Farmers Chronicle 1889 - 1 - January to March
Thursday 10 January 1889
Birth at Adelaide on December 4th the wife of W.J.FULLER of a daughter
Birth at East London on the 20th instant the wife of John ARNOLD of a son
Birth at Cathcart on the 6th instant the wife of W. Caldwell ELLIOTT of a son
Gigantia Tobacco
Longslopes, Cathcart
Prize Medal at the South African Jubilee Exhibition
All orders to be sent to F.VERRAN, Longslopes, Cathcart
New season’s crop now in and ready for delivery
Thursday 17 January 1889
Requisition for the Legislative Council
To George GRAY Esq, District Komgha
Sir, We the undersigned qualified voters of the Districts of Cathcart and Queenstown in the Eastern Electoral Province most earnestly beg that you will allow yourself to be put in nomination for the vacancy in the Legislative Council of the Cape of Good Hope, caused by the resignation of the Hon. Fred. SCHERMBRUCKER Esq
We warmly appreciate the interest you have always taken in Public Affairs, especially current political questions. As a frontiersman, coupled with the fact that you are intimately acquainted with landed and farming matters, more especially the “Native Question”, added to your straightforward and upright character, all point to you as one peculiarly suitable to represent our varied interests in the Cape Legislature.
We pledge ourselves in the event of your accepting this requisition to do our very level best to ensure your return, feeling assured you will do your utmost to promote the general prosperity of the Cape Colony.
R.W. CALDERWOOD Stoneridge
H.W.BROWNE Cathcart
Fred. VERRAN Longslopes
W.SMITH Ronkin
J.WEAKLEY Schiet Kop
S.T.BROWN Lowestoffe
J.S.BROWN Lowestoffe
Fred HARLEY Winston
Oliver HARLEY, Winston
J.P.HART Hartfield
H.WOLFF Stockston
P.G.VENTER Irongate
C.R.CROCKER Cathcart
T.C.STUBBS Blenheim
C.C.MILLER Winston
S.DELL Casselis
Wm NICOL Cathcart
W.H.BROWN Melrose
N.J.GOOSEN Jabberside
J.KEMP Henderson Heights
John McDONALD Glengarry
J.F.EASTON Riverside
Similar requisition in favour of candidacy of George BLAINE, Kei Road, signed by
Thursday 24 January 1889
Birth at Thomas River on the 22nd instant the wife of W.S.BRIDGE of a daughter
Birth at Cathcart on Tuesday January 15th the wife of Thos.BUGLASS (Postmaster) of a son
Thursday 31 January 1889
Birth at Cathcart on the 25th January 1889 the wife of Robert P.HOAR of a daughter
Eight mules, small tent wagon and harness complete. Just the thing for a trip to Johannesburg.
Apply to J. BARTLETT, Thorn Meadows
Cathcart Jan 10 1889
Thursday 7 February 1889
Married HUGO-CLOETE - at the residence of the bride’s father on the 5th Feb by the Rev.B.PHILIP BA, John D. HUGO (of Cathcart) to Elizabeth Julia, daughter of S.CLOETE Esq of Malang’s Kraal, Bedford.
Died at Glencairn on Jan 30 after a long and painful illness, William, eldest son of William and Elizabeth Ann ROGERS, aged 18 years and 10 months.
Thursday 14 February 1889
Married at Stutterheim on Wednesday Feb 6th by the Rev.R.MARTIN, Walter R. HOBBS of Glenfillan to Emma Louisa, eldest daughter of C.WEBB Esq of Stutterheim.
Notice is hereby given that the following days have been fixed for holding Municipal Pound Sales for the half year ending 30th June 1889
Saturday Jan 26
Saturday March 9
Saturday April 20
Saturday June 1
Such sales will be held on the Market Square Cathcart at 12 noon
F.W.GILSTAIN, Chairman
Town Office, Cathcart
Jan 8 1889
Thursday 21 February 1889
Notice is hereby given that the Town Office has been removed to the Room adjoining the Printing Office
By Order
Chas. FROST, Town Clerk
Town Office, Cathcart
Feb 18th 1889
Thursday 28 February 1889
Next Sale, Saturday March 2nd
In order to oblige the English Eleven (who play at King on our usual sale day, last Saturday in the month) we have decided to hold our February Sale (as Paddy would say) on 3rd March next.
300 lambs (mixed) 6 months old
200 young ewes (mooi goed)
100 slaughter hamels
Wanted for special buyer – 500 young ewes at our next sale.
Owing to the big rise in wool, young sheep have “riz”. Young ewes brought 11/-, and 2 teeth hamels 8/2 last sale, and the boom is still on.
We regret to hear that Mr. Geo. GRAY, one of the candidates for the representation of the Eastern Circle in the Legislative Council, met with a serious accident late on Wednesday evening the 20th instant. He was riding from Henderson to Toise River when his horse slipped and fell with him. Several farmers who were riding with him at once went to his assistance and on examination it was found that his right leg was broken just above the ankle. Mr. GRAY was conveyed to Toise River Station in a wagon and thence to Kei Road by rail, and on Thursday morning he was attended by Dr. HARTLEY VC, under whose are we are glad to learn that he is progressing as favourably as can be expected. The accident to Mr. GRAY has occurred at a rather unfortunate time, as he was just contemplating a journey through the Transkei and up to Kokstad, to address the electors in the Transkeian and Griqualand territories, and this tour of course has now had to be abandoned. We trust however that his faithful friends and supporters will do all they possibly can for him in the way of canvassing, and place him at the head of the poll in the electoral contest which takes place on the 12th March next.
Thursday 7 March 1889
Cathcart March 5th 1889
To the Editor,
Sir, In your issue of 28th ult there appears a letter from “Our Own” at Thomas River from which I take the following extract:-
“Election day is close upon us and yet Mr.George BLAINE has not met the electors of this district. It is not his fault, however, for I know he requested the chairman of the Municipality of Cathcart to call a Meeting for that purpose. The said Chairman has intimated that he is about to proceed to Johannesburg and I conclude would therefore have resigned his office, but surely there is sufficient public spirit existing in the district whereby a meeting can be arranged to afford the gentleman in question an opportunity to meet his opponents and answer such questions as may be put to him.”
Your correspondent is in error in supposing that it is the duty of the Chairman of the Municipality to call a Public Meeting, at the request of any individual gentleman. To enable the Chairman to call such a meeting a requisition duly signed by not less than five municipal ratepayers must be handed in, when, if necessary, the Chairman will call a meeting.
With regard to Mr. BLAINE having requested me to call a meeting. Upon receipt of that gentleman’s letter I wrote informing him that I had resigned my office as Chairman, intimating that if he would write to the Town Clerk the meeting could no doubt be arranged. This Mr. BLAINE omitted to do, hence it is entirely his on fault that a Public Meeting has not been held.
Yours faithfully
Late Chairman, Cathcart Municipality
A meeting of the members of the Licensing Court was held in the Court Room at Cathcart on Wednesday the 6th March 1889 for the purpose of considering applications for Wine and Spirit Licences.
The following applications were made and all granted:
Gregor R. MCDONALD, hotel, Toise River
George PRESTON, hotel with privileges, Railway Hotel, Cathcart
Sophie Anna SCHAEFER, hotel and canteen, Central Hotel, Cathcart
Michael O’HARA, hotel with privileges, on Erven Nos.163 and 167, Cathcart
James GIBBENS, hotel, Lower Chilton
Sarah PUSEY, hotel, Thomas River
Mr.H.ELLIOTT (E.B.&G) appeared for Mr.McDONALD, also for Mr. O’HARA, and handed in several petitions in favour of the latter gentleman receiving a licence for the new hotel premises behind PERK’s Shed.
Having received a requisition to call a Public Meeting for the purpose of affording Mr. Geo. BLAINE, one of the candidates for the vacant seat in the Legislative Council, an opportunity of addressing the electors of the Eastern Circle resident in the Cathcart District, notice is hereby given that in accordance with the said requisition a Public Meeting is convened for Saturday March 9th 1889 at 7:30pm in the Public School Room
H.ELLIOTT, Chairman
Town Office, Cathcart
March 4th 1889
Thursday 14 March 14 1889
Mr.GILSTAIN’S well known riding horse “Sam”
Auctioneers and Sworn Appraisers
Thursday 21 March 1889
Messrs. ELLIOTT BROS & GILSTAIN announce a sale for Wednesday next (Show Day) that ought to be a success. The village will be crowded, and we should strongly advise all who have stock to sell to roll up with their entries, as good prices may be depended upon.
Messrs Henry ELLIOTT and John LANDREY Junior have been appointed Justices of the Peace for the District of Cathcart, the former whilst Chairman of the Municipality.
Thursday 28 March 1889
Married at St.Mary’s Hall Johannesburg on the 4th March by the Rev.Canon GODWIN, Robert Vernon, second son of Robert H. POWYS Esq of Durban, Natal, to Mina, second daughter of the late W.A.HART Esq of Hartfield, Cathcart, Cape Colony.
To the Editor
Sir, It has come to my notice very prominently lately that some malicious person or persons are trying their best to injure the name of my Tobacco by saying that it is rotten muck. Now sir, such remarks are damaging to the sale of my produce, of which I have a large supply this season. I challenge the person or persons to come forward and exhibit the rotten muck and give me a chance to see if it is my tobacco, or if someone has again been filling a bag with my name on with some rotten stuff and passing it off as my Tobacco.
I offer my tobacco to the purchaser on its merits. Of course I do not expect everyone to take it. Some might fancy fermented and some unfermented Tobacco. But what I do say is that my Tobacco is well fermented and therefore is in no wise injurious to any body.
Now sir I say that the person or persons who re trying to injure and industry that is benefiting the district as well as myself, unless they come forward and produce the rotten muck, are mischief-making cowards.
I would advise them to learn what Beecher says when the absent are spoken of, some will speak gold of them, some silver, some iron, and some always speak dirt, for they have a natural attraction towards what is evil, and think it shows penetration in them, as a cat watching for mice does not look up though an elephant goes by, so they are so busy mousing for defects that they let great excellence pass them unnoticed. I do say that it is not Christian to make beads of others faults and tell them over every day.
I am &c
The news was received in Cathcart last Sunday of the death early on that day of the Rev.W.SHAW, Rector of Seymour. Mr. SHAW was widely known and was universally respected on the Frontier, and has been for many years an energetic clergyman in the Seymour and Winterberg districts. To the widow and family we tender our heartfelt sympathy.
Died on the 16th March 1889 Lola Leslie, infant daughter of W.D. and S.M. BENTLEY, aged 11 months and 27 days.
Died at Spanover on the 13th instant, Alice Maud, only and dearly beloved daughter of John and Millicent Ann KEMP, aged 5 years, 6 months and 14 days. The parents desire to return thanks to all those kind friends who assisted during the time of need.
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