Eastern Province Herald 1983 3 July - September
Port Elizabeth, Thursday, July 21, 1983.
BOTHA. – Sally and Jan, a son born July 15, 1983 at Sandford.
HODGE – To Clair (nee BRIDLE) and Bruce, a son in Toronto on July 19, 1983.
JOHNSON. – To Bill and Michelle (nee MOOLMAN), a son and brother to Kim and Candice, on July 18, 1983 at Sandford.
PAPPAS. – To Tony and Marion, a son July 18, 1983, brother to Peter and Shaun, grandson to Yvonne.
BURGER. – SCHONKEN. André and Sheryl are happy to announce their engagement.
CREAR. – HUNKIN. Daphne and Brian CREAR have pleasure in announcing the engagement of their only son, Lindsay, to Sandra, only daughter of Ken and Jean HUNKIN of Ladysmith.
ACKERMANN. – Susanna Welhelmina (Miem) (nee PIEK, passed away on July 19. Mourned by her children Val, Suzanne, Olive, and Willie, Thelma and Ken, and family's.
DEARDEN. – George, passed away on July 18 in Pretoria, aged 77. Brother of Charles, Gerry, Ethel and the late Eddie and Nora.
GILBERT. – Winifred Rita, passed away July 20. Missed by her sister Phyllis, Denny and family, Elsie, Peter, Jenny and family.
KAHN. – Joan, wife of Stanley, mother of Warren and Jerome. Remembered by her "son" in the army Peter, Wayne, Michael and Dale, Tom, Ursula, David and Jonathan, Management and Staff of PG Wood and Timber City, Port Elizabeth, Pippin and Scott, Peter and Carol PROUDFOOT, Aunt Ray, Uncle Henny, Violet and cousins Leo, Ivy, Michelle and Alana BUTLION.
MAASDORP. – Cornelius Francious, husband of Anna, passed away.
MATTHEWS. – Rev. John, passed away on Sunday, July 10. Remembered by the SMALLMAN, MANSER and HAYES families, also members of St Agnes Church, Swartkops.
SOLOMON. – Francis, passed away July 15. Remembered by Gert, Desmond, Jennifer, Magdaleen, Melvin and grandchildren.
YULL. – Jimmy, father of Val and Brian, and grandfather of Robert, Michael, Christopher and Anthony, passed away in Johannesburg, on July 19.
ACKERMANN. – Susanna, passed away Tuesday, July 19, at the age of 82 years. Service from Seventh Day Adventist Church, Westbourne Road tomorrow, Friday, July 22, at 11 am. Interment in the North End Cemetery.
BELLINGHAM. – Susanna Johanna Mariea (Daisy) (formerly HAYDEN, nee VAN VUUREN), passed away July 20 at the age of 69 years. Funeral service will take place from the Baptist Church, Smart Street, Sydenham, tomorrow Friday, July 22, at 11 am. Thence to the Forest Hill Cemetery.
GILBERT. – Winifred, passed away at the Provincial Hospital on Tuesday, July 19. Service from St John's Methodist Church, Havelock Street, on Friday, July 22 at 3.30 pm. Interment in the South End Cemetery.
MAASDORP. – Cornelius Francious (Chappie), of Paulet Street, Somerset East. Service will take place on Saturday, July 23 at 10 am from the DR Church Somerset East.
PETERSEN. – Norman, husband of Mana. Funeral tomorrow, Friday, July 22, 1983, from St Rita's Roman Catholic Church, Bethelsdorp at 12 noon.
WALTERS. – William Henry, passed away on Monday, July 18. Funeral today, Thursday, July 21, at 2 pm from the New Apostolic Church, Forest Hill. Interment at the Forest Hill Cemetery.
WESSON. – Glendon John (of Florida), passed away on Tuesday, July 19, at Port Alfred. Service will take place tomorrow, Friday, July 22, at 2 pm from The Assembly of God Church, Port Alfred. Cremation private.
CLARK. – Estelle, passed away in 1976. Remembered by Enid, Gary, Cathy and family.
GESWINDT. – Philip. Remembered by your daughter Ellen and children.
KILLIAN. – Henry James, remembered on his 30th birthday today. Remembered by Mom, Dad, Susan and Neil.
KLOPPER. – Hennie, passed away July 21, 1980. Remembered by your wife Marie, Brian, Glen and Beverley.
NIXON. – David, passed away July 21, 1976. Remembered by your wife Ethel, also Jimmy, Thelma, Dugie, Flo, Cynthia, Nick, Peter, Helen in Natal.
VON SCHANKE. – Alec, passed away one year ago today. Remembered by your wife Marie and children.
VOS. – Doreen, passed away July 21, 1981. Remembered by Glenda, Richard, Vivienne, peter and Greig, Pat, Sandy and Lesley-Anne, Peter, Carol, Brett, Kevin, Stephen and Joanne.
WEATHERALL-THOMAS. – Reginald Lyons, passed away July 21, 1981. Remembered by his son Richard, Anita and grandson Ronald.
Port Elizabeth, Saturday, July 23, 1983.
VAN HEERDEN. – To Rita and Rinus, a daughter and sister for Natasha, at Sandford.
VAN RENSBURG. – VAN HEERDEN. To Marguerite and J.A.J. , another granddaughter.
JOHNS. – ALLEN. Peter and Libby ALLEN have pleasure in announcing the engagement of their youngest daughter, Linda, to Bruce, son of Cyril JOHNS and the late Mary Johns.
HELMAN. – LINCK. The marriage between Dawn and Bernard will be solemnised on Sunday, July 24, 1983 at 2.30 pm at the Glendinningvale Synagogue.
AMBLER. – Frank, passed away on July 21 in Pretoria. Mourned by his wife, Edward and family.
GILBERT. – Rita. Remembered by Maria, Maryanne, Anthony and Bruce.
PETERSON. – Norman, passed away July 19, 1983. Mourned by NADISON family, brother Reggie, wife Jeannie, children Donavon, Karen, Velma and Michelle.
SMIT. – May, (nee WEST) passed away on July 21. Wife of Hugh, mother of Lorna, Clifford, David, Patricia and Frank, grandmother of Neal and Peter.
STEVENSON. – Harold, husband of Joyce, and father of Maureen and Steve and grandfather of Matthew.
STRYDOM. – Arnold, passed away at the Provincial Hospital July 21. Remembered by Ma and Dad, Voyle Court, Sydenham, Lina, and Joe ENSLIN and sons.
VAN RENSBURG. – Johanna Elizabeth (Dolly), passed away on Tuesday, July 19, 1983 at the age of 80 years. Missed by Saxton, Mynie, Eleanor, and children.
WILSON. – Dan Arthur, passed away July 19, 1983. Missed by son James, Olga and children.
ARENDS. – Reginald Winston, funeral service at Baptist Church, Gelvan Street, Schauderville, at 3 pm on July 23, 1983. Buses will leave 22 Wagenaar Street, Gelvandale to church at 2.30 pm.
VAN HEERDEN. – Carol Johannes of 12 Bezuidenhout Street, Despatch (previously of "Alwyn Hot Homes", Aberdeen, passed away on July 20. The funeral service will take place at the D.R. Church, Botha's Rus, Despatch, today Saturday, July 23, at 3 pm.
VAN RENSBURG. – Johanna Elizabeth (Dolly), passed away in Bloemfontein on July 19, 1983, at the age of 80 years. Cremation service to take place at 11 am in the St Barnabus Anglican Church, Rhodes Street, North End, Port Elizabeth. Cremation private.
BALLINGER. – Robert Frederick (Bob), passed away July 23, 1980. Remembered by Hermione, Fred and Nici.
WILSON. – James Archibald, passed away July 24, 1980. Remembered by your wife Cathie, and Elizabeth, Godfrey, Megan and Garth.
Port Elizabeth, Saturday, July 30, 1983.
HANCOCKS. – To Barry and Claudette (nee BEZUIDENHOUT), a son, born July 27, 1983 at Sandford. Grandson for Vernon and Martha.
SNYMAN. – TO Rayne and Linda (nee FUNK), a daughter born July 28 at the Florence Nightingale Hospital, Johannesburg.
VAN ONSELEN. – To Pieter and Corrie (nee SPEYERS), a daughter on July 27 at Sandford.
MAY. – SEARLE. Warwick and Sally of Wilderness proudly announce the engagement of their only daughter Robyn, to Peter, only son of Ronnie and Peggy of Port Elizabeth.
ADAMS. – George, passed away at the Provincial Hospital on July 27, Husband of Esme. Mourned by Greg, Karen and Claire. Hester, Brenda, Sharon and Iuan. George, Peter and Clifford.
ARCHIBALD. – Norman Irving, husband of Moira and father of Colin and Debbie, passed away July 28. Mourned by Tony, Beth, Andrew, Paul, Dawid and Mark. Litho. Peter, Dot, Rowan and Carole. Son of Vi.
BROOK. – Doris Kathleen (Dorrie), wife of Bob, mother of Shirley, 24 Whitehall Court, Main Road, Rondebosch, Cape Town, passed away July 27, 1983.
DAVIS. – Nora, passed away July 26. Missed by E. Lotter and family.
FREELING. – Harry, passed away July 28. Mourned by his wife Peggy. Bob, Maureen, Anne, Stewart and Bruce ROGERS and Eth BAKER. His sister Nell and family in Mavourneen, family in Durban and nephew George and family in Johannesburg.
SHAW. – Olive Maud, wife of the late Joseph, and mother of Owen, Avis, Allan and Carol, Terence and Gerda and Megan, Grandmother of Anne and Rolfe, Lauren, Anthony, Malcolm, Nicholas, Simon and Joseph. Sister of Phyllis and aunt of Dennis. Passed away on Thursday, July 28.
THOMPSON. – John Samuel, father of Michael, Gillian, grandfather to Bruce and Keith, passed away in George on July 28.
VIERA. – John, brother of Mary, passed away at St Joseph's Hospital on July 27. Uncle of George, Gillian, Michelle and Geoffrey. Uncle of Josua and Dolores, Anthony and Ann, brother Harry.
WAINWRIGHT. – Joycelin, mother of Gaynor, Christopher and Gael, passed away July 27, 1983.
ADAMS. – George, passed away at the Provincial Hospital on July 27, at the age of 65 years. Remembered by his wife Esme and family. Service in All Saint's Anglican Church, Kabega Park, today, Saturday, July 30 at 10 am. Cremation private.
ARNOLD. – Dave, passed away at the Provincial Hospital on Thursday, July 28 at the age of 75 years. Service at Jones and Rice Chapel, York Road, North End, Port Elizabeth, on Saturday, July 30, at 10.30 am. Cremation private.
DUGMORE. – Elsie Marion, passed away July 25, 1983 in her 91st year, widow of Alan and mother of Charles and Kay, Donald and Barbara, Marion, Thelma, Hedley and the late Marjorie and Roger and families. A memorial service will be held in the Methodist Church, Fort Beaufort, at 2.30 pm, Sunday, July 31, 1983. Cremation private.
FREELING. - Harry, passed away Thursday, July 28 at the Red Cross Home, Summerstrand at the age of 81. Service in the Corpus Christi Catholic Church, Humewood, on Tuesday, August 2, at 11 am. Cremation private.
HANSEN. – James, passed away on Sunday, July 24, at the age of 68 years. Service will be held today at Chetty's Res. Kleinskool, at 1.30 pm. Thence to Paapenkuils Cemetery.
JONKER. – Elizabeth of 90 Baird Street, Uitenhage. The service will take place from the D.R. Church, Moedergemeente, Uitenhage, Monday, August 1, 1983 at 2.30 pm.
JOSEPH. – Elizabeth, passed away July 25, at the age of 76 years. Funeral service today, Saturday, from St Michaels Church, Schauderville at 3.30 pm. Thence to the Paapenkuils Cemetery.
JULIES. – Adams, passed away July 24, 1983. The funeral will take place on Saturday, July 30, 1983, at 3 pm at the AFM Church, cnr Durban and Krog Street. Buses will leave from Springbok Street Terminus and Arcadia Terminus at 2.30 pm.
SHAW. – Olive Maud. The service will take place on Monday, August 1, Requiem Mass at St Bernadette's Church, Walmer at 2.30 pm, thence to the North End Cemetery.
BELLINGAN. – Theunis. Remembered by your daughters and family.
MATTHEWS. – Mother, passed away July 30, 1974. Remembered by Stan and Mona. Bob, Frances and grandchildren.
MULLER. – My sister who passed away a year ago today. Remembered by Byps.
O'EHLEY. – Lincoln, passed away 8 years ago. Missed by your wife Joyce. Your daughter Lynn, Flip and grandchildren, Eben, Elna, and Morné. Theresa and Melanie.
PEARCE. – My mother, passed away July 30, 1982. Remembered by Joyce, George and children.
WEBBER. - Gwen, passed away nine years ago July 31. Missed by her husband Carnell.
YOUNG. – Derrick, passed away tragically July 31, 1981. Missed by Mommy, Daddy, Debbie and Haydn.
Port Elizabeth, Tuesday, August 2, 1983.
LUYT. – To Arthur and Linda (nee JACOBS), a son, on July 28 at Sandford.
MASSYN. – To Nolene and Johan a son. First grandson for Barney and Winnie.
HUGHES. – ANDERSON. Andy (E.P.) and Esmé have pleasure in announcing the engagement of their youngest daughter, June, to Clarry, second eldest son of Felicia MOUTON and the late Clarence HUGHES.
MILES. – TURNER. Clive and Jean have pleasure in announcing the engagement of their elder daughter, Colleen, to Brian, only son of Boet and the late Thelma MILES of Adelaide.
TAYLOR. – PEARCE. Shaun and Moira would like to announce their engagement.
WATERMEYER. – SNYMAN. Richard and Shirley are happy to announce the engagement of their son, Adrian, to Elsabe, daughter of Frans and Isobel SNYMAN of Kroonstad.
WILSON. – VORSTER. Michael and Jill VORSTER have pleasure in announcing the engagement of their elder daughter, Wendy, to Sloan, only son of Bryan and Terry Wilson.
BARNARD. – HORNE. The marriage between Pamela, eldest daughter of Brian and Joan HORNE and Andries, eldest son of Johannes and Minnie BARNARD took place at St Paul's Church, on Saturday, July 30, 1983.
BREDELL. – SHAKESPEARE. Colin and Marion on August 2, 1958. Congratulations. Mom and family.
ELLIOTT. Bev and Robbie. Married August 2, 1958 in St Aiden's, Johannesburg. Love Craig and Michelle.
FOURIE. – Ockie and Vicky. Congratulations on your 25 Wedding Anniversary. Love Glen, Hazel, Brian and Valerie.
ARCHIEBALD. - Norman Irving, Director of our Local Board. Remembered by E.P. Building Society. Also his sister Lynne, Michael, Jody and Greg.
BROWN. – Elizabeth, passed away on July 30, mother of Eileen and son-in-law, Jack, grandchildren, Diane, Clive and Antionette.
DOUGLAS-JONES. – Thorold, husband of Thora, and father of Pam and Bruce, Robin and Bev, Tony and Glynn, Gay and John, passed away July 31. Missed by grandchildren Angela, Helen, Andrew, Caroline, Gregory, Anthony, Katherine, Jeremy, Justin, Karen and Lee-Anne.
FISHER. – Annie Charlotte (nee FISHER), passed away July 30, 1983. Missed by Rodney and Vanessa PROWSE. Ben SIMS, grandchildren Lynette, Belinda, Mark, Sharon, and Lyndsey. Granny of Cheryl and Michael and great granny of Carmen and Warren, mother of Jessie, Alfred and family, her son Charles, granny of Miriam, Zelda, little Craig and Charlene, granny of Kevin, Halina, Little Kim and Russel, granny of René.
GRIFFIN. – Lucie, passed away on Friday, July 29, 1983. Remembered by Dick, Lynn, Vivien and Andrew VOGEL.
MITCHELL. – Jessie Kennedy, passed away July 30. Mourned by her husband Bill and children, Martin and Linda. Paul, June and family. Lynn. Buster and Sheila. Charles and Pat.
REDDY. – Gladys, passed away at the Provincial Hospital on July 30. Missed by Brian and Avril BRISCOE and family. All friends at Garlicks.
RICHARDS. – Grace, passed away at the Provincial Hospital, August 1.
ARCHIBALD. – Norman Irving, passed away July 28. Funeral at St Bernadette's Church, Eighth Avenue, Walmer, tomorrow, Wednesday, at 10.30 am. Cremation Private.
DOUGLAS-JONES. – Thorold, passed away Sunday night, July 31, whilst on duty in the Lord's House. Service in St Margaret's Church, Summerstrand, tomorrow, Wednesday, at 2 pm. Cremation private.
EDMUNDS. – Arthur, father of John, Paul and Bruce, in his 77th year. Funeral service in the Methodist Church, Newton Park, tomorrow, Wednesday, August 3, at 3.30 pm. Cremation private.
FISHER. - Annie Charlotte (nee FISHER), of the ACVV home, Aandmymering, Uitenhage. The funeral will take place from the Anglican Church, Market Street, Uitenhage, Wednesday, August 3, 1983 at 2 pm, thence to the North End Cemetery.
GREEN. – Ivy, passed away on Monday, August 1, at the age of 72 years. Service from St Saviour's Anglican Church, Walmer, tomorrow, Wednesday, August 3, at 2pm. Interment at the Forest Hill Cemetery.
GRIFFIN. – Lucille, passed away at the Provincial Hospital on Friday, July 29, at the age of 71 years. Service a Methodist Church, Marshall Road, Humewood, today, Tuesday, August 2, at 3.30pm. Cremation private.
HALGREEN. – Gert Pieter William, aged 50 years. Cremation service takes place at the Crematorium, tomorrow, Wednesday, August 3, at 9.30am.
MITCHELL. - Jessie Kennedy, passed away July 30 at the age of 57 years. Service Tuesday, August 2, at St John's Methodist Church, Havelock Street at 2pm. Cremation private.
WARDLE. – Anthony, passed away July 31 at the age of 20 years. Funeral service tomorrow, Wednesday, August 3, from St Augustine's Church at 3.30pm. Thence to the Forest Hill Cemetery.
VIERA. – John, passed away at St Joseph's on Wednesday, July 27, at the age of 68 years. Service from St Augustine's Catholic Church, Western Road, Central on Wednesday, August 3 at 11am. Interment at Forest Hill Cemetery.
DORASAMY. – Nagamaal, passed away August 2, 1982. Missed by her children Soondree, Bobby, and Leela and grandchildren Mark and Kalayvanee, and Peggy.
MASSYN. – Dad. Remembered by Phyllis and Dawn and Mary.
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