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Eastern Province Herald (later The Herald)

Eastern Province Herald 1856 - 4 - October to December

Tuesday 7 October 1856

To Carpenters, Builders &c
Tenders are invited for repewing and repairing St.Mary’s Church, Port Elizabeth. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of the first undersigned.
The Churchwardens do not pledge themselves to accept the lowest tender. No tender will be received after Saturday 1st proximo.
6th Oct 1856

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on Monday 6th October 1856, Mrs. G.B. MARSHALL of a son.

DIED at his residence, Port Elizabeth, Oct 6th 1856, Mr. William STAINES, many years a resident in this town, aged 76 years.

The funeral of the late Wm. STAINES Senr. will proceed to the place of interment this afternoon at quarter past 4 o clock precisely. Friends are invited to attend.
J. MATTHEWS, Undertaker
Port Elizabeth Oct 7th 1856

DIED on the 5th instant on board the bark ‘Acorn’, John PETERSON, Seaman, aged 27 years

DIED suddenly on Sunday evening the 5th instant, William LOWMAN, Seaman, aged 27 years

Tuesday 14 October 1856

In the Insolvent Estate of H.H. RENS, deceased, and surviving Spouse
In accordance with the decision of the Creditors at their Third Meeting, the undersigned will sell by Public Auction, in front of the Auctions Rooms of Messrs. METELERKAMP & KIRKWOOD in Main-street, Port Elizabeth
Tomorrow, the 15th October 1856
At 12 o’clock precisely
The following Valuable Landed Property belonging to the said Estate, namely
1st THE DWELLING HOUSE AND OFFICES ADJOINING at present in the occupation of the Revd. Mr. WILTSHIRE in Caledon-street, Uitenhage. The Dwelling and Outbuildings are very extensive – one Wing has for many years been used as the Auction Rooms oh H.H. RENS & Co and E.J. SMITH & Co; the other Wing is well-known as the Post Office.
Very pleasantly situated, commanding an uninterrupted view of the Town of Uitenhage and surrounding Country. The Property is in first-rate order, and from the size of the Dwelling and Out-Offices is well adapted for a Hotel or College. There is a good Garden, containing a choice selection of Fruit and other Trees. All who visit this Property acknowledge it to be the most delightful spot in Uitenhage.
Situated on the Southern Side of the Town of Uitenhage, near the main road to Graaff-Reinet and the Northern Districts. This Property forms a very compact Residence, has a good Garden and a good extent of Ground under Cultivation.
All the above properties are abundantly supplied with Excellent Water, and to Capitalists such an opportunity for investment is rarely offered.
The Premises can be inspected any day prior to the Sale from 10 to 4 o’clock.
The Conditions of Sale will be favourable.
For further particulars apply at the Office of the Guardian Assurance and Trust Company
Joint Trustees
Port Elizabeth, Oct 14 1856

Tuesday 28 October 1856

The inhabitants of Port Elizabeth will be pleased to learn that this building has now been finally contracted for – the masonry &c by Mr. MURRELL and the carpentry &c by Mr. CAMPBELL. The whole is to be executed for £2,870, being £30 over the amount estimated by the Commissioners. When, however, we consider the rise in prices, and that tradesmen s reliable in every respect as Mr. MURRELL and Mr. CAMPBELL are to do the work, we can well understand the spontaneous expression of satisfaction given forth by all parties on the announcement that the contracts for the building had been closed. The time allowed for erecting the structure is 17 months, but we are pleased to learn that in all probability the whole will be completed before the close of next year. Nothing has been accomplished by any Governor in Port Elizabeth for one moment to be compared in importance with the idea thrown out by Sir George GREY and worked into fact by the local Municipality, of founding such a system of schools here as those now planted on the GREY foundation.

Tuesday 4 November 1856

BIRTH on the 3rd instant, Mrs. G. CHABAUD of a son

DIED on the 18th August in George Square, Edinburgh, the Rev, James BOYD LLD, one of the Masters of the High School there, in his 61st year.

Tuesday 11 November 1856

DIED on the 5th November at Port Elizabeth, Stephen Barnet TAYLOR, second son of Mr. Thos. TAYLOR, aged 13 months

DIED on the 7th Nov at the residence of her son, Mr. John TAYLOR, Port Elizabeth, Mrs. Phoebe TAYLOR, aged 73 years.

Tuesday 18 November 1856

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 16th instant, Mrs. Delabere P. BLAINE of a son
17th November 1856

DIED at his residence in Uitenhage Town on Monday night, the 10th Nov 1856, Mr. Leonard JONES, aged 46 years 4 months and 2 days.
Friends will please accept this notice.

DIED at Uitenhage, Elizabeth Mary PEARSON, eldest daughter of H.G. PEARSON Esq, London

Tuesday 25 November 1856

In the Assigned Estate of H.W.SMITH of Port Elizabeth
Notice is hereby given that by the Deed of Assignment bearing date the 23rd day of October 1856, the Estate of H.W. SMITH, trading under the style of H.W. SMITH & Co of Port Elizabeth, was duly assigned over for the benefit of all his creditors.
All persons who have any claim against the said Estate are hereby called on to file the same, certified by affidavit, at the office of Henry RUTHERFOORD Esq, Main Street, within six weeks from the date hereof, and those indebted to settle the same within the same period, or legal proceedings will be instituted against them.
Fredk. Durant DEARE
Port Elizabeth 6th November 1856

Tuesday 2 December 1856

BIRTH at Middleburg on Saturday 22 November, Mrs. C.W. HEUGH of a daughter

BIRTH on the 1st instant, Mrs. Alfred OGILVIE of a daughter

Tuesday 9 December 1856

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 29th ult, Mrs. W.T. KINGSMILL of a son

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on Saturday 6th December, Mrs. R.J. HEYDENRYCH of a son

MARRIED by Special Licence at Uitenhage by the Rev. A. Smith, on Thursday 4th December 1856, Petrus Johannes DENYSSON LLD of the Inner Temple, Barrister at Law, widower, to Susanna Johanna, daughter of J.C. FLECK Junr. Esq, a member of the Honourable late Court of Justice.

The funeral of the late P. MURRAY will proceed to the place of interment this afternoon at 5 o clock
J. MATTHEWS, Undertaker
Port Elizabeth Dec 9 1856

Tuesday 23 December 1856

By the English papers we learn that the German Legion may be soon expected here. Two thousand and fifty men have volunteered, and of others disbanded nearly one hundred have also sent in their names, so that with wives and children the importation will not be less than 3,500 souls. When the British settlers were introduced in 1820 we believe that the number of able-bodied men then introduced did not exceed 1,000 – the whole importation not exceeding 5,000. The present importation of able-bodied men as settlers will therefore be the largest ever made into this colony. They may be expected here in [all] the month of January.

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