Fort Beaufort Advocate 1865 4 October - December
Saturday, October 7, 1865
DEATH of Mrs. BISSET. – We (Journal) regret to learn that his estimable lady, wife of colonel BISSET, Acting Lieut-Governor of Natal, died in England shortly before the departure of the last mail. Mrs. BISSET had been in a feeble state of health several weeks; and the unexpectedly fatal results has plunged the gallant colonel and his family into much grief.
Saturday, October 14, 1865
NOTICE is hereby given that I have this day granted a General Power of Attorney to Mr. Frederick De PLOOY of Adelaide, to manage and transact all my affairs whatsoever.
Frederick S. GREEF.
Adelaide, 6 October, 1865.
Mr. Charles CALLAGHAN of Adelaide, was elected sole trustee in the estate of P.P. WRIGHT, on Saturday last.
SUICIDE. – An elderly gentleman of the name Reuben WIDDOWS, of Roeland-street, Cape Town, put an end to his life last week, at his residence, by taking strychnine.
THE SHIP. “Windsor Castle”, Capt. PRYCE, arrived in Table Bay yesterday at noon, after a smart run of 60 days from Kingstown Island, including a slight detention at Gibraltar. She has on board Lieut-Colonel HAWES, IN command, Captain TEVRY, wife, and family, Captains HARVEY and DOUGLAS, Lieutenant DAWES, wife and family, Lieutenants ECCLES, BASKERVILLE, and MacDONNELL, Ensigns DONELAN, KYLE, and LONGFIELD, Assistant-Surgeon JEFFCOAT, and 311 rank and file of H.M.’s 1-9th Regt, and Rev. WALFRI[ ]. The captain reports that the ship Renown was to leave Kingston about a fortnight after the Windsor Castle, and may therefore be expected in a few days; she has on board the head-quarters of the 9th Regt.
THE LATE R.J. DUTTON. – We regret to be informed of the death of Mr. DUTTON Clerk of the Peace for the divisions of Albany and Bathurst, which took place yesterday. The deceased gentleman, who has not been long in office here, has for some time, been in ill health. During the hon. W. PORTER’S absence in England, Mr. DUTTON RENDERED EFFICIENT AID TO Mr. DENYSSEN, the Acting Attorney-General.
PRISON BREAKING AND RECAPTURE. – On Monday morning Leonard NEWBURG, Joseph MULLINS, and Robert POLLARD, managed to let themselves out of the cell in which they were confined by unscrewing the fastening with an old knife, and escaped over the prison walls. Two of the men are C.M.R., and are awaiting trial on burglary, and the other soldier of the 99th undergoing a sentence of two years imprisonment for attempting to sell gunpowder to a native constable. They made for the Katberg convict station. They were recognized and alarm given, Mr. De SMIDT had all the prisoners out and surrounded the Kloof, by which the three were recaptured and sent back to prison.
Saturday, October 21, 1865
BIRTH. – At Seymour, Stockenstrom, on the 16th October, Mrs. M.E. SMIT, of a son.
DIED, suddenly of Fort Beaufort on the 14th inst. Mr. Maurice BARRY, late Colour Sergeant of Her M’s 27th Regt., leaving a Wife and numerous family connections and friends to deplore his loss. Aged 49 years.
CONCEALMENT OF BIRTH. A young Dutch girl named Elsie Katrine MARITZ, was examined by the acting clerk of the Peace on Tuesday on a charge of having been secretly delivered of a child in February last, which she buried in the veldt at the farm “Ebb en Vloed” in this divisions. The prisoner confesses her guilt buy says that the child was born dead. The girl seems to have concealed the birth in entire ignorance of the law.
Sir Christoffel BRAND is just about to start for the Free State, to give the President the benefit of his advice. He is to pass through the Midlands.
ARRIVED. - The Cambrian has just arrived.
Passengers: Mr. and Mrs. WEIMER; Mrs. JONES and infant; Mr. and Mrs. J.S. WELCHMAN; Mr. H.J. HOPWOOD; Mons. Lavimere; Mr. P.C. JONES; Mr. L. BOLO and man servant; Mr. J. BRILER.
For Algoa Bay:
Mr. MORUM; Mr. and Mrs. GATONBY, Mr. J.W. KNOWLES; Master WOOD; Miss WOOD, and female servant; MR. E.H. and Miss Salmond; Lieut. BLAKE, 6th Regt; Mr. GRUBER; Mr. GRUBER, jun; Mr. MEDLAND; Mr. KING; Mr. R. COX; Major STEHEUN, and lady, female servant, and two infants; Captain J. KNOWLES, 6th Regiment; Ensign HARVEY, C.M.R.; Mr. Woodford PILKINGTON, lady, infant, and female servant.
Port Natal:
Mr. A. SHERMAN; Mr. HOLLOWAY; Mr. ERKSKINE; Capt. ELY, 99th Regt; Mrs. ELY, infant and servant.
Mr. and Mrs. GARRAND and servant; D.A.C.G. MORELY; Rev. A.F. WILSON; Miss STEWART, Dr. ROGERS; Miss. ROGERS (2); Mrs. MONCAMP; Mr. FOULGAS.
FIRE. – We regret to learn that on Thursday evening last the farm house at Rocklands, the property of Mr. John S. WRIGHT, was entirely destroyed by fire.
Saturday, November 4, 1865
DIED, at the residence of his Father, Fort Beaufort, on Saturday morning, 28th October, 1865, Martin Johannes MEURANT, second son of L.H. MEURANT, Esq, C.C. & R.M. aged 28 years.
The parents and widow of the deceased beg to return their warmest thanks to the inhabitants of Fort Beaufort for the kindness and sympathy manifested; as well as for the respects paid to the remains of the deceased by the great number of persons who followed the corpse to the grave.
Fort Beaufort, Oct. 31st, 1865.
HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNMENT has been pleased to approve of the following appointments, viz: Mr. Charles CALLAGHAN to be deputy –postmaster at Adelaide, in the room of Mr. Wm. SHALESPEARE, who absconded.
BURGHERSDORP. – A young Boer has been shot dead between this and the Craddock district by the accidental discharge of a pistol which a trader was trying.
Mr. GUMPERT, a trader from Port Elizabeth, was robbed the other day on the farm Pronk’s Kraal, in the district of Dordrecht.
A MADMAN AT LARGE. – On Wednesday evening last, Mr. GATONBY’S family were much alarmed by the sudden entrance of a spectral-looking figure, clothed in a long night-dress, much spotted with blood. Mrs. GATONBY was, at the time, alone in the kitchen, and the man – for a man it was – rushed in, and without apparent object, concealed himself in a cupboard in the room. Mrs. GATONBY, with great presence of mind, turned the key in the lock of the cupboard, then raised the alarm. The invader was found to be a lunatic who had escaped from the hospital.
AN ENCOUNTER WITH A TIGER. – We have been informed that Mr. John TAINTON, of Peddie, came unexpectedly upon a full grown tiger, while on his way to town a few days since.
A French Bishop, in a sermon, recently administered a Philippic to crinoline wearers: - “Let women beware” said he, “while putting on their profusive and expensive attire, how narrow are the gates of Paradise.”
A Fire has occurred at Humansdorp, which destroyed the hotel of Mr. STEINMANN.
A WARRANT has been issued by the Resident Magistrate of King William’s Town for the apprehension of Joseph WILD now or lately residing at Keiskama Hoek, upon a charge of fraud or embezzlement.
ON TUESDAY last, Mr. W. WHITTLE called a meeting of his creditors for the purpose of laying before them a statement of his affairs, and to offer a compromise. We hear that 2s. 6d. in the pound was offered, but refused.
Saturday, November 11, 1865
PROLIFIC. – A cow belonging to Mr. George AYTON has just had three calves. In previous seasons, this same cow has always had two calves.
Saturday, Nov. 4th, 1865.
The Court opened on Mr. Justice O’CONNOR taking his seat at 10 o’clock.
Christian HEMAN, charged with murder. The principal witness MULLER, a German, was not found. Under the circumstances, seeing no chance of his being produced at next circuit, a plea of culpable homicide was accepted by the Crown. Sentence 10 years hard labour, the judge giving the prisoner a severe lecture.
SCHOLOKA UMGAIN, charged with the murder of his wife. The trial was put off, no indictment having been received from the Cape.
JACK GWINTO, charged with the murder of Alex. BANNEMAN, near Peddie. Plea not guilty. The evidence was in favour of prisoner’s innocence, and a verdict of not guilty was returned.
Frans PETERSAND and Jacob PETERS, pleaded guilty to stealing a goat from a Fingo named KADU. Prisoners in extenuation said they were hungry. Each of them were sentenced to two years hard labor.
James MURRAY and Stuurman BOTSE, were charged with grievously assaulting Johannes Cornelis ENGELBRECHT, of Tambookies Fontein.
Cobus ZELAND, indicated for shop breaking and theft, in entering the shop of John MIDGLEY of Adelaide, and stealing there from 1 gallon brandy, 1 gallon wine, and 10 bottles. The public prosecutor announced his intention of abandoning the charge, in consequence of the prisoner now suffering from a disease, from which the District surgeon had no hopes of his recovery.
APRIL, a native shepherd residing at Maarsdorp, Stockenstom, was charged with stealing a sheep, property of Thys JURIE of Maarsdorp. The theft was clearly proved. Verdict guilty. Two years hard labor.
Robert POLLARD and Joseph MULLINS now or lately privates in the C.M. Rifles were charged with storebreaking, and theft, in having broken into the stores of Charles MALLETT, and stolen, Jewellery, clothing, &c. Pleaded not guilty. Found guilty and sentenced to 2 years imprisonment hard labor.
DEATH. – Dr. McMASTER, of Uitenhage, died we were informed on Saturday last, at that town. Dr. McMASTER was an old colonist and well known throughout the eastern province.
Saturday, November 25, 1865
NOTICE is hereby given that it is the intension of the Divisional Council on the 4th December next to request His Excellency the Governor to proclaim the following Road as a Divisional Road.
From the farm of Wm. Van der VYVER (Oliphants Beeu) to the North corner of William PEDLAR’S LANDS, AT Cottesbrooke thence through the farm of E. NILAND (Mount Prospect), J. CROSS’S (Windsor), Thos. NILAND’S
(Chancery Hall), thence to the Gwaar (F.W. POHL’S) forming a junction with the Adelaide road.
By order
Divisional Council Office,
Fort Beaufort, 21 Oct. 1865.
In the Estate of the late Ruiters JAGERS and Jannetje JAGERS of the district of Stockenstrom.
All parties indebted to the said Estate, are requested to settle the same forthwith, and those having claims against the said Estate to forward the same to the undersigned within SIX WEEKS from this date.
Executor Dative,
Balfour District of Stockenstrom,
November 1st, 1865.
The undersigned hereby notifies to the public that he will be solely responsible for all debts incurred by him as Messman, 1st 10th Regt.
Messman, 1ST 10TH Regt.
Fort Beaufort.
Nov. 21st, 1865.
Col. NORMAN, 10th Regt. had his men on the flats on Tuesday, when they went through the evolutions of a field day.
DEATH of Col. MACLEAN – It is with much regret we have to announce the death of this veteran this week, at his seat at Cove Rock.
THE LATE Mr. JACKSON – We regret to state that Mr. Joseph JACKSON, of the Prince Albert Hotel, New-street, died on Friday evening, after a lingering affliction in the 62nd year of his age. We believe he arrived in this colony in the year 1822. Subsequently he was a member of the band of the 98th.
Saturday December 2, 1865
The above reward will be paid to any person who shall cause the apprehension of the parties who broke into the Wodehouse Hotel on Monday night last, and stole there from a Cash Box, containing £102 in gold.
Wodehouse Hotel,
29th Nov., 1865.
Saturday December 9, 1865
We hear that Mr. ANTHING has resigned office as Civil Commissioner for Cradock.
MOSTERRD’S HOEK. – We are glad to hear that Mrs. HENLEY, who was so brutally assaulted by her husband, a couple of weeks ago, is still alive, and may yet recover from the frightful injuries she received.
Cradock Register.
Lost or stolen between the Katberg Convict Station and the Fort Beaufort Commonage, on or about the 29th November last, a double barrelled Rifle (By PRYSE and REDMAN).
One barrel is smooth, and the other, a rifle bore. The above reward will be paid by Mr. McKAY Blinkwater, or to Mr. WALDECK, at Barnard’s Katberg, to anyone returning the above gun.
Thomas BROWN.
Saturday, December 16, 1865
DIED at Adelaide, on the 12th December, 1865, at the residence of H. ORCHARD, Sen., Mary Ann Esther, the beloved daughter of Henry JAMES and Elizabeth ORCHARD, aged 2 years, 3 months, and 12 days – Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.
A CENTENARIAN. – Fatal Accident.
An old woman, living on the farm of Mr. C.J. RABIE, Camdeboo, was last week burnt to death through her hut accidentally taking fire. She must have been more than 100 years of age, as it is known that she was slave of the widow of the Rev. APPLEGAARD of Cape Town, who died in 1757, when she was a young girl.
Obituary. – It is with sincere regret that we have to record the death of Mrs. Francis FORD, Mother of J.H. FORD of this city at the advanced aged of ninety-one years. Mrs. FORD came out to this colony with Baley’s Party in 1820.
Cape Town, Dec. 11, 1865
Roman, Capt. DIXON. Left Plymouth Nov.10.
Cape Town:
Gen. RIVERS, Captain BOLTON; Doctor ZEEDERBERG; Miss ANDERSON; Mrs. FAIRBRIDGE; Mrs. CAMPBELL and family; Mr. van der BYL, and family; Mrs. AYLES; Assist. NICHOLS and family; Mr. and Mrs. GAUNTLET; Messrs. HOHM, CARSTENS, J.P. CARSTENS, BROWN, GOTOBED, HUTTON, HARE, J. ROSS, LOUW, SYMONDS and servant.
For Algoa Bay:
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