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Fort Beaufort Advocate 1863 2 April - June

Saturday, April 4, 1863

The “CAPE ARGUS” is the only Cape Newspaper employing a Staff of Parliamentary Reporters, and will therefore be the only Paper in which reliable Reports of the Debates of the approaching Session will be published.
The Second Quarter’s Subscription commences on the first of next Month.
March 23, 1863.

Begs to inform his friends and the public that he has commenced business as Carpenter, on his premises Adelaide, and that he is now prepared to execute all orders which may be intrusted to him in the above line, with promptness and at the most reasonable rates. Country orders punctually attended to on the shortest notice.
Adelaide, April 1, 1890 [sic]

FREE STATE. – LANDMAN has been found guilty of murdering Capt. GORDON. After receiving sentence he confessed his guilt. ‘The Friend says, “LANDMAN’s indifference has given away; he is now beginning to feel the awful state he is in. Every sympathy is being shown him. There is a memorial going about the mitigation of sentence.

The Estate of Thomas Ignatius MULLER of Maclean has been placed under sequestration. The second meeting in the Estate will be held on Saturday 4th April.


Mr. C. J. WALLASTON, manager of the Electric Telegraph Company, passed through Fort Beaufort on his way to K. W. Town this week. Mr. WALLASTON, it is surmised, is prospecting with a view to the extension of the Telegraphic wire to K. W. Town, via Fort Beaufort and Alice. It will be remembered that the inhabitants of both these places have publicly expressed a desire to be included in the circuit. Should the Parliament sanction the extensions of the telegraph line from Graham’s Town to K. W. Town via Fort Beaufort and Alice, as we have no doubt it will, the company of which Mr, WALLASTON is the representative will be prepared to accomplish the work in a very short time.

His Excellency Lt Gen. WYNYARD, and Staff arrived yesterday at 3 p.m. from K. W. Town.
HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR has been pleased to appoint Arthur SMYTH, Esq., to be Resident Magistrate of the district of Wynberg, vice Faulkner HOPE, Esq., retired.

SUPREME COURT. – On Friday last, in reply to a question of the Court, The Attorney General said that he was not prepared to support the decision of the magistrate of Fort Beaufort, who committed Messrs. WALSH and FITZGERALD to six month’s hard labor for culpable insolvency. The case was ordered to be sent back for that purpose of having the evidence taken in conformity with the provisions of the ordinance.

Saturday, April 11, 1863 – Missing

Saturday, April 18, 1863

In the Assigned Estate of W. B. CALVERT, of Fort Beaufort.
All persons claiming to be creditors in the above Estate, are required to file their claims within six weeks from this date, with the first Undersigned; and all those indebted to the Estate, are required to pay the respective amounts to Mr. R. W. STUMBLES within the same period, to save expenses.
The Business will be conducted as heretofore by Mr. CALVERT, for the benefit if the estate, until further notice.
W. ESTMENT, jr. }
A. MCGILLWIE, } Assignees,
Fort Beaufort,
15th April, 1863.

In the Estate of the late J. N. WYNNE.
Having been duly instructed by the executors in the above estate, will sell by Public Auction, on the Spot, on Friday, 1st of May, 1863,
The undermentioned Landed Property belong to the Estate, viz-
First, that comfortable Cottage in D’Urban-st.,
Nearly opposite the Roman Catholic Church, at present occupied by Major BRAY, 96th Regt., at a rental of L72 per annum. This House is one of the most complete and comfortable private Residences in Fort Beaufort, and is never untenanted. The situation is at once central and retired. The property is in thorough repair.
Second, Five Plots of Ground, In the New Town Extension, numbered respectively on the Plan 19, 20, 66, 85, and 87. These Erven form one continuous block, extending from the Water Furrow to the Brak River and immediately adjoin the splendid suburban property of J. SCOTT, Esq., M.P. Each plot is about an acre in extent.
Third, a nice snug Cottage in Dunbar’s Row, well suited for a Tradesman’s Residence.
Fourth, a Plot of Ground in D’Urban Street, Situate near Mr. KENT’s, in extent 91 square roods, being a portion of Erf 19.
Sale to commence at 12 o’clock.
Fort Beaufort, April 18, 1863.

Being duly authorised by the Proprietor, will sell by Public Auction, at the same time as the before mention Landed Property in the deceased Estate of J. N. WYNNE,
On Friday, 1st May, 1863,
That Eligible-situated and Extensive Property, in Campbell –st.,
Adjoining HIGGS’ Hotel, formerly belonging to W. F. LIDDLE, Esq. There is a Large unfinished and well-designed Building on the Erf, which will cost very little to complete and make it a handsome first-class private residence. The ground extends from Campbell Street to the Kat River.
Terms Liberal, - Title clear.
Fort Beaufort, April 18, 1863.


The case of W. SIMPSON for fraudulent insolvency, which was to have been tried at the Graham’s Town Circuit Court held last week has been postponed until next Circuit, to allow the defendant time to prepare for his defence.

The Sergeants of the C. M. Riflemen entertained the Sergeants of the 96th Regt at dinner, shortly after the arrival of the latter in Fort Beaufort.

THE 10th REGT. – The last compnay of the 10th Regt. Left this place for Head Quarters at K. W. Town on Monday morning. It is but justice to this regiment to say, that during the time it was stationed in Fort Beaufort the men were as well behaved and orderly as those of any of Her Majesty’s regiments previously stationed here. A few black sheep in the ranks had brought the name of the corps into disrepute in Graham’s Town, but it was unfair that discredit should be thrown on the whole regiment for the acts of these desperadoes, since weeded out. We regretted to see a correspondent of the K. W. Town Gazette endeavour to raise an unjust prejudice against this regiment on its being quartered at K. W. Town. We can only hope that the behaviour of all regiments which may be stationed here, may be equal to that of the 10th Regt., and there will be but little cause of complaint.

Judgement had not yet been given in the Privy Council case of LONG versus the Bishop of Cape Town.

VIEW OF GRAHAM’S TOWN. – Mr. SHIFFMAN’s view of the city of the East, from the Prince’s Oak in Sir Walter CURRIE’s grounds, has been lithographed by Messrs. DAY & Sons, the eminent lithographers of London, and copies have just been sent out. The view is very faithfully given, and handsomely executed. The view may be seen and obtained at this office.Schiffman View of Grahamstown
[Transcriber’s Note: Picture found on Google – Source]

THE LATE DR. GRIFFITH. – Mr. FORD, of Churchsquare, has just finished a very handsome marble slab, which is to be placed in the nave of St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Cathedral, over the last resting place of the late venerated Catholic Bishop, Dr. GRIFFITH. Inlaid in the slab is a plate of brass, presenting the episcopal and sacerdotal insignia, resting on an ancient cross in red. The design for the plate was kindly given by Mr. W. Tasker SMITH, Esq., and has been executed with much care and taste by Mr. ROBERTS. The memorial stone is the offering of a few friends of the worthy deceased.
At present the slab is being photographed by Mr. KIRKMAN, and may be seen at his studio for a day or so previously to being laid down in the church. It is really nicely executed and shows what may be done in Cape Town. – Adv. & Mail.

Saturday, April 25, 1863


L. GOLDMANN and W. WAY, Esqs. have been elected members of the House of Assembly, in the room of Messrs. BOTMA and HOPELY, resigned.

Mr. HEMMING is now acting as resident magistrate and civil commissioner, - Mr. GRIFFITH being absent on leave. – Free Press.

BEDFORD. – The election of a member of the divisional council for the district No 4, in the room of Mr. VICE, will take place on the 13th May next.

THE PAARL MAGISTRACY. – It is said that Mr. KINNEAR, for many years Clerk of the Peace at Beaufort, will be the successor or Mr. BREDA.

A PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION has been instituted this week by L. H. MEURANT Esq, acting Clerk of the Peace, for enquiry into the charge made against Dr. HOLLANDER< District Surgeon of Burghersdorp, of being the author and poster of certain placards containing the most vile and obscene slanders which it is possible for a depraved mind to invent. The result of this examination will be forwarded to the Attorney-General for advice, as to the prosecution of the offence. The Burghersdorp Gazette says Dr. HOLLANDER has confessed to having been guilty of the offence.

THE SYNOD CASE. – Judgement was yesterday given in this case substantially in favour of the Synod. The claim brought by Mr. LOEDOLFF and Mr. SMUTS had been for the nullity of all the resolutions of 1852, 1857, and 1862, on account of the presence in the Synod of persons disqualified to sit, namely the ministers and elders from beyond the colony, - with the exception of such of these resolutions as had already been carried out; and also for the nullification of certain of the same resolutions on special grounds, in addition to the above. On the general question of the invalidity supposed to be caused by the presence of strangers, the Court held the mere presence of such strangers, was not such a cause of invalidity as was claimed. The mention made in 1857 by Mr. LOEDLOFF and others, of their doubts as to the right of certain persons to sit, did not, in the opinion of the Court, in the absence of any appeal to judicial authority by the parties aggrieved, amount to a sufficient protest by them. They might have followed the matter up by further proceedings; but did not, until 1962. In 1962 a prima facie right, long enjoyed by the strangers, had become so established that it could not be any longer affected by the summary proceeding of an interdict, first attempted by Mr. LOEDLOFF. On judgement being given in the case brought against Mr. LOUW, after the refusal of the interdict, the Synod had at once excluded the members in any degree affected by that judgement, and so had, in the opinion of the Court, done all that could rightly be demanded of them. The proceedings therefore stand, undisturbed, up to the day of the Synod’s adjournment. – Volksblad.

Circuit Court. – Fort Beaufort.
Saturday, 18th April, 1863.
At half past nine o’clock the Court was opened by Mr. Justice CLOETE, in the Government School room that was, - the blotted writing desks used by the children doing duty as jury boxes, - and all the furniture of the Magistrate’s Court, to wit, the Magistrate bench, the witness box table, (Green baize and all) with half a dozen rickety chairs or so to match, being transplanted for the solemn occasion. The appearance of the hall of justice was course dignified. The judge on his slightly elevate bench, had a complete but somewhat concentrated view of the judicial auxiliaries, consisting of recorder resident magistrates, advocates, attornies, public prosecutor, magistrates’ clerks, interpreter, deputies sheriff, field-cornet, all “scrudged,” together on the rickety chairs aforementioned around, or in the vicinity of the green baize table, their elbows and legs gracefully intertwined, and tangled web of law,- while a reporter might be seen seated on the laps of two obliging individuals, his legs projecting against the seat of the public prosecutor in a way that rendered it a rather difficult matter for that official to rise, industriously taking notes on the crown of his hat, which fortunately was not helmet shaped. The cases for trial luckily were not a nature to call for very full reports, so that the hat answered capitally, except when now and then a witness or an official was compelled to wriggle his way past the spot were chance had softly seated the reporter. The only individual among the crowd, who had anything like free use of his elbows, was the recorder. As his duties were important, however, a little elbow room was essential, and considering how closely and assiduously he was employed during the best part of the morning, it is certain no one envied him the facilities he enjoyed. Some spirited pen and ink sketches, from the skilful hand of this gentleman, were much admired by those around who had any pretension to a taste for the fine arts. The subject, some of the attornies thought, was Alexander breaking in his Bucephalus, others maintained that the artist intended to portray Napoleon on his white charger, while others again who evidently knew nothing at all about such things, said, the winner of the Derby was the subject represented. But on the whole, everything passed off as well as could be expected under the circumstances – no accidents happened that we heard of to any of the fittings, although an occasional creak or two in the wood work, made one feel nervous lest some of the “fine old English gentlemen” present might come to grief, - table and six chairs stood at manfully, and there is some hope after having passed the trying ordeal, that they may do duty for another ten years at least, by which time it may be anticipated that the financial position of the colony will allow of their being renewed, without resorting to the issue of debentures for that special purpose. The cases tried were as follows: -

HUGH MCINTYRE, a tailor, was charged with stealing a watch from one John BYERS of Alice. Plea not guilty. It appeared from the evidence that a party consisting BYERS, LAWLER, LAMONT, MOODY, and the prisoner were having a drinking bout one Saturday afternoon in the house of LAWLER, when BYERS being overcome with liquor was helped to bed by LAWLER and the prisoner. On awakening BYERS missed his watch. He offered a reward of £1, and on the Monday following the watch was handed to him by the prisoner, who received the reward, and accounted for the manner in which he became possessed of the watch by an improbable tale which did not satisfy the loser.
The prisoner cross-examined the several witnesses with much acuteness and self-possession, and certainly made a most ingenious defence e, endeavouring to shift the theft on the shoulders of LAWLER. He called Dr. SPRANGER, Dis. Sur. Also, to prove that he was suffering from the effect of drink at the time the theft occurred, and had not the proper use of his senses, but the jury after about half an hour’s consideration returned verdict of guilty. Sentence 6 months hard labor.

HUGH MCINTYRE, - the same prisoner as indicted above, stood charged with grievously assaulting Ellen DYASON. This case had been postponed from last Circuit owing to the absence of material witnesses. These witnesses being still away, the public prosecutor withdrew the charge, and the Court ordered the prisoner to be discharge as to the indictment for assault.

STEPHANUS JACOB DE LANGE, - charged with culpable homicide, in wrongfully and unlawfully killing a Kafir named PAMBANI, near Gaika’s Kop. – Adv. BRAND appeared for prisoner, the trial, however was barred by the fatal objection which disposed of the two previous cases. – The prisoner being out on bail, the Court ordered the bail to be renewed, and the prisoner to be re-indicted.

The Civil Roll was opened on Monday morning, but it was very light and uninteresting. Most of the cases were either withdrawn or confesses.

MCLAUGHLIN vs. MCLAUGHLIN. – This was an action for divorce on the ground of adultery. After hearing evidence the Court ordered the marriage to be dissolved, with leave to plaintiff to marry again.

HATTINGH vs. BEAR, - Plaintiff by Mr. Adv. BRAND. Defendant by MR. Adv. COLE. This was an action instituted to compel defendant to give transfer of certain two erven No. 11 & 12 in Maasdorp, purchased by Plaintiff. It appeared in evidence that an error was committed by the agent in drawing up the deed of sale, in which the property sold was described as two erven No 11 & 12, instead of as a double erf, No 25. The plaintiff wished the Court to be impressed with the idea, that he was damaged by this error and that the purchase money £600 was exorbitant for a single erf. It came out, however, that plaintiff had entered into full occupation of the land purchased immediately, and this land was what was called a double erf and number 25, and not 11 & 12 the latter erven being in the possession of another person whose title was indisputable. The defendant was a granted in the Stockenstrom district, and had sold his grant to plaintiff, but in consequence of titles not having been issued by Government, he was unable to give transfer to plaintiff. Plaintiff alleged his willingness to fulfil the conditions of sale by paying the third instalment on receipt of transfer. The Court gave judgment for plaintiff, defendant to give transfer within three months, and pay costs, - reserving to plaintiff the right to bring an action for damages in respect of his having consternated the purchase of two erven instead of one erf.

HOLLIDAY vs. HATTINGH. – Plaintiff sued on a Prom. Note for £223-10. This action was connected with the foregoing, inasmuch as the note was signed by defendant in favour of BEAR, being the amount of the third instalment of the purchase money of the land sold by the latter to defendant, and by BEAR indorsed to plaintiff. Adv. BRAND for defendant raised two exceptions. – but the first being fatal disposed of the case at once for the present. It appears that in the summons served on defendant, the name of the endorser was omitted from the copy of the P. N. attached to the summons. The defendants’ attorney at once withdrew the case on the discovery of the error, paying costs of suit.

London, March, 6, 1863, 10 a.m.
The Royal squadron brought up off Margate at 11 p.m. last night. Her Royal Highness, with the Princes FREDERICK and WILLIAM, left Brussels at 9.30 yesterday morning for Antwerp, where they embarked for England. The English Minister, and the Grand Marshal of the Belgian Court, and other persons of distinction, accompanied the august party to Antwerp. Prince ALFRED will not be able to attend. The ceremony will commence at 12:30. Her Majesty inspected the chapel yesterday.
The civic procession will extend over a mile of ground, but stops at Temple Bar. The Archbishop of Canterbury will perform the marriage ceremony. Prince CHRISTIAN of Denmark and the Duke of Cambridge will give away the bride. The Prince of Wales’ uncle, the Duke of Saxe Coburg and Gotha, and his brother-in-law, the Crown Prince of Prussia, act as bestmen of the Prince on this occasion.
In London the theatres will be open gratis to the public. Last night in the metropolis, up a late hour, preparations were being continued in every direction. At London bridge the footway was almost impossible. The roadway, blocked with vehicles, causing a delay of nearly an hour. The decorations of the triumphal arch and other devices on the bridge are more elegant and in better taste than anything previously attempted in this country.
POOLE, the celebrated tailor, is spending £1,000 on his illumination, which will be the handsomest in London.
There are indications of a change in the weather, and after the unusually find weather during the last six days, it is feared that rain must be expected. It was very gloomy early this morning, but no rain fell.


Mr. James VIGNE was elected a Municipal Commissioner yesterday in the room of Mr. R. RALPH, resigned.

All persons are hereby cautioned against trespassing on the farm, “Thorn Hill,” Winterberg, as after this date all cattle found thereon will be impounded.
22nd April 1863.

Saturday, May 2, 1863


MILITARY. – All the troops which have been under canvass for nearly a year, are now comfortably housed in barracks. One troop of C.M. Rifles occupy the new sanitation but, just completed, - and which looks both handsome and comfortable, although there is no doubt it has been expensive- while the Band is lodged in the Artillery Barracks. Another hut is in course of erection.

ENTERPRISE. – Mr. C. A. SCHOEMAN of Lieuwfontein, we are informed, has recently at his own cost, thoroughly repaired the old road to Lieuwfontein, which is now passable for vehicles of all kinds.

SOUTH AFRICAN HISTORY. – By the last mail from England we received a copy of an interesting little work, which has just been published, from the pen of the much respected Postmaster of this Town, Mr. WILMOT, who is now on a visit to his native land. This work opens with an “Historical account of the Colony,” in which will be found a complete record of all the important events that have transpired in the Colony since it had been inhabited by the white man. Following this is a general description of the Colony, naming the various divisions and principal towns and villages, and also stating the trade of the Colony, the rates of wages, &c., as a guide to intending immigrants, its geology, zoology, and flora, &c. Notes on the various native tribes which now inhabit the interior portions of South Africa are also given at length and will be found of great interest. A series of articles originally published in the Eastern Province Magazine, descriptive of the ‘Boer” and “Boer life” are given as an appendix. Enclosed in each is a map of the Colony, by Mr. HALL. The work is neatly printed, in a cheap form, and we doubt not will be extensively circulated in this Colony and also in England. – Telegraph.

MACLEAN. – The local paper reports a couple of accidents, one of which was caused by the wretched state of our roads. A tent wagon with some ten females overturned into a mud hole, and went rolling down the hill side, injuring an old lady and the driver very seriously. It is fortunate that no more damage was done. The second accident was of a more painful nature. A wagon with two families was crossing the Kwelegha river, and when it got into the middle of the stream the oxen stuck fast. The husband of one of the women sprung off the wagon box on to dry ground - his wife being frightened jumped out, with her infant in her arms, at the back, and failing to reach the bank perished with her child in the river. She cried for help, but her husband was too careful of his own life to risk it in trying to save that of his wife’s’. The husband of the other woman behaving more coolly, succeeded in getting out his wife, mother and several children and landing them safely on terra firma. Both bodies have been recovered.

Mr. O’SHEA’s ESTATE. – We are informed from Port Elizabeth, that a statement in a paragraph taken over from the P. E. Telegraph, to the effect that it was reported that this estate would not pay more than 7s 6d in the £ instead of 18s 6d., is totally without foundation. – G.R. Herald.

A PRINCELY GIFT. – A correspondent of the Volksblad mentions that Mr. P. SWANEPOEL, of Prince Albert, after having already once given a donation of £300 for the erection of a church at that place, has in addition presented towards the same object no less a sum than THREE THOUSAND POUNDS STERLING!

Mr. EDDINGTON, attorney-at-law, has been committed for trial at Circuit, on a charge of embezzlement. He has been released upon giving bail – himself in £500, and two sureties in £250 each. – Burghersdorp Gazette.

On Tuesday, a meeting of the creditors of Mr. P. D. J. van der BYL of Worcester was held, when a statement of his affairs was submitted. The meeting resolved that Messrs. Thomas Hall and E. J. M. SYFRET be requested to examine the books, papers stock, &c., and report to an adjourned meeting to be held that day fortnight. The liabilities are said to be £40,000. – Adv. & Mail.

THE WONDERFUL RACE-HORSE “GAZELLE,” which has won the Queen’s Plate on the Cape course during two successive years against all comers, has been sold by the Messrs. le GRANGE to Mr. L. KANNEMEYER for £300. Mr. KANNEMEYER intends visiting Mauritius with the horse, where it will be disposed of. Gazelle is by far the finest racer in this Colony.

DEATH OF MILDWAY WOLFE, Esq. – It is with sincere regret we announce the death, this morning of a late respected fellow-townsman, M. WOLFE Esq. Deceased, for a number of years past, had been a confidential and managing clerk in the firm of Messrs. THOMPSON, WATSON, SIMPSON, & Co., of this town. Death resulted from a fit of apoplexy. – Ibid.

(Before the Chief Justice, Mr Justice BELL, and Mr. Justice WATERMEYER.)
Tuesday, April 21.
Mr Justice WATERMEYER said: In the case against two persons named WALSH and FITZGERALD, for culpable insolvency, the case was sent back to the resident magistrate at Fort Beaufort, for the purpose of re-hearing and taking proper evidence, the books not having been produced at the first trial, while they were most essential to the completion of the evidence.
The magistrate has re-heard the case, and has sent it back with the new evidence, having had the books before him, and he has also sent certain remarks in which he says that he should never have sentenced the two prisoners if he had had the books before him in the first instance. It is but just to the magistrate to say that immediately after examining the books, he says “the prisoners kept a cash book, a day-book, and a journal, which were no doubt, intelligible to them, and might have been so to other persons.” If so – if the books, although not very lucid, were intelligible to others, they must have kept reasonable books, and their not having done so is the only thing charged against them as culpable insolvency.
There are other things, it seems to me, which might have been so charged, but they were not charged in the indictment, and I am therefore of opinion that the sentence must be revered. Upon seeing these proceedings, I immediately communicated with the Attorney-General, and the two men were at once discharged.
Chief Justice: This shoes the necessity of narrowly watching such cases.
Mr. Justice WATERMEYER: Certainly. But in justice to the magistrate, I must say that once of the witnesses in his evidence said he could not understand the books.
Chief Justice: This is a strong illustration, Mr. WATERMEYER, of the necessity for introducing a bill into Parliament with the object of preventing magistrates from interfering with matter of this sort. Here in this case, two persons, most likely of respectable position, have been subjected to imprisonment and hard labour for some considerable time before the magistrate’s decision could be reversed. Mr. Justice WATERMEYER, as soon as he saw the original proceedings, pointed out that the books ought to have been produced, and as soon as the books were produced, it turned out that the men ought not to have been convicted.
The magistrates themselves must be anxious to be relieved from such an onerous duty. Even when it comes before the judges it is a case for a jury – in fact, it is a case solely for a jury.
Mr. WATERMEYER: Whatever has happened in this way before has gone before a jury, I believe.
Mr. Justice WATERMEYER: Yes. This is the first instance of the kind, I believe. The proceedings in insolvency ought to have been submitted to the Attorney-General, for him to consider whether it would be advisable to proceed for culpable insolvency, and, perhaps, he might have found good grounds for proceeding upon charges more serious than that of not keeping intelligible books. But that is quite a different matter.
Sentence reversed.


Mr. C.E. POHL’s farm Goba Wagon Drift, was sold by public auction by Mr. N. MEYER, on the 23rd ult, for the sum of £6850 to Mr. P. BOTHA. The farm is 2000 morgen in extent.

The Edith Smith, from Adelaide, brings intelligence of the fearful WRECK of H. M. St. Orpheus off Auckland, New Zealand, with the melancholy loss of 190 lives. The Orpheus was a corvette of 1700 tons, and mounted 21 guns.

Mr. Joseph READ, Govt. School Master, Port Elizabeth, has been appointed Cashier of the Somerset Bank, vice HERBERT resigned.

In the Estate of the late Geo. F. STOKES, sen.
All persons claiming to be creditors in the above Estate, are hereby required to file their accounts with the undersigned within six weeks from this date: - and all persons indebted to the said Estate are requested to liquidate the claims against them, within said period.
Geo. F. STOKES } Exors.
Jane C. STOKES } Testa.
Fort Beaufort
March 2, 1863.

Saturday, May 9, 1863

MARRIED. – By Special Licence at Alice, on Thursday, 23rd ult. Mr. Edward COTTERELL, of Fort Beaufort to Rosina, widow of the late B. D. BELL, Esq.


HORSE SICKNESS. – We are glad to learn that the mortality amongst horses has in a great measure ceased during the last few days.

LUNG SICKNESS has appeared at Maclean.

THE PRINCE OF WALES’ MARRIAGE. – We are gratified to find that His Excellency the Governor has promptly responded to the suggestion that a special holiday should be proclaimed in honour of the marriage of the Danish Princess with the Heir Apparent to the English throne. We are informed on authority that circulars will be issued to all the country districts, informing the Civil Commissioners and the public that immediately on the arrival of the Dane a holiday will be proclaimed, and requiring them to provide such festivities and rejoicings as may worthily celebrate the auspicious occasion.- Adv. & Mail.

The APPOINTMENT of the Rev. J. Crombie BROWN, L.L.D., to be Colonial Botanist in the room of the late Dr. PAPPE, is announced in the Gazette of this morning. Dr. BROWN is also appointed a member of the commission of the Cape Town Botanic Gardens.

We regret to learn that Mr. SANDS, of this town, a venerable octogenarian, and one of the oldest residents of this place EXPIRED on Thursday morning. Mr, SANDS was highly respected by everyone. Though so far advanced in years he was blessed with the free use of his limbs and faculties up to the latest period, & within a day or two of his death was actively engaged in his usual avocations. The deceased was a Waterloo veteran, and although from his vigorous health, he was never obliged to “shoulder his crutch and show how fields were won,” he took great delight in fighting his battles over again for the edification of his younger friends. He knew personally all the great captains of his era, and besides his peninsular services, had seen considerable service in India, and the Cape.

Mr. Charles REED, lately arrived in this colony from New Zealand, and started on horseback to ride through the colony, the Free State, Transvaal, and Natal. He was at Bloemfontein on the 18th April, and had then ridden 1,400 miles on the same horse.

RE-ANNEXATION. - We are in a position to affirm that an overwhelming majority of the Boers of this state, are in favor of re-annexation; and that, considering they have been very much left to themselves, they are exhibiting wonderful activity. The object is worthy of an effort, and we need not add, that we shall be glad to publish their memorials and signatures when received. Nothing like genuine signatures, willingly and openly exhibited, to convince the world that they are in earnest. – Friend.

[Transcribers Note – This is an account of a two day meeting of three races each and their outcome. It is a very long piece, but should any member be interested in the whole article, please feel free to contact me via Sue Mackay.]

[Transcribers Note – Same as above]


Mr. SANDS was BURIED yesterday morning, with military honors, - the Cape Corps Band playing the “Dead March in Soul.” A large number of inhabitants, in addition to the military attended the funeral.

The 9 o’clock has fired its last shot from Selwyn’s battery, Graham’s Town. Officials may now enjoy a nap till ten during the winter.

Mr. SWEENY of K. W. Town attempted SUICIDE lately by shooting himself with a revolver. The ball entered the left side, but fortunately missed the heart. There are good hopes of his recovery.

A man named MARTIN, aged 112 years, was recently received in the hospital at Bayonne. It was thought that his illness would being the old man’s already long career to a close; but in a few days he was again on foot, and on his way home.

A LAW against obtaining husband under false pretences passed by the English Parliament in 1773, enacts - That all women, whatever age, rank, profession, or degree, whether virgins, maidens, or widows, who shall impose upon, seduce, and betray in matrimony and of his Majesty’s male subjects by virtue of scents, paints, cosmetic washes, artificial teeth, false hair, Spanish wool, iron, iron stays, bolstered hips, or high-heeled shoes, shall incur the penalty of the law now in force against witchcraft and like misdemeanours, and the marriage under such circumstances, upon conviction of the offending party, shall be null and void.

His Excellency the Governor having expressed a desire that the inhabitants of Fort Beaufort, in common with those of the colony generally will, on the day to be fixed by His Excellency, evince that loyalty befitting so joyous an occasion as the marriage of His Royal Highness, by celebrating the same in a manner suitable to so important an e vent, for which purpose the Civil Commissioner will be glad to consult the inhabitants as to the best method of effecting so laudable an object.
Fort Beaufort. May 8th, 1863.

Saturday, May 16, 1863


THE INFLUENZA. – Hardly an individual in Fort Beaufort has escaped the prevailing epidemic. Children and adults are alike afflicted with distressing coughs, and in some instances whole families have been laid up at the same time. Several severe cases have occurred, but none, we are happy, to say, has terminated fatally.

We learn from the Friend of the Free State that Mr. PRETORIUS, who is still in the South African Republic, has “positively for the last time” resigned his presidentship. This event seems not to be mourned over, and the Friend obviously desires to get rid of the difficulties connected with the government of the Free State by re-annexation with the Cape Colony. -

LANDMAN, and another convict named CASSIDY, have escaped. They sawed off their leg-irons, and worked their way through the prison walls!

A PRELIMNARY INVESTIGATION was held last week to enquire into the charge against Gustavus von BROEMBSEN, of being an accomplice in the publication of the vile and obscene placards and lampoons that the public have been annoyed with of late. He has been committed for trial before the Circuit Court. Bail to the amount of £500 has been accepted for his reappearance when required. – Burghersdorp Gazette.

STRANGE OCCURRENCE. – A young man named Adrien LANGEFOOL, residing in the Washbank, met his death last Sunday week under very distressing circumstances. It appears he went to look after the stock during the day, but not returning in the evening his father became alarmed, and next morning early with some of his neighbours started to search for him. They searched without any result until 10 a.m., when the father came in sight of the corpse of his son, which had evidently rolled off a krantz. On inspection the body was found to have received a bullet wound in the back which had passed through the chest. The gun was found stuck in a bush a little distance off. What is most surprising there is no sign of any powder in his clothes. This leads to the suspicion that his death had been caused by foul play. The police were immediately on the spot and have taken the matter in hand. – Free Press.

The prevailing epidemic has abated, but I am sorry to inform you, not before it has taken away one of the most respected ladies of our community. Mrs. James HOOLE, daughter of Mr. COCK of the Kowie, died on Sunday night, having succumbed to a severe attack of influenza, resulting in inflammation of the lungs; this is happily the only death at present caused by this disease.


Mr. SWEENEY, of K. W. Town, has died of the effects of the gun shot wound he inflicted on himself lately.

At the sale in the ESTATE of the late Mr. KILPATRICK, held at Cathcart Vale on Wednesday by Mr. ESTMENT, cows and oxen realized very good prices. Some thorough-bred sheep were also sold – two young rams averaging about £40 each, and two ewes £12 10 each. An imported ewe sold for £24. There was little or no competition for horses, people not being quite assured that the “sickness” has passed over. A large number of cattle was sold.

At Port Elizabeth, it was resolved to postpone the holiday in honour of the Prince of Wales’ marriage to the 21st, the 15th being an inconvenient day, for the celebration of the event in proper style.

The mail steamer Saxon has brought the monthly budget to April 7. The Dane was not dispatched as announced. The interesting new, of course, has been anticipated. The illuminations in honor of the Princes nuptials were on a grand scale, but unfortunately ten women and two men were killed in the crush to witness the effect.

Sir James ONTRAM is dead.

The Princess ALICE gave birth to a daughter at Windsor Castle on the 5th of April.

Prince WILLIAM of Denmark, second son of Prince CHRISTIAN, and brother of the Princess of Wales, has been proclaimed at Athens King of Greece, by the title of George I.

An order had been issued for the arrest of Bryan YOUNG, the Morman Prophet, on a charge of polygancy. A conflict between the military and the citizens of Utah was anticipated.

MASTER’S Office,
King William’s Town,
13th May, 1863.
In the matter of John Hayse PARKER – Plaintiff,
William Andriaan NEL – Defendant.
A MEETING of the Mortgages and Sureties of the above named Defendant, and of all the parties interested in the undermentioned property, will be held before the Master of the Supreme Court in the Master’s Office, King William’s Town, on Wednesday, the 3rd day June next, at 11 o’ clock in the afternoon precisely, for the purpose of determining whether certain piece of ground, with all the buildings and erections thereon – being Farm No. 177, East London district, British Kaffraria, in extent about 2,600 acres – the property of the above named Defendant – shall be sold, and if so, to settle the conditions of such Sale.
Master of the Supreme Court.

DIED, at Fort Beaufort, on Thursday, the 7th inst., William SANDS, aged 66, - leaving a Widow and a large circle of friends to mourn his death. Deceased was a native of Norfolk, England and had seen much service in the Army, having been present at Waterloo, and subsequently served in India and the Cape.

Saturday, May 23, 1863


We regret to learn that Mr. HOGGAR, C. F., late Engineer to the Corporation of Graham’s Town, died in the city last week. We had hope that Mr. HOGGAR would have superintended the carrying out of the water works in this town planned by him and approved by the Governor.

Amongst the novelties announced in the programme of festivities in Cape Town, is that of Lady Godiva. Of course “Peeping Tom” will not be without a representative or representatives.

The following notification appears in the London Gazette of the 25th March: -
The Queen has been please to appoint Thomas Hoskins GIDDY, Esq., to be Master of the Supreme Court, George BROWNLOW, Esq., to be Secretary to Government and Auditor; John Henry BRYANT, Esq., to be Surveyor-General, and Stephen TRILL, Esq., to be Colonial Engineer for the territories of British Kaffraria.

ANNEXATION. – The Free State Friend contains a list of 200 names of Winburg burghers, who have signed the memorial in favour of re-annexation.

The Port Elizabeth correspondent of the Argus is responsible for the perpetration of the following: - It is said that a mischievous urchin has been prowling about the street, asking his companions, whenever he saw any particular one of our senators pass, that are now waiting for the steamer, “I say, why is that ere cove like a whale?” “I don’t know; why?”: ’Cos when he’s down there,” pointing over the sea, towards the Cape, “ he’s so precious fond of rising to spout!” Fortunately, for the peace, the father caught him in the act and thrashed him this morning.
Herbert LONGLANDS, Esq., has been appointed Deputy Sheriff for the Divisions of Humansdorp, Uitenhage and Alexandria, and has also been appointed Justice of the Peace, for the Divisions named.

The pensions for distinguished or meritorious service, vacant by the death of Major-General TREVOR and the appointment of Major-Generals Sir SYDNEY, COTTON and WARREN to regimental colonelcies, have been given to Colonel R. N. TINLEY, of the Cape Mounted Rifles, Colonel J. T. AIREY, C.B., Coldstream Guards, and Colonel H. BINGHAM 60th Rifles. Colonel TINLEY has been thirty-one years in the Army, served in the campaign against the Rajah of Coorg in 1834, was severely wounded at Maharajpore, and commanded the 39th in the Crimea. Colonel AIREY has more than thirty-three years in the Service; he was all through the Afghan war on the Staff of Sir. R. SALE, and was given up as a hostage at Cabool. He served with the Buffs at Punniar, and in the Crimea was Assistant-Quartermaster-General of the Light Division. Colonel BINGHAM entered the Army and was the 1st battalion of the 60th in Punjab campaign, and in various active operations on the north-western frontier of India.


The Journal thinks Port Elizabeth and Fort Beaufort ought to be impeached of something a little less than high treason because they did not roast their ox and drink their beer, on the 15th at the shortest notice. The Governor, we think, out to be impeached for impoliteness is not giving us time to make a presentable appearance at the Royal marriage feast.

Saturday, May 30, 1863


Her Majesty’s Birth Day, falling this year on Sunday, the troops in garrison were paraded on Monday, and fired a feu de joie in honor of the event.

ECLIPSE. – A total eclipse of the moon will take place on the 1st June. First contact with penumbra, will occur at 3m. 2s past 10 p.m. The eclipse will end at a quarter past 3 a.m. on June 2.

EARTHQUAKE. – Am earthquake is said to have occurred at Rustenberg, Orange Free State, which injured the Rev. POSTMA’s church there.

MR. R. M. BOWKER, M.P., has presided at a public meeting in Somerset, which has declared against any further taxation, and agreed to petition the Assembly to that effect.

EAST-LONDON can now boast a triumph greater than any other port in South Africa. On Sunday last the “Early Morn” went out of the river to the anchorage outside. There is no other port on the whole South African Coast (the Knysna alone excepted) where a vessel of her tonnage could have been repaired with the ease and safety with which this has been accomplished in East-London. The Early-Morn is a fine barque of 230 tons register and is owned in London. She went over the bar in gallant style amid the cheering of half the East-Londoners, who may now in good reason be proud of their port. On Tuesday the “Admiral Jarvis” a schooner of 144 tons register, came into the river to discharge her cargo. – Kaf. Recorder.

The Magistrate of Calvinia has been impeached of serious misdemeanours in the Assembly by Mr. DARNELL and Dr. TANCRED. We would not give much for his tenure of office, if the charges are substantiated.

Saturday, June 6, 1863

Cape Mounted Rifleman.
Wanted a Messman.
For particulars apply to CAPT. HUMPHRIES, President, Mess Committee, Cape Mounted Riflemen.

The .A. Troop, C. M. R. Cricket Club, at Keiskama Hoek, will play a friendly game of CRICKET with the Young Men of Alice. Game to be played at Middle Drift. If this be accepted the time can be arranged by a reference to Col. Sergt. CLARKE, C. M. R., at Keiskama Hoek.

No. 884.
The Ceremony of INSTALLATION will take place at the Lodge Rooms on
St John’s Day, Wednesday, 24th inst. at High Twelve.
The Brethren will dine together in the Evening.
All B;B; wishing to take tickets are requested to send in their names to the Secretary as early as possible, to enable the Stewards to make the necessary arrangements.
Tickets to be had from the Stewards Bros. RAWSTORNE, VIGNE, and ESTMENT.
By order of the W: M:
Fort Beaufort,
5th June, 1863.

Begs to inform his old friends and the public, that on the 1st of June he re-commenced Butchering, at the old shop, in D’Urban Street.
Fresh meat of good quality only cut up. Prime Salt Meat always in pickle. SAUSAGES will be supplied daily, either of pork or beef.
Fort Beaufort, May 23, 1863.

Grahamstown & Fort Beaufort Passenger Cart,
Will leave Grahamstown every Monday and Thursday morning at 7 o’clock. Returning from Fort Beaufort every Tuesday and Friday.
Fare each way, £2
To or from Koonap, £1
Children under 12 half price.
10lbs. Luggage allowed, all over 4d. per lb.
Booking Offices Fort Beaufort, BEAR’s and O’GARA’s Hotels; Booking Office Grahamstown, WOOD’s Commercial Hotel.


SAD ACCIDENT. – On Wednesday evening a number of youths were assembled in Mr. HOWE’s bakehouse preparatory starting on an expedition to shoot hares, when a dumb lad, in the employ of Mr. BREMMER, took up on of the guns in the room, and presenting it at one of his companions, named BOWLED, an apprentice of Mr GARDINER, pulled the trigger. The gun happened to be loaded with buckshot, and the charge took effect on the unfortunate youth in the thigh and abdomen. Medical assistance was promptly obtained, but we hear that the patient is in a very precarious state. The dumb lad was quite unconscious that the gun was loaded.

ECLIPSE. – The total eclipse of the moon on Monday night and Tuesday morning, was seen under favourable circumstances here. The moon passed the meridian eclipsed, in a cloudless sky, the stars shining out as brilliantly as on a moonless night.

MILITARY. – A company of the 96th Regt., marched early on Wednesday morning, for Graham’s Town, to relieve the company of the 10th Regt., stationed there the latter to rejoin head-quarters. The C. M. R. Band “played out” the company of the 96th for some distance. As soon as the bulk of the stores have been removed from Graham’s Town, a portion of this company is to return to Fort Beaufort.

THE NEW GOVERNOR OF MAURITIUS. – Her Majesty’s S. Odin arrived in Simon’s Bay on Saturday, from Bombay and Mauritius. Not any newspapers of late date have been received by her, but reports that it was expected that the new Governor of Mauritius would be Sir Charles DARLING.

COST OF IMMIGRATION. – The average cost of each statue adult introduced under the Immigration Acts of 1858-1862, was £19 3s 0½d. The total amount expended on the service was £159,595.

THE FARMS “ Milkwood Boom” and “Doorn Kloof,” situated in the division of Oliphant’s Hoek, were put up to public competition on Wednesday, and realized, together, the sum of £2,420, being twenty-one shillings per morgen. – Journal.

LIBERAL OFFER. – In the hurry of preparing our report of the Festivities in our last issue, we forgot to mention the very liberal offer made by His Honor the Lieut Governor to the bachelors of King Williams Town, namely of presenting a special License free of expense to any bachelor who should before sunset on Tuesday last give a guarantee that he would get married within a month from that date. We have not heard whether any one was game enough to accept the challenge. – K. W. Town.

EAST-LONDON. – The Muster of Ward No 2 took place on the farm of J. N. WIGGLE Esq., Fieldcornet, on Monday last. Several of the grantees had to appear on foot, on account of the late horse-sickness, the losses from which have been fearful. Everything went off in good order and after the exercising, the grantees testified their loyalty by cheering heartily for her Majesty. – Kaf-Recorder.

NEWS FROM THER SOUTH AFRICAN TRAVELLERS. - We regret to find in addition to the bad news from Walwich Bay, of the DEATH of Mr. C. GREEN, the intelligence from the Zambezi of the death of the Rev. Mr. SCUDMORE. That gentleman formed one of the party of the Oxford and Cambridge mission. He died in January, from fever. The health of the rest of the party was good. The mission party was located at the village of a chief named CHIBISA, on the west bank of the river Shire, about ten miles below the Murchison Falls. – Cape Argus.

Mr. J. H. COLEMAN, son of Mr. COLEMAN, merchant of Smithfield, died in Queen’s Town. He was on his way to Graham’s Town, with his parents, caught the prevailing epidemic influenza, and being too unwell to proceed, his parents remained with him to obtain medical aid, which however was of no avail, as he expired on Sunday last. Most of the inhabitants joined in the funeral cortege, showing respect to “The stranger in a strange land. – Free Press.

A VERY SUDDEN DEATH occurred on Monday 25th May. A Mr. MOORCROFT who was in to the muster on that day, left the same evening for his home on the Winterberg. Arriving at Mr MCDONALD’s and feeling unwell, he stayed there for the night. His friends stayed up with him until midnight, and not noticing anything particularly wrong, retired. The next morning deceased was found in a dead-like stupor, in which he remained for two days and then expired. We hear that medical aid was sent for but did not arrive. There certainly was great neglect somewhere, and we think the public ought to be made acquainted as to who were in the wrong. – Ibid.

ST. HELENA. – By the last news from this island, per Fokien, we are informed that the Governor has appointed the Rev. Robert GRAY, acting head-master of the head school, and inspector and superintendent of Government school. The St. Helena regiment is to be disbanded, the officers being allowed to retire on half-pay or to drafted into a new West India regiment. A wing of one of the regiments serving at the Cape is to be stationed there. The white ant devastation will ultimately do a vast deal of good. In place of old houses, new ones, built of stone, iron and plank, are springing up. The member for the Cape division who went on shore here from the Cambrian, on his way to England, appeared in excellent case and good spirits, as indeed did all the passengers. They all spoke very highly of the treatment they received on board. – Argus.

A brutal outrage took place on Friday last in the high noon day, within a stone’s cast of the city, by a Hottentot. The victim was a young girl fifteen years of age, the daughter of Mr. AMOS, who resided about two miles from Graham’s Town, on the Kowie road. She was proceeding, at about one o’clock, to the City, and when within a few yards of Hope’s Garden, a fellow, whom she had observed following her, overtook her, seized her and demanded her money,: The poor girl offered him her purse; but saying “that was not enough for him” he dragged her off the road down the embankment, some ten feet deep, telling her he should strip her clothes from off her. The poor girl fought with him desperately, and after inflicting a severe bite on his finger induced him to abandon his victim, and his intention, which latter was undoubtedly one of the most atrocious description. The police are in possession of a full description of the villain, but have not yet succeeded in catching him. If he is caught he will most likely be handled by the authorities with that tenderness which seems to increase as the natives become more audacious, and the safety of British subjects more insecure. The neighbourhood of the Poort on the Bay Road is said to be infested with native marauders, who plunder waggons when outspanned for the night.

To Police Officers, Constables, and Field-Cornets.
Whereas on Monday, the 25th inst., my contracted Apprentice, Isaiah STUBEINS, absconded from my service, all Constables, Police Officers, and Field-cornets, are hereby requested to apprehend and lodge the said Apprentice in the nearest gaol. He is supposed to have gone in the direction of the Winterberg, or King William’s Town. Had on at the time of absconding a white Corduroy suit. Description: 24 years old, stout built, fair complexion, dark eyes, without beard, height 5ft. 5in.
William Barrish CALVERT.
Fort Beaufort,
29th May, 1863.

Saturday, June 13, 1863

Heeft nu ontvangen een uitgezochte vorraad van
Zierlyke Hoedjies en is ook aan uitpakke een ander voorand van
Wintersche Goederen,
Het welkekom over een paardagen besehouw worden, en zal tegen lagen prysen word en verkoet.
Een groote en wel gezorteerde vooraad van
Gemaakte Kleederen,
Van alle moden en patroonen.
Heeren pakkenin Twees en Dooskin
Laken en ander Naatjes
Beaver en Bearvel Jassen
Inverness Jassen
Geloodge en Vaal Cord Pakken
Laken, Tweed, en ander Broeken en Onderbaatjies
Gedrukte Flanynsche Hemden
Kruisbanden, Boortjes, Halsdoeken
Kousen, Handschoene, Zakdoeken
En alle soorten van Ruikkery,
&c., &c., &c.,
LONDON HUIS, Fort Beaufort.

DIED, at Fort Beaufort, on the 8th June, 1863, after a short illness, Mary, the dearly beloved Wife of Maurice Chas. TRACY, Esq., Army Medical Staff, - aged 18 years – R. I. P.

DIED suddenly, near Whittlesea, on the 28th May, 1863, George Arthur MOORCROFT, eldest son of Mr. Geo. MOORCROFT of the Koonap. – Aged 28 years, - Deeply regretted by his relatives and friends.


SALE OF LANDED PROPERTY. – On Saturday last the house and ground belonging to the estate of the late Mr. Jas. SAVORY were sold by auction by Mr. S. H. ROBERTS, for the sum of £355, Mr. T. WARD being the purchaser. The frontage to the street was very narrow, and the buildings by no means in the best state of repair.

FATAL ACCIDENT. – In our last issue we reported the sad accident which befell the late Eugene CHABAUD, Esq., on Tuesday evening last, but had not then been furnished with the correct particulars. From subsequent enquires, we learn, that on Tuesday last Mr. CHAHAUD was coming into town with his wagons, and arrived at the Creek about half-past 10 p.m. Whilst he was in the act of stepping into the wagon an ox kicked him, and he fell under the fore wheel, which passed over his body. The driver, who witnessed the accident, dragged the unfortunate gentleman out before the hind wheel had got to him, or death would have been immediate. He was then assisted on the wagon and brought to Mr. GATES’s hotel. Dr. ENSOR was sent for, and remained with his patient through the night. The injuries he had sustained, however, were so serious that he died about noon on the following day. – Telegraph.

FOUL PLAY. – On Sunday last two women, woodgathers, found in the high up on the side of Spandau Kop the corpse of a man apparently dead a month or so. Information was given to the police, who on examining the body, which was entirely decomposed, came to the conclusion that was that of a Hottentot, and that he had been murdered. His skull was fractured, and his hand were tied behind him with his braces. His hat and pipe lay beside him. It is though that his hat and clothes may lead to his identification, and to the discovery of his murderers. – G. R. Advertiser.

ANOTHER MAN FOUND DEAD. – During the week it was reported that a body was lying on the Klein Oudeberg, a little off the road. The Magistrate at once despatched a constable, with some hard labour men, to the spot, where they found a Mantatee covered over with a carpet and quite dead. The body was brought to town, and the case was investigated by the Magistrate. The master of this native stated that he had left him behind to search for some oxen, and that the man had previously complained of being ill. A Mantatee stated that he had seen the deceased on the Oudeberg road in a state of intoxication. The District Surgeon reported that the man had died a natural death from drink and exposure to cold. The body had been castrated after death, but there is no information as to the cause of this. – Ibid.


The frail tenure of human life, and uncertainty of mundane happiness, have been sadly illustrated this week by the unexpected death, after a brief illness, of the wife of Dr. M. C. TRACY, Army Medical Staff, stationed in Fort Beaufort. The deceased was the daughter of Dr. HOUSELY of Port Elizabeth, and had been married only four or five weeks, when death stepped in and destroyed in a moment the bright visions of earthly bliss, only however, to be exchanged for the brighter hopes of certain and never ending felicity in a better world. Phthisis, accelerated by a severe attack of the prevailing influenza, we believe, was the cause of death. The remains of the deceased lady were followed to the grave on Wednesday afternoon by a large number of sympathising friends, including Col. TONLEY, and the officers of the garrison.

Mr. J. SCOTT, we learn by the Adv. & Mail, has made his appearance in the house, having been introduced by Dr. TANCRED and Mr. BOWKER, and taken his seat and the oaths on the 5th of June.

We regret to learn that Mr. A. G. BAIN, the veteran road maker of the Colony, lies present dangerously ill at the Kat Berg, from the effect of an attack of influenza.

Saturday, June 20, 1863

DIED, at Fort Beaufort, on the 13th inst. Of Croup. Mary, the infant Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. QUIN, aged 2 years and 5 months.


INFLUENZA. – Several deaths from influenza have occurred amongst the Dutch population in Queen’s Town. The epidemic, we are glad to say is gradually disappearing. – Free Press.

THE LATE MR. F. CARLISLE. – We regret to say that F. CARLISLE, Esq. died this morning, at his residence in this city, after a brief illness originating, we believe, in a severe attack of influenza. Mr. CARLISLE has long occupied important offices of trust in this city. For many years he was Deputy Sheriff; and owing to his high sense of honour, and his intimate acquaintance with the beginning of the colony, his advice and assistance were highly valued and much sought for by commercial and other institutions. He was one of the two Managing Directors of the Guardian Loan and Investment Society; Consulting Director of the London and South African Bank, and a Director of the Union Fire and Marine Assurance Company. Equal confidence was placed in his ability and character by the Government Director of the Kowie Harbour Improvement Company. Mr. CARLISLE was much respected in Grahamstown, where his unexpected death will be long and greatly lamented. – Journal.

FATAL ACCIDENT. – In driving through the Spruit, adjoining the Dutch Church-square, the pole of Mr. HOPLEY’s cart broke. The cart contained Mr. HOPLEY and a Kafir lad. The boy was killed in the break down. Mr. HOPLEY narrowly escaped by springing on to the embankment. – Bur. Gazette.

Mr. Jas. TRUSTCOTT, senr., late gaoler at Burghersdorp, DIED yesterday. The deceased was ailing for some time. He is 44 years and 8 months old. – Ibid.

Mr. ORGILL, the eminent wagon maker, has purchased of Mr. I’ONS, the artist, a Panorama of African Scenery. The first exhibition was given on Saturday evening. The paintings are excellent, and the entertainment was a great treat.


COLONIAL APPOINTMENTS. – Governor Sir Henry Barkly has been transferred by the Duke of Newcastle from the Governorship of Victoria to that of Mauritius, vacant by the death of Sir William STEVENSON; and Sir Charles DARLING has been promoted from the Government of Jamaica to that of Victoria. The period of service of each Governor in his own colony has expired.

Saturday, June 27, 1863

The undersigned has been favoured with instructions to sell by Public Auction, on the spot, on Wednesday, 8th July, 1863, at 12 o’clock precisely,
All that valuable property situated in Campbell Street,
Adjoining the property of Jesse SHAW & Co.
Having a frontage of 75 feet in Campbell Street, by 225 feet in depth, containing 10 rooms, besides bake house with oven, and outbuildings, well adapted for a Hotel and General Store,
Being situated in one of the Principal Streets.
Parties wishing to secure a good Business Stand in the Rising and Flourishing Town of Fort Beaufort, would do well to attend the sale, as such a chance many not occur again.
Title Clear, and Terms Liberal.

Valuable Erf for Private Sale.
The Undersigned
Offers for Private Sale, AN ERF OF GROUND at BLINKWATER, District of Stockenstroom, with Water Privileges, at present occupied by Mr. J. P. NEL. It is needless for the advertiser to mention that Erven in the Kat River are fast rising in value, having all the advantages of a small Farm, from the Extensive Commonage attached to the Blocks. This being and Original Erf, has none of the restrictions as to peronal occupation, terms liberal, and application to be made to Mr. ISAIAH STAPLES, District of Queen’s Town, or to the undersigned.

In the Estate of the late William GLASS.
All persons claiming to be Creditors in this Estate, are requested to file their claims with the first undersigned, at Linton Dale, near Alice, for immediate settlement, within six weeks from this date; - and all persons indebted to the Estate are requested to pay their respective accounts within the like period.
June 12, 1863

Die ondertekende hiermede geef kennis dat alle personen overtreding op zyn plaats LOWER LINTON, Mancazana, met wagens, vee, of anders, zal vervolgd worden. En hy ook maak bekend dat de wagen kortelings op denzelvde plaats niet moet hebruikt worden.
Juny 20, 1863.


Mr. B. N. GOLDMANN, J.P., has been elected to represent Albert in the room of Dr. WAY, who declined the honor. Albert is now represented by two brothers.

SUDDEN DEATH. – A white man was on Wednesday last found dead close to the road under Gaika’s Kop. There were no marks of violence, but several assegais laying beside him led to the inference that Kaffirs had been near. It afterwards transpired that the man had off saddled, and was unable to catch his horse, that he requested a Kafir passing to do it for him. The Kafir left his assegais and proceeded to catch the horse, after succeeding in doing so he returned to find the man a corpse. He immediately rode off to Eland’s Post and reported the case. The District Surgeon proceeded immediately to the spot, and on examining the body pronounced death to have been caused by apoplexy. – Free Press.

BOUNDARY LINE. – The long disputed boundary line between the Queen’s Town district and British Kaffraria has at last been settled. A commission consisting of C. BROWNLEE, Esq., QAIKA Commissioner, and J. H. BRYANT, Esq., Surveyor General, appointed by the Kaffrarian Government; C. D. GRIFFITH, Esq, appointed by the Colonial Government, and E. KIDSON and C. K. WHITE, Esqrs., appointed by the Divisional Council of Queen’s Town, met at Grey Town on the 17th June, when it was decided that the boundary line be from the northernmost point of the Kaklageli peak, thence to the source of the Kaklageli stream, thence along the water-bed along the Golungi or Todise’s River, and the Kaklageli stream to the top of Grey Town hill above the scarped road, thence in a northerly line along a dyke to where it intersects the Great Northern road. Permanent beacons are to be erected by the Divisional Council of Queenstown.

DARING OUTRAGE. – The usually happy little village of Whittlesea, was thrown into quite a state of excitement, by a report reaching it on Monday last, that two Europeans had been beaten by Kaffirs and left for dead on the hill above the village. Enquiry was immediately made, from which it would seem that two Germans in the employ of Mr. MILES, had been into Whittlesea to make purchases, on reaching the hill situated above Mr. BROWN’s farm, they were accosted by two Kaffirs who demanded tobacco, and being refused, made no more to do, but commenced hammering them with kerries leaving them apparently for dead, and then decamping with all the clothing and other articles recently purchase by the Germans. The one man, succeeded in creeping to Mr. BROWN’s, the other was found insensible by the Whittlesea people. Both were carried to the village, and placed under medical treatment. The two Kaffirs are well known to Mr. Field-cornet W. STUBBS, who is now on the spoor, and from his well known ability while leading “STUBBS’s ranges” no doubt he will be successful. These frequently occurring brutal assaults by natives demand the prompt attention and action of the Executive. If they are allowed to continue, the native will begin to think he can commit them with impunity. The farmer receiving no protection will naturally protect himself, and no end of bloodshed will here long be the consequence. The Government ought to act at once and with severity. – Ibid.


GONUBIE. – A FIRE occurred last week on Mr. F. P. MASSYN’s farm whereby his house was nearly burnt to the ground. We are not in possession of the particulars as to how and when the fire took place, but we have heard that Mr. MASSYN in his efforts to extinguish the flames was severely burnt, and is likely to lose the use of several of his fingers, in consequence. – Kaf. News.

The DEATH of Mr. Rice J. JONES, in Cape Town, is announced. The deceased was 84 years of age.

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