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Farmers Chronicle (Cathcart)

The Farmers Chronicle 1890 - 2 - April to June

Thursday 3 April 1890

Birth at Langdraai, district Cathcart, on Sunday March 30th, the wife of J.S. WIGGILL of a daughter

Thursday 10 April 1890

Birth at Runnymede on Friday March 28th, the wife of CR. ARNOLD of a daughter

Thursday 17 April 1890

The undersigned will offer for sale at Dohne Toll on Wednesday next, 23rd April, the following valuable farms:
First, Mr. Edw. BROWN’s farm ROOI VAAL, situate on the coast in the District of Komgha, 36 miles from East London. It is 855 morgen 377 square roods in extent and is a splendid fattening farm for cattle all the year round, and affords snug winter pasturage for sheep. There is a splendid garden planted with over 100 fruit trees of differing kind. Annual quitrent £25 15s
Second, Mr. Thos. BROWN’s farm, also siuate in the Division of Komgha, in extent 1,050 acres. This farm is well known to everybody as one of the best winter farms for sheep in the Komgha District and is bounded on three sides by farms belonging to the late J.J. IRVINE.
J.D. ELLIS, Auctioneer

A fatal accident occurred in the Griqualand West Company’s claims in Dutoitspan Mine at 2 o clock yesterday morning to an Englishman named James CURTIS. The unfortunate man was engaged in blasting operations and having adjusted a charge of dynamite he lit a fuse of the usual length, but it proved defective, and instead of burning down gradually it fizzed off in an instant and before poor CURTIS could escape the explosion took place, with the result that his body was fearfully mangled, and he died in two hours afterwards. He was in great agony but conscious up to the time he expired, and recognised those who were trying with great tenderness to relieve him. Deceased was a single man of about 35 years of age, and had resided on the Diamond Fields for about nine years, being much respected by all who knew him. A few months ago he returned from a trip to England where he spent some time with his mother, to whom the news of her affectionate son’s death will prove a great blow.

Thursday 24 April 1890

Last night poor old Mr. Christopher DREDGE of Fort England, where for many years he had successfully carried on the calling of market gardener, was found hanging, quite dead, from a rafter in his kitchen. His bereaved widow and family will have very deep sympathy with them in their painful and shocking bereavement.
Penny Mail.

Thursday 22 May 1890

Birth at The Dales on Monday May 5th, the wife of W.J. FULLER of a son

Thursday 29 May 1890

J.P. GILLINGS, watchmaker and Jeweller, having returned to Kaffraria, requests us to announce that he has started business in East London and hopes that his old friends in Cathcart district will not forget him. All watches, clocks etc requiring repairs may be left at the Chronicle office. Repairs will be neatly. Quickly and cheaply executed.

Everybody should make an effort to be present at the sale of Mr. Geo. PIKE’s furniture on Thursday next. The entries comprise every thing of beauty the heart of a man can conceive or the soul of a woman yearn for.

Died at The Dales on May 22nd, Kathleen Maud Liddle, only daughter of W.J. and E.M. FULLER, aged 1 year, 5 months and 17 days.

Thursday 12 June 1890

Died at Cathcart on June 1st, Arthur, second son of H. and E. CHRISTIE, aged 14 years 9 months. Mr. and Mrs. CHRISTIE take this opportunity of thanking the many kind friends, especially Mr. and Mrs. BUGLASS, Doctors HART and HANCOCK, for their kind attention and sympathy.

Thursday 19 June 1890

Birth on June 2nd at No. 36 Railway Cottage, Imvani, the wife of A. BAGSHAW of a son

Thursday 26 June 1890

Beg to remind the public that they have always on hand
Prime Beef, Mutton, Bacon, Hams, Salt Beef, Polonies &c
All orders to be sent to G. CHAVANNES, Butcher
Hemming Street, Cathacrt

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