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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1871 - 4 - October to December

Monday 2 October 1871

BIRTH at Pietermaritzburg, Natal on 18th September, the wife of the Revd. John SMITH AM of a daughter.

DIED at Clifton, Baviaan’s River on Friday September 15th 1871, James William, eldest son of William and Elizabeth ROBERTS, aged 28 years.

Late on Tuesday evening the town was shocked by the sudden and painful intelligence of Dr. ABERCROMBIE’s death. The event was so unexpected that his many friends and numerous patients could hardly bring themselves to believe in the report that this benevolent, kind-hearted gentleman had passed away, until all doubts were removed by the appearance of the flags at the various Consulates being hoisted half-mast high, out of respect to the deceased. From what we could gather, the doctor had been confined to his bed during the past week from severe pain in his left side, and great general prostration; but no immediate danger was apprehended, as he was pretty comfortable on Monday evening, and passed a good night, and was in hopes of soon returning to his duties. But man proposes, and God disposes. On Tuesday, at eight o’clock, he took some breakfast and amused himself by dipping into a new medical work that he had received by the mail. Soon after he complained of feeling cold and began to shiver. He rapidly grew worse, and before his medical friends, who were promptly in attendance, could arrive, a perfect collapse of the whole system seems to have occurred. Everything that skill and affection could suggest was at once tried; but alas! without avail. He gradually sank, though partially conscious, and in less than three quarters of an hour he had breathed his last, universally regretted.
The late Dr. ABERCROMBIE was a worthy son of a worthy sire. By his death the community have lost a thoroughly good man who, making no distinction between rich and poor, spent himself freely in the cause of humanity, and devoted his time and attention to the multifarious demands of his profession. He was essentially a straightforward, honest practitioner, full of strong common sense; not wasting his time on clever theories, but thoroughly practical and clear-headed, and equal to every emergency in his daily duties. A brilliant operator himself, he was always ready to assist his brother practitioners in every arduous or difficult case; and was never happier than when helping a junior with his extensive experience. Though barely forty-two years old, he was rich in that knowledge which springs from careful observation combined with cautious judgment and an accurate memory; and as a general practitioner, stood at the head of his profession in Capetown, especially in the conduct of obstetric cases. His popularity with all classes, from the Governor downwards, was so great that it was only by excessive exertion that he could keep abreast of his work. He literally slaved himself to death during the present epidemic. At all hours of the day and night he was out in all weathers, heedless of exposure; and it is hard to realise the fact that the tall and stalwart form to whom so many have been indebted for succour and relief, and whose many appearance gave promise of a long and prosperous life, has now been laid low by an insidious and almost unsuspected foe. Well may Wordsworth say:
“The good die first, and they whose hearts are dry as summer dust burn to the socket”.
Though many a tear will fall over his grave (especially among women and children) by none will they be more assuredly shed than by those who had the great privilege of his professional friendship. To these he was a tower of strength and a sure refuge in time of trouble, bound by no false ambition to set himself above his fellows, he strictly abstained from all party warfare and despised all cliques and cabals, which may tend to lower the healing profession; and yet he was so thoroughly trusted that in any medical dispute it seemed quite natural to abide by his opinion. By nature a peacemaker, he abhorred all shuffling and double dealing, and greatly endeared himself to his friends by the thoroughly genial and hearty manner in which he would smooth over domestic difficulties, and as it were shake opponents into good humour. In social life the late Dr. ABERCROMBIE might easily have shone had he been so inclined, by virtue of artistic genius and generous qualities. He was a good pianist and a good linguist, and by no means deficient in dry humour and wit. But he deliberately set his profession before everything and worshipped at that shrine with the utmost devotion. For many consecutive nights before his fatal [obscured] he had not taken off his clothes and it was puzzling to everyone how he could carry on so long without any ill effects ensuing. This [obscured] has now been solved. By his death he leaves behind him a disconsolate, heartbroken widow and a large family of eight children who, we almost fear to think, cannot be very adequately provided for. ..[obscured] that amount of provision to which he might reasonably have looked forward. And once again we have a striking illustration of the old, old saying of the uncertainty of life and how, literally, poor doctors may save and serve for others, but cannot save themselves.
As the friends of the family have not permitted the post mortem investigation desired by those who performed the last sad offices to the deceased, it is impossible to positively assert what was the immediate cause of death; but we are assured that the case presented all the features of severe internal haemorrhage towards its close, and that therefore nothing could have been done to avoid the sudden and fatal issue.

(London and Colonial News)
There are very few of the readers of the London and Colonial News who will not regret to hear of the death of Mr. John Owen SMITH, which took place at Leinster Gardens on the 16th August. His death was sudden, and reached the ears of his friends almost before the announcement of his illness. On the 4th instant the deceased was wonderfully well. He took leave of his daughter, Mrs. Archdeacon BADNALL, and family, who left in the Carolina on the 7th inst, and for several days after this he was able to get about, though he had spoken of feeling symptoms of one of those attacks which had of late been rather frequent, and which, he was fully aware, might at any time prove fatal. The immediate cause of death was erysipelas, aggravated by several minor complaints. We insert below a tribute to the character of the deceased by the Rev W.B. BOYCE; their intercourse dates a long way back, and was continued, except with interruption caused by distance, up to the time of his death.
The late Mr. SMITH was born in Scarborough in 1804. He went to the Cape in 1819 with his uncle, Capt. SMITH; he was then but a lad, and settled in Capetown. On arriving at the age of seventeen, he pushed his way to the frontier, where his subsequent career as one of the most successful merchants is well known. The funeral took place on Saturday the 10th instant, the remains being buried at Kensal Green, followed by a number of relations and genuine friends. If there is any comfort derived by bereaved families from the sympathy of friends, this widow and her children will, we are sure, receive many proofs, both in England and from the Cape, that the late Mr. SMITH was greatly and widely respected, and their very large circle unite with them in mourning his death at not a very advanced age.
A touching incident is connected with the funeral. On the same day, and in the same tomb, the only child, a little girl, of Mrs. COURTENAY (daughter of the late Mr. SMITH) was buried. She too was well and hearty on board the Carolina in the farewell leave taking, but shortly afterwards sickened of scarlet fever and died.
Mr. BOYCE writes:
1. My personal relations with him commenced in February 1830, when I landed from the Usk in Algoa Bay, with Mr. and Mrs. PALMER, on our way to Grahamstown. He was then residing in a neat cottage (one of the neat houses in Algoa Bay at that time) and had only recently commenced business. I found him to be a wonderful exception to the generality of the then population of Port Elizabeth – educated, intelligent and inquiring. Books were not so common then as now, and in reference to them we had sympathies in common. A few which I had at hand were left with him, and for a brief period such interchanges continued until his direct communication with England enabled him to procure all the literature he required. At that time he was inclined towards scepticism, cut the perusal of “Lives of Converts from Infidelity” 2 vols from Constable’s Miscellany, awakened a new train of thought; and being followed by the study of sundry works, which too many are deemed dry, he became a firm believer in the truths of the Revelation. My next personal intercourse with him was when he paid a visit to Grahamstown. Again I saw him in 1834, when on my way to England to marry, and in 1835 on my return to the colony with my wife, aunt and cousins. In 1843, when returning to England with my wife, four children and a nurse, he being then with his family in the country, placed his large mansion in Port Elizabeth at our disposal, and his housekeeper, under his directions, found us with every comfort and luxury during the more than two weeks we were detained waiting for the Cape steamer which took us on to Capetown. I never experienced such kindness in my life, and it was enhanced by the fact that Mr. SMITH was unconnected with the religious body and society to which I belong. Soon after, in 1843, or early in 1844, he was in England, and came out of his way to see me at Bolton-le-Moor, spending a night with us, and sleeping on the sofa in my study. When I took leave of him at the railway it seemed as if the last link between me and my African friends was severed; and, though not very sensitive, I could not help a good cry. On my return to England in 1856 from Australia our intercourse was renewed; he used generally to call at the Mission House and sit from thirty minutes to three quarters of an hour, more or less, giving me the South African news and discussing the leading economical and religious questions of the day.
2. In his intellectual character there was observable the rare power of at once passing through and over all mere subsidiary points, and seizing upon the great point at issue. He was impatient of all illusions of sentiment, of old prejudices, of local feeling &c, and went at once to the thing itself, to ascertain from a rigorous analysis what it was. He was as suspicious of his own preconceptions as of those of others, and hence, in most cases, his conclusions correspond with the facts of the case. A clearer head, and a sounder judgment on all matters under his notice, no man ever possessed.
3. As a merchant he was the soul of honour – his word his bond – abhorring all trickery and finesse; once deceived as to his views of character, it was difficult to find the opportunity of deceiving him again. If he lost money through misfortune of his debtor, no man more willing to assist again, if assured of the honesty and average ability of the man. With strong opinions and genuine hatred of dishonesty, and of many things which are miscalled “sharp practice”, I never knew that he revenged himself upon those who had injured him, though in the course of his life most of them came under his power; on the contrary, many who had tried to injure him partook of his generous kindness. He would relieve where he would not trust.
4. In his social affections, as well as in his religious feelings, there was, I imagine, very little of the mere emotional; the well was deep, and did not bubble up to the surface. All his life he had been thrown upon himself. In Algoa Bay he had few equals with whom he could associate to any profit, and when he came to London his character had become a fixity, and perhaps there is nothing in the general character of even London society to attract a man of his mental make. He lived a life of over self-consciousness, his brain always at work discussing all the new problems, social, scientific and theological, of the day, and in his own way coming to common sense conclusions, rather ahead of the magazine and newspaper representations of public opinion, and, I think, far sounder.
In him I have lost my oldest friend in South Africa (as I knew him a few weeks before I had seen Mr. SHAW). My only old South African friends are Mr. GODLONTON and Mr. COCK, and perhaps the old elephant hunter Mr. DRIVER survives – a rough diamond. All the riches of the jewellery and gold of the north will not make up to the Cape Colony for the loss of the moral worth and energy of the better part of the settlers of 1820. With some exceptions their descendants are not fully equal to them. This, however, may be an old man’s prejudice. I know but little of the new generation, and I may have generalised too hastily.

Wednesday 4 October 1871

Eastern Province Guardian, Loan and Investment Company
Notice to Creditors and Debtors
In the Estate of the late George GRAHAM, of Grahamstown
The undersigned having been duly appointed Executive Dative to the Estate of the late George GRAHAM, requests that all Claims against the said Estate may be sent in to the Office of the above Company, High-street, Grahamstown, within six weeks from this date, and that all Parties indebted to the said Estate will pay the Amount of their several Accounts at the same place and within the same period.
Executor Dative
No.7 High-street
September 27, 1871.

Friday 6 October 1871

DIED at Alexandria on the 23rd September 1871, Mr. Conraad Frederik SCHEEPERS Sen. Deceased was born on the 24th February 1813. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.

Monday 16 October 1871

We (London and Colonial News) regret to have to add to the list of Cape merchants who have been taken from us this year, the name of Mr. Joseph MOSSENTHAL, who died on the 5th September, at his residence, St.Germain, Laurie Park, Sydenham. He did not feel seriously ill until Friday, the 1st inst, and on the following Tuesday, after some hours of unconsciousness, he quietly breathed his last. He leaves behind him a sorrowing family (a widow and nine children) and a large circle of relatives and friends. Deceased was in his 59th year. He was widely known throughout the Cape Colony, and as widely respected. Those who knew him intimately saw in him much to love and admire. No one could possess a kindlier nature – his hand was always ready to help those who needed it, though the needy one was a comparative stranger. An incident in connection with the commemoration of his silver wedding day, some time ago in London, gives proof of the general esteem felt for him by his friends. On that occasion he gave a breakfast in London, and received on the morning of the day from his friends presents to the value of over three thousand pounds. The Cape Colony owes much to his enterprise. He arrived in the Colony in 1833, and in 1836 established himself in business in Capetown, from whence he made trading trips periodically. These were very successful, and in 1840 he returned to Europe for the purpose of making arrangements to extend his commercial operations. His first step was to take his brother, Mr. Adolph MOSENTHAL, into partnership, and both returned to the Colony in 1841, when deceased established himself in Port Elizabeth, and his brother in Graaff-Reinet. Their activity and intelligence soon obtained for them a firm footing in those places, and from thence they established branches in most of the up-country towns, and secured a very large portion of the trade of the colony. Deceased returned to England in 1856, and established a business in London, with a view of giving increased efficiency to his Colonial operations. He paid one visit to the Colony since then, and the Colonists gave proof of their esteem by electing him a Member of the Legislative Council. In politics he was as earnest as in business; in fact, whatsoever his hands found to do, he did it with all his might. He was always alive to the interests of the Colony, and was never so absorbed in his efforts for self as to forget the claims which the land of his adoption had upon his time, talents and wealth. He did much in the way of importing valuable stock from abroad, and made great efforts to improve the growth of wool. Mr. MOSENTHAL was the first importer of angora goats, and spent large sums of money on this enterprise, when there was no chance of any return. The Colony is scarcely yet reaping the advantages of this new industry, but long after all the precious stones of the Vaal are exhumed and forgotten, the name of Joseph MOSENTHAL, the first importer of Angora Sheep, will be remembered. His remains were buried at Highgate Cemetery on Saturday 9th instant.

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 6th October, the wife of the Rev T. CRESSWELL of a son.

Friday 20 October 1871

MARRIED at Graaff-Reinet on the 10th October 1871 by the Father of the Bride, Mr. Louis Henry TROLLIP, second son of the late Mr. Henry TROLLIP, to Elizabeth Prudence Tucker, youngest daughter of the Rev John EDWARDS, Wesleyan Minister. No cards.

Notice to Creditors
In the Insolvent Estate of Wm. RAMSBOTTOM, Farmer, of Peddie District
Notice is hereby given that a Special Meeting of Creditors in this Estate will be held before the Resident Magistrate of Grahamstown, at his office, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon of Wednesday the 1st day of November next, for the purpose of considering an offer of compromise to concurrent Creditors of ten shillings in the pound, payable at 3, 12, 18 and 24 months, by promissory Notes of William Horner WALLACE, secured by Power of Sale and realisation of the Farm, Vaal Plaats, Division of Albert.
John CROXFORD, Sole Trustee.

Monday 23 October 1871

BIRTH – Mrs. Robert KING, Market-square, Grahamstown, of a daughter
Thursday, October 19th 1871.

Friday 27 October 1871

BIRTH at Grahamstown on Wednesday 25th October, the wife of Mr. J.B. EDKINS of a daughter.

DIED at Port Alfred on the 22nd inst, Edith May, infant daughter of Henry and Elizabeth DIXON, aged two months and six days.

Monday 30 October 1871

DIED October 21 1871, at the Nazaar near Grahamstown, Mr, William BIRT, of Port Elizabeth, aged 69 years and 5 months.

DIED at Cradock on the 26th Oct 1871, Mr. Charles SCANLEN, aged 62 years.

Wednesday 1 November 1871

DIED on Tuesday night, Oct 31st, Mrs. Margaret MURRAY, Queen-street, Grahamstown. Aged 62 years.
Funeral Notice
The Funeral of the late Mrs. MURRAY will move from the residence, Queen-street, at 4 o’clock tomorrow (Thursday) afternoon. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.
A. WILL, Undertaker

Friday 3 November 1871

DIED at the Farm “Green Fontein”, Bongolo, on the 25th Oct 1871, Mr. William JACKSON, aged 53 years, leaving a sorrowing widow and a family of eleven children to mourn their irreparable loss.

DIED at Grahamstown on the 26th October 1871, Henry SPARKS Sen, aged 86 years. Deceased was one of the British Settlers of 1820, belonging to the Salem Party. The family return their sincere thanks to the many kind friends who visited him in his severe affliction.

Friend after Friend departs
Who has not lost a Friend?
Charles SCANLEN, whose death at Cradock was announced in our last issue, is justly entitled to rank amongst the foremost of our Frontier Worthies. To many of our readers it will be known that he came to this country with his parents when a mere boy, and that with them and Party he was located at Clanwilliam, a division of the Colony which, it was speedily discovered, was utterly unsuited to their circumstances. The Government soon became so sensible of this that the whole party of emigrants with which the SCANLENs were associated were removed to Waai Plaats, Lower Albany, where it was subsequently known as “The Irish Party”, and became amalgamated with the British Settlers of 1820. The elder SCANLEN, however, soon established himself with his family in Grahamstown, where the subject of this notice spent many of his early years. Engaged in sedentary employment, his health failed him – eventually compelling him to change his pursuits, and to engage in active outdoor employment. At the time referred to there was no regular Transport service between Grahamstown and Cradock, and it at once occurred to Mr. SCANLEN that here was an opening exactly suited to the requirements of his case. He accordingly at once entered upon it with all that steadiness of purpose which ever marked his character through life. It was soon discovered that Charles SCANLEN was one who might be implicitly depended on; and having inspired this confidence, his position gradually widened, until he was regarded as one of the most rising and influential members of the Cradock district. Possessed of sound judgment and of never-flagging perseverance, the claims upon him for service were so numerous and pressing that the transport business was soon abandoned, and a widespread agency soon grew up around him, to which his son is now the worthy successor.
The deceased was, however, no less distinguished as a clear-headed man of business than as a true Patriot, loyal to the country of his adoption, and prepared at every time of danger to stand foremost in its defence. His personal bravery has been proved in innumerable instances. In his career as a member of Sir Harry SMITH’s celebrated Corps of Guides; in his gallant aid to Theopolis, when invested by the warlike Kafirs; in his intrepid succour in conveying ammunition, with a few other Cradock men, to Whittlesea, when surrounded by hordes of infuriated natives and rebel Hottentots, and in numerous other instances in which he proved alike his indomitable pluck, his self abnegation, and his cool but sound determination of purpose either to “do or die”. Capable of an enormous amount of fatigue, he never spared himself, but was ever ready either at the call of friendship, of business, or of patriotism to render his service.
As a Member of Parliament, for many years representing in the House of Assembly the division of Cradock, he will ever be remembered for his unassuming deportment, his sound judgment, and his unflinching defence of Eastern Province interests. Charles SCANLEN was no weathercock. He had well studied his Political Creed, and his opinions on public questions when once matured were unflinchingly maintained and distinctly uttered. It would be well were our modern or embryo politicians to study his creed, and to steer accordingly. Take Charles SCANLEN for all in all, the Colony never had a worthier Citizen, or the Eastern Province one on whom dependence might be more implicitly placed.

Wednesday 8 November 1871

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 4th inst, the wife of Mr. Alfred WEBB of a son.

Monday 13 November 1871

MARRIED at Fort England on Thursday 9th November, by the Rev R. Lamplough, John Thornhill FISHER to Susanna ROWSE.

DIED at Adelaide on the 9th Nov 1871, Martha, wife of Mr. H.J. JONES, of Adelaide. Aged 62 years and 9 months.
“Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord, for they rest from their labours”.

The sale held by Mr. J.H. PARKER of the late Mr. Geo. WIGGILL’s property was very successful. The farm “Brandbosch Spruit”, 1,500 morgen, fetched £2,000, the BOTHAs being the purchasers. Another farm, “Thornhill”, fetched £1,600. Oxen fetched £10 each; and a second-hand wagon and span of oxen together realised £205. Cows sold for £6, £7 and £8; hamels 8s9d; ewes and lambs, all to count, 6s6d. Many who had gone to the sale in the expectation of getting stock cheap were disappointed.

Wednesday 15 November 1871

DIED at Bultfontein, Diamond-fields, Edith Potter HYDE, youngest daughter of Wm. and Sarah HYDE, of Hounslow, near Grahamstown, aged 9 years and 4½ months.

Friday 17 November 1871

A large number of persons – principally young ladies – attended in the Congregational Church yesterday morning to witness the marriage of Mr. W. STRANACK to Miss TYZACK, second daughter of Mr. W. TYZACK, one of our oldest and most highly respected fellow-colonists and fellow-townsmen.

Monday 20 November 1871

DIED at Goba, Division of Bedford, at the residence of her granddaughter, on the 17th instant, after a severe illness, Mrs. Priscilla ORSMOND, wife of Mr. Joseph ORSMOND, of Port Elizabeth, aged 69 years and 4 months. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.
Bedford, Nov 8th 1871

The Advocate has the following particulars of this sad affair:
A melancholy accident took place at Hewson’s Hotel, at Koonap Bridge, on Tuesday last, from the incautious handling of firearms. Mr. C. JACKSON had been practising with a revolver at a mark, and having as he thought discharged all the barrels re-entered the hotel, when a discussion arose as to whether he could snap a pistol without winking his eye. Mr. JACKSON told a Bastard boy, an old servant of his, to watch his eye while he snapped the pistol, at the same time presenting the pistol in his direction, and pulling the trigger, when the revolver went off and a bullet entered the skull of the unfortunate boy, who died in about half an hour afterwards. The dismay and horror of Mr. JACKSON may be imagined at this termination of his injudicious playing with firearms. The pistol had been snapped a dozen times or more, the chambers making two or three revolutions, and Mr. JACKSON and all present were under the belief that all the charges had been fired off. It is supposed that the cap of one of the chambers had fallen off, and left a small portion of detonating powder in the nipple, which caused the explosion. The District Surgeon was at once sent for, but life had been extinct some hours before he arrived. An investigation into the sad affair took place before the Resident magistrate on Thursday, and Mr. JACKSON was formally committed. The evidence showed that the affair was entirely accidental. Mr. JACKSON was admitted to bail. He feels keenly for the result of his carelessness.

Wednesday 22 November 1871

The fête on Monday was a decided failure, and anything but creditable to the management of the Agricultural Society, under whose auspices it was given.
At daybreak on Tuesday morning Mr. G.F.B. ROWAN of the Customs was found dead under circumstances that leave little doubt but that he was murdered. The Government not doing anything in the matter, the Mercantile community have guaranteed a reward of £100 which has been issued. Two men have been apprehended on suspicion. ROWAN’s watch was found on a German, who states he stole it from the body, believing ROWAN was insensible, but denies being a party to the murder. The funeral takes place this afternoon. Flags half-mast high.

Friday 24 November 1871

DIED at Aliwal North on the 16th inst, Fanny DOWLING, youngest daughter of the late William and Harriet DOWLING.

The Prussian war steamer Nymphe left for Australia yesterday afternoon.
Among the passengers for the Fields by yesterday’s transport wagon were Mr. RUTHERFOORD and Mr. T.E. JONES of the Cape of Good Hope Bank, who proceed to make the necessary arrangements for the establishment of their branch there.
The Fete on Monday was a miserable failure. During the evening a scrimmage took place between some officers of the 86th and some civilians. It was proved the following day that a Mr. ALBERTYN assaulted Captain CROFTON, and the Magistrate fined him £5.
A reward of £250 has been offered to any person giving such information as will lead to the detection and conviction of the murderer of Mr. ROWAN - £150 by the Commercial Exchange and £100 by the Town Council. As yet the perpetrator of this dreadful crime has not been found. The funeral took place on Wednesday afternoon, and was one of the largest ever seen in Capetown.

Monday 27 November 1871

In our issue of today will be found, taken from the Standard and Mail, an announcement of the death on board the steamer Beethoven, when near Madeira, of the widow of the late Justice CLOETE. It will be known to many of our readers that the deceased lady was the sister of Colonel GRAHAM, the founder of this city. She was also the sister of the wife of Colonel DUNDAS, who will be remembered as having been for several years the able and upright Magistrate and Civil Commissioner of this district. It will also be in the recollection of our readers that the appointment of this officer to Grahamstown was ascribed at the time, at least in part, to his connection with the family of one whose name will ever be held in respectful memory by its inhabitants.

Wednesday 29 November 1871

DIED at Queenstown, November 22nd 1871, at the residence of her son-in-law Mr. Ebenezer PARKER, Mrs. Caroline GRUBB, late of Grahamstown, aged 68 years and 2 months.
Life’s labour done, as sinks the clay,
Light from its load the spirit flies;
While heaven and earth combine to say
How blest the righteous when he dies!
Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.

Friday 1 December 1871

BIRTH at Queenstown on the 24th November 1871, the wife of Mr. W. JACKSON Junr of a son.

DIED at the Diamond-fields on the 8th November 1871, Mr. Thos. SIMPSON, aged 54 years.

DIED at the Diamond-fields on the 16th inst, Mary Anne, widow of the late John Hancorn SMITH of “Melville Park”, in her 55th year. Deeply regretted by all who knew her.

DIED at his residence in Somerset-street, Nov 29th 1871, Jeremiah GOLDSWAIN Sen, aged 69 years and 9 months. One of the British Settlers of 1820, and a native of Great Marlow, Buckinghamshire, England.

DIED at Queenstown on the 24th November 1871, Mary Ann, beloved wife of Mr. W. JACKSON Junr of Hopefield, District of Queenstown, aged 22 years and 5 months, deeply lamented by her sorrowing husband and a large circle of relatives and friends.

DIED at Graaff-Reinet on the 25th November 1871, Sarah, the beloved wife of the Rev Jno. EDWARDS, Wesleyan Minister of that town, aged 65 years and 8 months. She was a native of Frome, in Somersetshire. She accompanied her husband to South Africa, in which she arrived in 1832, and which country she never left until removed by the hand of death. For nearly forty years she was engaged in the work of Christian Missions, on which her heart was fully set.

Monday 4 December 1871

DIED at the Diamond-fields on the 16th October 1871, John Henry MITCHLEY, aged 22 years; also, at the Diamond-fields, on the 17th November 1871, William David MITCHLEY, aged 26 years. The deceased were brothers much beloved by all who knew them. They were the sons of the late David MITCHLEY. Their mother, Mrs. Annie SANDERS, begs to return her heartfelt thanks to all the friends of her sons, who rendered them their sympathy and assistance during the time of their sickness.

Mr. Jeremiah GOLDSWAIN’s whose death we recorded on Wednesday, and whose funeral obsequies took place last Friday, was a native of the county of Buckinghamshire, England, and arrived in this country with the British Settlers in 1820. He was located in the neighbourhood of Bathurst, and subsequently became by purchase the proprietor of what is known by the name of “Freestone Farm”, situated in a beautiful country at the eastern base of the Bathurst hills. This property was originally granted to Mr. AUSTEN, father of Mr. AUSTEN lately Magistrate at the Wittenbergen Reserve, and was then known as “Tiger Spring”. Here Mr. GOLDSWAIN settled down with his family, and was well known to the country round for his social disposition and general hospitality to all comers. The free-stone quarry upon the property afforded him an agreeable change of occupation, and was a source of no little profit. While here deceased was conspicuous for his active exertions in the defence of the country against the incursions of the Kafirs. Few have done harder service or have been more unceasing in their endeavours to protect and improve the country of their adoption. It may be averred probably that the years spent on “FreeStone Farm” were not only the most stirring, but the most successful of his career. Circumstances however induced him to part with this property: and from that time to his decease his life was a chequered one, in which disappointment and misfortune were largely mingled. For some years he was an active sheep farmer not very remote from this city, but Kafir wars, and native pillage were overpowering, and he was compelled to succumb to circumstances which were quite beyond his power of control.
The name of Jeremiah GOLDSWAIN will be affectionately treasured up by a large circle of friends, while his memory will be regarded by all who knew him as a Colonist who deserved well of his country.
It may interest many to learn that for a long period Mr. GOLDSWAIN kept a journal of his proceedings and experiences in this country. This journal is rather voluminous, and we doubt not will be found to contain many striking accounts of the struggles and privations incident to the life of a Settler on this exposed Frontier.

Wednesday 6 December 1871

BIRTH at Oatlands on the 5th Dec, the wife of Mr. Jos. EDKINS Junr of a son.

Monday 11 December 1871

DIED at the Farm “Coldstream”, District of Queenstown, after six weeks illness, Harriet, relict of the late William WEDDERBURN Senr, in her 63rd years. Deeply regretted.
“She sleeps in Jesus”
Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.

In the Insolvent Estate of John LOCKE, Merchant, of Grahamstown
All Persons claiming to be Creditors under this Estate are required to take notice that the Undersigned has been duly elected to and confirmed in the appointment of Sole Trustee of the said Estate, and that the Master has appointed the Third Meeting to be held before the Resident Magistrate, at his office, in Grahamstown, on Wednesday, 27th December, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, for the Proof of Debts, for receiving the Trustee’s Report, and also for the purpose of giving directions to the said Trustee as to the management of the said Estate; and all Persons indebted to the said Estate are required to pay the same to the Undersigned on or before that date, or proceedings will be instituted against them.
Joint Provisional Trustees.

Friday 15 December 1871

We regret to say that information has just been received from the Diamond-fields of the death at the age of 19 years of Herbert, eldest son of the late Lieut. Herbert RUBIDGE.

Monday 18 December 1871

BIRTH at Grahamstown, Market-square, on Tuesday 12th inst, the wife of Mr. Peter POTE of a daughter.

The subject of this brief account was born in England in the year 1818. His parents embarked for this country in 1820 with the original settlers, and for a number of years resided in Salem.
During about 10 years of his early life he received instruction from the late Mr. W.H. MATTHEWS, then residing at that place, and for a short time was his assistant. After which he was apprenticed in Grahamstown to learn the wheelwright business. For sundry reasons he discontinued this, and, joining his father, commenced farming at “Medbury”, near Salem. From there the family removed to “Edendale”, near Fort Beaufort, where they continued farming. In the year 1843 he married a daughter of the late William SARGEANT Senr of Grahamstown, and resided in the neighbourhood of Fort Beaufort till the beginning of the Kafir war of 1846; at which time, in common with many others, all his possessions were swept off. At the beginning of the war of 1850, accompanied by his father-in-law, he removed to the Sunday’s River, in the Graaff-Reinet division. A few months prior to the close of the war the family removed still farther westward, and resided in the Zwaart Ruggens till the war ended. He returned about 1852 or ’53 to the Fish River Randt, finding (as did many) a burnt and desolate homestead. He then let his possessions, and removed his family to Grahamstown, where he resided till the year 1855 or ’56. Resuming farming again, he went to reside on the borders of the Graaff-Reinet and Uitenhage districts, and continued there till about 1860, during which time he sustained heavy losses in stock by drought.
From 1860 till ’62 he resided near the Fish River Randt, and again letting his property, he removed his family to Alice, taking charge of a business in that place. Circumstances changing, after a few months he again removed to Grahamstown, in which place he carried on business till April 1871. It is still in the recollection of many how his commercial and religious life was marked by the strictest consistency.
Although he complained of ill-health a short time before leaving Grahamstown, it was hoped that a change to a higher climate would have proved sufficient to restore him, especially as no symptoms of an alarming character appeared. In April of the present year he accordingly removed from Grahamstown and joined his two sons, residing on the Vaal River, in Albania. During the few months of his stay there he complained of declining health, writing:- “I am weak, weak.” At a later date:- “I have gradually but assuredly been getting worse.” He then went to Klipdrift, seeking medical advice. From there again he wrote, intimating that his life was uncertain. He returned home, but to die! The Doctors, it appeared, had intimated there was but little or no hope. Just two weeks before his death, his last contained the following:- “My feet are very much swollen. I am under the impression that the Doctor’s opinion is that it will turn to dropsy.” On reaching his home and entering his room, he asked:- “Is this the room where my spirit is to take its everlasting flight?” Let it suffice here, to say it was. He calmly waited the end; suffering much pain a few hours before his death.
We enter not into further details, adding only his own words:- “I commend all into the hands of my Heavenly Father; the Lord’s will be done.”
With a well-grounded hope he passed away on Thursday evening, the 9th of Nov 1871.

Wednesday 20 December 1871

DIED on the evening of the 7th Dec at her Father’s Tent, New Rush, De Beer’s, Diamond-fields, Mrs. A. RAFF, daughter of W. COWIE, formerly of Grahamstown; aged 19 years and 7 months.

DIED at Bloemfontein on the 10th December, Sarah C, the beloved child of James and Helen SCOTT; aged 9 months and 16 days.

Friday 29 December 1871

MARRIED on the 28th instant by the Rev R Johnston, in Trinity Church, David, third son of Mr. W. WALLACE, “Glen Craig Villa”, Botha’s Hill, to Agnes, second daughter of the late D. HUME Esq.

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