clark GOLD, South African Infantry, eldest and dearly beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. D.D. GOLD, Glengarry, East Griqualand, aged 22 years and 3 months.
He did his Duty and his Bit.
He left his home in health and strength
To answer his country’s call.
He gave his life, he gave his best
For you, for us, for all.
His King and country called him,
The call was not in vain,
On Britain’s Roll of Honour
You will find dear Percy’s name.
Inserted by his loving Parents, Brothers and Sisters. 341
HODNETT. – In loving memory of our dear husband and father, Sergt. William George (Sonnie) HODNETT, killed in action in the Battle of Warlencourt, October 12th, 1916.
Oh for the touch of a vanished hand,
And the sound of a voice that is still.
Inserted by his Wife and Four Children. 5627
HODNETT. – In loving memory of our dear son, Sergeant W.G. HODNETT, who was killed in France, 1916. Thy will be done.
Inserted by his Loving Parents and Sister. 5628
HOUSHOLD. – Pte. F.P. HOUSHOLD, killed in action at Wallencourt le Butte, 12th October, 1916. Inserted by Mr. and Mrs. DALE. 5602
MORTON. – In loving memory of James Martin, second son of Mr. and Mrs. W.S. MORTON, Scottsville, killed at Butt de Warlencourt, on 12th October, 1916. 386
SMYTHE. – At Nottingham Road, on the 8th October, to Mr. and Mrs. Mungo SMYTHE, a daughter. 5639
BOSHOFF. – At Addington Hospital, Durban, on October 10th, 1918, John Christopher BOSHOFF. 66 years, 10 months, 11 days. 436
McALLISTER. – At Crosshill, Glasgow, on the 27th September, James George, aged twenty months, beloved child of George McALLISTER, Hatting Spruit, and Mrs. McALLISTER, Balfron, Scotland. 5652
BASTOW. – In loving and unfading memory of my beloved daughter, Eliza, who fell asleep 13th October, 1904.
He gathers them in one by one.
Never forgotten by her Mother. 5643
ROLL OF HONOUR – In Memoriam
SYMES. – In loving memory of our dear son and brother, Albert Stretton SYMES, who was killed in action in France October 13, 1917. Inserted by his mother and family. 5647
GIBSON. – At the Havelock Nursing Home, on October 11th, 1918, to Mr. and Mrs. W.G. GIBSON, of Craig Nevan, Mooi River, a daughter. Both well. 444
SMYTHE. – At Nottingham Road, on the 8th October, to Mr. and Mrs. Mungo SMYTHE, a daughter. 5639
RETHMAN. – In affectionate memory of my dear brother, Charles Field RETHMAN, who died at Deepdale, Harding, October 13th, 1917. – R.I.P. Inserted by his sorrowing Brother, Jack. 5662
ROLL OF HONOUR – In Memoriam
ASHWORTH. – In loving memory of our dear son and brother, Pte. E.A. ASHWORTH, who was killed in France October 15th, 1917.
Inserted by his Mother, Sister and Brothers. 5664
GARDNER. – Killed in action in France, October 15th, 1917, William James, late of Fox Hill, aged 22 years.
Far away from his home,
And the friends of his youth,
He fought for the standard of honour and truth,
For the love of his King the wild ocean he crossed,
Soon, alas, was his fall, but he died at his post.
Victorious he fell, for he rose as he fell,
In that bright land of glory for ever to dwell.
Inserted by Parents and Sister.
Arnold’s Hill. 5645
COLLINS. – At Ladysmith, on Friday, 11th October, Ivy Jane, eldest and dearly loved daughter of Mathew and Jessie COLLINS, aged 18 years and 6 months. 459
HOOPER. – In loving memory of my dear wife, and our dear mother, Matilda HOOPER, of “Thorn Vale,” Seven Oaks, who died on October 15th, 1916.
Two years have passed, our hearts still sore,
As time goes on we miss her more,
Her cheery words, her welcome face,
No once can fill her vacant place.
Inserted by her loving Husband and Children.
October 15th, 1918. 471
(Note: Should read “No one can fill her vacant place.”)
DICKS. – At “Fairview,” Ixopo, on 15th October, to Mr. and Mrs. R.I. DICKS, a son. Both well. 5709
RICHARDS. – At Utrecht, Natal, on October 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. A.D. RICHARDS, a son. (Dr. LOOS and Nurse GRISSAER in attendance.) 5718
CAIRNS. – At Ladysmith, on Saturday, 12th October, 1918, Lydia May, dearly loved daughter of Adam KENMUIR and Lydia May CAIRNS, aged 4 years. Deeply regretted. 5708
DICKS. – At “Fairview,” Ixopo, on 15th October, to Mr. and Mrs. R.I. DICKS, a son. Both well. 5709
HOGBEN. – To Mr. and Mrs. E. HOGBEN, a daughter, on the 11th inst., at the Sanatorium, Estcourt. Both doing well. 5756
FOXON-LILBURN. – On the 16th of October, 1918, by Special License, at St. Michael and All Angels’ Church, Eshowe, by the Rev. A.E. THRUPP, Cuthbert Colenso FOXON, Magistrate, Mtunzini, Zululand, to Nellie Beatrice, youngest daughter of Mr. James LILBURN, J.P., of Lindisfarne, Gingindhlovu, Zululand. No cards. 528
FIDDES. – Dundee. At her residence, on Friday, 18th October, Emily Grace (born ODELL), dearly loved wife of J.A.B. FIDDES, passed peacefully away after a long and painful illness. Deeply mourned. 5753
BRADFORD. – At the Mental Hospital, on 17th October, Fred BRADFORD, son of late Thomas BRADFORD. Will be buried at the Church of England Cemetery, at 11 a.m., 19th inst.
FITZWILLIAM. – In loving memory of my dear husband, John FITZWILLIAM, who died in Grey’s Hospital, October 19th, 1915.
Inserted by his loving Wife and Family. 5737
ROLL OF HONOUR – In Memoriam
For King and Country.
FITZSIMONS. – In loving remembrance of Percy James FITZSIMONS, South African Scottish, beloved son of Mrs. FITZSIMONS, reported killed in action on the 19th October, 1916.
He never shunned his country’s call,
But gladly gave his life, his all,
He died the helpless to defend,
A British soldier’s noble end.
Ever remembered by his loving Mother.
PEEL. – In memory of our dear son and brother, Cecil Charles PEEL, killed in action at Butte-de-Warlencourt, October 19th, 1916. 3740
FARMER. – At St. David’s Vicarage, Exeter, England, to Mrs. P.D. FARMER, and the late Lieut. Paul Douglas FARMER (killed in action in France, March 24th, 1918), a daughter. By cable. 563
VARTY. – At the Sanatorium, Loop Street, on 14th October, to Mr. and Mrs. E.G. VARTY, “Cliffton,”Riet Vlei, a daughter. 5789
MOSS-NADAULD. – At Richgate School, Mossdale, on 16th October, by the Rev. W. MARTIN, of Newcastle, Louisa Alice (Lulu), youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. NADAULD, of Rosemount, to Auriel Cecil, second son of Mr. and Mrs. W. MOSS, of “The Folly,” Riet Vlei. 5786
FIDDES. – Dundee. At her Residence, on Friday, 18th October, Emily Grace (born ODELL), dearly loved wife of J.A.B. FIDDES, passed peacefully away after a long and painful illness. Deeply mourned. 5753
FANNIN. – At Camperdown, on 17th October, 1918, as a result of an accident, Terence Eustace GOWER, dearly beloved youngest child of Meredyth and Dorothy FANNIN, aged 3 years and 11½ months. 564
NEEL VAN ROOYEN. – In loving memory of my dear brother, who passed away at Wonderfontein on October 21st, 1917.
One year has passed since that sad day,
When one I loved was called away;
God took him home, it was His will,
Forget him, no, I never will.
Inserted by his only and sorrowing sister, Aletta HAVEMANN, Umvotipoort.
ROWE. – Died of wounds in france, October 8th, 1918, Pte. John B. ROWE, son of Mr. and Mrs. James ROWE, dearly loved brother of M. and A. CARMICHAEL, Pepworth, aged 17 years. 5190
ARNOLD. – On October 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. ARNOLD, a son, at Grey’s Hospital. Both well. 5804
FARMER. – At St. David’s Vicarage, Exeter, England, to Mrs. P.D. FARMER, and the late Lieut. Paul Douglas FARMER (killed in action in France, March 24th, 1918), a daughter. By cable. 568
BENNITT. – On October 15th, at Boksburg Hospital, Boksburg, Transvaal, Daisy Florence BENNITT, aged 32, late of Boksburg Hospital Nursing Staff, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas BENNITT, of Pretoria, formerly of Maritzburg. 5802
BLAKE. – At Bernica, on 18th October, 1918, from pneumonia, Ernest Hugh, second son of late V.W.L. BLAKE, aged 35. 5797
MILLER. – Died at 196, Chapel Street, Pietermaritzburg, the dearly beloved wife of William N. MILLER, S.A.R., Dargle Road Station. 5806
McGEE. – Killed in action in Flanders on June 11th, 1918, 2nd-Lieut. W.R. McGEE, Royal Air Force, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. E. McGEE, 292, Boom Street, aged 30 years.
Played… his part with a good heart.
And the rest – left with God. 5792
COMINS. – On October 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. R. COMINS, “Broughton Estate,” Northdene, a son. 5816
LINDSAY. – At the Havelock Nursing Home, on October 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. J.A.B. LINDSAY of Mooi River, a daughter. 612
McKENZIE. – At the Havelock Nursing Home, on October 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack McKENZIE, of Johannesburg, a son. 613
BROCKBANK. – At the Convent Emergency Hospital, Ladysmith, Natal, on Sunday, the 20th inst., John MUNRO, youngest son of W. and K.E. BROCKBANK, aged 26 years. 602
DAVIS. – October 19th, Mary Ellen, wife of F.W. DAVIS, of Nel’s Rust, after a long and painful illness, patiently borne.
“Peace, Perfect Peace.” 5825
RAWLINGS. – At Ladysmith, on the 18th October, 1918, Edith Natalie (Edie), only daughter of Walter and Annie RAWLINGS, in her 19th year. 600
SPARKS. – On the 19th October, 1918, Joseph Thomas SPARKS, aged 27 years, eldest dearly loved son of Joseph and Grace SPARKS, at Brae Farm, Curry’s Post. 3424
SURGEON. – At Clydesdale Coal Co., O.F.S., on 16th October, 1918, Robert SURGEON, aged 58, dearly loved Husband of Mary SURGEON, passed peacefully away with pneumonia. Deeply mourned. 615
COMINS. – On October 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. R. COMINS, “Broughton Estate,” Northdene, a son. 5816
HOLGATE. – At Nurse TRELEASE’s Home, 231, Berg Street, on the 12th inst., to Mr. and Mrs. Fred HOLGATE a daughter; both well. 3863
HYLAND. – At Sanatorium, Maritzburg, on the 18th October, to Mr. and Mrs. E.D. HYLAND, Alexandra Road, a daughter; both well. 5861
DUFF. – At Pinetown, on 21st October, 1918, Dorothy, only daughter of Col. C. de V. and Mrs. DUFF, aged 20 years. 631
EMMERSON. – At Home, Burnside, Collieries, Herbert EMMERSON, died 16th October, 1918, age 17 years 5 months. 5846
HENDERSON. – At Hilton, on the 20th October, John Hilton, aged 24 years, third son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Martin HENDERSON, and grandson of the late Joseph HENDERSON, of Briar Ghyll, Maritzburg. 621
MILLS. – Passed peacefully away at 306, Longmarket Street, on October 22nd 1918, after a long illness, Arabella Grubham, beloved wife of James MILLS, late of the Cape Province, aged 68 years.
Deeply mourned by her sorowing husband and children.
(Note: Should read “sorrowing”).
RASMUSSEN. – Died at the Pietermaritzburg Sanatorium on the 23rd October, 1918, Victor Emmanuel R. RASMUSSEN, the dearly beloved husband of Margaret RASMUSSEN, of 3, Pine Street Pietermaritzburg. – Dundee (Scotland) papers please copy. 5858
RAWLINGS. – At Ladysmith, on the 18th October, 1918, Edith Natalie (Edie), only daughter of Walter and Annie RAWLINGS, in her 19th year. 600
SPARKS. – On the 19th October, 1918, Joseph Thomas SPARKS, aged 27 years, eldest dearly loved son of Joseph and Grace SPARKS, of Brae Farm, Curry’s Post. 3424
STONE. – At Riverside, Winterton, on Sunday the 20th inst., Edith, dearly beloved daughter of Alexander and Cissy STONE, aged 10 years. 5850
TERRY. – At Estcourt on the 19th October, from Spanish influenza, Francis Wardrop (Baba), beloved son of Francis and Agnes TERRY, of Pietermaritzburg, aged 19 years. ei5857
ROWE. – Died of wounds. Somewhere in France, on October 8th, 1918, John B. ROWE (Johnnie), S.A. Infantry, dearly loved eldest son of James and Mary ROWE, of Pietersburg, Transvaal, late of Ladysmith and Glencoe, aged 17 years 10 months. 5852
When last we saw his smiling face
He looked so young and brave;
We little thought how soon he’d be
Laid in a Soldier’s Grave.
O, Lord, it was Thy will.
- Deeply mourned by his sorrowing mother, dad, sisters and brother. 5852
STANLEY. – Died of wounds received in France on October 13th, Private William Robert STANLEY (Canadian Army Medical Corps), aged 45, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred STANLEY, of Nottingham Road. (By cable.) ei627
VOLLER. – On September 4th, 1918, in France, R.Q.M.S. William Henry VOLLER, of an Imperial Regiment, B.E.F. – Last surviving brother of A.J. VOLLER, of Maritzburg, Natal. 5840
HYLAND. – At Sanatorium, Maritzburg, on the 18th October, to Mr. and Mrs. E.D. HYLAND, Alexandra Road, a daughter; both well. 5861
MILLIKEN. – On October 24th to Mr. and Mrs. F. MILLIKEN, a son, both doing well. At Nurse M. FOSTER’s Nursing Home, 399 Church Street.
BARNETT. – Passed away on September 24th, 1918, at Warsash, The Dargle, Natal, Joseph, eldest son of the late Thomas and Catherine BARNETT. R.I.P. 5880
BLAKE. – Died at Bernica on 18th October, 1918, Ernest Hugh, dearly beloved husband of Mona BLAKE (nee GOLD). Deeply mourned. 667
DUFF. – At Pinetown, on 21st October, 1918, Dorothy, only daughter of Col. C. de V. and Mrs. DUFF, aged 20 years. 631
FRANCIS. – At Berea Nursing Home, on Friday, October 18th, from enteric fever, Walter Raymond, very dearly loved third son of George E. and Agnes B. FRANCIS, Morning View, Ixopo. Aged 15 years and 10 months. 647
FULLER. – At Sea Point, Capetown, on October 12th, from pneumonia, Evelyn Eyre (nee SMITH), wife of W.J. FULLER, late of Jesmond Road, Maritzburg. 604
MILBORROW. – At Pietermaritzburg on the 23rd October, from Influenza, Harold, invalid son of E.T. MILBORROW, Scottsville. 5883
RATHBONE. – At the Simmer and Jack Hospital, Johannesburg, on the 22nd inst., Harold, second eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. A.L. RATHBONE, late of Newcastle, now of Port Shepstone, aged 31. Deeply mourned by his many Newcastle friends. 5872
RAWLINGS. – At Ladysmith, on the 18th October, 1918, Edith Natalie (Edie), only daughter of Walter and Annie RAWLINGS, in her 19th year. 600
SPARKS. – On the 19th October, 1918, Joseph Thomas SPARKS, aged 27 years, eldest dearly loved son of Joseph and Grace SPARKS, of Brae Farm, Curry’s Post. 3424
FRASER. – In Loving Memory of Mary, beloved wife of James FRASER, who passed away at Malvern, on October 26th, 1901. “Thy Will be done.” 5878
STANLEY. – Died of wounds received in France on October 13th, Private William Robert STANLEY (Canadian Army Medical Corps), aged 45, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred STANLEY, of Nottingham Road. (By cable.) ei627
WESTBROOK. – Died of wounds, in France, October 10th, 1918, James Rowland (Dickie), dearly loved son of Mr. and Mrs. W.H. WESTBROOK, aged 21 years and 4 months. 5869
ROLL OF HONOUR – In Memoriam
STRAPP. – In ever present and loving memory of our dearly loved and only son, Eric, killed in action near Iringa, German East Africa, October 25th, 1916, 4th South African Horse. 5470
FOX. – At the Havelock Nursing Home, on October 24th, 1918, to Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert FOX, a son. Both well. 672
ATKINSON. – At Harrismith, on Sunday, 20th of October, 1918, Ellen Gertrude, beloved wife of Harry G. ATKINSON (nee WESTLEY), aged 31 years and 4 months. 5895
BLAKE. – Died at Bernica on 18th October, 1918, Ernest Hugh, dearly beloved husband of Mona BLAKE (nee GOLD). Deeply mourned. 667
FULLER. – At Sea Point, Capetown, on October 12th, from pneumonia, Evelyn Eyre (nee SMITH), wife of W.J. FULLER, late of Jesmond Road, Maritzburg. 604
GRESHAM. – At Castle Howard, Impendhle, October 20, George, dearly beloved son of Mrs. R. GRESHAM, after a very painful illness, aged 27 years. Deeply mourned. 3912
GUILLOD. – At Pietermaritzburg, on 25th October, from pneumonia, Mary Winifred (nee Curry), beloved wife of G.H.F. GUILLOD, Wendover Road, Town Hill. Deeply mourned. 5908
HILTON. – On October 22nd, at Underberg Hotel, Thomas Wm. HILTON, aged 48 years, passed peacefully away, after a long illness, bravely borne. “At Rest.” 5905
ODELL. – At his residence, Vowe Street, Harrismith, O.F.S., on October 22nd, 1918, Albert Edward (Bertie) ODELL, aged 36 – from Spanish influenza. Deeply mourned. His end was peace. 5910
INGE. – Killed in action 2nd September, Sidney George INGE, late of Maritzburg, and Sinoia, Rhodesia, Scoutmaster, 1st Maritzburg Troop, Boy Scouts, and Wesleyan Local Preacher, Maritzburg.
“His end was victory.”
Inserted in affectionate remembrance by Mr. and Mrs. A.H.T. WHITE and Mr. and Mrs. T.R. DAVIES and Family. 5903
GLASS-STANILAND. – On October 15th, 1918, at Willowfountain, Edward Lancelot GLASS, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. GLASS, of Alice, C.P., to Eda Mary STANILAND, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank STANILAND, of Wollowfountain and Durban. 5920
(Note: Should read “Willowfountain”).
WESTBROOK-FERGUSON. – On the 16th October, 1918, at St. Paul’s, Durban, by the Rev. Canon FENTON, Richard L. WESTBROOK, only son of W.J. WESTBROOK, of “Hopewell,” Dalton, to Dorothy G.M. FERGUSON, only daughter of H.A. FERGUSON, of Umtwalumi. 5932
FULLER. – At Sea Point, Capetown, on October 12th, from pneumonia, Evelyn Eyre (nee SMITH), wife of W.J. FULLER, late of Jesmond Road, Maritzburg. 604
HATTINGH. – On October 21st, 1918, at Sanatorium, Ladysmith, my dearly beloved husband and our darling daddy, Isaac HATTINGH, Matiwane, aged 37 years 7 months. “Sleep on Beloved and take thy Rest.”
HODGSON. – Died at Pretoria, on 24th October, Charles Fredrick, beloved husband of Maude HODGSON. Deeply mourned. 5929
LAVERTON. – At the Sanatorium, Ladysmith, on the 23rd October, 1918, Alexander LAVERTON (Alick), son of William and Margaret LAVERTON, aged 40 years and 3 months. “Gone but not forgotten.” 695
MAPSTONE. – At the Sanatorium, on October 23rd, from pneumonia, George Bertram (Bertie), third son of Mr. and Mrs. W. MAPSTONE, aged 25 years and 6 months. 5922
PENN. – At Ladysmith, on 21st October, Alexandra Jessie Steel PENN, beloved wife of S.H. PENN, in her 26th year.
“At Rest.” 715
MASON. – At Burnside Collieries, Natal, on Sunday, October 20th 1918, Mary Elizabeth (May), wife of L.H. MASON, jun., aged 35 years. 703
SIMPSON. – On Thursday, 17th October, at the Sanatorium, Ladysmith, Sidney James, 34 years; and on Wednesday, 23rd October, at his residence, Keate Street, Ladysmith, Edward Ross, 36 years, both sons of J. SIMPSON, Lyell Street, Ladysmith. 698
STEWART. – At Ladysmith, on the 21st of October, 1918, Mary Elizabeth (Maimie), only daughter of William and Bessie STEWART, in her 17th year. (Deeply regretted). 5931
STRONG. – Passed peacefully away, at Ladysmith, on October 24th, 1918, after a short illness (influenza), Francis Arthur Thomas STRONG, beloved husband of Mary STRONG, aged 34 years. Deeply mourned by his sorrowing Wife and Children. 697
WALKER. – At Verulam, on Wednesday, 23rd instant, Archibald William, only beloved son of the late Douglas Pinkney and Ellen WALKER, Newcastle. Age 23 years. 5926
THOMAS. – At Maritzburg, on Wednesday, 23rd October from pneumonia, Gwendoline Doris, eldest daughter of Mrs. A.F. THOMAS, Addington Hospital, Durban, aged 16 years. 5921
HALLETT. – Died in a London Hospital, on the 12th October, of pneumonia, following a wound in side received in action, Captain Henry William Percy HALLETT, of the Imperial Infantry, husband of Dorothea HALLETT, of Maritzburg, aged 40 years. Deeply mourned. ei707
CARBUTT. – At Kaffirstad, on the 25th inst., Douglas Hamilton, the dearly loved youngest child of Stephen and Daisy CARBUTT, aged 2 years. ei5934
LAVERTON. – At the Sanatorium, Ladysmith, on the 23rd October, 1918, Alexander LAVERTON (Alick), son of William and Margaret LAVERTON, aged 40 years and 3 months. “Gone but not forgotten.” 695
MASON. – At Wankies, Rhodesia, on the 26th inst., from influenza, W.H. MASON, second son of the late W.H. MASON, second son of the late W.H. MASON and Mrs. A.E. MASON, of Pietermaritzburg, aged 35 years. ei5942
PERFECT. – Died 19th October, at Bloemfontein, at the residence of her brother, Ethel Maud, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R.W. PERFECT, P.M.Burg, aged 19 years and 10 months. Deeply mourned. 5938
BATEMAN. – On the 17th October, 1918, in England, Hilton Finley BATEMAN, S.A.I., aged 19 years, dearly loved and only son of James and Minnie BATEMAN, of Potchefstroom. Deeply mourned. 5939
FRANCIS. – Killed in action, 24th March, 1918, at Gauche Wood, Roland, eldest and dearly loved son of the late Mrs. Edwin Francis, and grandson of the late Mr. Charles BLACK, of the “Gordon Memorial Mission, Umsinga,” and Mrs. BLACK, of Durban, aged 19 years and 11 months.
Greater love hath no man than this.
That he lay down his life for his friends. 5943
GIBSON. – Died at Inkerman Barracks, Woking, England, of influenza, on 23rd October, John, dearly loved eldest son of Alexander, and Margaret GIBSON, “Craigie Lea,” Town Hill, Maritzburg. 5944
HALLETT. - Died in a London Hospital, on the 12th October, of pneumonia, following a wound in side received in action, Captain Henry William Percy HALLETT, of the Imperial Infantry, husband of Dorothea HALLETT, of Maritzburg, aged 40 years. Deeply mourned. ei707
DAVIDSON-GASKIN. – On the 31st August, at the Church of the Annunciation, Chrislehurst, by the Vicar, the Rev. S.E.B. SERLE, Francis Ellis FARQUHAR, South African Infantry, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. W. DAVIDSON, of Howick, Natal, to Lilian Frances GASKIN, second daughter of the late Lewis GASKIN, of Burton-on-Trent, and Mrs. BARRON, Worleston, Cheshire. 736
CAIRNS. – At Barlow House, Ladysmith, on Friday, October 25th, 1918, Leila CAIRNS (nee THOMSON), beloved wife of James CAIRNS, jun., aged 29 years. Deeply mourned. (Home papers please copy.) 745
CARBUTT. – At Kaffirstad, on the 25th inst. Douglas Hamilton, the dearly loved youngest child of Stephen and Daisy CARBUTT, aged 2 years. ei5934
COCKCROFT. – At Ladysmith, on the 25th October, Evelyn Buller, beloved son of O.A.W. and the late Violet Evelyn COCKCROFT, aged 18 years. 741
JACK. – At Ladysmith, on Wednesday, 23rd October, 1918, Ivy Elizabeth, aged 34 years, wife of Robert JACK, and daughter of George MARTIN, of “Claybrook,” Ixopo. Also, at Ladysmith, on Saturday, 27th October, Robert Jack, aged 34 years, husband of the above mentioned Ivy Elizabeth. 743
MACPHAIL. – Died at Craigside, Dundee, on the 18th October, 1918, aged 35 years and eleven months, Duncan Dugald, dearly loved youngest son of Dugald and Annie MACPHAIL, and beloved husband and father of Violet and Ian MACPHAIL. 5964
MASON. – At Wankies, Rhodesia, on the 26th inst., from influenza, W.H. MASON, second son of the late W.H. MASON and Mrs. A.E. MASON, of Pietermaritzburg, aged 35 years. ei5942
MATTISON. – At “Fernhurst,” Estcourt, on the 20th October, from pneumonia, Lewis Archibald, second dearly loved son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard MATTISON, in his 25th year. ei5962
TERRY. – At Estcourt on the 19th October, from Spanish influenza, Francis Wardrop (Baba), beloved son of Francis and Agnes TERRY, of Pietermaritzburg, aged 19 years.
BATEMAN. – On the 17th October, 1918, in England, Hilton Finley BATEMAN, S.A.I., aged 19 years, dearly loved and only son of James and Minnie BATEMAN, of Potchefstroom. Deeply mourned. 5939
A telegram has been received by Mrs. A.S. MUNRO, stating that her brother, Mr. W.H. MASON, succumbed to an attack of influenza on Saturday morning last. Mr. MASON was the second son of the late Mr. W.H. MASON and Mrs. A.E. MASON, of this City. For the past few years he has been at the Wankies Coal Mine in Rhodesia, where he was deservedly popular. At the time of the torpedoeing of the “Galway Castle” he was making preparations to leave Rhodesia and come back to Natal, where he intended to start farming with his blinded brother, Corpl. MASON, who, with his mother, was returning to Natal on the ill-fated vessel.
From Our Own Correspondent
Mooi River, October 28.
After about ten days’ illness, commencing with Spanish influenza, and developing into heart trouble, Mr. E.T. DYER expired on Wednesday evening last. It was hoped he would have been able to pull through, as he seemed to be progressing favourable till shortly before the end. The late Mr. DYER, who was only 32 years of age, was employed at the Signal Cabin here for the past two years. The funeral took place on Thursday afternoon, at St. John’s Churchyard, Weston, the ceremony being performed by the Vicar, Rev. S.H.R. NOBLE, the pall-bearers being members of the Railway staff.
From Our Own Correspondent
Estcourt, October 28.
It was with deep regret that the sad news of the death of Mr. Percy WILKINSON was received here on Friday. The eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. R. WILKINSON, he was born in Estcourt and educated at the Government school. Of a quiet and reserved nature, he was highly respected by all who knew him, and amongst his colleagues in the Railway Department he was well known for his efficient and conscientious work and life. A victim of the epidemic, he died at the residence of his father-in-law, Mr. H. HORNER, Frere, on Thursday, leaving a wife and four children to mourn their loss of a good husband and kind father.
To the desolate widow and little ones, and also to the bereaved parents and family, very heartfelt sympathy is extended in their sorrow. The funeral took place on Friday afternoon, at the pretty little cemetery of St. Matthew’s Church, the Vicar, the Rev. R.P. ROGERS, M.A., officiating.
Wreaths were sent by: Amy and Wallie, Mother and Dad, Ivy, Loo and Cyril, Mr. and Mrs. R.B. PORRILL and family, Mr. and Mrs. GILLBANKS, Mr. and Mrs. J.W. BEATTIE, Mr. and Mrs. Robert BEATTIE, sen., Mr. and Mrs. GELLING (Mayor and Mayoress), Mrs. and Miss. STUART, Mr. and Mrs. THOMALLA, Mr and Mrs. NELSON, Mrs. LANGSTON and family, Mr. and Mrs. DANIEL, Mrs. HEARNE, Mrs. Edwin WOODS, Mrs. W. DOUGLAS.
Mr. and Mrs. WILKINSON express their sincere appreciation of all the kindness shown, and also for Dr. BREWITT’s attention during the illness of their dear son.
From a Correspondent
Greytown, October 28.
The scourge of Spanish influenza, now raging in most European countries, has added to its heavy toll one, whom all knew him, held in highest esteem. Courteous, of a genial disposition, honest and manly, ever willing to lend the helping hand, his friends will call to memory of Alf LOW – good old “Alfie.” Having served through the German East campaign, and hitherto the native rebellions in this country, when the “call” came again during the dark days of March last – the call to leave home and family to uphold the honour of the Motherland – like all true hearted Britishers, Alfie once more joined up to do his “bit.”
Attaining the rank of Sergeant, he left with a detachment of S.A. Infantry, arriving in England early this month. Not destined to hear again the sound of booming guns, or the rattle of rifle-fire and machine-gun – shorn of the glories of a death upon the battlefield, yet, Alfie, old boy, you found a soldier’s grave, and wrapped in the “Emblem of Sacrifice,” for which you nobly died, the “Last Post” sounding on the autumn air of the Mother land, bade farewell to another of England’s sons who have made the Great Sacrifice. To his sorrowing wife and children sympathy is extended in their sad loss.
CARBUTT. – At Kaffirstad, on the 25th inst. Douglas Hamilton, the dearly loved youngest child of Stephen and Daisy CARBUTT, aged 2 years. ei5934
MACPHAIL. – Died at Craigside, Dundee, on the 18th October, 1918, aged 35 years and eleven months, Duncan Dugald, dearly loved youngest son of Dugald and Annie MACPHAIL, and beloved husband and father of Violet and Ian MACPHAIL. 5964
MATTISON. – At “Fernhurst,” Estcourt, on the 20th October, from pneumonia, Lewis Archibald, second dearly loved son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard MATTISON, in his 25th years. ei5962
TERRY. – At Estcourt on the 19th October, from Spanish influenza, Francis Wardrop (Baba), beloved son of Francis and Agnes TERRY, of Pietermaritzburg, aged 19 years.
KOMEN. – In loving memory of my dear mother, Antje KOMEN, who died on the 31st October, 1916.
Inserted by her youngest daughter and grandchildren.
“Gone but not forgotten.” 5994
CARR. – Died at Keetmanshoop, Lieut. R.J. CARR (Bob), only son of Mrs. M. CARR, of 111, Commercial Road, City, brother of Mrs. D.M. FRASER, Mrs. J.E. PETERS, and Mrs. W.E. EARLE. Deeply mourned. Aged 34 years. ei5997
COLLINS. – Died of wounds, in France, on the 8th October, Brian, son and only child of M.E.W. and H.B. COLLINS, of “Brianston,” Blackridge. 5992
GIBSON. – Died at Inkerman Barracks, Woking, England, of influenza, on 23rd October, John, dearly loved eldest son of Alexander and Margaret GIBSON, “Craigie Lea,” Town Hill, Maritzburg. 5980
GODDEN. – Killed in action, somewhere in France, on October 8th, 1918, No. 15918 Charles Robert GODDEN, aged 29 years and 4 months, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas GODDEN, of 31, Longmarket Street, Pietermaritzburg. 5982
SCHIKKERLING. – On the 25th October, at Dundee, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles SCHIKKERLING, of Uithoek, Waschbank, Natal, a daughter. Both doing well. ei6023
SMITH. – At Nurse SCHURING’s Home, 76, Douglas Street, Dundee, to Mr. and Mrs. T. Vyvyan SMITH, a daughter. 6006
FOXON-LILBURN. – On the 16th of October, 1918, by Special License, at St. Michael and All Angels’ Church, Eshowe, by the Rev. A.E. THRUPP, Cuthbert Colenso FOXON, Magistrate, Mtunzini, Zululand, to Nellie Beatrice, youngest daughter of Mr. James LILBURN, J.P., of Lindisfarne, Gingindhlovu, Zululand. No cards. 792
ANGUS. – At Grey’s Hospital, Maritzburg, on the 17th October, 1918, from pneumonia after Spanish influenza, Joseph ANGUS, husband of Dinah ANGUS, fourth son of the late Henry ANGUS, late of Newcastle-on-Tyne, England, and of Mrs. ANGUS, of Hilton Road, aged 33 years. 6020
BROADBENT. – At Pietermaritzburg, on October 29th, 1918, from pneumonia, Mona Ada, beloved daughter of W.G. and A.S. BROADBENT, aged 32 years.
HODGSON. – At Pretoria, October 25th, 1918, Charles Frederic HODGSON, beloved husband of Maude HODGSON, of pneumonia supervening influenza. Deeply mourned. 6017
HORNBY. – Died 28th inst., at Pretoria, from influenza, Olive Sheila, youngest daughter of Mrs. A.M. HORNBY, of 20, Bourke Street, P.M.Burg, aged 34 years. Deeply mourned. 6027
OSBORN. – At the residence of her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. J. STENT, at Bethlehem, on the 25th October, 1918, Mabel Elizabeth, wife of A.A. OSBORN, jun., second daughter of Major and Mrs. W.T. GAGE, of Newcastle, aged 35 years and 4 months. Waiting above for those she loves. 781
BAGUNATHAN. – At 545, Loop Street, on 29th October, 1918, beloved infant son of Mr. and Mrs. S.P. NAIDOO, after a short and painful illness, aged 10 months and 4 days. Deeply mourned 787
BESTER. – In ever loving memory of my sweet and gentle sister, Maggie BESTER, who died 31st October, 1917, at East London.
She was tired, Lord, but not too tired
To put her hand in Thine! 6022
CARR. – Died at Keetmanshoop, Lieut. R.J. CARR (Bob), only son of Mrs. M. CARR, of 111, Commercial Road, City, brother of Mrs. D.M. FRASER, Mrs. J.E. PETERS, and Mrs. W.E. EARLE. Deeply mourned. Aged 34 years. ei5997
MARSH. – Died of wounds, somewhere in France, on October 8th, 1918, Private Walter Stephen MARSH (Wallie), S.A. Infantry, dearly loved brother of Gertie and Willie HALL, N.N. Collieries, Hatting Spruit.
Deeply mourned.
When last we saw his smiling face,
He looked so young and brave,
We little thought how soon he’d be
Laid in a soldier’s grave.
Thy will be done. 6608
ROLL OF HONOUR – In Memoriam
BRANDON. – In loving memory of my dearly beloved son, Arthur Frank BRANDON, Flight Lieut. R.N.A.S., D.S.O., killed in a flying accident in England on the 26th October, 1917.
A year has passed, the wound still bleeds,
For my grief was sore, my loss severe,
To part with him I loved so dear.
As time rolls on I miss him more,
His cheerful voice and smiling face,
No one can take my dear boy’s place,
But it was God’s Will it should be so,
At His Command we all must go,
I loved him well, but God loves him best.
Inserted by his sorrowing mother, Mrs. CONRADIE, Montreal, District Harrismith, O.F.S. 783
To the regret of a large circle of relations and friends, the death took place at Grey’s Hospital on Wednesday, of Mrs. Maud Hermina SYMES, wife of Mr. W. SYMES, in her 37th year. The late Mrs. SYMES was a victim of the influenza epidemic, and leaves a husband and three daughters to mourn their loss.
The funeral took place yesterday afternoon at the Wesleyan Cemetery, the Rev. J.H. RBOERTS conducting an impressive service, and a large number of mourners were noted at the graveside. The Order of Oddfellows was represented. The chief-mourners were father, daughters, sisters and brothers.
Wreaths were sent by the following:- Father and Daughters; Grace, Tom and Gus; Mother; Alice, Ethel and family; Mother and family; Eddie, Mabel and family; Mr and Mrs WING and family; Mr and Mrs BLAIN; Mr and Mrs W ARMITAGE and family; Mr and Mrs JG ARMITAGE and family; Mr and Mrs HILLIER and family; Staff and fellow-work-man. Mental Hospital; Mr and Mrs T CRAGG; Mr and Mrs MITCHELL and Marie; Mrs RODGER; Mrs LUNDIE; Mr and Mrs W UPFOLD; Mr and Mrs LD CLARK; Mrs HINDE and family; David and Tom LYGHT; Mr and Mrs AE MORRIS; Mr and Mrs H BRUNNER and children; Louie; G BRUNNER; Mr and Mrs HOUGH and Mr and Mrs BLIZZARD; Mr and Mrs W SANDEMAN; Mrs BLYTHE and family; Mr and Mrs E Edgar; Mr and Mrs G HOWARD; Mr and Mrs J McKENZIE; Mr and Mrs TYTH and family; Mr and Mrs ANSELL and family; Mr and Mrs R CUMMINGS; Mr and Mrs WM ANDERSON; Mr and Mrs AC ANDERSON; Mr and Mrs LEDDRA and family; and MRs HEARN.
The death of Mr. Johannes Stephanus Cornelius BOTHA, aged 31 years, took place at Grey’s Hospital on Wednesday afternoon from influenza. He came to the City from Wakkerstroom about three years ago to work on the S.A. Railways, making many friends. He leaves a wife and three children to mourn their loss, and his youngest child, a baby of five months, is ill with the epidemic.
The funeral took place from Grey’s Hospital yesterday afternoon, the cortege proceeding to the General Cemetery, where the Rev. D.F. ERASMUS laid his remains to rest.
The chief-mourners were: His wife (Mrs. BOTHA), and Mrs. COETZER (mother-in-law). Wreaths were sent by his wife and relations, his fellow-workmen of the S.A.R., and several other floral tributes were un-named.
From Our Own Correspondent
Newcastle, October 30.
When it became known in Newcastle on Saturday morning last that Mrs. Mabel OSBORN had passed away on the previous day, quite a gloom was cast over the town. The very real sympathy of many friends went out to her husband and parents. Mrs. OSBORN was the second daughter (Mabs) of Major and Mrs. W.T. GAGE, of this town. About 14 months ago she was married to Mr. A.A. OSBORN, the second son of the late Mr. A.A. OSBORN and Mrs. OSBORN, of the Mount, Newcastle, and had taken up her residence on their farm Balmoral, District of Bethlehem. The death took place at the residence of her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. J.H. STENT, of Bethlehem, where she had been taken from the farm for better attention and care. She seemed to have recovered very nicely from the grip of the influenza, and every hope was held for her final and perfect recovery, but on the morning of the 25th she passed away, the direct trouble being heart failure. Her friends in Newcastle have heard of the manner in which she had endeared herself to all with whom she came into contact in her new home. This was no matter of surprise, because she had always been known and highly esteemed and valued for her kind, cheerful, and helpful disposition. In many paths of usefulness she made herself known, and many will remember and ever value her for kindly ministrations of good. In connection with Christian work amongst the children in the Sabbath School she was up to the time of her leaving Newcastle, fully engaged, and the loving, thoughtful and earnest work done by her in this direction can never be measured. To the husband, father, mother, brothers and sisters who mourn the loss of one so dear, our heartfelt sympathy is extended.
PUTTICK. – At the Sanatorium, Pietermaritzburg, on November 1st, to Mr. and Mrs. W.R. PUTTICK, of 234, Victoria Road, a daughter. Both well. 6056
SCHIKKERLING. – On the 25th October, at Dundee, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles SCHIKKERLING, of Uithoek, Waschbank, Natal, a daughter. Both doing well. ei6023
BENSE. – In hospital, at Windhuk, South-West Africa, on Sunday, 27th October, 1918, Anna Charlotte (Lottie), beloved wife of Herman BENSE, eldest and dearly loved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. DE HAAS, Ladysmith, aged 25 years. Deeply mourned. “Only gone before.” 806
BROADBENT. – At Pietermaritzburg, on October 29th, 1918, from pneumonia, Mona Ada, beloved daughter of W.G. and A.S. BROADBENT, aged 32 years. 6011
LOW. – At 292, Berg Street, Margaret, widow of the late William LOW, of Umzimkulu, East Griqualand, after a long and painful illness, aged 58. (Interred at Umzimkulu.) At Rest.
RADFORD. – At the Trades School, Mooi River, October 28th, 1918, Edward David Osborne RADFORD, eldest son of S.O. And M.L. RADFORD, of Umzinkulwana School, Enquabeni, aged 17. Deeply mourned, and beloved by all at the School. “At peace with the Lord.”
WALSH. – At Helpmekaar, Natal, from pneumonia, William Frederick WALSH, beloved husband of M.H. WALSH, aged 36 years. Deeply mourned.
CARR. - Died at Keetmanshoop, Lieut. R.J. CARR (Bob), only son of Mrs. M. CARR, of 111, Commercial Road, City, brother of Mrs. D.M. FRASER, Mrs. J.E. PETERS, and Mrs. W.E. EARLE. Deeply mourned. Aged 34 years. ei5997
LOW. – On October 22nd, Overseas, of influenza, Alfred Andrew, the dearly loved husband of Grace May LOW (born ASHDOWN), aged 32 years.
SCHIKKERLING. – On the 25th October, at Dundee, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles SCHIKKERLING, of Uithoek, Waschbank, Natal, a daughter. Both doing well. ei6023
GRAY. – At the Prarie, Winterton, on October 29th, Jessie Irene, daughter of Mrs. J.E. and the late William GRAY. 6083
LOW. - At 292, Berg Street, Margaret, widow of the late William LOW, of Umzimkulu, East Griqualand, after a long and painful illness, aged 58. (Interred at Umzimkulu.) At Rest.
MAHARAJ. – At Seven Oaks, October 29th Ramachel, from pneumonia, dearly beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. R.S. MAHARAJ, aged 17 years. Deeply mourned. ei6068
MOSSOP. – At Cliffdale, Vryheid District, from influenza, Thomas MOSSOP, aged 26 years. 6078
RAGUNATHAN. – At 545, Loop Street, on 29th October, 1918, beloved infant son of Mr. and Mrs. S.P. NAIDOO, after a short and painful illness, aged 10 months and 4 days. Deeply mourned. 787
SUTTON. – At Val, of pneumonia and malaria, Theodore W. SUTTON, aged 27 years.
WALSH. – At Helpmekaar, Natal, from pneumonia, William Frederick WALSH, beloved husband of M.H. WALSH, aged 36 years. Deeply mourned.
LISTER. – Killed in action in France on 17th October, Geoffrey Harold (South African Scottish), dearly loved second son of Mr. and Mrs. J.D. LISTER. Aged 23 years. 6076
MUNNERY. – In loving memory of our dear Son and Brother, Pte. W.H. MUNNERY, S.A.I., who was drowned by the torpedoing of the “Galway Castle,” September 13th.Greater love has no man than giving his life for another. R.I.P. 6064
SCORGIE. – From influenza, on the 27th October, 1918, Raymond Rundle, aged 19 years, S.A.I., beloved eldest son of Alfred and Ada SCORGIE, Ixopo. 6085
CLAPHAM. – At the Sanatorium, to Mr. and Mrs. V. CLAPHAM, a son. Both well. 6088
GRAY. – At the Prarie, Winterton, on October 29th, Jessie Irene, daughter of Mrs. J.E. and the late William GRAY. 6083
MAHARAJ. - At Seven Oaks, October 29th Ramachel, from pneumonia, dearly beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. R.S. MAHARAJ, aged 17 years. Deeply mourned. ei6068
SUTTON. – At Val, of pneumonia and malaria, Theodore W. SUTTON, aged 27 years.
FRASER. – Killed in action in France, on October 17th, Robert Malcolm, dearly loved son of Mr. and Mrs. F. FRASER, Alexandra Road, aged 19 years. ei6087
OWEN. – Lieut. Godfrey Felix, second son of late Rev. L.E. OWEN, Vicar of Farden, and Mrs. OWEN, of Eccleston, Chester, England, succumbed to influenza at Tedworth Hospital, on 30th October, 1918, seconded from 4th S.A.M.R., attached to 3rd Royal Irish Rifles (per cablegram). 6086
SCORGIE. – From influenza, on the 27th October, 1918, Raymond Rundle, aged 19 years, S.A.I., beloved eldest son of Alfred and Ada SCORGIE, Ixopo. 6085
Pretoria, November 4.
The interment of the late Mrs. MENTZ, wife of the Minister of Defence, was the occasion of manifestation of general sorrow, all sections of the community being represented at the funeral. – Reuter.
On Tuesday, 29th October, at the General Hispital, Pretoria, Miss Amy Irene PORTAL died from pneumonia supervening on influenza, contracted whilst nursing sick soldiers at Roberts Heights. Miss PORTAL was the third and only unmarried daughter of the late Horace J. PORTAL and of Mrs. PORTAL, of this City, and had a wide circle of friends, both here and in the Transvaal, as well as in England. To know her was to love her, for hers was a character of singular strength and sweetness.
After a very successful course as a student at the Normal Training College, Pretoria, Miss PORTAL was appointed to Sunnyside School, and remained there an able and devoted teacher until the schools were closed lately on account of the epidemic. Though very far from being physically strong, she offered her services as a nurse, and was sent to Roberts Heights, where for a short and arduous spell she did her utmost for the stricken soldiers, almost all the nurses being down with the disease. But she had to give in, and was taken to the Hospital, where she succumbed a few days later. Mrs. PORTAL, on hearing of her serious illness, left immediately for Pretoria, but did not arrive in time to see her daughter alive.
The funeral took place in Maritzburg on Friday last, when Miss PORTAL was laid to rest by her father’s side, the Rev. A.J.S. HARKER officiating. A touching incident occurred at Pretoria when six of the soldiers – Springboks – who had known of Miss PORTAL’s self-sacrifice, insisted on having the honour of bearing her remains to the station, and, travelling down by the same train, repeated their kind offices on reaching Maritzburg. The sympathy of the whole community will go out to Mrs. PORTAL and her daughters. They have the consolation of knowing that Miss PORTAL gave her life for others, and died as she had lived in pure unselfishness.
(Note: Should read “Hospital”).
COOPER. – At the Sanatorium, Pietermaritzburg, on November 1st, to Mr. and Mrs. R.W. COOPER, of “Stapleford,” Ncwadi, a daughter. Both doing well. 6115
EDINGTON. – On the 4th November, at Howick, Natal, to Dr. and Mrs. A.D. EDINGTON, a son. 6103
FANNIN. – To Mr. and Mrs. J.G. FANNIN, at Kilgobbin, Lidgetton, on 24th October, a son. Both well. 6110
KNOWLES. – To J.H. KNOWLES, Richmond, Surrey, England, wife of J.H. KNOWLES, of Pietermaritzburg, 2nd South African Infantry, France, a son. (By Cable.) 6122
CROUCH-CULLIS. – On the 24th October, 1918, at the Catholic Church, Malvern, by the Rev. Father CHAUVIN, Herbert CROUCH, of Eton, to Ethel Mary, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.R. CULLIS, of Escombe. 6113
GALLWEY. – On the 22nd October, 1918, of influenza, Munty Aitchinson, the dearly beloved wife of W.J. GALLWEY. ei6106
HEGGE. – At Howard Hill, Hemu-Hemu, on November 3rd, of influenza, Thora HEGGE. – R.I.P.
MAHARAJ. – At Seven Oaks, on the 3rd, from pneumonia, Ram Saroop MAHARAJ, beloved husband of Mrs. R.S. MAHARAJ. Deeply mourned. Aged 45. ei6128
MAHARAJ. – In my ever loving memory of my dear friend, Mr. R.S. MAHARAJ, who passed away at Seven-oaks, on the 3rd inst., 11.15 a.m., from influenza, supervened by pneumonia. Inserted by sorrowing friend, Nawab KHAN, Noodsberg. ei6127
MAHARAJ. – At Seven Oaks, on the 3rd inst., from pneumonia, R. Mahabir MAHARAJ, dear brother-in-law of Bachaov MAHARAJ and brothers. Deeply mourned. Aged 27. ei6124
STRONG. – At Glencoe Junction, on the 30th October, from pneumonia, Edward Alfred Vezey STRONG, beloved husband of Florence STRONG. Deeply mourned. 6104
FRASER. – Killed in action in France, on October 17th, Robert Malcolm, dearly loved son of Mr. and Mrs. F. FRASER, Alexandra Road, aged 19 years.
From Our Own Correspondent
November 2.
The death roll from influenza-pneumonia during the past week included Mr. T. KEOGH, engine driver, S.A.R., at the age of 29 years. Many of deceased’s comrades attended the funeral, the service being conducted by Councillor COOK, of the English Church.
Mr. Henry DE VILLIERS, son of Mrs. DE VILLIERS (widow), a member of the staff of Castle Brewery Co., Volksrust, was laid low by this fatal malady, dying at the age of 27 years. Deceased had served through the Rebellion, German West and German East, was a keen sportsman and a good soldier. The Rev. J.I. DE WET officiated at the grave.
Mr. P.J. STOOP, of the Railway Goods Staff, a fine young man of 24 years, has died, leaving a young wife and children.
A pathetic case was that of Mr. and Mrs. P.F. C. VAN DER MERWE, Vlakpoort, who died, the one on Wednesday, and the other on Thursday.
Mrs. A.M. DE JAGER, wife of Mr. J.J. DE JAGER, fell ill of the dread disease and died on Wednesday morning. The deceased was the eldest daughter of Mr. Josua F. JOUBERT, and was in her 41st year.
(Note: Should read “Joshua”?).
Mrs. WANNENBURG, wife of Mr. P.J. WANENNBURG, M.P.C., died at the farm Klipfontein, and was buried on Sunday afternoon.
(Note: Should read “WANNENBURG”).
Mrs. KUIT, wife of Mr. Manie KUIT, S.A. Railways, was stricken down, and, after an illness of eight days, died in her 31st year. The Rev. J.I. DE WET conducted the funeral service.
Mr. H.C.M.J. VAN RENSBURG, at the age of 31 years, who was about to be married, suddenly sickened and died at his farm Zandfontein, near Wakkerstroom.
Mrs. S.J. VAN OUDSTHOORN, 61 years of age, fell ill at the farm Elandsfontein, and, notwithstanding every attention, died on Saturday.
Mr. Jan NEL, a young man in the best of health, took ill on the farm of Mr. J.C. GREYLING, Welverdiend, died and was buried on Tuesday.
A son of Mr. J.J. VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, Mr. Nicholas Hendrik, caught the disease at Ladysmith, and died at the age of 23 years.
Mrs. STRUWEG, in her 30th year, was caught in the grip of the fell disease at Verkyk, and died on Monday morning.
On Tuesday last Mr. H.L. BAUMGARTEN, a highly esteemed old resident, passed away at the age of 58 years. Influenza was not the cause of death.
From Our Own Correspondent
Richmond, November 2.
Another old colonist has passed away in the person of Mr. George HACKLAND, of Stone Cottage, Richmond. Like many old settlers in the Richmond district, he came from the Orkney Islands. After residing for a few years near Glasgow, he arrived in Natal by the Conway, in 1880. He has been described as a man of few words, being of a quiet and retiring disposition.
All who had the privilege of knowing him intimately bear witness to his many splendid qualities and unblemished life, and though he had long passed the allotted span and exceeded the four score years, he was never heard to utter and unkind word about anyone – truly a fine record. During the last few years he was almost stone deaf, and as a consequence, discontinued attending the church services, though having been a regular attendant all his life. He was fond of Spurgeon’s sermons, and was a man of simple faith, who lived very near to his Maker. It can truly be said that he has gone to his reward.
He leaves a widow, five sons, two daughters, and three brothers to mourn their loss. Only a few months ago they were all gathered together in the old home with their respective families to celebrate the golden wedding. Three other old Richmond couples have also recently celebrated their golden wedding. Can any other district produce such a record? His end was typical of his life. He passed away quietly and peacefully in the presence of his wife and daughter.
The funeral services were conducted by the Rev. W.B. THOMSON and Rev. Henry LUCKHOFF to-day, when the remains were laid to rest, a large number of friends having gathered to show their last mark of respect to the memory of the deceased.
The chief mourners were Messrs. J.G. JAMES, W.H. and R.B. HACKLANDS (sons), Mr. J.R.L. HACKLAND (brother), and Masters Ernest HACKLAND and Magnus SCOTT (grandsons), Messrs. J.P. and H.C. HACKLAND (nephews). One son was unable to attend owing to being down with influenza. Our sincere sympathy is tendered to the sorrowing widow in her loneliness, after half a century of happy married life, and also to the other relatives.
From Our Own Correspondent
Richmond, November 2.
Mrs. H. BROWN, who has been in indifferent health for some time, passed away on Thursday night at the residence of Mr. John MASSON. During the three years that she resided at Richmond she has gained for herself many friends by her kind manner. The funeral was conducted by the Ven Archdeacon BURGESS on Friday afternoon. To her daughter (Mrs. J.B. POLGLASE) and grand children we offer our sincere sympathy.
From Our Own Correspondent
Richmond, November 2.
I regret to report the death of Mr. Otto Scott McKENZIE, whose life has been cut short at the early age of 39. He contracted influenza on the farm and pneumonia intervened. As a last resource he was brought to Richmond to his father’s residence, and though everything that medical skill and careful nursing could do, he passed away at midday yesterday. The funeral was conducted by the Rev. A.W. CRAGG, and the large congregation of friends around the graveside born simple testimony to the popularity of our friend “Jock,” as he was familiarly called by all who knew him. He was well liked for his hearty manner and disposition. Our deep sympathy is extended to his sorrowing father, brothers and sisters.
PENTZ. – On November 2nd, at Helena, Memel, Orange Free State, to Mr. and Mrs. James PENTZ, a daughter. (Dr. SMIT and Nurse GRISSAER in attendance.) 6137
MATHESON-HAVEMANN. – At Bulawayo, on the 15th October, Alexander Henderson MATHESON (late of Durban) to Elizabeth Georgina, daughter of Mr. D. HAVEMANN, Umvoti Poort, Greytown. 879
COVENTRY. – At Rosalie, Dewdrop, on October 28th, 1918, Lionel Bevis, dearly beloved second son of Handel and Isabel COVENTRY, aged 16 months. Deeply mourned.
God wanted one more angel child
Amid His shining band,
And so He stooped, and gently smiled,
And took our darling’s hand.
GALLWEY. – On the 22nd October, 1918, of influenza, Munty Aitchinson, the dearly beloved wife of W.J. GALLWEY. ei6106
MAHARAJ. – At Seven Oaks, on the 3rd, from pneumonia, Ram Saroop MAHARAJ, beloved husband of Mrs. R.S. MAHARAJ. Deeply mourned. Aged 45. ei6128
MAHARAJ. – In my ever loving memory of my dear friend, Mr. R.S. MAHARAJ, who passed away at Seven-oaks, on the 3rd inst., 11.15 a.m., from influenza, supervened by pneumonia. Inserted by sorrowing friend, Nawab KHAN, Noodsberg. ei6127
MAHARAJ. – In my ever loving memory of my dear friend, Mr. R.M. MAHARAJ, of Harden Heights, who passed away at Sevenoaks, at his father-in-law’s residence, Sevenoaks, from pneumonia, on the 3rd inst., at 10.40 p.m. Inserted by sorrowing friend, Nawab KHAN, Noodsberg.
MAHARAJ. – At Seven Oaks, on the 3rd inst., from pneumonia, R. Mahabir MAHARAJ, dear brother-in-law of Bachaov MAHARAJ and brothers. Deeply mourned. Aged 27. ei6124
PORTAL. – On the 29th October, 1918, at Pretoria Hospital, of double pneumonia, Amy Irene, third daughter of Mrs. PORTAL and the late H.J. PORTAL, Maritzburg, dearly beloved and sadly lamented by her stricken Mother, Sisters, and Friends. 884
PORTER. - At Ladysmith, on the 29th October 1918, Horace Edward, beloved husband of Bessie PORTER, eldest and dearly loved son of Mr. and Mrs. H. PORTER, aged 26 years. 885
ROBINSON. – In Dundee Hospital, on Monday, October 28th, 1918, Kathleen Pansy, youngest daughter of the late John Edwin and Mrs. ROBINSON, of “Garton,” Kamberg, aged 19 years and one month. 881
SIMPSON. – At the Sanatorium, Ladysmith, on the 17th of October, 1918, Sidney James SIMPSON; also, on the 23rd October, 1918, Edward Ross SIMPSON, of Keate Street, Ladysmith, dearly beloved sons of Mr. and Mrs. J. SIMPSON, Lyell Street, Ladysmith. Deeply regretted.
In darkest days our friends were few,
Oh, then dear sons we longed for you;
A mother’s heart is aching
For sons she loved so true. 875
WHITTON. – At Tempe Hospital, Bloemfontein, on the 22nd October, 1918, from pneumonia, Gilbert WHITTON, beloved son of Gilbert WHITTON, Ballengeich Colliery, and brother of Mrs. CANNING, Ballengeich Colliery, aged twenty-five years.
In the bloom of his youth God called him,
In the pride of his manhood days,
To know him was to love him,
None mention his name but with praise.
Inserted by his sorrowing Sister.
McKENDRICK. – Died of pneumonia, in England, 181 Pte. T.J. McKENDRICK, R.E. Signallers. 6155
SPOONER. – Died Overseas, on the 28th October, 1918, Eric Oswald SPOONER, S.A.C., S.C., R.E., youngest beloved son of the late G.H. SPOONER and Catherine SPOONER, of Burger Street, P.M.Burg, aged 19 and 9 months.
Great regret has been occasioned by the death, in Johannesburg, at the Dudley Nursing Home a few days ago, of Miss Helen Isabel MACFARLANE, daughter of the late Hon. Walter MACFARLANE, who was prior to the Anglo-Boer war Speaker of the Natal House of Assembly for over twenty years, and of Mrs. MACFARLANE, of Doornkop. Miss MACFARLANE had been suffering from an internal complaint, and this had necessitated an operation, from which she did not recover. She was the only companion of her widowed mother, a lady of 81 years of age, and the deepest sympathy is felt with the latter.
The funeral took place at Braamfontein, the chief mourners being Messrs WC MACFARLANE, WH MACFARLANCE, JF MACFARLANE (brothers of the deceased), TJM MACFARLANE (brother-in-law), Mrs TJM MACFARLANE (sister), others present being Mr and Mrs Henry NOURSE, Messrs JW PEIRSON, CE PEIRSON, AR PEIRSON, JF RUTHERFORD, JB MACKINLAY, JH CROBSY, CONACHER, E WOODHOUSE, Major COLLIER, Mrs ADAMS, and Miss NICOLSON.
Wreaths were sent by the following: - Her old mother, Helen and Willie, Harry and Jack, Mr and Mrs GJ MACFARLANE, Mr and Mrs TJM MACFARLANE, Mrs R ALLEN, Mrs BLAIKIE, Major and Mrs COLLIER, Mr and Mrs Henry NOURSE, Mr and Mrs LE HEITZMAN, Mr and Mrs CE PEIRSON, Dr DJ PEIRSON, Beaulieu NICOLSON, Mrs ADAMS, Mrs. FRANCIS, Mr and Mrs J Waldie PEIRSON, AR PEIRSON, Miss Dora L BLAINE, Mr and Mrs JB MACKINLAY, Mr and Mrs JH CROBSY, and Pony and Galloway Club. Services were conducted at the residence of Mrs Henry NOURSE and at the cemetery by Rev. J. Bruce GARDINER.
The pall-bearers were Messrs. Henry NOURSE, CONACHER, MACKINLAY, J. Waldie PEIRSON, Major COLLIER and T.J.M. MACFARLANE. The numerous old Natal residents here and many others deeply sympathise with the aged mother and other members of the family in their bereavement.
The death of the late Margaret LOW occurred at 292, Berg Street, Maritzburg, on Monday, October 28, after a long and painful illness. The deceased was the widow of the late William LOW, of Umzimkulu, East Griqualand. The remains were taken to Umzimkulu for burial, and the service was conducted by the Rev. F. OWEN, of Ixopo. The chief mourners were her four sons, Edgecombe, Edgar, Basil, and Vernon LOW, Arthur SMITH (son-in-law). Her eldest son was laid up with influenza and was unable to attend. Wreaths were sent by: “Your Loving Children,” Effie and Henry, Flora and Sid, Agnes, Maggie and Arthur, Kate and Frank, “Your Loving Grandchildren,” “Your Loving Boys,” Irene and Trevor, Mr. and Mrs. D. STRACHAN, Mrs. and Miss SCOTT, Mr. and Mrs. ROSS, Mr. and Mrs. WAKEFIELD, Mr. and Mrs. HESLOP, “All at Hopewell,” Mrs. T.W. STRACHAN, Mr. and Mrs H.K. DELL, Mr. CROOKES, Mrs. HEINIE, Dolly and Violet, Mr. and Mrs. DADDY, Mrs. ASHDOWN, Miss GAVIN, Mr. and Mrs. J.H. MOULD, Mr. and Mrs. Walter HULLEY, Mrs. LUMLEY, Carrie and John, Dolly and Frank, and several others with no names.
ROSS-THOMPSON. – At Newcastle, on the 30th October, 1918, by Special Licence and by the Rev. ROGERS, Hugh Gordon, son of Mr. and Mrs. James ROSS, to Gertrude Ellen, daughter of the late Charles THOMPSON and Mrs. THOMPSON, both of Newcastle. 6186
COVENTRY. – At Rosalie, on Monday, October 28th, 1918, from bronchitis, Lionel Bevis (lindy) the darling little son of Handel and Isabel COVENTRY, aged 16 months.
God wanted one more angel child
Amid His shining band,
And so He stopped, and gently smiled,
And took our darling’s hand. 6177
PASCOE. – At “Keswick,” on November 2nd, Herbert, beloved husband of Muriel PASCOE, and eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. James PASCOE, “Glazeley,” aged 28 years. 6170
ROBINSON. – In Dundee Hospital, on Monday, October 28th, 1918, Kathleen Pansy, youngest daughter of the late John Edwin and Mrs. ROBINSON, of “Garton,” Kamberg, aged 19 years and one month. 881
SHARRATT. – In Hospital, Harrismith, on Saturday, 26th October, 1918, from pneumonia, Margaret Annie (Madge) beloved wife of S.H. SHARRATT, Lincoln, and dearly loved daughter of Mrs. H. BLACKBURROW. 6189
STRETCH. – At “Glen Avon,” Winterton, on Friday, November 1st, 1918, Richard Aldworth STRETCH, aged 47 years and 8 months. Cape papers please copy. ei6181
TULLY. – At The Lawe, South Shields, on November 5th, Nellie, beloved wife of the late Captain R. TULLY. By Cable. 6186
TULLY. – Killed in action, Lieut. H.R. TULLY, only son of the late Captain R. TULLY, The Lawe, South Shields. 6183
TULLY. – Died of wounds in France, Lieut. Dick Latimer TULLY, second son of J.E. TULLY, West Quarter, Hexham, both nephews of Mrs. Robson TULLY. Payn Street. 6184
London, November 7.
The death is announced of the Countess of Meath, who, with her husband, took part in much philanthropic work.
They visited South Africa some years ago. – Reuter’s Special Service.
Deceased was formerly Lady Mary MAITLAND, daughter of the Earl of Lauderdale. She was married in 1868.
Great Brak River, November 7.
Senator Charles SEARLE, died here this morning, after a short illness.
He was about as usual yesterday afternoon, but while walking in this garden was attacked with a fit of giddiness and fell. He got up apparently none the worse, but about 10 o clock he suddenly had severe pains in the abdomen, with much nausea and passed away peacefully at 3.30 this morning. The funeral takes place on Friday afternoon, at Great Brak River. – Reuter.
Deceased was a well-known merchant, manufacturer and farmer. He was born on 3 July, 1849, at Surrey, England, and was educated at private schools. He married in 1876, Mary, daughter of J.M. BLANCO, and leave two children. He came out to South Africa in 1859.
Jagersfontein, November 7.
Mr. W.S. DICKSON, for many years manager of the Jagersfontein Estate, died on Tuesday at the age of 66.
Deceased was one of the oldest inhabitants of this district and participated in the earliest diamond-digging operations at Kimberley and in the opening up of the Jagersfontein mine. – Reuter.
From Our Own Correspondent
Mooi River, November 6.
The Lake Hotel, Weston, has been the scene of tragic events during the weekend. Mrs. LELLO died on Thursday, as already reported, and at that time her husband Mr. H.J. LELLLO, was in very low state of health. In fact, he has been ailing for many months, and underwent several severe operations in Durban, sometime ago. When the news spread on Sunday forenoon, that Mr. LELLO was no more, it was a great shock to the community, coming as it it did so soon after his wife’s. The deceased, who was 48 years of age, was for many years engaged in commercial pursuits in Durban, but on account of his late wife’s health, he was advised to leave the Coast, and accordingly about five years ago, purchased the Lake Hotel, Weston, where he has specialised in the catering for the summer visitors from the Coast, and had proved, quite a successful venture. Mr. LELLO was of a most genial disposition, and was well liked by all those who came in contact with him. He is survived by four children, and several brothers and sister, to whom we extend our sympathy.
The funeral took place at St. John’s Cemetery, Weston, on Monday afternoon, and was well attended. The Vicar, Rev. S.H.R. NOBLE, conducted the service.
(Note: Transcribed as it appears in the newspaper).
HEGGE. – At Howard Hill, Hemu-Hemu, on November 3rd, of influenza, Thora HEGGE. – R.I.P.
PORTAL. – On the 29th of October, 1918, at Pretoria Hospital, of double pneumonia, Amy Irene, third daughter of Mrs. PORTAL and the late H.J. PORTAL, Maritzburg, dearly beloved and sadly lamented by her stricken Mother, Sisters, and Friends. 894
STRETCH. – At “Glen Avon,” Winterton, on Friday, November 1st, 1918, Richard Aldworth STRETCH, aged 47 years and 8 months. Cape papers please copy. ei6181
HAILSTONE. – At Roberts Heights, on October 31st, from pneumonia, Harry, fifth son of Mr. and Mrs. HAILSTONE, of 45, Temple Street, aged 28 years. 6213
STEAD. – In loving memory of Sara Doreen, infant daughter of Arthur and Charlotte STEAD, 59, Lyell Street, Ladysmith, who passed away on November 9th, 1917, aged 9 months.
STEAD. – In never fading memory of our dear little sister, Sara Doreen, who was called away on November 9th, 1917.
Years may come, and years may go,
But the form we loved so well.
It has vanished from our sight,
How we miss her! None can tell.
Angels, to their starry home,
Took the form we could not keep,
There she waits until we come,
Little sister’s gone to sleep. 876
HEGGE. – At Howard Hill, Hemu-Hemu, on November 3rd, of influenza, Thora HEGGE. – R.I.P.
HOLCOMBE. – At Bethlehem, on 8th inst., Jeanie, devoted wife of S. HOLCOMBE, and third daughter of Geo. WESTRAY, from pneumonia. ei6227
ROPER. – Arthur Frederick (husband of Mrs. Grace Mary ROPER), at the Sanatorium, Maritzburg, on November 10, aged 28. 958
STRETCH. – At “Glen Avon,” Winterton, on Friday, November 1st, 1918, Richard Aldworth STRETCH, aged 47 years and 8 months. Cape papers please copy. ei6181
SWIMBO. – In loving memory of Matilda Charlotte SWIMBO, daughter of the late Franz and Eva SWIMBO, who passed away at St. Chad’s College, Modder Spruit, on the 22nd October, 1917.
Years may come, and years may go,
But the form we loved so well
It has vanished from our sight;
How we miss her none can tell.
Angels to their starry home
Took the form we could not keep,
There she waits until we come,
Sister has gone to sleep.
Safe in the arm of Jesus.
Inserted by her loving Brother. 6164
HORNE. – At Grey’s Hospital, on November 8, Elsie Rachel HORNE. Deeply regretted. ei
COLBORNE. – On the 8th, at 284, Greyling Street, beloved infant daughter of William and Maggie COLBORNE. 6258
GOODWILL. – Died in France, of concussion, on 3rd November, 1918, Lieut. Eric Ainsworth GOODWILL, Royal Air Force, only son of Mr. and Mrs. C.B. GOODWILL, 443, Bulwer Street, Maritzburg, aged 23 years. ei978
BROWN. – At the Sanatorium, on November 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred BROWN, of Camperdown, a daughter. 6283
HOOGVORST. – Died of Spanish influenza, on 6th inst., Jacob Janzoon, son of Jan HOOGVORST, of Greytown, Natal. 1012
JACKSON. – On November 12th, at Scottsville, to Mr. and Mrs. Tom JACKSON, a son. 6284
MACFARLANE. – At 18, Macfarlane Street, City, on November 11th, to Mr. and Mrs. R. MACFARLANE, a daughter, and named Edith Mary Peace Victory. Nurse CUNNINGHAM in attendance. 6294
RILEY-DE LANGE. – At St. Mary’s, Johannesburg, on September 21st, Minnie DE LANGE, of Germiston, to J. Thomas RILEY (J. Thomas BORING, contractor), Colenso. 6149
BATEMAN-EVANS. – At “Stoke,” on the 10th November, Douglas BATEMAN-EVANS, beloved husband of Clare (nee BOWEN), and eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin BATEMAN-EVANS, of Diepe Kloof, Mid-Illovo, aged 33 years. Beloved and rfestpected by everyone. 6303
(Note: Should read “respected”).
BARFIELD. – At 83, West Street, on November 7, George BARFIELD, aged 37 years. 6260
STUART. – At 34, Loop Street, Pietermaritzburg, on the 9th inst., Mary PORTER, wife of the late M. STUART, aged 73 years. 1013
BALDWIN. – Accidentally killed somewhere in Egypt, on November 5th, 1918, Capt. Claude Loraine BALDWIN, Royal Air Force, aged 24 years, younger son of the late James Harcourt BALDWIN, and brother of Ivo L. Harcourt BALDWIN, of Umfolozi, Zululand. "Faithful unto death.” 6304
GOODWILL. – Died in France, of concussion, on 3rd November, 1918, Lieut, Eric Ainsworth GOODWILL, Royal Air Force, only son of Mr. and Mrs. C.B. GOODWILL, 443, Bulwer Street, Maritzburg, aged 23 years. ei978
LYLE. – On November 2nd, at Woking, England, from influenza, No. 21056 Private Herbert Nurse LYLE, 4th S.A. Scottish, aged 22 years, second beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. T.J. LYLE, Dundee, Natal. 6287
ALLDRED. – In loving memory of my beloved niece, Chrissie ALLDRED (born BESTER), who fell asleep in Jesus at East London, November 14th, 1917. To memory ever dear. 6282
YERBURY. – At Blackridge, Maritzburg, 14th November, 1917, Elizabeth YERBURY, beloved and devoted wife of Wm. YERBURY, in her 69th year. “I know that my Redeemer Liveth.”
BOWMAN – BEATTIE. – At Ladysmith, on 6th November, by Special License, George Thomas, third son of the late Geo. BOWMAN and Mrs. Geo. BOWMAN, of Newcastle, to Beatrice Gwendoline, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. BEATTIE, of Estcourt. 6331
RILEY – DE LANGE. – At St. Mary’s, Johannesburg, on September 21st, Minnie DE LANGE, of Germiston, to J. Thomas RILEY (J. Thomas BORING, contractor), Colenso. 6149
HARDMAN. – At “Violdale”, Creighton, on the 10th November, 1918, Walter J HARDMAN, in his 38th year. Deeply mourned. 6315
BATTESON. – On Sunday, the 10th inst., at Leslie, Transvaal, Dorothy Grace BATTESON, beloved wife of Mr. O.C. BATTESON, and only child of Mr. and Mrs. W.H. SPENCER, Greenwood Park, and late of Maritzburg. 6314
HOOGVORST. – Died of Spanish influenza, on 6th inst., Jacob Janzoon, son of Jan HOOGVORST, of Greytown, Natal. 1012
HORNE. – At Grey’s Hospital, on November 8, Elsie Rachel HORNE. Deeply regretted. ei
RAINIER. – At Ropp, Nigeria, from influenza (Winnie), wife of P. RAINIER, and eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.H.K. MILLER, Beacon Hill, Estcourt. 6328
STUART. – At 34, Loop Street, Pietermaritzburg, on the 9th inst., Mary Porter, wife of the late M. STUART, aged 73 years. 1013
DU TOIT. – At Vrijheid, on 8th inst., to Mr. and Mrs. F. DU TOIT, a son. (Still born.) 1050
RILEY – DE LANGE. – At St. Mary’s, Johannesburg, on September 21st, Minnie DE LANGE, of Germiston, to J. Thomas RILEY (J. Thomas BORING, contractor), Colenso. 6149
SHEARER-CRANSTON. – At Durban, on the 17th November, 1893, by the Rev. W. TEES, M.A., by Special Licence, David SHEARER, youngest son of David SHEARER, Newbigging, Scotland, to Elizabeth French, eldest daughter of Thomas CRANSTON, Abington, Scotland. (Now resident Ladysmith, Natal.) 1057
COOPER. – At “Ravenhill,” Hilton Road, on the 12th inst., Ellen, beloved wife of Richard Henry COOPER, aged 54 years. ei6356
GOODENOUGH. – At Pinetown, on 11th inst., Dr. C.D. GOODENOUGH, District Surgeon, passed away, result of pneumonia. Deeply regretted by all. Ei6343
HOOGVORST. - Died of Spanish influenza, on 6th inst., Jacob Janzoon, son of Jan HOOGVORST, of Greytown, Natal. 1012
HOLCOMBE. - At Bethlehem, on 8th inst., Jeanie, devoted wife of S. HOLCOMBE, and third daughter of Geo. WESTRAY, from pneumonia. ei6227
HORNE. – At Grey’s Hospital, on November 8, Elsie Rachel HORNE. Deeply regretted. ei
PRENTICE. – At Waschbank, on November 1st, 1918, Alfred Cyril, beloved and only son of A.G. and L.K. PRENTICE, from influenza, aged 31. Rest in peace. 6360
PRENTICE. – On November 1st, at Dingley Dale, Waschbank, of influenza, Alfred Cyril, only son of Mr. and Mrs. PRENTICE, of Westbury, Harding, aged 31 years. 6348
STUART. – At 34, Loop Street, Pietermaritzburg, on the 9th inst., Mary Porter, wife of the late M. STUART, aged 73 years. 1013
BRONSTEIN. – At the Sanatorium, Pietermaritzburg, on November 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. N.N. BRONSTEIN, a daughter. Both well. ei6271
RILEY – DE LANGE. - At St. Mary’s, Johannesburg, on September 21st, Minnie DE LANGE, of Germiston, to J. Thomas RILEY (J. Thomas BORING, contractor), Colenso. 6149
ARNOLD. – At Weenen, on the 10th November, 1918, Edward Paul Beauchamp ARNOLD, Tinwell Rectory, Stamford, England, aged 71 years 2 months. 6277
ARNOLD. – At Weenen, on Sunday, November 10th, 1918, Edward Paul Beauchamp ARNOLD, aged 71 years. 6287
COOPER. – At “Ravenhill,” Hilton Road, on the 12th inst., Ellen, beloved wife of Richard Henry COOPER, aged 54 years. ei6356
GOODENOUGH. – At Pinetown, on 11th inst., Dr. C.D. GOODENOUGH, District Surgeon, passed away, result of pneumonia. Deeply regretted by all. ei6343
HOLCOMBE. – At Bethlehem, on 8th inst., Jeanie, devoted wife of S. HOLCOMBE, and third daughter of Geo. WESTRAY, from pneumonia.
NICOLSON. – Margaret Johnston NICOLSON, wife of James NICOLSON, Ixopo, died at “Sight Hill,” Richmond, aged 49 years. 6274
PRENTICE. – At Waschbank, on November 1st, 1918, Alfred Cyril, beloved and only son of A.G. and L.K. PRENTICE, from influenza, aged 31. Rest in peace. 6360
REID. – At Claebank, Pinetown, on November 12th, 1918, Alexander Patrick REID, aged 25½ years, son of James REID, of Pinetown. 1100
VERSINI. – At the Sanatorium, Maritzburg, on 17th November, 1918, Rudolph Edward VERSINI, of Merrivale, Railway Contractor. Aged 40 years. Deeply mourned. 1103
BROOK. – Killed in action in France, 17th October, 1918, Lieut. Eustace James BROOK, son of W.H. BROOK, Empangeni, Zululand.
And I heard the voice of the Lord, saying
Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?
Then said I, Here am I; send me,
An accepted sacrifice.
His sorrowing friends, Mr. and Miss DAVIDSON, 42, Victoria Road, Maritzburg. 6267
BRONSTEIN. – At the Sanatorium, Pietermaritzburg, on November 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. N.N. BRONSTEIN, a daughter. Both well. ei6271
GLUTZ. – At “Davel,” Transvaal, on November 2nd, Albert N. GLUTZ, second beloved son of N. GLUTZ, “Swiss Valley,” Hatting Spruit, aged 30 years. 1108
BATTESON. – On Sunday, the 10th inst., at Leslie, Transvaal, Dorothy Grace BATTESON, beloved wife of Mr. O.C. BATTESON, and only child of Mr. and Mrs. W.H. SPENCER, Greenwood Park, and late of Maritzburg. 6406
REID. - At Clarebank, Pinetown, on November 12th, 1918, Alexander Patrick REID, aged 25½ years, son of James REID, of Pinetown. 1100
VERSINI. – At the Sanatorium, Maritzburg, on 17th November, 1918, Rudolph Edward VERSINI, of Merrivale, Railway Contractor. Aged 40 years. Deeply mourned. 1103
BUTLER. – In loving memory of my dear father and husband, who departed this life November 19th, 1910.
Gone, but not forgotten.
Inserted by his loving Wife and Daughter. 6390
BUTLER. – In memory of my beloved son, Henry BUTLER, who departed this life 19th November, 1910, aged 36.
“To memory ever dear,
Your name I breathe
And shed a tear.” – R.I.P. 6408
BAKER. – Sister E.A. BAKER, died “Somewhere in France,” 6th November, 1918, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. BAKER, Umlaas Road. (Kimberley papers please copy.) 6392
KEENE. – Died at Woking, England, on 1st November, 1918, of pneumonia, supervening on influenza, Pte. Douglas Reginald Hely KEENE, S.A.I., beloved and only son of David KEENE, Fort Napier, Maritzburg, and Mrs. Lucy KEENE, Fox Street, Johannesburg, aged 24 years and 3 months. Deeply mourned. ei6391
The funeral of the late Mr. R.E. VERSINI took place yesterday morning from the Sanatorium. The Rev. Mr. HARKER of St. Saviour’s Cathedral officiated at the Cemetery. The respect and esteem of many friends was manifested by the large attendance at the grave. The chief mourners were his wife, father, and brother. Representatives of the Railway Construction Department, the City Masonic Lodges and the leading Italian contractors.
Beautiful wreaths were sent by his Sorrowing Wife and Children; His Dear Dad; Frank and Ethel; Emily, George, Esther and Bob; Violet and Thelma; Robert DUNLOP; Resident Engineer’s staff; Mr. and Mrs. SMINK; R.W.M. officers and brethern, Maritzburg County Lodge; R.W.M., offices and brethern, Lodge St. Andrew; W.M., officers and breathern, Skelmersdale Lodge; W.M., officers and brethern, Natalia Mark Lodge; Mr. and Mrs. RITSON and family; Mr. and Mrs. J. JOHNSON and family; Mr. and Mrs. R.R. PEATTIE; Mr. and Mrs. TALBOT; Mr. and Mrs. E.O. HESKETH; and Mr. and Mrs. MAZZUCHETTI.
From Our Own Correspondent
Estcourt, November 18.
The death of Mr. H.C.H. MAN on Sunday, after great suffering, bravely endured, will be deeply regretted by a large circle of friends. The funeral will take place this afternoon.
LYLE-MORRIS. – At St. John’s Presbyterian Church, Pietermaritzburg, by the Rev. Dr. SMITH, D.D., Myrtle Francis, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.B. MORRIS, 27, Burger Street, to Alexander Hill Archibald, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. LYLE, 347, Prince Alfred Street, Pietermaritzburg. 6418
PETERSON-BIRD. – At the Sanatorium Chapel, Pietermaritzburg, on the 19th November, 1918, by the Rev. A. SERRIERE (O.M.I.), Richard, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. A. PETERSEN, of Antwerp, to Noel Letitia, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. BIRD, of Pietermaritzburg. 6425
BATTESON. – On Sunday, the 10th inst., at Leslie, Transvaal, Dorothy Grace BATTESON, beloved wife of Mr. O.C. BATTESON, beloved wife of Mr. O.C. BATTESON, and only child of Mr. and Mrs. W.H. SPENCER, Greenwood Park, and late of Maritzburg. 6406
HAMPSON. – On the 2nd of November, 1918, Colin James Garnet (little Crooksie), dearly loved eldest son of the late Garnet R. HAMPSON, Dingley Dale, Waschbank, and Mrs. HAMPSON, of King’s Rest, Bluff, aged 11 years and 2 months. 1127
HODGKINS. – At 130, Montpelier Road, Durban, on November 15th, 1918, Arabella HODGKINS, aged 83 years, dearly beloved wife of John HODGKINS, late of Pietermaritzburg. 6437
REID. – At Clarebank, Pinetown, on November 12th, 1918, Alexander Patrick REID, aged 25½ years, son of James REID, of Pinetown, 1100
YOUNG. – At Brechin, Scotland, 7th November, Mary Ann YOUNG, mother of D.W. YOUNG, Nel’s Rust, and only sister of the late Hon. David DON, Durban. (By Cable.) 6445
BAKER. – Sister E.A. BAKER, died “Somewhere in France,” 6th November, 1918, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. BAKER, Umlaas Road. (Kimberley papers please copy.) 6392
BELL. – Died in East Africa, November 20th, 1917, of blackwater fever, Despatch-rider Eric BELL, only son of H. Coverdale BELL, Katazo, Zululand, and grandson of the late Francis BELL, of Stamford Hill, Durban. – R.I.P. 1144
KEENE. – Died at Woking, England, on 1st November, 1918, of pneumonia, supervening on influenza, Pte. Douglas Reginal Hely KEENE, S.A.I., beloved and only son of David KEENE, Fort Napier, Maritzburg, and Mrs. Lucy KEENE, Fox Street, Johannesburg, aged 24 years and 3 months. Deeply mourned. ei6391
FRANKLIN. – In ever loving memory of our dear mother, S.S. FRANKLIN, who died November 20th, 1913 (aged 83), from an accident.
Some day, some time, our eyes shall see
The faces kept in memory,
Some day their hands shall clasp our hand
Just over in the morning land. 6443
HUTCHINSON-STUCKI. – On November 4, 1918, at the English Church, Brakpan, by the Rev. PAGET, Walter John, eldest son of Mrs. and the late W.J. HUTCHINSON, of Pietermaritzburg, to Vera Harmsworth, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. STUCKI, of Brakpan. 6473
LEACH-BURNS. – On October 8, 1918, at Durban, Roland W.H. LEACH, only son of Walter F. LEACH, Ealing, London, to Emily M.H. BURNS, daughter of the late T.E. BURNS, Maritzburg, Natal. 6467
FLEMING. – At the residence, Howick, on November 7th, Mary, widow of the late William FLEMING, of Glyn, County Limerick, Ireland, in her 82nd year. – Deeply regretted. ei6460
MAN. – At Estcourt, on 17th November, 1918, Harry Charles Hannam MAN, lately of the 81st Regiment, Lyal North Lancs, eldest son of the late General Henry MAN, Resident Consul of the Straits Settlements, and of the late Mrs. Henry MAN, in his 74th year. Deeply mourned. 1158
BAKER. – Sister E.A. BAKER, died “Somewhere in France,” 6th November, 1918, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. BAKER, Umlaas Road. (Kimberley papers please copy.) 6392
BRANDON. – In loving memory of our dear mother, who departed this life 21st November, 1917.
Gone, but not forgotten.
Inserted by her loving Son and Daughter. 6482
NOTT. – At 250, Boom Street, on the 2nd inst., to Mr. and Mrs. T.H. NOTT, a daughter. 6499
GOWANS. – At the Sanatorium, Pietermaritzburg, on Friday, 15th November, Henry Foster GOWANS, husband of the late Edith Gertrude GOWANS.
GOWANS. – At the Sanatorium, Pietermaritzburg, on Thursday, 14th November, Edith Gertrude, beloved wife of Henry Foster GOWANS. 6508
FLEMING. – At the residence, Howick, on November 7th, Mary, widow of the late William FLEMING, of Glyn, County Limerick, Ireland, in her 82nd year. – Deeply regretted. ei6460
RYLEY. – On Monday, 11th November, at the residence of her mother (Mrs. Chas. DAWSON), Murchison Street, Ladysmith, Nelly, beloved wife of Leslie Jack RYLEY, after a painful illness, aged 19 years.
(“Lincolnshire Times” please copy.) 1186
UMPLEBY. – At Grey’s Military Hospistal, on November 14th, 1918, Edward Henry UMPLEBY, aged 53, eldest son of the late John UMPLEBY, of Ladysmith. 6496
(Note: Should read “Hospital”).
CONWAY. – In sacred memory of our dear father, James Patrick CONWAY, who died at “Clontay,” Scottsville, 22nd November, 1914. – R.I.P. 6448
To the sincere regret of a large circle of relations and friends the death took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. McPHERSON, 266, Boom Street, of their youngest daughter, Mabel Grace Darang McPHERSON, aged 20, after a painful illness lasting a week. The late Miss McPHERSON was a member of the staff of Messrs. SAVILLE, Chapman and Co. She was a very winsome young lady and endeared herself to everybody who had the pleasure of knowing her, and many sad hearts are mourning their loss. She was a member of the Girls’ Friendly Society.
The funeral took place from the residence yesterday afternoon, and a large number of mourners followed the cortege to the General Cemetery, where the Rev. Thomas CHAPMAN conducted the obsequies.
The chief mourners were: Percy and Freddy (brothers), Mr. J. GRAY (brother-in-law), and Mr. Harold GRAY (relation); special friends. Messrs. W. JUUL, Reg. GRAY, J. STEPHENSON WARDLE, J. CLARKE, and Bailey.
The members of the staff of Messrs. SAVILLE, Chapman and Co. were also present.
A large number of wreaths were sent, and included the following:-
Father, mother, brothers and sister; Sister Maggie and Brother Jack; Brother Sonny and Rosie; Mrs DA MUNRO; Mrs WATERMAN and Nellie; Olive, Gussie, Lav and Reg; Mrs AA TURNER and family; Mr and Mrs GASS and family; Mary; Mr and Mrs HAWES and Natalie; Mrs LOADER and family; Mr and Mrs JG BURNS; Mr and Mrs Harold GREY; Mrs WG ANGLEY and family; Sydney and Bill; Mr and Mrs BLETSCHE and family; Florrie; Staff of Messrs SAVILLE, Chapman and Co; Andrew, Carbe and Steve; Annie OLDFIELD; Eileen SUTTIE; Mackenzie, Stewart and Billie; Nella NORRIS; Maud; Mr and Mrs WARDELL and Cecil; Mr and Mrs WM GRAY; Mr and Mrs HORNTON and family; Mr and Mrs LINSCOTT; Mr YOUNG; Aunt Maggie and Mona; Mr and Mrs ROWE; Mr and Mrs CAVANAGH; Mr and Mrs McGEE; Lillie and Annie BAINES; Mrs JE SHERIFF and family; Marjorie and Ada; Mr and Mrs BOTTERILL; Mrs BLIGHT and Girls; Mr and Mrs A STOWELL; Mr HOWARD, family and Maud; Mr and Mrs J NICKAL; Mr and Mrs HODGE and Bert;
Girls at Harwin and Co.; Jimmy; Mr and Mrs HOWARD; Mr and Mrs LINFORTH; Fanny BORAIN; Billie, Amy and Harriett; Mr and Mrs T.S. TAYLOR; Friends at Sowden and Stoddart; Dolly and Aggie; Reg and Tav; Mr and Mrs F WATERMAN and ADDICOT; Mrs WILDE, Ben and Harry; Louis ANDREWS; Ruby CRADDOCK; May and Doris; Mrs REED and Mrs WOODS; Mr and Mrs FG ANGLEY; Her Chum Clara; Mr and Mrs JOHNSON; Mrs KNOTTWELL; Myrtle and Hilda; Mrs H STENT and family; Mrs O NICHOLS; Mr and Mrs DUFFIELD and family; Girls’ Friendly Society; Mr and Mrs Frank ELLIS; Mr and Mrs DUBERRY; Mr and Mrs HOBDAY; Mr and Mrs H WOODLEY; Mrs OSMOND and family; Willie; Mr and Mrs W SMITH and family; Mr and Mrs J. McFARLANE; Mr and Mrs J CLARK and family; Mr and Mrs ROWLES and family; Mr and Mrs T CRAGG; Mr and Mrs MAYO and family; Florrie; Mr and Mrs SWINDON and family; Miss GRAY.
BOAST. – On the 21st November, at Durban, to Mr. and Mrs. A.R. BOAST, a son. Both well. 6519
FLEMING. – At Howick, on 7th November, 1918, of Spanish influenza, Mary, widow of the late William FLEMING, of Tullyleige House, Glin, Co. Limerick, Ireland. Deeply mourned. Her end was peace. 6534
HAYWARD. – At Benlomond, on the 12th November, 1918, Frederick Jokam HAYWARD, beloved husband of G. HAYWARD, and devoted and affectionate father of Reginald, Victor and Dorothy HAYWARD, aged 59 years. Deeply mourned. 6529
LAWLOR. – May 25th, 1918, Sarah, widow of the late Robert Henry LAWLOR, of Dublin, and granddaughter of the late William Wynne, Esquire, of “The Hollow,” Stratford-on-Slaney. 6540
PRENTICE. – At Dingley Dale Estates, Waschbank, 1st November, 1918, Alfred Cyril, dearly loved husband of Ellen PRENTICE (nee TAINTON), in his 33rd year. 6541
ROBINSON. – In loving memory of our dear wife and mother, Eliza Ann ROBINSON, who departed this life 23rd November, 1917.
Thy will be done. 6495
ETHERIDGE. – At Harding, on the 15th instant, of pneumonia, Grace Lilian Mary, beloved wife of C.M. ETHERIDGE. Deeply mourned. ei1252
IRVINE (nee BOYLEY). – On the 16th October, 1918, at “Afric,” Williamstown Road, West Footscray, Melbourne, Australia, Ronald John, dearly loved youngest son of Joseph and Caroline IRVINE; loved brother of Leslie, Nellie and Mabel; aged 9½ months; also grandson of E.P. BOYLEY, of Maritzburg. 6559
NOYES. – At Badgemore, Henley-on-Thames, on November 9th, Daisy Isobel, beloved wife of Captain Herbert NOYES, R.F.A., and much loved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George B. WALKER, Highflats. Aged 35 years. 6558
PENNEFATHER. – In England, on November 13th, of influenza, Temple-de-la-Pole PENNEFATHER, South Africa Scottish, youngest son of Harry PENNEFATHER, Eshowe. Aged 19. 6561
LISTER. – At Sea Breeze Hotel, Durban, on 23rd November, to Mr. and Mrs. W.H. LISTER (nee PROCTOR), of East Griqualand, a son. Nurse MOORE. ei1296
ETHERIDGE. - At Harding, on the 15th instant, of pneumonia, Grace Lilian Mary, beloved wife of C.M. ETHERIDGE. Deeply mourned. ei1252
McPHERSON. – At Maritzburg, on the 20th November, Mabel Grace Darling McPHERSON, dearly loved and youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. McPHERSON, aged 19 years 8 months. 6589
POLE. – At “The Glen,” Kinross, Transvaal, on the 18th inst., of influenza, Elsie, beloved wife of Alfred G.J. POLE, aged 28. 6578
ROLL OF HONOUR – In Memoriam
SLAUGHTER. – In fond remembrance of our dear friend, Andrew SLAUGHTER, 4th S.A.F. Artillery, killed in action in Palestine, 25th November, 1917. Inserted by Mr. and Mrs. J.A. GUTHRIE. 6584
LISTER. – At Sea Breeze Hotel, Durban, on 23rd November, to Mr. and Mrs. W.H. LISTER (nee PROCTOR), of East Griqualand, a son. Nurse MOORE. ei1296
McARAVEY. – At “Victoria House,” Tongaat, on 17th November, 1918, to Mr. and Mrs. S.H. McARAVEY, Erinsdale, Hidcote, a daughter. Both well. 6612
PORTSMOUTH. – At the Residence of Nurse McKAY, Ladysmith, to Mr. and Mrs. H. PORTSMOUTH, of Wyford, the gift of a daughter. 6615
BLAVER-TOKELOVE. – At “The Gables,” Hyslop Road, Pietermaritzburg, on 20th November, 1918, by the Rev. J.H. ROBERTS, Annie, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. TOKELOVE, to George Lucas, second son of Mr. and Mrs. G.P. BLAVER, 178, Berg Street. ei6611
ETHERIDGE. - At Harding, on the 15th instant, of pneumonia, Grace Lilian Mary, beloved wife of C.M. ETHERIDGE. Deeply mourned. ei1252
ROLL OF HONOUR – In Memoriam
FURNER. – In loving memory of Trooper W.G. FURNER (Willie), Natal Carbineers, who was killed in action on November 27th, 1914, near Upington. Inserted by Maud, Vera, Gladys, and Cecil. 6614
GILLAM. – At Innesfallen Nursing Home, Durban, on November 19th, 1918, to Mr. and Mrs. R.H. GILLAM, of Merrivale, a son. 6639
BLAVER-TOKELOVE. – At “The Gables,” Hyslop Road, Pietermaritzburg, on 20th November, 1918, by the Rev. J.H. ROBERTS, Annie, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. TOKELOVE, to George Lucas, second son of Mr. and Mrs. G.P. BLAVER, 178, Berg Street. ei6611
GILLAM. – At Innesfallen Nursing Home, Durban, on November 22nd, Geoffrey Heathcote, infant son of R.H. and N.H. GILLAM, of Merrivale. 6640
LUKE. – At Nurse TRELEASE’s Home, Berg Street, November 25th, 1918, to Mr. and Mrs. A.L. LUKE, a daughter. Both well. 6659
ACUTT-McMINN. – On November 26th, 1918, at St. Luke’s, Howick, by Rev. E.W. BIBBY, Kate McMINN to Cyril S.C. ACUTT, second son of Cotton ACUTT, of Rosetta, Natal. 6669
BLAVER-TOCKLOVE. - At “The Gables,” Hyslop Road, Pietermaritzburg, on 20th November, 1918, by the Rev. J.H. ROBERTS, Annie, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. TOKELOVE, to George Lucas, second son of Mr. and Mrs. G.P. BLAVER, 178, Berg Street. ei6611
HYDE-WRIGHT. – At Ladysmith, on the 29th November, 1893, by the Rev. W. CLIFF, Frederick Trevelyn, eldest son of the late Dr. G.C. HYDE, of “Aller Park,” Ladysmith, to Edith Mary, eldest daughter of the late Geo. H. WRIGHT and Bessie WRIGHT, of “Arcadia,” Ladysmith. 1359
SMITH. – On the 14th November, at the Dudley Nursing Home, Johannesburg, Claude Edgar SMITH, after an operation. 6683
DICKS. – In ever loving memory of our dear son and brother, William Ernest, who passed away at Schroeders on 30th November, 1914. Howick. 6676
ROBERTS-KING. – On November 9, 1918, at Florida Road Congregational Church, Durban by the Rev. DOWNHAM, John Gilbertson ROBERTS, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. J.E. ROBERTS, of Maritzburg, to Daisy KING, youngest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. W.H. KING, of Durban. ei6721
PRENTICE. – At Dingley Dale Estates, Waschbank, 1st November, 1918, Alfred Cyril, dearly loved husband of Ellen PRENTICE (nee TAINTON), in his 33rd year. 6541
McLAREN. – Killed in action in France, on the 18th day of September, 1918, aged 28, 2nd Lieutenant Athole Stewart McLAREN, 7th Res. Battalion of The London Regiment, third and well beloved son of James M. and Christina McLAREN, Cambuslea, 316, Prince Alfred Street, Pietermaritzburg. 1376
DICKS. – In ever loving memory of our dear son and brother, William Ernest, who passed away at Schroeders on 30th November, 1914. Howick. 6676
DICKS. – In ever treasured memory of “Will,” the dearly beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. I.W. DICKS, of Rosebank, Howick, who was accidentally killed at Schroeders, November 30th, 1914, in his 25th year.
Four years have passed since that sad day,
When one we loved was called away;
God took him home, it was His will,
Forget him, no, we never will.
“St. Eia,” Elands Kop. 6704
HOSKING. – At the Sanatorium, Maritzburg, on November 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest HOSKING, “Penarth,” a son. Both well. 6744
MURTON. – At Ngwibi Hospital, on November 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. C.A. MURTON, a son. Both well. 6750
ROBERTS-KING. – On November 9, 1918, at Florida Road Congregational Church, Durban by the Rev. DOWNHAM, John Gilbertson ROBERTS, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. J.E. ROBERTS, of Maritzburg, to Daisy KING, youngest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. W.H. KING, of Durban. ei6721
PRENTICE. – At Dingley Dale Estates, Waschbank, on 1st November, 1918, Alfred Cyril, dearly loved husband of Ellen PRENTICE (nee TAINTON), in his 33rd year. 6541
RUDLING. – On the 13th November, at Grey’s Hospital, Margaret, the beloved wife of A. RUDLING, from pneumonia, caused through influenza, aged 31.
KUNZ. – In fond memory of our darling little Iris, who died December 2nd, 1914. “To memory every dear.
WIENAND. – In loving memory of our dear son and brother, Onslow Hilder WIENAND (Fred), who died in Grey’s Hospital on 2nd December, 1916.
To memory ever dear.
Inserted by Mother, Sisters and Brothers. 6748
GOLD. – At the Sanatorium, Durban, on November 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. D.C. GOLD, of Pietermaritzburg, a daughter. 6769
MURTON. – At Mr. Ngwibi Hospital, on November 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. C.A. MURTON, a son. Both well. 6750
COLLINS (nee NEASHAM). – At 21, Rutherford Street, Durban, November 30th, Margaret, wife of Capt. T. COLLINS, of Durban, and mother of J. NEASHAM, of the S.A. Railways, Maritzburg.
“Our dear one is at rest.” 6779
KERR. – In fond memory of my dear father, who died December 3rd, 1916. To memory ever dear. 6770
MAXTED. – At Sanatorium, Estcourt, 30th November, to Mr. and Mrs. W.P. MAXTED, a son. Both well. 6801
MURTON. – At Mt. Ngwibi Hospital, on November 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. C.A. MURTON, a son. Both well. 6750
FAWCETT. – Christopher Airly, at Grey’s Hospital, Pietermaritzburg, in his 62nd year. ei6799
CURTIS. – In ever loving memory of my darling mother, Lucy CURTIS, who died on 4th December, 1916, at Durban.
Inserted by her daughter (Mrs. PHILIPS). ei6782
CURTIS. – In loving remembrance of our dear mother, Lucy CURTIS, who departed this life 4th December, 1916, at Durban.
Inserted by her two sons, Hubert and John, serving in Europe. ei6783
FAWCETT. - Christopher Airly, at Grey’s Hospital, Pietermaritzburg, in his 62nd year. ei6799
PORRILL. – Elizabeth PORRILL (nee LINDSAY), widow of the late Matthew PORRILL, of the farm “Mount Elizabeth,” Frere aged 82 years and one month. Her end was Peace, Perfect Peace. ei6792
SHAW. – Charles, passed peacefully away on November 25th, in his 90th year, at the residence, 269, Prince Alfred Street, Maritzburg. “He giveth His beloved sleep.” ei6814
WALTERS. – At Mbabane, on November 23rd, of pneumonia, following influenza, Edward Frederick WALTERS, eldest son of Dr. and Mrs. WALTERS, Nongoma, Zululand. – R.I.P. 6820
HUTCHINSON. – In loving memory of our dear son and brother, Lieut. Percy Lynn HUTCHINSON, 2nd South African Rifles, who died of blackwater fever at Fort Johnston, Nyasaland, on 5th December, 1917. 6830
SHEPHERD. – Previously reported missing on March 24th, death now accepted, Private Edmund Charles SHEPHERD, D. Company, 2nd S.A.I., dearly beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. P. SHEPHERD, 44, West Street, Pietermaritzburg, aged 19 years. ei6809
CURTIS. – In ever loving memory of my darling mother, Lucy CURTIS, who died on 4th December, 1916, at Durban.
Inserted by her daughter (Mrs. PHILIPS). ei6782
CURTIS. – In loving remembrance of our dear mother, Lucy CURTIS, who departed this life 4th December, 1916, at Durban.
Inserted by her two sons, Hubert and John, serving in Europe. ei6783
The death took place of Mr. Francis Symon POTTER, aged 59 years, at Grey’s Hospital, on Tuesday, a victim to the influenza epidemic. The late Mr. POTTER came from the Potteries, Staffs., to this country, and had charge of the china-ware department of the Natal Traders Ltd., for several years, eventually taking over the crockery business himself under the name of “The Potteries,” which he carried on with success, making many friends, and being much esteemed as a trader. He leaves a widow, a son and two daughters, to whom much sympathy is extended.
The funeral took place yesterday afternoon from Grey’s Hospital, and the cortege was followed to the Church of England Cemetery by a large train of mourners. The service was conducted by the Rev. H.S. CHIGNELL, the chief mourners being his son (Mr. C.A. POTTER), daughter, and Mr. C.H. COX.
Wreaths were sent by the following:-
His Loving Wife; Bert and Vi; Mona and Chris; Claude; Messrs. J. HERSHENSOHNN; Mr. and Mrs. Fraser and family; Mrs. SALTER and family; Mr. and Mrs. H.E. ROSE; W.A. and A.T. ALLISON and Alice; Miss F. WEATHERDON; Mr. W. ASH; Mr. and Mrs. A.W. DOWSETT; Mr. and Mrs. S. PEACH; Mrs. G.H. SPOONER and family; Mr. and Mrs. W. BERRIMAN; Justin and Constance; Mr. and Mrs. R. ARBUCKLE; Mr. and Mrs. QUINLAN and Kathleen; All at 440, Longmarket Street; Mr. and Mrs. JOHN and W. JOHN; Esther and John KODE; Nurse TRELEASE; Mr. and Mrs. KILLERBY; Mr. and Mrs. LERONEY; Mrs. HOJEM and Willie MILLS; Mr. and Mrs. A.C.D. JOHNSTON and family; Mr. and Mrs. COX and Alice; and Mr. and Mrs. Guy RODWELL.
The death took place in Maritzburg on Monday afternoon, at the age of 66, of Mr. H.A. ROHDE, of Mooi River. The deceased came to South Africa about 16 years ago, was for some time in Mr. LERAM’s office, Timber Street, afterwards taking over the Grantleigh Store at Mooi River, he having been agent to the Union Castle S.S. Co. and Government Valuator. He took a great interest in local affairs, having held office in many of the local institutions. Some few years ago he had an accident while out riding, his horse falling upon him, since when his health had been failing, and on Monday he passed peacefully away.
The funeral took place from Coney’s Funeral Parlour at 2 p.m. on Tuesday, proceeding to the Church of England Cemetery, the Rev. A.J.S. HARKER, M.A., officiating. The chief mourners were his son-in-law, Mr. Edgar ROHDE; Mr. W. Ernest CLARKE, brother-in-law; and Mr. W.A. STOCKENS, of Durban.
Wreaths were sent by the following: -
His loving Wife; Edgar, Gladys and the Children; Ernest and Edith CLARKE; Alfred, Helen, Olga, and Harry in England; Mr. and Mrs. W.A. STOCKENS (Durban); the Staff of H.A. ROHDE; Mr. and Mrs. T.E. CHAPMAN (Mooi River); Mr. and Mrs. D.A. LINDSEY; Mr. and Mrs. McALISTER; Mr. and Mrs. E.E.B. STACEY (Mooi River); Mr. M.H. MACGREGOR; Dorothea and Willie; Mr. and Mrs. G.R. VICKERS and family.
From Our Own Correspondent
Utrecht, December 1.
It is with deep regret that I record the passing away of Mr. Morgan GREGORY, an old and well-known resident of the district, on his farm at “Trischgewaagd.” This took place on Sunday afternoon. The deceased had gone about his usual duties, and on returning to the house in the early morning he complained of feeling indisposed. As the day went on he grew worse, and a doctor had to be summoned. When the latter arrived the sufferer had passed away. Mr. GREGORY was respected and esteemed by all sections of the population as a man of an upright and honourable character, and the news of his sudden death has cast a gloom over our small community.
CARTER. – At Boscobello, on the 29th November, to Mr. and Mrs. W.S. CARTER, a daughter. Both well. 6848
STUART. – On the 5th December, at the Sanatorium, Pietermaritzburg, to Mr. and Mrs. James STUART, a son. 1517
ALKIN. – On the 1st December, 1918, at Burnside, Glencoe Junction, Mona, dearly loved wife of R.V. ALKIN (nee FORD).
Her end was pefect peace. ei1505
(Note: Should read “perfect”).
FAWCETT. – Christopher Airly, at Grey’s Hospital, Pietermaritzburg, in his 62nd year. ei6799
KLEINPENNING. – Died at Woodstock Hospital, on the 23rd November, of pneumonia, my dearly beloved wife, Aletta KLEINPENNING (nee DENIELZ), in her 38th year. – J.S. KLEINPENNING, late engineer, P.M.Burg cold Storage. 6840
PORRILL. – Elizabeth PORRILL (nee LINDSAY), widow of the late Matthew PORRILL, of the farm “Mount Elizabeth,” Frere aged 82 years and one month. Her end was Peace, Perfect Peace. ei6792
SHAW. – Charles, passed peacefully away on November 25th, in his 90th year, at the residence, 269, Prince Alfred Street, Maritzburg. “He giveth His beloved sleep.” ei6814
TEGART. – Charles Edward TEGART, at his residence, Lennoxton, Newcastle, on November 29th, aged 43. 6848
SHEPHERD. – Previously reported missing on March 24th, death now accepted, Private Edmund Charles SHEPHERD, D. Company, 2nd S.A.I., dearly beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. P. SHEPHERD, 44, West Street, Pietermaritzburg, aged 19 years. ei6809
MARE. – In loving memory of our dearest mother, Bessie MARE, who died at Umbulwana on December the 6th, 1917.
A year has passed, oh how we miss her,
Never shall her memory fade,
Sweetest thoughts will ever linger
Around the spot where she is laid.
Dundee. 6813
BUTTEMER. – At Sanatorium, December 3rd, the wife of Q.-M.-S. A BUTTERMER, Overseas, of a daughter. Both doing well. 6892
MACK. – At the Sanatorium, on December 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Cecil MACK, of Ingwavuma, a daughter.
STUART. – On the 5th December, at the Sanatorium, Pietermaritzburg, to Mr. and Mrs. James STUART, a son. 1517
THEUNIESSEN. – At the Sanatorium, on November 30th, 1918, to Mr. and Mrs. H.B. THEUNIESSEN, a daughter. Both well. 6886
ALKIN. – On the 1st December, 1918, at Burnside, Glencoe Junction, Mona, dearly loved wife of R.V. ALKIN (nee FORD).
Her end was pefect peace. ei1505
(Note: Should read “perfect” not “pefect”).
MACKAY. – Died suddenly at Bukazi, Pondoland, on 25th November, 1918, George Henry, aged 59 years, second son of the late W. and M.A. MACKAY, and dearly loved brother of Mrs. P.H. WILLIAMS, Howick. 6882
ROHDE. – Herman Augustus, at Pietermaritzburg, on December 2nd, 1918, late of Mooi River, aged 68 years.
SHAW. – Charles, passed peacefully away on November 25th, in his 90th year, at the residence, 269 Prince Alfred Street Maritzburg. “He giveth His beloved sleep.”
COCKCROFT. – 1188 Private Phil COCKCROFT, 2nd S.A.I. In proud and loving memory of our dear and splendid Springbok, who died of wounds received in France on December 5th, 1917.
Phil wrote:- “If I fall, I fall. It must be destiny, and cheerfully would I die for my country. Do not forget the grandest death of all is that of the soldier who dies fighting for right.” 6884
SHEPHERD. - Previously reported missing on March 24th, death now accepted, Private Edmund Charles SHEPHERD, D. Company, 2nd S.A.I., dearly beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. P. SHEPHERD, 44, West Street, Pietermaritzburg, aged 19 years. ei6809
JOUGHIN. – In fond remembrance of my dear son, Thomas Cain JOUGHIN, killed in action at Cambrai, 8th December, 1917.
Nobly the path of death you trod,
Now higher service you have found,
Your soul is in the hands of God,
The peace of Christ has wrapped you round.
Inserted by Mrs. R. JOUGHIN, Harrismith.
PAGE. – In loving memory of Private J. Harold PAGE, S.A.M.C., who was killed in Flanders, 7th December, 1917, dearly loved son of J. and B. PAGE, aged 23 years and 3 months.
PARFITT. – In loving memory of Pvt. F.W. PARFITT, M.M., S.A.M.C., who was killed in action – “Somewhere in France” – on December 7th, 1917.
“To memory ever dear.”
Inserted by his Parents, Brothers and Sister. 6850
WARDELL. – In loving memory of our dear son, Pte. E. WARDELL, who was killed in action in France, December 8th, 1917.
Far and oft our thoughts do wander,
To a grave so far away,
Where they laid our darling Eddie
Just a year ago to-day.
Inserted by his loving Parents. 6870
TREDOUX. – In loving memory of my dear husband, J.F. TREDOUX, who passed away on the 7th December, 1914. To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die. 6899
SEYMOUR. – At the Private Nursing Home, Stamford Hill, Durban, on November 23rd, 1918, to Mr. and Mrs. I.V. SEYMOUR, of Zwartberg, East Griqualand, a daughter. 6912
MULLER. – At Melmoth, on Monday, November 25th, 1918, Alice, dearly beloved wife of John F. MULLER, MP.C., aged 33. 1553
ROHDE. – Herman Augustus, at Pietermaritzburg, on December 2nd, 1918, late of Mooi River, aged 68 years.
SHAW. – Charles, passed peacefully away on November 25th, in his 90th year, at the residence, 269 Prince Alfred Street, Maritzburg. “He giveth His beloved sleep.”
SWAN. – At Newcastle, on October 11th, of pneumonia, after an attack of flu, Sergt. A.H. SWAN, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. SWAN, of Paradise, Newcastle, Natal. He served with the Carbineers in German West; also with the 7th S.A.I. in G.E.A. 1564
SMYTHE. – At Alexandria, on the 30th November, 1918, Patrick Evelyn, Lieut., 2nd Battalion, Black Watch, son of the late C.J. SMYTHE and Mrs. SMYTHE, Nottingham Road.
PRITCHARD. – In ever loving memory of John PRITCHARD, who passed away December 9th, 1917. Inserted by his wife and family.
“Gone, but not forgotten.”
WARDELL. – In loving memory of my dear cousin, Pte. E. WARDELL, who was killed in action December 8th, 1917.
To memory ever dear.
Inserted by his loving cousin, Winnie.
(Delayed in Transmission).
London, December 4.
The death is reported of Edmond ROSTAND, the eminent French dramatist, whose plays, “Cyrano de Bergerac” and “L’Aiglon,” had a great vogue. – Reuter’s Special Service.
Edmond was the son of Joseph ROSTAND, a poet of Marseilles. His first play, “Les Romaneques,” was produced by the Comedie Francaise in 1894, and although it created no stir, yet many saw great promise in that comedy of playful humour. His next work, “La Princesse Lointaine,” was written for Mdme. BERNHARDT, who played it at the Renaissance, as was also his third, “La Samaritaine,” a poetical paraphrase of the story of Christ and the Woman of Samaria. But he first came into universal notice as the author of “Cyrano de Bergerac,” a play that brought romantic drama into fashion again, after the problem plays of previous years. It was represented at the Porte Saint Martin Theatre in Paris for the first time on December 28, 1897, when the title role was played by the elder COQUELIN. The happy combination of author and actor brought about an immediate and lasting success. It was played in Paris until the July following, when M. COQUELIN brought it to London (Lyceum, July 4, 1898), and to other European towns. Returning to Paris in October, 1898, he reassumed the part. The book of the play ran into 100,000 within a year, and quite a flock of plays of the Dumas school were produced in Paris and London soon after. His definition of a “baiser” was quoted in almost every paper. He was also the author of two volumes of poetry, “Les Musardises” and “Pour la Grece.”
DUNNING. – To Mr. and Mrs. Hugh DUNNING, of “The Long Trail,” Scottsville, Pietermaritzburg, a daughter. Both doing well. 6949
STUART. – On the 5th December, at the Sanatorium, Pietermaritzbrg, to Mr. and Mrs. James STUART, a son. 1517
(Note: Should read “Pietermaritzburg”).
JOHNSON. – At Mapumulo, on December 2nd, 1918, from influenza, Aletta Johanna, dearly beloved wife of Stenning JOHNSON, in her 32nd year. 6943
ROHDE. – Herman Augustus, at Pietermaritzburg, on December 2nd, 1918, late of Mooi River, aged 68 years.
WATSON-McLAREN. – At Elgin, on 10th December, 1858, by the Rev. Robt. J. WATT, Free High Church, William WATSON, manager “Elgin and Morayshire Courier,” To Eliza McLAREN, youngest daughter of James McLAREN, Edinburgh. Diamond Jubilee at 195, Chapel Street, Pietermaritzburg. 10th December, 1918. 6930
KEENE. – At Woking, England, on the 1st of November, 1918, of pneumonia supervening on influenza, Pte. Douglas KEENE (Duggie), of the S.A.I., beloved and only son of Lucy KEENE, Johannesburg, aged 24 years and 3 months. Sadly missed by his broken-hearted Mother and Sisters, Pearl, Beryl, Sybil, and Sylvia. Good son and loving brother gone to rest. 1576
London, December 9.
The death has occurred, while serving as a private in France, of Mr. Cecil CHESTERTON, the well-known journalist, who founded the weekly paper, “The New Witness,” in 1912, and edited it until 1916. He was a brother of Mr. G.K. CHESTERTON. – Reuter’s Special Service.
Butterworth, December 9.
The death occurred suddenly yesterday morning of Mr. M.H. DALY, for many years Major of Butterworth, following a strenuous day’s work on behalf of the local war market. – Reuter.
From a Correspondent
Melmoth, December 5.
Quite a gloom was cast over the district on Monday, November 25, when the death of Mrs. MULLER, wife of our worthy M.P.C., became known. The news came as a great shock to her relatives and friends as it was quite unexpected. The dread influenza caused her death after only a few days’ illness. A devoted wife and loving mother, she was held in the highest esteem by all who knew her. A splendid woman taken at the early age of 33 years, she was ever ready to help those in distress – the poor will especially miss her – and at all times shared with her friends their joys and sorrows. All the family and native servants were attacked with the disease at the same time, and are at present lying ill.
The interment took place at the Melmoth Cemetery on Tuesday. Mrs. MULLER had been a staunch Wesleyan all her life, and it was fitting the occasion that one of her churchmen was fortunately able to attend. An impressive service was conducted by the Rev. W. KIDMAN, from Eshowe. Floral tributes were sent by almost everybody in the district. Over 60 wreaths covered the grave, testifying to the love and esteem in which she was held.
GAGE. – On the 29th November, 1918, to Mr. and Mrs. John GAGE, Newcastle, a son. 6967
WILKINSON. – On the 2nd December, 1918, at Estcourt, Richard, dearly beloved husband of E. WILKINSON, in his 62nd year. 6957
LESLIE. – Theodore, 2nd S.A.I., aged 19 years, the dearly loved only son of Mr. and Mrs. A.W. LESLIE, of Dundee, killed in action Messines Ridge, Flanders April 10, 1918 (previously reported missing).
How goes the day for England,
Answer, ye who died
In the first flush of your manhood,
When the Gates of Life swung wide?
“The day goes well for England
We have not died in vain,
The seed sown in the springtime
Shall be autumn’s golden grain.” ei6970
WHITE. – In sweetest and affectionate memory of our darling baby, Eric Montague WHITE, who died at Pietermaritzburg on 11th December, 1917.
Inserted by his loving Mother and Father. 6953
KELLY-STEELE. – By Special License, 11th December, 1918, Godfrey Henry KELLY, son of Mrs. E.W. KELLY, Pretoria, to Sophia McDONALD (Cissie) STEELE, daughter of John Wm. STEELE, Maritzburg.
Aberdeen and Pretoria papers please copy. 1639
LESLIE. – Theodore, 2nd S.A.I., aged 19 years, the dearly loved only son of Mr. and Mrs. A.W. LESLIE, of Dundee, killed in action in Messines Ridge, Flanders April 10, 1918 (previously reported missing).
How goes the day for England,
Answer, ye who died
In the first flush of your manhood,
When the Gates of Life swung wide?
“The day goes well for England
We have not died in vain,
The seed sown in the springtime
Shall be autumn’s golden grain.” ei6970
SMITH. – Previously reported missing 13th April, death now accepted, Lance-Corpl. George Sinclair SMITH, No. 9844 S.A. Scottish, youngest son of the late Rev. J. GOULD and Mrs. SMITH, aged 30 years.
Inserted by his Brothers and Sisters. 6896
CURREN. – In loving memory of Arthur Ernest, second son of Mr. and Mrs. J.E. CURREN, of Pinetown, who fell asleep December 12th, 1916, aged 7 years and 10 months. “Suffer little children to come unto Me.”
CURREN. – In fond remembrance of our dear little friend, Arthur Ernest CURREN, who passed peacefully away December 12th, 1916.
“Jesus called a little one unto Him.”
Inserted by Nellie, Grace and Theo.
WHEELER. – In loving memory of Frank WHEELER, who died at Jesmond, 12th December, 1916.
“To memory every dear.”
Inserted by Charlie and Nellie. 7008
ADCOCK. – Henry Walter, 2nd S.A.I., aged 30 years, only brother of J.N. MANSFIELD 270 Victoria Road, missing since March 24th, death now accepted.
Yet again we hope to meet him,
When the day of life is fled,
And in heaven with joy to greet him,
Where no farewell tears are shed. ei7027
BICK. – In loving memory of our darling Jack, who died December 13th, 1913.
In peace he sleeps, until the day breaks.
Gone, but not forgotten.
Inserted by Minnie, Alf, and Edie. 7006
HENDERSON. – At the Sanatorium, Maritzburg, on November 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. W.D. HENDERSON, Station Master, Frere, a daughter. Both well. 7059
FRASER. – At the Sanatorium, Ladysmith, on Tuesday, 10th inst., George Lovat FRASER, beloved husband of Maud FRASER (nee HARBURN). 1671
ADCOCK. – Henry Walter, 2nd S.A.I., aged 30 years, only brother of J.N. MANSFIELD 270, Victoria Road, missing since March 24th, death now accepted.
Yet again we hope to meet him,
When the day of life is fled,
And in heaven with joy to greet him,
Where no farewell tears are shed. ei7027
BICK. – In loving memory of our darling Jack who died December 13th, 1913.
In peace he sleeps, until the day breaks.
Gone, but not forgotten.
Inserted by Minnie, Alf, and Edie. 7006
LINDSAY. – At Havelock Road Nursing Home, December 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. F.H. LINDSAY, Rosemount, Mooi River, a daughter. 1701
MOORE. – On Saturday, December 7th, at Ledore, Kestell Road, O.R.P., the wife of Cecil MOORE, of a daughter.
SAMUELSON. – At Havelock Road Nursing Home, December 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond SAMUELSON, a son. 1700
AUSTEN. – On the 22nd October, at the Royal Naval Hospital, Chatham, Surgeon-Commander J. AUSTEN, R.N., from pneumonia, at the close of four years’ service in the North Sea.
LEES. – Frederick Preston, on October 21st, father of James LEES and the late Mrs. Alfred SHAW, of Shafton Grange. 7083
WARD. – At the Sanatorium, Maritzburg, on the 13th December, Joseph Philip WARD, of Glenbain, Lufafa Road. ei7059
DOUGLAS. – In affectionate remembrance of Will (of Estcourt), who died at Johannesburg, December 16th, 1916.
To live on in the hearts of those we leave behind, is not to die.
Inserted by his Widow. Estcourt, Natal. 7067
DOUGLAS. – In affectionate remembrance of our Darling Daddy, who left us for a better world on December 16th, 1916.
If Love could have saved thee
Thou would’st have lived.
Inserted by his children, Reggie, Art, and Marjorie. Estcourt, Natal. 7068
KAJEE. – In loving memory of our dearest mother, Amelia (Alice) KAJEE, who passed away at Weenen on December 15th, 1910.
Eight years have passed, oh how we miss her,
Never shall her memory fade,
Sweetest thoughts will ever linger
Around the spot where she is laid.
Inserted by loving daughters and sons. 7069
ROLL OF HONOUR – In Memoriam
MUIR. – In loving memory of John Heatherton MUIR (Jack), who gave his life for his country, December 15th, 1917, aged 20 years.
Sleep on dear, Jack, your duty nobly done.
Inserted by Dad, Mother and Family.
MUIR, Pte. John Heatherton. – In fond remembrance of our dear grandson and nephew, “Jack,” who was killed “Somewhere in France,” December 16th, 1917.
“He gave his life for King and Country.”
Inserted by Grannie and Family. 7077
HAIR. – At the Sanatorium, Maritzburg, on the 15th inst., to Mr. and Mrs. Alex HAIR (Junior), a daughter. Both well.
MOORE. – On Saturday, December 7th, at Ledore, Kestell Road, O.R.P., the wife of Cecil MOORE, of a daughter.
AUSTEN. – On the 22nd October, at the Royal Naval Hospital, Chatham, Surgeon-Commander J. AUSTEN, R.N., from pneumonia, at the close of four years’ service in the North Sea.
WARD. – At the Sanatorium, Maritzburg, on the 13th of December, Joseph Philip WARD, of Glenbain, Lufafa Road. ei7059
BURGESS. – In loving memory of our dearly loved only daughter (May), who passed away at Durban, 17th December, 1914; also our twin sons, Willie and Tom, at Dundee, 17th September, and 9th December, 1903.
Loved too well in life to be forgotten
in death by Mother and Father.
And with the morn those angel faces smile,
Which we have loved long since, and lost awhile. 7085
HAIR. – At the Sanatorium, Maritzburg, on the 15th inst., to Mr. and Mrs. Alex HAIR (Junior), a daughter. Both well.
LAMOND. – At 299, Loop Street, Maritzburg, on 16th December, 1918, to Mr. and Mrs. Hugh S.E. LAMOND, a daughter. Both well. 7090
MOORE. – On Saturday, December 7th, at Ledore, Kestell Road, O.R.P., the wife of Cecil MOORE, of a daughter.
ROLL OF HONOUR – In Memoriam
MUIR. – In loving memory of John Heatherton MUIR (Jack), who gave his life for his country. December 15th, 1917, aged 20 years.
Sleep on dear Jack, your duty nobly done.
Inserted by Dad, Mother and Family.
London, December 17.
The death is announced of Colonel Lord Edward CECIL, Financial Adviser to the Egyptian Government who served in the South African war. – Reuter’s Special Service.
The death is announced at Dar-es-Salaam on the 2nd inst. of Sister FITZ-HENRY, of Spanish influenza and pneumonia. As one of the first to take up duty in “German” East Africa, Sister FITZ-HENRY did much to alleviate the suffering of the hundreds that passed through her wards as patients. To her sorrowing relatives is extended the deepest sympathy.
The death took place on Thursday last of Mr. Albert Cecil (Bertie) RELPH, at the residence of his mother, Mrs. C.E. RELPH, No. 68, Mayor’s Walk. The deceased, who was not of robust health, contracted influenza on the 2nd inst. A large gathering of friends attended the funeral. His remains were laid to rest in the Church of England Cemetery, the service at the graveside being conducted by the Rev. H.S. CHIGNELL. To his sorrowing mother, brothers and sisters heartfelt sympathy is extended, as well as to his brother, who is a prisoner of war in Germany.
The grave was covered with floral tributes sent by the following:- His Sorrowing Mother; Willie and Vi; Frank, Ellen and children; Ethel and Arthur; Victor; Charles, Maud and children; his little friend Pearl; Mr. and Mrs. MEYER and Cliff; Miss HARDMAN; Mr. and Mrs. FLETCHER; Mr. and Mrs. J.H. RITSON; Mr. and Mrs. C. HUNT-HOLLEY; Mr. and Mrs. R.H. PEPWORTH; Mr. and Mrs. J.T. GREEN; Mr. and Mrs. CLEMITSON and family; Mr. and Mrs. McIVOR; Mr. and Mrs. DOWNWOOD; Mr. and Mrs. J. MAYO and family; Edie and Sid; Mr. J.C. HOWARD, family, and Maud; T. HOWARD; Mr. and Mrs. FILDAY and family; Mr. and Mrs. WHELLAR; M. POSNOT and C. HAILSTONE; Miss W. GIBSON and Mr. and Mrs. WARDLE; Mr. and Mrs. PACKER; Mrs. SCHARBRAM and family; Loco. Department Office Staff; the Employees, Carriage And Wagon Shops, S.A.R.; Loco. Running Sheds, S.A.R.; the Railwaymen Erecting Shops; the Electrical Department, S.A.R.
GODDEN. – At the Sanatorium, Marizburg, on the 29th November to Mr. and Mrs. Syd GODDEN, a daughter. 7143
LINDUP. – At Nurse TRELEASE’s Home, Pietermaritzburg, on the 18th December, 1918, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. LINDUP, a son. ei7132
LUCAS. – At “Holcombe,” Harrismith, on December 5th, 1918, Marian, the beloved wife of R.R. LUCAS, aged 85. 7135
WATT. – On December 16th, 1918, at the residence, Watt Lane, Janet Sutherland, widow of the late Robert WATT, in her 82nd year. 7149
ALLANSON. – At the Sanatorium, Pietermaritzburg, on 15th inst., to Dr. and Mrs. H.E. ALLSONSON a son. ei7166
CROOK. – At the Sanatorium, Loop Street, on the 14th instant, to Mr. and Mrs. J. CROOK, of Newcastle, a daughter. 7162
LINDUP. – At Nurse TRELEASE’s Home, Pietermaritzburg, on the 18th December, 1918, to Mr. and MRs. Edward C. LINDUP, a son. ei7132
WESSELS. – On the 22nd November, 1918, at “Parkhurst,” Harrismith, Albertus Johannes, of “Grootpan,” Harrismith, dearly loved husband of Regina WESSELS (nee DE JAGER). Peace Perfect Peace. 7157
HARRIS. – Previously reported missing on March 24th, 1918, death now accepted, Private Aubrey Clifford HARRIS, South African Scottish, dearly beloved son of W.A. HARRIS, Woodlands, Entonjaneni, aged 20 years. ei7171
ALLANSON. – At the Sanatorium, Pietermaritzburg, on 15th inst., to Dr. and Mrs. H.E. ALLSONSON a son. ei7166
JOHNSON. – On December 18th, at 204, Berg Street, Pietermaritzburg, to Mr. Ed. JOHNSON (G.P.O. Staff), and Mrs. JOHNSON (nee BURNS), a daughter. (Nurse GRISSAER.) 7184
McILWRAITH. – On the 18th, at 332, Burger Street, the wife of E.A. McILWRAITH, a daughter. 7200
SCHEEPERS-VAN-DER-MERWE. – At Winterton, on the first of January, 1894, by the Rev. A. NEIZEL, Coenraad J.A., eldest son of the late J. Stephanus SCHEEPERS, of Lange-Hoop, Umlaas Road, to Hendrika P., youngest daughter of Jan VAN-DER-MERWE, Senr., of Noodshulp, Winterton. 7185
HARRIS. – Previously reported missing on March 24th, 1918, death now accepted, Private Aubrey Clifford HARRIS, South African Scottish, dearly beloved son of W.A. HARRIS, Woodlands, Entonjaneni, aged 20 years. ei7171
STEWART. – Previously reported missing on March 24th, 1918, death now accepted, Private Andrew Leitch STEWART, South African Scottish, third son of J. and S. STEWARD, 428, Church
ROLL OF HONOUR – In Memoriam
MUIR. – In loving memory of John Heatherton MUIR (Jack), who gave his life for his country. December 15th, 1917, aged 20 years.
Sleep on dear Jack, your duty nobly done.
Inserted by Dad, Mother and Family.
HAINES. – In loving memory of my dear son, John Henry, who was called away December 21st, 1903.
Never shall memory fade.
Inserted by his loving Mother. 7203
A very widely known and sturdy old colonist passed away yesterday at Grey’s Hospital in the person of Mr. J.H.B. MORELAND of 43, Temple Street, at the age of 86 years. He came to Natal as far back as 1840, and became an active Government official in the early settlement of immigrants into this Province. The late Mr. MORELAND was one of the foundation members of the
Natal Carbineers, and saw war service in the early campaigns. He leaves a wife and eight children to mourn their sad loss.
The funeral will leave Grey’s Hospital at 4.30 this afternoon.
IRONS. – At 24, Lyell Street, Ladysmith, on the 19th instant, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. IRONS (nee KING), of Ingogo, a son. 7222
McILWRAITH. - On the 18th, at 332, Burger Street, the wife of E.A. McILWRAITH, a daughter. 7200
PETERSON. – On the 20th December, at Nurse TRELEASE’s Home, Berg Street, to Mr. and Mrs. J.O. PETERSON, a son. 7209
SIMPSON. – At Nurse BEARD’s Home, Albert Street, Ladysmith, on Tuesday, December 10th, 1918, the wife of the late Sidney SIMPSON, of a daughter (Posthumous). 7218
HERBERT-NOYES. – At Badgemoore House, Henley-on-Thames, Oxon, suddenly on 5th November, 1918, Isabel (Daisy) HERBERT-NOYES, beloved wife of Capt. Hamilton HERBERT-NOYS, Royal Horse and Royal Field Artillery, and only surviving and devoted daughter of George Buck WALKER, Esq., High Flats, Natal. Age 32.
“Until the Day breaks and the shadows flee away.” 1824
(Note: Should read “HERBERT-NOYES” and not “HERBERT-NOYS”?).
ASHWORTH. – Died at Borden Hospital, England, on December 23rd, 1915, Pte. William George ASHWORTH, aged 23, of the 4th S.A.I., youngest son of Mrs. R.E. VAN DYKE. 1825
ROSS. – Pte. James R. ROSS, 58th Canadian Regiment, reported missing October 1st, 1918, now notified killed in action second son of Mr. and Mrs. W. ROSS, Sea View (late of Pietermaritzburg). 7215
STEWART. – Previously reported missing on March 24th, 1918, death now accepted, Private Andrew Leitch STEWART, South African Scottish, third son of J. and S. STEWART, 428, Church
WOODALL. – At Dar-es-Salaam, December, 1918, Christopher WOODALL, Captain, Military Labour Corps, eldest son of George Kitchin and Helen Henderson, Durban. 7225
SCHEFERMAN-McKENZIE. – Edwin Fred., second son of H.W.R. SCHFERMAN, Cato Ridge, to Alice Maud, youngest daughter of Mrs. N. McKENZIE, of Durban, on 23rd December, 1918. No Cards. 7255
(Note: Should read “SCHEFERMAN” and not “SCHFERMAN”?).
GRAHAM. – Died suddenly, at Benoni, Transvaal, on the 17th December, 1918, John George GRAHAM, eldest son of J. GRAHAM, 230, Boom Street, Maritzburg. ei7254
MORELAND. – At Pietermaritzburg, 20th December, 1918, John Horatio Brearey MORELAND, eldest son of the late John Swales MORELAND, Government Surveyor, aged 86 years. ei7252
FORSYTH. – In loving remembrance of Henry Shearwood FORSYTH, who passed away December 24th, 1916. 7232
Another old colonist passed away in her 80th year on Wednesday last in the person of Mrs. H. Jones, wife of Mr. G.S. JONES. Coming to the colony in 1874 she, with her husband and family, settled in Durban for a time, hut spent over 30 years as a resident of Maritzburg, where she was much respected by a large circle of friends. For many years she was an active worker in the Baptist Church, more especially so during the pastorate of the Rev. J.B. HEARD, but being of a retiring disposition the deceased was content to do what she could in a quiet and unostentatious way.
The funeral took place on Thursday last. A short service was held in the Baptist Church, at which a large number of friends were present to testify to the esteem in which they held the deceased. The Rev. J.B. HEARD and the Rev. T. CHAPMAN conducted the service. Proceeding to the Presbyterian Cemetery the interment took place, the Rev. J.B. HEARD and the Rev. T. CHAPMAN conducting the concluding portion of the service.
Wreaths were sent by: - Her loving Husband and Rosie; Fred and Bessie; Edwin and Jane; Harry and Sissie; Willie and Florrie. Grandchildren: May, Sidney, Winnie and Doris; Arthur and Dorothy; Ernest, Myrtle, Frank, Rosie and Trevor; Edith, Norman, Cecil, Stanley, Mavis and Daphne. Mrs. PAYNE and Ruth; “Natal Witness” Chapel; Mr and Mrs CW HOLDGATE; Brenda and Eric; Mr and Mrs JW ALLEN; Mr and Mrs HOLLINGTON; Mr and Mrs LAKE; Mr and Mrs BLAVER; Mr and Mrs WT LAWLESS; Mr and Mrs J TIMM; Mr and Mrs DJ TIMM; Mrs E LONEY, senr.; Mr and Mrs LM BUSH; Mr and Mrs JG BYRNE; Mr and Mrs MARSDEN; Mr and Mrs FURNISS and family; Mr RP BALE; Mr and Mrs COTTAM; Messrs SAVILLE, Chapman and Co. Staff; “Times of Natal” Chapel; City Printing Works; Ernest and Alice LAST; Baptist Church.
The many friends of the late Mr. George GRAHAM of Benoni, formerly of Maritzburg, eldest son of J. GRAHAM 230, Boom Street, will be deeply grieved to hear of his sudden death from heart failure on December 17. Mr. GRAHAM has for the last ten years been employed by Messrs. B. OWEN JONES, Ltd., Benoni, and was to have arrived home for good at the end of last week, to take up a situation with Mr. Hessey ALLANSON, Maritzburg. He was the oldest member of the Maritzburg Flying Club.
The funeral was at first arranged to take place at Benoni, but at the request of his father, his body was sent home for burial, the funeral taking place from the Central Station. The Rev. Arnold NICHOLS conducted the service at the graveside, and wreaths were sent by the following: - Dad; Herbert and Mabel; Fred and Ethel; Claude and Clara; Auntie Meggie and family; Tissie; Douglas and children; Emma, Arnold and children; Ted and Ada; Hessey ALLANSON; Mr and Mrs B OWEN JONES, Benoni; Dr and Mrs DREVER, Benoni; Dr and Mrs DOLWING, Benoni; Dr SMITH and family, Benoni; Mr and Mrs VAUGHAN, Benoni;
the members and staff of B OWEN JONES, Ltd., Benoni; Mrs BEARD and CW BEARD; staff of Hessey ALLANSON; Mr and Mrs EG DOLPHIN and Hilda; manager and staff of Bourne and Co., Ltd; Mrs WARNER and family; Mr and Mrs TA LEWIS-ROBERTS.
From Our Own Correspondent
Ixopo, December 21.
The most distressing news of Mr. P.T. WARD’s death was received with deepest sympathy. His demise was quite unexpected. Only two days previously he was engaged in agricultural pursuits. He was an engineer by profession, having served his articles with the well known firm of Tangyes at Birmingham. On coming to this country he was engaged in the Public Works Department, which he left to take up the position of Mining Engineer on the Rand, where he made for himself no small reputation as a man of expert knowledge. After many strenuous years, like so many of his contemporaries, he abandoned his career and decided on a farmer’s life, purchasing the farm “Glen Bain” in the vicinity of Lufafa Road. He soon threw himself with great heartiness into his new life. He will be greatly missed. His engaging manners and his charming deference to the veterans of the farm community, gave him an assured position in the respect and esteem of the district. We tender to Mrs. WARD and her children our sincerest sympathy.
LINSCOTT. – At Nurse TRELEASE’s Home, 231, Berg Street, to Mr. and Mrs. A. LINSCOTT, Town Hill, on the 20th inst., a son. Both well. 7266
PRICE-BAIKIE. – At the Wesleyan Church, Boshoff Street, Maritzburg, on Wednesday, December 18th, 1918, by Rev. J.H. ROBERTS, Fred, fifth son of Mr. and Mrs. J.B. PRICE, 25, Berg Street, Maritzburg, to Edith Mary, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. BAIKIE, 3, Garfield Street, Maritzburg. 7283
THOMSON-WYATT. – On December 18th inst., at St. Peter’s Church, by the Rev. CHIGNELL, John THOMSON, of Kokstad, East Grqualand, to Violet Mary, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.J. WYATT, Maritzburg. 7281
Note: Should read “Griqualand” and not “Grqualand”).
GRAHAM. – Died suddenly, at Benoni, Transvaal, on the 17th December, 1918, John George GRAHAM, eldest son of J. GRAHAM, 230, Boom Street, Maritzburg. ei7254
HOWARD. – On December 12th, 1918, at Felixton, Zululand, Olive, dearly beloved wife of Wellesley HOWARD.
Greater love hath no on than she who died for friends. 7282
MORELAND. – At Pietermaritzburg, on 20th December, 1918, John Horatio Brearey MORELAND, eldest son of the late John Swales MORELAND, Government Surveyor, aged 86 years. ei7252
TOWNSEND. – At 54, Payn Street, on 23rd December, 1918, Frederick Frank TOWNSEND (11.20 p.m.), beloved husband of Sara TOWNSEND. 7258
HENDERSON. – At Dar-es-Salaam, on December 14th, 1918, Christopher Wordall, Captain, Military Labour Corps, eldest son of George Kitchin and Helen HENDERSON, Durban. 7277
STOTT. – On the 11th December, at Dar-es-Salaam, Sub-Lieutenant Fred STOTT, R.N.R., from Spanish influenza.
Inserted by his sorrowing Brothers. ei7276
MUIR. – In loving remembrance of my dear, son, Henry Richard, who died at Newcastle, December 25th, 1906.
“To memory ever dear.”
Inserted by Mrs. J. GASS and his Wife and Family. 7278
DRYSDALE. – At the Sanatorium, Maritzburg, on 24th December, 1918, to Mr. and Mrs. Will DRYSDALE, of Mooi River, a son. 1864
GRAHAM. – Died suddenly, at Benoni, Transvaal, on the 17th December, 1918, John George GRAHAM, eldest son of J. GRAHAM, 230, Boom Street, Maritzburg. ei7254
STOTT. – On the 11th December, at Dar-es-Salaam, Sub-Lieutenant Fred STOTT, R.N.R., from Spanish influenza.
Inserted by his sorrowing Brothers. ei7276
DRYSDALE. – At the Sanatorium, Maritzburg, on 24th December, 1918, to Mr. and Mrs. Will DRYSDALE, of Mooi River, a son. 1864
STEWART. – On Monday, December 23rd, at Newstead, Dannhauser, to Mr. and Mrs. J.D.F. STEWART, a daughter. (Nurse TAGG and Dr. CHALMERS in attendance.) 7325
DUROW-BRUCE. – On December 14th, at Noodsberg, by Rev. N.C. LOGAN, Ernest Edward, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. O. DUROW, of Warrendale, East London, to Eileen Mary Homan, eldest daughter of Dr. W.F. BRUCE, of Stanger, Natal. 7314
BURNS. – Died at the Sanatorium, December 25th, Mary Cecilia Patricia (May), the dearly beloved eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P.J. BURNS, 21, Burger Street, Pietermaritzburg, aged 19 years. Deeply mourned. – R.I.P. Johannesburg papers please copy. 7330
GILBERT. – Edwin Laishler GILBERT, of Gilbert and Grattan, Maritzburg, passed away at Capetown, December 5th, 1918. 7329
TOWNSEND. – At 54, Payn Street, Maritzburg, on 23rd December, 1918 (11.20 p.m.), Frederick Frank TOWNSEND, beloved husband of Sara TOWNSEND, aged 58 years. One of the Best. 7317
ROLL OF HONOUR – In Memoriam
FOX ELLIS. – In loving memory of my dear brother, Pte. Warwick FOX ELLIS, who was killed in action in France on Christmas Day, 1917. 7297
ATKINSON. – At the Sanatorium, Pietermaritzburg, on 25th inst., to Mr. and Mrs. A.C. ATKINSON, a son. 7333
DRYSDALE. – At the Sanatorium, Maritzburg, on 24th December, 1918, to Mr. and Mrs. Will DRYSDALE, of Mooi River, a son. 1864
HALL. – At Mrs. DOWSET’s, 423, Prince Alfred Street, on 23rd December, to Mr. and Mrs. H.F. HALL, a son. 7355
HENSON-MURRAY. – On December 19th, at St. Mary’s Church, Maritzburg, by the Rev, Father KELLY, William Warner HENSON, District Surgeon of Inpendhle, Natal, to Lilian Mary MURRAY, daughter of Sir Thomas and Lady MURRAY, of ‘Cleland,” Maritzburg. 7344
SHUTTLEWORTH. – Passed peacefully away at the Berea Nursing Home, Durban, on the 20th December, 1918, James William SHUTTLEWORTH, of Newcastle, second son of the late Henry and Eleanor SHUTTLEWORTH, at the age of 71 years. Deeply mourned. 7348
SMUTS. – Passed away at Linkoping, Rondebosch, on 7th October, 1918, James Otto, beloved eldest son of Dr. and Mrs. SMUTS. 7360
McLEAN. – On 20th December, in East Africa (place unknown), Sergeant Richard McLEAN, Animal Transport.
“His duty done.”
Inserted by his sorrowing niece, Ann. 1887
HOWROYD. – At the Sanatorium, Maritzburg, on 27th December, 1918, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Oats HOWROYD, a daughter. ei7376
SONNENBERG. – At the Sanatorium, Maritzburg, on the 28th inst., to Mr. and Mrs. Alex F. SONNENBERG, of Mt. N’gwibi, a daughter. Both well. 7363
GILBERT. – Edwin Laishler GILBERT, of Gilbert and Grattan, Maritzburg, passed away at Capetwon, December 5th, 1918. 7329
JONES. – At 7, West Street, Maritzburg, on December 18th, 1918, Harriet, the beloved wife of Mr. G.S. JONES. Deeply mourned. Aged 80 years. 1916
PHILLIPS. – In loving remembrance of our dear daddy, Joseph PHILLIPS, who was so suddenly taken away from us on December 31st, 1917. Gwladys and Myfanwy.
So unexpected was the fall(?),
His sudden death surprised us all;
I hope that we in heaven shall meet,
Then all our joys will be complete. 7340
PHILLIPS. – If fond memory of our dear friend, Joseph PHILLIPS, who lost his life at the Ca??rian Colliery on December 31st, 1917?.
Fred, Maggie, and Doris. 7339
(Note: (?) due to torn page).
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