Grahamstown Journal 1853 - 4 - October to December
Saturday 1 October 1853
BIRTH at Graham's Town this morning, 1st October 1853, Mrs. C.H. NELSON of a son.
DIED of Consumption at Graham's Town, 9th September 1853, Mary Emma KING, wife of Edward KING, late Schoolmaster Serjt. R.B. 91st Regt, aged 29 years and 3 months.
Notice to Creditors and Debtors
In the Intestate Estate of Wilhelmina ZEIBRITS, widow of Samuel WILLIAMSON
The Undersigned in his capacity of Executor Dative to the above Estate hereby calls upon all parties indebted thereto to pay the amounts of their respective accounts forthwith; and Creditors are requested to file their claims within six weeks from this date.
Executor Dative
For self and Co Exr.
Fort Beaufort, 29th August 1853.
Saturday 8 October 1853
MARRIED at Fort Beaufort on Tuesday the 27th inst, by the Rev Thomas Henchman, Frederick Rennell THACKERAY Esq, Lieut. 74th Highlands, to Elizabeth, eldest daughter of the late W. AYTON Esq of Alphaeton
BIRTH at Graham's Town on the 28th ult, the wife of Lieut. and Adjutant BELL, Cape Mounted Rifleman, of a son.
BIRTH at Colesberg on Saturday the 17th Sep 1853, Mrs. W.P.R. DIXON of a daughter.
Notice to Creditors
In the Insolvent Estate of Wm. HARTLEY of Bathurst-street, Graham's Town
All Persons claiming to be Creditors under this Estate are required to take notice that a Special Meeting of Creditors will be held before the Resident Magistrate at Graham's Town, on the second day of November next, at 10 o'clock precisely, for the purpose of enabling the Insolvent to make the following offer of composition to his Creditors, viz: "To pay two shillings and sixpence in the pound upon the amount due to each of his creditors, upon condition of the creditors releasing his Estate from sequestration – such payment to be made by Mr. Thos. HARTLEY of Bathurst, to the Creditors in Graham's Town, upon the receipt of the certificate of his Creditors from the Supreme Court."
Sole Trustee
Cape Town, October 3 1853
Saturday 15 October 1853
BIRTH at Graham's Town on the 12th inst, the wife of Mr. J. NICHOLLS of a son.
MARRIED at St.George's Church Graham's Town by the Rev J Heavyside, Colonial Chaplain, on the 13th Oct 1853, Robert George HALL, 2nd son of Mr. Benjamin HALL Sen, one of the British settlers of 1820, of the city of Bath in Somersetshire, to Anne, only daughter of the late Mr. William CHOWN of Moulton in the county of Northamptonshire.
DIED at Cradock, Oct 5th 1853, after a lingering illness of nine months, James McLEOD, aged 59 years and 10 months, leaving a wife and 8 children to deplore his loss.
Saturday 22 October 1853
BIRTH at Graham's Town on the 19th inst, the wife of Colin T. CAMPBELL Esq JP of twins, a boy and a girl, neither surviving.
DIED at Colesberg on the 4th October 1853 after a brief illness, Mr. John Daniel GIBBON, only son of Mr. Edward GIBBON of the same place, aged 27 years and 5 months, leaving a widow and 2 children to deplore his irreparable loss.
will have for sale at his
Furniture Warehouse, High-street
in a few days, the following articles imported direct:
1 magnificent Brass Bedstead, with curtain, rods and ring, square top, patent iron sacking, square top posts 2" in diameter,
4 other Brass Bedsteads
Superior Brass Couch
Very handsome reclining Easy Chair, bronzed in damask
Together with a great variety of Iron Bedsteads, double and single; swinging cots; cribs; folding single bedsteads &c.
Notice to Charles and Lucy RICHARDSON
Their signature being required to the final settlement of the Estate of the late James RICHARDSON, are hereby called upon to attend at my residence within 6 weeks from the date hereof, failing to do so they will be considered as agreeing to the form of administration adopted by the Undersigned.
Executor for Self and Co Executors
Thornhill Farm, Oct 17 1853.
Saturday 29 October 1853
DIED at Graham's Town on Thursday the 20th October, Mr. John TALBOT, aged 80 years. Deceased was one of the British Emigrants of 1820. Of him it may be truly said that he filled up his station in society unblameably but respectably as a man of intelligence and scrupulous probity as a member for many years of a Christian Church, as a most affectionate husband and parent. He lived as becometh the gospel and died in that hope which its promises alone can afford in the final hour.
Dissolution of Partnership
The co-partnership hitherto existing under the title or firm of LEVY, JOSEPH & LEVY is this day dissolved by mutual consent.
Benj. S. LEVY
Maurice JOSEPH
Joseph LEVY
Graham's Town 30th Sept 1853
With reference to the above advertisement it is hereby notified that all claims against LEVY, JOSEPH & LEVY are to be presented to the undersigned for immediate adjustment; and all parties indebted to the same are requested to settle their respective accounts within 30 days from date, otherwise legal proceedings will be instituted.
Graham's Town
Or Maurice JOSEPH
Burgher's Dorp
Graham's Town, 20th September 1853
Saturday 5 November 1853
BIRTH at King William's Town on 27th ultimo, the wife of Captain Edward MAINWARING, C.M. Rifles, of a daughter.
BIRTH at Keiskamma Hoek, British Kaffraria, on Tuesday the 25th October 1853, the wife of Mr. T.M. PEGLER, late of HM 73rd Regt, of a daughter.
BIRTH at St.Helena on the 16th August, the lady of Captain STACE R.E. of a daughter.
EXPIRED, at St.Helena, two hours after giving birth to an infant daughter, Alice, beloved wife of Captain STACE R.E. Her death is, to her sorrowing relatives and friends, an irreparable loss, to herself (they doubt not) immortal gain.
DIED at Fort Beaufort on the 2nd instant, Mr. James HOLLIDAY, son of Mr. Chas. HOLLIDAY, aged 25 years 3 months 19 days, leaving a wife and two young children to deplore his loss, as also a numerous lot of relations and friends.
DIED at Fort Hare, suddenly on the 25th Oct 1853, Quarter-Master Serjt. James SOUTEE, of the 2nd or Queens Royal Regiment, in the 30th year of his age; esteemed by his officers as an upright and honourable Soldier; beloved and regretted by his companions. He leaves a widow and 2 children to mourn his loss.
Saturday 12 November 1853
BIRTH at Witney, Oxfordshire on Tuesday September 13 1853, Mrs Nathaniel HOWSE of a son.
MARRIED at the Cathedral Church of St.Davids in August last, Lloyd PHILIPS Esq of Penty Park, formerly Captain in the 12th Regt, to Cecilia, eldest daughter of Gilbert HARRIES Esq of Lanunwar in the County of Pembroke, and niece of the late Captain Allen PHILIPPS, also of the 12th Regiment.
DIED at Clifton, Gloucestershire on the 23rd August 1853, Lieut. John McPHERSON R.B. 91st Regt, in the 48th year of his age.
The undersigned begs to give notice that he will not be answerable for any debts contracted by Jane ROBERTSON (maiden name Jane SMITH) after this notice.
Hector ROBERTSON, Gunner R.A.
Graham's Town, Nov 1st 1853
Notice to Creditors
In the Insolvent Estate of F.C. WEBB of Graham's Town
The amended Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above Estate will lie for the inspection of Creditors and others at the Master's office for a term of fourteen days from this day's date, after which the Hon'ble the Supreme Court will be moved to confirm the same and order the distribution thereof.
Sole Trustee
Graham's Town, Nov 3rd 1853
Saturday 19 November 1853
BIRTH on Tuesday the 15th November at Graham's Town, the lady of Lieut-Col Charles SOMERSET CMR of a daughter.
MARRIED on the 15th instant in the Commemoration Chapel by the Rev W. Shaw, General Superintendent of the Wesleyan Missions, Mr. G. BARNES of Queen's Town to Mary Ann, third daughter of the late Mr. Thomas WEST of Graham's Town.
MARRIED at King William's Town on Thursday 10th Nov 1853 by the Rev Francis Fleming MA, Chaplain to the Forces, Mr. Edward JONES to Ellen, third daughter of the late Mr. Ben. WRIGHT, Graham's Town.
DIED at Sea on the 7th October 1853, Elizabeth Ann BROOKS, aged 1 year 6 months and 12 days; and on the 23rd October, Bernard George BROOKS, aged 3 years 5 months and 17 days, the beloved children of Bernard and Alice Hester BROOKS of Graham's Town.
Saturday 26 November 1853
BIRTH at Graham's Town, 21st instant, Mrs. Horatio SCOTT of a son
26th Nov 1853
BIRTH at Tamacha Post, British Kaffraria, on the 18th instant, the wife of Mr. Alexander JAMES of a son.
DIED at Wellington on 19th Nov 1853, at the residence of his grandfather A.G. BAIN Esq, Wm. Geddes Bain SOUTHEY, aged 10 years: only son of Wm. SOUTHEY Esq of Quaggas Valley, Graaff-Reinet.
Saturday 3 December 1853
MARRIED at Pirie, British Kaffraria, on the 25th ultimo, Mr. George BLAINE to Helen, youngest daughter of the Rev John ROSS AM of the Free Church of Scotland Mission.
MARRIED at Uitenhage on Wednesday the 23rd November 1853 by the Rev Mr ROBSON DDM, Mr. Alfred Thomas Bogue ROBSON, eldest son of the Rev Mr ROBSON DDM of Port Elizabeth, to Miss Margaret Fleming CROWE, youngest daughter of Joseph CROWE Esq, half pay, 60th Rifles of Uitenhage.
CHRISTENING by the Rev Chas. Orpen MD of Christ Church, Colesberg on Sunday 13th Nov 1853, daughter of Mr. P.R. DIXON, baptized Emily Jane.
DIED on his Estate at Bushman's River on the 16th instant, Johannes Casparus BUCHNER, aged 52 years 11 months and 11 days, leaving a widow and eight children to deplore their loss. For several years he belonged to that most useful class of public servants, the Field-cornets, and always discharged the duties of his appointment with zeal and fidelity, especially during the troublesome times of Kaffir warfare. He was a good citizen and a brave burgher.
Civil Com. Uitenhage
Civil Com. Office
Uitenhage, 26th Nov 1853
DIED this morning at the house of Mr. S. ROBERTS, in Graham's Town, Ann, youngest daughter of Mr. Charles SCANLEN of Cradock, aged 9 years
December 2 1853
Notice to Creditors
In the Estate of William Middleton AYERS of Cradock
A Liquidation Account and Plan of Distribution will lie at the office of the Resident Magistrate at Cradock for the space of 14 days, prior to being sent to the Master's Office at Cape Town.
Sole Trustee
Graham's Town 24th November 1853
Notice to Creditors
In the Intestate Estate of Catherine SLAVIN
An Account of the Administration of the said Estate has been forwarded to the Master's Office at Cape Town and a copy thereof lodged this day in the Resident Magistrate's office at this place. And all persons concerned are hereby called on to take notice that the Executor will, within a reasonable time, pay all claims on the Estate and hand over the balance to the Heir.
Graham's Town, November 1853
Notice to Creditors
In the Insolvent Estate of John Smithson WRIGHT of the Division of Albany
The second Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above Insolvent Estate will lie for the inspection of Creditors and others at the master's Office for a term of fourteen days from this date; after which the Hon. the Supreme Court will be moved to confirm the same in order, to the distribution thereof.
For Self and Co Trustee
24th Nov 1853
If Mr Joseph WIGGEL does not take away a certain Bale of Wool left by Mr. James THOMAS in the month of April or May 1853 at the stores of LEVY, JOSEPH & LEVY, Burghersdorp, by the 31st day of December next, the said Bale of Wool will be sold by Public Auction on his account and risk.
Maurice JOSEPH
November 25 1853
Saturday 10 December 1853
DIED at Vie Krall, Winterberg, on the 19th November 1853, Mr. Samuel SCROOBY, one of the British settlers of 1820. Aged 64 years and 10 months, after a very long and severe illness.
Saturday 17 December 1853
BIRTH at Collingham on the 13th instant, the wife of Mr. Joseph HAGUE of a daughter.
Notice to Creditors
In the Insolvent Estate of Louis Henry MEURANT
The third liquidation and distribution account will lie for the inspection of Creditors and others at the Resident Magistrate's Office, Graham's Town, for a term of fourteen days from this date.
Joint Trustees
13th December 1853
Saturday 24 December 1853
Notice to Creditors and Debtors
In the Estate of the late Henry CASTINGS, Daga Boer
All Persons having Claims against the above Estate are requested to file the same with the first undersigned at Graham's Town, within six weeks from the date hereof, and those indebted to pay their debts within the same period.
Thomas WALKER Ex. Dative
Sarah CASTINGS Ex. Dative
Graham's Town
December 17th 1853
Saturday 31 December 1853
Lt. ROBERTSON, 60th Rifles, being about to leave the colony, requests that all claims against him may be sent in immediately to the Paymaster.
The Rev. Francis FLEMING being about to leave the colony requests that all claims against him may be sent in addressed to him at "Oatlands", Graham's Town, before the 8th Jan 1854.
BIRTH at Graham's Town on Wednesday 28th instant, the lady of Staff Surgeon SCHOOLES of a son.
King William's Town
Royal Oak Hotel
Respectfully informs his Friends and the Public that he has obtained an Hotel Licence for those Extensive Premises where he now resides, and he will always keep the best Wines, Spirits and Accommodation for the comfort of Travellers, together with having excellent Forage and Good Stabling, he trusts to merit a share of the Public Patronage.
King William's Town
December 21 1853
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