Grahamstown Journal 1838 - 2 - July to December
Thursday 5 July 1838
MARRIED at Somerset on the 29th June by the Rev G. Morgan, James PERKINS to Selina, second daughter of Mr. R. PEACOCK of Somerset
Thursday 12 July 1838
BIRTH on Monday the 25th ult, at Wolf's Crag, Mrs. Frederick PHILIPPS of a daughter.
BIRTH on Thursday 5th inst at Glencliffe, Mrs. John CARLISLE of a son.
BIRTH on Thursday 5th inst at Rockwood, Mrs. Temple NOURSE of a son
Thursday 26 July 1838
In the Insolvent Estate of George McLACHLAN
Any Person interested in the above Estate may see a copy of Liquidation Account by applying at my office.
Graham's Town, 19th July 1838
Thursday 2 August 1838
Notice of Removal
Mrs. BLEE feeling obliged for the liberal support she has experienced since her commencement in business, begs to acquaint her friends and public in general that she has removed to the shop situate between Mr. J. WALKER and Mr. JENNINGS.
Thursday 9 August 1838
MARRIED by Special Licence on Wednesday the 8th inst at the residence of John NORTON Esq, by the Rev Mr Heavyside, H.B. KISCH Esq of Cape Town to Esther Isabella, eldest daughter of John NORTON Esq of Graham's Town
On the night of the 17th inst the English brig Glenisla, Capt. R. WATKINS, going from London to the Cape of Good Hope, struck on the rocks on the coast of Portsale near Brest. The passengers and luggage were saved; and if the weather moderates, the whole Cargo, which principally consists of Hardware and Tissues, may be got out of the wreck, although much damaged. (Herald April 28)
Thursday 16 August 1838
MARRIED at Graham's Town by the Rev W Shaw, on Thursday the 9th instant, Mr. Charles H. CALDECOTT, third son of the late Dr. C. CALDECOTT, of Huntingdon, to Martha, eldest daughter of W. WRIGHT Esq of Dublin, Ireland.
Thursday 23 August 1838
DIED at Graham's Town on Tuesday morning the 21st inst, Mrs. Margaret THOMPSON, wife of W.R. THOMPSON Esq, aged 44 years
Thursday 30 August 1838
MARRIED yesterday, the 29th inst, at Graham's Town by the Rev J. Heavyside, Colonial Chaplain, Capt. John McLEAN, 27th Regt, to Catherine Georgina Louisa, second daughter of Major O'REILLY of Graham's Town
Thursday 13 September 1838
MARRIED at Bathurst on the 30th August by the Rev James Barrow, Bertram Egerton BOWKER, fifth son of Miles BOWKER Esq of Tharfield, Albany, to Ann, youngest daughter of the late Richard SIMPSON, Merchant of Hull, Yorkshire.
Thursday 27 September 1838
Departed this Life at Port Elizabeth, on Sunday night the 16th inst, Angus Graham LAMONT, aged 15 years and 2 months – a youth of the most endearing and amiable qualities. He was articled to Messrs. MAYNARD & BLACKBURN, to whom, as well as Society at large, his loss is irreparable.
Mr. Braham KISCH
Being about leaving Graham's Town for Colesberg requests that all accounts against him be sent in immediately for adjustment, and all persons indebted to him and to the late firm of LIVINGSTON & KISCH will be good enough to pay their respective accounts to Mr. Benjamin NORDEN, General Agent, who is duly authorised to receive the same.
Graham's Town, September 26 1838.
Thursday 11 October 1838
BIRTH on Wednesday the 26th September, the lady of Fleetwood RAWSTORNE Esq, Resident Magistrate of Colesberg, of a son.
Thursday 18 October 1838
DIED 9th October 1838, at Clifton, Baviaan's River, Robert PRINGLE Sen, in the 85th year of his age.
Thursday 25 October 1838
BIRTH on the 11th inst, Mrs. Charles MAYNARD of a daughter.
Thursday 1 November 1838
DIED at his residence in Graham's Town on Monday October 29th 1838 after a long and painful illness, Mr. Lyon BENJAMEN, aged 41 years and 5 months. As a kind and affectionate Husband, a tender Parent and warm hearted Friend, deceased will be lamented by a Wife and eight small Children and by all those who had the privilege of his acquaintance.
DIED at Graham's Town on Monday Morning the 29th inst, Mrs Ann TROLLIP Sen. aged 61 years
Thursday 8 November 1838
BAPTIZED at Butterworth Wesleyan Mission Station, Hintza's Tribe, July 22nd by Rev W.J. Davis, William Biningto Boyce, son of William M.D. FYNN Esq, Resident British Agent, beyond the Kei River.
Whereas my wife Elizabeth PRYNN has abandoned her home, I hereby give notice that I will not be answerable for any Debts she may contract. Any person harbouring or maintaining the said Elizabeth PRYNN will be prosecuted according to Law.
Stolen from Cradock on the 9th inst a Chestnut Horse with a star on the forehead, marked G on the left thigh. The above Horse conveyed the Mail from Somerset to Cradock, on the 5th inst, and was stolen from the latter place on the 9th, and as the postboy, a Hottentot named Snell, absconded on the same day, there is every reason to suspect him to be the thief. The above
Reward will be paid to any person giving such information to the undersigned at Somerset as will lead to the recovery of the Horse or the conviction of the Thief.
Michael GOSS
Thursday 29 November 1838
Mr. L. JONES, Baker and Confectioner, intending shortly to leave Graham's Town in consequence of the ill state of his health, requests that all Claims against him may be sent in forthwith, and that all persons indebted to him will be kind enough to pay their respective accounts on or before the 15th day of December next, otherwise they will be handed over to his Attorney for prosecution.
DIED at Bathurst on the 23rd inst, Frances Harvy Julia SCOTT, daughter of Robert SCOTT of the Commissariat Department, aged 2 months and 24 days.
DIED on the 22nd inst, Rosanna, Wife of Wm. PENNY, eldest daughter of Annjen BROCK Esq, Surgeon, of Granard, County Longford, Leinster, Ireland.
Thursday 6 December 1838
DIED at Graham's Town on the 19th November last, deeply regretted by all who knew her, Elizabeth, the wife of John ATHERSTONE Esq.
Dec 5 1838
BAPTISED at Fort Armstrong on Sunday the 2nd inst by the Rev Mr Bingham, Wesleyan Missionary, Walter John, son of Mr. John BRADFIELD of the Kat River.
Thursday 20 December 1838
The Partnership in the Baking Business hitherto existing between the Undersigned will cease and determine, by mutual consent, on the 31st of the present month.
Witness – John Centlivres CHASE, Notary Public
Port Elizabeth, 18th Dec 1838
Henry SHEPHERD will continue the Baking Business as usual, in the High-street, Port Elizabeth.
William SHEPHERD will open his new Baking Establishment at the House lately occupied by Mr. PERCY, near the Market-place, Port Elizabeth, on the 1st January next.
Thursday 27 December 1838
BIRTH on the 16th ult, the lady of James CHALMERS Esq, Acting District Surgeon, Port Elizabeth, of a son, baptised James Laing.
MARRIED by Special Licence at Graham’s Town, on Saturday the 22nd inst, by the Rev. John Heavyside, Colonial Chaplain, C. POTE to Mary Matilda, second daughter of the late Mr. William WITHALL.
The Undersigned beg to inform Merchants, Traders and the Public in general that they have taken the Store at present occupied by Mr. P.W. LUCAS, in Hill-street, Graham’s Town, where they intend continuing their business as Auctioneers &c from the commencement of 1839.
PAINTER & JARMAN, Auctioneers
In the Estate of John Newhouse BEALE, deceased
The Undersigned calls upon all Persons having Claims against the above Estate to lodge the same with Mr. Henry NOURSE, of Graham’s Town, within three months from the date hereof; and all Persons indebted to the said Estate are requested to pay the same to him within the above period.
Emma BEALE, Executrix Testamentary
Nov 30th 1838
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