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Eastern Province Herald (later The Herald)

Eastern Province Herald 1984 3 July - September

Port Elizabeth, Monday, July 2, 1984.


RUMMEL. – To Michael and Minnette, a daughter and sister to Melanie and Mark, born June 30, Israel.


FERREIRA. – WHITTAL. André and Joan wish to announce their engagement.


BELL. – STRYDOM. Peter, son of Rosalie and Ian, to Lynda, daughter of Steph and Vortie at San Francesco Church on June 30, 1984.

DAVIDSON. – SCARR. Peter to Alison on Saturday, June 30, at St John's Methodist Church, by Rev George IRVINE.

WRIGHT. – JAMES. Martin, son of Benita and Tony WRIGHT of Stratford upon Avon, grandson of Rose DKLAR, and Vivienne, of Mrs J. EVANS of Cardiff and Mr M JAMES of Tasmania, on the 29 June in Toronto.


GELLATLY. - George Craig of 4 Kingsbury Place, Athlone, Pietermaritzburg, and formerly of 30 Ruth Street, Glen Hurd, Port Elizabeth, beloved father of Dawn and Mike, Ann and Craig and grandfather of Karen, Jeanine and Wayne, passed away in Pietermaritzburg on June 30, 1984.

MILES. – Bryan, husband of Eileen and father of Diane, Carol and Michael, passed away on July 1.

REEBEIN. – Edna May Brown (Toodles), passed away June 29, 1984. Aunt of Lynette, sister-in-law of Pam , nephews John and Peter and their families, also Ruby SWART.

SMITH. – Jean, passed away June 28. Sympathy to Sharon, Michelle and Lauren. Remembered by Twinkle and Shirley ENGELBRECHT, Elizabeth ZAKUFA, Sharon, Michelle and Lauren.

YOUNG. – Pam, passed away on June 30, 1984. Missed by family and friends.


ADENDORFF. – John, passed away June 28 at the age of 72 years. Funeral service Tuesday, July 3 at 11 am, at the Graveside in Forest Hill Cemetery.

COLLIER. – Mira Kathleen, passed away Thursday, June 28, 1984. Service at St David's Church, Bushmans River Mouth, on Wednesday, July 4, at 11 am. Cremation private.

HARE. – Constance Olivia, passed away on June 28, 1984. The cremation service will take place at The Pearson Street Congregational Church, Central, today, Monday, July 2, at 11 am. Cremation Private.

HIGGS. – Mattie. The funeral service will be held at the D.R. Church Eendrag, Despatch on Monday, July 2, 1984 at 2 pm. Remembered by her family.

MACARTNEY. – Franklin (Mac), husband of the late Dorothy and father of Pat, Christine and Cathy and grandchildren, passed away June 29, 1984. Funeral tomorrow, Tuesday, July 3, from the Methodist Church, Walmer, at 3.30 pm. Thence to the Forest Hill Cemetery.

NEAVE. – Una Grace, passed away June 28, 1984.Mourned by John and Jean. The cremation service will take place at the Victoria Park Crematorium, Port Elizabeth, tomorrow, July 3, 1984 at 11 am.

REEBEIN. – Edna May Brown (Toodles), passed away June 29, 1984 at the age of 66 years. Cremation service will take place at the Victoria Park Crematorium, Port Elizabeth, today Monday, July 2, at 12 noon.

RUTHERFOORD. – Ruth Elizabeth, passed away at Grahamstown on June 28, 1984, wife of Arthur (Sonny). A service will be held at the Crematorium on Monday, July 2, 1984 at 11 am.

SAPSFORD. – Edward (Sappy). All members of Aloe Shellhole are required to attend the cremation of our late comrade who answered the sunset call on Friday, June 29. Service at Crematorium, today, Monday, July 2, at 10 am. We will remember him.

TOERIENE. – Daniel David, passed away on June 27. The funeral service will take place at D.R. Church Bothasrus, Despatch, today, Monday, July 2, at 11 am.


EVANS. – Verna (Babsie), passed away June 1, 1980. Remembered by her son Cyril and daughter Claudette.

PARKINSON. – Richard, passed away July 2, 1981. Remembered by his children Roy and Rosemary, grandchildren Gavin, Dolindia and David.

PIETERSEN. – Stephen Godfrey (Bokkie), passed away July 1, 1966. Missed by his sister Yvonne, Malcolm and children, Mommy, Ronald and Brian, sister Adrienne, Maurice and sons.

WATSON. – Malcolm, passed away July 2, 1964. Remembered by Dad, Willie, Trudie and niece Ursula.

WELLS. – Ivy, passed away July 2, 1977. Missed by Bobby, Cynthia and André, Iris, Basil and family.

Port Elizabeth, Wednesday, July 4, 1984


BLAKE. – To John and Nola, a son, Andrew Terence, born July 2, brother to Matthew and Stephen at Marifont, Pretoria.

ESSELAAR. – To Peter and Marilyn (nee HALGREEN), a sister for Nina, born July 2 at the Uitenhage Provincial Hospital.

MUKHEIBIR. – To Vic and Tiekie(nee VAN RENSBURG), a son, Ryan, brother to Wayne and Donine on June 26, 1984 at Sandford.

OOSTHUIZEN. – To Neville and Lynette (nee TANNER), a sister for Belinda-Lianne, at Sandford.

SNODGRASS. – To Cheryl and Bryan, a daughter.

YATES. – To Anthony and Cindy (nee SENEKAL), a son, born June 29, 1984 at Sandford.

VAN DER MERWE. – To Chris and Carol (nee MORRIS), a son, Jonathan, born July 3, 1984.


BARETTI. – Bris Milah of the infant son of George and Carol will take place on Wednesday, July 6 at No 1 Fifth Avenue, Summerstrand. All friend and family invited.


KEET. – Syphus Jacques eldest son of Brian and Johanci, and Gillian, youngest daughter of Pat and Elaine, are happy to announce their engagement on July 2, 1984.


KASPERSKI. - KING. Julian to Vanessa at Rietvlei by Rev MULLER on June 30, 1984.


BROWN. – Annatjie, wife of Reggie and mother of Noel and Craige, daughter-in-law of Dina and Archie, passed away on Sunday Morning, July 1, 1984.

ENSLIN. – Zacharias, passed away on June 30, 1984. Remembered by Kenneth, Miem and family.

JENNINGS. – Jessie Gladys, passed away July 1. Missed by her husband Eric, her children, Paul, Sandy and girls, Geoffrey, Noreen, and granddaughters, Le-Ann, Karen, Lesley and Michelle, Terry, Geraldine and sons, Mickey, Mandy and Owen.

KRUGER. – Joyce (Joy), passed away on June 30. Mourned by her husband Tassie, Marie, Gert and children, Nan, Kobie and children, Tersia, Wessel and children.

LYNCH. – Doctor Terence Edward, passed away on July 2. Mourned by Pam, Jane, Sally, Paul and David, Doc to Ian, Neville and Debbi, and grandpa to Claire, June, Vaughn, Natalie, Paul, Laura and James.

MILES. – Bryan Michael, husband of Eileen and father of Diane, Carol and Michael, passed away on July 1. Remembered by Jack, Rex and Flo, Flavio and Sylvia, Ron and Myra, Bill and Jean and families, Luther, Joy and Bronwyn, Mrs Hull, Heather, Mike, Darren and Claire, Brigitte and Julie.

RAAP. – Jacob (boy), brother of Ada and Bertha, passed away in Pretoria on July 2. Aged 70.

REZNIK. – Issy, passed away in Johannesburg on July 3. Father of Julian and Dawn and grandfather of Janine and Larry, Mourned by Eddie and May BUTLION.

SMITH. – Jean, passed away June 29, 1984. Remembered by Laferne, Sandor and Penny.

TJASINK. – Garth, passed away July 2, 1984. Mourned by Allan, Mary and family.

WATKINS. – Geoffrey Clifford, passed away at the Provincial Hospital, on July 3. Missed by his parents, Alf and Una, his brother Clive, and his children Lynley, Janice, Grant and Tracy.


BELELIE. – Archibald James, aged 54, passed away June 30, 1984. Service takes place tomorrow, Thursday, July 5, 1984 at 2 pm, in the Weiss Memorial Church, Highfield Road, thence to the Port Elizabeth Crematorium.

JENNINGS. – Jessie Gladys, passed away July 1. Funeral service tomorrow, Thursday, July 5, from the Methodist Church, Bagshaw Street, at 1.30 pm. Thence to the Forest Hill Cemetery.

KNOWLES. – Kenneth Donald, passed away July 2. The funeral will take place at the San Francisco Church, Charlo, tomorrow, Thursday, July 5, at 11.30 am, proceeding to the Forest Hill Cemetery.

KORKIE. – Anna, passed away July 1 at the age of 89 years. Funeral service tomorrow, Thursday, July 5, from Huisgenot, Algoa Park, at 1.30 pm. Thence to the North End Cemetery.

LYNCH. – Dr Terrence, passed away at the Provincial Hospital on Monday, July 2 at the age of 64. Funeral service at the Victoria Park Crematorium on Friday, July 6, at 11am.

MILES. – Bryan Michael, passed away on Sunday, July 1 at the age of 55 years. Funeral service from St Hugh's Anglican Church, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth on Thursday, July 5 at 11 am. Interment at the Forest Hill Cemetery.

SMITH. – Jean, aged 44 years, passed away June 29, 1984. Cremation service will be held at the PE Crematorium, today, Wednesday, July 4, 1984 at 10 am.

SOUDIEN. – George Isaac, passed away on June 29. Funeral service at the D.R. Church, McManus Crescent, Gelvandale, at 2 pm today, July 4, thence to Paapenkuils Cemetery.

YOUNG. – Pamela (nee Burroughs), passed away on June 30. The cremation service will take place at the Crematorium, Wednesday, July 4 at 2 pm. Memorial service at the Assembly of God Church, Port Alfred, Friday, July 6, at 2.30 pm.


JAMES. – Ruben, passed away July 3, 1983. Remembered by his wife, Kathleen and family.

MOLARD. – Pierre, passed away July 4, 1981. Remembered by his wife and family.

SNYMAN. – In memory of my husband who left us 3 years ago. Remembered by his wife Pieksie, Teresa and Juan also Mommy, Daddy, Mareus,Marnie, Nicky, Sielie, Louise and Chris.

STUART. – Margaret Elizabeth Burgess, Remembered by Mercia and Aubrey (Bulawayo), Neil and family (Australia), Keith and family (Transvaal) and Gary and Paul.

VAN HEERDEN. – Dad, passed away July 4, 1977. Remembered by his daughter Anne, son-in-law Nelo, and grandchildren.

REID. – Dad and Oupa. Remembered by Jack, Hilda and family.

Port Elizabeth, Friday, July 13, 1984.


BATTLE. – To Rex and Judy (nee DAUBERMAN), twin daughters born July 12 at Frere Hospital, East London.

KERBEL. – To Peggy and Eric, a son on July 11, 1984 in Israel. A brother to Dani, Aharon and Uri.

REGNART. – To Russel and Janine (nee DODDS), a son on July 12, brother for Lauren.


KITCHING. – Jofie, passed away July 12. Remembered by his wife Koekie and sons Allie and Piet, also Johan, Meisie and children, Marius, Vinkie and Christo, Malie, Frans and children.

OPPERMAN. – Olive May (nee BLACK), of 56 Kei Crescent, Komani Park, Queenstown, formerly of Port Elizabeth, passed away in Queenstown on Wednesday, July 11, 1984. Missed by her husband Bill, and family, also Pat, James, Dail, Patrick and John, Maureen, Colin, Tracy and Brendan, June, Trev, Desrae and Jon, Gary and Cathy, Paul and Alice, sister of Bob and Lodie BLACK.

POULTER. – Louis John, aged 91 years, husband of the late Bessie and father of Vernon, Neville, Erica, Trevor and the late Leonard and Daphne, passed away July 12.

RYKE. – Peter, passed away July 11, 1984. Missed by his friends at Dunlopillo, Larry LAMBROU and staff.

WHITE. – COOPER. Nel, passed away in Cape Town, wife of Dennis and sister of Sissy KEET.


BOTHA- Pieter Willem, passed away on July 11. Mourned by Antoinet and Idie, Albert and Sarie, Willem and Hannetjie, Manie and Myrna, Ria and Norman, Minnie and Ben and Lettie. The funeral service will take place at the D.R. Church, Mowbray Street, Saturday, July 14 at 11 am. Proceeding to the Forest Hill Cemetery.

DODDS. – Nellie Dorothy, passed away at the Red Cross Homes, Walmer, on Wednesday, July 11 at the age of 83. Service at the Victoria Park Crematorium, today, Friday, July 13 at 11.30 am.

KLEYNHANS. – Lorraine, aged 39, passed away on July 11. Service will take place today, Friday at 3.30 am, in the D.R. Church, Algoa Park West. Proceeding to Forest Hill Cemetery.

OPPERMAN. – A memorial service for the late Olive May (nee BLACK), of 56 Kei Crescent, Komani Park, Queenstown, formerly of Port Elizabeth, will be held in the Wesley Methodist Church, Ebden Street, Queenstown tomorrow, Saturday July 14, 1984 at 11 am.

RYKE. – Peter Abraham , passed away July 11. The funeral service will take place at the D.R. Church Nooitgedaght, Friday, July 13 at 11 am. Proceeding to the Forest Hill Cemetery.

SCHOEMAN. – Japie Willie, passed away July 11, 1984, Uitenhage, July 9, 1984. The funeral service will take place at the Allan Hendrickse Church Hall, Uitenhage, on Saturday, July 14,1984 at 11 am.

SEAMAN. – Maria Elizabeth, passed away July 9. The cremation service will take place at the Crematorium, Saturday, July 14 at 11 am.

SIEMERINK. – S. Anna (nee SHEPPARD) passed away at the Settlers Hospital, Grahamstown, on Wednesday, July 11, 1984. A funeral service will be held in St Paul's Anglican Church, Port Alfred, at 3 pm, Monday, July 16, 1984, followed by interment at the West Bank Cemetery, Port Alfred.

WHITE. – Minnie, passed away on Thursday, July 12, 1984. A funeral service will be held at Christ Church, Speke Street, Grahamstown at 11 am, Tuesday July 17, 1984, followed by interment at Table Farm, Grahamstown.


BERESFORD. – Kenneth, passed away July 13, 1983. Missed by his wife Gladys and son Neville.

DAVIDS. – Sydney, passed away July 12, 1978. Remembered by his wife Daisy, 6 children, 34 grandchildren and 53 great grandchildren.

VAN WYNGAARDT. – Lloyd Graham, passed away July 13, 1979. Mourned by his wife Elizabeth, and daughter Gwen, Mike, Shannon and Craig.

Port Elizabeth, Friday, August 10, 1984.


WHALE. – To Michael and Linda, a son, born August 7, 1984. Brother for Carolyn.


ASTLEY. – Sandra passed away tragically on August 5, 1984. Mourned by Greg, also Gwenn, George and family, Robin, Gruber.

DAULMAN. – Elizabeth. Missed by Jeff, Hilary, Cheryl, Grant and wee Barry.

FRANK. – Jeffrey, husband of Yvonne, father to Sabrina and Dion, passed away suddenly. Mourned by Doug and Jean, Helen and Vic HIRSCH, Cyril and Matilda.

GULSON. – Raymond Allen, passed away Tuesday, August 7, 1984 at the age of 62 years. Mourned by Brett and Len, staff of Aulettas Salon, Stella, ken and Family.

KIRK. – Munro Thomas, passed away on Wednesday, August 8, 1984. Missed by Colin, Hilda, Winnie and family, Bru and Gladys (Knysna), and Doris.

MCKAY. – Thomas, passed away on August 8. Grandfather of Millie and Jim, great grandfather of David, Jim, Amanda, friend of Jean, Bonacina, father, grandfather and great grandfather of his family in Middlesbrough, England.

McMILLAN. – Godfrey (Mac), father of Susan SKLAR and Bazil and grandfather of Janet, passed away in Johannesburg on August 8, 1984.

SMITH. – Elizabeth Gertruida (Betty) passed away August 7. Mourned by her daughter Elizabeth and Leonard and grandchildren Shaun and Phillip.


ASTLEY. – Sandra passed away tragically on August 5, 1984. Funeral St Saviour's Church, Heugh Road, Walmer, today, Friday, August 10, 1984 at 2 pm.

BENECKE. – Nicholas, passed away August 7, 1984. Service at the PE Crematorium at 1 pm today.

CAMPHER. – Franzwa, aged 11 years, passed away August 4, 1984 at the Livingston Hospital. Son of Mr and Mrs Isaac CAMPHER of 12 Jumperd Street, Schauderville. Funeral service today, Friday at 2.30 pm at the New Apostolic Church, Malan Street, Korsten. Interment in Paapenkuils Cemetery.

COHEN. – Elijah (Leo), passed away at Andries Vosloo Hospital on August 8, 1984 at the age of 87 years. Father of Molly and Eric and grandchildren Mark and Ingrid. Funeral today, Friday, August 10, 1984 at 11 am from Methodist Church Building.

DAULMAN. – Elizabeth, passed away August 3. Cremation Service will be held at the Walmer Methodist Church, today, Friday, August 10, 1984 at 3.30 pm. Cremation private.

MCKAY. – Thomas, passed away on Wednesday, August 8 at the age of 93 years. Memorial service at St John's Methodist Church, Havelock Street on Friday at 3 pm. Cremation private.

MEYER. – Dorothy (nee DEACON), of 18 Harrot Street, Kirkwood, passed away at Uitenhage Hospital on August 8, 1984, aged 76 years. Funeral service from the D.R. Church on August 11, 1984 at 2 pm.

RODGERSON. – Hebden (Tom), passed away at Settlers Hospital, Grahamstown on Monday, August 6, 1984. Husband of Joy and father of Jim and Jill, Diane and Errol, David and Jean, and grandfather of Sharon, Michelle, Kurt and Nicolette. The funeral service will take place at 3 pm on August 10, 1984, in the Baptist Church, Grahamstown.

SINGH. – Agnes (Drieka), passed away August 8, at the age of 53. Mourned by her daughter Marilyn, and Gona and grandchildren Anita and Roshnee. Service at Mary Geldenhuys Church, Gelvandale, on Saturday, August 11, at 3.30 pm.


MOODALEY. – Krishnasamy Samoo. The Karamathie service will be held on August 12, 1984 at 158 Harworthia Drive, commencing at 7 pm.


BECK. – Florence, passed away August 10, 1969. Remembered by Trevor, Margaret, Penelope, Amanda and André.

CAINE. – Father and Grandpa of Kenny, Maureen and Keri-Lyn fondly remembered.

SMITH. – Stephen van Niekerk, passed away August 9, 1979. Remembered by Waveny, sons and family.

SULLIVAN. – Christine Evelyn, passed away August 10, 1969. Remembered by Bridget.

WESSELS. – Eddie, passed away August 10, 1982. Remembered by his wife, Baby (Zondagh), daughter Elna and Johann and granddaughter Nicole.

Port Elizabeth, Monday, August 27, 1984.


COOPER. – To Ken and Pam (nee LONG), a daughter Paula Clare on Thursday, August 23 at the San, Durban.

LE ROUX. – To Margaret and Trevor, a daughter Melanie Jayne on August 22 at Sandford,

WOOD. – To Des and Bev (nee GILLMER), a double gift on August 23, 1984, Jenna and Brandon, brother and sister for Mandy, at Sandford.


VAN VOLLENHOVEN. – COOK. Tony and Yvonne have pleasure in announcing the engagement of their youngest daughter, Jenny to Deon, youngest son of Vollie and Vera.

WASSERFALL. – WEBB. Errol and Liz are thrilled to announce their engagement.


BILLSON. – Raymond, passed away on August 23, 1984, aged 76 years, uncle of Douglas, Kenneth and Aubrey and families.

CORY. – Chappie, passed away on August 24. Missed by his sister Dulcie, niece Joan, Trevor, Paul, William and Andrew TEETON.

KAUFFMAN. – Wolfe, passed away on August 26, husband of Sue. Missed by Barry and Pip, Tish and Carol and family, brother of Nobby and Molly.

MANNERING. – Charles, husband of Bee and father of Veronica, Tony, Barbara, Judy and Gardie, passed away at Frere Hospital, East London, on Friday August 24.

RASMUSSEN. – Marjorie, wife of Aage passed away August 24. Missed by Jess and Sonny.

RICHARDS. – Harold, brother of Phyl, Kath, Gwen and Bevil, passed away on August 25 at the Provincial Hospital.

VAN DER MESCHT. – Hannes, passed away on Sunday, his 64th birthday. Mourned by his wife Maude and sons Leon, Hennie, Andre and family.

YOUNG. – Laurie, brother of Margery and uncle of Evelyn and Solly, Marilyn and Jeremy, Joycelyn and Brian and families.


ALEXANDER. – Bernard Harry, passed away tragically on Tuesday, August 21. Service at Victoria Park Crematorium on Monday, August 27 at 1 pm.

CHARLTON. – John Stephen, passed away tragically on August 22, 1984. Cremation private. Memorial service to be arranged in Pietermaritzburg.

DE REUCK. – Cecil Edward, passed away on Friday, August 24. Missed by his wife Andrietta, and children Raymond, Yvonne, Alan and Louise, Roselee, Shirley and Garth and grandchildren Duane, Jacques and Melanie. Funeral tomorrow at St Hugh's Anglican Church, Newton Park at 3.30. Proceeding to the Forest Hill Cemetery.

KAUFFMAN. – Wolfe, passed away on August 26. The funeral will take place tomorrow Tuesday, August 28, at 1.30 pm from San Francesco Catholic Church, Charlo. Cremation private.

KRITZINGER. – Jan Hendrik, passed away August 25. The funeral takes place at the Seventh Day Adventist Church, Papenskuil Street, Westering, Wednesday August 29, at 2.30 pm. Proceeding to the Forest Hill Cemetery.

PEARCE. – Arthur Wilton, passed away at the Provincial Hospital on Thursday, August 23, 1984 at the age of 81 years. Service at Red Cross Chapel, Main Road, Walmer, on Monday, August 27, 1984 at 3.30 pm. Cremation private.

RADEMEYER. – Roelofina Johanna, passed away August 24. The funeral service will take place at the D.R. Church, 4th Avenue, Walmer, on Monday, August 27, at 3 pm. Proceeding to the Forest Hill Cemetery.

RICHARDS. – Harold, passed away at the Provincial Hospital at the age of 88. Service at Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Havelock Street, tomorrow, Tuesday, August 28, at 11.30 am. Cremation private.

RICHARDS. – Harold, the Old Bill of Francis Drake Shell Hole, requests all members to attend the funeral of MOTH Harold RICHARDS, veteran of Delville Wood, at Holy Trinity Church, on Tuesday, at 11.30 am.


KAPP. – Henry, passed away three years ago. Remembered by wife Doris, children Jeanette and Zelda and grandchildren.

SAUNDERS. – Magill, passed away 12 years ago, today. Remembered by his family.

VAN ZWAENBERG. – Lynette, passed away 2 years ago today. Remembered by Enid.

Port Elizabeth, Tuesday, August 28, 1984.


GERBER. – To Mike and Theresa (nee FOURIE), a daughter born Friday, August 24 at Sandford.


LACEY. – BEVAN. Arthur and Hilda BEVAN have pleasure in announcing the engagement of Deborah, to Allan, only son of Bill and Audrey LACEY.


JOZAFFE. – Maria Helena (Mimi), passed away on Friday, August 24, 1984. Mourned by Victor, Dan and Edna.

KAUFFMAN. – Wolfe, passed away on August 26, husband of Sue. Missed by Barry and Pip, Tish and Carol and family, brother of Nobby and Molly.

LARKIN. – Mabel, passed away at Settlers Hospital, Grahamstown, at 83 years. Remembered by her son Roy and Milly, also Ral and Gill, grandchildren Tehere, Cathy, Adrian, son-in-law André and great grandson Justin.

MANNERING. – Charles, passed away August 24. Missed by Tony, Colleen, Jason and Chareen.

RANGER. – George, passed away at the Provincial Hospital, Port Elizabeth, August 26. Remembered by Nova, Rona, and Ralph and families.

RUBIN. – Mary, passed away August 26. Mother of Isaac and Shirley and grandmother of Lorice, Philip and David, mother of Solly and Vera and grandmother of Jonathan and Alan, her son Louis, Noleen, and grandchildren Reeva, Tony and Jackie, Lily and Norman KNOPP and Lea and Issie COHEN and families.

THOMPSON. – Peggy, wife of the late Eric (Walmer Golf Club), passed away in Durban on August 24.

WALL. – Constance, passed away at the Provincial Hospital on August 26, 1984. Missed by her son John and Phoebe.


CORY. – Dr C.G.A. (Chappie), passed away at the Provincial Hospital, Port Elizabeth on August 24, 1984. Funeral service in the Cathedral of St Michael and St George at 3 pm, Wednesday, August 29, followed by interment in the Garden of Remembrance.

DU PREEZ. – Jacobus Johannes, aged 69 years, passed away on August 25. Funeral will take place tomorrow, Wednesday at 11.30 am in the D.R. Church, York Road, proceeding to the Forest Hill Cemetery.

GOUWS. – Anna Catharina, passed away at the provincial Hospital, Uitenhage on August 25, 1984. The funeral service will take place at the D.R. Church, East Uitenhage, today, Tuesday, August 28, 1984 at 1.30 pm.

KAUFFMAN. – Wolfe, passed away on August 26. The funeral will take place tomorrow Tuesday, August 28, at 1.30 pm from San Francesco Catholic Church, Charlo. Cremation private.

KRITZINGER. – Jan Hendrik, passed away August 25. The funeral takes place at the Seventh Day Adventist Church, Papenskuil Street, Westering, Wednesday August 29, at 2.30 pm. Proceeding to the Forest Hill Cemetery.

LANE. – Mona, wife of the late Humphrey (Dickie), passed away at Red Cross Home, Walmer, on Saturday, August 25 at the age of 80 years. Service at Victoria Park Crematorium on Wednesday, August 29 at 10 am.

LARKIN. – Mabel, passed away at Settlers Hospital, Grahamstown, at 83 years. Service at All Saints Church, Kabega Park, Wednesday, August 29, at 3 pm. Cremation private.

MANNERING. – Charles, passed away August 24, 1984. Husband of Bea and father of Veronica, Tony, Barbara, Judie and Gardie. Service to be held at the Full Gospel Church, Rosedale Road, Amalinda, East London on August 29,1984 at 10.30 am.

NEL. – Aletta Wilhelmina, passed away August 24. Service tomorrow, Wednesday, August 29, at Methodist Church, Newton Park, at 1.30 pm. Cremation private.

RANGER. – George, passed away at the Provincial Hospital, Port Elizabeth, August 26 at the age of 85 years. Cremation service at the PE Crematorium today, Tuesday at 1.30 pm.

RUBIN. – Mary, passed away August 26, 1984, aged 90. Mother of Solly, Leah, Lily, Isaac and Louis. Funeral from Tahara House, Tuesday August 28 at 2 pm. Prayers at 20 Babcock Avenue, Linkside, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 6 pm.

VAN DER MESCHT. – Johannes Stephanus, passed away August 26. The funeral service will take place at the D.R. Church, P.E. West (Fifth Avenue, Newton Park) Tuesday, August 28 at 11 am, proceeding to the Forest Hill Cemetery.


COX. – Denny. Remembered by his wife Phil and family.

DU RANDT. – George, passed away August 28, 1982. Remembered by his wife Dorothy and children, his son Eddie, Barbara and Hayley.

FOUCHE. – Sean, passed away 3 years ago at the age of 16. Son of Maureen and Arnold, brother of Ann-Margaret and Fiona.

PRETORIUS. – Pieter, passed away two years ago. Father of John Pierre and Janine.

WEBSTER. – Jimmy, passed away tragically August 28, 1980. Missed by Mom and Dad and Aunt Eve and family.

Port Elizabeth, Saturday, September 1, 1984


HARRIS. – To Bevan and Cathy, a daughter, sister to Michelle, born August 31, at Sanford.


HUNT. – SCHUTTE. Len and Rina HUNT have pleasure in announcing the engagement of their only daughter Elize to Warwick, second son of Lance and Ann SCHUTTE.

O'CONNOR. – COHEN. Neville and Erica have pleasure in announcing the engagement of their younger daughter, Holly, to Shaun, eldest son Joan DUNN and the late Binky O'CONNOR of Kimberley.

VAN ECK. – PLATT. Alison and Shaun are happy to announce their engagement on August 31, 1984.


ALEXANDER. – Magdelein passed away August 30. Sister of Georgina FINLAY and aunt of Raymond, Sheila and Thelma.

BOLLEN. – Grace Victoria, aged 87 years, mother of Sheila OSBOURNE and granny of Susan, Barry and Andrew, passed away August 28, in Cape Town.

HARVEY. – Anne passed away in King Williams Town, August 29th. Mom of Len and Margie, grandmother of Cindy.

JONAS. – Jean passed away. Remembered by Aunt Sarah, Uncle Bobby and family.

LAWRIE. – Jessie passed away August 30th. Remembered by her husband Allan. Mother of Janet and John, granny of Megan, Michelle and Gareth. Mother of John and Heather, granny of Carlynne and Nicole, David, Carol, Craig and Gregory.

RYAN. – Abe passed away in Israel, August 28, 1984. Mourned by his wife, Ray, children Julienne, Herzl and family, Charles, Leah, and family.

SHAMLEY. – Bobbie passed away August 28, 1984. Remembered by her sister, Jeanette HOMES and Thora and Owen STEPHENS.

WATTS. – James Andrew, passed away August 28, 1984, Oudtshoorn. Mourned by his wife Esmé, daughters Beverly, Desiree, Margo, Wendy, sons in law Johannes, Geoff and Andre.

WYATT. – Constance Anas, passed away in Johannesburg on August 27, 1984, widow of Arthur and mother of Eardly, Wendy and Patricia.


ALEXANDER. – Magdalena Jacoba passed away August 29, 1984, at the Provincial Hospital, Uitenhage. The funeral service will take place at the D.R. Church, Caledon Street, Uitenhage, on Monday, September 3, 1984, at 2.30 pm.

HILTON-BARBER. – Inez Hester passed away in Port Alfred on August 31 in her 77th year, mother of Shirley. A memorial service will be held at St. Paul's Anglican Church, Port Alfred, on Monday, September 3, at midday. Cremation private.

LAWRIE. – Jessie Scott passed away at Provincial Hospital on Thursday, August 30, at the age of 67. Service at Victoria Park Crematorium n Monday, September 3, at 10am.


BARBER. – Rita. Missed by Cecil.

BUCKLEY. – Jessie passed away September 2, 1962. Remembered by Claude and Dalene.

DUNSTAN. – Winnie passed away one year ago today. Remembered by David, Merle, little Jessica, Lee-Anne, Garrick and Hayden.

JOZAFFE. – Husband and father, passed away September 1, 1968. Remembered by Gwen and children, Sheila and Alaenon.

JOZASSE. (sic) – Andre passed away September 1, 1968. Remembered by Iris, Salien and children.

MAGILL. – Bill. Remembered by Cecil.

MOODALEY. – Eva-Helen (nee BARRATH) passed away three years ago today. Remembered by her son Errol and Mary and children, Mario and Martino.

RADEMAN. – Gideon John, passed away September 1, 1962. Missed by his wife Patricia, children and grandchildren, Gloria, Dudley, Celeste and Vanessa.

RANDLE. – Ray passed away a year ago today. Missed by his son Keith and Yvonne. Brother of Mavis and Sid POULTER of Durban and friends Fred, Vera and family.

VAN DER MESCHT. – Iris Lilian, passes away 20 years ago today. Remembered by Boetie, Valerie and children.

Port Elizabeth, Friday, September 7, 1984.


HISLOP. – To Gary and Deirdre, a son (Neil), brother for Nadine, and grandson for Alan and Dawn, in Mafikeng, on September 6,

LONG. – To Andrew and Jill (nee FOWLER), a son, Brett, brother for Cindy, born September 4, at Settlers Hospital.


GILLETT. – JOHNSON. The engagement of Vicky, daughter of Vicky and Bill JOHNSON of Durban, to Bruce, son of Pat and Roy GILLETT, of Addo, was announced on September 1.


VAN DEVENTER. – BATES. Ren and Colleen have pleasure in announcing their marriage to all their friends. Service will take place at St John's Methodist Church, Havelock Street, on Saturday, September 8, 1984 at 4 pm.


BAILEY. – A.G.V. (Bill), passed away September 6. Mourned by John and Carolyn, Henk and Gail, Mark, Ann, Susan, Guy and Nicola.

BRADLEY. – Dolly D. Missed by Tony and Mary SPEED.

BRYDEN. – Norah, aunt of Bruce and Noen, Colleen and Brian, Sally, Flip and Judy.

DE DONCKER . – Gladys, passed away September 2. Mourned by the FORBES family, Ossie, Anthony, Mona and Maggie and their families, Alberta, Canada, Aunt Kate, and cousins Mercia, Chrissie, and Honey and the ANDERSON family, her cousin Mary FORBES and family, Springdale.

SHAW. – Mabel Gladys, passed away in Uitenhage on September 6. Mourned by her sister Violet.


BRYDEN. – Norah Elenor, passed away Wednesday, September 5, 1984, at the age of 68 years. Service at the Hill Presbyterian Church on Friday, September 7, 1984, at 3.30 pm. Cremation private.

FERREIRA. – Martha, 16 Woltemade Street, Jeffreys Bay, passed away September 5, 1984. Funeral service to take place in the Methodist Church, Humansdorp, on Saturday, September 8, 1984 at 3 pm.


BALL. – Stephen, passed away 15 years ago today. Remembered by his wife Lydia.

DEMAS. – Stavros, passed away September 7, 1980. Remembered by his wife Pat and family.

DU PLESSIS. – Johanna. Missed by her husband Doep, and children Desiree, Deon, Merle and Janine.

NEL. – Anna, passed away September 7, 1981. Remembered by her children Marie and Bill and grandchild Pierre.

Port Elizabeth, Monday, September 10, 1984.


BATES. – To Barry and Beverley, a daughter Carey-Ann on September 5. 1984 at Sandford.

BIENEDELL. – To Raymond and Gwen (nee BLOM), a daughter Meagen Shelly, born at 5.20 pm, September , 1984 at Sandford.

GOUVERIS. – To Paul and Heather (nee MOLVIK), a son and brother to Bianca on September 7, 1984 at Sandton Clinic, Johannesburg.

PIENAAR. – To Larry and Cherril (nee DEACON), a son, born September 5 at Sandford.

VAN DER MERWE. – To Van and Karen (nee TRUTER), a daughter, born in Graaff-Reinet. Sister for Ragnar, Olivia and Karl.


HERSELMAN. – HOWELL. Susan, youngest daughter of Geoff and Joyce, to Shaun, youngest son of Len and Eva of East London.


GROBBELAAR. – Eileen (nee LUDDITT) late of Edgars, mother of Donnie, Ada and grandmother of Reinhard, passed away September 9. Remembered by her cousin Edna and Reg.


SHAW. – Mable Gladys, passed away at the Provincial Hospital, Uitenhage, on September 6, 1984. Mourned by her sister Violet MEYER, Daphne and Warner. The funeral will take place at St Katherine's Anglican Church, Market Street, Uitenhage, on Tuesday, September 11, 1984, at 2.45 pm. Requiem Mass will be said at St Mary's, Port Elizabeth, on Monday, September 10, 1984, at 7.45 am.

TURNER. - Dorothy, widow of Neville W. TURNER of Wilton, mother of Hugh, Lawrie, Clive, Edgar and Neil, passed away at Port Alfred, on Saturday, September 8, 1984. Private service t the Port Elizabeth Crematorium, at 1.30 pm, tomorrow, Tuesday, September 11.

VERMAAK. – Clinton, passed away September 4, 1984 at Cape Town at the age of 1 year and 9 months. Funeral service today, Monday, 11 am from the Full Gospel Church, Westering, thence to the Forest Hill Cemetery.

WILMOT. – Cecilia Johanna, passed away September 6 at the age of 82 years. Funeral service Monday, September 10, from Methodist Church, Bagshaw Street, at 1.30 pm. Thence to Forest Hill Cemetery.


CHAN KAN. – Mother, Gran and Greatgran, passed away September 10, 1958. Remembered by her daughter Lily and Kwong and family.

DE FREITAS. – Joseph (Joe), passed away September 10, 1983. Remembered by his wife Bertha, Anton and Naomi, Debbie, Trevor, Stuart and Natalie.

LOTTER. – Nicolaas Johannes, passed away September 9, 1961. Remembered by his wife Rose and daughter Anne.

MATTHEWS. – Ria, September 10, Mom, September 6, Anne, September 22 and John, June 22, Remembered by Vera and family.

WEYERS. – Andy, passed away September 10, 1983. Missed by wife Elizabeth and daughter Susan.

YATES. – Len, passed away September 10, 1981. Missed by his wife Noreen.R

Port Elizabeth, Wednesday, September 12, 1984.


BOTHA. – To Willem and Marina (nee ARROW), a son Emile, born September 5, 1984, at Sanford.

GARDENER. – To Don and Gail, a sturdy little afterthought called Victor Clifford on September 11, 1984.

HALL. – To Ernest and Imeke (nee LOENEN), a son Michael, born September 10, 1984, at Sanford.

HEATH. – To Geoff and Sharon (nee SAPSFORD), a daughter Kerri Lyn, born at Kempton Park Hospital on September 10. A sister for Richard and Jacqueline.

KOLNICK. – David and Phyllis (nee BLECHMAN), a son born September 11, brother to Clinton and Leanne, at Sanford. Baruch Hashem.

MERRICK. – To Chris and Debbie (nee BOSCH) on September 9, a daughter, 3.629kg, sister to Janet and Janine.

NOBLE. – To Rob and Lyn (nee FRANCIS) a brother for Paul and Jenny-Lyn, born September 6, in Graaff-Reinet.


COCKS. – GLENDINNING. Lofty to Pat on Saturday, September 8, 1984.


BUDGE. – Agnes, friend of Mavis Randall THOMSON and her family, the ORSMONDS of East London and VAN GINKELS of Johannesburg, passed away September 10.

CUNNINGHAM. – Douglas, beloved husband of Nancy, father of Anna and Mike, passed away September 9, 1984, at Harare, Zimbabwe.

DODDS. – Mary, aged 98 years, passed away at the Provincial Hospital on September 8. Remembered by her son Aubrey.

DURRHEIM. – Phillip John, husband of Carolyn and father of Roxanne, passed away on Monday, September 10.

DYE. – Florence, aged 94, passed away at Munroe Kirk Old Age Home on September 10, Aunt of Dulcie, Dennis, Esmé, Patty and family, Pauline, Pierre and family of East London.

DYSON. – Valerie Gladys, born on April 30, 1948. Passed away aged 36 on Sunday, September 9, 1984. Remembered by her husband, Ronnie, children, Joy, Beulah, Sharon and Ryan, brother, Alistair, and sisters, Mary and Ellen, mother, family and friends.

GROBBELAAR. – Eileen (nee LUDDITT) late of Edgars, mother of Donny, Ada and grandmother of Reinhard, passed away September 9, friend of Edna and Reg.

HARTWELL. – Jesse Felix passed away in Bulawayo, brother of Charles and Ruby.

HUGO. – Hettie passed away on Monday, September 10. Sister of Philip and Noelene GERBER, aunt of Michael, Bev, Deon and Cathy.

JENNECKER. – Annie Rose, aged 85 years, wife of Frank, passed away September 11.

KUHN. – Lance passed away September 9, 1984. Missed by Enzo, Denise and girls and Michelle.

NURICK. – Anne missed by all her friends at the knitting circle.

PIERPOINT. – Debbie, aged 9, remembered by Aunty Peggy, Judy, Brian and children, Granny and Uncle Jim MCAULAY, Aunty Maureen, Debbie, Trevor and Craig, Uncle Laddie, Uncle Des, Aunty Nan and Martin.

TANDY. – Lily (nee BROCKETT) passed away Sunday, September 9, 1984. Wife of Frank and mother of Maureen and Bill MORTIMER, Arlene, Althea, Nick, Clive, Janice and their families.

TYE. – Fut Chong, aged 61, passed away September 10, mourned by wife and family.


DODDS. - Mary, aged 98 years, passed away on September 8. Funeral service, Thursday, September 13, from Jones & Rice Chapel 10 am. Thence to Jubilee Park Cemetery.

DYE. - Florence, aged 95, passed away at Munroe Kirk Old Age Home on September 10. Service at Victoria Park Crematorium on Thursday, September 13, at 1.30pm.

GEYSER. – Tersia passed away September 9, 1984 at the age of 27. Fiancé of Peter. The funeral service will take place at the D.R. Church, Kipling Road, Kensington, on Wednesday, September 12, at 11.30 am. Thence to Forest Hill Cemetery.

GROBBELAAR. – Eileen Rose, passed away at the Provincial Hospital on Sunday, September 9, at the age of 60. Remembered by her son Donnie, Ada and Reinhard. Service from St John's Methodist Church, Havelock Street, on Wednesday, September 12, at 10 am. Interment at South End Cemetery.

HUGO. – Hester Magdalene (Maggie), wife of Bill and mother of Theresa, Marissa and Charles, passed away on September 10, 1984 at the age of 66. Service at the D.R. Church, P.E. West, Fifth Avenue, Newton Park, on Thursday, September 13, at 3.30 pm. Cremation private.

JOOMAN. – Donovan, passed away September 6 at the age of 27 years. Funeral service Wednesday, September 12, from St Mark and St John Church, Parkside, at 2 pm. Thence to Paapenkuils Cemetery.

KUHN. – Lancelot Mervin. All members of Algoa Shellhole are requested to attend the cremation of our late comrade who answered the sunset call on Sunday, September 9, at Provincial Hospital and the age of 64. Service at Crematorium, Wednesday, September 12 at 11.30 am. We will remember him. Old Bill.

NICHOLSON. – Frank, passed away at Alexandria. Service at the Victoria Park Crematorium on Thursday, September 13, at 11.30am.

OWENS. – Francis, passed away on September 10, at the age of 68 years. Service Thursday, September 13, at St Mary's Church, Central, at 10 am. Cremation Private.

PIERPOINT. – Debbie, passed away at Provincial Hospital on September 9, at the age of 9. Service at St Paul's Anglican Church, Tucker Street, Parson's Hill, on Wednesday, September 12, at 10am. Cremation private.

SMITH. – Aubrey (Beef) passed away September 6, 1984. Funeral 1.45 pm from St. Kevin's Church on Saturday, September 15, 1984.

TANDY. – Lily passed away September 9, at the age of 81. Service Thursday, September 13 at All Saints Church, Kabega Park, at 10am. Cremation private.

TYE. – Fut Chong passed away on Monday, September 10, at the age of 61 years. Funeral service Sunday, September 16, from St Francis Xavier Anglican Church, Jade Road, Kabega Park, at 3 pm, thence to the North End Cemetery.


GERSTEL. – The unveiling of the tombstone of the late Rabecca, will take place on Sunday, September 16, at 2.30 pm.


HOWARD. – Graham Gordon passed away September 12, 1918. Remembered by Mom, Reggie, brothers and sisters.

LANDMAN. – Helena (BLOM) passed away September 12, 1982. Remembered by Dotty, Nicky and grandchildren Rochelle and Bruce.

MERRYWEATHER. – George passed away September 12, 1977. Mourned by his wife, Nancy, daughter, Jennifer, and family.

STYLE. – Peter died tragically on September 12, 1982. Remembered by Dad, Mom and brother Gordon. Also Pat and Jerome.

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