Eastern Province Herald 1864 - 2 - April to June
Friday 1 April 1864
DIED on the 31st March 1864, at the residence of Mr. DENT [….] William KENSIT, [………] aged [45] years. The funeral will take place this (Friday) afternoon at 3 o’clock. Friends are most respectfully invited to attend.
Timothy LEE, Undertaker
Port Elizabeth, April 1st 1864.
[Transcriber’s note: a lot of this notice has worn away but the Death Notice says he was 47 years old]
A meeting of parishioners was held on Monday last, to elect office bearers for the coming year &c. The following gentlemen were elected; Churchwardens: Messrs. J. PERKINS and F.H. CARPENTER. Sidesmen: Messrs. H.G. SIMPSON, Thos. WORMALD, J. EDWARDS, C. ANDREWS, Chas. JONES and W. JEFFREYS. Messrs. EBDEN and GRAHAM, who have so long been connected with this church as churchwardens, have retired from the vestry in consequence of being about to leave the colony. Telegraph.
Tuesday 5 April 1864
BIRTH on Sunday the 3rd April, the wife of H.B. DEARE Esq. of a son.
Friday 8 April 1864
Mr. ORGILL’s proposals to construct bridges over the Buffalo and Keiskamma rivers are now formally under consideration by the Town Council. The Kaffrarian Recorder is discontinued, the editor not having met with sufficient support.
BIRTH on the 8th instant, Mrs. W. Septimus JONES of a daughter.
Tuesday 12 April 1864
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 11th instant, the wife of Jno. SPENCE, Queen Street of a son.
DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 11th instant, aged 45 years, Ann SHEPHERD, second daughter of Henry SHEPHERD, Clerk of St.Mary’s Church, and one of the Settlers of 1820.
Tuesday 19 April 1864
DIED at Van Staden’s River on Sunday the 17th instant, Henry CADLE, aged 42 years. His remains will be removed for interment from the residence of Mr. E.B. SHEPHERD, South Side, Baaken’s River, this day at 3pm.
On Saturday week a mill on the Chumie, belonging to Mr. James ATTWELL senr., was destroyed by fire. Mr. ATTWELL and his family were from home – the only person present was a white man, who accounts for the disaster by saying the fire must have fallen among some old sacks. The premises and machinery were insured for £1,000 and the stock for £500. About 30 sacks of meal only were saved. The loss will fall on the Union Fire and Marine Insurance Company.
The Journal, in announcing the death of the Hon. Joseph CAWOOD. Member of the Legislative Council for the Eastern Province, says: “The deceased died at Collingham, about six miles east of Graham’s Town, whither he had gone, by the advice of his medical attendant, three days before his decease. He had attained to the ripe age of 49 years, only being in his childhood when he reached the country with his family in 1820. From the period of attaining manhood his career was marked by activity, enterprise and shrewdness, resulting in considerable success in business, and especially in the conduct of large contracts with the Government at times of peculiar exigency. He was for several sessions a member of the Legislative Assembly, and as “whipper-in” was amongst the most useful members of that House. Last year he was in his seat in Council, in Cape Town, but the failure of his health was but too evident, leaving but little hope of his being able to resume his Parliamentary duties thereafter. He was the owner of the well-known trading vessel ‘Skimmer of the Seas’, and was for several years connected with the firm of CAWOOD Brothers of this city. He leaves a widow and large family of daughters to mourn their premature bereavement.”
Tuesday 26 April 1864
DIED on the 25th instant at his late residence, North End, Port Elizabeth, Isaiah TITTERTON Esq, native of Ludlow, Shropshire, England, deeply regretted.
The Funeral of the late Mr. I. TITTERTON will take place at half past 3 o’clock this afternoon, from his late residence. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.
Jno. PASSMORE, Undertaker
Port Elizabeth, 26th April 1864
Friday 29 April 1864
DIED on the 28th April 1864, at his late residence, adjoining the new Presbyterian Church, on the Hill, George Ruben MIDGELY Esq. of Her Majesty’s Customs, aged 63 years.
The funeral will take place this (Friday) afternoon at3 o’clock. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.
Timothy LEE, Undertaker
Port Elizabeth, April 29 1864.
Tuesday 3 May 1864
BIRTH Friday April 22nd, at the Wittebergen Wesleyan Missionary Station, the wife of the Rev. Arthur BRIGG of a son.
DIED on the 1st inst, at the residence of his Father-in-law, Mr. M. HALL, of Hope Cottage, Uitenhage, the Revd. William Robert LONGDEN, Wesleyan Minister, aged 33 years and 2 months. In great peace and in the full triumph of Faith he passed tranquilly into eternal rest.
Friday 13 May 1864
BIRTH on Wednesday the 11th inst, the wife of Mr. E.B. HUGHES, of Port Elizabeth, of a son.
Tuesday 17 May 1864
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 26th April 1864, the wife of C.W. PEARSON Esq. of a daughter.
MARRIED on the 14th inst, at St.Paul’s Church, by the Revd. Samuel Brook, Matthew E. KEMP, [Emerald Hill], second son of Mr. J.W. KEMP of London, to Fanny Sophia, widow of the late Mildmay William WOLFE.
BIRTH this morning, Tuesday the 17th instant, Mrs. [. .] BENJAMIN of a daughter, still born.
BIRTH on the [20th] March at {……] Place, Hyde Park, Mrs. D.P. BLAINE f a daughter.
BRIGG, Mrs. Arthur, a son, on the 22nd April at the Wittebergen Wesleyan Mission Station.
HUGHES, Mrs. E.B., a son, on the 11th May, at Port Elizabeth.
NATHAN, Mrs. E., a daughter, on the 20th April, at Graaff-Reinet.
KEMP, Matthew E., to Fanny Sophia WOLFE, on the 14th inst, at Port Elizabeth.
CADLE, Henry, on the 17th April, at Van Staden’s River.
CAWOOD, the Hon. Joseph M.L.C., on the 14th April, at Collingham, near Graham’s Town.
TITTERTON, Isaiah, on the 25th April, at Port Elizabeth.
MIDGELY, George Rubin, on the 28th April, at Port Elizabeth.
Tuesday 23 May 1864 [sic]
Dr. RUBIDGE being about to visit Europe, requests that all Claims against him may be sent in immediately and those indebted are respectfully requested to pay their Accounts without delay.
May 20th 1864
Tuesday 31 May 1864
Auctioneers and General Agents, Tarkastad, Zwart-Kei, via Queenstown.
Forwarding and Commission Agents, Colesberg.
Attorney and General Agent, Bloemfontein, Orange Free State.
General Commission and Forwarding Agent, Collector of Accounts &c, Market-square, Aliwal North.
General Agent, Philippolis.
Land, Law and General Agent, Auctioneer &c, Smithfield, Orange Free State.
General Agent, Philippolis, Orange Free State.
Attorney at Law, Auctioneer and General Agent, Hope Town.
Enrolled Agent of the Magistrate’s Court, and General Agent, Uitenhage.
Queen-street, Port Elizabeth. Produce bought, sold or cleared for shipment.
North End. W. DENT. Good Accommodation for Travellers.
General Agent and Auctioneer, Fauresmith, Orange Free State.
NB. Splendid Farms for sale.
Attorney-at- Law, Notary Public, General Agent, Auctioneer and Sworn Appraiser. Business transacted in all the above branches. St.George Street, Bloemfontein, Orange Free State.
General and Commission Agent and Administrator of Estates, Market-square, Aliwal North.
NB Punctuality and Despatch.
Grocer, Baker and Confectioner (premises formerly occupied by C. HUMPHREYS), Main Street, Port Elizabeth.
Wedding cakes to order, Wedding parties supplied on reasonable terms.
Pork Butcher and Sausage Maker, by Sadler’s Royal Patent Chopping Machine, opposite Wesleyan Chapel, Queen Street, Port Elizabeth.
General Agent, Collector of Accounts, […..ed] Auctioneer, Burghersdorp. Punctuality and Despatch.
Richmond. Deputy Sheriff, Notary Public, Law, Land and General Agent & Auctioneer.
Established at Richmond since [1851].
Main-Street. The [food] Old English Style.
Auctioneers. Land, Commission & General Agents. Sales, Purchases and Transfers effected. Humansdorp and Zuurbron.
Port Elizabeth. Commission Agent and General Merchant. Produce bought, sold or cleared for shipment. Liberal advances made.
Grocer and General Dealer, Market-square, Port Elizabeth. Glass, Crockery and China Warehouse.
Fresh Natal Fruit per every Mail Steamer.
Attorney-at-Law, General Agent and Auctioneer, Potchefstroom, South African Republic.
Splendid farms for sale and barter.
Shipwrights, Boatbuilders &c (opposite Mr. UPPLEBY’s Wool Store) close to Baaken’s River. All kinds of Shipwright Work done. Repairs executed faithfully, in the cheapest and most expeditious manner. S & L solicit a trial.
House and General Business Agent, Queen Street, Port Elizabeth, opposite WALLACH and SOLOMON’s. Rents and Debts collected at modest charges. Collector to the Loan, Trust and Agency Company, Divisional Council Rates &c.
Market-street, Uitenhage
W. BARNETT has always excellent accommodation for Visitors, a careful Groom in attendance, and good Forage always on hand. Wines, Spirits and Malt Liquors of the best description.
W. CAMPBELL, Enrolled Agent of the Magistrate’s Court, Auctioneer and General Agent. Estates administered; Insolvent Schedules drawn out, and Proofs of Debts framed; Accounts collected and proceeds returned immediately on receipt; Wills, Memorials, Leases and other documents correctly prepared.
William PALMER, Wholesale and Retail Boot and Shoe Maker, has always on hand – Colonial-made Bluchers; Colonial-made Women’s Shoes; Colonial-made Veld Shoes. Shops and General Dealers supplied on the shortest notice. Repairs neatly executed.
Watch and Clock Maker, Jeweller &c. Queen Street, opposite the stores of Messrs JACOBSOHN Brothers.
General Commission and Forwarding Agent, Collector, Accountant &c. Colesberg.
Tailor, Habit-Maker and Clothier, Jetty-street, Port Elizabeth. A good fit and first rate workmanship guaranteed.
James WYKEHAM, Deputy Sheriff, Hope Town. Law, Land, Forwarding, Collecting, Commission and General Agent, Auctioneer &c.
Deutscher Gasthof
Strand-street, Port Elizabeth
B. and H. KROMM
Captains and Passengers of Vessels will find every convenience at this Hotel.
A Select Billiard Room
Horses and Carts for Hire
Good Stabling and Forage.
J.E. HANLEY has always on hand a large quantity of superior Biscuit, first and second quality, at low prices. Also, HANLEY’s digestive Bread. All orders punctually attended to and with dispatch. All orders for Biscuit left at Mr. Jas. WHILEY;s, Confectioner, Main-street, will be attended to.
Queen-street, Port Elizabeth.
General Agent, Winburg, Orange Free State. W.M.H. begs to notify that he has built a large store at the corner of the Market for the reception of Consignments of Merchandise on Commission. J.M.H. having enlarged his Agency Business is prepared to execute at an hour’s notice, Agencies, no matter how intricate, in any part of the Free State and South African Republic.
Engineer Shop, St.Andrew’s Street. Pumps, Pipes, Hydraulic Presses, or any other Machinery, Engines, Water Works or Gas fixed, Steam Boats or Boilers repaired on the shortest notice. Lead all sies. Guns repaired.
Having commenced business in Jetty-street, Port Elizabeth, as Broker, Commission and Forwarding Agents, begs to solicit from his Friends and the Public a share of their patronage, assuring them that he will use his utmost endeavours to promote their interests.
Wellington Hotel, Princess-street, Port Elizabeth, Superior Accommodation for Travellers, Good Stabling and Forage. Accommodation for playing Skittles and Nine-pins. Deutscher Gasthof.
(late of the National Provincial Bank of England)
Accountant, Land and General Agent, Stock and Share Broker, chief Agent for the North British and Mercantile Insurance Company for the Eastern Province. Loans effected on first class property. Main-street, Port Elizabeth.
Castings of Iron and Copper from Models, Sketches or old Castings, at the shortest notice, for Machinery, Agricultural Implements, Pipes, Pumps, Columns &c. Country orders punctually attended to.
Plumber, Gas Fitter &c, Donkin-street
Pumps and Water Closets fixed and repaired, Ships’ Plumbing on the shortest notice, sheet lead cut in any sizes, Lead Piping of all sizes kept on hand: Lead glazing for Churches and other buildings, Plain Quarries, Geometrical Patterns or Fret Work. Builders and the Trade are supplied with every description of Lead Lights and Window Lead, on the shortest notice.
Printers, Booksellers and Stationers, Market Square, Port Elizabeth. Circulars, Billheads, Handbills, Posters &c &c at a few hours notice. Country orders promptly attended to.
Friday 3 June 1864
MARRIED on the 1st inst. at St.Mary’s, Port Elizabeth, by the Rev. J. Seddon, Thomas, third son of Robert ARCHIBALD Esq, to Mary Jane Rosa, second daughter of Mr. S. STREET. No cards.
Tuesday 7 June 1864
BIRTH on the [.th] inst, the wife of R.D. BUCHANAN Esq. of a son.
Friday 10 June 1864
DIED suddenly at Uitenhage on Wednesday the 1st June 1864, from the kick of a horse, Stephanus Sebastian BASSON, aged 33 years, leaving a wife and five young children […..] from their irreparable loss.
The Widow takes this opportunity of offering her sincere thanks to the numerous friends who have shown her great sympathy by their kind assistance in her bereavement, and also for their respect shown to the [remains] of her dear departed husband.
Louisa BASSON, born OWEN
DIED at Salem on the morning of Wednesday the 8th June 1864, Frances, the wife of W.H. MATTHEWS Esq, J.P.
Tuesday 14 June 1864
BIRTH on the 11th June,] the wife of Mr. J.A. FLETCHER, Engineer, St.Andrews-st, of a son.
DIED June 13th 1864, William Herbert SEDDON, son of the Rev. James SEDDON, aged 6 months.
Friday 17 June 1864
Vote for CHRISTIAN and universal Progress. Who has endeavoured to insult Mr. CHRISTIAN by sneaking inuendoes? COCK’s Committee. Have they succeeded? No!!!!!
[The front page is littered with slogans for the CHRISTIAN campaign, including endorsements in many advertisements]
Mr. C.J. LITTLEWORT, Surgeon-Dentist, to Britannia Street
Tuesday 21 June 1864
BIRTH at Graham’s Town on Tuesday the 14th inst, Mrs. Henry WOOD of a son.
DIED on the [14th] instant, Mabel Elizabeth, youngest daughter of F.D. DEARE Esq, aged 2 months and 11 days.
Tuesday 28 June 1864
Certainly not a tithe, perhaps not fifty, of the thousand people who assembled at the Catholic burial ground on Sunday last, knew anything more of the deceased volunteer, whose remains were then borne to his last resting place, than that he was a German, and one of the Number Four Company of the Port Elizabeth Rifles. Yet the fact was that Rudolph von Rosenberg LIPINSKY was a gentleman of good continental family, an accomplished scholar, a talented musician and a skilful artist. More than that he was a soldier: one, too, who had played his part in the terrible drama which was enacted in Europe in 1848. In the earlier part of the war the Baron Lipinsky commanded a company of Austrian infantry, but from a strong feeling of sympathy with the gallant Hungarians, he, together with the whole of his regiment, went over to the cause of liberty, for which of course he was [punished].
Thus expatriated, when peace was partially restored, he joined the British German Legion as Lieutenant, and came out to Africa. On the disbandment of the Legion he entered the Armed and Mounted Police as a first-class man, in which force he served six years. A sum of money, considerable in its extent, was sent him by his relatives, but he was robbed of it. Since then he has supported himself as a drawing master, by his talents.
As soon as he heard that a German Volunteer Corps was in formation, he at once joined it. He was active and energetic to the last degree, and was sincerely esteemed by his comrades, who looked upon him as an ornament to the corps. The bursting of a blood vessel, which took place on the 24th inst, was the cause of death.
On Sunday the 26th the funeral procession started from the house of Colour-Sergeant R. BAUM. Colour-Sergeant C. WOOD P.E.V.R. had charge of the firing party. The Volunteers of both arms, and the military, followed, the band playing the Dead March in Saul. The pall-bearers were Sergeants WILLIAMS, SILBER, FROST, SILBER, GRAHAM and HEINRICH. The chief mourners were Colour-Sergeant BAUN and Sergeant HOOKER. The procession moved down Main-street, up Russell Road, and so on to the Catholic cemetery, where the funeral service was read by the Very Rev. Thomas MURPHY D.D., Vicar Apostolic, an immense concourse of persons attending. The usual three rounds were fired with great precision, and a soldier all his life, the Baron Von Rosenberg LIPINSKY, the representative of one of the oldest German families, was buried in a soldier’s grave in Africa. His nearest relative is the Baron VON ECKHARDSTEIN, of Charlottenburg, near Berlin, Russia. [sic – Prussia?]
- Hits: 1974