Grahamstown Journal 1900 05 May
Tuesday 1 May 1900
Mr. L. ANDREW, who for years conducted business as a Chemist in High St., is retiring from business, having disposed of business to Mr. MASTERTON.
Bandmaster W.H. GILDER of the First City, who is Quartermaster Sergeant of Marshall’s Horse, is now with his corps near Bloemfontein. He must not be confounded with Sergt. W.H. GILDER, an interview with whom, headed “A Scout’s Adventures”, was published lately in these columns.
On Tuesday last at East London several privates of the Somerset Regiment were punished with an extra hour’s drill, Sergt. ELLIS being in charge of the squad. When the men were dismissed, ELLIS turned to walk away. HOLLOWAY, one of the squad, took two steps in the opposite direction, turned, and brought his gun up, firing point blank at the sergeant, who was half facing him. The bullet entered underneath the left shoulder, injuring the spine, and came out on the right side of the body, passing in dangerously close proximity to Private FRY and Lieut. HUNTLEY, who were standing near. Lance Corporal TILLEY, who was on guard, seized HOLLOWAY by the throat. The prisoner threw down his gun and was immediately removed to the guard room.
ELLIS fell on his left side, saying “Help me”. Private FRY leant over him, undoing his coat and shirt. A stream of blood a foot high spurted up, and in [10] minutes the sergeant expired without regaining consciousness. HOLLOWAY in the guard room refused to speak for some time, but finally said, “If he dies I am prepared to die happy.” He afterwards admitted that he picked up the bullet a fortnight ago while firing at the range and had kept it for the purpose for which it was used.
ELLIS was very popular in the regiment and was only married a fortnight before leaving England.
[Transcriber’s note: the issues of 13 and 14 May have lengthy reports of HOLLOWAY’s trial, which resulted in his being sentenced to death. See the issue for 3 July 1900, where this sentence was commuted to life imprisonment]
Thursday 3 May 1900
PASSED AWAY at Grahamstown on Tuesday May 1 1900, Vera Bliss, eldest daughter of J.S. QUAIL, aged 4 years, 5 months and 4 days.
Safe in the arms of Jesus
DIED at Grahamstown, May 2 1900, Johannes Gerhardus Francois NORTJE, aged 57 years.
The Funeral of [Client] will leave his late residence, Caroline Street, Oatlands, this Thursday afternoon at half past 3. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.
H.W. WEINECK, Undertaker
One of his comrades writes touching the sad death in action of Pvt. HAYTER of the |First City Volunteers at Thabanchu. “He was a high favourite in the Corps, a clean and steady soldier, and always in the front when required. Every single soul feels the loss of a brave young Colonist, a Britisher to the backbone, and a most pleasant companion.”
Friday 4 May 1900
KILLED IN ACTION, April 25th 1900, at Israel’s Poort, O.F.S., Arthur HAYTER of Marshall’s Horse, aged 18 years and 9 months, the fifth son of Henry and Ina HAYTER of Hilton Farm, near Grahamstown.
Monday 7 May 1900
DIED at Port Alfred on Monday May 7th 1900, Margaret Dalrymple, much-beloved and only daughter of Alex. And Ethel MUNRO, aged 13 months.
Wednesday 9 May 1900
BIRTH at Grahamstown on 8 May 1900, the wife of E. Graham GILLEN A.R.M. of twin daughters.
[Maritzburg] Tuesday (Reuter):
A man named James FRENCH, a cabinetmaker, residing in Berg Street, committed suicide this morning, owing, it is said, to domestic troubles. Deceased cut his throat with a razor, and in his fall overturned a lamp, which set fire to the window-curtains [..................... illegible......]. The neighbour put out the fire and discovered the body lying on the floor with a terrible gash in his throat.
[next two issues totally illegible]
Saturday 12 May 1900
DIED at Sandflats on May 2nd, Henry Paul DANIEL of Dassie Klip. Aged 56 years.
KILLED at Thabanchu on 30th April 1900, by falling from a wagon during a heavy engagement with the enemy, R.W, TRUMBLE (Richie), eldest and dearly beloved son of John and Jane TRUMBLE. Aged 16 years, 3 months and 9 days.
Mr. R.W. TRUMBLE, son of Mr. and Mrs. John TRUMBLE of this City, was unfortunately killed during a severe engagement at Thabanchu on 30th April last, the immediate cause of death being a fall from a wagon. In a letter from Major MARSHALL, the sad particulars are given. Young TRUMBLE was riding on the wagon on account of having a bad hand. And it appears that they had outspanned during the engagement, when the Boers suddenly started shelling the wagons, and in the hurried movements that ensued, the poor fellow fell from the wagon, when the hind wheel passed over his head, killing him on the spot. Major MARSHALL sends to the bereaved parents his deepest sympathy for their sad loss, and we are sure that our readers will heartily join in the same feeling.
We regret to record the decease of Mr. H.P. DANIELS, who for many years has conducted the hotel at Dassie Klip. He had been ailing for some considerable time, and his friends thought they would take him to see the doctor. On the return journey, however, the cart met with an accident and was capsized. The deceased met with several serious injuries, which resulted in his death four days afterwards at Sandflats.
Monday 14 May 1900
A wire has been received from Major MARSHALL, dated Saturday, which conveys to his relatives the fact that Pvt. R. TRUMBLE s not dead, but in Hospital in Thabanchu, with a fractured skull.
The following casualties are officially communicated:
Kitchener’s Horse: Lieut. Patrick [CAMMON] died of wounds at Winburg on May 6th.
Kaffrarian Rifles: Pvte. Thomas LINDSAY shot himself dead at Flagstaff on May 10th.
Diamond Fields Horse: Pvte. SMITH died of [wounds] on May 9th.
Tuesday 15 May 1900
BIRTH at Bedford, May 8th, the wife of F.G. BARNES of a son, both doing well.
BIRTH at Beaufort-street, Grahamstown, on the 14th inst, the wife of Phili COPEMAN of a son.
From a wire received from Kroonstad, Mr. J. GUSH has obtained news of Mr. and Mrs. Job HARVEY, well known in these parts. Mr. HARVEY, who was for many years Landdrost of Smithfield, O.F.S., and who after a sojourn at Salem had of late returned to the Free State, has been living at Smithfield. He is now 85 years old, and being in feeble health, it was feared that the war troubles might have an unfavourable effect. The telegram received, however, states that Mr. and Mrs. HARVEY are both well. Mr. HARVEY, we may mention, was once a compositor in the Journal Office, in Mr. GODLONTON’s time.
Wednesday 16 May 1900
We regret to record the death of Mr. Charles A. WEBB, which took place at Port Alfred on Monday last
[rest of notice illegible]
Saturday 19 May 1900
BIRTH at Grahamstown on May 15th, the wife of W, CRONWRIGHT, of Cuylerville, of a daughter,
DIED at Port Alfred West on Monday 14th May 1900, Charles Alexander WEBB, aged 60 years, latterly of Johannesburg; son of Robert WEBB, Settler of 1820.
“Not lost but gone before.”
Colonial papers please copy.
[no issue on 21 May]
Tuesday 22 May 1900
From any photo or picture.
Messrs. JAKINS & Co, having made special arrangements to meet the demand for a First Class Permanent Enlargement, skilfully finished by hand, at a small cost, they are now prepared to supply Customers with one of these Excellent Enlargements, on Plate Sunk Mount, 14in by 18in, for 8s 6d, the usual price in South Africa for same being 25s to 40s.
These Enlargements are similar in every respect to the best obtained from England at the price and are supplied in part of the time and at the same cost.
Address Coupon:
Messrs JAKINS & Co., Oxford Street, East London
Please send me one Enlargement from accompanying Photograph, for which I enclose 8/6.
No notice will be taken of any orders not enclosing P.O. Small photo (returned)
JAKINS & Co’s 8/6 Enlargements have given such satisfaction, and the demand so [great], that they have decided to return the money and make a present of the Enlargement framed to the person sending or bringing in every 50th order (each photo counting singly) thus Nos 50, 100, 150, 200 and so on will get their money returned with the Enlargement.
This is no Catch, but simply for the sake of advertisement, and means that they are giving away from 2 to 12 Enlargements per week.
Don’t put off sending in your order, as you may be next lucky one.
See their other advertisement in this issue.
Thursday 24 May 1900
MARRIED at Commemoration Church by the Rev. A.T. Rhodes, on May 22nd 1900, Edith, eldest daughter of J.B. EDKINS Esq., of Grahamstown, to Rowland, second son of Alfred T. WARNER of Woolwich, Kent, England.
Transcriber’s note: Marriage entry says the marriage took place on the 23rd May]
COOK: at Howick, Natal, on May 14th, from heart disease, George Anson COOK, late of Johannesburg, aged 48 years.
[no issue on 25 May]
Saturday 26 May 1900
Mr. JOLLY, of Johannesburg, being desirous of getting up a monster petition in favour of abolishing the neighbouring Republics, consulted Mr. WILMOT M.L.C. on the subject, who showed him a letter from the Imperial Secretary, dated 22nd inst, in which that official says: “With reference to your letter of the 10th March, to the Secretary of State (Mr. CHAMBERLAIN) on the subject of the future position of the Transvaal and the Orange Free State, I am desired by the High Commissioner to inform you that Mr. CHAMBERLAIN, in acknowledging its receipt, has desired His Excellency to refer you to the telegram from the Marquis of SALISBURY to the Presidents of the two Republics, a copy of which is enclosed.”
The last sentence of the telegram reads as follows: “In view of the use to which the two Republics have put the position that was given to them, and the calamities which their unprovoked attack has inflicted upon Her Majesty’s Dominions, Her Majesty’s Government can only answer Your Honours’ telegram by saying that they are not prepared to consent to the independence either of the South African Republic or of the Orange Free State.”
This reply, showing that the Home Government fully adheres to its intention of abolishing the Republics, is considered to render the forwarding of petitions unnecessary.
Tuesday 29 May 1900
DURBAN, Monday (Reuter)
The Principal Under-Secretary of Natal reports this morning that the bubonic plague expert in Durban wires that all is satisfactory, there being no fresh cases.
Wednesday 30 May 1900
After the jury had brought in their verdict of guilty in the case of John Hendrik Nicholas BOTHA, a farmer near Molteno, a most pathetic scene was witnessed outside the Court. A woman, stated to be the prisoner’s wife, went on her knees on the Courthouse steps and supplicated the policemen and bystanders, raising her clasped hands above her head, and screaming at the top of her voice, protesting passionately the innocence of her husband. She actually crawled about on her knees and finally fainted.....
[final few lines of paragraph illegible]
Thursday 31 May 1900
DIED at Bloemfontein Hospital on May 30th 1900, Herbert Grey, eldest and dearly beloved son of Henry WEBSTER, late of Grahamstown.
Thy will be done.
KILLED IN ACTION at Vryheid on May 20th, Leonard William LANHAM, of Bethune’s Mounted Infantry, 4th son of William and Tryphena LANHAM.
DIED at Grahamstown on May 30th, Guybon DAMANT, in his 74th year.
The Funeral of the above will leave his late residence, Oatland Road, on Friday morning at 8 o’clock. Friends are respectfully invited to attend,
A. WILL, Undertaker
We are sorry to have to record that Mr. Guybon DAMANT, who has been a long resident in Oatlands, passed away yesterday, paralysis being the cause of his death. Mr. DAMANT was in his 74th year.
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