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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1854 - 2 - April to June

Saturday 1 April 1854

DIED on the 26th instant, Mrs. S. CASTINGS, Widow of the late H. CASTINGS, who was shot by the Rebel Hottentots.

DIED on the 26th March 1854, at Bowden, Rebecca Young, eldest daughter of George and Ann BARNES, after an illness of ten days, aged 19 years 11 months and 22 days. Her end was peace.

Saturday 8 April 1854

Departed this Life, after a painful illness of fourteen days at the residence of Mr. Arnold SHEPPERSON, Fort Hare, aged 29 years 4 months and 9 days, Mr. Edward JOLLY, deeply regretted by his surviving relations.

Saturday 22 April 1854

DIED at Uitenhage Town on Thursday 6th April, Mr. William HUDSON, aged 44 years and 8 months.
Uitenhage, April 8th 1854.

Saturday 29 April 1854

BIRTH at Prospect farm, Mrs. G. NICHOLSON of a daughter.

DIED at King William's Town on the 19th April 1854, (of Dysentery) William, eldest son of John and Lydia BIRT, aged 26 years and four months.

DIED at Cradock on the 20th April 1854, Isabella Eleanor Alice, only surviving child of John George and Albertyne BIGGS, aged 3 years 11 months and 14 days. [notice in the issue dated 13 May has the same notice, but the surname is RIGGS]

Saturday 6 May 1854

MARRIED at Cradock on the 19th inst by the Rev S. Gray, Episcopalian Minister, Mr. J.G. DAVEY, son of the late William DAVEY Esq, Merchant, Bude, Cornwall, England to Julia, daughter of Mr. Edmund BRADFIELD

BIRTH at King William's Town on the 1st inst, Mrs NOBLE, wife of Pro. Serjt. NOBLE, 6th Royal Regt, of a daughter.

DIED on the 26th inst on the Farm of Mr. W.E. PRYNN, near Fish River Rand, Elizabeth Ann, infant daughter of James and Sarah Ann JAMES, aged fourteen months and two days.

Saturday 13 May 1854

BIRTH at the Kareiga Inn on the 12th inst, the wife of Samuel MASSEY of a daughter.
Kareiga, 13th May 1854

DIED March 6th 1854, of Laryngismus, at Arundel Terrace, Islington, Edward Henry, second son of Nathaniel & Sarah HOWSE, aged 5 months and 3 weeks.

DIED at Prospect Farm, Klas Smit's River, Henrietta, daughter of George NICHOLSON, aged 12 days.

DIED at Somerset on the 5th inst, Mr. William A. DOLD, aged 53 years and 9 months, after a long and severe illness borne with Christian fortitude, leaving a Widow and 8 Children, with a large circle of friends to mourn their loss. Deceased was one of the British Settlers of 1820.

DIED at King William's Town on the 5th inst, at the residence of Mr. John USHER, Harnett, son of John and Sidney DUGMORE, aged six months and five days.

DIED at Cradock on the 20th April 1854, Isabella Eleanor Alice, only surviving child of John George and Albertyne RIGGS, aged 3 years 11 months and 14 days. [notice in the issue dated 29 April has the same notice, but the surname is BIGGS]

J. POWELL Junior
Begs to inform his Customers and the Public that he has taken and is occupying, for the present, the Workshop formerly known as SHONE's Shop, and more recently occupied by J. WRIGHT and W. STREAK, in the rear of Mr. BOYLE's Premises in Bathurst-street; where he is ready to execute any work entrusted to him in the above line, and solicits a share of public support. This intimation is given in consequence of the recent fire having destroyed all the work in hand.

Saturday 20 May 1854

Mr. and Mrs. AYLIFF take the present opportunity of thanking their fellow Townsmen for their kind sympathy during the illness of their aged Parent, Mrs. Jane DOLD, who died on the 14th inst, aged 93 years, for the large attendance at the Funeral, and especially for that mark of great respect in those four gentlemen who requested to, and did, bear her remains to her final resting place. "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the less of these, ye have done it unto me."
Fort Beaufort
May 16th 1854

DIED at the residence of her son-in-law, Rev. John AYLIFF, Fort Beaufort, Mrs. Jane DOLD, aged 93 years. Deceased was the wife of Mr. Matthew DOLD, settler of WILSON's Party, Lower Albany.

DIED at Graham's Town on Sunday the 7th May, Mrs. Elizabeth HAYHURST (Relict of the late Francis BLACKBEARD) Aged 60 years. Born TOYNBEE. Deceased came to this Colony with the British Settlers of 1820. She leaves a large number of relatives to mourn the loss of an affectionate mother. Her end was peace.
Graham's Town, 20th May 1854

DIED at Queen's Town on the morning of Thursday the 11th inst, Mr. Thomas WEBSTER Sen. The deceased was one of the British Settlers of 1820, and approved himself to be one of the most enterprising men who came into this country at that period. He has bequeathed to it a family of ten sons, several of whom have stood foremost amongst the staunchest defenders of the Frontier. His death was sudden and unexpected. Five days previous he was in the enjoyment apparently of good health, but was attacked with an affection of the bowels, producing inflammation which terminated fatally. He has left a widow, a numerous family and a large circle of friends to deplore his death. His funeral was attended by the Civil Commissioner (acting as Pall bearer) and by a large number of the inhabitants.

DIED on Sunday morning the 7th instant, at the residence of Doctor DREYER in George Town, aged 13 years 7 months and 11 days, Henrietta Elizabeth, only daughter of William SOUTHEY Esq of the district of Graaff-Reinet.

DIED at Fort Hare on the 10th instant, Henrietta, infant daughter of Arnold and Harriet SHEPPERSON, aged one year and four months.

Notice to Debtors and Creditors
Notice is hereby given that Joseph HART of Graham's Town, Cabinet Maker and Furniture Dealer, has this day made and executed a Deed of Assignment of all his Goods, Effects and Book Debts to and in favor of Richard Miles ROBERTS and George CUMMING, Merchants, both of Graham's Town, in trust for the benefit of his several Creditors, who are hereby called upon to tile their respective claims with the second undersigned at his office in High-street, Graham's Town, within one month from this date.
Graham's Town, May 1st 1854.

Saturday 27 May 1854

BIRTH at King William's Town on the 145th May 1854, the wife of Walter Henry GILL Esq, cape Mounted Riflemen, of a daughter.

DIED at Glen Burnie, near Somerset, on the 16th instant, from inflammation of the lungs, after a brief illness, Henry Edward, only son of John Gregory and Sarah LEPPAN, aged 13 months and 19 days.

Saturday 3 June 1854

MARRIED at St.George's Church, Graham's Town on Thursday the 1st June by the Revd J. Heavyside MA, Colonial Chaplain, Edward Lister GREEN of the C.M.R. to Emily, third daughter of the late Wm. OGILVIE Esq of this Town.

DIED at Fort Brown on the 1st June, Mr. R. WEBB Sen. Deceased was a Settler of 1820 – aged 67 years.

Saturday 10 June 1854

DIED at the Wesleyan Mission House, Graham's Town, on Tuesday June 6th 1854, Ann, wife of Rev Wm. SHAW, general Superintendent Wesleyan Missions, aged 65 years.

DIED at Cradock Place on Tuesday the 6th June 1854, Mrs. Maria Arabella Centlivres PHILLIPS, aged 27 years, wife of Robert PHILLIPS Esq and eldest daughter of J.C. CHASE Esq, Civil Commissioner of Uitenhage, leaving a husband, 3 infant children and a large family of relatives to bewail her premature decease.

DIED at Queen's Town on the 30th instant of consumption, after an illness of two years, Elizabeth Edwards, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John and Mary Ann McMASTER, aged 14 years and 6 months. She died in the faith of her Saviour, and deeply regretted by all who knew her.

Saturday 17 June 1854

BIRTH 14th inst, Mrs. R. READ of a son.

MARRIED at Ebenezer Chapel, Graham's Town, on the 12th June by the Rev A. Hay, Baptist Minister, by Special Licence, R.G. TAINTON Esq, Capt. in the Border Police Force, to Amelia Lockington, eldest daughter of S. STANGEN Esq.

DIED at King William's Town this morning, after a painful illness, Ann Frances, the beloved wife of James FLANAGEN, aged 32 years, leaving a bereaved Husband and Six Young Children to deplore the loss of an affectionate wife and tender mother. June 10th 1854.

Saturday 24 June 1854

MARRIED at Commemoration Chapel, Graham's Town, on the 7th June 1854, by the Rev G.H. Green, Joseph Garbett WOOD Esq, fourth son of G. WOOD Esq, Member of the Legislative Council, to Lydia, fifth daughter of W. COCK Esq, M.P. for Albany.

BIRTH at King William's Town on the 15th June 1854, the wife of Mr. John SWEENEY, Ordnance Department, of a daughter.

Notice of Removal
Peter HILL
Practical Tailor and Habit Maker
Market Square
In returning his best thanks to those friends who have hitherto favoured him with their orders, begs to intimate to them and to the public generally that he has removed from the vicinity of the Wind Mills to the North Side of the Square, three doors from Mr. ESTMENT's Store, where he hopes by steady perseverance and providing Good Articles at Moderate Prices to enjoy a continuance of their patronage. He always has on hand a select stock of Beautiful Broad Cloths and Doeskins. Parties providing their own cloth may depend upon it being made in a tradesmanlike manner.
Graham's Town, June 17th 1854.

On Sunday evening last a Funeral Sermon on the occasion of the death of Mrs. SHAW was preached in the Wesleyan Commemoration Chapel by the Rev James CAMERON of Port Elizabeth. Long before the usual hour of service the congregation began to assemble, and when the time of service arrived the spacious edifice was so densely crowded that it was with difficulty a seat could be obtained. The Rev gentleman's eloquent and powerful discourse was founded on Hebrew vi;12, "That ye be not slothful, but followers of them that through faith and patience inherit the promises"; and though occupying above an hour in the delivery, was listened to with unwearied and at times almost breathless attention.
At the close of the Sermon, a brief but deeply interesting biographical notice of Mrs. SHAW, by the Rev Mr. SHAW, was read by the Rev Mr. IMPEY. We are glad to hear an intimation that a more extended Memoir is in contemplation, and trust that the public will soon have it before them. Mrs. SHAW will long live in the memory of all who knew her on this frontier, and a record of her life and labours here cannot fail to abound in topics of more than ordinary interest.

{Transcriber's Note: The Memoir of the Rev.William SHAW can be downloaded here.]

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