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Natal Witness

Natal Witness 1918 2 April - June




ARMSTRONG. - At the Sanatorium, Estcourt, on April 1st inst., the wife of G.W. ARMSTRONG, Heavitree, of a son. ei660

HAY. - At the Sanatorium, Maritzburg, on April 4th, the wife of Len N. HAY, of a son. (Stillborn.) ei691


GRAY-BORAIN. - At the Musgrave Road Wesleyan Church, on Tuesday, April 2nd, 1918, by the Rev. Jas. PENDLEBURY, Lieut. Colin C. GRAY, R.F.A., younger son of Mrs. J.E. GRAY, of The Prairie, Winterton, to Marjorie Constance, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.E. BORAIN, of Clifton, 445, Currie Road, Durban. 6675


SHEPHERD. - At Bournemouth, England, on the 29th March, 1918, William Henry SHEPHERD formerly of Pietermaritzburg. Aged 66. (By Cable.) 6699

SMITH. - At "Bedford," Creighton, April 2nd, 1918, Angelina, wife of the late J.K. SMITH, aged 75 years and 7 months. (At Rest.) ei2679



HARKER. - On April 6th, the wife of Rev. A.J.S. HARKER, of a son, at Havelock Road Nursing Home. 737

HAY. - At the Sanatorium, Maritzburg, on April 4, the wife of Len N. HAY, of a son. (Stillborn.) ei691

HILL. - On April 5th, at Mount Park, The Dargle, Natal, to Lieut. HEWSON HILL, Native Contingent, France, and Mrs. HEWSON HILL, a daughter. (Nurse GRISSAER in attendance). 734


BROMWICH. - At Louwsburg, Ngotshi, on Sunday, March 31st, Mary Elizabeth, relict of the late Thomas Charles T'Anson BROMWICH. 718

MILLER. - On Saturday, 30th, after short illness, Reginald Harold MILLER, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. E.J. MILLER, Ladysmith, 5 years old. 6727


POPE. - In loving memory of my beloved Wife, and our darling Mother, Harriet, who passed away suddenly on April, 8th, 1917.
'Tis one sad year, since that sad day
When one we loved was called away,
The call was short, the shock severe,
To part with one we loved so dear.

Can we e'er forget your footsteps, Mother, Oh, never, The sweet face we ne'er can see, How we loved her, and how we miss her, Bleeding hearts alone can say, For the one that smiled to cheer us Has for ever passed away.

Inserted by her sorrowing husband and children. Balgowan. 6541



AGNEW. - At Nurse McKAY's, Murchison Street, Ladysmith, on Saturday, 6th April, the wife of W. AGNEW, Umbulwana, a son. Both well. ei6735

STEAD. - On 6th April, 1918, at the Sanatorium, Maritzburg, to Mr. and Mrs. Percy E. STEAD, a daughter. Both well. 752

UPFOLD. - At Maritzburg, on the 3rd April, to Mr. and Mrs. James UPFOLD, a son. Nurse GILLESPIE in attendance. 758


MORLEY-RUSSOM. - At the Boshoff Street Wesleyan Church, by the Rev. J.H. ROBERTS, on April 3rd, 1918, Wilfrid, third son of the late Frederick MORLEY and Mrs. MORLEY, of Graaff-Reinet, to Marian, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.D. RUSSOM, of Maritzburg. 753


SMITH. - At "Bedford," Creighton, April 2nd, 1918, Angelina, wife of the late J.K. SMITH, aged 75 years and 7 months. (At Rest.) ei2679

ROLL OF HONOUR - In Memoriam.

CLAYTON. - In loving memory of Walter CLAYTON, who was killed in action on April 9th.

So ready to answer the call of the brave, Although you now rest in a far distant grave, What more or better could any man give Than die for his country that other may live? Inserted by his Sisters. 746

LYLE. - In loving memory of Walter P. LYLE, 4th South African Infantry, beloved second Son of Alex. and J. LYLE, 347 Prince Alfred Street, killed in action at the battle of Arras, France, April 9th, 1917.


SINCLAIR-WEIR. - Killed in action 9th April, 1917, Lance-Corporal J.B. SINCLAIR-WEIR, of the South African Scottish, only son of Mr. and Mrs. W.A. WEIR, formerly of Hatting Spruit, Natal.


Yes, I am proud; I shall not weep, my son - Boy of the high, brave spirit, who lies slain, Blent with the earth-grown hallowed for the stain Of thy young life-blood. Boy, who on my breast Has lain, so small, so dear, in infant rest; Whose tiny, clinging hands and nestling head Seemed God and life to me - dear son, now dead, Son of the strong young frame, the fearless heart, Vibrant with life and thought, the coming man, Shadowed in graver mood, the finished plan. My mother love foresaw and knew content. And when, all youthful fire and courage blent, You said good-bye, I smiled (Oh, God! that day Fear clutched my heart); I would not have you stay. Boy! you have died as we would have you die. Yes, I am proud, my son; I shall not weep, But, ah! within the hours of broken sleep I see your dear, loved form, your eyes, your hair, And clench my arms to clasp and hold you there; Then wake and know the glory you have won. Yes, I am proud, indeed, but - Son, oh Son! -KATHLEEN ERSOM (New Zealand). 6744



AGNEW. - At Nurse McKAY's, Murchison Street, Ladysmith, on Saturday, 6th April, the wife of W. AGNEW, Umbulwana, a son. Both well. ei6735

BUCHAN. - At the Sanatorium, on the 6th April, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Robert BUCHAN, of Weenen.

Mother and son very well. 6773

STEAD. - On the 6th April, 1918, at the Sanatorium, Maritzburg, to Mr. and Mrs. Percy E. STEAD, a daughter. Both well. 752


MORLEY-RUSSOM. - At the Boshoff Street Wesleyan Church, by the Rev. J.H. ROBERTS, on April 3rd, 1918, Wilfrid, third son of the late Frederick MORLEY and Mrs. MORLEY, of Graaff-Reinet, to Marian, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.D. RUSSOM, of Maritzburg. 753


FORD. - In loving remembrance of Math., who diel April 10th, 1914.
"To live on in hearts we leave behind is not to die."
Inserted by his Wife and Children. 756

(Note: Should read 'died')

ROLL OF HONOUR - In Memoriam

LAWFORD. - In ever loving memory of our dear son and brother, Edwin Nelson (Pat), who fell in action in France on April 9th, 1917.

One year has passed since that sad day,
When one we loved was called away,
God took him home, it was His will,
Forget him, No, we never will.
His King and country called him,
The call was not in vain,
Upon the roll of honour
You will find our Hero's name;
Nothing to us can ever repay
The sacrifice he made that day,
So dearly loved, so sadly missed.
Greater love hath no man than this,
That a man lay down his life for his friends. 678



News has been received here of the unexpected death of Mr. A.S. LEVENSTEIN, one of South Africa's younger and most promising journalists.
After taking his B.A. degree at the South African College, LEVENSTEIN was a member of the "Argus" staff at Capetown for a short time, after which he joined the editorial staff of "The Friend,"
of which he had been a member for the past six years as gallery representative of "The Friend" in the House of Assembly.
He was well known to parliamentarians.
At the beginning of this year he passed his Intermediate L.L.B. examination, and both his scholarly attainments and his practical knowledge of newspaper work marked him out as one who,
if he had lived, would have obtained a high place among South African journalists. He was married three months ago. His death due to acute pancreatitis, following an operation at the
Joubert Park Nursing Home, Johannesburg, for appendicitis. – Reuter.


EATON-BAILLIE. – At Livingstone, Rhodesia, March 23rd, Alexander Henry Joseph EATON, of Kambove, Congo Belge, to Gwladys, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. BAILLIE, 31, Commercial Road, Pietermaritzburg. 800


CALDER. – At "Montrose," 144, Gleneagle Road, Streatham, London, on 25th January, 1918, William CALDER, aged 83, first Headmaster, Government High School, Pietermaritzburg, Natal, and for nearly thirty years Senior English Master, Edinburgh Ladies' College, Uncle of G.W. CALDER, Gatooma, Southern Rhodesia, and V. CALDER, Pietermaritzburg, Natal. 6803

NISBET. - At Hlobane, on Sunday, the 7th inst., Agnes Ina MACDONALD, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. NISBET, aged 171/2 years. ei6809


LARKAN. Killed in action in France, on 21st March, Corpl. Arthur Albert (Taffy), aged 19 years and nine months, third son of the late John Robert and Frances C. LARKAN, of Bont Rand, East Griqualand. 783

ROLL OF HONOUR – In Memoriam

EDMONDS. – In loving memory of Reginald Lewis EDMONDS, of the Union Civil Service, son of Mr. and Mrs. G.H. EDMONDS, of Maritzburg, who died in France, on the 11th April, 1917, from wounds received at the battle of Arras. Aged 29 years.
"He laid down his life and he lived it,
In the Service of his King and country."
"Yes, I am proud, indeed, but – Son, oh Son!"
"God is His own interpreter,
And He will make it plain on this." 818

FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1918


COOKE. - At the Sanatorium, P.M. Burg, on the 10th inst., to Mr. and Mrs. J.P.P. COOKE, Richmond, a son. Both well. 824

NICHOLS. - 47, Berg Street, to Rev. and Mrs. NICHOLS, April 7th, a son. 823


BRISLEY-TURNBULL. - At St. Mary's Church, Greyville, Durban, by the Rev. F. ROBINSON, on April 5th, 1918, Vernon, the eldest son of the late George Charles BRISLEY, and Mrs. HOLMES-DAVIS of Cedarville, to Mildred, the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M.H. TURNBULL, of Maritzburg. 6843

MACKAY-HORTENSE. - At St. Paul's Church, Durban, on the 10th inst., by the Rev. Canon FENTON, George Sutherland MACKAY, of Franklin, E.G., to Dora HORTENSE, youngest daughter of the late, Mr. F. FOZIER, 2 Doune Quadrant, Glasgow.


AIKEN. - At the "Berea Health Institute," on Sunday, 7th April, 1918, "Amy," the dear wife of J.W. AIKEN, of River View, Batstones, in her 48th year. After a long and painful illness. Peace, perfect Peace. ei825

CALDER. - At "Montrose," 144, Gleneagle Road, Streatham, London, on 25th January, 1918, William CLADER, aged 83, first Headmaster, Government High School, Pietermaritzburg, Natal, and for nearly thirty years Senior English Master, Edinburgh Ladies' College, Uncle of G.W. CALDER, Gatooma, Southern Rhodesia, and V. CALDER, Pietermaritzburg, Natal. 6803

NISBET. - At Hlobane, on Sunday, the 7th inst., Agnes Ina MACDONALD, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. NISBET, aged 171/2 years. ei6809

ROLL OF HONOUR - In Memoriam

COKAYNE. - In loving memory of Private Thomas H. COKAYNE, No. 7324, 2nd S.A.I., killed in action in France, 12th April, 1917. 807

COPPARD. - In loving memory of our old friend, William James COPPARD, who was killed in action in France on 12th April, 1917. 842

DOWTHWAITE. - In memory of Robert DOWTHWAITE, 2nd S.A.I., late Relieving Stationmaster of the S.A. Railways, who fell in action on April 12th, 1917, while attempting to capture a railway station. Still in the memory of his many friends and parents. 6859

DREW. - In loving memory of Frank DREW, killed in action in France, on April 12th, 1917. "His Life for his Country." 6827

GREIG. - In loving memory of our dearly beloved son, Gideon, killed in action, "Somewhere in France," 12th April, 1917.

"One year has passed, the wound still bleeds, For our grief was sore, our loss severe, To part with him we loved so dear. We loved him well, but God loves him best." Inserted by his sorrowing parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. GREIG, Ladysmith. 840

GIBB. In affectionate and loving memory of our dear nephew, A.B. (Dolphie) GIBB, killed in action in France, on 12th April, 1917.

Tribute of praise from old and young,
Are all along his pathway strewn,
His was but short-lived joy,
And friends mourn for their favourite boy.
They who miss him loved him best.

Inserted by his Uncle Willie, Aunt Sarah, and Aunt Lot. 846

HOWES. - In loving memory of Leonard E. HOWES, the dearly loved husband of H.M. HOWES, killed in action in France, April 12th, 1917. 820

NISBET. - In loving memory of Colin Campbell NISBET, killed in action in France, at the battle of Arras, April 12th, 1917. Youngest dearly loved son of Hugh and Agnes NISBET, Scottsville. 821



CUNNYINGHAM. - At the Havelock Road Nursing Home, on April 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. G.G. CUNNINGHAM, Byrne a son. Both well. 6872 (Note: variations in spelling of surname).

FAIRHURST. - At 90, Mayor's Walk, on the 12th April, to Mr. and Mrs. FAIRHURST, a daughter. Both well. 848

MORPHEW. - At Pietermaritzburg, on April 12th, the wife of the late J. MORPHEW, Dargle, a son. 868


ALLKINS. - Killed in action on March 21, 1918, J.A. HANLEY, beloved son of L. .A. and M.E. ALKANS, of Howick, aged 23 years and 3 months. Deeply mourned. 853 (Note: variations in spelling of surname).

SOMERS. - At Rengensdorp, on April 7th, Bartholomew Charles SOMERS, eldest son of the late W.B. SOMERS and Mrs. SOMERS, Glenduishaig, The Dargle. 858

TAYLOR. - At his residence, "Green Point," Seven Oaks, on 9th April , Tom KNIGHT aged 65 years and 9 months. After a long and painful illness.

MONDAY, APRIL 15, 1918


JAMES. – At the Sanatorium, Maritzburg, on the 13th April, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. JAMES, of 293, Greyling Street, a son. 889

MERRICK. – 11th April, at the Sanatorium, to Mr. and Mrs. P.W. MERRICK, a daughter. Both well. 883

MONTGOMERY. – At D'Urban, on Friday, 12th April, 1918, to Mr. and Mrs. J.W.V. MONTGOMERY, of Ismont, Mid-Illovo, Natal, a son. 881


AIKEN. – At the "Berea Health Institute," on Sunday, 7th April, 1918, "Amy,", the dear wife of J.W. AIKEN, of River View, Batstones, in her 48th year. After a long and painful illness. Peace, perfect Peace. ei825

TAYLOR. – At his residence, "Green Point," Seven Oaks, on 9th April, Tom Knight, aged 65 years and 9 months. After a long and painful illness.



FAIRHURST. – At 90, Mayor's Walk, on the 12th April, to Mr. and Mrs. H. FAIRHURST, a daughter. Both well. 848

TATHAM. – At the Sanatorium, Maritzburg, on the 13th April, to Mr. and Mrs. S.M. TATHAM, of Blackridge, a son. 894

WESTRAY. – On the 11th inst., to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas WESTRAY, Tweedie, a son. ei902


JAMES-BRERETON. – On April 9th, at St. Mary's Johannesburg, T.E. JAMES, Lieutenant and Adjutant, Reserves, 1st Cape Corps, to Rutch, elder daughter of the late L. BRERETON, C.E., and of Mrs. BRERETON, London. 6946


GIBBINS. – At "Deneston," Northdene, on Saturday, 13th April, Emma Frances (nee AVERY), the beloved wife of Alfred C. GIBBINS, late of Harrismith, in her 47th year. "At rest." 895

GOBLE. – On 14th April, 1918, at Havelock Nursing Home, P.M.Burg, Harriet GOBLE, widow of Blake GOBLE, aged 87 years. 906



CHOLES. - At Howick, on 14th April, to Mr. and Mrs. W.B. CHOLES, a son. Both well. Thanks to Nurse RHODES. 912

WESTRAY. - On the 11th inst., to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas WESTRAY, Tweedie, a son. ei907



DINKLEMAN. - At the Pinetown Nursing Home, to Mr. and Mrs. F.B. DINKLEMAN, a son. 927


CRAIB-MALONE. - On April 17th, at St. Peter's Church, Maritzburg, by the Rev. H.S. CHIGNELL, James CRAIB, of Maritzburg, to Saida, only daughter of the late Mr. F.W.M. MALONE, of Dublin, and Mrs. Malone, of Durban, formerly of Bedford, England. 7004


HARDING. - Killed in action in France, on 27th March, Pte. Archibald Robert Forbes HARDING (Bobby), aged 18 years and 4 months, fourth son of Mr. and Mrs. C.C. HARDING, of Dundee.
He proudly answered his country's call,
And gave his life to save us all;
His heart was good, his spirit brave,
His resting place a Soldier's grave.
His cheery ways, his smiling face,
Are a pleasure to recall;
There is nothing left to answer.
But his Photo on the wall.
Had I but seen him at his last,
Or watched his dying breath,
Or heard the last sigh of his heart,
Or held his aching head,
My heart, I think, would not have felt
This bitterness of grief;
But God has ordered otherwise,
And now he rests in peace.
(Peace, perfect Peace.) 7000

FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1918


CAMPBELL. - At Gledhow, Stanger, on April 12th, 1918, to Mr. and Mrs. J.W. CAMPBELL, of Amatikulu, a daughter. Both well. 958


CLARENCE-CLARENCE. - On April 17th, at the Presbyterian Church, Kokstad, by Rev. L. GURNEY, Charles Gordon CLARENCE, of Ladysmith, to Elaine, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. CLARENCE, of Kokstad. 964


DOOLEY. - Killed in action in France, on March 21st, 1918, Private William Alfred DOOLEY, B. Coy., 2nd Brigade, South African Infantry, second son of the late W.J. DOOLEY and Mrs. G.M. MORRIS, of Nondweni, Zululand, aged 22 years. 7015



McLEAN. - At Morvern, Stepmore P.O., on the 16th inst., to Mr. and Mrs. J.W. McLEAN, the gift of a son. ei983

WATT-PRINGLE. - At the Nursing Home, Shamrock Villa, Kokstad, on Wednesday, the 3rd April, to Mr. and Mrs. Stenson WATT-PRINGLE, a son. 7072


WHITTAKER. - Private George F. WHITTAKER, 3rd Regiment, S.A.I., killed in action in France, 22nd March, 1918, aged 18 years. The supreme sacrifice - his life. 982

MONDAY, APRIL 22, 1918


BUTCHER. - To Mr. and Mrs. Walter BUTCHER, of Goldhurst, Braecroft P.O., a son. Born 10th inst. 1023

McLEAN. - At Morvern, Stepmore P.O., on the 16th inst., to Mr. and Mrs. J.W. McLEAN, the gift of a son. ei983

MORRIS. - On the 20th inst., to Mr. and Mrs. A.E. MORRIS, 24, Slatter Street, a daughter. (Nurse HUTSON). 1015


THORBURN-MARSH. - On January 22nd, by Special License, at the Parish Church, Letchworth, England, by the Rector, the Rev. F.N. HEAZELL, Capt. William THORBURN, M.C., 2nd S.A.I., to Ruth Evelyn, elder daughter of the late Bedford John MARSH, solicitor, Kingston-on-Thames, and Mrs. MARSH, Letchworth, Herts. 1024


MARK. - At Johannesburg, on the 18th inst., after a long and painful illness, Dolly MARK, aged 25 years, loving sister of Mrs. GOWANS, Maritzburg. Deeply regretted. 1021



STRASSBURG. - In loving memory of our dear Christina Maud, beloved daughter of Amy and Edward STRASSBURG, who passed away on April 24th, 1915, at Volksrust. Inserted by her Mother, Father, Sister and Brothers. Safe in the Arms of Jesus. 1060

FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 1918


AHRENS. - At the Sanatorium, P.M. Burg, on the 24th instant, to Mr. and Mrs. K.H.F.W. AHRENS, a son. Both well. 1105


MARSHALL-CHARLESWORTH. - At the First Presbyterian Church, Pietermaritzburg, on April 25th, 1918, by Special License, by the Rev. George GRIEVE, John MARSHALL, son of the late John MARSHALL, of Blantyre, Scotland, and of Mrs. J. MARSHALL, of Bloemfontein, to Gertrude Rose, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. CHARLESWORTH, Pietermaritzburg. 7203


McKECHNIE. - Died at sea, on board H.M.S.- , Cadet Donald Holmes McKECHNIE, Royal Air Service, formerly of C. Squadron, 4th South African Horse, dearly loved youngest son of N.M. McKECHNIE, Esq., and Mrs. McKECHNIE, of Harrismith, O.F.S., aged 19 years. 1094

REYNOLDS. - on the 23rd. inst., at Dundee, Annie, wife of W.H. REYNOLDS, Masonic Hotel, Dundee. 1090


HARVEY. - In loving memory of my dear mother, Rebecca HARVEY, wife of Rev. J. Kentish HARVEY, who died at Worthing, England, on 25th April, 1917. "Not forgotten." Inserted by her loving son, Rex HARVEY, Greytown. 1098



BERRY-HOWES. – On April 25th, 1918, at Wesleyan Church, Umzimkulu, Norman Oswald, youngest son of the late Rev. W. and Mrs. BERRY, of Maritzburg, to Dorothy Ada, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. HOWES of "Hancock Grange," Umzimkulu, late of Barberton.


BELL. – At Grey's Hospital, on 24th April, 1918, Oswald Mackenzie BELL, of Waschbank, aged 65. English papers please copy. 1131

MOE. – Passed away at Pietermaritzburg, on the 11th inst., Louis Harms MOE, B.A., L.L.B., late Magistrate of Harding. At peace. Inserted by his sorrowing Brothers and Sisters. Moe's Rest, New Hanover, 25th April, 1918. 1125


CLARKE. – In loving memory of John Fothergill CLARKE, of the "Africa Land Mission," Aru, Congo Belge, dearly loved son and brother, who fell asleep in Jesus at Pretoria, April 27th, 1917. "Till He Come." 1114

MONDAY, APRIL 29, 1918


SPOONER. - At the Beit Maternity Home, Bulawayo, on the 21st instant, to Mr. and Mrs. E.Y.H. SPOONER, a son. 1151

WADE. - At Nurse SCHURING's Home, 76, Douglas Street, Dundee, on 26th April, to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest WADE, of Tayside, a son. Both well. 1150


FANNER-TROTTER. - By special licence, at S. John's Church, Pinetown, on the 25th inst., by the Rev. G.P. JEUDWINE, Ernest Coningsby Neale FANNER, Empangeni, youngest son of Mr. C.L. FANNER, Capetown, to Dorothy Hester Hewlett, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.T. TROTTER, Plaisance, Pinetown. 1154

(Note: Should read 'St. John's')



PAYN. - At the Sanatorium, Maritzburg, on the 25th April, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank PAYN, a son. Both well.

VAN OTTO. - At Sanatorium, Maritzburg, on 26th, to Mr. and Mrs. VAN OTTO, a son. Both well. 1160


BROWN-FREEGUARD. - L.J. BROWN to H.M. FREEGUARD, at Durban, by special licence, on 27th April. 7251

CLIFFORD-SANDER. - On April 24th, 1918, at St. Peter's Cathedral, Maritzburg, Edgar Allen CLIFFORD, of Germiston - late of Maritzburg - to Patience Henrietta, youngest daughter of the late J.S. SANDER, of Capetown, and Mrs. D. SMITH, of Deepdale. 1167


BARRETT. - Died of wounds, on 22nd April, received somewhere in France, Lieut. Herbert Victor BARRETT, M.C., Royal Field Artillery, aged 25 years, younger son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ashton BARRETT, of Durban and Harrismith. By cable. 7250




The death occurred early on Monday morning of Mr. John RUDLING (senr.), of 285, Retief Street, after a protracted illness, at the age of 78. He had been employed for many years in the P.W.D., and was foreman of road work. He leaves four sons and four daughters to mourn their loss.
The funeral took place on Monday afternoon at the Wesleyan Cemetery, the Rev. J.H. ROBERTS officiating, there being a large attendance of friends. Wreaths were sent by the following:
Daughter and son-in-law, Bessie and Ernest and family; Daughter and son-in-law, Polly and Harry and family; daughter and son-in-law, Sarah and Jim and family; daughter and son-in-law, Alice and George and family; son and daughter-in-law, Arthur and Daisy and family; son and daughter-in-law, Willie and Mary and family; son and daughter-in-law, Johnney and Louie and family; son and daughter-in-law, Harry and Jennie and family; grandsons at the front; Mr. and Mrs. CANT; Mr. and Mrs. ROBINS; Mr. and Mrs. MARRIOTT; Mr. and Mrs. PIPES; Mr. and Mrs. LICENCE and family; Mr. and Mrs. RICHARDS and family; Mrs. WOODHOUSE and family; Mr. and Mrs. HARDEN and family; Nurse FYFE, Sister LEE, Mr. and Mrs. Bertie PITMAN and family; Mr. and Mrs. W. BELL; Mr. and Mrs. Sowersby MASON; Mr. and Mrs. Walter UPFOLD and family, Fellow-workers, Public Works Department.



BOTHA. - At Vryheid, Natal, on April 28th, 1918, to Mr. and Mrs. Louis BOTHA, of Broedersrust, Lousburg, a son (grandson to the late Assistant Commandant, General Christian BOTHA, and William FRIEND, Esq., of Kingsley). Dr. WHITE and Nurse GRISSAER in attendance. 1193


DARBY-CURRY. - On 26th April, Roderic Ivan DARBY, only son of the late John Wesley DARBY, and of Mrs. BELLAS, Capetown, to Ethel Marrion CURRY, third daughter of the late Alfred CURRY, of the Karkloof, and of Mrs. CURRY, Maritzburg. 1201

HILL-HARMENING. - On April 25th, by Special Licence, at Himeville, Sergt. E.P. HILL, S.A.M.R., to Jane Elizabeth, second daughter of Carl HARMENING of Middlevalley, Polela Division.


ARMSTRONG. - On April 24th, at Pietermaritzburg, Arthur Sidney, youngest son of the late Dr. William ARMSTRONG, M.R.C.S.E., aged 54 years. 1209

FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1918


MORTON. - Passed away at Merrivale, at 2 a.m. May 2nd, 1918, Thomas MORTON. 7322


LADBROOKE. - In ever loving memory of my dear son and brother Charles Richard (Charlie), who passed away on the 2nd May, 1913. Peace, Perfect Peace. 1220



MORTON. - At "Ashley," Merrivale, on May 2nd, Mr. Thomas MORTON, aged 66, dearly loved husband of Charlotte Orchard MORTON. 7357

MONDAY, MAY 6, 1918


PROWSE. - At the Sanatorium, Durban, on May 2nd, 1918, to Mr. and Mrs. C.R. PROWSE (nee Jessie PIRIE), a daughter. Both well. 1276


ANDRIES-GODWIN. - At St. James' Church, Estcourt, on 1st May, Antoine Anselme ANDRIES, of Durban, to Barbara Gladys Vida GOODWIN, of Vryheid. 7374

RICHARDSON-MURRAY. - Married on 27th April, at Durban, Miss Eleanor Maxwell RICHARDSON, youngest daughter of Mr. A.A. RICHARDSON, of Bergville, and Lieut. Alfred Evander Mackenzie MURRAY, M.L.B. 1272


MORTON. - At "Ashley," Merrivale, on May 2nd, Mr. Thomas MORTON, aged 66, dearly loved husband of Charlotte Orchard MORTON. 7357


FOLLWELL. - In loving memory of our dear brother, Victor William FOLLWELL, who died at Ladysmith, May 6th, 1917. Not forgotten. 1269

FOLLWELL. - In loving memory of my dear husband, Victor William FOLWELL, of Bethlehem, who departed this life May 6th, 1917.
A lonely year since that sad day,
When all I loved was called away,
His cheery smile and loving care
Brightened life's pathway everywhere.
'Tis sweet to think of thee, dear Victor, Of life, when our hearts knew no pain, Oh this earth would be a heaven If we could have you back again. 1267

ROLL OF HONOUR - In Memoriam.

TURNER. - Died of wounds, in France, on 6th May, 1917, Harry Lewis TURNER, S.A.I., aged 19 years. 1307

TUESDAY, MAY 7, 1918


SAMUEL. - At the Sanatorium, Maritzburg, on the 6th May, 1918, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter SAMUEL, a son. ei1303


ANDRIES-GODWIN. - At St James' Church, Estcourt, on 1st May, Antoine Anselme ANDRIES, of Durban to Barbara Gladys Vida GODWIN, of Vryheid. 7374

MEYER-PARK. - On April 23rd, at Presbyterian Church, Harrismith, W.E. MEYER, contractor, of Harrismith, to Mary Constance, eldest daughter of John PARK, Harrismith. 7404


THORNHILL. - On April 30th, John Canm THORNHILL, aged 62, eldest son of the late G. and C. THORNHILL, of Ladysmith. Deeply mourned. 1289

TRAVERS. - Sanatorium, Estcourt, on May 4th, 1918, (suddenly), William Victor, "Billie," aged 7 years, much loved and only child of Jim and Ethel TRAVERS, Southampton, England. 1285


HAWKINS. - Killed in action, Somewhere in France, on April 23rd, Lieut. Humphrey Caesar HAWKINGS, M.C., youngest son of Henry Saesar HAWKINS, Middelburg, Transvaal, grandson of the late Joseph HENDESRON, C.M.G., of Briar Ghyll, and of the late A.C. HAWKINS. 1295



HOSKING. - At South Coast Junction, on May, 6th, 1918, the wife of Norman W. HOSKING, of a daughter. Both well. 1309

SAMUEL. - At the Sanatorium, Maritzburg, on the 6th May, 1918, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter SAMUEL, a son. ei1303


RANDLES. - At Maritzburg, on 3rd May, Hilton, the beloved and eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. RANDLES, aged 4 years and 10 months. 1333


DUFF. - In remembrance of our father, Jeckyl Chalmers DUFF, who died at Maritzburg on 8th May, 1916. 1314


HAWKINS. - 2nd Lieut. Humphrey (Huff) Caesar HAWKINS, M.C., R.F.A., killed in action April 23rd, youngest son of H.C. HAWKINS, of Middleburg, Transvaal, aged 26. 1316



HORNBY. - At Cramond, on May 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. H.M. HORNBY, Cramond, a son. Both well. ei1346

STONE. - To Mr. and Mrs. A. STONE, Riverside, Winterton, on the 6th inst., a son. Both well. 1345


LAIDLER. - On May 2nd, 1918, at Northumberland House, Estcourt, our precious mother, Catherine, dearly loved wife of the late Edward LAIDLER, Estcourt, and Warksworth, Northumberland, only child of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hay, Aberdeen, Scotland. 1341

RANDLES. - At Maritzburg, on 3rd May, Hilton, the beloved and eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. RANDLES, aged 4 years and 10 months. 1333


MULLENS. - Ernest Howard MULLENS ("Howard"), age 19 years 1 month. Son of E.T. and B.H. MULLENS, Holland Lodge, Mountain Rise, Pietermaritzburg. Killed in action, 17th April, 1918, in France, while serving with the S.A. Scottish Regiment. 1342

FRIDAY, MAY 10, 1918


BUCHAN. - On May 4th, at Mrs. Paddy KENNEDY's Nursing Home, Kokstad, to Mr. and Mrs. H. BUCHAN, Creighton, a daughter. 1319


RANDLES. - At Maritzburg, on 3rd May, Hilton, the beloved and eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. RANDLES, aged 4 years and 10 months. 1333


TYLER. - Died of wounds received in France, April 21st, 1918, Arthur TYLER, S.A. Scottish, third son of Mr. and Mrs. A. TYLER, Park Hotel, Bethlehem (late of Maritzburg), aged 21 years.
This we know, Dear Lad-all's well
With the man who has done His Best,
And whether to live or whether he die,
He is sacred high in our memory;
And to God we can leave the Rest. 7454


From Our Own Correspondent
DUNDEE, May 2.
We regret to record the death of Mrs. J.P. WILLIAMS, widow of the late J.P. WILLIAMS, after a long and painful illness.
The late Mrs. WILLIAMS was 73 years of age on the 4th of this month, and was born at Kensington, England.
About 67 years ago she came to Natal, and for the past 18 years has been an established resident of Dundee.
Although she suffered very much for years, she was always cheerful, and was much loved by her many friends, by whom she will be greatly missed.
The deepest sympathy is extended to her sons and daughters and numerous grandchildren in their sad bereavement.
The funeral took place yesterday afternoon, the chief mourners being her sons, Messrs. Arthur, Percy, and Glen WILLIAMS, her son-in-law, Mr. D.P. LINDSAY, and her nephew, Mr. R. WILES.
The Rev. DAVIES, of St. James', read the burial service, and a large number were present at the cemetery to show their last respects.
Floral tributes were sent by the following:- Family, sons and daughters, Flossie and children, Mabel and Gordon, Hughie, Reg and Glen, Charlie and Dorothy, Ida and Leslie, Percy and Hild's children, Glen and Madge's children, Arthur and Addie's children, Girlie and Nancie, Bob and Cissie, Jack, Mabel and family, Tom and Alice, Herbert and Ruby Mrs BUTTERFLY and Agnes, Richard and Mary, Ollie and Walter, Mr and Mrs McPHAIL, Miss McPHAIL, Mr and Mrs THORROLD, Mrs B. Ireland, Mrs HEAD, Mr and Mrs CROSS, Mr Stanley SIMKINS, St. John's School, Mr and Mrs A E de R LABISTOUR, Mrs C F WILLIAMS and family, Mrs TIPPER, Miss HODGE, Mrs BROKENSHA, Mr and Mrs NEUMANN, Mr and Mrs Geo. DANIELL, Mr and Mrs HARTWELL, Mr and Mrs A.A. SMITH, Mrs ROBSON TULLY, Mr and Mrs TALBOT, Mr and Mrs WORTHINGTON, Mr and Mrs WHITFIELD, Mr and Mrs H HORTON, Mr and Mrs C W HEATH, Mr and Mrs EVANS, Mrs KINSMAN and daughters, Master Claude KINSMAN, Mr and Mrs Geo THOMPSON, Mr and Mrs EDDY, Mr and Mrs DALZEL-TURNBULL and sons, Mr Eric DAVIES, Mr and Mrs CORNFORTH, Mr and Mrs A J OLDACRE, Mr and Mrs VAN ROOYEN, Mr and Mrs CARTWRIGHT, and Mr and Mrs YOUNG.

SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1918


DOUGLAS. - At the Sanatorium, on Friday, May 10th, 1918, to Mr. and Mrs. R. DOUGLAS, a daughter. 379

HORNBY. - At Cramond, on May 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. H.M. HORNBY, Cramond, a son. Both well. ei1346


BEALE. - At Maritzburg, on the 9th May, Alexander BEALE, aged 77 years and 6 months, dearly beloved husband of Helen Rayner BEALE. 1371

HARRISON. - At Durban, at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. H. FORSYTH, on May 1st, William HARRISON, late of Knaresborough, Yorkshire, England, in his 77th year. 1390

WILLIAMS. - At her son's residence, Bulwer Street, Dundee, Amy Louisa WILLIAMS, aged 73, on the 5th May, 1918, after a long illness. ei1383


BIRD. - In ever loving memory of our dear Father, William BIRD, late Loco. Inspector, N.G.R., who was called to rest May 10th, 1906. "Until the day breaks and the shadows flee away." 7461

ROGERS. - In loving memory of our darling, Ivan Stanley Charles ROGERS.
A year has passed,
But still we miss him,
Friends may think the wound has healed,
Little do they know the sorrow
Underneath our hearts conceals.
Inserted by his loving Mother and Father.
10th May, 1918. 1384


TYLER. - Died of wounds received in France, April 21st, 1918, Arthur TYLER, S.A. Scottish, third son of Mr. and Mrs. A. TYLER, Park Hotel, Bethlehem (late of Maritzburg), aged 21 years.
This we know, Dear Lad - all's well
With the man who has done His Best,
And whether he live or whether he die,
He is sacred high in our memory;
And to God we can leave the Rest.


The death occurred yesterday morning, at the Sanatorium, of Mr. Alexander BEALE. Deceased, who was 77 years of age, was well known in the City.
For a lengthy period he filled the post of librarian to the Natal Society, from which he retired some 13 years ago. His loss is mourned by a widow and family.
The funeral procession will leave the Sanatorium at 3 p.m. this afternoon, proceeding to the Church of England cemetery.

MONDAY, MAY 13, 1918


DARBYSHIRE. - At Sanatorium, Durban, on 12th April, Alice Annie, wife of Egerton DARBYSHIRE, of Spring Grove, Town Hill, Maritzburg, 51 years. 1396

WILLIAMS. - At her son's residence, Bulwer Street, Dundee, Amy Louisa WILLIAMS, aged 73, on the 5th May, 1918, after a long illness. ei1388

TUESDAY, MAY 14, 1918


WHITE. - At the York Hotel, Victoria Road, on the 7th inst., to Mr. and Mrs. M.H. WHITE, a son. Both well. (Nurse TRELEASE.) 1433


ANDERSON-FAWCETT. - At St. George's Church, Pietermaritzburg, on April 24th, 1918, by Rev. G. JEUDWINE, Vicar of Pinetown, Maxwell, eldest son of the late T.M. and Mrs. ANDERSON, "The Rest,", Pinetown, to Barbara Rose, eldest daughter of C.A. and Mrs. FAWCETT, "Perth Villa," Pietermaritzburg. 1435



HORNER. - At Nurse McKAY's Nursing Home, Murchison Street, Ladysmith, on Monday, 13th May, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred HORNER, a son. 7538

VALENTINE. - At the Sanatorium, Pietermaritzburg, on 4th May, 1918, to Capt. And Mrs. VALENTINE, a son. 1458


HOCKEY-JONES. - At Potchefstroom, on Wednesday, 8th May, 1918, by Special License, Sister Norah Elvena JONES, S.A.M.C., daughter of the late Charles J. JONES, of Ladysmith, to Lieut. Albert Victor HOCKEY, King's African Rifles, of Cala, Cape. 7539

RICHARDS-SINCLAIR. - On 19th March, at Monkston, Ireland, Major Hugh RICHARDS, M.C., R.F.A., son of Major G.R. and Mrs. RICHARDS, of Summer Hill, Mooi River, to Doris, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair, of Rhos-y-Gar, Monkston, County Dublin. 1457


GOURLAY. - In loving memory of my dear husband and our dear father, George GOURLAY, late Driver S.A.R., who passed away peacefully at Durban, on May 16th, 1917. "To memory ever dear." Inserted by his loving wife and family. 7540

BARON-LOWE. - In ever loving memory of my beloved husband, Charles BARON-LOWE, who was called home May 15th, 1912, at Craigielea, Mid-Illovo, Natal.
God called him home; it was His will,
But in our hearts he liveth still,
His memory is as dear to-day
As in the hour he passed away.
Inserted by his loving wife and family. 7555

THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1918


JOWITT. - At the Pinetown Nursing Home, on Tuesday, May 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. H. JOWITT (late of Edendale), a bonny daughter. Both well. 1476


BOYES-INMAN. - On the 15th inst., at St. Peter's Church, by the Rev. H.S. CHIGNELL, Robert Nairne BOYES, son of the late Major W.G. BOYES and Mrs. BOYES, to Minnie Helen INMAN, youngest daughter of the late Mr. C.L. INMAN and Mrs. INMAN, of Pietermaritzburg. 1482

HAYTER-WHITE. - On 7th may, by Special License, at Capetown, Bertie HAYTER, of Bitterne Park, Southampton, England, to Josie Judith WHITE, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F.W. WHITE, 58, Payn Street, P.M. Burg. 1488


BAKEWELL. - In loving memory of our dear son, husband, and brother, Charles Henry BAKEWELL (Soney), who died on May 16th, 1915, at Bethlehem.
Far and oft our thoughts do wander
To a grave so far away,
Where our loved one was laid
Just three years ago to-day.
Time cannot fill the vacant void,
Nor from our memory tear,
The face and form we loved so well,
'Twill dwell for ever there,
We think of him in silence,
His name we often call;
There is nothing left to answer
But his photo on the wall.
Ever remembered by his loving parents, wife, sisters, and brother. 1491

FRIDAY, MAY 17, 1918


MARSHALL. - At Dundee, at the residence of May, the wife of Lieut. H.A. CARBUTT, M.G.C., of a son. 1494


HAYTER-WHITE. - On 7th May, by Special License, at Capetown, Bertie HAYTER, of Bitterne Park, Southampton, England, to Josie Judith WHITE, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F.W. WHITE, 58, Payn Street, Pietermaritzburg.


MARSHALL. - At Dunee, at the residence of Mr. J.E. HONYWILL, on May 12th, 1918, Sarah Marshall. Aged 85. 1516

(Note: Should read 'Dundee')


THIES. - In ever loving memory of our dear husband and father, Peter Heinrich Johannes THIES, who died 18th May, 1917.
With patience he suffered,
His troubles are o'er,
Now they are ended,
He suffers no more,
He sleeps; we leave him
In silence to rest,
The parting was painful,
But God knoweth best. 1522

WALSH. - In affectionate remembrance of Pte. John Geo. WALSH, second beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. T.A. WALSH, who died somewhere in G.E. Africa, 21st May, 1916, aged 31 years 8 months.
Had we but seen him still in life and watched his dying bed; Caught the last flickering of his breath and pillowed his dying head, Our hearts, we think, would not have felt the bitterness of grief, But God has willed it otherwise, so now he lies in peace. 1505

SATURDAY, MAY 18, 1918


CARBUTT. - At Eastbourne, on the 8th May, the wife of Lieut. H.A. CARBUTT, M.G.C., of a son. 1494

STIRTON. - At the Sanatorium, Maritzburg, May 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. C.H. STIRTON, Glenariff, Polela, a son. Both well. ei1531

WEEKES. - At the Sanatorium, on May 14th, the wife of A.S. WEEKES, Clough Street, of a son. 1528


BURRELL. - At the Sanatorium, Maritzburg, on May 17, William Reginald BURRELL, aged 54 years. 1541

COLE. - At Llewellyn, East Griqualand, May 7th, Randall, dearly beloved husband of Margaret COLE, and third son of Mr. and Mrs. James COLE, Riverside. 1533

MARSHALL. - At Dundee, at the residence of Mr. J.E. HONYWILL, on May 12th, 1918, Sarah MARSHALL. Aged 85. 1516


WHEELER. - Killed in action. Somewhere in France, on May 9th, Lieut. Alec J.P. WHEELER, aged 24 years, eldest beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. H.E. WHEELER, 17, Pietermaritz Street. "Pro Aris Et Focis." 7598


THIES. - In ever loving memory of our dear husband and father, Peter Heinrich Johannes THIES, who died 18th May, 1917.
With patience he suffered,
His troubles are o'er,
Now they are ended,
He suffers no more,
He sleeps; we leave him
In silence to rest,
The parting was painful,
But God knoweth best. 1522

MONDAY, MAY 20, 1918


STIRTON. - At the Sanatorium, Maritzburg, May 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. C.H. STIRTON, Glenariff Polela, a son. Both well. ei1531



The Engagement is announced of Bessie, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.J. VERMAAK, Spekfontein, Krantzkop, to Christo, son of Mr. I.S. RABIE, Vrijheid. 1563

TUESDAY, MAY 21, 1918


MACDONNEL. - To Mr. and Mrs. C.O. MacDONNELL, of Olivier's Hoek, a son. Both well. 1576


SHAW. - On the 19th May, at Grey's Hospital, Frances M. Shaw, wife of A.SHAW, of Howick. 7670

UNSWORTH. - At Grey's Hospital, on May 15th, 1918, Margaret UNSWORTH, aged 51. 7644


BRUYNS. - In loving memory of my dear husband, Henry BRUYNS, who died at Welgelegen, on May 21st, 1917.
Days of sadness still come o'er us,
Tears of sorrow often flow,
Our memory keeps our loved one near us,
Though death claimed him one year ago.
Inserted by his loving Wife and Children.

FARROW. - In ever loving memory of my dear sister, Mary Evelyn FARROW, who departed this life at Pietermaritzburg, on 21st May, 1916. "To memory ever dear." 1583

ROLL OF HONOUR - In Memoriam

WALSH. - In affectionate remembrance of Pte. John Geo. WALSH, second beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. T.A. WALSH, who died somewhere in G.E. Africa, 21st May, 1916, aged 31 years 8 months.
Had we but seen him still in life and watched his dying bed; Caught the last flickering of his breath and pillowed his dying head, Our hearts, we think, would not have felt the bitterness of grief,
But God has willed it otherwise, so now, he lies in peace. 1505



Mr. William Garrett GOOCH, for nearly fifty years a resident of Maritzburg, died at Grey's Hospital on Friday evening, and was buried in the Church of England Cemetery on the following afternoon.
He had been in failing health for several years past. Born in 1842 in Laxfield, near Framlingham, Suffolk, the deceased gentleman was the son of Mr. George GOOCH and grandson of Mr. John Nance GOOCH, of Brundish Hall, near Framlingham. After three years spent in the counting house of Messrs. J.B.W. NEVILLE & Co., silk and general merchants, Gresham Street, London, the late Mr. GOOCH came out to the Cape and, joining the Frontier Mounted POLICE, served in that force under Col. BOWKER at Fort Bowker.
Leaving the Police in 1863, Mr. Gooch travelled overland to Maritzburg on horseback, a journey occupying ten days, and settled in the City. His early employers were Mr. C.B. BUCK, trader, Church Street, Messrs. A.W. EVANS and Co., wholesale merchants, Paul Henwood and Co., ironmongers, Henderson & Scott, Kershaw and Co., and Messrs. Harwin and Co., with which latter firm he was for many years. Mr GOOCH afterwards carried on business as a produce dealer in Chapel Street, and latterly lived in retirement with his relatives at Durban near Camperdown.
His wife predeceased him nine years ago. She was a daughter of the late Mr. Henry SPIKINGS, veterinary surgeon. Mr. GOOCH was a chorister at St. Saviour's in the early days of the Cathedral.
The funeral was attended by Mr. and Mrs. R. SAVAGE (niece), Mrs. GOODING, Councillors S. STRANACK and A. HARWIN, Messrs. A. LLOYD, J.T. HENDERSON, P. MERRICK, A.R. HOPKINS, F.G. BURCHELL, and by a number of inmates of the Victoria Memorial Home for Aged Men, with which the deceased had been latterly associated. The South African Mounted Rifles were represented by Sergt.-Major BEARD. The service was conducted by the Rev. Hugh. S. CHIGNELL , Vicar of St. Peter's. There were many beautiful wreaths.



ROXBURGH-HUTCHINSON. - On the 17th April, 1918, at the Congregational Church, by the Rev. Mearns MASSIE, J.W. ROXBURGH, of Mount Ngwibi, to Vida Jolly, youngest daughter of Mrs. and the late, W.J. HUTCHINSON, 337, Bulwer Street, Maritzburg. 1604


SHAW. - At Grey's Hospital, Maritzburg, on the 19th inst., Frances M. SHAW, wife of Alfred SHAW, Shawswood, Shafton Grange. 7681

UNSWORTH. - At Grey's Hospital, on May 15th, 1918, Margaret UNSWORTH, aged 51. 7544


MOORE. - In memory of my beloved daughter, Agnes Butler MOORE, who departed this life 22nd May, 1915.
You are not forgotten, Agnes, dear,
Never will you be,
As long as life, and memory, lasts,
I will remember thee. - R.I.P. 1611


From Our Own Correspondent
General regret was expressed at the news of the death, after a very short illness, of Mr. George Alfred THOMPSON, a driver on the S.A. Railways. The deceased had resided in Ladysmith for many years, and was a son of the late A.B. THOMPSON, one time Mayor of Ladysmith, and of Mrs. THOMPSON, of Upper Murchiston Street. He was a man of quiet unassuming character, beloved by all his fellow workers, and was only 38 years of age.
The funeral, which took place on Saturday afternoon, was attended by a very large crowd of his fellow-workmen and other citizens of the town. The funeral was almost semi-military, the pall-bearers being all men in khaki, who recently joined for service overseas, and were in Ladysmith on a few days' leave, as was also his brother, Frank THOMPSON. The chief mourners were his two brothers, Charlie and Frank, sisters Florence and Mabel, brothers-in-law McNEIL, W. WATTS, and H.E. PERFECT, and his nieces, Doris, Mabel and Stella. The pall-bearers were Privates H.H. EATON, T. TURNBULL, B. PENN, L. TRESSIE, G. ROBERTS, and H. BAXTER. A most impressive service was conducted at the graveside by the Rev. W. TURNBULL.
Among the large collection of beautiful floral tributes were noticed wreaths from Mother, Sisters and Brothers, Stella, Cecil, Oswald, Nieces and Nephews, Uncle George, Charlie and Bella, Fellow Workmen, Mr. and Mrs. F.W. BEVIS, Mr. and Mrs. J. HEFFNER, Mr. and Mrs. MASSIE, Mr. and Mrs. PERFECT, Mr. and Mrs. EATON, Mr. and Mrs. MacNEILL, M.T. ELLISON, and many others.

THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1918


FERGUSON. - At Himeville, on May 20th, 1918, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert FERGUSON, of Dunraven, Polela, a daughter. 1629

FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1918


POWER. - On the 20th inst., at the Sanatorium, to Mr. and Mrs. W.M. POWER, a son. 1652


THOMPSON. - At Ladysmith, on May 17th, George Alfred, eldest beloved son of the late A.B. THOMPSON, Esq., and Mrs. A. THOMPSON. Aged 38 years. "Peace, Pefect Peace." 1653

Note: Should read "Peace, Perfect Peace."


HACKNEY. - In loving memory of my dear husband (and father) John HACKNEY, who departed this life on the 24th May, 1914. Thy will be done. 1638

SATURDAY, MAY 25, 1918


TUCKER-BERRYMAN. - On the 19th March, at "Holy Trinity" Church, Guildford, England, by the Rev. E.C. KIRWAN, Rector, Frederick James TUCKER, Barrister-at-Law, of the Inner Temple, eldest surviving son of Frederick Nugent TUCKER, of the Grey House, Epsom, late of Ingham, Maritzburg, to Benedicta, eldest daughter of the late Rev. C.P. BERRYMAN, Vicar of Camberley, and Mrs. BERRYMAN, of Delaford, Guildford. 1610


HULME. - In ever loving memory of our darling, Vivian Victor who passed away at Ladysmith, on 26th May, 1917.
'Tis one sad year since that sad day,
That our darling Vivian was called away.
The call was short, the shock severe,
To part with one we loved so dear,
Gone is the face we loved so dear,
Silent the voice we long to hear.
Though in the grave he calmly sleeps,
His spirit shines above,
Safe and secure the Saviour keeps,
The one we dearly loved.
Inserted by his sorrowing Granny, Daddy, and Mumma. 7721

MONDAY, MAY 27, 1918


BOYD. - At Hatting Spruit, on 15th May, 1918, to Mr. and Mrs. E. BOYD, a daughter. Both well.

NICOLSON. - At 523, Prince Alfred Street, Maritzburg, on May 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. T. NICOLSON, of Underberg, a son. Still born. 1675

TUESDAY, MAY 28, 1918


GOODWIN. - At Homerton, P.M. Burg, on the 22nd May, to Mr. and Mrs. A.F. GOODWIN, a son. Both well. 1708

HYAM. - At the Sanatorium, on 26th May, 1918, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter HYAM, a son. Both well. 1709

NICOLSON. - At 523, Prince Alfred Street, Maritzburg, on May 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. T. NICOLSON, of Underberg, a son. Still born. 1675


From Our Own Correspondent
Very deep regret is felt at the death of Mr. A.J. JOHNSTONE ('Gus'), which took place at Newcastle Hospital. Mr JOHNSTONE, who was born in 1871, resided at Craigholm, Lang's Nek, Charlestown, and was well known in this district. He was a son of Mr. F.A.R. JOHNSTONE.
The funeral took place at Newcastle Cemetery, the burial service being conducted by the Rev. Arthur MAY. Many friends attended, including the brother-in-law of the deceased, the Hon. A.G. ROBERTSON, Administrator of the Transvaal, Mr. STRUBEN, C.M.G., Mr. Edward STRUBEN, Mr. Thomas, Lang's Nek, and numerous Volksrust gentlemen.
The deceased gentleman was a kind friend to Charlestown Public School, and none mourn his death more sincerely than the scholars. When his death became known, the upper classes sent to Mrs. JOHNSTONE a telegram of sympathy, and they prepared and sent to the home a beautiful wreath.



CUMMING. - At Mrs. PORTER's, Ladysmith, on 20th May, 1918, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. J.W. CUMMING, of Burnside, Glencoe Junction, a daughter. 1732


VAN AARDT. - Thos. Wolseley VAN AARDT, late Natal Carbineers, died of illness contracted during South-West Campaign, May 29th, 1915, at Johannesburg. Inserted by his sorrowing Mother and Relatives. "Thy will be done." 7799


From Our Own Correspondent
It is with regret that I have to record the death on Sunday evening of the residence of her daughter, Mrs. STANTON, of Mrs. F. MATTHEW, widow of the late Mr. George MATTHEW, of this town.
The deceased was 68 years of age, and had been ailing for sime time past.
(Note: should read 'some' time past)
She was one of our oldest residents, and successfully carried on a boarding house in town for many years. The funeral was largely attended, and took place at the local cemetery yesterday afternoon. The oak coffin bore many floral tributes, and an impressive service was conducted at the graveside by the Rev. T.D. ROGERS, Wesleyan Church.
The deceased is survived by four daughters and two sisters, as well as a family of eight grown-up sons and daughters, to mourn their loss, to whom we extend our deepest sympathy.



It is with greatest regret that we have to announce the death of Mr. Alexander VASSALL, who died as a result of the shooting accident at Isezela last Sunday.
Before going to Isezela some two years ago, where he has since been working, he was for many years connected with the S.A.R. workshops at Maritzburg, where his unfortunate end is deeply regretted by the whole number of his fellow-workmen and also by his large circle of friends. The funeral took place at the Church of England Cemetery on Tuesday, the 28th inst. There were many beautiful wreaths sent, showing the esteem in which the deceased was held by all who knew him. The sympathy of all is extended to his widow in her great loss.
Wreaths were sent from: His sorrowing wife, Sir Frank and Lady REYNOLDS, Mr. and Mrs. Denoon STEVENS, Mr. and Mrs. TOOMS, Mr. and Mrs. R.F. SMITH, Mr. and Mrs. KAINE and family, Mr. and Mrs. F.S. TENANT, Mr and Mrs. HIRST, Mr. and Mrs. OXENHAM and Bob, Mr. and Mrs. MOUCKMAN and Miss NICHOLSON, Oliver and Mary, Kate and Jessie, work mates S.A.R., Capt. And Mrs. HOLMES, and employees, REYNOLDS Bros., Ltd., 5 wreaths.

FRIDAY, MAY 31, 1918


CHRISTOPHER. - At Selbourne, Ladysmith, on 23rd May, 1918, to Mr. and Mrs. W.J. CHRISTOPHER, a son. 1779


STAKES-CURRY. - On the 28th inst., by special license, George Burnell STAKES, son of George Burnell STAKES, of Headingley, Leeds, England, to Elsie Jean CURRY, second daughter of the late Alfred CURRY, of Magtenberg, Karkloof, and of Mrs. CURRY, Maritzburg. 1778


BENNITT-HARMSWORTH. - The marriage is arranged to take place at St. Paul's Church, Durban, on Monday, 3rd June, at 2.30 p.m., between Mr. G.T. BENNITT and Miss D. HARMSWORTH. At home, 39, Park Street. 1775


PADFIELD. - In loving memory of my dear mother, Lucy PADFIELD, who died May 31st, 1909. Inserted by her daughter, Mrs. WILLIAMS. 1772

ROLL OF HONOUR - In Memoriam.

HOWES. - In France, on May 18th, 1918, of the effects of gas, Edgar Lewis HOWES, S.A.I., second son of Mrs. K.S. HOWES, of "Welcome Home," Highflats, aged 30 years. ei7866



SINCLAIR. - At "The Ridges," Ihluku, on May 23rd, 1918, Celia HOOPER (nee HOOPER), dearly beloved wife of George SINCLAIR, aged 67, after a long and painful illness patiently borne. "Only gone Home, your Home and mine." Home papers please copy. 1786

ROLL OF HONOUR - In Memoriam

HOWES. - In France, on May 18th, 1918, of the effects of gas, Edgar Lewis HOWES, S.A.I., second son of Mrs. K.S. HOWES, of "Welcome Home," Highflats, aged 30 years. ei7866

MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1918


SINCLAIR. - At Beinn Mheadhon, The Dargle, on May 31st, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald SINCLAIR, a daughter. Both well. 1817

ROLL OF HONOUR - In Memoriam

HOWES. - In France, on May 18th, 1918, of the effects of gas, Edgar Lewis HOWES, S.A.I., second son of Mrs. K.S. HOWES, of "Welcome Home," Highflats, aged 30 years. ei7866


BUSH. - At the Sanatorium, Pietermaritzburg, on the 3rd June, 1918, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. BUSH, a son. 1826

DEANE. - On May 30th, at Winn Holme, Linden Road, to Mr. and Mrs. Percy DEANE (nee McKENZIE), a bonnie baby girl. Both well. 1822

ELY. - On May 29th, at Havelock Nursing Home, to Mr. and Mrs. Clifford ELY, of Benoni, Transvaal, a daughter. Both well. 7922

SINCLAIR. - At Beinn Mheadhon, The Dargle, on May 31st, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald SINCLAIR, a daughter. Both well. 1817


COMINS. - On 26th May, at the Sanatorium, Rosa Margaret COMINS, wife of R.W. COMINS, of Shallow Spruit, Albert Falls. ei1824

HEYDENREICH. - At 11, Loop Street, on Sunday morning, the 2nd inst., Hetta Bella, the darling wife of Sydney HEYDENREICH, passed away suddenly, but peacefully. Deeply mourned by her heart-broken Husband, Children and Relatives. - M.H.D.S.R.I.P. 1825


BOWMAN. - In loving memory of George BOWMAN, who died at "Monte Christo," Colenso, June 4th, 1915. Inserted by his Sorrowing Wife and Family. 1829



HATTINGH. - On 29th May, 1918, to Mr. and Mrs. I.J. HATTINGH, of Matiwane, at Nurse SIMPSON's, Ladysmith, a daughter. Both well. 1852

SINCLAIR. - At Beinn Mheadhon, The Dargle, on May 31st, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald SINCLAIR, a daughter. Both well. 1817


KEYTER-BOTHA. - At Greytown, on May 28th, Gabriel, only son of the late Chris KEYTER, to Marie, eldest daughter of Mrs. P.R. BOTHA, "Fleur de Lys." 1855


COMINS. - On 26th May, at the Sanatorium, Rosa Margaret COMINS, wife of R.W. COMINS, of Shallow Spruit, Albert Falls. ei1824

ODENDAAL. - On June 2nd, 1918, Johannes Petrus ODENDAAL, of Dalton, aged 71 years and 10 months. 1818


BERRY. - In loving memory of our dear Father, Rev. W. BERRY, who passed away June 5th, 1916. Inserted by Alex and Ada. 1860



ARBUTHNOT. - On 3rd June, to Mr. and Mrs. Guy ARBUTHNOT, of Ixopo (nee HARFORD), at Sanatorium, Maritzburg, a daughter. Both well. 1876

KELLY. - At Stutterheim, Cape Province, on 4th June, to Mr. and Mrs. Hugh KELLY, a son. Both well. 1887

HATTINGH. - On 29th May, 1918, to Mr. and Mrs. I.J. HATTINGH, of Matiwane, at Nurse SIMPSON's, Ladysmith, a daughter. Both well. 1852


BERRY. - In loving memory of our dear Father, Rev. W. BERRY, who passed away June 5th, 1916. Inserted by Alex and Ada. 1860

LAVERTON. - John LAVERTON, 2nd S.A.R., who died in Zomba, Nyassaland, June 7th, 1917. Gone but not forgotten. 7957

LUMLEY. - In loving memory of Margaret LUMLEY, who died June 6th, 1917.
You are not forgotten, mother, dear,
Nor ever will you be,
As long as life and memory last
We will remember thee.
Inserted by her sorrowing Husband and Children. 1859

FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 1918


GARDEN. - At the Sanatorium, on 6th inst., to Mr. and Mrs. W. Urquhart GARDEN, of Nottingham Road, a son. 1904

MARTIN. - At Nurse SCHURING's Home, 76, Douglas Street, Dundee, on the 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. H. MARTIN, a daughter. 1908

ROLL OF HONOUR - In Memoriam

LAVERTON. - John LAVERTON, 2nd S.A.R., who died in Zomba, Nyassaland, June 7th, 1917. Gone but not forgotten. 7957

SALTER. - Harry SALTER, killed in action in France, on 7th June, 1917. "To memory ever Dear." Inserted by his brother, George. 1925



ALLEN. - At South African Collieries, Glencoe Junction, on May 31st, to Mr. and Mrs. David ALLEN, a daughter. Dr. FISHER and Nurse GRISSAER in attendance. 1945

HEENEN. - At Yorkshire Nursing Home, Florida Road, Durban, on the 5th inst., to Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. HEENAN, Tongaat, a son. 1941

WYLDE-BROWNE. - On the 26th May, at Ladysmith Sanatorium, the wife of H.C. WYLDE-BROWNE, Weenen, of a son. 1955


McCULLOUGH-KENMUIR. - On the 5th inst., at St. Peter's Cathedral, by the Rev. H.S. CHIGNELL, Gerald Eustace McCULLOUGH, of Willow Bank, Mid-Illovo, to Doris Muriel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. KENMUIR, Parkside, Maritzburg. 1956


SCHOFIELD. - At the Provincial Hospital, Port Elizabeth, on 1st June, Christina Burnett, dearly beloved wife of Arthur C. SCHOFIELD, of P.M. Burg, late of Uitenhage. 1954


GINSBERG. - In loving memory of our dear mother, Annie GINSBERG, who died at Maritzburg, on the 8th June, 1914. Ever remembered by her children, Israel, Ettie, and Alec. 8011

SCHWEGMANN. - In loving memory of our beloved and devoted husband and father, H.J.H. SCHWEGMANN, "John," who departed this life June 9th, 1916, at 251, Gale Street, Durban.
We only mourn in silence,
No eyes doth see us weep,
But deep within our inmost hearts,
Your memory we keep.
Inserted by his loving Wife and Children. 1962

WOODLEY. - In loving memory of Aggie, beloved daughter of Mrs. PRINGLE, 300, Loop Street, who died June 8th, 1915.
God called her home, it was His will,
But in our hearts she liveth still,
Her memory is as dear to-day,
As in the hour she passed away. 1939

MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1918


BALDWIN. - On 5th June, to Mr. and Mrs. HARCOURT-BALDWIN, of Umfolozi, at Newcastle, a son. Both well. 1967

WESTRAY. - On 6th June, at Para, Elandslaagte, to Mr. and Mrs. James WESTRAY, a son. Both well. Nurse HANCOCK, C.M.C., in attendance. 1973


WOODLEY-LABISTOUR. - At St. James' Church, Dundee, on 3rd June, by the Rev. F. DAVIES, Doris, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.E. de ROQUEFEUIL LABISTOUR, to Lieutenant WOODLEY, 1st S.A.M.R., Windhoek. 8034


HANSON. - In loving remembrance of Willie, who passed away on the 9th June, 1917.
Though he's gone he's not forgotten,
'Tis sweet to breathe his name;
In life we loved him dearly,
In death we do the same.
Inserted by his Fiancee. 1987

TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 1918


POOLE. – In loving memory of my beloved little grandson, "Joey POOLE" (Nana's boy), who departed this life 11th June, 1903. "Gone, but not forgotten." 1978



CADWELL. – At the Sanatorium, Durban, on June 7th, 1918, to Mr. and Mrs. J.G. CADWELL, "of Dundee," a daughter. Both doing well. 2018

LEWITT. – At the Sanatorium, Maritzburg, on June 8th, 1918, to Mr. and Mrs. W.A. LEWITT, of Creighton, a son.


JOHNSON-WALKER. – By special licence, on the 1st June, 1918, Albert Bernard JOHNSON, of Durban, to Nellie Moffat, eldest daughter of Tom WALKER, Esq., 43, Walls Avenue, Durban, and late of P.M. Burg. No cards. 2023


MATHIESON. – At Grey's Hospital, P.M. Burg, on the 2nd June, 1918, Catharine, beloved wife of D. MATHIESON, aged 36 years. Deeply mourned. Home papers please copy. 2027


(Delayed in Transmission).
LONDON, June 5.
A Reuter telegram from Indianapolis, says the death is announced of Mr. C.W. FAIRBANKS, a former Vice-President of the United States. – Reuter's Special Service.


CAPETOWN, June 10.
The death took place yesterday, at the residence at Sea Point, of Mr. Edward Knolles GREEN, eldest son of the late Mr. E.K. GREEN, founder of the well-known firm of wine and spirit merchants.
Deceased, who was in his fifty-third year, was manager of the firm, and had been in poor health for the last twelve months. He married twice, and leaves a widow and five children. – Reuter



CALDWELL. – At the Sanatorium, Durban, on June 7th, 1918, to Mr. and Mrs. J.G. CALDWELL, "of Dundee," a daughter. Both doing well. ei2018

BARNES-STANSFIELD. – At Caversham Church, on the 5th June, by the Rev. E. HODKIN, Mary Rose, fourth daughter of the late H.J. STANSFIELD and Mrs. STANSFIELD, of Riversfield, to Philip Barnes, of Giant's Castle Game Reserve. 2055

FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 1918



The well-known Anglican missionary and clergyman, the Rev. Thomas W. GREEN, the greater part of whose long and active life was spent in this district, died on the 1st inst. Mr. GREEN,
who had reached the age of 77 years, had been in failing health for the last two years, but was in full possession of all his faculties up to the last.
The Rector, the Rev. A. MOULTRIE, conducted the funeral service which was also attended by the Rev. D. MABOEE, and a number of natives. They hymns sung were
"How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds," and "On the Resurrection Morning." The European mourners included all the representative people of the town, and many from the district.
The chief mourners were the widow, and the deceased's daughters, Mrs. GARDNER, Mrs. G.E. SEYMOUR, Mrs. W. SEYMOUR, and Mrs. ECKARD; niece, Mrs. C.F. DAVID, Messrs G.E. and W.M. SEYMOUR, and Mr. and Mrs. TAYLOR, of Mount Ayliff.



FISHER-NORGATE. – On the 12th June, at St. Matthew's Church, by the Rev. R.P. ROGERS, Charles William Sealy FISHER, of Johannesburg, son of the late Rev. H. Sealy FISHER and Mrs. Sealy FISHER, of Fareham, Hants, to Sheila Gertrude, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.W.R. NORGATE, Estcourt. 3006

JENKINS-KYNASTON. – On the 6th instant, at the Roman Catholic Church, by the Rev. Father SERRIER, James (Jem) Kerr Bowman JENKINS, of Mooi River, to Edith Agnes, youngest daughter of Mrs. M. KYNASTON, Maritzburg. No cards. 5012

SQUIRE-HOLLAND. – On the 5th of June, at the Roman Catholic Church, by the Rev. Father KELLY, Albert Claude SQUIRE, only son of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. SQUIRE, of Willow Grange, to Kathleen Jessie HOLLAND, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. HOLLAND, "City View," Town Hill, Maritzburg.


BEDWELL. – In loving memory of my darling son and brother (Harry) Henry Charles BEDWELL, who fell asleep July 16th, 1914. "Peace, Perfect Peace." 3019

BUTLER. – In loving memory of my dearly beloved son, William Patrick BUTLER, who departed this life 15th June, 1897. To memory ever dear. – R.I.P. 1979

VANDERPLANK. – In loving memory of dear Victor, who passed away on 15th June, 1917. Inserted by Jack, Vera, Rosebud and Doreen. 3013

MONDAY, JUNE 17, 1918


GREGORY. – At 183, Boom Street, Maritzburg, on the 15th inst., to Mr. and Mrs. F.H. GREGORY, a son. 3057


LUPTON-WALLER. – At St. Thomas' Church, Durban, June 12th, 1918, by Rev. POTTER, Sackville LUPTON, second son of Dr. LUPTON, Stratford-on-Avon, England, to Hilda Isabel May WALLER, eldest daughter of the late J.P. WALLER, Judge, Native High Court, Natal, and Mrs. WALLER, Durban. 3037

SQUIRE-HOLLAND. - On the 5th of June, at the Roman Catholic Church, by the Rev. Father KELLY, Albert Claude SQUIRE, only son of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. SQUIRE, of Willow Grange, to Kathleen Jessie HOLLAND, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. HOLLAND, "City View," Town Hill, Maritzburg.


ADLAM. – On June 9th, at Addington Hospital, Ada Dorothy, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S.G. ADLAM, aged 24 years. 8142



(Delayed in Transmission.)
LONDON, June 13.
A Reuter message from Milan reports the death of Arrigo Boito, the Italian poet, composer and librettist. – Reuter's Special Service.


Arrigo Boito, poet and composer, was born on February 24, 1842, being the brother of Camille BOITO, the critic. He entered the Conservatoire of Milan in 1853. He travelled France, Poland,
and Germany, where he became one of Wagner's disciples. His first work was "Le Mefistofele," which, when produced in 1868 at La Scala, Milan, met with a startling failure,
but when reproduced in 1875 at Mologna achieved an immediate success. His other operas are "Nerone," "Ero e Leandro," "La Sorella d'Italia," and "Oda all' Arte."
He published in 1877 "Libro dei versi" and "Re Orso." He was, however, chiefly known as a librettist.

TUESDAY, JUNE 18, 1918


GOLD. – At Sanatorium, Maritzburg, to Mr. and Mrs. (Harry) GOLD, of Woodend, Polela, on the 12th inst., a daughter. Both doing well. 3065

MYERSON. – To Mr. and Mrs. MYERSON (nee M. HARDIE), on the 13th June, at 10, Macfarlane Street, a daughter. Both well. Nurse WELLS in attendance. 3073


JONES-HARROD. - At the Wesleyan Church, Boshoff Street, Maritzburg, on Tuesday, June 11th, 1918, by Rev. J.H. ROBERTS, Horace Norman, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. N.F. JONES,

69, Union Street, Dundee, to Emily, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. HARROD, Chase Valley, Maritzburg. 3068



(Delayed in Transmission.)
LONDON, June 14.
The death is announced of the Rev. James DRUMMOND, Principal of Manchester College, Oxford, a great theologian. – Reuter's Special Service


From Our Own Correspondent
The death occurred on Thursday of Mrs. W. DERRICK, an old lady, 87 years of age. The deceased lady was well known in Ladysmith, Natal, where she resided before coming to Volksrust.
Three sons are at the front, one of whom was wounded recently, and it is believed that anxiety on their behalf hastened her end.
The Rev. J.S. LISTER, Presbyterian Church, conducted the funeral service. Mrs. DERRICK was a native of Dumfries, Scotland.



McKENZIE-ANDERSON. – At St. Luke's Church, P.M. Burg, on June 8th, 1918, by Rev. W.C. DEW, Roy Douglas McKENZIE, Richmond, to Avis Lily, only daughter of Mrs. H. ANDERSON, Richmond. 3080

SLATTER-LAYMAN. – On June 12th, 1918, at S. James' Church, Greytown, by the Ven. Archdeacon PENNINGTON, Walter Stanhope, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. SLATTER, of Holmlacy, Greytown, to Elizabeth Milna (Betty), elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. LAYMAN, of Purbrook, Greytown. 3097 (Note: Should read "St. James' Church")


BEARD. – In memory of my faithful, loving husband, James Edwin BEARD, who passed away June 19th, 1917. 3088



HILL. – At the Sanatorium, Pietermaritzburg, on June 13th, 1918, to Mr. and Mrs. Laurence HILL, of "Delville," Maritzburg, a son. Both well. (Home papers please copy.) 3122


In loving, unfailing memory of my dear husband, J. RALFE, who passed away June 25th, 1908.
Beyond the stars no storm will beat,
No thorns will pierce our weary feet,
No sad good-bye's we e'er shall say,
And see fond faces glide away.
Forms that here we seek in vain,
There we'll clasp their hands again,
Only Beyond – It links us closer still. 8209

PAVELY. – In loving memory of Arthur Phillip PAVELY, the beloved husband and loving father, who passed suddenly and peacefully away June 20th, 1907. "God's finger touched him, and he slept." To memory ever dear. 8105

FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1918


BALLENDEN. – At the Sanatorium, Maritzburg, on the 19th instant, the wife of C.W. BALLENDEN, of Berlin, C.P., a daughter. 3151



The death took place yesterday morning, in the Sanatorium, of Mrs. R.J. REDMAN, of 136, Longmarket Street. Mrs. REDMAN was 32 years of age, and leaves a husband and six children to mourn their loss. The large attendance at her funeral yesterday testified to the esteem in which she was held by a large circle of friends, and to the sympathy felt for her husband, Mr. REDMAN, as a member of the City Tramway Staff.
Mr. FINLAYSON (Tramways' Manager) and a number of motormen and conductors followed the remains. Wreaths and other floral tributes were sent by the following relations and friends: - Husband and Children; Mother and Sister; Mother; George and Dorothy; Maria and Billy; Mr and Mrs KEITHLEY; Mr and Mrs CLARK; Joe; Mr and Mrs HEMINGWAY; Mrs THOMPSON; Nurse YATES; Mrs BALL; Mr and Mrs Frank ALLENSON; Friends at Home; Mrs FRANKISH, "Kathleen"; Tramway Staff; Mrs BARBER; Mr and Mrs TROTTER, "Wiola"; Mr and Mrs C H FROMELL and family; Leng; and others.
Rev. CHAPMAN, of the Baptist Church, officiated at the graveside. The deceased was a member of the Baptist Church.



COOPER. – Frederick William COOPER passed away at Park Rynie, on June 21st, in his 62nd year, leaving a wife and nine children to mourn their loss. 3185

THOMPSON. – At the Sanatorium, Maritzburg, on Tuesday, June 18th, Winifred Margaret, daughter of Fred and Margaret THOMPSON, of "Clover," Creighton. 3184


SMITH. – In ever loving memory of Edeith Lillian Smith, who died on the 24th June, 1916. Inserted by Mother and Sister. 3167


KINGHORN. – Died of wounds, somewhere in France, on May 30th, Alex KINGHORN, aged 24, dearly loved son of Mr. and Mrs. A. KINGHORN, Umtwalumi (late of Ladysmith). 8230

MONDAY, JUNE 24, 1918


CRONEEN-TRANMER. – At Woodlands, on June 17th, by the Rev. A.G. HOBSON, Brian, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Seymour CRONEEN, Dulwich, England, to Gladys May, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. TRANMER, of Woodlands, Lobatsi, Bechuanaland Protectorate. 8312


BLAKE. – In loving memory of Vere W.L. BLAKE, who died June 24th, 1917. R.I.P.
In life beloved,
In death deeply lamented.
Inserted by his widow and children. 3188

SMITH. – In ever loving memory of Edeith Lillian SMITH, who died on the 24th June, 1916. Inserted by Mother and Sister. 3167

SMITH. – In loving memory of our dear daughter and sister, who departed this life June 24th, 1916. Gone, but not forgotten.

TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 1918


FLY. – At the Sanatorium, Loop Street, Maritzburg, to Mr. and Mrs. W.J. FLY, of Vaucluse, Eland's Kop, a son. 8251

MITCHELL. – At 15, Syndicate Street, on Friday, 21st June, Mrs. G.S. MITCHELL, a son. Both well. 3210

STEEL. – At the Sanatorium, Maritzburg, to Mr. and Mrs. H.G. STEEL, of Botha's Pass, a son. 3209

TURNBULL. – To Mr. and Mrs. T. TURNBULL, a son, on the 23rd June, at Nurse GILLESPIE's Home, 401, Church Street.


EPPEL-HALE. – At 626, Umbilo Road, Durban, on June 20th, 1918, Mark EPPEL, of Durban, to Effie HALE, of Maritzburg. 3214


In loving, unfailing memory of my dear husband, J. RALFE, who passed away June 25th, 1908.
Beyond the stars no storm will beat,
No thorns will pierce our weary feet,
No sad good-bye's we e'er shall say,
And see fond faces glide away.
Forms that here we seek in vain,
There we'll clasp their hand again,
Only Beyond – It links us closer still.



FLY. – At the Sanatorium, Loop Street, Maritzburg, to Mr. and Mrs. W.J. FLY, of Vaucluse, Eland's Kop, a son. 8251

MACKAY. – At Scheeper's Nek, on June 21, to Mr. and Mrs. D.M. MACKAY, a daughter. Both well. Nurse ACKHURST in attendance. 3238


SWAN. – At Fern Hill, on the 23rd inst., Catherine Edmond (Kitty), the third daughter of the late James Swan, of Fern Hill, aged 63 years. 3247



CLARENCE. – On the 24th inst., at Ladysmith, the wife of W. Lister CLARENCE, "Willeth," a son. Both well. Thanks to Dr. CAMPBELL and Nurse SIMPSON. ei3266

SHAW. – On Sunday, June 23rd, at 24 Chapel Street, to Mr. and Mrs. F.B. SHAW, a son. Nurse TRELEASE in attendance. 3283

FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 1918


CLARENCE. – On the 24th inst., at Ladysmith, the wife of W. Lister CLARENCE, "Willeth," a son. Both well. Thanks to Dr. CAMPBELL and Nurse SIMPSON. ei3266


GELDHART. – Eleanor Jane, beloved wife of James GELDART, who died at Boston View, on June 23rd, 1918, at the age of 60 years and 3 months.

SHERWOOD. – At Cransley, Mountain Rise, Maritzburg, Katherine, wife of Mr. James SHERWOOD, aged 69, and Sister of Mr. Geo. H. CHICK. 3302

THOMPSON. – At the Sanatorium, Maritzburg, on June 18th, Winifred Margaret, aged 18 years , only daughter of Fred and Margaret Keith THOMPSON, of "Clover," Creighton. ei3292


WHITAKER. – In ever-loving memory of our darling baby, Charles William WHITAKER, who died at Merrivale, on the 26th June, 1917.
Inserted by his sorrowing Mother and Father.
A lonely year since that sad day,
When all we loved was called away,
His cheery smile and loving care,
Brightened life's pathuay everywhere.
(Note: Should read 'pathway')
God had called away our darling,
Placed our bud amongst His flowers,
Taken back the one He lent us,
To a better home than ours. 3290


CARTER. – On June 20th, in Hastings Sanatorium, England, No. 176468 Cadet Robert George CARTER, Royal Air Force, aged 18 years, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam CARTER, Greytown. 8414



MARSH. – To Mr. and Mrs. W.E. MARSH, of Blackridge, a son, at the Sanatorium. Both doing well. 8447


THOMPSON. - At the Sanatorium, Maritzburg, on June 18th, Winifred Margaret, aged 18 years , only daughter of Fred and Margaret Keith THOMPSON, of "Clover," Creighton. ei3292


FIELD. – In ever loving and sorrowful memory of my dear husband and our loving father, James. A. Field.
The light is from our household gone,
A voice we loved is stilled,
A place is vacant in our home
Which never can be filled.
Inserted by his wife and children.
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