Grahamstown Journal 1874 - 1 - January to March
Friday 2 January 1874
BIRTH at All Saints Mission, near the Bashee, 22nd Dec 1873, the wife of the Rev John GORDON of a son.
Grass Ridge Farm, Christmas Day.
We had a large family gathering today: about one hundred persons sat down to dinner, among whom were all Mr. John COLLETT’s own family, except two or three. The large family company after enjoying themselves around a groaning table spent the afternoon in the open air, amusing themselves by cricket and other youthful exercises. The day was throughout spent very pleasantly without accident or any thing to mar the joyous meeting. (Contributed by J. COLLETT Senr Esq)
The death is announced in a Queenstown paper of the wife of Mr. F.R.F. SOUTHEY, manager of the Dordrecht branch of the Standard Bank. The deceased lady was only nineteen years of age.
One of the most melancholy events we have had to record for many a day has just transpired. A young lady who had but recently arrived on the Fields fell a victim to the low fever which is so prevalent at this season of the year, and after an illness of about a fortnight, she expired yesterday morning. This young lady was a daughter of the late Robert BOVEY of Baddaford, district of Fort Beaufort, who was on a visit, in company with Mrs. BOVEY, to Mr. Attorney MORKEL, and who not many weeks since was plunged in deep distress by the death of a brother. Deceased had just attained her twentieth year. To Mrs. BOVEY and other members of the family thus sorely bereaved we tender our heartfelt sympathy.
Monday 5 January 1874
BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 1st January, the wife of Jeremiah LONG Junior of a daughter.
DIED at Somerset East, January 3rd 1874, after a sudden illness, Mary, the beloved wife of the Rev G.H. GREEN, aged 63 years.
DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 3rd day of January 1874, Jessie Helen, wife of Frederick HOLLAND Esq, and eldest daughter of C.H. HUNTLEY Esq, Civil Commissioner of Albany, aged 31 years.
The very unexpected intelligence has just reached us of the death of the Hon. J. VINCENT MLC. Our readers will be very aware that the deceased has only just been returned as one of the Members of Council for the Western Province, and it was generally believed that, though he had been suffering from debility for some time, his health was so far established as to give promise of the continuance of his service to the public in the Legislature of the colony. His unexpected demise has dissipated this hope, and it is only due to the departed to say that a more honourable or conscientious man never had a seat in the Council. Though young to official life, he at once acquired the confidence of his coadjutors, and was always listened to, if not always with conviction, at least with respect. The following is extracted from the Standard & Mail:
Mr. VINCENT was a hearty supporter of public works and devoted a large portion of his time to the consideration of railway extension and harbour improvements. Mossel Bay owes much to the memory of the deceased gentleman, and in Parliament he devoted his best energies to promote the prosperity of that and the neighbouring divisions. His courtesy and kindness to all with whom he came in contact was uniform and unaffected, and whether he be regarded as a politician, a citizen or a private gentleman, his worth was beyond all praise, and it may with truth be said the Colony, his neighbours and his more immediate friends have sustained, in his death, a loss which will long continue to be felt, and to be felt most acutely. The Hon. Joseph VINCENT was a native of Holland, and arrived in this colony in 1814. He shortly afterwards proceeded to Mossel Bay and devoted himself to sheep farming. Subsequently he joined the firm of PRINCE, COLLISON & Co and had the honour of being one of the first of those who started and fostered direct shipments between Mossel Bay and England. On the dissolution of the old firm of PRINCE, COLLISON & Co Mr. VINCENT associated himself with the firm of [text rubbed away] and Co, of which he [obscured] up to the time of his death.
The information which has just come down from Somerset of the sudden death of Mrs. GREEN, the wife of the resident Wesleyan Minister at that place, will be received with profound sorrow by a large circle of her friends in this and other parts of the Eastern Province. Mrs. GREEN was in every respect a thorough missionary’s wife and has proved herself to be so during a long course of years, under the most difficult and trying circumstances, when missionary work was neither so safe or so comparatively smooth as it is at the present day. Her active habits, her constitutional cheerfulness, and her unwavering piety made her an invaluable aid in the mission field, and her death must be felt, not only by her bereaved husband, but by a large circle who knew her, with unfeigned sorrow and with the deepest sympathy for the bereaved family.
We regret to have to announce the death of Mrs. F. HOLLAND, which took place on Saturday last. Deceased was the eldest daughter of our respected Civil Commissioner and Resident Magistrate. The bell of St.George’s was tolled yesterday upon the announcement of the death being made in town, and again this afternoon during the hour when the funeral took place.
Friday 9 January 1874
DIED at Grahamstown on the 2nd inst, William Fred., beloved son of Chas. And Sarah HARTY, aged 13 months and 13 days.
DIED at Nice on the 21st October, Jessie Elizabeth, the wife of Henry Charles ROSS-JOHNSON Esq, of the Inner Temple, Barrister-at-Law, and daughter of the late James WEBSTER Esq, of Hatherley Court, Gloucestershire, England. D.L.
Monday 12 January 1874
The following, somewhat abridged, we take over from the Argus which came to hand this morning. The account will be perused with the most mournful interest by the public generally, but more especially by those who remember the father of the unfortunate lost ones, who for many years was a resident of Grahamstown. Since removing to the Cape his intercourse with this city has been close, not to say uninterrupted. His name is held here in general respect, and the feeling of sympathy excited by his fearful bereavement is universal.
Three daughters of Mr. J.G. NICHOLLS, of Rondebosch, were bathing at Kalk Bay, as was their custom, with three other young ladies, at a spot where the beach shelves down somewhat precipitously, when they were suddenly seen by their parents to be in danger. Mr. NICHOLLS, who was for the moment paralysed as it were with terror, called to Mr. H. ARDERNE, which gentleman was just on the point of getting in to his cart. Mr. ARDERNE saw it was useless plunging into the water with a view to recuing the ladies, and with great presence of mind ran round to the Fisbury to get a whale-boat, which was at once launched. On coming up to the first lady she was found to be still alive, but in a great state of exhaustion and apparently about to sink for the last time. She was got into the boat without delay, and then the second was rescued in a similar manner, but in her hardly any signs of animation could be detected. The third lady was a little further off, but at a spot where it was impossible for the boat to venture without being capsized. The boatman said that the next wave would wash her from under the reef, which proved to be the case. Meanwhile Mr. ARDERNE brought the boat ashore with the one young lady living and the other in apparently suspended animation, while the third was brought by the Rev Dr CAMERON, and others, from the rocks to the residence of Mr. NICHOLLS. Every effort was tried in both cases to restore animation, the Sisters of Mercy resident in the neighbourhood helping with efforts and medical resources, to their utmost but without effect. Dispatches were sent alike to Simon’s Town and Wynberg for medical assistance, and Drs. WRIGHT and STEWART were on the spot as speedily as possible. Unhappily, it was all in vain. Dr. WRIGHT informs us that the two ladies picked up in a state of unconsciousness must have been dead even then, having been already some forty minutes in the water. The one was Miss Emma NICHOLLS, aged 22, and the other Miss Madeline Margaret, aged 15, on a visit to Kalk Bay for her holidays from school. The survivor, Miss Edith NICHOLLS, aged thirteen, saved her life by the remarkable presence of mind with which she kept paddling about and holding her head above throughout. When Mr. ARDERNE rescued her she was still sufficiently conscious to exclaim “Oh save my sisters”. The deep distress of the parents is too sacred to be referred to further than by an expression of the most cordial sympathy from their private friends in particular, as from the public generally. In reference to the fatal catastrophe we only remark that the beach from which it occurred, though attractive in appearance, is a very dangerous one, with a backdraft in some states of the tide which is all but irresistible. We have known some of the strongest swimmers in the Colony to be carried away by it, and be compelled to steer right off to quite another landing-place. In the present instance one sister got suddenly beyond her depth, and another rushing to help her was carried away by the surge; while the third striving to save both of them became a victim herself. It is unnecessary to say a word in expression of the sincerest sympathy felt towards the bereaved and stricken family in their sore and unspeakable affliction. The double funeral will take place this afternoon at Rondebosch.
Wednesday 14 January 1874
BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 10th instant, the wife of Mr.G.E. JARVIS, Resident Engineer, Port Alfred, of a daughter.
We have just received from the Guard of the Transvaal Wagon (Moyoy) the intelligence of this distinguished gentleman’s decease, which sad event took place at Potchefstroom on Sunday the 28th ult. Dr. BOYD was educated at the University of Edinburgh, and having obtained his diplomas in Medicine and Surgery from the College of Physicians and Surgeons in that city, entered the Army Medical Service, and proceeded almost immediately to India, where shortly after his arrival the terrible Sepoy mutiny broke out, which developing into a great rebellion, threatened the destruction of British Rule in Hindustan. Assistant Surgeon BOYD had the honour to be one of the garrison of Lucknow during the six months siege of the city, and for his eminent services there was advanced to the rank of full surgeon, although he had been but four years and a half in the army, an advancement so rapid that we believe there is scarcely another instance of such promotion in military history. Dr. BOYD had the satisfaction of knowing that his ability and zeal were greatly appreciated, and on returning for a short time to England after the termination of the rebellion, being in charge of invalided troops, was thanked by Her Majesty in person for the manner in which he had discharged his duties. [Another sentence at the top of the next column is illegible due to the ink being rubbed away]
Monday 19 January 1874
BIRTH on Sunday the 18th January, the wife of Mr. G.G. LOCKE of a son.
BIRTH at Grahamstown on 17th inst, the wife of Mr. G.N.H. CROZIER of a daughter.
Friday 23 January 1874
BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 22nd inst, the wife of Mr. William FINNAUGHTY of a daughter.
DIED at Zoetfontein, District Cradock, on Sunday the 18th January 1874, Louisa Helen, the beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry SOUTHEY, at the early age of 15 years 6 months and 7 days.
DIED at Grahamstown at the residence of her sister (Mrs. SIMPSON), on Wednesday the 21st January 1874, Mary, daughter of the late Thomas and Mary STYLE, aged 47 years and 6 months.
The papers report the demise at Queenstown on the 14th instant of Mrs. GRIFFITH at the venerable age of eighty four years. The deceased was highly esteemed by all who knew her, and may be said to belong to this neighbourhood, where with her husband, the well-known Charles GRIFFITH Esq, Lieut. R.N, she resided for many years. As an extensive and enterprising sheep farmer Mr. GRIFFITH was regarded when residing at [obscured] Kraal, near this city, as one of the foremost men on the frontier, and especially as regarded the conversion of the Cape sheep into the Merino and other breeds of sheep which are now universally found throughout the Province. For many years past the subject of this notice was deprived entirely of her eyesight and yet, though totally blind, moved about her house with as much activity as many who are spared from such a melancholy deprivation. She was the mother of Mr. GRIFFITH, the able and intrepid Agent of the Government in Basutoland. The whole family is held in honourable memory on this part of the frontier.
Monday 26 January 1874
A service in memoriam of the late Mrs. GREEN, the respected wife of the Rev G.H. GREEN, Wesleyan Minister, was held last evening in the Commemoration Chapel. In token of respect the authorities of the West Hill Chapel closed that place of worship on the occasion. The service was conducted by the Rev W. IMPEY, Chairman of the district, who delivered an impressive discourse from the 51st verse of the 8th chapter of St.John’s Gospel: “If a man keep my saying he shall never see death.” A suitable anthem was also sung in lieu of the usual chant. At the close of the ordinary service a brief memoir of the deceased, compiled by Mr. GREEN, was read, to which the rev. preacher added a few highly eulogistic remarks founded upon a personal acquaintance. The trustees of the Somerset East Wesleyan Chapel have voted a sum of money towards procuring a handsome tablet, on which is to be engraved a suitable inscription, and when completed the tablet will be hung in the Somerset chapel.
Mr. Johannes GROENWALD, of Opperman’s Kraal. Had the misfortune to lose his wife about three weeks ago. His children fretted over the loss of their mother so much that he resolved on taking three of them on a visit to his sister, who resides in Murraysburg. On his road he had to cross a small sluit that runs through the farm Weltevreden, a very short distance from Mr. [FICK]’s Hotel. While in the drift a flash of lightning caused the horses to stick fast, and the swollen torrent upset the cart. The three children were drowned: one of them was a girl of 10 years. The afflicted father has now but one child remaining, and this one is of unsound mind. – Graaff-Reinet Herald.
The Telegraph says:- Two very remarkable cases of sudden death have occurred in this town during the week. On Tuesday last Mr. KINGSLEY, an upholster, was seized with a fit which terminated fatally in the evening. The next evening his wife, who had been slightly ailing for some time, breathed her last after a short attack. Husband and wife were buried together yesterday afternoon. They leave a family of children, but all, we understand, are out earning their own living.
Wednesday 28 January 1874
BIRTH at Grahamstown on Saturday the 24th January, Mrs. Hugh HUNTLEY of a daughter.
MARRIED in the Baptist Chapel on Tuesday 27th inst, by the Rev R. Lamplough, Joseph Evans, second son of Mr. Thos. NORTON, to Emily Selema, second daughter of Mr. S. DICKS of Grahamstown.
Friday 30 January 1874
DIED on the 24th inst, at the residence of his late father, Driver’s Bush, William GLASS, aged 37 years, dearly regretted by relatives and friends.
DIED at Kogel Bout’s Kop, District of Queenstown, on the 25th January 1874, Mr. Joseph RALPH Senr, aged 81 years – one of the British Settlers of 1820 – leaving a large family to deplore their loss. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.
Monday 2 February 1874
BIRTH at Oatlands on Saturday 31st January 1874, the wife of Mr. B.H. ATTWELL of a son.
In the Insolvent Estate of Edward GREEN of Port Alfred, hotelkeeper
All persons claiming to be Creditors under this Estate are required to take notice that the undersigned has been duly elected to and confirmed in the appointment of Sole Trustee of the said Estate, and that the Master has appointed the third meeting to be held before the Resident Magistrate of Grahamstown, on Wednesday 4th February at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, for the proof of Debts, for receiving the Trustee’s Report, and also for the purpose of giving directions to the said Trustee as to the management of the said Estate; and all persons indebted to the said Estate are required to pay the same to the undersigned on or before that date, or proceedings will be instituted against them.
John CROXFORD, Sole Trustee
Friday 6 February 1874
DIED on the 1st February 1874 at the residence of his nephew, William WEBB, in Bathurst-street, of yellow jaundice, john EVANS, late of London, aged 70 years, and was interred this day in the Wesleyan Cemetery. Friends will please accept this intimation.
Grahamstown, 2nd February 1874
BIRTH at Oatlands on Tuesday 5th inst, Mrs. Henry WOOD of a daughter.
Monday 9 February 1874
MARRIED by the Rev G.H. Green, at the residence of the bride’s father, District Somerset East, William Charles COMLEY, of Rockdale, to Althea Holmes TROLLIP, eldest daughter of C.B. TROLLIP Esq.
A brave act of recue from drowning was done on Saturday week last by Master James COLLYER, son of Mr. J.P. COLLYER of this city. It appears that he, in company with James ADY, had gone to the outlet dam near the Hamilton Reservoir to bathe. COLLYER had left the water and was dressing, while his companion was still in the dam. Suddenly he appeared to get giddy, and was sinking, when COLLYER jumped in, got hold of the boy by the hand, and in the struggle received a severe kick, which obliged him to let go. ADY then sank. COLLYER diving to the bottom, seized him by the hair and dragged him to the surface, and with much exertion swam ashore with his burden. Several boys who were also bathing at the same time rendered no assistance whatever. As a small tribute of acknowledgement, Master ADY has presented his brave friend with a handsomely bound copy of Kingston’s “On the Banks of the Amazon”, bearing a suitable inscription, and an ornamentally engrossed parchment, commemorative of the event, has been executed by Mr. J.B. WALTON, for presentation to Master COLLYER. The affair has been reported to the Royal Humane Society, and it is to be hoped will receive due notice.
A schoolmaster named John BURNETT, residing at Brakfontein, in the District of Uitenhage, and the father of a large respectable family, the other day put an end to his life by shooting himself with a gun. The reason for the act is unknown.
Friday 13 February 1874
MARRIED at Aliwal North on the 4th instant, by special licence, in the Dutch Reformed Church, by the Rev H. Buckenham, John WILLS to Annie, third daughter of the late John JENKINSON of that place.
MARRIED at Saint Bartholomew’s Church, Grahamstown, on the 12th February 1874, by the Lord Bishop, assisted by Rev C. Packman MA, Hollings William, eldest son of W. OGILVIE of this city, to Florence Augusta, fourth daughter of Philip Henry MUNTS MP, Leamington Priors, England.
Yesterday morning a fashionable ceremony was performed in St.Bartholomew’s Church in the presence of a goodly array of visitors. On this occasion Miss Florence Augusta MUNTS (fourth daughter of P.H. MUNTS Esq. MP of Leamington, England) was united in marriage to Mr. Hollings William OGILVIE of this city. The ceremony was performed by the Lord Bishop, assisted by the Rev C. PACKMAN MA, Rector of St.Bartholomew’s. At the altar the bride was accompanied by Miss OGILVIE, sister of the bridegroom, and Miss MERRIMAN. T.E. MINTO Esq acted as best man and Mr. DE WIT, the Acting Solicitor-General, as groomsman. A large party of guests subsequently assembled at the residence of W. OGILVIE Esq, in honour of the event.
Wednesday 18 February 1874
BIRTH at Grahamstown this (Wednesday) morning, the wife of Mr. Alexander Forrest GIBSON, of this city, of a son.
Grahamstown, February 18 1874.
Friday 20 February 1874
BIRTH at Jantjes Fontein, Bethulie, O.F. State, on the 10th inst, the wife of Mr. W.J. YELLING of a son.
Upon a charge of wife-beating, William George CGADWICK, proprietor of the Somerset Arms Hotel, of this city, was yesterday, in the Magistrate’s Court, bound over to keep the peace for three months in two sureties of £25 each.
It is with deep regret we record the death of Mr. R. SWAN, which took place at the Kowie during the early part of the week. Deceased, who has been for many years a member of the Odd-Fellows Society and was at the time of his death Past Grand Master, was interred in the Wesleyan Cemetery in town last Wednesday, some 30 members of the Order following as a token of the esteem and respect in which the deceased gentleman was held.
Monday 23 February 1874
DIED on the 16th instant, at the residence of his brother (Mr. John SWAN), Port Alfred West, Robert SWAN, aged 39 years and 4 months. Friends will please accept this notice.
Friday 27 February 1874
MARRIED at Salem by the Rev T Cresswell, on the 26th February 1874, Charles Thomas CROFT, eldest son of the late C.T. CROFT Jun, to Mary Florence LEACH
MARRIED in Commemoration Chapel on Thursday Feb 26 by the Rev W. Tyson, William Vickery, son of the late G.F. STOKES Esq, to Theresa Maria, eldest daughter of Mr. Ben ROBERTS.
Grahamstown Feb 27 1874.
Monday 2 March 1874
DIED at Freiburg, Baden, Germany on the 4th January 1874, by drowning, Elizabeth QUIN, born McLURE, formerly of Burghersdorp, reputed to have been the wife of Constantine SCHWEIZER. Deceased was married in the year 1856 in the Roman Catholic Church in Portsmouth to Haley QUIN, then belonging to the Royal Marines, on board of HMS Duke of Wellington, of the Baltic Fleet, at Spithead, Portsmouth, England, but at present residing in Londonderry, Ireland.
The marriage of Stainforth Crichton BELL Esq of Queenstown, nephew of the late Chief Justice, to Elizabeth Maria, eldest daughter of the late E. CHABAUD, was solemnised at Uitenhage on Thursday last.
A man named Robert SMITH, a wagon-maker and blacksmith, residing in Grahamstown, died very suddenly on Saturday night last. Deceased was well in the afternoon, taken ill about six in the evening, and dead in a few hours. Some two years ago it appears that Mr. SMITH received some injury in following his trade, by which he suffered several times, which is said to have accelerated his death.
BIRTH at Grahamstown, March 2nd 1874, Mrs. Henry OATES of a daughter.
Friday 6 March 1874
BIRTH at Grahamstown March 5th 1874, Mrs. F.M. GILFILLAN of a son.
DIED at Heald Town on Friday 27th February, Margaret Mary Ann, beloved wife of Mr. Geo. W. ROWLAND, and eldest daughter of Mr. Wm. CARTWRIGHT Sr of Fort Beaufort. Aged 26 years. The family of the late Mrs.. ROWLAND tender their sincere thanks to all those kind friends who rendered assistance; and especially to Dr. PALMER, whose kindness to the deceased during her last illness will never be forgotten.
Monday 9 March 1874
On and after the 2nd March the Undersigned will continue to trade as Wholesale Saddlers in Port Elizabeth in the name of GIBSON Brothers
James Munro GIBSON
Alexander Forrest GIBSON
Grahamstown, Feb 28 1874
Eastern Province Guardian, Loan and Investment Company
Notice to Creditors
In the Insolvent Estate of Mrs. Julia GREATHEAD of Grahamstown
Notice is hereby given that a Special Meeting of Creditors in the Insolvent Estate of Mrs. Julia GREATHEAD will be held before the Resident Magistrate of Grahamstown, at his office, on Wednesday the 25th March 1874, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, for the proof of debts, and also for the purpose of giving further directions to the Trustee as to the management of the said Estate.
Ben. B. ATTWELL, Trustee
Grahamstown, February 10 1874
Eastern Province Guardian, Loan and Investment Company
Notice to Creditors
In the Insolvent Estate of Thomas GREIVE of Queen’s Town
All Persons claiming to be Creditors under this Estate are required to take notice that the undersigned has been duly elected to and confirmed in the appointment of Sole Trustee of the said Estate, and that the Master has appointed the third Meeting to be held before the Resident Magistrate of Grahamstown, at his Office, on Wednesday the 25th March 1874, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, for the proof of Debts, for receiving the Trustee’s Report, and also for the purpose of giving directions to the said Trustee as to the management of the said Estate.
And all persons indebted to the said Estate are required to pay the same to the undersigned on or before that date, or proceedings will be instituted against them.
Ben. B. ATTWELL, Trustee
Grahamstown, February 10 1874
Friday 13 March 1874
BIRTH on the 6th inst at Port Alfred, the wife of Mr. A.N. STREET of a daughter.
MARRIED in the Wesleyan Chapel, Dordrecht, on the 5th March, by the father of the bride, John Griffin, son of James Bisdee HELLIER Esq of Grahamstown, to Ann Maria, eldest daughter of the Rev H.H. DUGMORE, Wesleyan Minister.
DIED at Willow Park on the 2nd inst, Vincent Charles, eldest son of John and Emma SLATER, aged 3 years 3 months and 13 days.
DIED at Hope Farm, March 12th 1874, Mary Ann WAKEFORD, relict of the late W. WAKEFORD, aged 60 years and 3 months. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.
Monday 16 March 1874
BIRTH at Grahamstown on Saturday the 14th March, the wife of Mr. G.H. HICKMAN, East London District, of a daughter.
DIED at King Williamstown on Wednesday morning, the 4th inst, Annie Jane Katherine, youngest daughter of the late Mr. Joseph WALKER of this city, aged 23.
On Tuesday afternoon a German named Samuel GREEBET was found lying on the Market-square in a very exhausted condition. He was at once removed to the Provincial Hospital, where he died a quarter of an hour after admission.
Monday 23 March 1874
BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 19th inst, the wife of Mr. W.J. CURRIE of a daughter.
A FATAL ACCIDENT of a melancholy nature occurred at Somerset on the 17th inst. A shooting party was made up by five of the Somerset residents, one of whom had a defective and dangerous gun which accidentally went off and shot a Mr. G. LEES in the head, killing him on the spot. The deceased was in the employ of Messrs. COOPER, DRUMMOND & Co, and was highly esteemed by those who knew him.
Wednesday 25 March 1874
MARRIED in Commemoration Chapel by the Rev E. Lones, on the 24th March 1874, Henry Edward, son of Joseph TROLLIP Esq, to Helen, daughter of the late Mr. G.D. MARSH.
The Funeral of the late Mr. Advocate BELL will move from his late residence, Prince Alfred-street, tomorrow afternoon at 4 o’clock. No special invitations will be issued. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.
A. WILL, Undertaker
Friday 27 March 1874
BIRTH March 21st 1874, the wife of the Rev T. CRESSWELL of a son.
BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 26th instant, Mrs. W. KING Jun of a son.
DIED at Spring Grove near Bedford, on Thursday 19th March, Isabella, wife of Mr. Robert B. EMSLIE, and second daughter of the late James STEWART Esq. of Alice, aged 47 years. Deeply regretted. [corrected in issue of 7 April to Robert P. AINSLIE]
We regret to have to record the following shocking event which took place in Paterson’s Row on Friday evening last, at the residence of Mr. C.J. HOUSLEY, attorney. It appears that Mr. HOUSLEY and Mr. BULLEN had dined together, and after dinner Miss HOUSLEY was at the piano playing one of Beethoven’s Sonatas. At this time Mr. HOUSLEY had a revolver in his hand, and was examining it, seeing which Mr. BULLEN cautioned him. The muzzle was towards Mr. HOUSLEY’s head, when it was suddenly discharged. Death was instantaneous. – Port Elizabeth Telegraph.
Monday 30 March 1874
We learn that Mr. BERLYN, lately a resident of Cradock, and more recently of Klipdrift, Kimberley, died in a London hospital in consequence of accidental injuries received on his voyage home in the Windsor Castle, having fallen down the hold of that vessel. – Standard and Mail.
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