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Eastern Province Herald (later The Herald)

Eastern Province Herald 1982 4 October - December

Port Elizabeth, Saturday, December 11, 1982.


AUSTIN. – To Tom and Cheryl (nee TARR), a son Ryan Edwards, at the Parklands Nursing Home, Durban, December 10, 1982. Frank, Elsie and Ivy can now stop looking East.

BAKER. – Colleen and Brian are happy to announce the arrival of Jessica, sister to Natalie, born December 9, 1982.


AUGUSTYN. – MARAIS. Val and Gene have pleasure in announcing the engagement of their daughter, Linda, to Deon, son of Edith and Andy.

FRIDEY. – BAKKES. It is with pleasure that the engagement is announced between Meisie, daughter of Gert and Baby BAKKES, to Keith, son of Lorna and the late Lloyd FRIDEY.

MITCHELL. – YALDWYN. The engagement is announced between Martin James, only son of Mr and Mrs W.J. MITCHELL of Parsons Hill and Louise Alison youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs C.E. YALDWYN of Rondebosch, Cape Town.

VAN DER RIET. – SHARKEY. Tom and Hilary, Mike and Paula are delighted to announce the engagement of Clive and Gill.


RAY. – O'BRIEN. Sharon and Michael, at St Hugh's Church, Newton Park, today at 5 p.m.


ADAMS. – Frederick, passed away December 9. Remembered by his daughter Janet, son-in-law Cedrick, Laurine and Craig. Also daughter Ruby, and son-in-law Thomas and Bjorn.

DOBELL. – Jack, passed away on December 7. Remembered by Ian and Tessa.

DONDOLO. – Florence, a true and faithful maid for 30 years. Remembered by Mr and Mrs Lesley TOMS and family.


ADAMS. – Fredric (Fred), passed away December 9, 1982. Husband of Mac and family. Service 4.15, today, Saturday, December 11, 1982, New Apostolic Church, Melkbos Street, Acadia.

ELLIS. – Isabel, passed away at the Provincial Hospital on Friday, December 10 at the age of 70 years. Funeral service from St Hugh's Anglican Church, Cape Road, Newton Park on Tuesday, December 14 at 11 a.m. Interment at the Forest Hill Cemetery.

JOUBERT. – Christine (Chrissie), aunt of Chris, Ria, Dion and Karen, passed away at the Provincial Hospital on Thursday, December p, at the age of 82 years. Service from the D.R. Church, Kipling Road, Kensington, on Monday, December 13, at 11 a.m. Interment at the Forest Hill Cemetery.

KRITZINGER. – Hendrik Jacob Snyman, passed away on December 10, 1982. The service will take place from the St Barnabas Church, Rhodes Street, Monday, December 13, 1982, at 3 p.m.

WHITE. – Stanley Lorraine (Sandy), passed away at Leisure Isle, Knysna, December 9, 1982. Husband of Myra and father of Sally and Jeremy. A funeral service will be held at Table Farm, on Monday, December 13, at 3 p.m.


CAMPBELL. – Dorothy Katherine. Remembered by Isobel and family.

PAXTON. – Ted, passed away December 11, 1981. Remembered by his wife Ursula, children Irvine, Winston and Ingrid.

SAAYMAN. – Dan, passed away December 12, 1978. Remembered by his wife Joyce, Brian and Doreen.

Port Elizabeth, Tuesday, December 14, 1982.


COLLETT. – To Gordon and Colleen (nee WILLARD), a daughter Lindsay Jane, on December 13, at Sandford.

GRAY. – Bob and Lesley (nee BURTON), daughters Lucinda and Fern, on December 10, 1982 at Sandford.

JONES. – To Vaughn and Jill (nee REYNOLDS) a son on December 11, in East London.

MOUNTAIN. – To Jeff and Dawn, a son on December 9 at Sandford.

SON KEE. – To Norman and Deborah (nee LAI) a son, born December 7 in Johannesburg.

VAN DEN BOSCH. – To Bill and Avril (nee WARD), a daughter on December 3, in Orada, Botswana.

VAN VUUREN. – To Andries and Amanda (nee KLOPPER), a son on December 10, at Sandford.


MULLINS. – CREESE. William and Jenny have pleasure in announcing their engagement.

SCHWARTZ. – AWERBUCH. Sam and Beatrice AWERBUCH have great pleasure in announcing the engagement in New York of their youngest daughter, Felicity to Stanley, second son of Isaac and Belle SCHWARTZ, previously of Cape Town.


KILLEEN.- Happy 25th wedding mom and dad. Love from Peggy and Moira.

MILLER. – Congratulations on your 25th Wedding Anniversary on December 13. Love Beverley and Peter, Blake and Julie.


ALLEN. – Irene, formerly of Bulawayo, passed away on December 12th at the Provincial Hospital in her 82 year. From son Philip, daughter-in-law Edith,

ANDERSON. – Miemmie, passed away on the 11th at 2 Kirkwood Street, mother of Jackie and Elsie VAN DER WESTHUIZEN and children.

HUDSON. – Leonard, uncle of Margaret and Brian FLOYD and family, passed away on December 11.

LONG. – Emma, baby of Peter and Wendy, sister of Melissa and Kathrine, passed away on December 10. From Granny and Grandpa AULD.

McGIVERN. – Wilfred John, in memory from Allan, Barbara and children.

PENRITH. – Thomas (Dick), husband, father and uncle of Merlia, Robert, Merlene, Gay, Mark and Jayne, John, Coral, Paul and Judy, passed away on December 12.

WILLIAMS. – Sonny, husband of Rita, father of Brian, Raymond, Trevor, Marlene and grandchildren, passed away December 10.


BROWN. – Gordon, passed away on Sunday, December 12, at the age of 86 years. Missed by Daphne, Ron, Sheila and their families. Service at All Saint's Anglican Church, Kabega Park, on Tuesday, December 14, at 3.30 p.m.

ERASMUS. – Helena Catherina, aged 79 years, passed away December 12. Funeral will take place tomorrow at 2 p.m. at the Full Gospel Church, Sutton Road, proceeding to the Forest Hill Cemetery.

HUDSON. – Len, passed Master of Lodge Bon Accord, passed away. Funeral today, Tuesday, December 14, at 11 a.m. St Mary's Church, Port Elizabeth. All members of Bon Accord to attend by command of the R.W.M.

LE GRANGE. – Victor (Viv) of 67 Graaff-Reinet Road, Uitenhage. The funeral will take place from the D.R. Church, Uitenhage North, tomorrow, Wednesday, December 15, 1982 at 11 a.m.

McGIVERN. - Wilfred John, father of Beryl passed away at the Provincial Hospital, on December 13 at the age of 81 years. Service in the Pearson Street, Congregational Church on Wednesday 15 at 3.30 p.m. Cremation private.

PENRITH. – Thomas, passed away on December 12. Service Wednesday, December 15, at St Hugh's Church, Newton Park, at 2 p.m. Cremation private.

WILLIAMS. – Sonny, passed away December 10, 1982. The cremation service will take place at the Methodist Church, Jansendale, Uitenhage, today, Tuesday, December 14, 1982, at 12 noon. Cremation private.


LOUIS. – Paul Alfred, passed away a year ago. Remembered by his wife Marjorie, children Martin, Kaylene, Valerie and Nathaniel.

NEL. – Hector, passed away December 13, 1977. Missed by his wife Ann and Valerie, also Hector, Elaine and children.

SCHOLTZ. – Gordon, passed away tragically on December 14, 1971. Remembered by Mom, Dad, and family.

Port Elizabeth, Saturday, December 25, 1982.


TAYLOR. – To Neil and Albertina (nee ALLERS), a son on December 21 at Sandford.


BUCHANAN. – BUITENDAG. Henry and Nellie are happy to announce the engagement of their youngest daughter Beryl, to John, son of Gordon and Joan.

GIMINGHAM. – ROYLE. Colin and Mags, have pleasure in announcing the engagement of their eldest daughter, Carol to Andrew, son of Ernest and Marjorie.


DONALD. – Ann, mother of Arthur and John, passed away in Waterford, Ireland, on Wednesday, December 22.

FEINSON. – Ray, mother of Iris and Tony BENDEL and grandmother of Colin, Alison and Susan passed away.

HEATH. – Ernest Charles Victor, passed away at Munro Kirk Red Cross Home on December 24, 1982. Remembered by his son Reg, and daughter-in-law Margaret, father of Desmond and Geraldene, grandfather of Carol-Anne, Gregory, Lindsay and Robyn, will be missed by Millicent, Samuel, Colleen and Glenn. Funeral notice later.

HENWICK. – Ivy, passed away December 22. Mourned by daughter Hazel and granny of Peter, Avril, Quinton and Dean, Leonard, Reinette and Shaun, great granny of Charnell and Bronwen, granny of Berenice and Derrick, daughter-in-law Elizabeth.


BRUNETTE. – Charles, passed away at the Provincial Hospital, Wednesday December 22 at the age of 57 years. Service from All Saint's Anglican Church, Kabega Park on Monday, December 27, at 2 p.m. thence to the Forest Hill Cemetery.

FEINSON. – Ray, mother of Sidney and Mercia, and grandmother of Pamela, Roy, Joanne and Michael, passed away December 23. Funeral Service from Tahara House, Sunday 26, at 2.30 p.m.


BARTIS. – Hugh (Teddy), died tragically on Christmas Day 1972. Remembered by Noel, Judith, and sons Darrelle, Hugh and Lucien.

BEZUIDENHOUT. – Kenneth, husband and father, passed away 17 years ago on Christmas Day. Remembered by Edith, Dan, Diana, Kevin, Debbie, Grant and Craig.

BOWLER. – George, passed away December 26, 1975. Remembered by Wendy, Geoffrey, Andrew and Stuart, Stella and family.

BOWLES. – Isaac, passed away 1 year ago. Remembered by Terry, Lorraine and remaining Vlakkies.

CARROLL. – Robin, passed away tragically two years ago, December 27. Missed by the CLARKSON family.

SCHMIDT. – Mary (Aunty Wally), passed away December 25, 1981. Missed by her son Neil, from her sister and our aunt Sheila, Jack and Trixie, daughter Noelene and grandchildren Judith and Geoffrey.

SLABBERT. – Lawrence Daniel, spends his second Christmas in heaven. Remembered by his wife Sarah, children and grandchildren.

Port Elizabeth, Tuesday, December 28, 1982.


ABRAMOWITZ. – To Janet (nee LIEBOWITZ) and Martin, a son born December 25. Grandson for Hymie, Josephine, Eddie and Dorris.

GOSLETT. – To Steve and Lynette (nee FLEETWOOD), born Christmas morning, a son at Sandford.

HART. – Elizabeth and Peter are happy to announce the birth of a grandson Jody, born to Jonathan and Janet (nee TURNER), December 26, 1982 in Durban.

TAWSE. – Stuart James, born December 25 at Sandford, to Joanne and Kenny. Brother for Paul.


OOSTHUIZEN. – REYNIERSE. Mel and Beulah are delighted to announce the engagement of their daughter Madilyn, to William, son of Boet and Lorraine OOSTHUIZEN.

THOMAS. – HOXLEY. Vic and Joyce have pleasure in announcing the engagement of their daughter Carol to Neil, son of Idris and Pam.

VAN DE HAAR. – VAN STADEN. Mr and Mrs C.P. VAN STADEN have pleasure in announcing the engagement of their daughter Helen, to Hans, youngest son of Mrs H.C. VAN DE HAAR and the late Mr G.J. VAN DE HAR.


BAMBROUGH. – Evelyn Nora aged 81 years, passed away on December 24 of Bulawayo, Rhodesia. Wife of the late Maurice BAMBROUGH, mother of Maureen and Oscar, Brian and Eileen, Sean, Kevin and Patrick, Maureen and Oscar, aunt of June, Gloria and families.

CROUS. – Gladys Beatrice, passed away on December 23. Remembered by her sister Ruby and Stanley, aunt of Cecil and Elsa, also by Joyce, Bobby, Peter, Kenneth, Colleen and families.

CUTHBERT. – Les, of Trocadero Lodge, passed away December 20. Mourned by his sister Lorraine, Jim REID and family.

FEINSON. – Ray, mother of Sidney and Marcia, grandmother of Pamela, Roy, Joanne and Michael, Iris and Tony BENDEL, grandmother of Colin, Alison and Susan, passed away December 23. Prayers Monday to Thursday at 1 Haddon Hall, Summerstrand.

GELDARD. – Douglas, passed away December 26, 1982, husband of Yvonne, father of Roger, Moira, Locksley and Rita, and grandchildren Alicia, Jason and Wesley, and his sister Janet. Remembered by Margaret and Burt McCARTNEY and family of Pretoria.

HEATH. – Ernest Charles Victor, passed away at Munro Kirk Red Cross Home, December 24, 1982. Loving father of Desmond, Geraldene, grandfather of Carol-Anne, Gregory, Lindsay and Robyn, Reg, and Margaret, Cedric and Renee. Remembered by his sister Edith, Vivian and Mac.

HENWICK. – Ivy passed away December 22. Mother of Hazel and gran of Quinton, Avril, Peter and Dean.

ROBEY. – Cyril Jarvis (C.J.). Loved father of Tren, Jackie and grandfather of Shelly-Anne, Babette, Jody, Brent and Dianne, Brian and Valerie and grandfather of Shaun, Dan and Charles.

Sister Barbara of the Community of the Resurrection of our Lord, Grahamstown, on December 25, 1982 in London, England.


BAMBROUGH.- Evelyn Nora, passed away December 24. Service today, Tuesday, December 28, at All Saints Church, Kabega Park at 12 noon. Cremation private.

COOPER. – David Anthony, of 32 Thomas Muir Drive, Uitenhage. The service will take place from the Roman Catholic Church, Baird Street, Uitenhage, Thursday December 30, 1982 at 11 a.m.

CROUS. – Gladys, from Maidstone, Addo, passed away at the Provincial Hospital, Uitenhage, on Thursday, December 23, at the age of 81 years. Service at the St Cuthbert's Anglican Church, Westbourne Road, Port Elizabeth, today Tuesday 28 at 11 a.m.

GELDARD. – Douglas, passed away at the Provincial Hospital on Sunday, December 26, at the age of 62 years. Service at St Pauls Anglican Church, today, Tuesday December 28 at 3.30 p.m.

GELDARD. – Douglas, passed away December 26. All members of Outspan Shellhole to attend service at St Pauls Church, By request of the Old Bill. "We will remember"

HEATH. – Ernest Charles, passed away December 24. Service today, Tuesday, December 28, from Jones and Rice Chapel, York Road, at 2 p.m. thence to the North End Cemetery.

KOEKEMOER. – The funeral of Maria of 8 Luyt Street, Uitenhage will take place from the D.R. Church, Kanonheuwel, Uitenhage, Thursday December 30, 1982 at 2.30 p.m.

NOLAN. – Petrus J., passed away in Uitenhage on December 25. Service Tuesday, December 28 from D.R. Church, Mowbray Street, Newton Park at 2 p.m. thence to the Forest Hill Cemetery.

NOOME. – Meindert, of 30 John Street, Kirkwood, the service will take place from the D.R. Church, Kirkwood, today, Tuesday December 28, 1982 at 3 p.m.

ROBEY. – Cyril Jarvis, husband of Amy, passed away December 27, 1982, at West Wing, Settlers Hospital, Grahamstown. A service will be held at St Barts Church, Market Street, Grahamstown, Wednesday, December 29 at 3 p.m. (tomorrow), followed by a private cremation.

VAN DER MERWE. – Johanna, passed away December 23. Funeral service today, December 28 from Jones and Rice Chapel, York Road, at 12 noon. Thence to the Forest Hill Cemetery.

WHITEBOOI. – Hettie, passed away on Friday, December 24 at the age of 71 years. Service from the St Mark's and ST John's Church, Van der Kemp Street, Parkside on Wednesday, December 29 at 3.30 p.m. Interment at the Paapenkuils Cemetery.


AH TOW. – Rose, passed away 10 years ago today. Remembered by Nanette, Simon, Clive, Linda, Dalphinia, Alleric, Belinda, Lynita, Patrick, Dale, Antonia, Tessa, your sister Mary and Sarah, grandchildren, Bradley, Steve, Jason, Cindy-Rose, Clare and Simoné.

CARROLL. – Robin, passed away December 27, 1980. Remembered by Sandi, Darren, Grant and the KELLEHER family.

JERLING. – Peter, passed away December 27, 1955. Remembered by his wife Chrissie, and children Marjorie, Louis, Bradley and Veronica.

LONGMAN. – Trudy, passed away December 28, 1979. Remembered by your husband Billy and children Yvette, Boytjie and Lee-Ann, mummy, sisters and brothers, also Windel, Connie, Debbie, Jennifer and Brian, and Vernon and Karen, godfather of Jennifer.

ROBERTS. – Leslie, passed away 11 years ago. Remembered by his wife and family.

Port Elizabeth, Wednesday, December 29, 1982.


CASTELING. – To Barry and Charmaine (nee SMITH), a daughter born December 28, at Sandford, sister to Schanell.

CROUSE. – To Etienne and Denise (nee STEFFENS), a son on December 24 at Sandford. Grandson for Morris and Isa.

DAVIS. – To Don and Margs (nee SCHWERDTFEGER), a son Patrick, brother for Nicholas, born December 27, 1982 at Sandford.

HARTLEY. – To Donald and Rosemary (nee CONNETT), a son December 23 at Uitenhage.

NOM CHONG. – To Trevor and Debbie (nee JAMES), a son on December 24, 1982 in Australia.

ROSSOUW. – To Juan and Monica (nee HIGHAM), a son on December 27, at Durban.

SCHUMER. – To Mariaane and Peter, a son and brother to Bjorn on December 27, 1982 at Sanford.

SCOTT. – To Pat and Cameron, a daughter and sister to Andrew, born December 28 at Sandford.

SMITHERS. – To Anne (nee HAVILAND) and Leslie, a daughter on December 24, at Sandford Maternity Home.

STEVENS. – To Jonathan and Narene, a son on December 27 in Durban.


CLIFF. – HAMILTON. Joss and Sheila HAMILTON have pleasure in announcing the engagement of their eldest daughter, Lynne to Geremy, son of Brian and Eve CLIFF of Durban.

PALMER. – JENNER. Bill and Lorraine have pleasure in announcing the engagement of their daughter, Michelle, to Dick, son of Magdalene and the late Mr Palmer of Johannesburg.

VAN NIEKERK. – BOTHA. Marie BOTHA, wife of the late Dennis BOTHA has pleasure in announcing the engagement of her eldest daughter Marden, to Mark, son of John and Grace VAN NIEKERK.


MERCER. – PATTERSON. Arthur and Charlotte (Pat) celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary today at John Conradie House, Durban.


ROBEY. – Cyril Jarvis (C.J.), father of Tren, Jackie and grandfather of Shelly-Anne, Babette, Jody, Brent and Dianne, father of Brian and Valerie, and grandfather of Shaun, Dan and Charles.

VAN EYK. – Aubrey, aged 51, passed away on December 27, 1982, brother of Rodney and Rene, May and Peter, Dannie and Lucy.

WHITBOOI. – Hettie, passed away December 24, 1982. Missed by Conrad, Sarah and grandchildren Sharon and Gavin, Dullah, Michael and Monica. Viewing of corpse at Jones and Rice, York Road, North End between 9 and 2 pm today.


COOPER. – David Anthony of 32 Muir Drive, Uitenhage. The service will take place from the Roman Catholic Church, Baird Street, Uitenhage, Thursday December 30, 1982 at 11 am.

LOGAN.- Gordon William, husband of Kittie, passed away at the Provincial Hospital, Port Elizabeth at the age of 67 years. Service at the Methodist Church, Jeffreys Bay tomorrow, Thursday at 2.30 p.m.

ROBEY. – Cyril Jarvis (C.J.), husband of Amy, passed away on December 27, 1982 at the West Wing, Settlers Hospital, Grahamstown. A service will be held in St Bart's Church, Market Street, Grahamstown at 3 pm today, Wednesday, December 29, followed by a private cremation.

STADT. – Deliah aged 86 years, the funeral will take place today, Wednesday, at the Union Congregational Church, Stag Street at 2 pm, thence to Paapenkuils.

VAN EYK. – Aubrey Jacob, passed away on December 27 at the Provincial Hospital, at the age of 51 years. Funeral service will take place from the D.R. Church, North End, on Tuesday , December 29 at 11 am thence to the North End Cemetery.

VAN NIEKERK. – Hazel (nee Matthew) passed away at Graaff-Reinet Hospital on December 28. Memorial service in Methodist Church, Graaff-Reinet, at 11.30 am tomorrow, Thursday, December 30.

WHITEBOOI. – Hettie, passed away December 24, 1982. Funeral service to be held at St Mark's and St John's Church, Van Der Kemp Street, Parkside today, Wednesday, December 29, at 3.30 pm. Bus leaving for Church from 6 Felcass Road, Salt Lake at 3 pm.


BLOM. – Jan and friends Richard PAYNTER, Keith CLAYTON, Roy ELTRINGHAM, Doug PHILIPS and Michael FOSTER. In silence we remember. BLOM Family.

DELPORT. – Dellie, passed away December 29, 1981. Remembered by Johann, Julie, Gareth and Wayne, Neil, Linda, Bernardene and Debbie, also Linnie.

FROST. – Henry Charles, passed away December 29, 1963, Remembered by mummy and daddy.

HANEKOM. - My husband who passed away December 29, 1967. Remembered by his wife and family.

KILSHAW. – Queenie. Remembered by Olga, Cynthia, Helen and their families.

LE ROUX. – Hansie, passed away December 30, 1979. Remembered by his wife Vena.

NOCKFAR. – Milly, passed away 10 years ago today. Remembered by her mother, brother Unkoe and family, Poppy, Cecil and children, her sister Queenie, Colin, Shane ad Gary, Sharon, Lawrence, Tyrone, Lyn and grandchildren, Dennis and children.

PHILIP. – FOSTER. Treasured memories of Douglas and Michael and their friends, Richard PAINTER, Jan BLOM, Roy ELTRINGHAM and Keith CLAYTON who left us on December 29, 1976. From PHILIP family.

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