Grahamstown Journal 1863 - 2 - April to June
Tuesday 21 April 1863
BIRTH on the 15th inst, the wife of Frederick HOLLAND Esq, of this city, of a son.
17th April 1863
BIRTH at Adelaide on the 15th inst, the wife of Frank HOLLAND Esq JP of a daughter.
17th April 1863
BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 20th instant, Mrs. Daniel PENN of a daughter.
CHRISTENED at Trinity Church, Grahamstown, Herbert John Upton, son of F. DORRINGTON of Lower Albany
April 15 1863
DIED at Grahamstown on the 18th April 1863, of croup, Ann Elizabeth, daughter of Alexander and Ann JAMIESON, aged 10 months and 10 days.
Friday 24 April 1863
BIRTH on the 23rd inst, the wife of Edward BOOTH Esq of a daughter.
Grahamstown, April 24th 1863
DIED at Colesberg on the 15th April, Otto Louis George, son of Dr. WILMAN's, aged 18 months and 15 days.
Tuesday 28 April 1863
DIED on Sunday the 26th instant, at the farm of J. CROSS Esq, district of Fort Beaufort, Eleanorah Jane, the second beloved daughter of Jonathan and Susannah AYLIFF, aged 2 years and 22 days.
Grahamstown, 28th April 1863
Friday 1 May 1863
MARRIED by Special Licence at Alice on Thursday 23rd ult, Mr. Edward COTTERELL, of Fort Beaufort, to Rosina, widow of the late B.D. BELL Esq.
MARRIED at Grahamstown, 28th April 1863, by the Rev R.H. Brotherton, William Harrison WELLS to Annie, second daughter of the late W. SHEPHERD Esq.
DIED at his farm "Honey Vale" on the 24th April, Mr. Geo. GILBERT, eldest son of the late Geo. GILBERT Esq of Grahamstown, aged 56 years.
Tuesday 5 May 1863
BIRTH at Graaff-Reinet on the 1st may 1863, Mrs. H.H.S. DE BEER of a son.
MARRIED at Graham's Town on the 30th April, by the Father of the Bride, Henry R. WOOD Esq, M.L.C. to Anne Letitia IMPEY, daughter of the Rev Wm. IMPEY, General Superintendent of Wesleyan Missions in South Eastern Africa.
Friday 8 May 1863
BIRTH at Fort Beaufort on Sunday 3rd inst, the wife of Mr. S.H. ROBERTS of a son.
BIRTH at St. Matthews, Keiskamma Hoek, on the 2nd inst, the wife of Mr. William SIMPSON Junr of a daughter.
DIED on the morning of the 4th inst, Marian Lisbon NORDEN, beloved wife of Louis NORDEN, of Aliwal North, leaving a beloved husband and five young children to deplore an unexpected loss.
Aliwal North, 4th May 1863.
DIED at her residence in Bathurst-street, Grahamstown, on the 6th May, Mrs. Elizabeth ORSMOND, aged 73 years. Friends will please accept of this intimation.
DIED from inflammation of the lungs at Somerset East, on the 1st May, and buried at Dagga Boer Neck on the 5th May 1863, Alice Malvina Everley, beloved and only daughter of Jabez and Annie WEEKS, aged 7 months and 10 days. Friends at a distance will please take notice.
DIED from Croup at Mount Prospect, Dagga Boer Neck, on the 6th May, Leopold George Duncan, beloved and youngest son of Thomas and Mary Jane TROLLIP, aged 1 year 5 months and 8 days. Friends at a distance will please take notice.
Tuesday 12 May 1863
MARRIED in the town of Pearston, on the 6th instant, by the Rev John Wilson, Wesleyan Minister of Somerset East, Mr. Hugh COFFIE to Miss Mary Jane McCROWN, both residents of this town.
Pearston, May 9th 1863.
DIED at Wheatlands, Division of Graaff-Reinet, on the 6th May, Jonathan Eustace, fifth son of S.B. and S.M. HOBSON, aged 7 months and 16 days.
DIED at Grahamstown on Friday 8th May, Elizabeth, the beloved wife of Robert McCANN, aged 45 years, after a short illness, who leaves a loving family and a large circle of friends to mourn her irreparable loss.
Friday 15 May 1863
MARRIED on the 7th inst at Holy Trinity Church, Caledon, by the Rev H.M.M. Wilshere, Rector, H. Boscawan WRIGHT Esq to Emma Penn, eldest daughter of Charles HAW Esq, Civil Commissioner of Caledon.
MARRIED in the Wesleyan Chapel, Queenstown by the Rev W.C. Holden, on Wednesday 8th April 1863, John Vander Kemp DOYLE to Sarah Penny PRESTON, adopted daughter of the late Mr. A.B. PENNY of Queenstown.
DIED at Colesberg on the 3rd May, Catherine Beatrice Matilda, daughter of Dr. WILMANS, aged 4 months 28 days.
DIED at Dagga Boer's Neck, of croup, on the 7th instant, Charlias Frank, youngest son of Frank and Hamner MEAKER, aged 7 month and 19 days.
DIED at his residence in Adelaide, on the 8th May 1863, after three days illness, Jonathan SHELVER Sen, aged 70 years and 17 days, one of the original Settlers of 1820. Friends will please accept this notice.
Tuesday 19 May 1863
DIED at Grahamstown on Bronchitis, on Tuesday the 12th inst, Elizabeth Mary, the beloved wife of J.C. HOOLE Esq, and second daughter of W. COCK Esq of Port Alfred.
14th May 1863
DEPARTED this Life at Somerset East on the 16th day of May 1863, in the 74th year of his age, James Thomas LEPPAN Sen, who came to this Colony as one of the British Settlers of 1820. He leaves an aged and much respected widow and numerous family to mourn his death. For many years deceased took an active part in the rude toils of the early Settlers in Lower Albany, and in 1834 removed to Somerset, where he remained till his death. For some time past his declining health and powers caused him to retire into that seclusion in which he ended his days without a pang.
Friday 22 May 1863
MARRIED in Commemoration Chapel on the 20th instant, Mr. Kennet MACCASTLE to Miss Francis Harriet MITCHELL
MARRIED at Stapleford on Thursday 7th May 1863, by the Rev Jno. Wilson, Wesleyan Minister, Mr. Thomas FOXCROFT, eldest son of Thomas Cumberland FOXCROFT Esq of Oatlands, Zwaarte Ruggens, to Emily, second daughter of Samuel J. ROBINSON Esq of Stapleford, Sunday's River.
DIED at Fort Beaufort on the 15th May 1863, Mary, only daughter of G.W. AYTON Esq of "Alphaeton", aged 3 years and 5 months.
DIED at Cradock on the 18th inst, Eliza Ann, the beloved wife of W.H. PIKE, aged 28 years. Friends will please to accept this notice.
DIED from inflammation of the lungs brought on by hooping cough and croup, at Fish River, on the 18th May, William James Herbert, beloved and eldest son of Jabez and Annie WEEKS, aged 5 years 4 months and 9 days. Friends at a distance will please take notice.
DIED this morning of Influenza, Robert Godlonton, infant son of W.A. and M.A. RICHARDS. Aged 5 months and 5 days.
Grahamstown, May 211863.
DIED at Adelaide of croup on the 18th May 1863, Elizabeth Ann, the beloved and only child of Edward and Maria TRIBE, aged 1 year and 10 months.
Tuesday 26 May 1863
BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 23rd inst, Mrs. Fredk. J. MILLS of a daughter.
BIRTH at Grahamstown on Friday the 22nd inst, the wife of Mr. Francis H.S. ORPEN of a son.
DIED at her residence in Beaufort-street, Grahamstown, on the 25th inst, Mrs. Mary CROFT, relict of the late Mr.C.T. CROFT. Aged 75 years and 6 months.
Friday 29 May 1863
MARRIED at Queenstown on the 20th May 1863, by the Rev Mr St.Leger, Edward HARVEY, Sub-Inspector Frontier Armed Mounted Police, eldest son of the late Capt. John HARVEY, Cape Mounted Riflemen, to Fanny Winifred, only daughter of Arnold SHEPPERSON Esq.
DIED on the morning of the 14th inst at 2 o'clock, Robert Syar HOGGAR, Civil Engineer, aged 47 years and 5 months.
DIED at his residence in the Zwaarte Ruggens, on Wednesday May 13th 1863, Robert KELBRICK Esq, in the 65th year of his age, leaving a widow and numerous family and friends to mourn his loss. Deceased was a good man, and from the integrity of his character and consistency of his Christian deportment was highly esteemed both by the English and Dutch residing in his neighbourhood. He departed this life with a good hope of Heaven.
Tuesday 2 June 1863
BIRTH at Gualana Mission Station on the 30th May, the wife of Mr. G.E. GILL of a son.
BIRTH at Naauw Poort, District of Middleberg, on the 23rd inst, Mrs. James D. COUPER of a daughter.
DIED at his residence in Grahamstown, on the 27th inst, Mr. Joseph WEAKLEY, aged 73 years. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.
DIED at his residence Kariega on the morning of the 25th May, Richard BOWLES, aged 86 years. One of the Original British Settlers of 1820, born Dova [sic, should be Dover]. He died as he lived, trusting on the Lord. Oh, reader, that your end may be like his.
Friday 5 June 1863
DIED at Grahamstown of child-birth, Elizabeth, the beloved wife of James William JENNINGS, leaving a husband and one child, and a numerous circle of friends, to mourn her loss. Aged 20 years and 9 months.
May 29th 1863.
DIED at Cook House Drift in the District of Bedford, of Influenza, Mary Ann FITCHET; aged 63 years and 6 months. Leaving a numerous family to mourn their irreparable loss. Friends at a distance please accept this notice.
DIED on the morning of the 28th May 1863, at the farm of his son Henry PURDON, in WILSON's Party, district of Bathurst, Mr. John PURDON, aged 96 years. Deceased was one of the Settlers of 1820; he has left a widow and numerous family to mourn his irreparable loss. His end was peace.
DIED at Church Place, Alexandria, on the 1st June 1863, of Influenza, Mr. George RUSSELL, aged 48 years.
Tuesday 9 June 1863
DIED at Sidbury on Friday evening the 5th June, of Influenza, Charlotte BERRINGTON, aged 33 years.
DIED at Manley's Flat on the 5th instant, Ann, the beloved wife of William MOUNTFORD, aged 75 years, greatly lamented by her husband and family. She was one of the 1820 Settlers, and the eldest daughter of the late Mr. BROOKES, of the Weeping Cross, near Stafford. Her end was peace with God, though our Lord Jesus Christ.
DIED at Queenstown on the 31st May, John Henry COLEMAN, aged 19 years 8 months and 17 days. Deceased was eldest son of Mr. W.J. COLEMAN of Smithfield.
DIED at Bowden the residence of her son, on the 6th June 1863, Mary HARPER, aged 85 years and 5 months. Her end was peace.
Friday 12 June 1863
BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 9th inst, the wife of Mr. Henry LINTON of a son.
BIRTH at Dordrecht on the 2nd inst, Mrs. Thomas WEBSTER of a daughter.
MARRIED at Uitenhage, June 4th, William Frederick BLOOMFIELD Esq to Emily Jane Martha, fourth daughter of the late W. HYMAN Esq of Uitenhage. No Cards.
DIED at Grahamstown on Thursday the 11th instant, Arthur Edward, infant son of Francis H.S. and Sarah A. ORPEN.
DIED at Glenthorne, Mancazana on the 3rd inst, Mary WILLIAMS, aged 78 years. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.
Tuesday 16 June 1863
DIED at Fauresmith, Orange Free State, on the 14th May 1863, Mr. Peter ENNIS, at the age of 37 years. Deceased was born in Ireland, and came to this country in 1845, was son-in-law to the Landdrost of Bloemfontein, and leaves a widow and 5 young children to deplore their untimely loss.
DIED at Wheatlands, near Graaff-Reinet, on Saturday June 13th 1863, Helen Pringle, the beloved wife of James F. PARKES Esq, aged 24 years and 7 months, leaving a husband and two young children to mourn their irreparable loss.
DIED April 4th, suddenly, of disease of the heart, at his residence Talbot Villa, Holloway, London, Shepherd SIMPSON Esq, eldest son of the late Mr. Thomas SIMPSON, and brother of Mr. William SIMPSON of this city, aged 59 years 5 months.
DIED at his residence in Grahamstown on the morning of the 13th, Frederick CARLISLE Esq, in the 63rd year of his age; deeply regretted.
DIED this morning after a lingering illness of nearly three months, Alfred James Ernest, third son of John and Matilda DUFFIELD, aged 1 year and 8 months. Friends at a distance will please accept this intimation.
Grahamstown, June 16th 1863
Tuesday 23 June 1863
BIRTH on the 21st June, the wife of Mr. Jenner MILLER, of waterloo Place, of a son.
DIED at Fauresmith, Orange Free State on the 10th June last, Mary BARRETT, the beloved wife of Mr. Henry Joseph BARRETT. Deeply lamented by a large circle of relatives and friends.
DIED at his residence near Clumber, Lower Albany, on the 18th June 1863, Mr. William ELLIOTT in the 75th year of his age. The deceased came to this colony as one of the British Settlers in 1820. Since then he has resided principally on his location, where he died. He was for a long term of years a consistent member and useful class leader of the Wesleyan Church in that place. He lived a life of faith in the Son of God, and died in peace.
Friday 26 June 1863
MARRIED at Trinity Church, King Williamstown on the 22nd inst by the Venerable Archdeacon Kitton, assisted by the Rev John Gordon, Hugh CUMING Esq JP, Badenoch Farm, to Elizabeth Martha ATTWELL. No Cards.
DIED of croup on the 22nd June, Charles Peacock, fourth son of Charles and Ellen PENNY, aged 2 years 6 months and 20 days.
Wolf's Craig, Southwell
25th June 1863
DIED at Oakwell on Friday the 19th June, Bertha Egerton, only surviving child of Thomas Charles and Mary Ellen WHITE, aged 8 weeks.
June 24th 1863
DIED at Uitenhage on Wednesday the 17th June, Henry ALLISON, aged 37 years, leaving one child and a large circle of relatives and friends to mourn their loss.
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