Fort Beaufort Advocate 1869 2 April - June
Saturday April 3, 1869
LOCUSTS. – We hear that immense swarms of locusts are making their way from the up-country. They are already in the Tarkastad district, and should they penetrate further in large swarms, the crops of the ensuing season will be in jeopardy.
BURGLARY. – On Tuesday night the residence of the Rev. Mr. O’CONNELL was forcibly entered during the absence of that gentleman on a visit to Somerset East, and a trunk containing papers and other articles stolen. The robbers might easily have selected a fatter victim. The rev. gentleman left for Somerset the morning of the robbery, and the robber or robbers were evidently acquainted with the premises and the movements of Mr. O”CONNELL. Mr. MUGGLETON discovered the trunk in the river, with the papers it contained saturated. A clue has been obtained to the perpetrators of the burglary.
INFLUENZA. – During the past ten days influenza and a sore throat have been very prevalent. Hardly a family has escaped. The doctors of course have been making a rare harvest, which will to some extent compensate them for the “slackness of business” which prevailed in their particular line for several months previously. In King Williamstown, dyptheria has been prevalent, and in several instances it has been attended with fatal results, especially among children.
ACCIDENT. – We exceedingly regret to have to announce a serious accident which befell Mr. Wm. AYLIFF on Friday afternoon last. Mr. AYLIFF and Master WILSON were out on a visit to a neighbouring farm, and on their return, when near Mr. George GILBERT’S, the horse ridden by Master WILSON, when being pulled up after a smart canter, kicked up his heels and struck Mr. AYLIFF on the knee so seriously, that the leg bone was broken. In much pain Mr. AYLIFF managed to ride to Geo. GILBERT’S about half a mile from the scene of the accident, where he was assisted to dismount, and where he still remains. Dr. HALL is attending the patient, who we are happy to state, is progressing favourably, though it will be two or three weeks at least before he can be removed to his own residence.
OBITUARY. – We regret to hear that Mr. John MASSIJN, who was quite recently here on a visit to this town, died on a farm near Smithfield on the 20th inst. Mr. MASSIJN was apparently in good health, and took part in game of cricket when here the other day.
A CRIMINAL WARRANT has been issued at Smithfield, for the apprehension of Jacobus Adam BARNARD, jr., on a charge of murder, perpetrated at Olievenfontein, on 2nd January, 1869. BARNARD is a boer, and was seen about 10 days since at Bloemhof in the S.A. Republic.
The Graff-Reinet papers announces the death of Mr. Charles ESSEX, at the age of 46 years. Deceased, we believe, was one of the proprietors of the Graff-Reinet Herald.
Tuesday, 30th March, 1869
Roman arrived last night.
Four passengers for the Cape.
For Algoa Bay:
For Natal:
Dean GREEN, Messrs. WARDOFF, BUCKLE, COLT, RITCHIE, RICHARDSON, and Mrs. GREEN and infant, LIMES, WEST, Mr. and Mrs. RITCHIE and family, Mr. W. RITCHIE.
TUCKER’S CASE. – In the investing the charge of fraudulent insolvency brought by the trustee of his estate against Mr. TUCKER, some extraordinary disclosures appear to have been made, as Mr. W. KIDGER has been bound over himself in £200 and two sureties in £100 each, to answer whatever charges made be made against him, and J.E. CAWOOD has likewise been bound over himself in £100 and one surety to a like amount, to appear as a witness when called upon and answer any questions put to him. – Telegraph.
Saturday, April 10, 1869
THE MURDERER Jacob ANDRIES, convicted last Port Elizabeth circuit for a murder at Humansdorp, is to be executed on 15th inst. We have heard nothing respecting the fate of KLAAS and KARL lying under sentence of death in the goal here, except that they fully expect to have their lives spared. – Ibid.
Mr. Geo. WOOD, Jun. – We regret to have to announce that this gentleman has been compelled to surrender his private estate. The order of sequestration was made by Mr. Justice DWYER. No statement is made of assets and liabilities.
Saturday, April 17, 1869
One John MORTA, it is feared, has been murdered in Namaqualand.
Mr. HOOLE has returned to take up his residence in Grahamstown for a twelve month.
IMMIGRATION. – European immigration to River Plate this year amounts to 40,000.
The remaining two murderers of the unfortunate farmer KRUGER, near Calvinia, have been captured and safely lodged in gaol.
Mr. SUB-INSPECTOR HOOK, has been ordered with his company to the Northern border, to assist Mr. WRIGHT of the Police, and is expected to be absent about four months.
(From our own Correspondent.)
We are glad to inform our readers that Mr. W, AYLIFF is progressing most satisfactorily, and we trust that soon he will have quite recovered from his late accident.
The last Gazette contains the names of the members elected to the Legislative Council. Those for this Province are:
Messrs. FLEMING, Te WATER, HALL, WOOD and CAWOOD, ten years men; and Messrs. GODLONTON, KENNELLY, CHASE, SCHOLTZ, and STRETCH, five years men.
MYTERIOUS CASE OF DROWNING – We are informed by Mr. DUVENHAGE, that a young farmer named Hans LESSING, son in law to Mr. Douw STEYN, of Jackal’s Fontein, was found drowned in a dam at Roode Poort, where he was living. Our informant states that the body was found with a large stone attached to the neck by a rein, and the hands tied together behind. It is said to have been a case of suicide. The funeral was said to have taken place yesterday. If our informant’s report be true, the case looks very suspicious. Mr. MERRIMAN, Civil Commissioners Clerk, has left for the purpose of enquiring into the matter. – Colesberg Advertiser.
Advocate Office,
Thursday 15th April.
Norseman arrived seven o’clock yesterday morning.
A Mr. BRYANT gives us the following narrative of how he became his own grandfather:-
“I married a young widow who lived with her step-daughter; my father shortly afterwards married the step-daughter. My wife was, therefore, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law of my father. I am the step-father of my mother-in-law, and my wife’s step-daughter is my step-mother. Well, my step-mother – that is to say my father’s wife and my wife’s daughter, had a son; he is my step-brother of course, but being the son of my wife’s step-daughter, my wife is of course his grand-mother, and I am his grandfather as well as his step-brother. My wife also had a boy. My step-mother is consequently the step-sister of my boy, and also his grandmother, because he is the child of her step-son, and my father is the brother-in-law of my son, who is the son of my step-mother. I am my mother’s brother-in-law. My wife is the aunt of her own son, my son is the grandson of my father, and I am my own grandfather.”
Saturday, April 24, 1869
A RUMOUR was current in K.W. Town last week, that the man PAPS, who murdered his wife in the Peddie district some time since, has been discovered near the scene of his crime, having blown his brains out.
MR. GREGORY. – This gentleman is said to be again on his way out of the colony. We hardly believe such a veracious jewel of a man would trust himself amongst our voracious ostriches. He may seem a large mouth to swallow, but seeing the ease with which some gulls at home swallowed his monster ‘gregorine’ it may be possible that our larger birds here would make an easy bolt of GREGORY himself. Should one of them pick him up, there is no knowing but it might ‘drop’ him, not on the banks, but in the bed of the Orange River. – Uitenhage Times.
THE LATE T.D. POTGIETER. - A correspondent writing on the death of the Late T.D. POTGIETER, says: - “He was one of the first inhabitants of Graham’s Town, formerly the proprietor and founder of ‘Orange Grave”. He afterwards resided in the city, and was much respected by all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance. He was the descendant of a Portuguese family of note – one of his ancestors held the appointment of Governor. His second son, Asst. Com. Gen. POTGIETER, served for many years in this colony – last in charge of King Williamstown, and was respected by all who knew him. He also served in the Crimea, and is now at Yokahama, Japan. The deceased removed from Grahamstown to Cradock in about the year 1839, and resided there up to the period of his death. He was universally respected, and good old Theodorus POTGIETER will be long remembered for his kindness of heart, and many other amiable qualities.”
CHURCH DISCIPLINE. – In the Volksblad of yesterday (says the Advertiser and Mail) received on Wednesday last, is published a lengthy correspondence referring to a case of Church discipline at Wynberg, which should be disposed to call the most disgraceful we had met with, were it not that it is at the same time beyond question the most ridiculous that ever occupied the attention of grave and sensible men.
It appears that a lady – a member of one of the most respectable families in the colony, Mr. S. van RENEN, sen., of Constantia – had happened to repeat a story of which she gave most satisfactory evidence in confirmation, that a Missionary of the Dutch Reformed Church at Wynberg, named RUYTENBEEK, was silly and vain enough to declare to some in Stellenbosch that his preaching was better like at Wynberg that that of Dr. FAURIE himself. Will it be believed that for this tremendous offence the lady was repeatedly summoned before the consistory at Wynberg, and solemnly sentenced to be dismissed from her office as organist, and to be deprived of Church privileges for three months? If such monstrously grotesque folly and antiquity can be perpetrated within eight miles of Capetown, what may not be done by those close, self-constituted, and irresponsible ecclesiastical tribunals in the remotest districts of the colony.
CURIOUS KAFIR CUSTOM. – A correspondent – R.I. – sends us the following:
Though living in close proximity to the Kafirs, how little we know about their customs. I have only heard the other day of a strange Kafir custom, and as your readers are probably not aware that such exists, I give it to you, thinking it may amuse if not edify. It appears that when a Chief is seriously ill and has been physicked, others have to drink of the same drug, though nothing ailing; and as the potency of Kafir medicines consist in their strength and nauseousness, you can fancy the effect produced on a lot of healthy men and women. An eye-witness to such a scene describes it as ludicrous in the extreme. You see men bent double running in all directions seeking relief, and looking actually ill as long as the drug is operating - and all this out of sympathy to their chief, who if not very bad, seems to enjoy the scene. [It strikes us that this custom has been originated with a view to prevent the possibility of a chief being poisoned. - Ed. E.P.H.]
Locusts innumerable on the Kei. – E.P. Herald.
Saturday, May 1, 1869
MARRIED, on the 21st instant, at St. John’s, Winterberg, by the Rev. W. MEADEN, William T. SAUNDERS, third son of Mr. Enos SAUNDERS of Buxton, to Elizabeth Hartley MOORCROFT, second daughter of Alfred MOORCROFT, Esq., of Winterberg. – No Cards.
A colored lad, of about the age of eleven years or thereabouts, came to a farmer named LOMBARD, at Eyre, near Eland’s Post two or three weeks ago, and stated he had run away from his father, who resides with a Mr. ELFIN (?) on the Bay road. Says his name is Charles James – his father’s Jacob GOLIE. His brother Gethana also ran away with him, and is now at Mr. TROLLIP’S. Tyumie. Unless claimed within two months of this date, the lad will be indentured to some fit and proper person, according to law.
W.T.L. EMETT, Res. Mag.
Res. Mag’s Office,
Eland’s Post, 14th April, 1869.
NOTICE is hereby given that the Forest on my farms (Upper Chumie), will be closed from the end of this month; and that any person found cutting or removing Timber of any description without my authority, will be prosecuted according to law.
Alice, 27th April, 1869.
Mr. Charles BARRY has imported by the Norseman three very fine Dutch yearling bulls. The Cattle Diseases Prevention Act being still in operation the animals have been landed at Robben Island for the present.
BASUTO DEPUTATION TO ENGLAND. – Among the passengers by the Natal from Natal, is the Basuto chief ISKELI, one of the sons we believe, of MOSHESH, who proceeds to England with Advocate BUCHANAN to have an interview with the Queen or the British Ministry. It is well known that the entire Basuto nation are much dissatisfied with the arrangements made between the Governor and President BRAND, and the old Chief’s advisers have induced him to believe that by sending Home to the fountain head he will obtain some important concessions.
A wonderful medicine. – The following advertisement is from a recent New York paper:- “If you want a really pure, unsophisticated “family pill”, buy Dr. R’s liver-encouraging, kidney-persuading, silent, perambulator-twenty seven in a box. This pill is as mild as a pet lamb, and as searching as a small-tooth comb. It don’t go fooling about, but attends strictly to business, and is as certain as an alarm clock”.
(Extracts) DESTRUCTIVE FIRE. – A fire broke out in a row of buildings attached to and forming part of the Phoenix Hotel, occupied by and belonging to Mr. J.A. DREYER, early this morning – between three and four o’clock. With very creditable promptitude the Fire Brigade with their two engines were early at the scene, and having copious supply of Shark River water close at hand, began to play upon it shortly after arrival. It was a most fortunate circumstance that the night was quite calm. The buildings that are destroyed comprised the store-room, in which was contained, we were told a good deal of valuable property, and the bath-room, and the kitchen. The cause is still a mystery, the property was insured, we believe but Mr. DREYER does not consider himself fully covered. – Telegraph.
(Extract) THE EXECUTION. – The extreme penalty of the law was carried out on Jacob ORONTES, the coloured man, convicted at the last circuit of the murder of Ganuary JACOBS, at Humansdorp, at seven o’clock yesterday morning. A large body of police was present to maintain order but their duties were anything but onerous as the mob was a very orderly one. Shortly before the hour of execution the poor wretch was led from the prison on to the scaffold. He was attended by Rev. EDWARDS and BROOKS and Mr. MACKAY, who have been very attentive to his spiritual welfare since his condemnation. With a firm step he ascended the platform, the rope was adjusted round his neck by the executioner, and the next moment the bolt was withdrawn; there was a short struggle and then it was all over.
CUTTING THE COUNTRY. – The Middelburg correspondent of the G.R. Courant says, that the Rev. Mr. BEYERS, one of the ministers of the Separatist or Schismatical Dutch Reformed Church, has just passed through the village on his way to Europe with three wagon loads of baggage and £1,000 which he drew out of the Colesberg Bank before starting. Mr. BEYERS had been but a few years in the Colony and the Free State, and has therefore found the Gospel a paying business. The correspondent says he has taken with him “enough to live, and to live over again”.
NEW RELIGIOUS PHASE. – A very remarkable phase of religious development, or of fanaticism, as the observer may be disposed to look at it, has been going on for some time past in the very quiet and unsensational village of Wellington. Under the generic name of Anabaptists, a community consisting of a brotherhood and a sisterhood, has been organised under the presiding genius of a Rev. Mr. GROENEWOUD, who has, in point of fact, been acting as a sort of Immigration Agent. This reverend personage made a sensation some three or four years ago as something much more than a Revivalist preacher in several of the Dutch Reformed Church parishes of the Western Province. In Cape Town he succeeded in imparting his questionable fanaticism to a considerable number of people, white and black, educated and uneducated. The effects of that movement seems to have died out. In Wellington he was somewhat more successful, and there he established and organised community. Extensive premises were purchased to constitute the Home of the new fraternity. A few of the villagers and others from the neighbourhood joined; but Mr. GROENWOULD’S views were more ambitious. He proceeded to Europe; and there, chiefly in Switzerland, he picked up a number of devotees – wealthy ones – whom he induced to emigrate to Wellington as to a New Jerusalem. Trip after trip has he made in the mail-steamers, homewards, and on each he has picked up some new convert – all possessed more or less of this world’s riches. By this last steamer, the Norseman, another family have come out. They are Germans, we are informed, possessed of ample means, highly educated, and who were quite delighted on their arrival in Table to find that Wellington – the Zion of their choice – was so nearly within reach that they could arrive there by train on the afternoon of the very day of their arrival. It is precisely the same sort of delusive fanaticism as Mr. HEPWORTH has described in his recent works as existing in America, Oneida Creek, and elsewhere – the same sort of thing, indeed, as has induced a gentleman so distinguished in literature in the political world, in the highest social circles of England, as Mr. Lawrence OLIPHANT, to abandon all his worldly prospects and sacrifice all his worldly estate to become the willing victim of an enthusiast fanatic or swindler of the name TAYLOR, in some remote settlement of the State of New York. It is somewhat curious to find a correspondent of the Volksvriend of Saturday that in the very week in which this last misguided family arrived from Germany, the brotherhood or community at Wellington have quarrelled among themselves and determined to separate. We do not desire to speak with irreverence or disrespect of these people. So long as they are merely fanatical, we speak of them only with respectful regret. But, from all we have heard, we cannot help entertaining some suspicious that the originator or originators of the movement are more knaves than fools, and that they are ingeniously trafficking on the well-meaning weakness of those who are unwise enough to submit to their control. – Adv. & Mail.
SALE OF A WIFE. – A remarkable story is reported from Totnes. A bachelor became enamoured of the wife of a man living at Dittisham, and negotiations were concluded for her purchase, for the sum of £50. The money was duly paid, and the husband left the place, promising to never return to claim his wife. Soon afterwards, however, the woman was missed from the house of the purchaser, having proceeded to re-join her husband at Totnes, where with the £50, they were enjoying a second honeymoon.
THE NOVA SCOTIAN GIANTESS. – Miss Anna SWAN, “the Nova Scotian Giantess,” has made her appearance in London. Though only 20 years of age, Miss SWAN has reached the extraordinary height of eight feet and one inch. Among others who have visited her were Sir W. FERGUSSON, Dr. HASTINGS, and Dr. BILLING, the last who suggested the possibility of still further growth. Miss SWAN quite looks her stature. Seated she overtops all her own sex, and standing the tallest males appears dwarfed by her side. Her figure is admirably proportioned to her height. Her face is oval; the eye is quick and intelligent, the nose straight and Roman, and the shin of which there is a profuse expansion beneath, well turned. Her tone of voice is rather low and gentle, with somewhat of the American twang. Her hair which was dressed in the modern fashion, is light brown, and in front, fell in two thick curls on her neck. As she walked across the room, her swan-like carriage suggested the question whether her name was not assumed as a nom d’exposition. But we are told it was not, and furthermore that she was born of Irish parents. Those who have seen the skeleton of O’BRIEN, the Irish giant, in the College of Surgeons, and that of the Irish elk in the Museum, will not be surprised at the product of a gigantic female of Hibernian origin. Miss SWAN bears about the same ratio to ordinary females as the Landseer lions around the NELSON column to the genuine African ones in the Zoological Gardens. During our visit we noticed that gentlemen only addressed questions to Miss. SWAN. The lady visitors retired into the distance as “things apart” and indeed it would require a female of the very strongest type of mind to measure herself by the side of the Nova Scotian wonder.
Advocate Office,
Friday, April 30th, 1869.
April 29th
Briton arrived at 1 a.m.
Eleven passengers for Cape Town; 13 for Natal.
For Algoa Bay: Mr. & Mrs. BRAWSON, infant and servant, Miss EMMERICHE, Mr. and Mrs. JACOBSON and three children, Mr. BEVAN, Mr. BARROW, Mr. STEVENS, Mr. DIXON.
ANOTHER MURDER BY BUSHMEN. – Assistant Fieldcornet Andries KOTZE, who passed through Calvinia last week to attend Clanwilliam Circuit, reports that Willem ENGELBRECHT had been murdered by Bushmen in the Achterveld. It appears that ENGELLBRECHT went in search of some cattle of his which had been stolen, and was shot on his way by Bushmen, who were probably the thieves themselves. The murderers had not been arrested when Mr. KOTZE left. – Argus.
Springbok, April 17.
(Extract) Such is the appalling news that was brought into springbok on Thursday last. A party of fifteen prisoners, escorted by three constables and two drivers of the cart, were on their way to Clanwilliam to be tried at the Circuit Court. They passed Fieldcornet DREYER’S, at Sandkops Drift, on the `11th inst., and on the following night by some means the prisoners (Bushmen) contrived to get loose, obtain possession of the arms, and murder four at least of the escort. One special constable, Chas. CROWLEY, appears to have escaped badly wounded; but constables MULLIGAN and F. RESBAND, the driver of the cart (P. COETZEE), and the leader (a Hottentot) were all killed. The post carrier saw all these bodies lying on the road, stripped naked; one (RESBAND) with his head severed from his body. The cart was left, but everything else – mules, arms, ammunition, clothing and provisions – taken. CROWLEY is supposed to be lying wounded at Zandkops Drift. Dr. HARE has left for the scene. £50 reward has been offered for the apprehension of the murderers, but there is very little chance of their being caught. – Standard.
Saturday, May 8, 1869.
BIRTH, - At Seymour, Stockenstrom, on the 25th ultimo, Mrs. M.E. SMIT, of a Daughter.
DEATH FROM BRANDY. – A native died in the tronk hospital on Monday night last from the effects of an excessive dose of brandy. The deceased had managed to obtain a couple of brandy on Sunday, which he finished in a short time, and became insensible, in which state he was taken to the tronk. After about twenty hours insensibility the unfortunate man awoke, when all that could be done to restore the system was tried, but in vain.
DEATH OF D.J. van RYNEVELD, Esq. – We regret to having to record the death of the venerable and greatly respected ex-Civil Commissioner and Resident Magistrate of Stellenbosch, D.J. van RYNEVELD, Esq., which took place in that Village Saturday last. The deceased gentleman, who retired upon a well-earned pension a short time back, entered the Government service in 1806, and was thus one of the oldest public servants. The funeral takes place, at Stellenbosch, this afternoon.- Argus.
ACCIDENT. – Mr. JARDINE, our bridge contractor, met with rather a serious accident on Friday last. In riding across the country in the direction of the Zwaart Kei bridge, his horse placed his foot in a large hole, and both rider and horse came to the ground together. Mr. JARDINE was stunned by the fall, and must have lain for about a quarter of an hour before coming to again. He, however, recovered his horse and managed to reach home without further mishap. Dr. THORNE went out on Saturday, and Mr. JARDINE, under his care is rapidly improving. Luckily no bones were broken. – Representative.
A Virginian paper publishes the following marriage notice:- “On December 6, in front of the parsonage in the Crab Bottom, Highland county, on horseback, in the big road, by the Rev. Stephen SMITH, Mr. George A. HALTEMAN, aged sixteen, and Miss. Barbara J. WAGONER, aged twenty-four, all of Highland county”.
DIED. – Mrs. M.A. LLOYD, relict of the late Capt. LLOYD, R.N. and for many years C.C. and R.M. of this division, expired yesterday at the advanced aged of 83 years. Her funeral takes place this afternoon. - Telegraph.
Four Europeans have embraced the Mohammedan faith in Madras. They are to be sent to Mecca, to gladden the eye of the faithful.
FRANCE. – The Emperor has had an attack of influenza.
The wife of Capt. the Hon. J.W. VIVIAN, M.P. for Truro, has eloped with the young Marquis of Waterford.
The Suez Canal has at last been opened, in the presence of the viceroy of Egypt.
Saturday, May 15, 1869.
Advocate Office
Thursday, May 13, 1869.
The Celt arrived 9.30 yesterday with the Mails of 10th April.
Passengers for Cape Town: - Mr. and Mrs. EARLE, Miss BARRY, Mr. PENKETT, Miss. Rosa MULLER, Mr. and Mrs. WOLLASTON, Mr. Thomas JARDINE.
For Algoa Bay:- Mrs. WHITEHEAD, Mr. and Mrs. BROADRICHE, two children and female servant, Mr. BETTS, Mr. PRATT, Mr. F. MANDY, Mr. S, MANDY, Mrs. MANDY, Mr. RODOLF, Mr. G.D. GRABBE, Mrs. CRABBE, Mr. John LUCAS.
Nominations for Cape Town. – PORTER, SOLOMON, EUSTACE, MARQUARD, and CAUVIN were nominated yesterday for the Assembly and poll takes place on Saturday. Keen contest expected.
The S.S. “Ajax” from Liverpool, April 11, arrived her on the 10th inst., and left yesterday for the East. She brought no additional news.
The “Textor” has arrived but brings no later intelligence.
Some terrific gales of wind have passed over this place during the week. The roof of Mr. BULGIN’S blacksmith shop was blown off, and severely shaken.
THEFT.- Last week two horses with saddles and bridles, were stolen from Mr. MILDENHALL’S. Subsequently the horses were discovered, minus the saddles and bridles.
ELEPHANTS. – A troop – estimated at 40 – of these animals were seen making their way to the river at Krom Poort last week.
UITENHAGE._ The two Kafirs, KLAAS and KAREL, condemned to death last Circuit by Mr. Justice FITZPATRICK, for the murder of the brothers WELKIN, have had their sentences commuted to imprisonment for life.
William HOOPER, woolwasher, George Town.
Servaas Daniel de WET, Bosman’s Poort.
Robert VEYSIE, carrier, Bedford.
Thomas COX, storekeeper, Aliwal North.
Johannes Nicholaas DEKKERS, Prince Alfred division.
George Frederick du PREEZ, wagon-maker and agriculturist, division of Oudtshoorn.
Saturday, May 22, 1869.
Encouragement to Agriculture.
Good Men and True.
Place them everywhere- the rest nowhere.
And for the Currency Bill, and
for a fair day’s wages
for a fair day’s work in all departments
of the service.
Messrs. RIDGWAY and Van GASS
King Williamstown
Messrs. SMITH and COLE
Messrs. SLATER and GUSH
Port Elizabeth
Messrs. MILLER and READ returned.
The polling was as follows:
READ, 451
Messrs. N.H. THEUNISSEN and Thomas BEDFORD, jun.
Messrs. ZIERVOGEL and PROBART have been elected
There is to be a contest between De WET, HOCKLEY, and ALCOTT.
Messrs. HOPLEY and De WET returned.
Messrs. BOTHA and MULLER returned.
Saturday, May 29, 1869.
DIED, - At Alice, on the 24th Inst., Annie Gertrude DEVELLING, aged 3 years and 3 days.
FALSE IMPERSONATION. – There are five men in custody at Capetown for false impersonations at the late elections there.
Mr. William FINN, late hotel-keeper at Bathurst, has been committed for trial on charges of perjury and fraudulent insolvency. He is out on bail, having given security, himself for £100, and two sureties at £50 each.
We regret to learn that the Rev. J.J. De SANY still lies in a very precarious state. – Watchman.
A FALSE PROPHET. – At a meeting of the friends of Mr. Saul SOLOMON on Friday evening, Mr. Henry SOLOMON stated that the following day would be the day of battle. Mr. Charles UTTING, however, said that Mr. SOLOMON was mistaken. The battle had been fought during the proceeding fortnight, and Saturday would be the day of victory. This positive prediction was received with cheers, and was uncontradicted till about twenty hours afterwards, when the final state of the poll proved Mr. Charles UTTING to be a false prophet. – Standard.
We regret to record the death, at Grahamstown of Lieut. CUMBERLEDGE, of HM. 11 Regt. The cause of death was, we believe, quinsy, and to add to the distressing circumstances, his infant child died next night. – Anglo-African.
RETIRED. – We learn that Mr. J.C. WARNER has retired from public service, and disposed of his welling at Wodehouse Forest to the Wesleyan Missionary Society. It is uncertain whether the appointment will be again filled up.
(Extract) Painfully sudden death. – On the night of Thursday the 13th instant, George PRINGLE, in the employ of Messrs. HENDRICKS & LUCAS, died under painful circumstances. A few days previously he had injured his thumb by having the splinter of a bone driven into it. On Thursday morning the deceased went his rounds to his employers, customers as usual, having his thumb tied up, but by night he was a corpse. During the forenoon dangerous symptoms set in and Dr. DYER was called in, but by afternoon all hopes of recovery was gone. The immediate cause of death appears to have been embolus or a formation of a clot in the heart. He leaves a wife and seven children. A subscription list has been started in town, but any contributions of produce, clothing or money from the country will be acceptable.
VILLAINOUS OUTRAGE. – A most ruffianly outrage, indeed an attempt at murder, was committed early on Sunday morning. Some person entered the bedroom of Miss HART, John Street, Uitenhage, having forced an entrance through the kitchen. Miss HART who resided in the house alone, was waked by feeling a hand being laid on her face. She started up in the bed and the next minute the ruffian levelled a blow at her head with a heavy weapon, supposed to be a Kerrie, inflicting a severe wound on the side of her head. A struggle then ensued for possession of the stick, but the would be murderer managed to escape through the street door. – Uitenhage Times.
On Wednesday the Returning Officer convened a Court to declare the state of the poll, and to make Proclamation of the members return. Having taken his seat, and made a few preliminary remarks, he declared the result as follows:
John QUIN – 381
William AYLIFF – 261
J.J. BAINES - 182
A yellow silk handkerchief made of spiders webs has been exhibited at a fair in Bermuda.
KNIFE handles and fine tooth combs are now made from potato-pulp by a chemical process.
It is quite common among a certain class of women in London to borrow children at the rate of 5d or 7d a day, and in the capacity of “destitute mothers’” to earn a very good living.
A LATE Divorce in Chicago develops the fact that an old man, after 19 years of wedded life married three other women in rapid succession, and maintained four separate establishments.
FURTHER BURGLARIES – The premises of Mr. GOLDSCHMIDT, of Bedford, were broken into a few nights ago, and three or four guns stolen, besides some saddles and other articles.
Henry Edward DENNISON of Donnybrook.
John BERRY, hotel-keeper, of Port Elizabeth.
EASTERN DISTRICTS COURT. – Last week application was made to the Court by the Solicitor-General on behalf of P.G. du TOIT to accept the provisional surrender of du TOIT’S estate.
This du TOIT is the man against whom Mr. A.P. van der MERWE brought an action of slander six months ago in the Circuit Court here, and against whom judgment was given £1 and the costs. The costs amounted to £123. This he could not or would not pay, and hence the application. – G.R. Advertiser.
CHARGE OF FRAUD AND EMBEZZLEMENT. – It will be seen from our report of the Magistrate’s Court, that Mr. Jonathan STANDEN, late Manager of the Frontier Bank, in this city, was this morning arrested on the charge, preferred by the representatives of the Bank, of fraud and embezzlement. Mr. STADEN, on appearing before Mr. TILLARD, now acting for Mr. GRIFFITH, was admitted to bail, on his own recognizance of £1,000, and two sureties in £500 each. Mr. STANDEN is to appear at the Court to-morrow morning. – Journal.
Saturday, June 5, 1869.
There has been a good deal of sickness lately, and the medicos have consequently been kept pretty busy. Sore throat is the most prevalent disease, though we are glad to say that it has not shown itself here in a malignant form as it has elsewhere.
INCENDIARISM. – A diabolical attempt was made on Tuesday evening to burn the house occupied by Mr. JUBBER near the river. The inmates had retired to rest, when about midnight they were awoke by a loud report, succeeded by a smell of gunpowder. On going outside Mr. JUBBER found the thatch alight in several places, but with the help at hand, he managed to extinguish the fire. The remains of a powder flask were found near the building, and it is surmised that the ruffian who conceived the deed, must have fixed the flask with powder in the thatch, and attached a slow-match thereto. A reward of £50 has been offered for information that will convict the perpetrator.
SALE OF A FARM. – We have just learnt that on the 18th inst. Mr. Willem MEYER sold his farm Klipkraal to Mr. Gert PRETORIUS for £2,400, of which £500 is to be in Colonial money (gold and silver). This farm is situated on the immediate frontier, at the drift of Modder-river, on the road leading to Thaba ‘Nchu; in fact, on Moroko’s line. The terms of credit are short. Mr. Gert PRETORIUS is the owner of some 9,000 sheep, and has purchased this farm because it adjoins his other “veld.” – Friend.
BY NOTICE in the Gazette, it is requested that any parties knowing the whereabouts of one Karel SCHAFFER, communicate the same to the Colonial-office.
A GROOM in the employ of Mr. I.S. GORDON, Port Elizabeth, was on Wednesday last sentenced by the magistrate to one month’s imprisonment with hard labour, for making use of his master’s horse without leave.
Advocate Office.
Tuesday, June 1, 1869.
The mail steamer Cambrian arrived yesterday afternoon.
For Algoa Bay: Rev. Mr. and Mrs. COTTERELL, Mr. & Mrs. ATWOOD, Mr. TWEEDIE, Mr. GARDNER.
Two farmers conversing together on the favourable appearance of the weather, one of them said, “If these warm rains continue, everything will be out of the ground in a few days.”
Good heavens! What are you saying?” exclaimed the other, “why, I have two wives underground.”
Singapore has a boa constrictor that has swallowed a young lady, who wore a 15,000 dollar necklace. The young lady is of no value now, but the necklace is – so about thirty thousand natives are diligently searching for the snake.
Saturday, June 12, 1869.
Lieutenant-General DONOVAN, late of C.M.R., has, we hear, again been very ill, and not expected to live. A slight change for the better, it is said, took place yesterday, but the respected gentleman lies still in a precarious state. – Watchman.
SAMUEL GOODWIN. – Inquiry having been for S. GOODWIN, it is requested that any information respecting him may be communicated to the Colonial Office. GOODWIN is stated to have arrived in this colony between 30 and 40 years ago. He served in Her Majesty’s 38th Regiment, and was in action in Waterloo.
We regret to say that but slight hopes are entertained of the recovery of the Rev. Father De SANY (R.C.) A marked improvement, it is said, was observable during Friday and Saturday, but last evening we hear an adverse change took place, giving rise to the most anxious fears for the result. We sincerely trust these fears may be realised and that we shall again have the pleasure of seeing his reverence moving about and doing good to the people of his charge. – Watchman.
From the Friend.
OBITUARY. – It is our melancholy duty to record the death of Mrs. HOWELL, the devoted and single-hearted wife of Mr. J.M. HOWELL, formerly of Winburg, and more recently of Bloemfontein. Mr. H. departed this life, after a lingering illness, which she bore with Christiaan fortitude, on the 27th ult., at Mr. Jan WESSEL’S farm in the Middelveld, district Bloemfontein. We deeply sympathise with the bereaved husband, and trust he will derive consolation from the belief, that his loss is her gain; and that a reunion awaits them in that land where death shall be no more, and where the trials and heart burnings of this troublous and transitory life are unknown.
ROBBERY. – On Thursday evening about ten p.m. some thief or thieves, evidently acquainted with the premises, entered Mr. McTAGGART’S store, and cooly selected several pairs of boots, and shoes, and then beat a retreat. – having first tried the cash box. On the same night the Contractor’s stores were entered and a hide stolen.
FRAUD AND EMBEZZLEMENT. – A telegram has been received from Capetown, stating the Mr. J.G. STEYLER, late candidate for the Paarl, has been committed for trial on a charge of fraud and embezzlement. Bail was accepted, in £2,000.
Saturday, June 19, 1869
TREKS. – Natives are still trekking from the colony with flocks and herds, towards their land of promise, or rather of possession, beyond the Kei.
(From our own Correspondent)
The ‘spitting’ case is about the most disgusting that has ever come before the judges of the Supreme Court, and it shows how much a person claiming to be a gentleman can forget himself. The plaintiff is a musician of the town of Caledon, named de VILLIERS, and the defendant, Dr. ALBERTYN, a medical practitioner, supposed to be one of the wealthiest men in this colony. The plaintiff was one day met in the street by the medico, and on suspicion that he had said the defendant had reported that another man named FICK, would be insolvent in less than a month, defendant first called plaintiff very ugly names, using oaths which never ought to have been uttered by a person in his position, struck him over the head with a thick stick, and then spat in his face. After doing this he boasted of the filthy act, said he had collected all the saliva he could in his mouth, and then gave it to the plaintiff right in his cheek, a regular “gob.” The damages were laid at £500; the judges not only gave £200, but expressed themselves highly astonished that a medical man should have so far forgotten himself. The action will cost ALBERTYN at least £500, and his enemy will have the spending of £200 of it. Who has revenge?
Mr. C.D. GRIFFITH, Civil Commissioner of Albany, is to succeed Mr. TAYLOR, of King Williamstown.
FATHER De SANY. – The Rev. Gentleman is, we are glad to say recovering from his dangerous illness. It is thought that, as soon as health permits of his removal, he will visit
Europe to recruit his health. – K.W. Gazette.
Saturday, June 26, 1869.
Mrs. SOUTHEY, wife of the Colonial Secretary, died on Tuesday night last.
In the Insolvent Estate of Jas. WHITECROSS.
All persons indebted to the above Estate are requested to settle forthwith their accounts; otherwise legal proceedings will be instituted for the recovery thereof.
Sole Trustee.
Fort Beaufort, June 25, 1869.
LARGE numbers of Queenstown farmers are trekking down to the coast lands, where the grass is said to be abundant.
MONSTER PIG. – Mr. George MACGREGOR, of Salt River, near Cape Town, killed a pig the other day which weighed 710 lbs net.
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