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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1900 03 March

Thursday 1 March 1900

DIED at Grahamstown, Feb [25th], Charles PEACHEY, of the Orangery, Kareiga, in his 59th year.

DIED at Fort England, Grahamstown, on 28th February, Ethel May, only child of Dr. and Mrs. ADAM, Randfontein, Transvaal, aged 15 months and 2 days.

Immediately the news of the relief of Ladysmith was disseminated by the press here, the utmost joy and enthusiasm was manifested. Flags and bunting were displayed, the joy-bells rang, and some enthusiast even rang out “God Save the Queen” on the Cathedral peal of bells. All public offices, banks and stores are closed. Hooters blew, fireworks were exploded, and great excitement prevailed. The Journal was published at 12 o’clock, and in order to give the compositors a good holiday, no special editions will be published till 7pm.

Before Sir Jacob BARRY J.P., Mr. Justice JONES and Mr. Justice SOLOMON
February 28th
This was a claim for judicial separation.
Mr. KING (instructed by Messrs. WRIGHT & STAPYLTON SMITH) for the plaintiff.
Mr. MAASDORP Q.C. (instructed by Messrs. BELL & HATTON) for defendant.
The declaration stated that the parties were married on the 3rd June 1889. There were two children, a girl and a boy. The plaintiff averred that the defendant had for a considerable time past behaved in a violent and cruel manner so as to render life with him dangerous and wholly unsupportable,
The defendant denied the statement and made a claim in reconvention for divorce on the ground that the plaintiff had committed adultery with one BRAZELLE. He also claimed that he should have custody of the children.
Mr. KING called Anna Susannah M. JANSEN VAN RENSBURG, the plaintiff, who stated that she was married on the 3rd June 1889 to defendant. He was always called [JANSEN] but his full name was [Johannes] [Transcriber’s note: The marriage certificate can be seen here.]
On the 1st February following they went and lived at Middelburg and have lived there since. Her husband has no special occupation. She worked for herself at dressmaking. There were two children, one girl [2] years old and the other a boy [8] years. Witness said defendant treated her unkindly from the first. He often threatened to beat her with his fist. On the 10th July last year there was an altercation and the defendant beat witness severely so that she could not lift her right arm. Witness stated that [on more than one occasion] he had threatened to kill her and she had to [........................] in consequence. Once there was a ball at Middelburg, where witness was, her husband came and took her by the arm asking her why she danced with a particular partner, a Mr. MARKS, as she knew he did not like him. He took her home and seized hold of her and threatened to beat her. She ran off. Two gentlemen and her sister’s husband came up and asked what he wanted to do; and he said he wanted to kill her. KRUGER, her sister’s husband, pushed her into the house and locked the door, and the defendant threatened to force it open and strike her. She asked for judicial separation and the custody of the children. She also asked for a division of the property of the marriage. There were 2 erven, some sheep, goats and [....]. The witness emphatically denied the charge of adultery with BRAZELLE made in the claim in reconvention.
In cross examination witness said she made a dress for MARKS’ wife & sister and they sent MARKS for it, and the dress was on the bed in her room, and he asked if he could go and look at it. On the occasion of the dance, defendant said “You know I don’t like MARKS, why do you dance with him?” In further cross examination, witness said she did not know of her husband selling the produce of the garden and farm to contribute to the expenses. She knew nothing of her husband coming one morning to the spare room where she had slept, and finding that BRAZELLE was in the room. The room was not her bedroom. It was a spare room where she did her work. Witness denied that BRAZELLE had slept at the house several nights when her husband was away. Her husband had asked him to sleep there. The witness had never done so.
Susannah W, PIEK, mother of the plaintiff, said she heard of the defendant’s ill-treating her daughter, and went and remonstrated with him, and stated that on one occasion plaintiff came and showed bruises which she had received.
Kasper Paul KRUGER, plaintiff’s brother-in-law, gave evidence as to the occurrence after the dance. Defendant was following plaintiff, who was running from him, and he said he intended to beat her because she was impudent. On another occasion, defendant had threatened plaintiff to shoot her if she did not bring him a certain letter. Witness said that this letter was from MARKS. It merely asked the plaintiff to make a dress for his wife, and he would come and pay for it. MARKS had a wife and family.
This closed the case for the plaintiff.
The Rev. Mr. NIEKERK, minister of the Dutch Church, stated he recollected an enquiry being made by the Kerksrand in order to bring these parties together. He asked her where she spent the night, and she said in the house of PRETORIUS. Cross examined - Defendant said he had struck her because she did not sleep in his room, and he had suspicions of BRAZELLE.
The defendant, being called, said they lived happily at first, but later there was unpleasantness about MARKS. Witness denied having threatened plaintiff on the occasion of the dance. In cross examination, he said he had struck his wife to make her come from the spare room into him. He did tell Mr. VAN NIEKERK that he had struck her because he had suspicions about BRAZELLE.
J.H. SLOMAN, uncle of the plaintiff, who had been lately living in Middelburg (about 7 months), said he formerly lived on a farm near that place. He used to visit, and was intimate with the parties to the suit. He did not notice that they lived otherwise than on friendly terms. He used to go to get milk, and on one occasion he opened the door of the spare room. Mrs. JANSEN was standing near the bed, and BRAZELLE was sitting on it. Witness only asked for the milk and said nothing. He did not knock at the door. It was not defendant’s bedroom. He often used to go in. On another occasion he saw her in this room, buttoning the front of her dress, when BRAZELLE was there. He said nothing, but took his milk and went.
Susanne PRETORIUS gave evidence to the effect that in July BRAZELLE had kissed the plaintiff, and put sweetmeats in her mouth, and had caught hold of her.
Mr. MAASDORP Q.C. here asked for a postponement of the case in order to obtain the evidence of an important witness, one Rachael, who had been subpoenaed but could not be found. In replying to the Court, he could not give any assurance that she would be forthcoming if the case was postponed, and admitted that he could not press for divorce without that evidence.
Mr. KING having addressed for plaintiff n favour of a judicial separation, Mr. MAASDORP submitted that if a decree of judicial separation were granted, the defendant ought to be allowed the custody of the children.
The Judge President said the Court would grant a decree of judicial separation, to which plaintiff was entitled on the ground that the misconduct of the defendant rendered married life with him insupportable. The two imputations of immorality which he had made were not based upon anything like evidence which justified the charge, and the defendant’s conduct justified plaintiff’s leaving the house, refusing to return to him, and claiming judicial separation.
The Court granted a decree of judicial separation and custody of the two minor children until the Court might be shown that there was something which would justify depriving her of it. The state to be divided by N.F. DUVAL of Middelburg and the defendant to pay the costs out of his portion. The defendant to have access to the children at all reasonable times.

Annie HARRIS (assisted by her father) v CARNOFSKY
This was a claim for £500 for breach of promise.
Mr. MAASDORP Q.C. (instructed by Messrs. BELL & HATTON) for plaintiff.
Mr. KING (instructed by Messrs. WRIGHT & STAPYLTON SMITH) for defendant
Mr. MAASDORP, in opening the case, said that the facts were very simple. The defendant had asked plaintiff to be his wife, and she had agreed, but after some time he had broken off the engagement on the grounds of ill health and had tendered [£...] as damages and Magistrate’s Court costs.
He called the plaintiff, Annie HARRIS, who stated she was engaged [on Nov 1896] to the defendant. She lived in Queen St., Port Elizabeth with her father. The defendant was a [produce broker] who lived at Beenlaagte, district Somerset. Witness stated he had told her he had [£1,2..] of his own laid by, and aways stated he was a wealthy man. After a month he became cool and did not call when he came to Port Elizabeth. She met him in the street, and he said that he must break off the engagement, and offered to pay her [£50] privately.
[Two further paragraphs illegible]
This closed the case for the plaintiff.
The Court adjourned to Feb [26th]

Friday 2 March 1900

PASSED AWAY at Primestone Villa, Caroline-street, March 1st 1900, Rita Phyllis Montague, youngest daughter of Montague W. and Amy STIRK, aged 11 months.

Saturday 3 March 1900

The case for the defendant was opened.
Mr. KING called Julius Louis CARNOVSKY, who said he was brother to defendant, who was in Somerset and unable to come. He was suffering from a fractured leg, and had been so for three years, and had been three times operated upon. He had always been a man of extravagant habits, and he drank heavily on account of the pain. For the last ten years he had business at Beenlaagte and also at Pearston. The latter has been closed. It was supported by Stephen Fraser & Co. There was nothing in favour of defendant, who paid with a cheque. With regard to the Beenlaagte business it showed a deficiency of some £4,000. The business never had anything like a turnover of £30,000 a year. The plaintiff’s father had asked defendant to lend him £50 or £100 and had been repulsed.
Mrs. K. SLOMAN said that the plaintiff had come to see her, and said she did not like Mr. CARNOFSKY, but intended to keep company with him as long as he gave her such costly presents.
This closed the case for the defendant.
Counsel having addressed, the Judge President said this was a peculiar case. Plaintiff asked for damages for breach of promise and defendant made a tender of [£20]. This was really adding insult to injury. The defence was mainly that the defendant was a worthless man, an invalid, a spendthrift and a drunkard. On the whole the Court though the plaintiff was well rid of him, but her damages could not be assessed at less than £50. Judgement was given for that amount with costs.

Durban, Friday (Reuter):
A passenger per Norham Castle from Algoa Bay, named HAY, jumped overboard between East London and this port, and was drowned. His brother was a fellow passenger.

Monday 5 March 1900

Lundean’s Nek, via Potgietfontein, Feb 28th (Reuter):
Great indignation is expressed by Britishers at Barkly at the killing of Edward DAMPIER, of Barkly, at Penhoek by rebels on the inst. [sic] He was one of the patrol of Brabant’s Horse reported taken prisoners. Private letters state that he was wounded. Another Barkly boy who was with him carried him to a sluit and hid him. The rebels came up and deliberately shot DAMPIER twice through the head, and buried the body, which was afterwards exhumed by our troops. BOARDMAN effected his escape and reported to the column.
DAMPIER was clerk at the Standard Bank in Barkly, and was a son of the Town Clerk.

Tuesday 6 March 1900

It is our sad duty to record the death of Mr. Percy D. HUNTER, who was killed in action on Sunday at Labuschagne’s Nek. Mr. HUNTER was a teacher at Kingswood College, and from there he went to Indwe. When hostilities broke out he joined the Frontier Mounted Rifles, and had died while fighting for Queen and country. The deceased is a son of the Rev. W. HUNTER, once a missionary in this country, now in England. The late Mr. HUNTER will be remembered by most as an enthusiastic footballer, and for several years a member of the Albany, for which team he did good service. Our sincerest sympathies we tender to his relatives.

Sub-Inspector CROZIER of the Cape Mounted Police arrived here from Kimberley on Saturday night on a few weeks’ sick leave, he having been eight weeks in the hospital with typhoid fever. Soon after reaching Kimberley, when hostilities began, Lieutenant CROZIER was promoted to Capt., and Adjutant of the Mounted Camp.
Capt. CROZIER speaks highly of the treatment he received at the hospital. The best of everything was always reserved for the sick and wounded, and considering the circumstances they were treated right royally.
The gallant Captain mentioned with regret the number of children who died. Every day almost there were several funerals, or rather burials.
Capt. CROZIER mentioned one instance where he had a narrow escape. He had been carried out on the verandah of the hospital, and was just about to be carried in again in the evening, when a 100lb shell from Long Tom fell within a couple of yards of him, but fortunately did not explode.....

2nd Lieut. WADLING of the Grahamstown detachment of the 2nd Royal Berks died yesterday afternoon of enteric fever at Naauwpoort Hospital.

Wednesday 7 March 1900

FELL ASLEEP at Newlands Cottage, Grahamstown, on March 7th 1900, Ethel Pauline, dearly loved infant daughter of William P. and Ethel SLATER, aged 1 year and 1 month.
“For of such is the Kingdom of Heaven.”

C.M.R.: Sergt. J.M. REYNOLDS, Corpl. John HAYNES, Troopers HEWIT and CASS.
F.R.M.: Sergt. P.D. HUNTER, Troopers DANIEL, SMITH and JENKINS.
Brabant’s Horse: Trooper O’REILLY.
Border Horse: Troopers W.H. WAKELIN and J.H. CUMMING.

Several British farmers, including BENNINGTONs, JACKSON, MUIR and COCKCROFT, who remained on their farms, have been taken prisoner by Boer rebels.

Thursday 8 March 1900

DIED at Enslin, 28th February, Evelyn Richard, youngest son of James and Elizabeth HOBBS, aged 9 years, 5 months and [3] days. Deeply regretted.

Friday 9 March 1900

Lieut. F.C. FRIESLICH of the First City of Grahamstown Volunteers, the news of whose death in action in the Free State under Lord ROBERTS’s Field Force was wired to us this morning, was formerly a student of St.Andrew’s College, Grahamstown. He is the eldest son of Mr. J.G. FRIESLICH, the well-known C.C. and R.M. He passed his Civil Service from St.Andrew’s in 1892, and soon got a good appointment in Capetown, from whence he was transferred to a higher position in the offices of the Grahamstown Asylum, and on the First City being called out on active service at the commencement of the war, he felt the call of duty, and went forth to do battle for his Queen and Country. Fred. FRIESLICH was a favourite with everyone who knew him here, his genial disposition and his kindly good nature making him many friends. He was a well-known figure on the Cricket and Football fields, being a thorough all-round sportsman. His last appearance was while playing for the Old Andreans in the last Past v Present College football match.
His age was only 24. Thus has another bright son of St.Andrew’s laid down his life in doing his duty. Truly do we sympathise with his bereaved family, whose consolation should be the well-known lines of Macaulay:
“How can man do better, than facing fearful odds,
For the ashes of his Fathers and the temples of his Gods?”

Saturday 10 March 1900

We regret to announce the death of Mrs. D.D. FRASER, wife of the Rev. D.D. FRASER, Inspector of Schools for this district, which took place at her residence in Uitenhage on Tuesday.

At Durban a married man named J. ALLEN, employed at the pontoons, was found dead in a yard, having apparently drunk a quantity of carbolic acid.

Mr. Fred. CLOETE of the Western Province, and brother-in-law of the Hon. J.W. [SAUER], was killed while fighting on the Boer side at Colesberg.

Monday 12 March 1900

PASSED AWAY at Oatlands, Grahamstown, on March 10th, Percy Walter Donovan, infant son of Frank and May BROWN, aged 6 months.

Last Wednesday a very pretty wedding was solemnised at Wesley Church, Queenstown, the contracting parties being Mr. W. GODDING and Miss Marianne G. GEDYE, third daughter of the late Rev. E. GEDYE. The bride’s sister, Miss Lily GEDYE, was bridesmaid, and her brother, Mr. J.B. GEDYE, acted as best man. The Rev. C.S. LUCAS, brother-in-law of the bride, assisted by the Rev. R. LAMPLOUGH, tied the nuptial knot. The happy couple’s future home is Port Elizabeth.

Tuesday 13 March 1900

DIED of wounds received in the action at Gun Hill, Ladysmith, 7th Dec 1899, Trooper Robert Geddes NICOL, I.L.H., second son of the late William NICOL of Spitskop, Albany.

[next three issues totally illegible]

Saturday 17 March 1900

BIRTH on the 16th inst. at Grahamstown, the wife of C. Compton EASON of a daughter. Kent and Wiltshire papers please copy.

Tuesday 20 March 1900

BIRTH at Grahamstown on March 18th 1900, the wife of W. ROACH, Kei Road, of a son.

Gunner HARVEY R.M.A., of Norbury, Staffordshire, nephew to the Mayor of Newcastle, in a single-handed fight accounted for no less than five Boers. After the battle of Graspan HARVEY left the British camp in the company of a comrade to relieve a soldier who had been wounded. Five of the enemy suddenly appeared, and halting about 80 yards from HARVEY and his companion, levelled their rifles and fired. Pte. WHITE and HARVEY’s companion fell dead. Upon this HARVEY deliberately knelt down, took aim, and fired, killing one of their number. The Boers then commenced running towards him, and as they did so HARVEY fired again, and stretched another out dead. He then drew his revolver and fired, wounding one of the Boers in the side. The remaining two closed upon him, clubbing their rifles. HARVEY then drew his sword and waited for the attack. One of the Boers dealt a crashing blow at his breast. HARVEY sprang aside, avoiding the blow, and quickly recovering himself sprang at his opponent, dealing him a blow with his sword which almost severed the man’s head from his body. Simultaneously the remaining Boer raised his rifle and sent HARVEY staggering to the earth. He was upon his feet in an instant, his sword whirling in the air, and before his foe could recover, HARVEY struck him dead. This is the story of the great struggle as told by a Royal Marine captain, of H.M.S. Canopus.

Friday 23 March 1900

His many friends will learn with great interest of the marriage on March 6th at St.Saviour’s Church. Claremont, of Mr. Frank GUTHRIE of the Native Affairs Office to Miss Ettie SICHEL, fourth daughter of Mr. G. SICHEL of Ravensworth, Claremont. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Basil HAMPDEN-JONES. Mr. and Mrs. GUTHRIE left for East London, en route to St.John’s, Pondoland, their future home. Mr. GUTHRIE was for some time in the Bacteriological Institute here, and made many friends. The members of the Albany Football Club will always remember with pleasure their old skipper, GUTHRIE, under whose guidance the Club became the power it is in the Eastern Province.

Monday 26 March 1900

A sad fatality occurred in Sir Lowry-road, Capetown, by which a lad named John ALTMAN, 15 years of age, and employed as a telegraph messenger, lost his life. ALTMAN was crossing Sir Lowry-road from Balfour-street, near the Toll, when he was knocked down by a wagon loaded with coals, the hind wheel of which passed over his body. Death was almost instantaneous.

At yesterday morning’s service in Commemoration Church a Bible was used in the Pulpit, which was presented by the Misses AYLIFF, and which will in future be used at the services. The Bible was presented in memory of the late Mrs. AYLIFF, to whom it was given by her Society class in 1854. It bears the following inscription: We, the members of Mrs. AYLIFF’s class, present the Testimonial as a token of our Christian Love and Esteem for her, and our grateful appreciation of her truly pious and unwearied exertions to lead us in the way to Life Eternal, in which sacred duty as a leader of our class at Fort Beaufort, she was engaged for more than six years.
Fort Beaufort, the 7th day of August 1854.
Presented to Commemoration Church in memory of the late Mrs. AYLIFF, by her daughters.
March 24th 1900.

Port Elizabeth, Monday (Reuter):
The news is received that Trooper Sydney WEBB of the Cape Police, and son of the Civil Commissioner and R.M. here, died on March 10th as a result of a wound from a dum-dum explosive bullet, inflicted at Mafeking on the previous day. Much sympathy is expressed with his esteemed relatives. He had been previously wounded early in the campaign.

The many friends of Mr. R.W. MURRAY Sen., the veteran journalist, will be interested to hear that he is still alive and well after his four months’ confinement in Kimberley. His son Charles, however, died during the siege.

Tuesday 27 March 1900

A most distressing fatality took place last night at the Railway Station here, when a Night Foreman named Robert ELLIOTT met his death. At about 8:45 o’clock while they were waiting for 6 o’clock train from Alicedale, which was late, ELLIOTT was helping the guard to shunt the 8:40 train, which was shortly to leave the Station. In the shunting operations the “dead” truck was down towards the good sheds. ELLIOTT ran up and uncoupled a truck from the engine at the platform, and ran past the “live” truck to couple it to the “dead” truck. When he did not reappear, and seeing his lantern lying on the ground, the guard made investigations, and found ELLIOTT lying lengthwise between the rails. The guard called out there had been an accident, and went to report to the Stationmaster, Mr. R.E. TRACY, who, with several others, were soon on the spot. They found that ELLIOTT was quite dead. He had a huge gaping wound in the head, from which the brains were bespattered everywhere. Fortunately Mr. HEMMING, C.C. and R.M., was on the Station, and he viewed the body, which was removed to the Mortuary. It is supposed that ELLIOTT ran in to couple the safety chains, and in stooping, the truck being too quick, was caught between the buffers. Death was instantaneous. The poor fellow who only six weeks ago came home from Tafelberg, leaves a widow and three young children.

It is with deep regret we chronicle the death last night at the Albany General Hospital of Mrs. PRESTON, the wife of the C.C. and R.M. of Peddie. She has been ill about a week.

Wednesday 28 March 1900

BIRTH at Orange Grove, Rokeby Park, on March 25 1900, the wife of M.S. PURDON of a daughter.

Friday 30 March 1900

Barkly West, Thursday (Reuter):
The body of Private MALAN, who was drowned on Monday, was washed up below the bridge this morning.

Pretoria, Wednesday (Reuter):
General JOUBERT passed away last night at half past seven. He had been suffering from stomach complaint. The town is plunged in mourning for a true patriot. The gallant General was an upright and honourable gentleman.

  • Hits: 1905