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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1859 - 2 - April to June

Saturday 2 April 1859

The Undersigned having taken from R. EDWARDS his old established
Wagonmaker’s and Blacksmith’s Shop
at the Goba Drift, hopes by strict attention and good workmanship to merit a continuance of the public support.
Goba Drift, District Bedford
29th March 1859

MARRIED in the Wesleyan Chapel, Peddie, on Monday the 7th March 1859, by the Rev. W.J. Davis, Serjeant Stafford K. DAVOREN, Cape Mounted Riflemen, to Mary Ann, second daughter of the late Mr. Daniel McAULIFF, of Fort Beaufort.

Tuesday 5 April 1859

BIRTH at Grahamstown, 3rd April 1859, Mrs. John ELLIS of a son.

H.E. FERGUSON begs to notify to the public that he has taken over the above Inn and that he will spare no pains to secure the comfort of those Travellers who may favour him with a call.
Choice Wines and Spirits
Good Stabling
April 1st 1859

Tuesday 12 April 1859

KIDSON’s Hotel, Market-square Bedford
Mr. G. KIDSON in returning thanks for the kind and liberal support he has hitherto met with, begs to inform his Friends and the Public that he still continues the above Hotel, and trusts by strict attention to the wants of his customers and moderate charges to merit a continuance of support.
NB Good stabling and every convenience and accommodation
Also a splendid Billiard Table.

Saturday 16 April 1859

BIRTH on the 15th inst, the wife of Mr.Charles MALLETT of a son.

BIRTH at Cathcart, Division of Peddie, Mrs. EDYE of a son
31stMarch 1859

MARRIED at Mill River on the 14th April, by the Rev. John Heavyside, Robert GAME to Emily Elizabeth WEBB, the daughter of the late Mr. John WEBB of Mill River.

DIED at Queenstown on Tuesday morning the 12th instant, John William, the only son of Edward Thomas and Eliza Jane STUBBS, aged 1 year 4 months and 21 days.

Saturday 23 April 1859

Joseph Sergeantson TRANT is requested to write Home immediately, his Friends are distressed at his long silence; information of his present Locality is earnestly requested from anyone who can furnish the same; a £1 reward will be given for a Certificate of his death: when last heard of he was leaving New Orleans for St.Lewis in August 1853.
Address to his father
Leeds, Yorkshire, England
Or to Mr. MARKHAM,
Harney House, Baton Rouge, N. America
Or to Mr. Thos. H. HAWTHORN
Front Levee & Hospital Street, Second District, New Orleans

BIRTH on Tuesday 19th inst, Mrs. N.P. KROHN of a son.

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 22nd inst, the wife of Mr. P. SWAN of a son.

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 20th April, the wife of Mr. W.G. TOWNSEND of a daughter.

DIED at Koesters Drift (Fish River) on the 17th April 1859, Susanna, the beloved wife of John KENT; aged 19 years 1 month and 19 days: leaving a husband and 2 children to mourn their irreparable loss.

Saturday 30 April 1859

BIRTH on the 24th instant at Graham’s Town, Mrs. C. LILFORD of a son.

MARRIED on the 26th April 1859 at St.George’s Cathedral, Grahamstown, by the Rev. John Heavyside, Henry DIXON to Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr. James JOHNSON of the Kowie.

MARRIED on the 23rd April, at St.John’s, Fort Beaufort, by the Rev. Thomas Henchman, Charles Blyth, eldest son of Charles Coryton HUTCHINS Esq. of Carlton Villa, Regent’s Park, London to Mary Jane, second daughter of Mr. Thomas WARD, of Fort Beaufort.

MARRIED on the 19th April at St.George’s Cathedral, by the Revd. John Heavyside, Julius JENSEN to Susan DONNAHUE

DIED at Grahamstown on Sunday the 24th April 1859, Alfred John Wood, the beloved son of Jonathan and Susannah AYLIFF, aged 1 year 10 months and 24 days.

DEPARTED THIS LIFE at Colesberg on the evening of the 15th instant, Isabella, the beloved wife of Henry PADDISON, aged 36 years, leaving her husband and four children to lament their irreparable loss.

DIED on Monday morning the 25th instant, Elizabeth Ann Blanche, only child of James Dunsmure and Theodora COUPER, aged four months and ten days.

Saturday 7 May 1859

MARRIED on the 24th February last, by the Rev. Mr. G. Stegmann, Stephanus Abram CLOETE, son of H. CLOETE Esq, Graaff-Reinet, to Maria, third daughter of J.F. POHL Esq of the Plant, Division of Bedford.

MARRIED, Mr. Hezekiah SEPHTON, first son of Mr. Thomas SEPHTON of Port Elizabeth, to Henrietta, fifth daughter of Mr. Thomas SEPHTON of Buffelsfontein, near Riebeck.

BIRTH at Queenstown on the 30th ult, the wife of R. JEFFERSON of a son.

DIED at Queenstown on the 2nd May, Robert, only son of R. and M.A. JEFFERSON, aged 2 days.

Tuesday 17 May 1859

On the Farm lately occupied by E. VAN RENEN Esq,
Begs respectfully to announce to his friends and the public that he has opened an Hotel and an Accommodation House at the above place; and from its central situation, being half way between Grahamstown and Port Elizabeth, hopes by strict attention to merit a portion of his former patronage.
Good stabling and good groom in attendance.

DIED at Cradock on the 7th [May], Isabella Eliza Eleanor, beloved daughter of James Garland and Julia DAVEY, aged one year and [obscured] months.

DIED at the residence of her parents in Queenstown on Friday the 6th May, aged 28 years and 7 months, [Eliza] Alice, the beloved wife of Mr. Thomas HULLY [sic], leaving her husband and [five] young children, and a large circle of friends, to mourn their loss.

DIED on the 10th instant at the residence of her daughter, Charlotte TESTARD, widow of the late Mr. John TESTARD, aged 52 years, deeply regretted by a numerous circle of friends and relations.
14th May 1859

DIED on the 14th inst, at his residence on Market Sq, N.P.KROHN Esq, aged 40 years 8 months.

It is our painful duty to record the death of Mr. KROHN of the firm N.P. KROHN & Co, associated with the house of MAYNARDs, one of the oldest establishments in the Eastern Province, and doing business in the early days of the British Settlers. Mr. KROHN received a kick from one of his carriage horses on Tuesday last, which displaced the cap of his knee. This led to a succession of fits, under which the lamented gentleman sank on Saturday afternoon. Mr. KROHN was buried at St.George’s Cemetery yesterday.

Saturday 21 May 1859

BIRTH at West Hill on the 19th inst, the wife of Mr. George [WEBB] of a daughter.

BIRTH at Queenstown on Monday 9th May 1859, the wife of Mr. Ralph John GODDARD of a daughter.

BIRTH at Bedford on the 15th inst, the wife of W.E. WINGROVE Esq of twins, one son and one daughter.

DEPARTED THIS LIFE on the 15th May 1859, Mary, the beloved wife of Thomas NELSON, one of the oldest residents in this city. Aged 76 years.
“Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord.”

Notice is hereby given that the Titles of Grants of Land in this Division, made in favour of the undermentioned Grantees, having issue, been received at this Office, the same are now ready for viz: [sic]
J.A. [BR…]
T. James RORKE, Acting Civil Commissioner
Civil Commissioner’s Office
May 18th 1859

Tuesday 24 May 1859

MARRIED at Salem on the 18th May 1859 by the Rev. J. Smith, Samuel WOOD, youngest son of the late Mr. C. WOOD of Port Elizabeth to Susannah, youngest daughter of Mr. C. PENNY Sen. of Salem.

Tuesday 31 May 1859

DIED on the 22nd inst, at Amsterdam Flats, after a short illness, Mr. Joseph HART (formerly of Graham’s Town) aged 56 years.

DIED at Grahamstown on 20th May 1859, Harry Rouse, only child of Edwin William and Caroline CYRUS, aged 3 months and 16 days.

Saturday 11 June 1859

MARRIED at Olive Grove near Somerset East, on the 3rd May 1859, by the Rev. G.H. Green, Thomas Henry, second son of the late Rev. Jeremiah HARTLEY, Wesleyan Minister, to Maria Ann, fourth daughter of Mr. Charles PENNY Sen. of Salem.

BIRTH on Sunday June 5th 1859 at King Williamstown, Mrs. PRINGLE, wife of Thomas PRINGLE of Springfield, near Queenstown, of twin daughters.

DIED at Grahamstown on Thursday morning last, the 9th inst, Mrs. Catherine SCHRYVER, of Cradock, aged 64 years.

Saturday 18 June 1859

DIED on the 5th April, aged 14 months, Hugh William, youngest child of Col. CRAWFORD R.A.

DIED at Fort Beaufort on Friday June 10th 1859, Mr. George Butler CURLE, aged 76 years, leaving a widow and nine children, together with a numerous circle of friends, to deplore their irreparable loss.

To the Editor
Sir, As a short and detailed account of the life of the late Mr. CURLE, of Fort Beaufort, may not be altogether uninteresting for your numerous readers, as well as for the friends of the deceased, it is a tribute I owe to the memory of the late Mr. CURLE, and a thirty years’ acquaintance with him will, I think, enable me to gratify them to a certain extent.
George Butler CURLE was born at Ringwood in the county of Hampshire, of honest and respectable parents. In early life he became a soldier, having enlisted in the 6th Regiment of Foot. They received orders, along with some other detachments, to embark for America, with whom at that time we were maintaining rather a [illegible].CURLE [soon] attained the rank of Sergeant, and by his quiet and amiable disposition earned the esteem of all the officers, and the love and respect of the men of his regiment. In America the 6th, like all other British troops, displayed courage, determination and energy, when fielded against disciplined soldiers. The 6th Regiment were often engaged with the Americans whilst serving in that country, several skirmishes having taken place between them from which they got the sobriquet “The Sam’s Sixth”, which name followed them to the Cape of Good Hope. When Napoleon broke from Elba to astonish the world once more with his legions and his name, Wellington, who was then at Vienna with the allies settling the affairs of the world, hearing of his escape, gave orders for the whole of the available British force to move towards the French frontier, where it was fully expected the grand struggle for the [illegible] of the world would take place. Accordingly the 6th with other regiments embarked from America, and hastened towards the scene of action. Some unaccountable delay, however, having taken place in the embarkation of the troops from America, they were unable to reach the grand [scene] in time to participate in the struggle at Waterloo. At all events they landed on the shores of France and formed part of the grand army of occupation around Paris. After the peace of 1815 the 6th remained for a short time in England, when they were entered for foreign service and embarked for the Cape of Good Hope. They were considered a very [fine] regiment. When they arrived on the frontier the country was in a very unsettled state from the Kaffirs, and a great many of them were in consequence cut off by the natives. In 1823, [at 26], the present William [COE] Esq, who was then government contractor for the supply of rations to the troops, purchased CURLE’s discharge from the army, and took him into his employ, where he served with honest [industry], and to the entire satisfaction of his employer. Passing through several stages and vicissitudes of fortune, such as [Kafir] trading &c, he at length in 1833 entered into partnership with the late A.J. McKENZIE, as wholesale and retail wine and spirit merchants. Here fortune for a time was propitious to him, and in a few years he with his partner accumulated a good deal of money, but alas the [gales] of fortune, which seldom prove [illegible], once more forsook him, and he became a ruined man. He was of too confiding and unsuspicious a nature; honest himself, he imagined all mankind of the same principle, hence he became at once the easy dupe and victim of designing and crafty men. In [1836] he entered into a speculation with two men of the name of HAWKES and BOWLES, known at that time as Kaffir traders, the result of which was a total failure, and ended in the ruin of himself and partners. From this period his life was of rather a chequered nature, and several years were passed in various employments and with different employers, to all of whom he gave entire satisfaction. At length in 1845 he removed with his family to Fort Beaufort, where he continued to reside to the period of his death, which took place on Friday the 10th June 1859. He was a member of the [Fraternity] of Freemasons and was respected by all who knew him, was a warm friend [illegible] a kind and generous disposition, ever ready and willing to help any in distress. He has left [numerous] but respectable family, who will long deplore his loss. Those who knew him longest can best appreciate his value. As a friend, a neighbour and a citizen, his memory will [long] be cherished and respected by all who have had any acquaintance with him. Such is the chequered life of a man who has gone through the crooked paths of the world with a fair [illegible] and an honest [nature]. Pope has truly said “the noblest work of God is an honest man”.
I am
An Old Friend

DIED on the 17th June 1859, William Weston LANHAM, son of William and Tryphena LANHAM, aged 4 years and 9 months.

Tuesday 21 June 1859

MARRIED on the 6th June at Bathurst Church by the Revd. J. Barrow, Mr. George HODGKINSON of Tiger Spring to Mrs. Selina WILMOT of Standerwig, Lower Albany.
[sic – the marriage certificate gives the date as 9th June]

DIED at the Farm “Kranza’s Mouth” on the 7th June, after a short and painful illness, Mrs. Edward C. LEONARD, aged 44 years, leaving a husband and three children to mourn the loss of a kind wife and an affectionate mother.

To be sold by Public Auction on Tuesday 12th July and following days
An Erf and Dwelling House with Stables, situated at the corner of Church Street and Church Place, Potchefstroom, in which the late Mr. BOND carried on a Retail Business.
Also an extensive assortment of Shop Goods belonging to the business, and whatever else may be offered.
In the Estate of the late Charles C. BOND
All persons having claims against or indebted to the estate of the late Charles C. BOND, trader at Potchefstroom, are requested to send in their claims, or to pay their debts, in to the Orphan Chamber of the South African Republic. No claims will be received after that date.

Estate of Thomas FOLEY
Notice is hereby given that Sealed Tenders will be received at the office of the first undersigned for the whole of the Drapery Goods &c in the above Estate until Saturday next.
The Stock will be on view, and any information respecting it, and the Stock List afforded by Mr. BARRY on the Premises from Thursday until Saturday next, both days inclusive. The Creditors are requested to meet at the shop of the insolvent on Monday the 27th inst, at 10 o’clock am prompt, to take into consideration the expediency of accepting any Tender that may be presented, or otherwise expressing their opinion regarding the working of the Estate.
Grahamstown, June 21st 1859

THE BRITISH SETTLERS OF 1820 are being “gathered into the homes of their fathers”. During the past week Mrs. SPARKS Sen. has died at the advanced age of 76 years and nine months, after a protracted illness. She had been for very many years a consistent member of the Wesleyan Society, and the respect in which she was held was fully proved by the large number that followed the remains to the last resting place on Sunday last.

Saturday 25 June 1859

BIRTH at Grahamstown on Thursday morning, 23rd inst, the wife of Mrs. S.D. LONG of a fine son.

BIRTH at Dagga Boer’s Neck on the 17th inst, the wife of George MURRAY of a son.

BIRTH at Staple Hall, Witney, Oxon., England, on the 10th April 1859, Mrs. Nathaniel HOWSE of a daughter.

DIED on the 14th inst, Mrs. H. SPARKS Sen, in her 80th year, deeply lamented by her family and friends. She was one of the original settlers of 1820, belonging to the Salem party.

Tuesday 28 June 1859

DIED suddenly in British Kaffraria, on the 18th June 1859, George Alfred, only child of William and Martha DREDGE, aged 1 year 4 months and 11 days.

Mr. PIKE and some printers have proceeded to Swellendam to establish a press in that village.

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