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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1858 - 1 - January to March

Saturday 2 January 1858

BIRTH at Tylden on the 24th ultimo, Lady John TAYLOUR of a daughter.

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the [2?]th December 1857, Mrs. J.A. [MORDANT] of a son.

DIED at Cradock on the 25th December 1857, Mr. Joseph ALLEN, aged 22 years, leaving a young widow and numerous circle of friends to deplore his loss.

A long continued thunderstorm visited this town on Tuesday last, although but little rain fell in the town. At [Rodebloem], the farm of Mr. [?]. J. MEINTJES, a fatal accident occurred from the lightning. Two men were near each other in the kitchen, one sitting, the other standing, when the latter was struck down by a flash of lightning, & the other was instantaneously struck dead. The survivor still feels a slight sensation of heaviness in the heart. – Graaff-Reinet Herald Dec 20.

Tuesday 5 January 1858

Mr. Samuel ALLISON
Begs to inform the public that he will allow persons wishing to take their Morning and Afternoon Drives in the locality of his farm, Goodwin’s Kloof, to do so, from the bar of the Toll House across the flat, on the Private Road leading to Cradock, provided they keep the road and not wander across the fields, but, proceeding beyond the Toll House, the parties will be compelled to pay the usual charge.
Wagoners proceeding to the Upper Districts will be allowed to cross on the private road o the same terms as before.
The above privileges will only be allowed during the continuance of is contract with the Central Road Board for the keeping of the Toll.
December 30 1857

DIED on the 3rd instant at his residence Cross-street, Grahamstown, after a lingering illness, Mr. Edward POWER, aged 64 years.

Saturday 9 January 1858

BIRTH – the wife of Ernest BIDDULPH Esq of Birbury of a daughter on the 25th Dec 1857

Saturday 16 January 1858

BIRTH on the 12th instant, at Grahamstown, the wife of Colonel CRAWFORD R.A. of a son.

BIRTH on the 12th instant, at Grahamstown, the wife of R.A. ROBINSON Esq. of a son.

BIRTH at Van Der Linder’s Kraal, Fish River, on Saturday the 9th January 1858, Mrs. Jabez WEEKS of a son.

MARRIED on Thursday 14th inst at Trinity Church by the Rev. W.Y. Thomson, Mr. Robt. MORTON to Miss Elizabeth JOYCE

MARRIED at Fort Beaufort on the 7th inst, by the Revd. Wm. Sykes, Military Chaplain, Thomas James, eldest son of Captain RORKE H.P., Cape Mounted Riflemen, to Lydia Oswald, eldest daughter of Mr. J.F. SHEPPERSON of Wanstead, in the district of Fort Peddie.

DIED at Dagga Boer on the 8th inst, of ulcerated sore throat, William James Batteson, aged 9 years and 8 months, eldest son of the late Mr. Henry TROLLIP, leaving a widowed mother and a numerous circle of friends to mourn his early death.

Tuesday 19 January 1858

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 10th instant, Mrs. M.R. ROBINSON of a daughter.

Saturday 23 January 1858

Marriage in high life in Cradock. At the Parsonage by the Dutch Reformed Minister, on Monday the 11th inst, William B.... Esq, Master Builder &c led to the Nuptial Altar Maria R...., relict of the late Patrick R...., born P...... After the ceremony the handsome Bridegroom led the blushing and beautiful Bride to Mr. Ayre’s Hotel, where with a numerous assembly of Friends and Acquaintances they partook of a splendid Déjeuner à la Fourchette together with Gin and Bitters, Champaigne [sic] and Smoke, after which they left for to spend the honey moon at their country residence in a Bullock wagon. Some idea of the exhilarating joy that took place may be anticipated when the bill for refreshments amounted to £40 besides sundry other expenses.
[As] it is reported that the Bridegroom has come into a large fortune the old adage is here verified, better be born lucky than rich.

[Transcriber's note: The surnames in the above marriage announcement are printed as an initial followed by a series of dots. It is not simply a case of being unable to read them. This is almost certainly the correct marriage - William BELL to Maria PUTT, widow of P. ROCH] 

Tuesday 26 January 1858

MARRIED at Port Elizabeth on the 21st January, by the Rev. E.D. Hepburn, Mr. H.T. SKINNER to Mrs. Elizabeth HOME, both of Grahamstown.

Saturday 30 January 1858

DIED of fever at Graaff-Reinet at ¼ past 6am on Saturday 23rd January 1858, after an illness of ten days, Theodorah Magdalen, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.H.J. DE BEER, aged 3 years 2 months and 11 days.

Saturday 6 February 1858

BIRTH January 31st, the wife of Archdeacon MERRIMAN of a daughter.

DIED at Graham’s Town on the 2nd February, Mr. Alexander HYDE, aged 50 years and three months, leaving a wife and four children and a large circle of friends to deplore his loss.

DIED on Saturday 30th January of ulcerated sore throat, Elizabeth Margaret, youngest daughter of Mr. & Mrs. E. BUCKLEY, aged 4 years and 7 months.

DIED on Tuesday morning, 5th inst, William Walter, son of Mr. & Mrs. E. BUCKLEY, aged 10 months and 16 days.

Tuesday 9 February 1858

In the Insolvent Estate of H.C. FISHER of Cradock
The Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above Estate will lie for inspection of Creditors at the Office of the Resident Magistrate of Grahamstown for a period of fourteen days from Saturday 30th January: and afterwards at the Office of the Master of the Supreme Court, Cape Town, for a further period of fourteen days, from Saturday 20th February, ---after the Hon’ble the Supreme Court will be moved to confirm the same and order the distribution thereof.
Michael J. BELL
Grahamstown, 29th Jan 1858

Saturday 13 February 1858

On Tuesday next, the 16th day of February 1858
At Noon will be put up for Public Competition before the Auction Rooms of Mr. Jos. LAWRANCE in Graham’s Town the following landed Property belonging to the Undersigned
The DWELLING HOUSE containing 9 Rooms, Kitchen and two Pantries, covered with thatch, with Stabling, Out-buildings and Garden attached, known as “Cowderoy’s Property”, situated near and facing the works now in progress for the opening of the Kowie River Mouth, the property on which an hotel was conducted for many years, is well adapted for an Accommodation House, both in account of the great conveniences and its proximity to the beach.
47 BUILDING LOTS adjoining the above, each containing about one acre, as per plan framed by the Surveyor, suitable for erection of Stores or Private Residences.
The above sale offers a most favourable opportunity for persons desirous to obtain land at Port Frances, where from the works now in progress, and those completed, every prospect is given that ‘ere long it will become one of the most flourishing Sea Ports in this Colony.
A very extended Credit will be given.
The Plan, Title Deeds and Conditions of Sale may be seen and all further information ascertained on application at the office of Mr. E. HAW, High Street.
Jos. LAWRANCE, Auctioneer

[The previous issue for 9 February contains a copy of the plan for the 47 Building Lots]

DIED at Fort Beaufort on the 5th instant, Mrs. Sarah HOLLIDAY, at her son’s Residence, aged [94] years

Tuesday 16 February 1858

DIED at Port Elizabeth on the [20]th January, Mr. Patrick DOYLE, only son of Michael DOYLE Esq of the city of Waterford, Ireland.

Saturday 20 February 1858

Fort Beaufort
In thanking his numerous friends and customers for the very liberal support he has received since he commenced Business in 1853, begs to acquaint them that he has
Removed to his new Store next to the Court House
where he hopes by strict attention and moderate charges still to merit a share of Public patronage.
Always on hand:
Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Rice, Flour, Meal, Soap, Tobacco &c
Ready-made Clothing and Woollen and Cotton Goods of every description.
Fort Beaufort
Feb 12th 1858

Saturday 27 February 1858

MARRIED at Trinity Church, Belvidere, Knysna, on the 11th inst. by the Rev. William Andrews, John SUTHERLAND of Galla Water, Whittlesea, M.A. to Celia Elizabeth, second daughter of Ernest COLERIDGE Esq, Rajpostana, Upper India.

BIRTH at Table Farm, Queen’s Town District, on the 23rd inst, the wife of Mr. D. BRADFIELD of a son.

DIED suddenly this morning at his residence in Dundas-street, Graham’s Town, Mr. James PARKER, aged 38 years and 4 months, deeply lamented by his bereaved widow and five young children, besides a numerous circle of friends.

The remains of the late James PARKER will be removed from the residence, Dundas-street, tomorrow (Sunday) at 3 o’clock precisely, and this notice is thus given instead of individual invitations, to afford all those desirous of paying the last token of respect to one whose enterprising character has gained general [obscured].

[one further death notice, illegible except for the name Walter]

Saturday 6 March 1858

DIED at [Ta…..], British Kaffraria, on the 27th February 1858, Alexander NESBITT Esq, Qr.Master R.B. 12th Regiment, aged 51 years and 11 days, leaving a wife and family to deplore their irreparable loss.

DIED at Fort Brown on the 2nd March 1858, by the hands of violence, my beloved and only son Francis STANLEY, at the age of 26 years. The deceased was a young man well respected by all who knew him and is deeply regretted.
His father [born] of the British Settlers of [1820].
March 3rd

Tuesday 9 March 1858

All Claims against the late Quarter Master NESBITT, 12th Regt, are to be sent to Mr. C.A. NESBITT at Fort Peddie for adjustment.

Saturday 20 March 1858

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on Sunday February 21st, Mrs. Charles BUTT of a daughter.

DIED on the farm of the late Mr. [AID…], Zwart Kop, on the 25th February 1858, Mr. John McCALAGAN Sr, aged sixty-seven years and nine months.

Saturday 27 March 1858

General Drapery and Ready-made Clothing Establishment, next door to the “Cape Frontier Times” Office, High Street, Graham’s Town
On account of the extreme tightness in the Money Market, Thomas FOLEY begs to inform his friends and the public that he is absolutely compelled to sell off THE WHOLE OF HIS STOCK, consisting of very description of fancy and staple goods…….[details of goods takes up entire column]

MARRIED on the 9th inst by the Rev.Mr. Chapman, Wesleyan Minister of Queen’s Town, John R. THOMSON, eldest son of the Rev. W.R. THOMSON, to Annie, eldest daughter of Mr. William MORRIS.

BIRTH on the 2nd February at Witney, Oxon, England, Mrs. Nathaniel HOWSE of a son.

BIRTH at [Stutterheim] on the 23rd March, Mrs. [?]. BROWNLEE of a daughter.

DEPARTED THIS LIFE on Monday evening, the 22nd instant, about ½ past 11, after a short but severe illness, Mr. H.R.P. BARCLAY, aged 28 years, at King William’s Town, leaving a dear and affectionate wife as well as a numerous circle of relatives and friends to deplore his loss. “Boast not thyself of tomorrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth.”

DIED at his residence Lang Kloof, Oliphant’s Hoek, on the 18th inst, Mr. Ignatius Petrus FERREIRA, aged 45 years 7 months and 13 days, leaving a widow and 7 young children to deplore his loss, and a large circle of friends by whom he was highly respected.

DIED of Dysentery on the 14th inst, at Jedwood, District of Queen’s Town, Thomas HALLIBURTON, in the [29]th year of his age.

Tuesday 30 March 1858

It is with sincere regret we announce this week the demise of a fine young man (named BARCLAY) of the Blinkwater, under the following painful circumstances. It seems that Mr. BARCLAY arrived in King William’s Town on Thursday last for the purpose of making arrangements to establish himself in business. Apparently in good health, he complained, however, of a slight face ache. On Saturday swelling of the neck underneath the chin commenced, and during that night and Saturday grew worse and worse with violent pain. The tongue had also swollen so as to deprive him of speech. Drs. FITZGERALD, EGAN and HUBBARD were almost constantly in attendance. Suffocation ensued on Sunday evening, when it became necessary to insert a silver tube by the lower part of the windpipe, in order to save life. Breathing through this, all the time perfectly sensible, calm and resigned, did he linger until Monday night, when suffocation put an end to his suffering. With the widow we sympathise in her loss, whilst at the same time we are once more taught the truthfulness of the sacred text “Boast not thyself of tomorrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth.”

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