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Graaff-Reinet Herald

Graaff-Reinet Herald 1856 - 4 - October to December

Saturday 11 October 1856

Accommodation for Gentlemen, Private Apartments for Families
Foreign wines always on hand
Good stabling and forage
Church Street, Graaff Reinet

In the intestate estate of the late David SMITH of Graaff Reinet and surviving spouse Jessie ABBATH
All claimants in the above estate are requested to file their claims with Mr. E.S. FORD, Church Street, or with the undersigned, within three weeks of the date hereof
Jessie SMITH, born ABBATH
Executor Dative
Graaff Reinet 9th Oct 1856

Saturday 18 October 1856

Carpenter, Millwright & Machinist
Late managing sawyer at the Port Elizabeth Steam Mills
Begs to inform the inhabitants of Graaff Reinet and its vicinity that it is his intention to commence business in the above named trades, and trusts from his experience both in England and this Colony to merit a share of public patronage.
Mills, pumps, presses &c erected or repaired upon the best principles.
Address of Mr. Chas. GOODES, Market Square
Graaff Reinet, 18th Oct 1856

Saturday 15 November 1856

Married on the 7th November at the residence of N. BIRKENRUTH Esq, Graham’s Town, Edward NATHAN to Fredrike, third daughter of L.S. WEINTHAL Esq of Hamburg

Saturday 22 November 1856

The undersigned beg to acquaint the inhabitants in Town and Country that they have this day entered into partnership as Saddle and Harness Makers, next door to the “Herald” Office, Market Square. Having had a long experience in the trade they hope to give every satisfaction to all parties who shall patronise them.
Mattrasses made to order
Waggons and Carts Trimmed
Country work punctually attended to
Augustus BROOKS
Graaff Reinet 17th Nov 1856

Saturday 6 December 1856

Birth on the 5th inst, Mrs. LILIENFELD of a son

Notice is hereby given that application will be received at this office until Tuesday 16th December 1856 at 10am for the joint situation of Town Clerk, Market Master and Poundmaster to this Municipality. Salary £125 per annum. Duties to commence on 15th January 1857. Further particulars may be learned at this office.
Town Clerk
Municipal Office, Richmond
28th November 1856

Saturday 20 December 1856

Mr. HALL is now ready to receive visitors at the house adjoining Mr. CARO’s (formerly the Club House) in Market Square. Those ladies and gentlemen who intend having portraits are requested to leave their names as early as possible, that appointments may be made; as Mr. HALL’s stay in Graaff Reinet is limited to the month of December and the portraits being taken in the house can only be taken between the hours of 9 o’clock in the morning until 3.
Graaff Reinet 4th Dec 1856.

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