Eastern Province Herald 1849 - 3 - July to September
Saturday 7 July 1849
DIED at sea on board the ‘Rosebud’, V. SCONEBAUM Esq of this place, aged 30 years
A New Ironmongery Warehouse
Jetty Street, Port Elizabeth
William BIRT
Having opened premises in the above street for a General Ironmongery Establishment begs respectfully to intimate that he will always have on hand a well selected stock of goods, suited to the wants of Builders, Wagonmakers, Carriage Builders, Smiths, Carpenters &c. Also Farming Implements of all descriptions; and Cutlery, Saddlery &c
Cast Iron Goods comprising Stoves, Hot Plates, Ovens, railings, Round Pots, baking Kettles, Saucepans &c to which he respectfully invites immediate attention, feeling persuaded that the principle on which he intends to execute orders cannot fail to meet approbation.
Saturday 21 July 1849
Are receiving per ‘Equator’ from London Alpacca Lustres, black and blue; Orleans Cloth, black, blue, green and violet; do. Silk Stripes and Plaids; Lastings, black, blue and brown
And have on hand
Moleskins, well assorted in prices and colours
Ditto printed do. do. do.
Velveteens do. do. do.
Cords do. do. do.
Velvets do. do. do.
Broad Cloths and Doeskins do. do.
Flannels, Summer Cloths, Printed Cotton Handkerchiefs well assorted, Silesias and other Linings, white Fancy Moleskins, large checks; and a great variety of other piece goods and small wares.
Also Cavendish Tobacco, Soap, Mustard, Starch, Thumb Blue, Preserved Ginger, Sperm Candles: Tea, caper gunpowder and imperial.
Saturday 28 July 1849
MARRIED by Special Licence on the 23rd instant, by the Rev. F. McCleland AB, Captain BAWDEN of the Brigantine ‘Sans Pareil’ to Frances, third daughter of Mr. BRUTON of this place.
BIRTH on Thursday 26th instant, Mrs. Thomas PROUDFOOT of a son
Saturday 4 August 1849
BIRTH at Graham’s Town on the [29th] ultimo, Mrs. Alex. [WARD] of a daughter.
Saturday 11 August 1849
MARRIED at Port Elizabeth on the 31st July by the Very Reverend J, Murphy, Vicar General, Thomas STRICKLAND Esq D.A.C.G. to Harriet, youngest daughter of the late Captain BIGGAR
DIED at Graaff-Reinet on Monday 30th July after a long and very painful illness, at the advanced age of 73 years, the Rev. A. VAN LINGEN, many years a Missionary at this place – much and deservedly respected.
DIED at Gamtoos River, August 8th 1849, Mr. George BERESFORD, aged 23 years.
Saturday 18 August 1849
On the 1st June last a Bastard, named Piet VAN DER WINTER, left Glen Avon near Somerset (East) with a wagon load of oranges for sale, and has apparently eloped with the whole property. The wagon is marked R.HART, Glen Avon with 12 oxen, 8 brown geelbeka, 3 black and one yellow and white head. On the 2nd of July he was with the wagon brought out of Fort Beaufort on his way to Glen Avon. Though search has been made since, no tidings either of him or wagon have been obtained. Any person apprehending the said Piet VAN DER WINTER with the above property, or giving information where they may be found, will receive the above reward; and any person detaining the above stolen property will be prosecuted according to law.
Robert HART Sen.
Glen Avon, 23rd July 1849
DIED on the morning of the 17th inst, Catharine Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr. H. VON RÖNN, aged 3 years and 8 months
Saturday 25 August 1849
By the Rev. F. McCleland AB, Colonial Chaplain
Mr. Thomas EASTON to Mrs. ARROWSMITH, widow
CHRISTENED by the same
A son of Mr. ENSLIN baptized Fredrik Johannes
A daughter of Mr. REED baptized Sarah Ann
A son of Klass JAKOBS baptized David Napoleon
A daughter of ditto baptized Sarah Elizabeth
A daughter of ditto baptized Henrietta Maria
A daughter of Mr. John GRADWELL baptized Louisa Elizabeth
A daughter of William BRUITJES baptized Christina Anna
Mary BECK aged 39 years
Catherine Elizabeth VON RÖNN aged 3 years and 8 months
John HARLAN, seaman of the schooner Vibilia
Saturday 1 September 1849
MARRIED at Bushman’s River on Saturday the 18th August, John, youngest son of Benjamin LEACH Esq, to Sarah Ann, only daughter of the late Thomas William HINDS Esq.
Saturday 8 September 1849
DIED at Uitenhage on Thursday morning the 6th instant, Hercules TENNANT Esq, late Civil Commissioner and Resident Magistrate of Uitenhage, aged 41 years and 20 days, deeply regretted by his family and friends.
Saturday 15 September 1849
Splendid Opportunity
For Horse Breeders, Graziers and Agriculturalists
Farms to Let in the Somerset District
To Let, for a term of years, the well-known Farms
Possessing never failing streams of water, capable of irrigating 300 acres of land.
This property also claims pre-eminence to any within the neighbourhood for grazing, as the flocks of sheep and well-known breed of Vaderland cattle so frequently exhibited by R. HART Esq has proved; but as a horse farm it is not surpassed in the Colony, and presents to breeders all that is desirable for supplying the Indian Cavalry.
The farm is extensive and is bounded by the lands of the Somerset Municipality and Glen Avon, and lately cleared of the extensive flocks of the Messrs. WAINWRIGHT. For further particulars as to terms and extent apply to Robert HART Esq Senior at Glen Avon.
Butcher and Baker
Takes this opportunity to announce to the inhabitants of Port Elizabeth and its vicinity that he intends opening, on or about the 15th instant, a Butchering and Baking Establishment, and he trusts by keeping a constant supply always on hand of the best quality Meat and Bread to merit a share of public patronage.
Port Elizabeth Sept 8th 1849
By the Rev. F. McCleland AB (Trinity College Dublin), Colonial Chaplain
A daughter of Cornelius ZWART baptized Christina Johanna
A son of Mr. W. AYRES baptized William Middleton Levi Theodore
Saturday 22 September 1849
Mrs. WHILEY’s Seminary for Young Ladies, Donkin Street, Port Elizabeth.
As some married ladies have expressed a desire to be instructed in that useful and ornamental department – Fancy Work – so essential to a Lady’s accomplishment, Mrs. W. will be prepared from Tuesday next to receive such Ladies as may feel disposed to attend. Time of attendance from half past 3 to half past 5 pm.
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