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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1889 01 January

Thursday 3 January 1889

Mr. Nathaniel William BARLOW, one of the editors and proprietor of the Friend of the Free State, who only arrived in Capetown a few days ago, died at half past five o’clock on Sunday morning at the Commercial Hotel, of congestion of the lungs. The deceased gentleman was interred on the following afternoon at the Maitland Cemetery.

Yesterday morning quite a large number of people, considering that so many were away for the holidays, assembled at Commemoration Church to witness the marriage of Miss Eveline WEDDERBURN, daughter of Mr. John WEDDERBURN, our fellow-citizen, to Mr. CLARKE, of Messrs. CLARKE and CROSBY, Kimberley. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. N. ABRAHAM. The bride, who was given away by her father, looked splendid in a magnificent bridal gown of cream faille Francais, simply and elegantly made, with a long train skirt. There were five bridesmaids, of whom Miss Edith WEDDERBURN wore a very pretty electric embroidered cashmere robe, and the four younger ladies, Miss Una SHORT, Miss Mary SHAW, Miss J. CAWOOD and little Miss WEBB, looked lovely in cream Swiss muslin. The hats, which deserve a special word of mention, were [flop Leghorn]. Mr. B. ATTWELL, at the organ, executed the time-honoured Wedding March with great success, and the ceremony was over. At the residence of the Bride’s father, afterwards, about sixty guests sat down to an excellent repast, and the usual festive time was spent. The happy couple left by last night’s train for Kimberley, followed by the hearty good wishes of their friends, to which we wish to add our own not less hearty wishes and the hope that this Happy New Year will be only the first of very many similar ones spent together. The presents are costly and numerous, and some of them are appended: cottage piano from parents; silver biscuit barrel, Shaw Hall School; silver card stand and serviette rings, West Hill Sunday school; silver butter-cooler; do. marmalade dish; do. sugar bowl; do. butter knife and preserve spoon; do. teapot; do. cruet; do. forks and spoons; do. chain; do. butter-pot; biscuit jars 3; silver set; a complete glass set; albums 3; pictures; cushions; antimacassars; 18 pair of vases; painted plaque; plush chair and footstools; picnic basket; work baskets 3; fans 3; lamps 2; brackets; plush bags; and a multitude of sundries.

Saturday 5 January 1889

BIRTH on the 3rd inst, the wife of Mr. W.P. HUTTON of a daughter.

BIRTH on the 1st inst, at “The Oaks”, Grahamstown, the wife of the Hon’ble Mr. Justice JONES of a son.

MARRIED at Grahamstown on the 2nd inst, by the Rev. N. Abraham, in Commemoration Church, William Isaac CLARKE, of Kimberley, to Miss Martha Evelina WEDDERBURN, youngest daughter of John WEDDERBURN of this city.

FALLEN ASLEEP at Grahamstown on December 28th 1888, Edward BOOTH, second son of the late Rev. George BOOTH MA, formerly chaplain of Fort Beaufort, aged 64 years.

The Chronicle reports that during the late hot weather a young man named VAN DER MERWE, living near Willowmore, died from sunstroke.

The Star regrets to record the death at Johannesburg on 20th ult. of Mr. Guy M. BARBER, whose brother, Mr. F.H. BARBER, died only recently.

The many friends of this esteemed lady, one of the few remaining survivors of those who came out with the original Settlers of 1820, will be interested to know that on Tuesday next she attains the advanced age of 90 years, which will be a subject of congratulation to her family, all of them well-known and honoured, and to the large circle of friends that have during her long and well-spent life learned to look upon her with affection and esteem.

Tuesday 8 January 1889

DIED at Bowden on the 2nd Jan 1889, Ann Maria, beloved wife of George BARNES, aged 76 years.
“Cross’d the River”

We regret to learn that our esteemed fellow-citizen, Mr. T.H. PARKER, has received by wire from Queenstown intelligence of the death of his father, which occurred at one o’clock this morning. There was, we believe, so specific ailment beyond exhaustion, the deceased gentleman having complained of nothing except the unusual heat of the weather lately, which had a trying effect upon him. Mr. PARKER was born on Nov 26th 1803, and had exceeded 85 years of age. He left Grahamstown 30 years ago on account of ill health, and finding the air of Queenstown suitable to his constitution, remained there ever since. We tender our sincere condolence with the family of the late Mr. PARKER.

The Colony has lost a true and loyal Colonist in the person of Mr. George Thomas SURMON, who died on the 29th November 1888 at the age of 39 years. Having left home and relations only six weeks before his death, and whilst travelling with friends in a wagon to the Goldfields, he was taken ill at Senekal. His friends called at a shop for assistance, and were told by the proprietor to push on as he was dangerously ill, but on the road, just one hour before entering Johannesburg (almost in sight of help and hope) he passed to his eternal home. For many years he carried on the business of transport riding, and was the means of helping many a struggling fellow-creature. He gained the esteem and confidence of those for whom he conveyed goods, and to his oxen he was always considerate and kind. When transport riding failed he turned his attention to farming and speculating, and was brought into contact with many who learned to respect him and admire his straightforward way of business, and many looked upon him as the means of help and advice. He was always ready to help others even to the detriment of himself. In him they have lost a true and genuine friend. He was genial, friendly, upright and fearlessly outspoken (when expressing an opinion) and all who knew him respected him.
On Sunday the 9th December 1888, in the little church at Committees (which he used to attend before he went away) the hymn “When our heads are bowed with woe” was sung, and a solemn and appropriate address was delivered in a heartfelt manner by the Rev. H. MOSEL.

It is our melancholy duty to chronicle the decease of Mr. Alex. McDOUGALL of Bathurst District. Death resulted from cancer in the stomach. We offer our sincere sympathies to those bereaved.

The Somerset Budget records the, for some time past expected, demise of a respected townsman, Mr. John Gregory LEPPAN, who passed quietly away on Wednesday at 11pm. Mr. LEPPAN had for many weeks past been suffering from an attack of paralysis which almost entirely prevented speech and the partaking of nourishment, and to which nature at last succumbed. Mr. LEPPAN had been resident here for many years. He was at the time of his death a member of the Divisional Council, and had, both upon this board as also in the Town Council and in other public capacities, done much service in his time to the town, which has thus lost one who was much esteemed.

Thursday 10 January 1889

On Saturday morning (reports the G.R. Advertiser) died Maria Andritta, widow of the late Dr. G.H. MAASDORP. Perhaps no woman, many long years resident in Graaffreinet, was respected and honoured as she, though for many years, and especially since the death of Dr. MAASDORP, wholly removed from public life. She was in her 71st year, and the question of death was with her only a question of a short time.

Mr. and Mrs. GRELLERT of Kingwilliamstown have lost an infant daughter, not quite two years old, who followed her elder sister into the kitchen where she was making the tea, and catching hold of a tray on which stood a cup of hot decoction she capsized its contents over her chin, throat and chest, scalding herself most unmercifully. This was on Thursday evening. The poor little creature was bound up in wadding soaked in oil, but on the following night severe convulsions set in, and in a third paroxysm which occurred about noon on Saturday she (the Watchman reports) succumbed.

Tuesday 15 January 1889

BIRTH at Kimberley on the 9th Jan 1889, the wife of F. PAXTON of a daughter.

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 13th inst, the wife of Mr. W. WENTWORTH of Collingham of a son.

Thursday 17 January 1889

DIED at Port Alfred West on Monday 14th January 1889. George Frederick CLARKE, aged 51 years and 3 months.
The Widow and Family tender their heartfelt thanks to the many friends for their kindness and expressions of sympathy, especially to Dr. ATHERSTONE of Port Alfred, for his unremitting attention during the illness of the deceased.

We are sorry to have to chronicle the death of Mr. George Frederick CLARKE, who died at Port Alfred on Monday, leaving a widow and family.

We regret to learn that Mrs. TUDHOPE, wife of the Colonial Secretary, died on Sunday evening at Rondebosch. Mrs. TUDHOP was a daughter of the Rev. Mr. PEARS, Dutch Reformed Minister of Somerset East, and was a lady very highly esteemed in all the relations of life.

Saturday 19 January 1889

Young SCHOEMBLE, a farmer’s son, has been drowned in a dam on the farm of Mr. H. COETZEE, Tweefontein, in the Middelburg district. He went to bathe with a friend named VAN WIJK, and must have got the cramp, for he threw up his arms and called for help, and was drowned in nine feet of water. He was the only one on the farm who could swim, and his body lay under the water until the next day, when several neighbours and friends went in and dived for it. SCHOEMBLE was only 18 years old, but a great support to his family.

The Capetown train brought to Kimberley on Tuesday the dead body of a lady passenger who died while on the way. The name of the deceased was TRIBELHORN, and we (Advertiser) learn that she joined the train at Wellington in a bad state of health through consumption, having been advised by her medical attendant to come here. Death took place prior to reaching Modder River. On arrival the body was carried into the ladies’ waiting room, where it was allowed to lie until a coffin was procured. Much sympathy is expressed for the bereaved husband, who follows the occupation of a carpenter at Wellington.

Tuesday 22 January 1889

MR. BROOK ATTWELL, our highly respected fellow-citizen, today attains his eightieth year, and himself and his family are to be congratulated that he is at this advanced age in the possession of health and activity. We understand that a number of friends, trustees and others connected with the Commemoration Church, have arranged for a visit of congratulation to Mr. ATTWELL this afternoon, and the presentation to him of a handsome bible.

The Friend contains the following very painful record: We regret to hear that Mr. Mathija DE BEER, brother of our respected Landdrost, has been brutally murdered by a Hottentot, two hours from Prince Albert. The deceased gentleman was attacked by his murderer with an axe, and five wounds were inflicted, each one of which would have proved fatal. There is no reason assigned for this fearful outrage, nor were there any signs of a struggle having taken place. The murderer is in custody.

Thursday 24 January 1889

DIED at Grahamstown on Jan 23rd 1889, George BURGESS, aged 82 years.
Home papers please copy.
The Funeral of the above will leave his late residence, Location, tomorrow (Friday) morning at 9 o’clock.
Friends invited to attend.

A contemporary says that at Johannesburg the other evening, a temperance lecturer was holding forth, and upon his using the words “take whisky for instance”, every man rose to his feet in the audience and ejaculated “I don’t mind if I do”.

A very pleasant gathering took place at the residence of Mr. Brook ATTWELL yesterday afternoon, the object being to congratulate him on his attaining the age of 80 years, and to present him with a large and handsome Bible, as a token of respect and esteem from his colleagues in the Trust of Commemoration Church, of which he is almost the oldest member. The inscription, which was beautifully executed by Mr. Burnett STOCKS, made mention of Mr. ATTWELL’s service in connection with that church for more than sixty years past, during which time he had filled almost every office open to a layman. It was signed on behalf of the Trustees (18 in number), the Ministers of the Wesleyan Church resident in town, and three members of the West Hill Church Trust. In the absence of the Rev. F. MASON, Mr. MATTERSON in his usual happy and appropriate manner made the presentation. The Mayor, R.W. NELSON Esq, also testified to the esteem in which Mr. ATTWELL throughout his official career had been held by the Town Council. Mr. R. AYLIFF, Rev. W. IMPEY and Mr. J. SLATER added some words of congratulation. Mr. ATTWELL in his reply feelingly acknowledged the kindness of his friends, and recalled the earlier days of his life in Grahamstown, mentioning the names of many of those worthy men and women with whom he had formerly worked, but who are now almost all gathered to a happier home. We were much pleased to see both Mr. and Mrs. ATTWELL enjoying good health, and trust that they may yet be spared with us for a while to pass the evening of a well-spent life amid the love and esteem of their children and friends.

Tuesday 29 January 1889

Anyone being able to communicate with the undersigned concerning the whereabouts of the Family of Mr. John Henry HEATH, son of the late Henry HEATH, formerly an Attorney at Grahamstown, who also resided at Grahamstown, but afterwards removed to Eland’s Post, Kat River, will confer a favour upon
Grahamstown, Jan. 25 1889

We regret to hear that Mrs. James GRANT, widow of the old gentleman who was murdered by natives recently, has passed away after being laid up for a short time. About a fortnight back Mrs. GRANT, who was 74 years of age, fell as she was crossing her bedroom, and broke her right leg in three places. She has been lovingly tended by her daughter, and Dr. HAMILTON has been unremitting in is attention, but nothing could further delay the end, which came on Friday. The funeral took place at 4 o’clock on Saturday afternoon.

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