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Graaff-Reinet Herald

Graaff-Reinet Herald 1853 - 2 - April to June

Wednesday 6 April 1853

Died on Wednesday March 23rd at six o’clock in the morning, Anna Cornelia PARKINS, born OLIVIER, the beloved wife of M.S. PARKINS, aged 43 years, 10 months and 20 days, leaving nine children to deplore her loss.

Wednesday 13 April 1853

Married on the 9th inst at the English Church by the Rev. W. LONG, Thomas Kalm, second son of Thomas DOREY Esq of Camberwell, Surrey, to Johanna Maria, youngest daughter of the late C.D.D. Van RENEN Esq of the Cape.

Mr. STEWART begs to acquaint the Public that at the solicitation of a few friends he has made arrangements for receiving a limited number of Boarding Pupils. Instruction in both languages (English and Dutch) is carefully administered, and the greatest attention paid to the cleanliness and general comfort of the Pupils. To Dutch families, in which the practice of speaking English is not continually maintained, it may be observed that a Boarding School offers almost the only means of acquiring a facility in that language. For particulars apply to Messrs. LEEB Brothers at Graaff-Reinet or to the advertiser at Richmond. All letters to be post paid.

Wednesday 27 April 1853

The undersigned begs to acquaint his friends and the public that he has commenced the above business at Queen’s Town, and trusts by strict attention to business and moderate charges to merit a share of the public patronage.
The best of spirits, wines and malt liquor always on hand.
Stabling and good forage for horses.
Queen’s Town 8th April 1853

Wednesday 4 May 1853

Mr. Fred’k HOLLAND
Desires to inform the retail store keepers of Graaff-Reinet and the neighbourhood that he has commenced business in Market Square (next door to the Herald office) and solicits their inspection of his stock of staple and other articles, suitable to the trade and season. Full particulars in a future advertisement.
Graaff-Reinet 3 May 1853

Wednesday 11 May 1853

The undersigned has just received, and has for sale at low prices, an assortment of
consisting of
Nuts, Bolts and Rivets in great variety
T, Hook and Eye and Chest Hinges
Bench, Plough, Bead and Fillister Planes
Iron, Sledge, Hand and Bench Hammers
Weighing Machines, Hair Brooms, Shoe Knives, Awl Blades, Drawing Knives, Rakes, Dutch Hoes, Hand Screw Plates, Wine Cocks &c
Also Coffee, Light Mauritius Sugar, Tea Rice, Meal, and daily expecting further additions

Wednesday 18 May 1853

Hamels for Sale
600 Good Woolled Wethers from 12 to 18 months old. Apply to E.S. TURNER Esq, Prestbury, Winterveld, or to Messrs. MEINTJES & DIXON

Birth at Graaff-Reinet on Monday 16th May 1853, Mrs. F. TE WATER of a daughter

Birth at Richmond on Monday 9th instant, Mrs. FORD of a son

Dr. Guybon ATHERSTONE has had placed in his hands a sample of quartz debris, obtained near the mouth of the Kowie River, and having subjected it to careful analyxation he pronounces it to contain gold of fine quality. The quantity subjected to the process of analyxation was very small, having been forwarded to town enclosed in a letter.

Wednesday 8 June 1853

Died on the 6th inst, Mrs. Madeline Meriel LONG, the beloved wife of the Rev. W. LONG, aged 27 years, the second daughter of Deputy Commissary General WATT.

Wednesday 15 June 1853

Arrived per ‘Centaur’ and will be here very shortly, a small lot of
Made expressly to order, so suit the wants of our Frontier farmers. These beautiful guns have been pronounced by some of our keenest sportsmen to be the best shooting guns ever to be imported into the Colony. Prices very moderate. Further particulars in a future advertisement.
Graaff-Reinet 1st June 1853

Wednesday 22 June 1853

Birth at Graaff-Reinet on Wednesday 15th inst, Mrs. D.T. HARHOFF of a son, this being the seventh son.

From the Graham’sTown Journal:
Land Sale: The three farms, the property of G. DYASON Esq, were sold by public auction on Wednesday the 8th inst, and realised the sum of £2,500, Mr. F.W. POHL being the purchaser.

Wednesday 29 June 1853

Died at Graaff-Reinet on Monday the 20th instant, Daniel Wynand, the eldest son of Mr. Christian VanCOLLER, cut down in the very morning of life, aged 4 years, 10 months and 16 days. His loss is most severely felt by the distressed mother and near relatives, whose grief has been increased (if possible) by the absence of the father to Port Elizabeth. For the great sympathy shown by so large a number of the most respectable inhabitants, who attended the funeral, the bereaved mother returns her heartfelt thanks, as she also desires to do to all those kind friends who have visited and aided her in this time of great affliction.
Graaff-Reinet 24th June 1853

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