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Fort Beaufort Advocate 1859 3 July - September

Saturday, August 6, 1859

MARRIED in Trinity Church, King William’s Town, on the 3rd August 1859, by the Rev. Mr. Kitton, Thomas H. GIDDY Esq., Civil Service, second son of the Rev. R. GIDDY, to Annie Salena, eldest daughter of the late W. CRANNEY Esq., Quarter Master of the 6th Regiment.

DIED at the residence of her Parents at Fort Beaufort, on Thursday morning, 28 July 1859, Mary Susannah, the beloved daughter of Henry and Mary Ann ORCHARD aged 19 years and 3 months, after a short but painful illness.
It pleased Almighty God to take her emancipated spirit from this world of suffering to himself. While in life she was much esteemed and loved by all who knew her; and their hopes, with that of her bereaved parents, are that Almighty God has taken the bud that the flower may open in eternal blessedness with her Redeemer, to reign with Him for ever and ever.

APPALLING OCCURRENCE. Information reached the authorities on Thursday morning of the death by burning of Mrs. GARDNER, the wife of Mr. Hezekiah GARDNER, a respectable farmer, residing on the Fish River, in this vicinity. It appears that the unfortunate deceased and her husband were engaged in destroying a belt of bush, by fire, near their dwelling. The husband was at one side of the burning mass, and the deceased on the other. Mr. GARDNER heard his wife scream, and ran round to the spot where he thought the scream came from, but could not find her. He then ran to the house, thinking she might have fled thither, but she was not in it. Returning again to the bush, the unfortunate deceased was found burnt in so awful a manner that her remains had to be collected in a sack. The Clerk of the Peace and District Surgeon proceeded to the spot to institute a post mortem examination. - G.T. Journal.

On Saturday evening last, about 8 o’clock, Mr. E. DICKS Sen. was found lying in Church Square quite dead. It appears he was removed by police on duty to his home, but all efforts to restore animation were unavailing. The vital spark had fled without a moment’s premonition. A post mortem examination shews that death arose from disease of the heart. Deceased was 70 years of age, he has been a long time resident in this city, and was much respected. - Ib.

Saturday, August 27, 1859

The last Gazette contains a return of the titles issued from the Surveyor General’s Office during the month of July last. It comprises 68 grants of land to Fingoes in the district of Fort Beaufort – in plots varying from one tenth of an acre to four acres, of quitrents varying from 2s 6d to 10s per annum; also 49 similar grants to Fingoes in the district of Peddie.
Titles are also issued to J.M.FERREIRA for 1,016 acres granted to him in Victoria, at a yearly quitrent of L1 10s. To Edmund WEBSTER for a quarter of an acre purchased by him in Victoria for L4. To R.B. EVA for 5.014 acres granted to him in Queen’s Town at a yearly quitrent of L5. To Peter FEAGAN for a quarter of an acre purchased by him in Peddie for L7 10s. Also the following:
Stockenstrom – James McCABE, 4 acres grant, quitrent 10s.
Ditto. A REDGARD, 9 acres grant, quitrent 7s 6d.
Ditto. J.N. MOLAN, 41 acres grant, quitrent 40s.
Bedford – W. and J. NASH, 4,186 acres grant, quitrent L1 11s 6d.
Peddie – J. USHER Sen, 1,602 acres grant, quitrent L2 16s.
Ditto. J. USHER Jun, 1,684 acres grant, quitrent L2 17s.
Ditto. John ELLIOTT, 1.162 acres grant, quitrent L1 15s.
Ditto. W. NELSON, 1,670 acres grant, quitrent L1 12s.
Ditto. John SHORT, 1,448 acres grant, quitrent L1 10s.
There does not appear to be any scale for fixing the quitrents, but all seem very low.

Saturday, September  3, 1859

DIED at Fort Beaufort on the 29th Aug., 1859, Sarah, the beloved Wife of Mr. William CARTWRIGHT, born INGLESBY, aged 39 years, 3 months and 23 days. Deceased was much esteemed by a numerous circle of friends, and leaves an affectionate husband and a young family to deplore their irretrievable loss.

A very sad accident occurred on Wednesday evening on the farm “Endwell”. A few miles from this, Mr. W. ANDREWS, the well-known and much respected proprietor, together with his son, went out hunting in the afternoon of the above day, and as they were returning home about dusk, they took different paths to the house, with the view of hunting up some bucks in the vicinity. The son hearing a noise in the bush beside him, and taking it for a buck, it being too dark to distinguish the figure, fired, unfortunately with too sure an aim, for on rushing up to secure his prey, instead of a buck, as he expected, he discovered he had wounded his father, whom he judged to be in another direction at the time. Assistance was promptly obtained, and the wounded man conveyed to his house. Dr. WILMANS, of this town, was at once sent for, and extracted the bullet and dressed the wound, which altho’ extremely dangerous, does not, we are glad to hear, entirely hopeless.

On Thursday a European Woman was placed at the bar on the charge of bigamy. The warrant of her apprehension has been issued on the affidavit of Charles WILMOT, who swore that she had been legally married to him in Cape Town in 1857, and that in April last she had again contracted a marriage in this town with __ BOYCE, at present residing at Blinkwater. The case was remanded until Thursday next for additional evidence.

Saturday, September 10, 1859

DIED at Heald Town on the morning of the 5th Sept., Elizabeth Grace, the youngest Daughter of Mr. W. TAYLOR, aged 1 year and 3 months.

DIED, at Fort Beaufort, on the 29th Aug., 1859, Sarah, the beloved Wife of Mr. William CARTWRIGHT, born INGLESBY, aged 39 years, 3 months and 23 days. Deceased was much esteemed by a numerous circle of friends, and leaves an affectionate husband and a young family to deplore their irretrievable loss.

Saturday, September 17, 1859

[From a Correspondent]
A dreadful crime came to light here yesterday morning. The body of Mr. KIDWELL was found murdered, on the road between Bedford and his farm at Bavians River. His wife had come in to Bedford to be confined, and on Sunday evening Mr. K. left Bedford to return home. He was not seen again until his body was found yesterday morning (Wednesday). His head is in a fearful state – supposed to have been beaten with kerries or stones. I have heard there is a stab behind the neck also, and the collar bone is broken. It is evident the poor man tried hard for his life. A purse and bottle of oil are the only things taken by the murderers. Deceased leaves a wife and family of six children to mourn his fearful end. It is to be hoped that justice will overtake the wretches whoever they are, as a warning to others of the same description.
In addition to the particulars contained in the letter of a correspondent, respecting the brutal murder near Bedford, we learn that the name of the deceased was Thomas KIDWELL, a worthy member of an old Frontier family. The deed was perpetrated only a short distance from Bedford. The horse of the deceased was found tied near the spot where the body was afterwards discovered. Suspicion was at once excited by the sight of the riderless animal, and the Bedford Rifles turned out, and after a brief search found the unfortunate man, in the state described, about 40 yards off the road, whither he had apparently been dragged by his murderers.

Saturday, September 24, 1859

DIED at Fort Beaufort, on Thursday 22nd Sept., 1859, Mr Bernard FITZPATRICK, aged 53 years and 4 months. – R.I.P.

(K.W. Town Gazette)
Mr. James ROBINSON, long a resident in this town, and well known, died somewhat suddenly on Tuesday morning last. He was an industrious, persevering, honest man: but of late, in consequence of some trouble of a pecuniary nature, he appears to have given way to despondency, which tended, no doubt, to hasten his death. He has left a wife and six young children to lament his loss.

Graham’s Town has lost one of its useful citizens by the death of Mr. Thomas WALKER, which occurred last week. Deceased was one of the original settlers of 1820, and had therefore been about 40 years in the colony. Mr. WALKER was ill but a few days, and died from rheumatic fever. G.T. Journal.

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