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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1888 07 July

Wednesday 4 July 1888

BIRTH on July 2nd, the wife of F.A. DUNN, Grahamstown, of a daughter.

DIED at Canterbury, England, on June 21st, Archie E. BEASLEY, aged 21 years.

A correspondent from Heidelberg writes to the Volkstem as follows: Another sad event took place amongst us, namely the death of the Government Schoolmaster, Mr. B. BOUWES, who committed suicide by hanging himself in his room. Suspicion was roused by his absence for two days, when a gentleman, looking in at a back window, saw him hanging. The door was then immediately forced open, when it was discovered that he must have been hanging for at least twenty-four hours. Before he committed the deed he tore up his letters and wrote in large letters on the door: “Het spel van Landshel en Pistoom”. His hands were found to be tied close together, evidently for the purpose of making it impossible to save himself after he had kicked the chairs from under him. The cause assigned for the committal of this deed is supposed to be a complaint lodged against him to the Superintendent of Education by a fellow here, which preyed on his mind.

Thursday 5 July 1888

We (Free Press) cannot allow the late wedding at Lily Vale to pass without some notice. The bridegroom, Mr. W.H. WILSON, is the only son of the Rev. Jno. WILSON, of Fort Beaufort, the bride the daughter of Mr. R. BOYCE of Aberdeen. It was a very happy affair, being the first marriage that has been solemnised at Lily Vale Chapel, the father of the bridegroom, assisted by the Rev. J. THOMPSON BA of Queenstown, officiating. A few friends from town, and a good many from neighbouring farms, were present to witness the ceremony. The Rev.Mr. THOMPSON, at the request of the Trustees of the Chapel, followed the usual custom of presenting a bible and hymnbook to the happy couple at the close of the service. We must mention as a noticeable feature of the wedding that all, excepting two or three, taking part in it, wore the blue ribbon, even the bride having the tiny badge stitched to her prettily-made white robe. The company then adjourned to the residence of Mr. S.J. BROWN, who, as an old friend of the bridegroom, provided the wedding breakfast. It was really a bountiful ‘spread’ as only those who have partaken of Lily Vale hospitality can imagine, the hostess excelling herself in her care for her guests. The inevitable departure followed; showers of rice causing some pain, we fear, to the occupants of the first vehicle. Our best wishes go with them, and may they have much happiness, long life and prosperity.

Friday 6 July 1888

Carpenter and Builder
Respectfully informs his many Customers and the Public that he has removed from High-street to more commodious premises in Dundas-street, where he hopes to carry on Business as hitherto, and receive a continuance of their patronage and support.
Every description of Alterations and Repairs undertaken on Reasonable Terms. Estimates given if required.
Noe the address
In the shop lately occupied by Mr. W. HARPER

Saturday 7 July 1888

DIED on the 5th July at the Wesleyan Manse, Graaff-Reinet, dear little Eryl, son of the Rev. E.J. and Minnie WILLIAMS, aged 3 months and 26 days.

We (Uitenhage Times) very deeply regret to record the death of a lady who, during her residence in Uitenhage, gained the affection of all who knew her. We mean the wife of Mr. J.R. SWART. The sad even took place this day week at Mossel Bay, at which place Mrs. SWART very recently joined her husband, who is Secretary to the Board of Executors at that port. To the bereaved husband and family we tender our deepest sympathy.

Monday 9 July 1888

It is with unfeigned regret that we (Cradock Register) have to record the sudden death of the wife of Mr. J.E. KIDGER, and sister to the Hon. T.C. SCANLEN, which sad event took place quite unexpectedly yesterday afternoon. The deceased lady, by her kindness of heart and sociability, had won the regard of a large circle of friends, and the intelligence of her sudden demise threw a gloom over the whole community. She leaves a large family and many friends who will sincerely mourn their loss.

Tuesday 10 July 1888

Mr. Fred. Verne JERVIES, Clerk to the Resident Magistrate at Emjanyana, Tembuland, died on the 6th July, from typhoid fever. Mr. JERVIES, says a correspondent of the Cape Times, was in the very prime of life, and one of the most promising young gentlemen in the public service of this colony. He entered the service in April 1875, and after eight years of zealous duties he found an early grave at Emjanyana, dying, as it were, in harness. The late Mr. JERVIES did good and efficient service in Basutoland, where he acted as staff officer to the late Col. BELL at Thlotsi Heights during the rebellion. He was beloved and respected by all who came in contact with him, and his death causes a blank amongst a large circle of personal friends who sincerely mourn his loss. Straightforward and conscientious in all his acts he gained the esteem of his immediate superiors, from whom he held the most flattering testimonials. Col. C.D. GRIFFITHS C.M.G., as Governor’s Agent in Basutoland, the late Col. BELL, R.M. of Leribe, and Major BOYES, late Magistrate at Emjanyana, were equally outspoken in their praise of the deceased gentleman, whose services they repeatedly brought favourably under the notice of the Government. The colony loses in him a remarkably well-informed, highly gifted and honest public servant, a loss which is keenly felt by all who knew him, but by no-one more so than by his immediate comrades of the public service, to whom he was a noble example of fearless rectitude, a pattern of honest friendship, and a type of the true gentleman. Peace to his ashes!

Thursday 12 July 1888

The correspondent of a Bay paper says: We have just lost, by death, the Rev. Mr. JORDAAN, minister of the Dutch Reformed Church here. He was visiting and preaching on the farms in the district when taken suddenly ill with inflammation of the lungs, and in little more than a week was dead. His wife, a lady greatly regretted, died only a year ago, and now this sad event following so quickly has cast a gloom over the town and neighbourhood. The funeral was largely attended, four ministers from neighbouring towns being pall-bearers; his brother, Mr. JORDAAN, and his brother-in-law, Mr. P.E. DE VILLIERS, our respected Magistrate, being chief mourners.

Friday 13 July 1888

BIRTH on the 8th June at Waldrift Coal Mines, Transvaal, the wife of the late T.G. SLATER of a son (stillborn).

DIED at Grahamstown on the 13th July, Benjamin ROBERTS, aged 55 years and 11 months.

The Funeral of the late Mr. Benjamin ROBERTS will leave his late residence, Hill-street, tomorrow (Saturday) afternoon at half past 3. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.

The greatly regretted decease of our townsman, Mr. Ben. ROBERTS, took place early this morning. About two years since he had an attack of heart disease, which did not, however, occasion great anxiety, though its effects were not altogether removed. The illness which has now occasioned his death has been of comparatively sudden character, though he had given some symptoms of failing health for more than a month past; but the disease (aerosis) of various internal organs, which proved fatal, did not declare itself till more recently. Throughout the crisis of his illness, which was violent and painful, he was most carefully attended to by Dr. E. ATHERSTONE, and subsequently in conjunction by Dr. PEMBERTON; and all that medical skill could devise was applied by those able physicians. He was visited also by Revs. J. WALTON, E. LONES and J. EDWARDS. On Wednesday morning the symptoms were somewhat less severe than they had been, and some slight ray of hope seemed to present itself, but this improvement soon disappeared, and the patient sank, expiring about 3 o’clock this morning. Mr. ROBERTS will be universally regretted. His musical and vocal abilities, and his refined taste, rendered him an indispensable member of our musical undertakings; and his wit and humour, always good-natured and sprightly, and his kindly disposition, rendered him a general favourite. His vigorous habits and appearance gave every promise of a long life. In offering to his bereaved family our very sincere sympathy we are quite sure we express the feelings not only of a large circle of attached friends but of the entire community.

Another foul murder was perpetrated on the railway line near Fondvogelfontein on Friday evening. From what we (Messenger) can gather it appears that on Saturday morning the body of one Jacob OLIFANT was found in the veld, s short distance off the road. The District Surgeon went out yesterday and held a post mortem examination on the body, from which it seems the man must have met his death by violence, two scalp wounds and another large wound which fractured the skull being visible. The matter is being investigated, but as yet no arrest has been made.

Monday 16 July 1888

In the Estate of the late John Mitford BOWKER
Mr. Miles BOWKER being about to leave for Knysna, Messrs. LAWRANCE & Sons have been instructed to offer at Public Auction, on the spot, on Wednesday July 25th, at 11 o’clock am,
First, that Magnificent Farm “MITFORD PARK”, 2,696 morgen in extent
And adjoining the Riebeck Commonage at a point about 12 miles from the Commonage Railway Station, and 27 miles from Grahamstown.
For the information of those at a distance, we may state that a considerable portion of the Property is enclosed by a substantial stone wall, and flourishing Crops of Wheat may now be seen in the Cultivated lands, partly enclosed by wire, which are some 50 acres in extent, and are irrigated by a spacious dam fed by a never-failing spring, which renders this one of the best watered Farms in the District. Timber, too, in great variety (including Yellow-wood and Wagon-wood) abounds, while the quality of its extended Pasturage is certainly second to none in the Colony. The Homestead is in excellent repair, and consists of a double-storied Dwelling House, containing thirteen rooms, with stabling sheds and outhouses adjoining. Close at hand is a Large Garden, richly stocked with Fruit Trees, watered by permanent springs. Then last, but not least, we come to the Ostrich Camps, Sheep Kraals and Cattle Kraals, all of which are conveniently situated and strongly enclosed. Indeed the Public may rest assured that, but for the fact of Mr. BOWKER’s being anxious to close the Estate prior to moving Westwards, a Farm offering so many and such great advantages as “Mitford park” is known to possess would scarcely have been brought into the market at all. Farmers, Speculators and Capitalists will therefore do well to make a special note of the day, date and hour of Sale.
Second, on the following day, Thursday the 26th July, at 11 o’clock,
Will be sold on the Farm “Signal Kop”, near Carlisle Bridge, the following Stock:
20 Head Breeding Cattle
50 Ostriches – from 4 to 24 months
24 Ostriches – three months old
150 Goats – 40 Kids
Wagon and Gear Complete
Also the whole of the Household Effects and whatever Stock may offer.
This will be a good chance for anyone having Stock to dispose of.
Refreshments will be provided.
Note the Date of Sale of Farm Wednesday 25th July
Note the Date of Sale of Stock Thursday 26th July
Terms Liberal
Further particulars can be obtained either from the Auctioneer or from Mr. T.B. HALLIER on the Farm.
LAWRANCE & Sons, Auctioneers.

BIRTH at King Williamstown on the 14th inst, the wife of Colonel MINTO of a daughter

Wednesday 18 July 1888

DIED at his residence, Mancazana, on Monday 9th inst, Douglas Stephen Alfred, son of Dixon BARNES, of Kamastone, aged 25 years. Friends at a distance kindly accept this notice.

The white man named Henry GLAZIER, whom we (Independent) reported in our yesterday’s issue as having been struck by a piece of ground supposed to have come from the Excelsior D.M. Co’s claims, on Tuesday afternoon during blasting time, died at 11:30 pm on Wednesday at the Kimberley Hospital, through the injuries received. The body was examined yesterday afternoon by DR. DUIRS, when the following wounds were discovered: fracture of ribs, arm and collar-bone, and several internal injuries. The piece of ground which struck the unfortunate man weighs close on forty pounds, and it appears from enquiries made that it travelled over 250 yards before it reached the victim of its flight.

We (Free Press) regret to announce the death of Dr. RHIND, which took place at his residence in Queenstown at half past eight o’clock yesterday morning. He had been ill for some time, and the sad event was not altogether unexpected. His practice in the district was very extensive, and he endeared himself to all by his kindness and attention. The news of his demise will be received with general regret.

Thursday 19 July 1888

DIED at his residence, Hill-street, Grahamstown, at 2am Sunday 15th July, S.C. CROMWRIGHT, aged 53 years.

Saturday 21 July 1888

DIED at Grahamstown July 20th 1888, Elizabeth (born LECKEY), dearly beloved wife of John PINNOCK, aged [53] years a 4 days.
Australian and Southampton papers please copy.

On Thursday Christ Church was thronged by a large and fashionable gathering, to witness the wedding of Mr. Walter Aubrey HUDSON, Assistant Resident Magistrate of Aliwal North, to Miss Jessie OGILVIE, the fifth daughter of Mr. Alfred OGILVIE, of the Grove. The Rev. Canon MULLINS performed the ceremony, assisted by the Rev. H. MOSELL, Mr. Gordon OGILVIE giving his sister away, and Lieut. LAKIN acting as best man. Misses Mary and Flora OGILVIE and Miss Ellie CURRIE were the ladies that accompanied the bride to the altar. As the happy couple left the Church after the ceremony, amid the inspiring strains of Mendelssohn’s Wedding March, a number of pretty little flower-girls scattered roses in their path.
The guests having adjourned to the Grove, the residence of the bride’s mother, the various handsome and costly wedding presents were inspected. After the wedding breakfast, with the usual speeches, and the health of the bride and bridegroom having been drunk, they left amid showers of rice, slippers and good wishes for Aliwal – their future home.
Over 50 congratulatory telegrams were received during the day.
In the evening the guests, over 300, were entertained at a dramatic performance at the Assembly Rooms.

Monday 23 July 1888

MARRIED at Kingsdale, district of Bedford, by the Rev. P. Davidson, Watts W. TROLLOPE [sic], second son of C.B. TROLLOPE Esq of Somerset East, to Hannah Louisa (Louie) eldest daughter of John W. KING Esq, and granddaughter of the Hon. S. CAWOOD

DIED at 6am this morning, Saturday 21st July, in the 15th year of her age, Amy Constance, eldest daughter of Albert Edward and Elizabeth NELSON.

The Funeral of Miss Amy NELSON was very largely attended yesterday afternoon, and there was at the cemetery a large concourse of young people who had known the deceased.

Mr. LAKE, a venerable old settler of 1820, died on Thursday night at the North-end, Port Elizabeth. He was for some time in business here as a cabinet-maker, says the Telegraph, and was connected by marriage with Mr. Joseph WILLIAMS of this town.

Tuesday 24 July 1888

DIED at Grahamstown on the 22nd inst, Mary Jane, the beloved wife of T.I. COCKCROFT, of Myrtle Grove, Shaw Park, aged 50 years.
The thanks of the family are tendered to Dr. E. ATHERSTONE for his great kindness to the deceased during her illness.

DIED at his residence, West Hill, on Sunday morning at 8:30, Patrick ALLEN, aged 43 years 1 month and 1 week.
Mrs. ALLEN returns her sincere thanks to the Revs. SMITH and MOSEL, Drs. GREATHEAD and FLIGG, and Mr. SMAILES for their kind attention, and to the many kind friends who assisted her in her sad bereavement.

We regret to hear of the death of Patrick ALLEN, well known in town for a long time past. Deceased had undergone a great amount of suffering during the past two years, and it had been evident for some time that the end was at hand. The sad event took place at 8:30 on Sunday morning, at his residence in West Hill. We tender our sincere sympathy to the family.

The G.R. Advertiser records the death of Dr. Adolf ARENHOLD, which took place last week at the Midland Hospital. For some time past he had been in a low state of mind and body. As time wore on with him, in every [sense] the prospect darkened. On Tuesday night he was found in a comatose condition in the house. Drs. HISLOP and WELCHMAN were soon in attendance, and next morning he was removed to the Hospital. But he never rallied – never came back to consciousness. The case is a very sad one. He leaves a couple of little boys wholly unprovided for. Dr. ARENHOLD came to this colony with the German Legion. He was a resident of Graaffreinet for over twenty years, and at one time had a large practice.

The Bloemfontein papers report the death at Thaba Nchu on Sunday week of the Rev. J.T. DANIEL, one of the oldest Wesleyan missionaries to the Baralong tribes, in the Free State. Mr. DANIEL, who for some time had been in failing health, had laboured for more than 40 years in connection with missions.

We would express our condolence with the bereaved family of the late Mrs. T.J. [sic, she was the wife of Thomas Iken COCKCROFT] COCKCROFT, who passed away on Sunday morning. The deceased lady had been in feeble health for a considerable time, but the end was very sudden.

We much regret to learn that this esteemed minister of Port Elizabeth is reported to have died yesterday of erysipelas, after a short illness; but though the intelligence reaches us on good authority we are at present without further particulars.

Wednesday 25 July 1888

DIED on the Farm “Melville”, Salem, 18th July 1888, Mr. George James HILL, third son of Mrs. C.A. HILL, leaving a sorrowing wife and five children to mourn his untimely end: aged 42 years and 4 months.

A sad accident (says a local paper) occurred in the house of Mrs. McTAVISH, St.George’s-street, Queenstown, on Friday afternoon. Her child, along with another little girl, was playing near the fireplace where the kettle was standing at the time, filled with hot water. By some means or other they capsized it, with the result that the contents were scattered all over them. The child of Mrs. TAVISH was so severely scalded that it died on Saturday. It was five years of age. The other child was scalded on the legs and is in a fair way to recovery.

Thursday 26 July 1888

We regret to hear that Mr. T.J. ROBERTS of Cradock lost a little boy by diphtheria while staying with the family at the Kowie for the holidays. It is a mystery how the infection was contracted in such a healthy place. The family whose holiday gladness has been thus saddened have our sincere sympathy.

It is with the deepest regret that we (Telegraph) have this morning to announce the death of the Rev. John Cheyne MACINTOSH, the greatly esteemed pastor of the Congregational Church in this town. The reverend gentleman had but recently arrived from Capetown, whither he had been to attend the meetings of the Congregational Union, and there can be but little doubt that the effects of the long and wearying journey during very bitter weather induced a severe cold which grew from bad to worse, erysipelas subsequently supervening and causing death. Few of our citizens have passed away leaving a feeling of such universal regret, for a more humble, consistent, devoted Christian it would be hard to find. He was never weary in well-doing. Of profound conscientiousness, his character was most ingenuous and almost simple-minded. He abhorred duplicity in any form, was most sincere in his friendships, a kind parent, an affectionate husband, a genuine friend. His career as a minister in Port Elizabeth need be but very briefly sketched, for it is known to all the older inhabitants. In 1866, on the retirement of the Rev. John HERSANT from the pastorate of the Congregational Church of this town, a division took place, and an influential section of the Church sent Home for a minister. The Rev. J.C. MACINTOSH, who had been a student at the University of Glasgow, was selected, and with the best results, for soon after his arrival a complete union of the church took place, and remains to this day unbroken. On the Grey Institute Board his opinions in regard to educational subjects were valuable, and commanded influence. On the Hospital Board he was equally candid and indefatigable, seldom being absent from his plans as one of the Managers. In the Sunday School he was unremitting, and it was under his auspices that the Congregational Temperance Society, Bible Classes and various other organisations for good were formed, and continue to prosper. He could not be idle: his ideas were liberal, his actions sprung from the purest motives, and only those who knew him intimately can adequately judge of the breadth of his sympathies and his anxiety for the spiritual welfare of his fellow men.

DIED at Salem on the 26th July 1888, Agnes Margaret, the beloved wife of Henry M. HILL, and only daughter of Mr. John DOLD of this city, aged 32 years and 11 days.

The Funeral of the late Mrs. HILL will leave her residence at 3 o’clock tomorrow afternoon. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.

Friday 27 July 1888

MARRIED at Commemoration Church on the 25th July, by the Rev. J. Edwards, assisted by the Rev. E. Lones, Richard Restell STOCKS to Agnes Mary, eldest daughter of Mr. C.J. STIRK of Grahamstown.

Saturday 28 July 1888

DIED at Oliveburn, July 21st 1888, Benjamin RANDALL, beloved husband of Elizabeth RANDALL, aged 60 years 2 months and 17 days.
Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.

DIED at the residence of her son, Rev. W.R. BRUCE, Alexandria, on 21st July 1888, Eliza, relict of the late William BRUCE, formerly of the Middle Temple, London, in her 83rd year.

DIED at Grahamstown on the 28th July, Kitty SHEBLOOM, aged 18 years and 3 months.

The Funeral of the above will meet at St.Bartholomew’s Church at 3 o’clock tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon. Friends are invited.

Tuesday 31 July 1888

DIED at Grahamstown on Saturday 28th July 1888, Catherine Lucy SHEBLOOM, aged 18 years and 3 months, deeply regretted.
The widowed mother, with the brother of the deceased, wishes to tender her thanks to Drs. GREATHEAD, FLIGG and HAMILTON for their unremitting attention during her daughter’s long and painful illness.

ENTERED INTO REST, Saturday morning, 28th inst, Thomas SIMONS, the dearly beloved husband of Anna Louisa SIMONS, aged 37 years and 9 months
Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.
Mrs. SIMONS desires to return thanks to Drs. ATHERSTONE and GREATHEAD and the Rev. NORTON for their kind attention during deceased’s illness.

The funerals took place on Sunday of the late Mr. J. JOSEPH, the late Mr. T. SIMON, and the late Miss SHEBLOOM. The funeral of the first-named gentleman was conducted according to Jewish rites by Mr. BLOOM of Kimberley, the Rev. S. RAPAPORT being unable to attend.

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