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Farmers Chronicle (Cathcart)

The Farmers Chronicle 1891 - January to July

Thursday 8 January 1891

Died at Woodburn (the residence of her son G. MARSHALL) on Friay 19th December 1890, Elizabeth M.MARSHALL, aged 66 years 1 month and 3 years [sic]

Thursday 15 January 1891

Died at Cullean, Thomas River on December 21st 1890, Milton Oliver, fourth son of E.A. and J. HOBBS, aged 8 years 6 months and 14 days.
Mr. and Mrs. HOBBS beg to tender their thanks to Drs. HART and HANCOCK and friends for their kindness and assistance during their late son’s illness.
We loved him, ah, no tongue can tell
How much we loved him and how well;
God loved him too, and thought it best
To take him to his heavenly rest.

Died suddenly at Queenstown on the 11th January 1891, Isabella THOM, beloved wife of James Duncan, late of Quanti, aged 50 years.

Thursday 29 January 1891

Birth at 58 Railway Cottge Rayner’s Post on te 26th ins, the wife of J.M. GOVE of a daughter.

Thursday 5 February 1891

Birth at Cathcart on Friday 30 January, the wife of S.T. BROWN of a son

Thursday 12 February 1891

Birth at Cathcart on Sunday 8th Feb 1891 the wife of F. VINCENT of a son.

Thursday 26 February 1891

Birth at Cathcart on Tuesday Feb 24th, the wife of R.P. HOAR of a daughter.

Thursday 5 March 1891

A race meeting will be held at O’HARA’s at 2pm sharp on Saturday the 14th prox, on which day all lists are required with amounts thereon paid, and to make final arrangements for the Races.
Joint Secs.

Thursday 12 March 1891

A CONCERT will be given by the scholars of the Cathcart Public School in the Court House on Friday evening March 13th. The proceeds are to be devoted to the purchase of an instrument for the use of the school. Friends interested in the progress of the children are specially invited.

Thursday 2 April 1891

Died at Cathcart on March 28th 1891 (of croup), Laura Mabel, youngest daughter of George and Florence PATMORE, aged 3 years, 6 months and 6 days

Thursday 16 April 1891

Died at Mashonaland on Feb 4th 1891, Cecil Mortimer FULLER, fourth son of William and Helen FULLER, aged 22 years, 5 months and 6 days.

Thursday 21 May 1891

Married at St. Albans Cathcart on Wednesday May 13th 1891, Fed Carlisle BURTON to Winifred Adelaide PRESTON

Married on Whit Sunday 17th May 1891 at St. Albans, Cathcart by the Rev. C.M. PARNELL, Nicolai J. NIXON, son of Mr. J.R. NIXON of Usk, Monmouthshire, to Georgina Smith, daughter of Mr. G. WHITSON, late of Berwick, Northumberland.

Thursday 28 May 1891

Married May 13th at the church of St.Alban the Martyr, Cathcart, by the Rev. A GRANT, assisted by the Rev. C.M. PARNELL, Priest in Charge, the Rev. Frederic Carlisle BURTON, Curate of St. Paul’s Port Elizabeth, late Curate of Queenstown, to Wynefreda Adeleve, daughter of Mrs. R.H. PRESTON, Exwell Park, Waku.

Thursday 25 June 1891

Died at Sidespur on Wednesday morning 17th inst, after a long and painful illness, Rosa Matilda (born MILES) beloved wife of Robert KEMP, aged 35 years 5 days

Thursday 24 June 1892

The breaking up entertainment in connection with the above school took place on Tuesday evening in the schoolroom in the presence of a fairly numerous assembly of parents and friends of the scholars. Our esteemed Mr.H.T. ELLIOTT presided and fulfilled the duties of chairman to a nicety. Mr. WEBSTER’s splendidly toned ‘Waldemar’ pianoforte was used and Miss HOAR ably presided at the instrument, playing the whole of the accompaniments to the children’s songs and choruses. The school children were seated on an improvised platform, four tiers one above the other, and they performed a programme consisting of recitations and vocal pieces in a manner that reflected the greatest praise on themselves and credit on their teacher, Mr. T. WEBSTER. Mr. WEBSTER must have taken considerable pains and trouble to bring the juveniles up to the state of efficiency which they exhibited on Tuesday. Miss Sophie SCHAEFER, Miss HILL, Miss OATES, Miss M. O’HARA and Miss J. FRONEMAN contributed some instrumental pieces during the evening, all of which materially assisted in making the entertainment the success it was. During an interval in the programme Mr. ELLIOTT rose and said he had a most pleasant duty to perform, and that was to present Mr. WEBSTER, on behalf of the school children and their friends, with the pretty electro-plated biscuit box and other articles which were laid on the table before him. It must be indeed pleasing to Mr. WEBSTER to see this evidence of respect, esteem and attachment as between himself and his pupils on the eve, as it were, of his marriage. Mr. ELLIOTT hoped that feeling would [last] a long time and concluded amidst cheering by mentioning that every scholar had contributed his or her mite towards the wedding gift. Mr. WEBSTER acknowledged the presentation in suitable terms.

Thursday 15 July 1892

Died at Cullean, Thomas River on June 21st 1892, Ada Evelyn, infant daughter of J. and E.A. HOBBS, aged 11 months and 10 days

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