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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1860 - 3 - July to September

Tuesday 3 July 1860

Public Sale of Valuable Landed Property
To be sold by Auction on the spot
On Thursday 26th July
All that valuable Landed Property belonging to the Estate of the late Mrs. Rebecca SMITH
Situated in African Street
The Property consists of the present large Dwelling House, recently occupied by the deceased, with the adjoining lands, comprising several acres, extending from African Street to the River, bounded on one side by land belonging to Mr. McLUCKIE and on the opposite to the Municipality. The property is agreeably situated, healthy and well sheltered from the piercing north westerly gales and easterly winds by sloping lands on the right and left. The Ground belonging to the property is fertile, loose, and well calculated to promote the growth of every description of vegetation, whether plant, shrub or tree, and as the land lies, tasteful and ornamental planting can be indulged in to considerable extent, should the whole property fall into one person’s hands. The Executors, however, contemplate dividing the property into allotments, extending from African-street to the Stream, and also cross sections with a road in the direction of Bertram-street. The property will be sold without reserve; and a plan showing the division into allotments will be published as soon as one can be prepared.
Charles POTE for the Executors.

A man named J.B. WHITE, draper, formerly in the service of Mr. HUNT, Golden Lion, died last night in the district hospital from the effects of a dose of arsenic. In the evening he went to George’s Hotel, got some ginger beer, and remarking that he would make a [illegible] draft of it, emptied a paper of poison into the glass and drank off the contents. He was afterwards found lying in Cole’s Lane and removed to the prison hospital, where emetic remedies were resorted to to rid his stomach of its contents, as he would not allow the pump to be used. The remedies failed, and he died about midnight. The deceased, who has not been long in the colony, is said to be of respectable family. Irregular habits appear to have induced that state of mind which led him to destroy himself.

A man named WALLACE in the employ of the Municipality met his death last Saturday evening under the following circumstances: he was sent with the Municipal cart to the Toll at Goodwin’s Kloof to convey a smallpox patient to the hospital. For some unexplained reason he went round the Flat & got into Currie’s Kloof, where the cart and horse, with himself and the sick man, were precipitated over a precipice. The side of the cart fell on his chest, killing him on the spot. The sick man crept out from under the cart uninjured. The deceased, we believe, was a recent immigrant, and has left a wife and three children, who were wholly dependent on his daily labour for their support.

Saturday 7 July 1860

MARRIED at Queenstown on the 4th July instant in the Wesleyan Chapel, by the Rev. G. Chapman, Mr. S. Claridge WAKEFORD, eldest son of Thomas WAKEFORD Esq, to Jane Maria, sixth daughter of the late Thos. H. WEST Esq of Grahamstown.

DIED at Cradock, June 28th, William May VICARY, late of St.Blazey, Cornwall, England, aged 24 years 1 month and 14 days.

Saturday 14 July 1860

MARRIED by Special Licence at Simon’s Town, on the 3rd July 1860, by the Rev. Canon Judge MA, Percy NIGHTINGALE Esq, acting Civil Commissioner and Resident Magistrate of Bedford, eldest son of Thomas NIGHTINGALE Esq, and grandson of the late Sir Charles Ethelstone NIGHTINGALE Bart. of Kneesworth Hall, Cambridgeshire, to Frances Emma, eldest daughter of the late Peter BROPHY Esq, formerly of South Parade, St.James’ Park, London.

MARRIED on the 3rd July 1860 at Goshen, by the Rev. J.H. Hartman MA, Thomas H. SEPHTON (second son of the late Mr. Thomas SEPHTON) to Sarah Caroline Cooper ROBINSON, only daughter of the late Wm. ROBINSON of Klip Hoek, and adopted daughter of Mr. T.C. PRYNN.

BIRTH at Alice on the 10th July 1860, Mrs. Wm. McGLASHAN of a son

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 9th July, the wife of W.J. HOLMES of a daughter.

DIED at King Williamstown on Monday the 9th July, after a painful [disease], Ida Elizabeth, only daughter of E.E. SHORT, aged [15] months and [..] days, deeply regretted by her parents and friends.

DIED of Hooping Cough at Gleniffer, [illegible], on the evening of the 9th inst, Edwin Henry, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. E. BUCKLEY, aged 1 year and [26] days.
[illegible four line verse]

Tuesday 17 July 1860


May 27 – At Glen Gray, Mrs. W.A. WARNER of a daughter
June 18 – At Somerset East, Mrs. H. HUDSON of a son
July 1 – At Windvogelberg, Mrs. ALLCOCK, 85th Regt, of a son
July 10 – At Port Elizabeth, Mrs. B.W.H. COLEMAN of a son
June 16 – At Port Elizabeth, Mrs. F. WASLEY of a daughter
June 18 – At Mowbray Park, Mrs. F. HUGHES Jun. of a son


June 6 - At Grahamstown, W. PAGE to Sarah M. SURMON
June 14 – At Grahamstown, J.J. SANDS to Maria C.A. ZINN
June 16 – At Grahamstown, John HORNE to Ada HARLEY
June 21 – At Grahamstown, Philip FROST Jr. to Maria M. PARKIN
July 4 – At Queen’s Town, S.C. WAKEFORD to Jane M. WEST
July 9 – At Cradock, W.J. WELLS to J.C. COETZER
July 5 – At Port Elizabeth, Jas. BRISTER to Matilda TEE


June 14 – At Hopetown, D.P. PAPENFUS, aged 36 years
June 16 – At Grahamstown, Mrs. Rebecca SMITH, aged 77 years
[…] – At Kareiga, Mrs. Bridget [METLEER], aged 60 years
June 26 – At Richmond, Mrs. E.E. SCHMIDT, aged 24 years
June 25 – At Nurney, Mrs. C. COCK, aged 32 years
June 28 – At Sidbury Park, T. BERRINGTON Sen, aged 65 years
June 28 – At Cradock, W.M. VICARY, aged 24 years
[….] – At Uitenhage, Edwin [Hewsom], infant son of Mr. W.S. JONES
July 1 – At Grahamstown, R. HANCOCK, aged 52 years
June 12 – At Burghersdorp, infant son of W. FREEMANTLE, aged 24 days
[July] 18 – At Port Elizabeth, Agnes Susan MACKENZIE, aged 17 years
[July] 19 – At Richmond, Anne Catherine, eldest daughter of C.H.J. SCHMIDT, aged 2 years 8 months
[July] 16 – At Richmond, infant son of Mr. M.M. TAIT

Saturday 21 July 1860

BIRTH at Middelburg on the 14th instant, the wife of R.C.R. BOYCE Esq of a daughter

DIED on the 14th July 1860, at the residence of Mr. W.H. BATES, [S….] James COUCHER, aged 40 years, deeply lamented by his friends and acquaintances.
19th July 1860

We regret to announce the death of Mr. Edward WHITTY, who once held a position upon our Parliamentary staff, and was afterwards well known as prominently connected with the press both of London and the provinces. His health had been shattered by the hard work of his profession, and he went last year to Melbourne in the hope of regaining strength and finding a new field for his abilities. It was, however, “too late”, and in a few months he died of consumption at the age of thirty two. - Times
[The deceased gentleman was a brother of Mr. WHITTY of the Argus – Commercial Advertiser]

Tuesday 24 July 1860

DIED at Uitenhage on Tuesday the 17th July 1860, Ann, the beloved wife of Mr. George GILBERT of Stoney Vale, District of Fort Beaufort, aged 59 years.

BIRTH at Grahamstown on Tuesday the 24th inst, Mrs. W.T. KINGSMILL of a daughter.

Saturday 28 July 1860

MARRIED at Cuylerville by the Revd. James Barrow, on the 4th inst, David George WRIGHT to Emily, youngest daughter of Mr. John BUCKLEY, Bathurst.

BIRTH at Stoney Vale on the 24th inst, the wife of J.D. INGRAM of a son.

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 22nd last, the wife of [H. HODGKINSON] of a son

BIRTH at Grahamstown on Tuesday the 24th inst, Mrs. W.T. [K……..] of a daughter

CHRISTENING at [Peelton] by the Rev. Mr. Birt, a son of Mr. F. HUGHES baptised John Eldred Mowbray

DIED at Cradock on the 18th instant, after a severe and protracted illness, Edward KELLY, aged 26 years and 10 months, leaving a wife and 1 child to mourn his irreparable loss, and respected by all who knew him. Friends at a distance please accept this notice.

Tuesday 31 July 1860

The remains of the late Mrs. TINDALL, wife of the Wesleyan missionary at Rondebosch, were interred in the English cemetery at Green Point yesterday afternoon at 3 o’clock. A number of the members of the Wesleyan congregations of Rondebosch and Capetown attended the funeral. - Argus

Tuesday 7 August 1860

BIRTH at Uitenhage on Wednesday 1st August 1860, the wife of Captain MARTIN, 2nd Queen’s Royals, of a son.

DIED at [Breda Drift], Fish River on the 2nd August 1860, the beloved daughter of John and Sarah MILLER, aged 3 years and 25 days.

DIED at Cradock on Wednesday the 25th July 1860, Walter King, infant son of Mr.and Mrs. Thomas C. [PRESTON], aged 3 months and [13] days.

Saturday 11 August 1860

MARRIED 2nd August at Grahamstown by the Rev. John Heavyside, John Knox LEET Esq, Surgeon C.M. Riflemen, to Louisa Mary, second daughter of Frederick CARLISLE Esq.

Wednesday 15 August 1860

Coach and Cart Maker
Respectfully announces to the gentry and inhabitants of Grahamstown that he has commenced business in the above line, and hopes, by strict attention, good workmanship, sound materials & moderate charges to share a portion of their patronage.
Carriages of all descriptions made and repaired on the shortest notice.
Smithing of all kinds done on the shortest notice.
Cross Street, Settler’s Hill

Saturday 18 August 1860

BIRTH at [illegible], District of Somerset East on Monday the 13th inst, Mrs. Wm. Carey BLAND of a son.

DIED at Salem on th 10th inst, in the 47th year of her age, Mary Hannah, the beloved wife of P. AMM Sen.

DIED at Sherwood on the 12th inst, Catherine, the beloved wife of Henry GOLDING, aged 27 years, leaving a husband and three young children to deplore her loss.

MARRIED at Port Elizabeth by the Rev A. Robson, on the 8th January 1860, Mary STUART to Edmund Douglas CROSSMAN

BIRTH at Queenstown on the 7th inst, the wife of Mr. Ebenezer WARNER of a son.

[Transcriber's Note: Several pages in this issue, as well as numerous column inches over the next month, are devoted to the visit of Prince Alfred, almost to the exclusion of all other news]

Tuesday 21 August 1860

DIED at Alexandria, Oliphant’s Hoek, on the morning of the 15th instant, Charlotte Antoinette, youngest daughter of Mr. Daniel HUNTER, aged 4 years and 4 days. Relatives and friends at a distance will please accept this notice.
August 18th 1860

Saturday 25 August 1860

DIED at Somerset East of fever, on the 18th inst, after an illness of six weeks, Sarah Elizabeth Gurney, the beloved daughter of W.H. and Emily DIXON, aged 18 years. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.

DIED at Fauresmith, Orange Free State, on Friday the 10th August, [Walter HARWOOD] Esq, deeply regretted by his friends.

Tuesday 28 August 1860

BIRTH at Graham’s Town on the 14th August 1860, Mrs. William Henry DANIELL of a daughter.

MARRIED on the 18th inst in the Wesleyan Chapel, Port Elizabeth, by the Rev. E.D. Hepburn, the Rev. Arthur BRIGG, Wesleyan Missionary, Heald Town Institution, to Anna Maria, youngest daughter of Mr. John TEASDALE of York, England.

MARRIED at Fort Beaufort on the 22nd August 1860 by the Rev. W.H.L. Johnson, Jane STANTON, daughter of W. STANTON M.L.A. to James Lennox PRINGLE, son of J. PRINGLE Esq. of Glenthorn.

Saturday 1 September 1860

DIED at Fort Brown on the 24th August, Cornelius VAN ROOYEN, aged 40 years and one month.

DIED at Cradock on the 27th instant, at the residence of Mr. C. SCANLON, Dina, second daughter of Mr. H. [DENNISON] of Clifton, aged 14 years and 5 months.
Cradock, August 28 1860

DIED at Uitenhage at ½ past 2pm on Tuesday the 28th inst, Mrs. Edward James SMITH, after a very sudden illness.

Saturday 8 September 1860

In the Estate of the late Richard HANCOCK, Deceased
Mrs. HANCOCK (the widow of the late R. HANCOCK) requests that all claims against the Estate of her late husband may be sent in to her residence in High Street.
Grahamstown, 3rd September 1860

In the Estate of the late Mr. James KEYS
The Undersigned, having been appointed Executor and Executrix in the above Estate, requests that all claims against the same may be sent in within three weeks from this date. And further, all debts due to the said Estate are requested to be paid within the same period.
For Self and Co-Executrix
Eland’s Post
District of Stockenstrom
September 1st 1860

Tuesday 11 September 1860

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 31st ult, Mrs. J. LAWRANCE of a son

Saturday 22 September 1860

MARRIED in Grahamstown on Tuesday the 18th September by the Rev. Thos. Boulton (Baptist Minister), Thomas, the second son of Mr. T. MILLS of Proctors Fontein, to Margaret, fifth daughter of Mr. N. LAKE of Sidbury.

MARRIED in Bathurst on the 13th September 1860 by the Rev. James Barrow, Adolf ARENHOLD Esq. M.D. of Port Alfred to Miss Annie SIMKINS

DIED at Mynke’s Fontein on the 4th inst, after an illness of ten months, William Christopher, the beloved son of Peter and Tinkey WHEELER, aged 3 years and 11 months. Friends at a distance please accept this notice.

DIED suddenly at Frankfort, near King William’s Town, at the residence of her granddaughter Mrs. E.W. HEWSON, on the 13th instant, Mrs. Elizabeth VICE, relict of the late John VICE, of Fort England, aged 70 years and 3 months. Deceased was one of the original settlers of 1820. Her remains were followed to the grave by a large and respectable concourse of settlers and friends, to whom her many virtues endeared her.

DIED on the 16th September, William George Joseph REYNOLDS, only son of Joseph and Ann REYNOLDS of Grahamstown, aged 4 months and 16 days.

DIED at Roydon, Queenstown District, on the morning of the 15th inst, M.J.S. FICHAM, the beloved wife of George FINCHAM. Aged 41 years 4 months and [13] days.

Saturday 29 September 1860

DIED at Trompetters Post on the 25th inst, Amelia, the wife of W. MONTGOMERY, aged 32 years.

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